[longomatch] Add support for setting the font size in text objects

commit 405d787d820e69e1e26ca2119ba86486c18a5a7d
Author: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date:   Tue Sep 2 18:35:24 2014 +0200

    Add support for setting the font size in text objects

 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Drawables/Text.cs            |    6 +
 LongoMatch.Drawing/CanvasObjects/TextObject.cs     |    3 +-
 LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/Blackboard.cs           |   13 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/DrawingTool.cs           |   15 +
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.DrawingTool.cs   |  473 +++++++++++-------
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  |  517 ++++++++++++++------
 6 files changed, 678 insertions(+), 349 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LongoMatch.Core/Store/Drawables/Text.cs b/LongoMatch.Core/Store/Drawables/Text.cs
index c6a5058..f39896d 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.Core/Store/Drawables/Text.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.Core/Store/Drawables/Text.cs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Store.Drawables
        public class Text: Rectangle
                public Text () {
+                       TextSize = 12;
                public Text (Point origin, double width, double height, String text): base (origin, width, 
@@ -40,6 +41,11 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Store.Drawables
+               public int TextSize {
+                       get;
+                       set;
+               }
diff --git a/LongoMatch.Drawing/CanvasObjects/TextObject.cs b/LongoMatch.Drawing/CanvasObjects/TextObject.cs
index e2ea161..d95ece4 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.Drawing/CanvasObjects/TextObject.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.Drawing/CanvasObjects/TextObject.cs
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.CanvasObjects
                        tk.StrokeColor = Drawable.StrokeColor;
                        tk.LineWidth = Drawable.LineWidth;
                        tk.DrawRectangle (Drawable.TopLeft, Drawable.Width, Drawable.Height);
-                       tk.DrawArea (Drawable.TopLeft, Drawable.TopRight,
-                                    Drawable.BottomRight, Drawable.BottomLeft);
                        tk.StrokeColor = Drawable.TextColor;
+                       tk.FontSize = Drawable.TextSize;
                        tk.DrawText (Drawable.TopLeft, Drawable.Width, Drawable.Height,
                        DrawSelectionArea (tk);
diff --git a/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/Blackboard.cs b/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/Blackboard.cs
index 9ca95e0..2fb14a6 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/Blackboard.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/Blackboard.cs
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
                        Color = Color.Red1;
                        LineStyle = LineStyle.Normal;
                        LineType = LineType.Arrow;
+                       FontSize = 12;
                        tool = DrawTool.Selection;
@@ -91,6 +92,11 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
+               public int FontSize {
+                       get;
+                       set;
+               }
                public LineStyle LineStyle {
@@ -217,11 +223,12 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
                                        if (text.Value == null) {
-                                       text.TopRight.X += text.Value.Length * 12;
-                                       text.BottomRight.X += text.Value.Length * 12;
+                                       text.TopRight.X += text.Value.Length * FontSize;
+                                       text.BottomRight.X += text.Value.Length * FontSize;
                                        text.TextColor = TextColor.Copy ();
                                        text.FillColor = text.StrokeColor = TextBackgroundColor.Copy ();
-                                       resize = copycolor = false;
+                                       text.TextSize = FontSize;
+                                       resize = copycolor = sele = false;
                                        drawable = text;
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/DrawingTool.cs b/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/DrawingTool.cs
index 4ef67dd..97d2c72 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/DrawingTool.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/DrawingTool.cs
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
                        blackboard.Color = Color.Red1;
                        blackboard.TextColor = Color.White;
                        blackboard.TextBackgroundColor = Color.Grey2;
+                       textspinbutton.Value = 12;
+                       textspinbutton.ValueChanged += HandleTextSizeChanged;
                        widthcombobox.Changed += HandleLineWidthChanged;
                        widthcombobox.Active = 1;
@@ -183,6 +185,18 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
+               void HandleTextSizeChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
+               {
+                       if (selectedDrawable is Text) {
+                               Text t = (selectedDrawable as Text);
+                               t.TextSize = textspinbutton.ValueAsInt;
+                               QueueDraw (); 
+                       } else {
+                               blackboard.FontSize = textspinbutton.ValueAsInt;
+                       }
+               }
                void HandleTextColorSet (object sender, EventArgs e)
                        if (selectedDrawable is Text) {
@@ -343,6 +357,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
                                if (drawable is Text) {
                                        textcolorbutton.Color = Misc.ToGdkColor ((selectedDrawable as 
                                        backgroundcolorbutton.Color = Misc.ToGdkColor 
+                                       textspinbutton.Value = (selectedDrawable as Text).TextSize;
                                } else {
                                        colorbutton.Color =  Misc.ToGdkColor (selectedDrawable.StrokeColor);
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.DrawingTool.cs 
index 4b67c43..02024d5 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.DrawingTool.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.DrawingTool.cs
@@ -35,18 +35,28 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
                private global::Gtk.Image image80;
                private global::Gtk.RadioButton textbutton;
                private global::Gtk.Image image87;
-               private global::Gtk.Label colorslabel;
+               private global::Gtk.Frame linesframe;
+               private global::Gtk.Alignment GtkAlignment4;
+               private global::Gtk.Table table1;
                private global::Gtk.ColorButton colorbutton;
+               private global::Gtk.Label colorslabel;
                private global::Gtk.Label label3;
-               private global::Gtk.ComboBox widthcombobox;
                private global::Gtk.Label label4;
-               private global::Gtk.ComboBox stylecombobox;
                private global::Gtk.Label label5;
+               private global::Gtk.ComboBox stylecombobox;
                private global::Gtk.ComboBox typecombobox;
-               private global::Gtk.Label textcolorslabel;
-               private global::Gtk.ColorButton textcolorbutton;
-               private global::Gtk.Label backgroundcolorslabel;
