[gimp-web/gimp-web-static] Oh, all kinds of stuff to test output generation
- From: Pat David <patdavid src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gimp-web/gimp-web-static] Oh, all kinds of stuff to test output generation
- Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 22:23:20 +0000 (UTC)
commit 9a5f297ed0aa56346312f67379fdda4bd56a135d
Author: Pat David <patdavid gmail com>
Date: Mon Aug 3 17:22:40 2015 -0500
Oh, all kinds of stuff to test output generation
I'll enumerate these things shortly as I get them working...
content/pages/about.md | 2 +-
content/pages/about/ancient_history.md | 134 ++++++++++
content/pages/about/meta/fluffle-puff.jpg | Bin 0 -> 31752 bytes
content/pages/{meta.md => about/meta/index.md} | 8 +-
content/pages/tutorials.md | 33 +++
.../pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Cursor.png | Bin 0 -> 289 bytes
.../pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Example.png | Bin 0 -> 52029 bytes
.../pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-First.png | Bin 0 -> 121801 bytes
.../tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Select-Tool.png | Bin 0 -> 6487 bytes
.../pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Tool.png | Bin 0 -> 7759 bytes
.../GIMP_Quickies/Export-Image-Dialog.png | Bin 0 -> 23740 bytes
.../GIMP_Quickies/Export-Image-as-JPEG.png | Bin 0 -> 21001 bytes
.../tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Flip-Sample-Arrow.jpg | Bin 0 -> 88334 bytes
.../GIMP_Quickies/JPG-Compression-Sample.png | Bin 0 -> 132934 bytes
.../tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Rotate-Sample.jpg | Bin 0 -> 86142 bytes
.../GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog-Scaled.png | Bin 0 -> 15082 bytes
.../Scale-Image-Dialog-Value-Types.png | Bin 0 -> 70083 bytes
.../tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog.png | Bin 0 -> 15154 bytes
.../Scale-View-Pixel-Size-Original.png | Bin 0 -> 77126 bytes
content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.htrw | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++
content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md | 214 +++++++++++++++
content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/styles.css | 7 +
pelicanconf.py | 16 +-
themes/newgimp/static/css/gimp.css | 4 +
themes/newgimp/templates/base.html | 11 +-
themes/newgimp/templates/page.html | 7 +
26 files changed, 703 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/pages/about.md b/content/pages/about.md
index a5f2096..2b2e850 100644
--- a/content/pages/about.md
+++ b/content/pages/about.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: About
+Title: About
Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
Modified: 2015-07-29T14:40:43-05:00
Authors: Pat David
diff --git a/content/pages/about/ancient_history.md b/content/pages/about/ancient_history.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1aa0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/pages/about/ancient_history.md
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Title: A Brief (and Ancient) History of GIMP
+Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
+Modified: 2015-07-29T14:40:43-05:00
+Authors: Pat David
+Summary: About the folks behind this project.
+url: about/ancient_history.html
+save_as: about/ancient_history.html
+#status: hidden (to hide from the nav menu)
+## A Brief History of GIMP
+> _Editor's note:_ This history was written around the release of GIMP 1.0 in 1998 and has actually become a
historical document all on its own. Some of the dates are not accurate (due to internet technology limitation
(Google hadn't indexed Usenet yet). Yet still a good document with many of the details perfectly intact.
+With all the talk and theorizing going on about Free Software development models, I thought that it might be
a good idea to actually give an example. I've tried to keep it as accurate as possible, and hope my
experiences working on this team can benefit other projects as well.
+Like current GIMP development, this was not done alone. This is a compilation of knowledge from a lot of
people on #gimp, some of it predating my own experience. This history would not have been possible without,
specifically, the help of josh, Raph, Adrian, Xach, yosh, and more generally all of the guys on #gimp. This
is NOT inclusive - there are many sites and people that continue to contribute to the success of GIMP that
are not listed here. I suggest visiting [http://www.gimp.org/](http://www.gimp.org/) for a more complete
listing of gimp links.
+-- [Seth Burgess](mailto:sjburges ou edu)
+### In the beginning:
+A couple of students at Berkeley, Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis, decided they wanted to write an image
manipulation program rather than write a compiler in scheme/lisp for professor Fateman (CS164). Neither one
had graphic arts experience, but it seemed like a neat project. They got encouragement from professor
Forsythe to implement some new features too - rumor has it intelligent scissors was Spencer's CS280 project.
Thus Spencer and Peter begat the General Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP for short. They worked on it for
a quite awhile before letting it anyone else have a crack at it - probably about 9-10 months by current
estimates. By their first public release, they had a functional product.
+GIMP had a lot of neat stuff attached to its first public release, version 0.54 (January 1996). It had a
plug-in system, so developers could make separate programs to add to GIMP without breaking anything in the
main distribution. It had some basic tools to do drawing, and channel operations. It had an undo feature the
likes of which was not found in any known image manipulation program. It had loyal users swearing by it. It
was protected by the GPL. And it had a cool name.
+But all was not well with GIMP. It had rather frequent crashes, that could be caused by plug-ins or problems
in the main code. It had a dependency on Motif for its GUI toolkit, which made efficient distribution to a
lot of users impossible. This restriction also alienated a lot of would-be plug-in development. And GIMP had
people making absurd claims that it was already more stable than Photoshop.
+So like a lot of projects, there was a rather humble beginning to a project that gathered a lot of support
from the user community. Its beginnings were almost entirely self-contained. They didn't announce grandiose
plans for vaporware - Spencer and Peter delivered a product that did something. It was not perfect, but it
was an amazing feat for two college programmers without any outside influence.
