[gnome-dictionary] data: Drop the last indirection in the gschema file

commit a8a0565f5f27304d7c1a1566bf3e4d989b7c010f
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gnome org>
Date:   Thu Apr 2 18:53:15 2015 +0100

    data: Drop the last indirection in the gschema file
    We didn't need intltool to convert from gschema.xml.in to gschema.xml
    in the first place.

 data/Makefile.am                         |   16 ++++++----------
 data/org.gnome.dictionary.gschema.xml    |   25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/org.gnome.dictionary.gschema.xml.in |   25 -------------------------
 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am
index 78be666..dfc64dd 100644
--- a/data/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/Makefile.am
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ gdictappdir = $(datadir)/applications
 gdictapp_in_files = org.gnome.Dictionary.desktop.in
 gdictapp_DATA = $(gdictapp_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)
 EXTRA_DIST += org.gnome.Dictionary.desktop.in.in
+CLEANFILES += $(gdictapp_in_files) $(gdictapp_DATA)
 $(gdictapp_in_files): $(gdictapp_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop.in.in)
        $(AM_V_GEN)sed -e "s|\ VERSION\@|@VERSION@|" $< > $@
@@ -25,11 +26,14 @@ org.gnome.Dictionary.service: Makefile
                     echo 'Exec=${bindir}/gnome-dictionary --gapplication-service') > $  tmp && \
                     mv $  tmp $@
+CLEANFILES += $(dbusservice_DATA)
 appdatadir = $(datadir)/appdata
 appdata_DATA = $(appdata_in_files:.xml.in=.xml)
 appdata_in_files = org.gnome.Dictionary.appdata.xml.in
 EXTRA_DIST += $(appdata_in_files)
+CLEANFILES += $(appdata_DATA)
 # dictionary sources definitions
 dictsourcedir = $(datadir)/gdict-1.0/sources
@@ -42,18 +46,10 @@ dictsource_DATA = $(dictsource_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)
 EXTRA_DIST += $(dictsource_in_files)
+CLEANFILES += $(dictsource_DATA)
 gsettings_SCHEMAS = org.gnome.dictionary.gschema.xml
-CLEANFILES += $(gsettings_SCHEMAS) \
-       $(dictsource_DATA) \
-       $(gdictapp_in_files) \
-       $(gdictapp_DATA) \
-       $(appdata_DATA) \
-       $(dbusservice_DATA)
-%.gschema.xml: %.gschema.xml.in
-       $(AM_V_GEN) $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) -x -u --no-translations $< $@
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.dictionary.gschema.xml b/data/org.gnome.dictionary.gschema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d37ebb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/org.gnome.dictionary.gschema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <schema id="org.gnome.dictionary" path="/org/gnome/dictionary/" gettext-domain="gnome-dictionary">
+    <key name="database" type="s">
+      <default>'!'</default>
+      <summary>The default database to use</summary>
+      <description>The name of the default individual database or meta-database to use on a dictionary 
source. An exclamation mark ("!") means that all the databases present in a dictionary source should be 
+    </key>
+    <key name="strategy" type="s">
+      <default>'exact'</default>
+      <summary>The default search strategy to use</summary>
+      <description>The name of the default search strategy to use on a dictionary source, if available. The 
default strategy is 'exact', that is match exact words.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="print-font" type="s">
+      <default>'Serif 12'</default>
+      <summary>The font to be used when printing</summary>
+      <description>The font to be used when printing a definition.</description>
+    </key>
+    <key name="source-name" type="s">
+      <default>'Default'</default>
+      <summary>The name of the dictionary source used</summary>
+      <description>The name of the dictionary source used to retrieve the definitions of words.</description>
+    </key>
+  </schema>

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