+               private global::Gtk.ComboBox widthcombobox;
+               private global::Gtk.Label GtkLabel4;
+               private global::Gtk.Frame textframe;
+               private global::Gtk.Alignment GtkAlignment13;
+               private global::Gtk.Table table4;
                private global::Gtk.ColorButton backgroundcolorbutton;
+               private global::Gtk.Label backgroundcolorslabel2;
+               private global::Gtk.Label backgroundcolorslabel3;
+               private global::Gtk.ColorButton textcolorbutton;
+               private global::Gtk.Label textcolorslabel2;
+               private global::Gtk.SpinButton textspinbutton;
+               private global::Gtk.Label GtkLabel5;
                private global::Gtk.Button clearbutton;
                private global::Gtk.Button savetoprojectbutton;
                private global::Gtk.Button savebutton;
@@ -102,7 +112,6 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
                        this.anglebutton.TooltipMarkup = "Angle tool";
                        this.anglebutton.CanFocus = true;
                        this.anglebutton.Name = "anglebutton";
-                       this.anglebutton.Active = true;
                        this.anglebutton.DrawIndicator = false;
                        this.anglebutton.UseUnderline = true;
                        this.anglebutton.Group = new global::GLib.SList (global::System.IntPtr.Zero);
@@ -358,134 +367,221 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
                        w29.Position = 1;
                        w29.Expand = false;
                        // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+                       this.linesframe = new global::Gtk.Frame ();
+                       this.linesframe.Name = "linesframe";
+                       this.linesframe.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(0));
+                       // Container child linesframe.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+                       this.GtkAlignment4 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0F, 0F, 1F, 1F);
+                       this.GtkAlignment4.Name = "GtkAlignment4";
+                       this.GtkAlignment4.LeftPadding = ((uint)(12));
+                       // Container child GtkAlignment4.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+                       this.table1 = new global::Gtk.Table (((uint)(4)), ((uint)(2)), false);
+                       this.table1.Name = "table1";
+                       this.table1.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+                       this.table1.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.colorbutton = new global::Gtk.ColorButton ();
+                       this.colorbutton.CanFocus = true;
+                       this.colorbutton.Events = ((global::Gdk.EventMask)(784));
+                       this.colorbutton.Name = "colorbutton";
+                       this.table1.Add (this.colorbutton);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w30 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w30.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w30.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w30.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
                        this.colorslabel = new global::Gtk.Label ();
                        this.colorslabel.Name = "colorslabel";
                        this.colorslabel.Xalign = 0F;
                        this.colorslabel.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Color</b>");
                        this.colorslabel.UseMarkup = true;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.colorslabel);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w30 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w30.Position = 2;
-                       w30.Expand = false;
-                       w30.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-                       this.colorbutton = new global::Gtk.ColorButton ();
-                       this.colorbutton.CanFocus = true;
-                       this.colorbutton.Events = ((global::Gdk.EventMask)(784));
-                       this.colorbutton.Name = "colorbutton";
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.colorbutton);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w31 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w31.Position = 3;
-                       w31.Expand = false;
-                       w31.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+                       this.table1.Add (this.colorslabel);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w31 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w31.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w31.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
                        this.label3 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
                        this.label3.Name = "label3";
                        this.label3.Xalign = 0F;
-                       this.label3.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Line size</b>");
+                       this.label3.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Size</b>");
                        this.label3.UseMarkup = true;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.label3);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w32 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 [this.label3]));
-                       w32.Position = 4;
-                       w32.Expand = false;
-                       w32.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-                       this.widthcombobox = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
-                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("2 px"));
-                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("4 px"));
-                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("6 px"));
-                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("8 px"));
-                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("10 px"));
-                       this.widthcombobox.TooltipMarkup = "Change the line width";
-                       this.widthcombobox.Name = "widthcombobox";
-                       this.widthcombobox.Active = 2;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.widthcombobox);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w33 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w33.Position = 5;
-                       w33.Expand = false;
-                       w33.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+                       this.table1.Add (this.label3);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w32 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w32.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w32.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w32.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w32.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
                        this.label4 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
                        this.label4.Name = "label4";
                        this.label4.Xalign = 0F;
-                       this.label4.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Line style</b>");
+                       this.label4.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Style</b>");
                        this.label4.UseMarkup = true;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.label4);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w34 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 [this.label4]));
-                       w34.Position = 6;
-                       w34.Expand = false;