+### Enter the Users:
+One of the first steps after the 0.54 release was to create a mailing list for developers. This probably
sprung out of the fact that Peter and Spencer wanted feedback on their new program, and a mailing list was a
convenient way for people to do this. It was also a method of letting people know about what was still going
on with development easily and efficiently. Whatever the reasons behind the first mailing list, it enabled
people with similar interests to communicate on the project.
+Mail was rather heavy on the list, but not all of the questions seemed really appropriate to ask the
developers. Their experience was not in how to use image multiplication effectively, but rather to manipulate
pointers and data structures. On July 5th, 1996, gimp-list split into gimp-user and gimp-developer.
+Also shortly after its introduction, web sites started appearing. There was of course the main gimp site
located at Berkeley, but what differentiated this program from many others is that a lot of sites sprung up
on how to use the program.
+GIMP users, such as Zach Beane (Xach), started making tutorials for GIMP. Zach's page, for awhile, featured
a new date created with gimp per day. Others followed suite, showing off artwork done and sharing techniques.
It was clear that if you wanted to make something with GIMP, there were sites to help you get a jump start.
+Federico Mena Quintero, also known as Quartic, authored a page pointing to all known GIMP resources. His
page because a focal point for new plug-in announcements and featured some pretty snazzy artwork too. He also
showcased his own plug-ins.
+Larry Ewing got GIMP some early publicity by creating his now famous Linux Penguin (some call him Tux), in
GIMP 0.54\. He put a [web page](http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/gimp) up showing some of the steps he took to
do it. This was probably the first huge exposure GIMP received.
+### A New Toolkit - The 0.60 Series:
+Peter got really fed up with Motif. So he decided to write his own. He called them gtk and gdk, for the Gimp
Tool Kit, and the Gimp Drawing Kit. Peter tells us now that they never intended for it to become a general
purpose toolkit - they just wanted something to use with GIMP, and it "seemed like a good idea at the time".
A name change also occurred; The General Image Manipulation Program became the GNU Image Manipulation Program.
+Development was experimental and incomplete in the 0.6x series. The plug-ins were not compatible with the
large base of plug-ins developed for the 0.54 series. Authors were slow to update their plug-ins to use the
new protocols. People did not want to write documentation for 0.60, because the features were in such a state
of flux.
+Generally speaking, the 0.6x series was less usable than the previous 0.54 series. The crashes were more
random, and more frequent. Only people interested in moving the project forward even downloaded the 0.6x
series - so little user input added to the mix. Grand plans for using layers, tiled memory, a built in
scripting ability, and a really neat transform tool were shown as teasers on the Berkeley web page, but
people most people rather have used a program that worked to get things done (and to write plug-ins for).
+The 0.60 series of snapshots was a developers chance to add features. If it was coded, and it worked, it
could make it in. A underlying push for stability began near the end of it, but getting cool stuff into it
was the first objective. This could be summed up by Andreas Dilger best:
+_"It's good to see that the next version of GIMP is here.
+ Let the enhancing begin!"_
+### The 0.99 Series - The Long Road to 1.0:
+On Feb 26, 1997, Spencer and Peter(S&P) released version 0.99\. The main goals were to port plug-ins to the
tile based memory scheme and new API, which wasn't done on a large scale for the 0.60 snapshots. There was a
new version of gtk/gdk, called GTK+. It incorporated massive changes to the previous model of gtk.
+Sequential releases occurred up until 0.99.9, at a brisk rate. At 0.99.9, there was a long gap between
releases - this was filled by Trent Jarvi offering a diff of all the current small diffs floating around for
0.99.9 updated fairly frequently. S&P managed to release a new GTK+ and a GIMP 0.99.10 eventually on June
9th, 1997\. It would be their last release.
+S&P graduated, got real jobs, and didn't have the time to put into the project anymore. There was no defined
successor to S&P, and they neglected to tell anyone they were leaving.
+### The Pre-11 Releases:
+Spencer and Peter had now left, without saying goodbye, but this did little to stop the now-rabid users;
several unofficial pre-releases were made while not a sound was heard from Spencer or Peter. It became such a
problem to keep track of patches, that the pre-11 releases were made. These were handled by Matt Hawkins, and
helped us mere mortals cope until someone took the center stage again.
+Federico Mena Quintero (Quartic) picked up the releases for awhile, Under his guidance, a movement towards
stability and a usable product became the primary objective. On release 0.99.14, Quartic announced a feature
freeze - no new features until 1.0\. Some interesting features, some of which are already largely coded, have
been kept out to move towards a stable release.
+Quartic kept GIMP going, until he was pulled away on other (related) projects. However, no serious gap
happened between Quartic's tenure and what came to replace it.
+### A New Communication:
+Mailing lists are nice, when they work. Web pages are great for giving tips and presenting data. But nothing
can compare with real-time conferencing for open discussion and brainstorming. It also works really well for
bug hunting. To achieve this, GIMP used its own irc channel, #gimp. #gimp was born sometime near February
+To be fair, #gimp is not always about squashing bugs or future GIMP plans. But overall its become a very
competent technical support for gimp users and a spot for developers to get encouragement and help from one
another. When I asked a couple weeks ago if GIMP would be where it is without #gimp, I got responses ranging
from 'probably not' to 'no'. It has allowed people to talk about what is really needed, and what activities
they could be involved in that would really help the project.
+### A New Development Model:
+With project leaders Spencer and Peter, and now Quartic, gone, and GIMP now split into the development of
the toolkit and the development of the program, it was time for new leaders to come to the foreground. Right?
Thats what the bazaar model would indicate. However, as with any model, there are situations that just aren't
+In the new system, there are designated team members; Manish Singh (yosh), for example, was in charge of
making releases. Adrian Likins, maintaining data. Larry Ewing (lewing), Matthew Wilson (msw), and a host of
others made bug fixes, and did other messier stuff. There's also a lot of overlap between the developer
community of GIMP and other related projects. But they work as a team - nobody was, or is, the project
leader. Each person makes their own contributions, and we all know who to refer to when we don't know how to
do something, or want advice or options. Decisions that control the fate of GIMP are made primarily on #gimp,
through this team effort.
