[evince/wip/highlight: 144/145] libview: Use DocumentsAnnotations to render annotations animation

commit ed6df7c79d98012311598890e546967780829e18
Author: José Aliste <jaliste src gnome org>
Date:   Tue Sep 9 19:12:21 2014 -0300

    libview: Use DocumentsAnnotations to render annotations animation
    When creating an annotation that needs drag mode, we need to render
    the annotation being created fast so we can have a smooth animation.
    We take advantange of new API in poppler that allows for this.

 libview/ev-view.c |   44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libview/ev-view.c b/libview/ev-view.c
index 5031a1b..c28a595 100644
--- a/libview/ev-view.c
+++ b/libview/ev-view.c
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ typedef struct {
+static void
+draw_annot (EvView *view, cairo_t *cr, gint x, gint y, double x_scale, double y_scale);
 /*** Scrolling ***/
 static void       view_update_range_and_current_page         (EvView             *view);
 static void       ensure_rectangle_is_visible                (EvView             *view,
@@ -5285,8 +5287,7 @@ ev_view_motion_notify_event (GtkWidget      *widget,
                                                                 view->annot_info.annot, &rect, mask);
                        ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock ();
-                       /* FIXME: reload only annotation area */
-                       ev_view_reload_page (view, view->current_page, NULL);
+                       gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (view));
                } else {
                        /* Schedule timeout to scroll during selection and additionally 
                         * scroll once to allow arbitrary speed. */
@@ -5407,8 +5408,10 @@ ev_view_button_release_event (GtkWidget      *widget,
        if (view->annot_info.mode == MODE_DRAW && view->pressed_button == 1) {
                view->annot_info.mode = MODE_NORMAL;
+               view->annot_info.annot = NULL;
                ev_view_handle_cursor_over_xy (view, event->x, event->y);
                view->pressed_button = -1;
+               ev_view_reload_page (view, view->current_page, NULL);
                return FALSE;
@@ -6434,6 +6437,23 @@ draw_one_page (EvView       *view,
                draw_surface (cr, page_surface, overlap.x, overlap.y, offset_x, offset_y, width, height);
+                if (view->annot_info.annot && ev_annotation_get_page_index (view->annot_info.annot) == page) 
+                        double scale_x, scale_y;
+                        double device_scale_x = 1, device_scale_y = 1;
+                        scale_x = (gdouble)width / cairo_image_surface_get_width (page_surface);
+                        scale_y = (gdouble)height / cairo_image_surface_get_height (page_surface);
+                        cairo_surface_get_device_scale (page_surface, &device_scale_x, &device_scale_y);
+                        scale_x *= device_scale_x;
+                        scale_y *= device_scale_y;
+                        draw_annot (view, cr, real_page_area.x, real_page_area.y,
+                                              scale_x, scale_y);
+                }
                /* Get the selection pixbuf iff we have something to draw */
                if (!find_selection_for_page (view, page))
@@ -7386,6 +7406,26 @@ ev_view_change_page (EvView *view,
 static void
+draw_annot (EvView *view, cairo_t *cr, gint x, gint y, gdouble scale_x, gdouble scale_y)
+       EvAnnotation *annot = view->annot_info.annot;
+       EvDocumentAnnotations *doc_annots = EV_DOCUMENT_ANNOTATIONS (view->document);
+       cairo_save (cr);
+        cairo_translate (cr, x, y);
+        cairo_scale (cr, scale_x * view->scale, scale_y * view->scale);
+        if (!EV_IS_ANNOTATION_TEXT_MARKUP (view->annot_info.annot))
+               return;
+       ev_document_doc_mutex_lock();
+       ev_document_annotations_render_annotation (doc_annots, annot, cr);
+       ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock();
+       cairo_restore (cr);
+static void
 job_finished_cb (EvPixbufCache  *pixbuf_cache,
                 cairo_region_t *region,
                 EvView         *view)

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