-                       w34.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-                       this.stylecombobox = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
-                       this.stylecombobox.TooltipMarkup = "Change the line style";
-                       this.stylecombobox.Name = "stylecombobox";
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.stylecombobox);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w35 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w35.Position = 7;
-                       w35.Expand = false;
-                       w35.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+                       this.table1.Add (this.label4);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w33 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w33.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w33.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+                       w33.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w33.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
                        this.label5 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
                        this.label5.Name = "label5";
                        this.label5.Xalign = 0F;
-                       this.label5.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Line type</b>");
+                       this.label5.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Type</b>");
                        this.label5.UseMarkup = true;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.label5);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w36 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 [this.label5]));
-                       w36.Position = 8;
-                       w36.Expand = false;
-                       w36.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+                       this.table1.Add (this.label5);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w34 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w34.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
+                       w34.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
+                       w34.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w34.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.stylecombobox = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
+                       this.stylecombobox.TooltipMarkup = "Change the line style";
+                       this.stylecombobox.Name = "stylecombobox";
+                       this.table1.Add (this.stylecombobox);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w35 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w35.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w35.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+                       w35.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w35.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w35.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
                        this.typecombobox = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
                        this.typecombobox.TooltipMarkup = "Change the line style";
                        this.typecombobox.Name = "typecombobox";
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.typecombobox);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w37 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w37.Position = 9;
-                       w37.Expand = false;
-                       w37.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-                       this.textcolorslabel = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-                       this.textcolorslabel.Name = "textcolorslabel";
-                       this.textcolorslabel.Xalign = 0F;
-                       this.textcolorslabel.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Text 
-                       this.textcolorslabel.UseMarkup = true;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.textcolorslabel);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w38 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w38.Position = 10;
-                       w38.Expand = false;
-                       w38.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-                       this.textcolorbutton = new global::Gtk.ColorButton ();
-                       this.textcolorbutton.CanFocus = true;
-                       this.textcolorbutton.Events = ((global::Gdk.EventMask)(784));
-                       this.textcolorbutton.Name = "textcolorbutton";
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.textcolorbutton);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w39 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w39.Position = 11;
-                       w39.Expand = false;
-                       w39.Fill = false;
-                       // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-                       this.backgroundcolorslabel = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-                       this.backgroundcolorslabel.Name = "backgroundcolorslabel";
-                       this.backgroundcolorslabel.Xalign = 0F;
-                       this.backgroundcolorslabel.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Text 
-                       this.backgroundcolorslabel.UseMarkup = true;
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.backgroundcolorslabel);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w40 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w40.Position = 12;
+                       this.table1.Add (this.typecombobox);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w36 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w36.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
+                       w36.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
+                       w36.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w36.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w36.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.widthcombobox = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
+                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("2 px"));
+                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("4 px"));
+                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("6 px"));
+                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("8 px"));
+                       this.widthcombobox.AppendText (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("10 px"));
+                       this.widthcombobox.TooltipMarkup = "Change the line width";
+                       this.widthcombobox.Name = "widthcombobox";
+                       this.widthcombobox.Active = 4;
+                       this.table1.Add (this.widthcombobox);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w37 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 
+                       w37.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w37.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w37.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w37.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w37.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       this.GtkAlignment4.Add (this.table1);
+                       this.linesframe.Add (this.GtkAlignment4);
+                       this.GtkLabel4 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       this.GtkLabel4.Name = "GtkLabel4";
+                       this.GtkLabel4.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Lines</b>");
+                       this.GtkLabel4.UseMarkup = true;
+                       this.linesframe.LabelWidget = this.GtkLabel4;
+                       this.vbox3.Add (this.linesframe);
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w40 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