+### Differentiation:
+In the past year or so, several very specific sites have sprung up that are meant to cater to a particular
crowd of the GIMP user and developer base.
+On April 13th, 1997, <http://xach.dorknet.com/gimp/news/>GIMP News was born. Zach headed this effort. This
site aimed to become a site to check daily if you wanted to stay on the bleeding edge of GIMP development. If
you made a plug-in, Zach found out and told the world about it. If a new release was made, it often beat the
mailing list in getting the news to you. His tutorials and a bug report form (added later) were linked off of
the news page.
+At about the same time, a huge help in keeping track of the large quantity of plug-ins and planned plug-ins
appeared on the horizon. The [GIMP Plug-In Registry](http://registry.gimp.org/) allows authors to update
their plug-ins, and people to register their plans for future plug-ins. If you are a plug-in author, you
register it here; it stays up-to-date this way, and as a user you can download and compile the newest
plug-ins that are not included in the distribution selectively. There's even a 'shopping list' that will tar
up the ones you want and send them all at once.
+In Late May 1997, I started GIMP Bugs. This took many of the bugs from developers list which tended to get
in the way of discussion, and organized them into an easy-to-read chart for perusal by the developers. I
maintained the list "by hand", but with only a bug report or two a day, it was not a big challenge to handle
with a couple perl scripts. I assigned priorities to bugs, so that different levels or specialties of
developers could concentrate on different bugs. I also checked each bug against my own GIMP, and tried to
clarify the report. This became an electronic checklist of things that had to be done, that was updated by
yours truly on a frequent basis.
+An often overlooked and under-valued aspect of an major project is that of documentation. We have made do
with small tutorials here and there until we got something much better, quite by surprise. On October 7th,
1997, two users, Karin Kylander and Olof S., announced the
<http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d95olofs/manual/gimpmana.html> Gimp Users Manual.
+It is now a comprehensive listing of each bit of functionality in Gimp. This 200+ page monster represents a
huge amount of work, and is an invaluable asset to anyone trying to figure out a particular tool. These users
became true experts with the tools, possibly better than any single developer. They gathered knowledge from
anyone they could. They then chose to share that knowledge with the world. It should be noted that a huge
majority of this work was done on their own, well before any outside help or organization even knew of its
existence. **update** Recent reports have the GUM coming in at 600+ pages!
+### A Different Release Model:
+Because developers are impatient types, they don't want to wait around until the next release to tinker with
changing source code. CVS is the solution that GIMP uses. This versioning system allows users and developers
alike to download the bleeding edge GIMP, and developers to commit changes. Further, it allows for easy
removal of changes - every change is logged, and can be reversed. While there have been some server
difficulties with CVS, it has caught several bugs prior to another beta release. Its certainly better than
trying to deal with the numerous received patches by hand.
+### Commercial Involvement:
+Contrary to most free software projects, there is a distinct commercial involvement in GIMP. Some GIMP
developers (and possibly others) saw a chance for a profit in customizing the code or writing custom plug-ins
for commercial sale. They also want to sell CD-ROMs of the 1.0 release of GIMP, loaded with related artwork
and programs.
+To this end, <http://www.wilberworks.com>WilberWorks is was formed. Several GIMP developers and "support
staff" now have a small amount of supplemental income for their work on the project, working as contractors -
enough for a beer every now and then, but not enough to call it a living.
+Contrary to popular belief, this has not hurt GIMP development at all. All work done on GIMP is still GPL.
The money is not the main motivator for the work. It is simply a little something that WilberWorks can say
'Thank You' with.
+WilberWorks has put me out of the bug page business - they have set up a superior bug tracking system on
their server. WilberWorks 'staff' can log onto the web site, and respond to bugs. Multiple reports can be
modified in the database simultaneously. Bugs are not forgotten on this system - after they are closed, they
stay around. Users can (though rarely do it seems) log on as a guest and browse through the previous reports
and replies.
+It is currently WilberWorks policy to reply to all bug reports that aren't obviously junk mail or invalid
email addresses. This extra little effort can often uncover a detail that may prove critical to resolving the
issue. WilberWorks has transformed my little bugs page into a support page.
+Obviously, WilberWorks exists to make money. So why a bug tracking system? The answer is simple - it will
make money and costs it nothing. In addition to making a better end product for
<http://www.wilberworks.comproducts.html>pressing onto CD-ROMs, they offer to fix any bug in 10 days if you
have a support contract. Because they have developers with intimate knowledge of the system and a great deal
of skill, WilberWorks feels that it can make this offer. You will be hard-pressed to find a major commercial
application that can offer anything similar.
+### Centralization:
+In response to a need for a central repository for all these aspects of the program, Shawn Amundson
(Snorfle) secured the domain "gimp.org". The main server of this is [www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org),
which just about anyone should be able to guess and remember. Started on October 7th, 1997, it contains a
broad overview of things to get you going with gimp, from the source to to tips and tricks.
+### Publicity:
+Michael J. Hammel wrote a four part series on GIMP for inclusion in [Linux
Journal](http://www.linuxjournal.com/) (October 1997 - January 1998). It went through some basics, but in
reality barely skimmed the surface. But still, this well written and accurate set of articles exposed the
Linux community (and anyone who reads linux community literature) to GIMP. GIMP also receives publicity on a
regular basis from his [Graphics Muse](http://www.graphics-muse.org) article appearing in the [Linux
+[Red Hat Linux](http://www.redhat.com) has bundled GIMP in its distribution since version 5.0\. This has
turned out to be something of a double edged sword - while it exposes the world to GIMP, it uses a now
ancient version. If you are using version 0.99.12 that comes with RedHat 5.0, please
[upgrade!](ftp://s9412a.steinan.ntnu.no/pub/gimp/) Many improvements to the libraries, program, and plug-ins
have taken place since 0.99.12.
