[libgdata] tests: Update and re-enable the streams test

commit fa663d6504ceecb7cf9202f0de178b0915694e66
Author: Philip Withnall <philip withnall collabora co uk>
Date:   Thu Apr 30 20:11:44 2015 +0100

    tests: Update and re-enable the streams test
    It needed to be updated to check YouTube JSON, rather than XML. No other

 gdata/tests/Makefile.am |    3 +-
 gdata/tests/streams.c   |  103 +++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdata/tests/Makefile.am b/gdata/tests/Makefile.am
index 3405398..bc8d094 100644
--- a/gdata/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/gdata/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ TESTS = \
        client-login-authorizer \
        oauth1-authorizer \
        oauth2-authorizer \
+       streams \
 # FIXME: Temporarily disabled until they are ported for the changes in the v2
 # to v3 API transitions.
-DISABLED_TESTS = youtube documents streams freebase
+DISABLED_TESTS = youtube documents freebase
 # FIXME: Temporarily disabled until https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=705303 is fixed.
 #TESTS += memory
diff --git a/gdata/tests/streams.c b/gdata/tests/streams.c
index eeb4950..25248f0 100644
--- a/gdata/tests/streams.c
+++ b/gdata/tests/streams.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */
  * GData Client
- * Copyright (C) Philip Withnall 2010 <philip tecnocode co uk>
+ * Copyright (C) Philip Withnall 2010, 2015 <philip tecnocode co uk>
  * GData Client is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -728,29 +728,22 @@ test_upload_stream_resumable_server_handler_cb (SoupServer *server, SoupMessage
                        case CONTENT_AND_METADATA:
                        case METADATA_ONLY:
-                               /* Check the XML sent by the client. */
-                               g_assert_cmpstr (soup_message_headers_get_content_type 
(message->request_headers, NULL), ==, "application/atom+xml");
+                               /* Check the JSON sent by the client. */
+                               g_assert_cmpstr (soup_message_headers_get_content_type 
(message->request_headers, NULL), ==, "application/json");
                                g_assert (message->request_body->data[message->request_body->length] == '\0');
-                               g_assert (gdata_test_compare_xml_strings (message->request_body->data,
-                                       "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
-                                       "<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' "
-                                              "xmlns:app='http://www.w3.org/2007/app' "
-                                              "xmlns:georss='http://www.georss.org/georss' "
-                                              "xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml' "
-                                              "xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005' "
-                                              "xmlns:yt='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007' "
-                                              "xmlns:media='http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'>"
-                                               "<title type='text'>Test title!</title>"
-                                               "<category term='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video' 
-                                                         "scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind'/>"
-                                               "<media:group>"
-                                                       "<media:title type='plain'>Test title!</media:title>"
-                                               "</media:group>"
-                                               "<app:control>"
-                                                       "<app:draft>no</app:draft>"
-                                               "</app:control>"
-                                       "</entry>", TRUE) == TRUE);
+                               g_assert (gdata_test_compare_json_strings (message->request_body->data,
+                                       "{"
+                                               "'title': 'Test title!',"
+                                               "'kind': 'youtube#video',"
+                                               "'snippet': {"
+                                                       "'title': 'Test title!'"
+                                               "},"
+                                               "'status': {"
+                                                       "'privacyStatus': 'public'"
+                                               "},"
+                                               "'recordingDetails': {}"
+                                       "}", TRUE) == TRUE);
@@ -849,14 +842,20 @@ test_upload_stream_resumable_server_handler_cb (SoupServer *server, SoupMessage
 error: {
                const gchar *error_response =
-                       "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
-                       "<errors>"
-                               "<error>"
-                                       "<domain>yt:authentication</domain>"
-                                       "<code>InvalidToken</code>"
-                                       "<location type='header'>Authorization: GoogleLogin</location>"
-                               "</error>"
-                       "</errors>";
+                       "{"
+                               "'error': {"
+                                       "'errors': ["
+                                               "{"
+                                                       "'domain': 'global',"
+                                                       "'reason': 'authError',"
+                                                       "'message': 'Invalid token.',"
+                                                       "'location': 'Authorization: GoogleLogin'"
+                                               "}"
+                                       "],"
+                                       "'code': 400,"
+                                       "'message': 'Invalid token.'"
+                               "}"
+                       "}";
                /* Error. */
                soup_message_set_status (message, SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED); /* arbitrary error status code */
@@ -888,39 +887,23 @@ continuation: {
 completion: {
                const gchar *completion_response =
-                       "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
-                       "<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' "
-                              "xmlns:media='http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/' "
-                              "xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005' "
-                              "xmlns:yt='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007' "
-                              "xmlns:app='http://www.w3.org/2007/app' "
-                              "xmlns:georss='http://www.georss.org/georss' "
-                              "xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml' "
-                              "gd:etag='W/\"testfulness.\"'>"
-                               "<title type='text'>Test title!</title>"
-                               "<id>tag:youtube.com,2008:video:fooishbar</id>"
-                               "<updated>2009-03-23T12:46:58Z</updated>"
-                               "<published>2006-05-16T14:06:37Z</published>"
-                               "<category term='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video' 
-                               "<link href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fooishbar' 
rel='http://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/alternate' type='text/html'/>"
-                               "<link href='http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/fooishbar' 
rel='http://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/self' type='application/atom+xml'/>"
-                               "<author>"
-                                       "<name>Brian</name>"
-                                       "<uri>http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/brian</uri>"
-                               "</author>"
-                               "<media:group>"
-                                       "<media:category 
scheme='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat' label='Music'>Music</media:category>"
-                                       "<media:title type='plain'>Test title!</media:title>"
-                               "</media:group>"
-                               "<yt:recorded>2005-10-02</yt:recorded>"
-                               "<app:control>"
-                                       "<app:draft>no</app:draft>"
-                               "</app:control>"
-                       "</entry>";
+                       "{"
+                               "'kind': 'youtube#video',"
+                               "'snippet': {"
+                                       "'title': 'Test title!',"
+                                       "'categoryId': '10'"  /* Music */
+                               "},"
+                               "'status': {"
+                                       "'privacyStatus': 'public'"
+                               "},"
+                               "'recordingDetails': {"
+                                       "'recordingDate': '2005-10-02'"
+                               "}"
+                       "}";
                /* Completion. */
                soup_message_set_status (message, SOUP_STATUS_CREATED);
-               soup_message_headers_set_content_type (message->response_headers, "application/atom+xml", 
+               soup_message_headers_set_content_type (message->response_headers, "application/json", NULL);
                soup_message_body_append (message->response_body, SOUP_MEMORY_STATIC, completion_response, 
strlen (completion_response));

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