+                       w40.Position = 2;
                        w40.Expand = false;
                        w40.Fill = false;
                        // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+                       this.textframe = new global::Gtk.Frame ();
+                       this.textframe.Name = "textframe";
+                       this.textframe.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(0));
+                       // Container child textframe.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+                       this.GtkAlignment13 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0F, 0F, 1F, 1F);
+                       this.GtkAlignment13.Name = "GtkAlignment13";
+                       this.GtkAlignment13.LeftPadding = ((uint)(12));
+                       // Container child GtkAlignment13.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+                       this.table4 = new global::Gtk.Table (((uint)(3)), ((uint)(2)), false);
+                       this.table4.Name = "table4";
+                       this.table4.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+                       this.table4.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+                       // Container child table4.Gtk.Table+TableChild
                        this.backgroundcolorbutton = new global::Gtk.ColorButton ();
                        this.backgroundcolorbutton.CanFocus = true;
                        this.backgroundcolorbutton.Events = ((global::Gdk.EventMask)(784));
                        this.backgroundcolorbutton.Name = "backgroundcolorbutton";
-                       this.vbox3.Add (this.backgroundcolorbutton);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w41 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w41.Position = 13;
-                       w41.Expand = false;
-                       w41.Fill = false;
+                       this.table4.Add (this.backgroundcolorbutton);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w41 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table4 
+                       w41.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w41.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w41.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w41.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w41.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table4.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel2 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel2.Name = "backgroundcolorslabel2";
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel2.Xalign = 0F;
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel2.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString 
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel2.UseMarkup = true;
+                       this.table4.Add (this.backgroundcolorslabel2);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w42 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table4 
+                       w42.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w42.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w42.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w42.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table4.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel3 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel3.Name = "backgroundcolorslabel3";
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel3.Xalign = 0F;
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel3.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString 
+                       this.backgroundcolorslabel3.UseMarkup = true;
+                       this.table4.Add (this.backgroundcolorslabel3);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w43 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table4 
+                       w43.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w43.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+                       w43.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w43.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table4.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.textcolorbutton = new global::Gtk.ColorButton ();
+                       this.textcolorbutton.CanFocus = true;
+                       this.textcolorbutton.Events = ((global::Gdk.EventMask)(784));
+                       this.textcolorbutton.Name = "textcolorbutton";
+                       this.table4.Add (this.textcolorbutton);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w44 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table4 
+                       w44.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w44.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w44.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table4.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.textcolorslabel2 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       this.textcolorslabel2.Name = "textcolorslabel2";
+                       this.textcolorslabel2.Xalign = 0F;
+                       this.textcolorslabel2.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString 
+                       this.textcolorslabel2.UseMarkup = true;
+                       this.table4.Add (this.textcolorslabel2);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w45 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table4 
+                       w45.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       w45.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       // Container child table4.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+                       this.textspinbutton = new global::Gtk.SpinButton (6, 100, 1);
+                       this.textspinbutton.CanFocus = true;
+                       this.textspinbutton.Name = "textspinbutton";
+                       this.textspinbutton.Adjustment.PageIncrement = 10;
+                       this.textspinbutton.ClimbRate = 1;
+                       this.textspinbutton.Numeric = true;
+                       this.textspinbutton.Value = 12;
+                       this.table4.Add (this.textspinbutton);
+                       global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w46 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table4 
+                       w46.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w46.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+                       w46.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+                       w46.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+                       w46.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+                       this.GtkAlignment13.Add (this.table4);
+                       this.textframe.Add (this.GtkAlignment13);
+                       this.GtkLabel5 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       this.GtkLabel5.Name = "GtkLabel5";
+                       this.GtkLabel5.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>Text</b>");
+                       this.GtkLabel5.UseMarkup = true;
+                       this.textframe.LabelWidget = this.GtkLabel5;
+                       this.vbox3.Add (this.textframe);
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w49 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
+                       w49.Position = 3;
+                       w49.Expand = false;
+                       w49.Fill = false;
                        // Container child vbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
                        this.clearbutton = new global::Gtk.Button ();
                        this.clearbutton.TooltipMarkup = "Clear all drawings";
@@ -493,133 +589,132 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