+[www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org/) also uses the GIMP mascot, Wilber. Wilber is cool. Wilber's eyes move,
and thats kinda disturbing to some people, but I like him. Wilber is a GIMP. Created on Sept. 25, 1997 by
Tuomas Kuosmanen, Wilber has taken on a life of its own. For example, Wilber is pictured doing all sorts of
stuff at the top left hand corner of the page at www.gimp.org (_edit: the old web site now lives at
[classic.gimp.org](http://classic.gimp.org/)_). Wilber has become a recognized icon associated with GIMP, and
may be seen at [slashdot](http://slashdot.org) whenever GIMP is mentioned. He appears on the help screen when
starting GIMP for the first time, offering useful advice. Now that GIMP is becoming more ready to be seen by
the general public, Wilber is helping get GIMP out to the masses much like (the penguin some call) Tux is for
+### And It Goes On:
+Remember GTK+? Some developers got the crazy idea that it was a great toolkit and should be used in
everything. And we can create a desktop based on the toolkit. Like many crazy ideas, this is becoming a
reality. The GNOME project is well underway, in the alpha stages. The GNOME project is being aggressively
supported by [Red Hat Labs](http://www.labs.redhat.com). All of this may be seen as a byproduct of GIMP. The
success of this one project has spawned many.
+On June 5th, 1998, at 17:17 CST, GIMP 1.0 was released. Great plans for the future are forming now!
diff --git a/content/pages/about/meta/fluffle-puff.jpg b/content/pages/about/meta/fluffle-puff.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256f3f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/about/meta/fluffle-puff.jpg differ
diff --git a/content/pages/meta.md b/content/pages/about/meta/index.md
similarity index 96%
rename from content/pages/meta.md
rename to content/pages/about/meta/index.md
index 2b83123..d3ecacc 100644
--- a/content/pages/meta.md
+++ b/content/pages/about/meta/index.md
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
-Title: Meta
+Title: Meta
Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
Modified: 2015-07-29T14:40:43-05:00
Authors: Pat David
Summary: A page about the new site.
+url: about/meta/
+save_as: about/meta/index.html
I (Pat David) am creating this page to keep notes and information for building/maintaining the new site.
+<img src="{attach}fluffle-puff.jpg" alt='Fluffle Puff'>
## A Static Site
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials.md b/content/pages/tutorials.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c6778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/pages/tutorials.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Title: Tutorials
+Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
+Modified: 2015-07-29T14:40:43-05:00
+Authors: Pat David
+Summary: The tutorials page.
+Going to have a list of tutorials here.
+This text may not be visible once the scripting is done to handle listing all of the tutorials.
+## Beginner
+WGO was using these links in the navigation area originally:
+* News
+* Screenshots
+* Features
+* Downloads
+* Documentation
+* Get Involved
+* Plug-in Registry
+* GIMP Development
+* Donations
+Just filling out some information on an _About_ page to have something to style against.
+## Intermediate
+Text just under heading three (3).
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Cursor.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..912de9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Cursor.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Example.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d6e80
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Example.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-First.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d47283
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-First.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Select-Tool.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e83d53
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Select-Tool.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Tool.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677d1c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Crop-Tool.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Export-Image-Dialog.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b6e9be
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Export-Image-Dialog.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Export-Image-as-JPEG.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f37c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Export-Image-as-JPEG.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Flip-Sample-Arrow.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fc2365
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Flip-Sample-Arrow.jpg differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/JPG-Compression-Sample.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c63e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/JPG-Compression-Sample.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Rotate-Sample.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..503b980
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Rotate-Sample.jpg differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog-Scaled.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1724e5b
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog-Scaled.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog-Value-Types.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c90ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog-Value-Types.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d18d26
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-Image-Dialog.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-View-Pixel-Size-Original.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d454b3
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/Scale-View-Pixel-Size-Original.png differ
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.htrw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..495e9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.htrw
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-xhtml-init.xhtml" -->
+<title>GIMP - GIMP Quickies</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-look-feel.xhtml" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-page-init.xhtml" -->
+<h1>GIMP Quickies</h1>
+<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license"><img alt="Creative Commons
License" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/80x15.png" style="border-width:0" /></a><br/>
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span>
+by <a href="http://blog.patdavid.net" rel="cc:attributionURL" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#">Pat
David</a> <br/>
+is licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US"
rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>.
+So you installed GIMP on your computer, congratulations! GIMP is a very powerful image manipulation
software, but don’t let that intimidate you. Even if you don’t have time to learn advanced
computer graphics, GIMP can still be a very useful and handy tool for quick image modifications.
+It is my hope that these few examples will help to solve those small, quick modifications that you may need
to apply to an image. Hopefully this will lead to learning even more powerful image editing capabilities
that GIMP is capable of as well.
+For quick access, these are the four main points I’ll cover in this quick tutorial:
+ <li><a href="#scale">Changing the Size (Dimensions) of an Image (Scale)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#compress">Changing the Size (Filesize) of a JPEG</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#crop">Crop an Image</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#transform">Rotate or Flip an Image</a></li>
+In keeping with the spirit of the predecessor to this page, I will be using images from the Astronomy
Picture of the Day (<a href="http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html">APOD</a>), provided by NASA.
+All you need to know how to do to follow these quick examples is to be able to find your image and open it:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">F</span>ile → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">O</span>pen</span></div>
+<h2 id="scale" class="hilite">Changing the Size (Dimensions) of an Image (Scale)</h2>
+It’s a common problem that you may have an image that is too large for a particular purpose (embedding
in a webpage, posting somewhere online, or including in an email for instance). In this case you will often
want to <i>scale </i> the image down to a smaller size more suitable for your use.
+This is a very simple task to accomplish in GIMP easily.
+The image we’ll be using to illustrate this with is <a href="http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap130422.html"
target="_blank">The Horsehead Nebula in Infrared</a>.
+When you first open your image in GIMP, chances are that the image will be zoomed so that the entire image
fits in your canvas. The thing to notice for this example is that by default the window decoration at the
top of GIMP will show you some information about the image.
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Scale-View-Pixel-Size-Original.png" alt="GIMP Scale Image Tutorial Nebula"
/><br/><span class="caption">View of the GIMP canvas, with information at the top of the window.</span></div>
+Notice that the information at the top of the window shows the <span style="color: #00FF00;">current pixel
dimensions</span> of the image (in this case, the pixel size is 1225×1280).
+To resize the image to new dimensions, we need only invoke the <b>Scale Image</b> dialog:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">I</span>mage → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">S</span>cale Image…</span></div>
+This will then open the <b>Scale Image</b> dialog:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Scale-Image-Dialog.png" alt="GIMP Scale Image Tutorial Dialog" /><br/><span
class="caption">The <b>Scale Image</b> dialog.</span></div>
+In the <b>Scale Image</b> dialog, you’ll find a <span style="color: #00FF00;">place to enter new
values</span> for <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b>. If you know one of the new dimensions you’d like for
the image, fill in the appropriate one here.
+You’ll also <span style="color: #0080FF;">notice a small chain</span> just to the right of the
<b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> entry boxes. This icon shows that the Width and Height values are locked with
respect to each other, meaning that changing one value will cause the other to change in order to keep the
same aspect ratio (no strange compression or stretching in the image).
+For example, if you knew that you wanted your image to have a new width of 600px, you can enter that value
in the <b>Width</b> input, and the <b>Height</b> will automatically change to maintain the aspect ratio of
the image:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Scale-Image-Dialog-Scaled.png" alt="GIMP Scale Image Tutorial Dialog Scaled
Values" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Changing the <b>Width</b> to 600px.</span>
+As you can see, entering <b>600px</b> for the width automatically changes the height to <b>627px</b>.
+Also notice I have shown a different option under <b>Quality</b> → Interpolation. The default value
for this is <b>Cubic</b>, but to retain the best quality it would better to use <b>Sinc (Lanczos3)</b>.
+If you want to specify a new size using a different type of value (other than Pixel size), you can change
the type by clicking on the “<b>px</b>” spinner:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Scale-Image-Dialog-Value-Types.png" alt="GIMP Scale Image Value Types" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Changing input value types.</span>
+A common use for this could be if you wanted to specify a new size as a percentage of the old one. In this
case you could change to “percent”, and then enter 50 in either field to scale the image in half.
+Once you are done scaling the image, don’t forget to export the changes you’ve made:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span>File → Export…</span></div>
+<p>to export as a new filename, or:</p>
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span>File → Overwrite {FILENAME}</span></div>
+<p>to overwrite the original file (use caution).</p>
+For more detail about using <b>Scale Image</b>, you can see <a
href="http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-image-scale.html">the documentation</a>.
+<h2 id="compress" class="hilite">Changing the Size (Filesize) of a JPEG</h2>
+You can also modify the filesize of an image when exporting it to a format like JPEG. JPEG is a
<i><b>lossy</b></i> compression algorithm, meaning that when saving images to the JPEG format, you will
sacrifice some image quality to gain a smaller filesize.
+Using the same Horsehead Nebula image from above, I have resized it to 200px wide (see above), and exported
it using different levels of JPEG compression:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="JPG-Compression-Sample.png" alt="GIMP JPEG compression example different
quality" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Comparison of different JPEG compression levels.</span>
+As you can see, even at a quality setting of 80, the image is significantly smaller in filesize (77% size
reduction), while the image quality is still quite reasonable.
+When you’ve finished any image modifications you are doing, and are ready to export, simply invoke the
export dialog with:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">F</span>ile →
+This will invoke the <b>Export Image</b> dialog:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Export-Image-Dialog.png" alt="GIMP JPEG compression export name filetype
dialog" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption"></span>
+You can now enter a <span style="color: #00FF00;">new name for your file here</span>. If you include the
filetype extension (in this case, .jpg), GIMP will automatically try to export in that file format for you.
Here I am exporting the image as a JPEG file.
+You can also navigate to a new location on your computer through the <b>Places</b> pane, if you need to
export the file to a different location. When you are ready to export the image, just hit <span
style="color: #0080FF;">the <b>Export</b> button.</span></p>
+This will then bring up the <b>Export Image as JPEG</b> dialog, where you can change the quality of the
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Export-Image-as-JPEG.png" alt="GIMP Export JPEG options dialog" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption"></span>
+From this dialog you can now <span style="color: #00FF00;">change the quality of the export</span>. If you
also have the “Show preview in image window” option checked, the image on the canvas will update
to reflect the quality value you input. This will also enable the “File size:” information to
tell you what the resulting file size will be. (You may need to move some windows around to view the preview
on the canvas in the background).
+When you are happy with the results, hit the <b><span style="text-decoration: underline;">E</span>xport</b>
button to export.
+To see more details about exporting different image formats, see <a
href="http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-images-out.html">Getting Images out of GIMP</a> in the manual.
+<h2 id="crop" class="hilite">Crop an Image</h2>
+There are numerous reasons you may want to crop an image.
+You may want to remove useless borders or information for aesthetic reasons, or you may want the focus of
the final image to be of some particular detail for instance.