                        this.clearbutton.Name = "clearbutton";
                        this.clearbutton.UseUnderline = true;
                        // Container child clearbutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Alignment w42 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
+                       global::Gtk.Alignment w50 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
                        // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.HBox w43 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
-                       w43.Spacing = 2;
+                       global::Gtk.HBox w51 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
+                       w51.Spacing = 2;
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Image w44 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
-                       w44.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-clear", 
-                       w43.Add (w44);
+                       global::Gtk.Image w52 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
+                       w52.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-clear", 
+                       w51.Add (w52);
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Label w46 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-                       w43.Add (w46);
-                       w42.Add (w43);
-                       this.clearbutton.Add (w42);
+                       global::Gtk.Label w54 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       w51.Add (w54);
+                       w50.Add (w51);
+                       this.clearbutton.Add (w50);
                        this.vbox3.Add (this.clearbutton);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w50 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
-                       w50.Position = 14;
-                       w50.Expand = false;
-                       w50.Fill = false;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w58 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 
+                       w58.PackType = ((global::Gtk.PackType)(1));
+                       w58.Position = 4;
+                       w58.Expand = false;
+                       w58.Fill = false;
                        this.vbox2.Add (this.vbox3);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w51 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 [this.vbox3]));
-                       w51.Position = 0;
-                       w51.Expand = false;
-                       w51.Fill = false;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w59 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 [this.vbox3]));
+                       w59.Position = 0;
                        // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
                        this.savetoprojectbutton = new global::Gtk.Button ();
                        this.savetoprojectbutton.CanFocus = true;
                        this.savetoprojectbutton.Name = "savetoprojectbutton";
                        this.savetoprojectbutton.UseUnderline = true;
                        // Container child savetoprojectbutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Alignment w52 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
+                       global::Gtk.Alignment w60 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
                        // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.HBox w53 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
-                       w53.Spacing = 2;
+                       global::Gtk.HBox w61 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
+                       w61.Spacing = 2;
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Image w54 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
-                       w54.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-save", 
-                       w53.Add (w54);
+                       global::Gtk.Image w62 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
+                       w62.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-save", 
+                       w61.Add (w62);
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Label w56 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-                       w56.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Save to Project");
-                       w56.UseUnderline = true;
-                       w53.Add (w56);
-                       w52.Add (w53);
-                       this.savetoprojectbutton.Add (w52);
+                       global::Gtk.Label w64 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       w64.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Save to Project");
+                       w64.UseUnderline = true;
+                       w61.Add (w64);
+                       w60.Add (w61);
+                       this.savetoprojectbutton.Add (w60);
                        this.vbox2.Add (this.savetoprojectbutton);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w60 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 
-                       w60.PackType = ((global::Gtk.PackType)(1));
-                       w60.Position = 1;
-                       w60.Expand = false;
-                       w60.Fill = false;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w68 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 
+                       w68.PackType = ((global::Gtk.PackType)(1));
+                       w68.Position = 1;
+                       w68.Expand = false;
+                       w68.Fill = false;
                        // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
                        this.savebutton = new global::Gtk.Button ();
                        this.savebutton.CanFocus = true;
                        this.savebutton.Name = "savebutton";
                        this.savebutton.UseUnderline = true;
                        // Container child savebutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Alignment w61 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
+                       global::Gtk.Alignment w69 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
                        // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.HBox w62 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
-                       w62.Spacing = 2;
+                       global::Gtk.HBox w70 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
+                       w70.Spacing = 2;
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Image w63 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
-                       w63.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-save", 
-                       w62.Add (w63);
+                       global::Gtk.Image w71 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
+                       w71.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-save", 
+                       w70.Add (w71);
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Label w65 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-                       w65.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Save to File");
-                       w65.UseUnderline = true;
-                       w62.Add (w65);
-                       w61.Add (w62);
-                       this.savebutton.Add (w61);
+                       global::Gtk.Label w73 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       w73.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Save to File");
+                       w73.UseUnderline = true;
+                       w70.Add (w73);
+                       w69.Add (w70);
+                       this.savebutton.Add (w69);