+In a nutshell, cropping is just an operation to trim the image down to a smaller region than what you
started with:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Crop-Example.png" alt="GIMP Crop Example" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Original image (left), cropped image (right)</span>
+The procedure to crop an image is straightforward. You can either get to <span style="color: #00FF00;">the
<b>Crop Tool</b></span> through the tools palette:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Crop-Tool.png" alt="GIMP Crop Tool Palette" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Crop Tool on the Tools Palette.</span>
+Or you can access the crop tool through the menus:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ools → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ransform Tools → <span style="text-decoration:
+<img src="Crop-Cursor.png" style="float: left; margin-right: 0.5em;" alt="GIMP Crop Tool cursor" />
+Once the tool is activated, you’ll notice that your mouse cursor on the canvas will change to indicate
the <b>Crop Tool</b> is being used.
+Now you can Left-Click anywhere on your image canvas, and drag the mouse to a new location to highlight an
initial selection to crop. You don’t have to worry about being exact at this point, as you will be
able to modify the final selection before actually cropping.
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Crop-First.png" alt="GIMP Crop Tutorial Example first pass" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Initial pass with the Crop Tool.<br/>
+ Crop Tool options (left), cropping on the canvas (right).</span>
+After making the initial selection of a region to crop, you’ll find the selection still active. At
this point hovering your mouse cursor over any of the four corners or sides of the selection will change the
mouse cursor, and highlight that region.
+This allows you to now fine-tune the selection for cropping. You can click and drag any side or corner to
move that portion of the selection.
+Once you are happy with the region to crop, you can just press the “<b>Enter</b>” key on your
keyboard to commit the crop. If at any time you’d like to start over or decide not to crop at all, you
can press the “<b>Esc</b>” key on your keyboard to back out of the operation.
+See <a href="http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-tool-crop.html">the documentation</a> for more information on
cropping in GIMP.
+<h3>Another Method</h3>
+Another way to crop an image is to make a selection first, using the <b>Rectangle Select Tool</b>:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Crop-Select-Tool.png" alt="GIMP rectangle select tool crop image" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Rectangle Select Tool.</span>
+Or through the menus:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ools → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">S</span>election Tools → <span style="text-decoration:
underline;">R</span>ectangle Select</span></div>
+You can then highlight a selection the same way as the <b>Crop Tool</b>, and adjust the selection as well.
Once you have a selection you like, you can crop the image to fit that selection through:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">I</span>mage → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">C</span>rop to Selection</span></div>
+<h2 id="transform" class="hilite">Rotate and/or Flip an Image</h2>
+There may be a time that you would need to rotate an image. For instance, you may have taken the image with
your camera in a vertical orientation, and for some reason it wasn’t detected by GIMP as needing to be
rotated (GIMP will normally figure this out for you, but not always).
+There may also be a time that you’d like to flip an image as well. These commands are grouped
together under the same menu item:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">I</span>mage → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ransform</span></div>
+<h3>Flip an Image</h3>
+If you want to flip your image, the <b>Transform</b> menu offers two options, <b>Flip <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">H</span>orizontally</b>, or <b>Flip <span style="text-decoration:
underline;">V</span>ertically</b>. This operation will mirror your image along the specified axis. For
example, here are all of the flip operations shown in a single image:
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Flip-Sample-Arrow.jpg" alt="GIMP flip image samples" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">All flips applied to base image (top left).</span>
+<h3>Rotate an Image</h3>
+Image rotation from the <b>Transform</b> menu is contrained to either 90° clockwise/counter-clockwise,
or 180°.
+Don’t mis-interpret this to mean that GIMP cannot do arbitrary rotations (any angle). Arbitrary
rotations are handled on a per-layer basis, while the image rotation described here is applicable to the
entire image at once.
+<div class="centerImg"><img src="Rotate-Sample.jpg" alt="GIMP rotate image samples" />
+ <br/>
+ <span class="caption">Original (top left), 90° clockwise (top right)<br/>
+ 90° counter-clockwise (bottom left), 180° (bottom right)</span>
+<h2>In Conclusion</h2>
+The simple examples shown here are just the tip of a really, really large iceberg. These are, however,
common modifications that many people are often looking to make without having to learn too much about image
processing. Hopefully they have been helpful.
+I encourage you to peruse the <a href="/tutorials/">other tutorials</a> for more advanced methods of image
processing as well!
+The original tutorial this was adapted from can be found <a href="../Lite_Quickies">here</a>.
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style="border-width:0" /></a><br/>
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span>
+by <a href="http://blog.patdavid.net" rel="cc:attributionURL" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#">Pat
+Licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license">Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d07bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+Title: Gimp Quickies
+Date: 2015-08-03T17:11:25-05:00
+Modified: 2015-08-03T17:11:32-05:00
+Authors: Pat David
+Summary: A quick look at some easy features.
+url: tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/
+save_as: tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.html
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
+is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+## Intention
+So you installed GIMP on your computer, congratulations! GIMP is a very powerful image manipulation
software, but don’t let that intimidate you. Even if you don’t have time to learn advanced computer graphics,
GIMP can still be a very useful and handy tool for quick image modifications.
+It is my hope that these few examples will help to solve those small, quick modifications that you may need
to apply to an image. Hopefully this will lead to learning even more powerful image editing capabilities that
GIMP is capable of as well.
+For quick access, these are the four main points I’ll cover in this quick tutorial:
+* [Changing the Size (Dimensions) of an Image (Scale)](#scale)
+* [Changing the Size (Filesize) of a JPEG](#compress)
+* [Crop an Image](#crop)
+* [Rotate or Flip an Image](#transform)
+In keeping with the spirit of the predecessor to this page, I will be using images from the Astronomy
Picture of the Day ([APOD](http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html)), provided by NASA.
+All you need to know how to do to follow these quick examples is to be able to find your image and open it:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">F</span>ile → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">O</span>pen</span></div>
+## Changing the Size (Dimensions) of an Image (Scale)
+It’s a common problem that you may have an image that is too large for a particular purpose (embedding in a
webpage, posting somewhere online, or including in an email for instance). In this case you will often want
to _scale_ the image down to a smaller size more suitable for your use.
+This is a very simple task to accomplish in GIMP easily.
+The image we’ll be using to illustrate this with is [The Horsehead Nebula in
+When you first open your image in GIMP, chances are that the image will be zoomed so that the entire image
fits in your canvas. The thing to notice for this example is that by default the window decoration at the top
of GIMP will show you some information about the image.
+<img src="{attach}Scale-View-Pixel-Size-Original.png" alt="Test">
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">View of the GIMP canvas, with information at the top of the window.</span></div>
+Notice that the information at the top of the window shows the <span style="color: #00FF00;">current pixel
dimensions</span> of the image (in this case, the pixel size is 1225×1280).
+To resize the image to new dimensions, we need only invoke the **Scale Image** dialog:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">I</span>mage → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">S</span>cale Image…</span></div>
+This will then open the **Scale Image** dialog:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">The **Scale Image** dialog.</span></div>
+In the **Scale Image** dialog, you’ll find a <span style="color: #00FF00;">place to enter new values</span>
for **Width** and **Height**. If you know one of the new dimensions you’d like for the image, fill in the
appropriate one here.
+You’ll also <span style="color: #0080FF;">notice a small chain</span> just to the right of the **Width** and
**Height** entry boxes. This icon shows that the Width and Height values are locked with respect to each
other, meaning that changing one value will cause the other to change in order to keep the same aspect ratio
(no strange compression or stretching in the image).
+For example, if you knew that you wanted your image to have a new width of 600px, you can enter that value
in the **Width** input, and the **Height** will automatically change to maintain the aspect ratio of the
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Changing the **Width** to 600px.</span></div>
+As you can see, entering **600px** for the width automatically changes the height to **627px**.
+Also notice I have shown a different option under **Quality** → Interpolation. The default value for this is
**Cubic**, but to retain the best quality it would better to use **Sinc (Lanczos3)**.
+If you want to specify a new size using a different type of value (other than Pixel size), you can change
the type by clicking on the “**px**” spinner:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Changing input value types.</span></div>
+A common use for this could be if you wanted to specify a new size as a percentage of the old one. In this
case you could change to “percent”, and then enter 50 in either field to scale the image in half.
+Once you are done scaling the image, don’t forget to export the changes you’ve made:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span>File → Export…</span></div>
+to export as a new filename, or:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span>File → Overwrite {FILENAME}</span></div>
+to overwrite the original file (use caution).
+For more detail about using **Scale Image**, you can see [the
+## Changing the Size (Filesize) of a JPEG
+You can also modify the filesize of an image when exporting it to a format like JPEG. JPEG is a _**lossy**_
compression algorithm, meaning that when saving images to the JPEG format, you will sacrifice some image
quality to gain a smaller filesize.
+Using the same Horsehead Nebula image from above, I have resized it to 200px wide (see above), and exported
it using different levels of JPEG compression:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Comparison of different JPEG compression levels.</span></div>
+As you can see, even at a quality setting of 80, the image is significantly smaller in filesize (77% size
reduction), while the image quality is still quite reasonable.
+When you’ve finished any image modifications you are doing, and are ready to export, simply invoke the
export dialog with:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">F</span>ile → Export…</span></div>
+This will invoke the **Export Image** dialog:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption"></span></div>
+You can now enter a <span style="color: #00FF00;">new name for your file here</span>. If you include the
filetype extension (in this case, .jpg), GIMP will automatically try to export in that file format for you.
Here I am exporting the image as a JPEG file.
+You can also navigate to a new location on your computer through the **Places** pane, if you need to export
the file to a different location. When you are ready to export the image, just hit <span style="color:
#0080FF;">the **Export** button.</span>
+This will then bring up the **Export Image as JPEG** dialog, where you can change the quality of the export:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption"></span></div>
+From this dialog you can now <span style="color: #00FF00;">change the quality of the export</span>. If you
also have the “Show preview in image window” option checked, the image on the canvas will update to reflect
the quality value you input. This will also enable the “File size:” information to tell you what the
resulting file size will be. (You may need to move some windows around to view the preview on the canvas in
the background).
+When you are happy with the results, hit the **<span style="text-decoration: underline;">E</span>xport**
button to export.
+To see more details about exporting different image formats, see [Getting Images out of
GIMP](http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-images-out.html) in the manual.
+## Crop an Image
+There are numerous reasons you may want to crop an image. You may want to remove useless borders or
information for aesthetic reasons, or you may want the focus of the final image to be of some particular
detail for instance.
+In a nutshell, cropping is just an operation to trim the image down to a smaller region than what you
started with:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Original image (left), cropped image (right)</span></div>
+The procedure to crop an image is straightforward. You can either get to <span style="color: #00FF00;">the
**Crop Tool**</span> through the tools palette:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Crop Tool on the Tools Palette.</span></div>
+Or you can access the crop tool through the menus:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ools → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ransform Tools → <span style="text-decoration:
+Once the tool is activated, you’ll notice that your mouse cursor on
the canvas will change to indicate the **Crop Tool** is being used.
+Now you can Left-Click anywhere on your image canvas, and drag the mouse to a new location to highlight an
initial selection to crop. You don’t have to worry about being exact at this point, as you will be able to
modify the final selection before actually cropping.
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Initial pass with the Crop Tool.
+ Crop Tool options (left), cropping on the canvas (right).</span></div>
+After making the initial selection of a region to crop, you’ll find the selection still active. At this
point hovering your mouse cursor over any of the four corners or sides of the selection will change the mouse
cursor, and highlight that region.