                        this.vbox2.Add (this.savebutton);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w69 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 
-                       w69.PackType = ((global::Gtk.PackType)(1));
-                       w69.Position = 2;
-                       w69.Expand = false;
-                       w69.Fill = false;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w77 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 
+                       w77.PackType = ((global::Gtk.PackType)(1));
+                       w77.Position = 2;
+                       w77.Expand = false;
+                       w77.Fill = false;
                        this.hbox1.Add (this.vbox2);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w70 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1 [this.vbox2]));
-                       w70.Position = 0;
-                       w70.Expand = false;
-                       w70.Fill = false;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w78 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1 [this.vbox2]));
+                       w78.Position = 0;
+                       w78.Expand = false;
+                       w78.Fill = false;
                        // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
                        this.drawingarea = new global::Gtk.DrawingArea ();
                        this.drawingarea.Name = "drawingarea";
                        this.hbox1.Add (this.drawingarea);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w71 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1 
-                       w71.Position = 1;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w79 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1 
+                       w79.Position = 1;
                        w1.Add (this.hbox1);
-                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w72 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1 [this.hbox1]));
-                       w72.Position = 0;
+                       global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w80 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1 [this.hbox1]));
+                       w80.Position = 0;
                        // Internal child LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.DrawingTool.ActionArea
-                       global::Gtk.HButtonBox w73 = this.ActionArea;
-                       w73.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
-                       w73.Spacing = 6;
-                       w73.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5));
-                       w73.LayoutStyle = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4));
+                       global::Gtk.HButtonBox w81 = this.ActionArea;
+                       w81.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
+                       w81.Spacing = 6;
+                       w81.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5));
+                       w81.LayoutStyle = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4));
                        // Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
                        this.closebutton = new global::Gtk.Button ();
                        this.closebutton.CanFocus = true;
                        this.closebutton.Name = "closebutton";
                        this.closebutton.UseUnderline = true;
                        // Container child closebutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Alignment w74 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
+                       global::Gtk.Alignment w82 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F);
                        // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.HBox w75 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
-                       w75.Spacing = 2;
+                       global::Gtk.HBox w83 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
+                       w83.Spacing = 2;
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Image w76 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
-                       w76.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-close", 
-                       w75.Add (w76);
+                       global::Gtk.Image w84 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
+                       w84.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-close", 
+                       w83.Add (w84);
                        // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       global::Gtk.Label w78 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-                       w78.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Close");
-                       w78.UseUnderline = true;
-                       w75.Add (w78);
-                       w74.Add (w75);
-                       this.closebutton.Add (w74);
+                       global::Gtk.Label w86 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+                       w86.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Close");
+                       w86.UseUnderline = true;
+                       w83.Add (w86);
+                       w82.Add (w83);
+                       this.closebutton.Add (w82);
                        this.AddActionWidget (this.closebutton, 0);
-                       global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w82 = 
((global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w73 [this.closebutton]));
-                       w82.Expand = false;
-                       w82.Fill = false;
+                       global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w90 = 
((global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w81 [this.closebutton]));
+                       w90.Expand = false;
+                       w90.Fill = false;
                        if ((this.Child != null)) {
                                this.Child.ShowAll ();
                        this.DefaultWidth = 977;
-                       this.DefaultHeight = 863;
+                       this.DefaultHeight = 1313;
                        this.savetoprojectbutton.Hide ();
                        this.closebutton.Hide ();
                        this.Show ();
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
index 10e94d7..7bdd42e 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
@@ -3389,173 +3389,381 @@ Hotkeys with a single key are also allowed with Ctrl+key.</property>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="colorslabel">
+                      <widget class="Gtk.Frame" id="linesframe">
                         <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="Xalign">0</property>
-                        <property name="LabelProp" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Color&lt;/b&gt;</property>
-                        <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">2</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.ColorButton" id="colorbutton">
-                        <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
-                        <property name="Events">ButtonMotionMask, ButtonPressMask, 
-                        <property name="Alpha">-1</property>
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">3</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label3">
-                        <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="Xalign">0</property>
-                        <property name="LabelProp" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Line size&lt;/b&gt;</property>
-                        <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">4</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.ComboBox" id="widthcombobox">
-                        <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="Tooltip">Change the line width</property>
-                        <property name="IsTextCombo">True</property>
-                        <property name="Items">2 px
+                        <property name="ShadowType">None</property>
+                        <child>
+                          <widget class="Gtk.Alignment" id="GtkAlignment4">
+                            <property name="MemberName" />
+                            <property name="Xalign">0</property>
+                            <property name="Yalign">0</property>
+                            <property name="LeftPadding">12</property>
+                            <child>
+                              <widget class="Gtk.Table" id="table1">
+                                <property name="MemberName" />
+                                <property name="NRows">4</property>
+                                <property name="NColumns">2</property>
+                                <property name="RowSpacing">6</property>
+                                <property name="ColumnSpacing">6</property>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.ColorButton" id="colorbutton">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
+                                    <property name="Events">ButtonMotionMask, ButtonPressMask, 
+                                    <property name="Alpha">-1</property>
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="LeftAttach">1</property>
+                                    <property name="RightAttach">2</property>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="colorslabel">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Xalign">0</property>
+                                    <property name="LabelProp" 
+                                    <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label3">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Xalign">0</property>
+                                    <property name="LabelProp" 
+                                    <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="TopAttach">1</property>
+                                    <property name="BottomAttach">2</property>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label4">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Xalign">0</property>
+                                    <property name="LabelProp" 
+                                    <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="TopAttach">2</property>
+                                    <property name="BottomAttach">3</property>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label5">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Xalign">0</property>
+                                    <property name="LabelProp" 
+                                    <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="TopAttach">3</property>
+                                    <property name="BottomAttach">4</property>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.ComboBox" id="stylecombobox">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Tooltip">Change the line style</property>
+                                    <property name="IsTextCombo">True</property>
+                                    <property name="Items" />
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="TopAttach">2</property>
+                                    <property name="BottomAttach">3</property>
+                                    <property name="LeftAttach">1</property>
+                                    <property name="RightAttach">2</property>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.ComboBox" id="typecombobox">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Tooltip">Change the line style</property>
+                                    <property name="IsTextCombo">True</property>
+                                    <property name="Items" />
+                                  </widget>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="TopAttach">3</property>
+                                    <property name="BottomAttach">4</property>
+                                    <property name="LeftAttach">1</property>
+                                    <property name="RightAttach">2</property>
+                                    <property name="AutoSize">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YOptions">Fill</property>
+                                    <property name="XExpand">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="XShrink">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YExpand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="YFill">True</property>
+                                    <property name="YShrink">False</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <widget class="Gtk.ComboBox" id="widthcombobox">
+                                    <property name="MemberName" />
+                                    <property name="Tooltip">Change the line width</property>
+                                    <property name="IsTextCombo">True</property>
+                                    <property name="Items">2 px
 4 px
 6 px
 8 px
 10 px</property>
-                        <property name="Active">2</property>
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">5</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label4">
-                        <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="Xalign">0</property>
-                        <property name="LabelProp" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Line 
-                        <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">6</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.ComboBox" id="stylecombobox">
-                        <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="Tooltip">Change the line style</property>
-                        <property name="IsTextCombo">True</property>
-                        <property name="Items" />
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">7</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label5">
-                        <property name="MemberName" />
-                        <property name="Xalign">0</property>
-                        <property name="LabelProp" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Line type&lt;/b&gt;</property>
-                        <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
-                      </widget>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="Position">8</property>
-                        <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                        <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="Fill">False</property>
-                      </packing>
-                    </child>
-                    <child>
-                      <widget class="Gtk.ComboBox" id="typecombobox">
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@@ -3572,7 +3780,8 @@ Hotkeys with a single key are also allowed with Ctrl+key.</property>
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-                        <property name="Position">14</property>
+                        <property name="PackType">End</property>
+                        <property name="Position">4</property>
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@@ -3581,9 +3790,7 @@ Hotkeys with a single key are also allowed with Ctrl+key.</property>
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-                    <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                    <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                    <property name="Fill">False</property>
+                    <property name="AutoSize">False</property>

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