+This allows you to now fine-tune the selection for cropping. You can click and drag any side or corner to
move that portion of the selection.
+Once you are happy with the region to crop, you can just press the “**Enter**” key on your keyboard to
commit the crop. If at any time you’d like to start over or decide not to crop at all, you can press the
“**Esc**” key on your keyboard to back out of the operation.
+See [the documentation](http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-tool-crop.html) for more information on cropping in
+### Another Method
+Another way to crop an image is to make a selection first, using the **Rectangle Select Tool**:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Rectangle Select Tool.</span></div>
+Or through the menus:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ools → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">S</span>election Tools → <span style="text-decoration:
underline;">R</span>ectangle Select</span></div>
+You can then highlight a selection the same way as the **Crop Tool**, and adjust the selection as well. Once
you have a selection you like, you can crop the image to fit that selection through:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">I</span>mage → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">C</span>rop to Selection</span></div>
+## Rotate and/or Flip an Image
+There may be a time that you would need to rotate an image. For instance, you may have taken the image with
your camera in a vertical orientation, and for some reason it wasn’t detected by GIMP as needing to be
rotated (GIMP will normally figure this out for you, but not always).
+There may also be a time that you’d like to flip an image as well. These commands are grouped together under
the same menu item:
+<div class="MenuCmd"><span><span style="text-decoration: underline;">I</span>mage → <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">T</span>ransform</span></div>
+### Flip an Image
+If you want to flip your image, the **Transform** menu offers two options, **Flip <span
style="text-decoration: underline;">H</span>orizontally**, or **Flip <span style="text-decoration:
underline;">V</span>ertically**. This operation will mirror your image along the specified axis. For example,
here are all of the flip operations shown in a single image:
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">All flips applied to base image (top left).</span></div>
+### Rotate an Image
+Image rotation from the **Transform** menu is contrained to either 90° clockwise/counter-clockwise, or 180°.
+Don’t mis-interpret this to mean that GIMP cannot do arbitrary rotations (any angle). Arbitrary rotations
are handled on a per-layer basis, while the image rotation described here is applicable to the entire image
at once.
+<div class="centerImg">
+<span class="caption">Original (top left), 90° clockwise (top right)
+ 90° counter-clockwise (bottom left), 180° (bottom right)</span></div>
+## In Conclusion
+The simple examples shown here are just the tip of a really, really large iceberg. These are, however,
common modifications that many people are often looking to make without having to learn too much about image
processing. Hopefully they have been helpful.
+I encourage you to peruse the [other tutorials](/tutorials/) for more advanced methods of image processing
as well!
+The original tutorial this was adapted from can be found [here](../Lite_Quickies).
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
+ Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<div><span id="footerleft"></span><span id="footerright"></span></div>
diff --git a/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/styles.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fcc851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/pages/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.MenuCmd { text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1em;}
+.MenuCmd > span { font-size: 1.1em; border: dashed 1px gray; padding: 0.2em 1em; background-color: #222; }
+u { text-decoration: underline; }
+h2.hilite { color: #f57900; }
+.centerImg { text-align: center; }
+.centerImg > img { margin-bottom: 0.3em; }
diff --git a/pelicanconf.py b/pelicanconf.py
index 5ab8611..7b6f4fc 100644
--- a/pelicanconf.py
+++ b/pelicanconf.py
@@ -38,10 +38,21 @@ DEFAULT_PAGINATION = False
# Pat David changes while building/testing
# This will copy over these folders w/o modification
-STATIC_PATHS = ['images']
+STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'pages']
THEME = "./themes/newgimp"
+# Trying to properly nest sub-folders here
+#PATH_METADATA = r".*?\\(?P<test>.*?\\)" #old test
+#see: https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/issues/1128#issuecomment-63251758
+PATH_METADATA = r'.*?\\(?P<test>(.+\\)?).*'
+# Still working on this...
+#PAGE_URL = "{test}{slug}/"
+#PAGE_SAVE_AS = "{test}{slug}/index.html"
PAGE_URL = "{slug}/"
PAGE_SAVE_AS = "{slug}/index.html"
@@ -49,3 +60,6 @@ ARTICLE_URL = "news/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{date:%d}/{slug}/"
ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = "news/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{date:%d}/{slug}/index.html"
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/static/css/gimp.css b/themes/newgimp/static/css/gimp.css
index 562dffe..26fafb6 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/static/css/gimp.css
+++ b/themes/newgimp/static/css/gimp.css
@@ -69,3 +69,7 @@ nav#menu ul > li a{
header a {
color: #497bad;
+figure {
+ margin: 1rem 0;
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html b/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html
index 44f5f17..0850bf0 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html
+++ b/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html
@@ -96,12 +96,15 @@
<footer id="contentinfo" class="body">
<div class="container">
<div class="row clearfix">
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- Proudly powered by <a href="http://getpelican.com/">Pelican</a>,
- which takes great advantage of <a href="http://python.org">Python</a>.
- </address><!-- /#about -->
+ <div class='column full'>
+ <address id="about" class="vcard body">
+ Proudly powered by <a href="http://getpelican.com/">Pelican</a>,
+ which takes great advantage of <a href="http://python.org">Python</a>.
+ </address><!-- /#about -->
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</footer><!-- /#contentinfo -->
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/templates/page.html b/themes/newgimp/templates/page.html
index 1fe3419..cdeb77d 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/templates/page.html
+++ b/themes/newgimp/templates/page.html
@@ -30,4 +30,11 @@
{% endif %}
+ <div>
+ <p>url: {{ page.url }} </p>
+ <p>metadata regex test: {{ page.test }}</p>
+ </div>
{% endblock %}
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