[longomatch] Rename treeview widgets in the templates views for consistency and start theming them.

commit ec4f8d994a01b3524763eed697988e85bfa8694c
Author: Julien Moutte <julien fluendo com>
Date:   Mon Aug 18 19:21:39 2014 +0200

    Rename treeview widgets in the templates views for consistency and start theming them.

 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/SportsTemplatesPanel.cs   |   24 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs    |   28 +-
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.SportsTemplatesPanel.cs   |   10 +-
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs    |   10 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  |    4 +-
 data/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc                           |  661 ++++++++++----------
 6 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 360 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/SportsTemplatesPanel.cs 
index 2c19c75..b50e75f 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/SportsTemplatesPanel.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/SportsTemplatesPanel.cs
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        templates = new ListStore (typeof(Pixbuf), typeof(string));
-                       templatestreeview.Model = templates;
-                       templatestreeview.Model = templates;
-                       templatestreeview.HeadersVisible = false;
-                       templatestreeview.AppendColumn ("Icon", new CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0); 
-                       templatestreeview.AppendColumn ("Text", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); 
-                       templatestreeview.SearchColumn = 1;
-                       templatestreeview.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.None;
-                       templatestreeview.CursorChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.Model = templates;
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.Model = templates;
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.HeadersVisible = false;
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.AppendColumn ("Icon", new CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0); 
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.AppendColumn ("Text", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); 
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.SearchColumn = 1;
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.None;
+                       sporttemplatestreeview.CursorChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;
                        templatesvbox.WidthRequest = 280;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                                first = false;
                        if (templates.IterIsValid (templateIter)) {
-                               templatestreeview.Selection.SelectIter (templateIter);
+                               sporttemplatestreeview.Selection.SelectIter (templateIter);
                                HandleSelectionChanged (null, null);
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        selectedTemplate.Clear ();
-                       pathArray = templatestreeview.Selection.GetSelectedRows ();
+                       pathArray = sporttemplatestreeview.Selection.GetSelectedRows ();
                        for(int i=0; i< pathArray.Length; i++) {
-                               templatestreeview.Model.GetIterFromString (out iter, pathArray[i].ToString());
-                               selectedTemplate.Add (templatestreeview.Model.GetValue (iter, 1) as string);
+                               sporttemplatestreeview.Model.GetIterFromString (out iter, 
+                               selectedTemplate.Add (sporttemplatestreeview.Model.GetValue (iter, 1) as 
                        deletetemplatebutton.Visible = selectedTemplate.Count >= 1;
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs b/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs
index c25d1f6..f2d46ea 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Panel/TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        teams = new ListStore (typeof(Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof (string));
                        itersDict = new Dictionary<string, TreeIter>();
-                       teamstreeview.Model = teams;
-                       teamstreeview.Model = teams;
-                       teamstreeview.HeadersVisible = false;
-                       teamstreeview.AppendColumn ("Icon", new CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0); 
-                       teamstreeview.AppendColumn ("Text", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); 
-                       teamstreeview.SearchColumn = 1;
-                       teamstreeview.TooltipColumn = 2;
-                       teamstreeview.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.None;
-                       teamstreeview.CursorChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.Model = teams;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.Model = teams;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.HeadersVisible = false;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.AppendColumn ("Icon", new CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0); 
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.AppendColumn ("Text", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); 
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.SearchColumn = 1;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.TooltipColumn = 2;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.None;
+                       teamtemplatestreeview.CursorChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;
                        teamsvbox.WidthRequest = 280;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                                first = false;
                        if (teams.IterIsValid (templateIter)) {
-                               teamstreeview.Selection.SelectIter (templateIter);
+                               teamtemplatestreeview.Selection.SelectIter (templateIter);
                                HandleSelectionChanged (null, null);
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        provider.Update (loadedTeam);
                        /* The shield might have changed, update it just in case */
                        if (loadedTeam.Shield != null) {
-                               teamstreeview.Model.SetValue (itersDict[loadedTeam.Name], 0,
+                               teamtemplatestreeview.Model.SetValue (itersDict[loadedTeam.Name], 0,
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        selectedTeams.Clear ();
-                       pathArray = teamstreeview.Selection.GetSelectedRows ();
+                       pathArray = teamtemplatestreeview.Selection.GetSelectedRows ();
                        for(int i=0; i< pathArray.Length; i++) {
-                               teamstreeview.Model.GetIterFromString (out iter, pathArray[i].ToString());
-                               selectedTeams.Add (teamstreeview.Model.GetValue (iter, 1) as string);
+                               teamtemplatestreeview.Model.GetIterFromString (out iter, 
+                               selectedTeams.Add (teamtemplatestreeview.Model.GetValue (iter, 1) as string);
                        deleteteamteamplatebutton.Visible = selectedTeams.Count >= 1;
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.SportsTemplatesPanel.cs 
index b3abc8f..a27aad9 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.SportsTemplatesPanel.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.SportsTemplatesPanel.cs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                private global::Gtk.Frame frame4;
                private global::Gtk.Alignment GtkAlignment7;
                private global::Gtk.ScrolledWindow GtkScrolledWindow1;
-               private global::Gtk.TreeView templatestreeview;
+               private global::Gtk.TreeView sporttemplatestreeview;
                private global::Gtk.Label GtkLabel7;
                private global::Gtk.VSeparator vseparator2;
                private global::Gtk.VBox vbox4;
@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        this.GtkScrolledWindow1.Name = "GtkScrolledWindow1";
                        this.GtkScrolledWindow1.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(1));
                        // Container child GtkScrolledWindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       this.templatestreeview = new global::Gtk.TreeView ();
-                       this.templatestreeview.CanFocus = true;
-                       this.templatestreeview.Name = "templatestreeview";
-                       this.GtkScrolledWindow1.Add (this.templatestreeview);
+                       this.sporttemplatestreeview = new global::Gtk.TreeView ();
+                       this.sporttemplatestreeview.CanFocus = true;
+                       this.sporttemplatestreeview.Name = "sporttemplatestreeview";
+                       this.GtkScrolledWindow1.Add (this.sporttemplatestreeview);
                        this.GtkAlignment7.Add (this.GtkScrolledWindow1);
                        this.frame4.Add (this.GtkAlignment7);
                        this.GtkLabel7 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs 
index f3811eb..d022913 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Panel.TeamsTemplatesPanel.cs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                private global::Gtk.Frame frame4;
                private global::Gtk.Alignment GtkAlignment7;
                private global::Gtk.ScrolledWindow GtkScrolledWindow1;
-               private global::Gtk.TreeView teamstreeview;
+               private global::Gtk.TreeView teamtemplatestreeview;
                private global::Gtk.Label GtkLabel7;
                private global::Gtk.VSeparator vseparator2;
                private global::LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TeamTemplateEditor teamtemplateeditor1;
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Panel
                        this.GtkScrolledWindow1.Name = "GtkScrolledWindow1";
                        this.GtkScrolledWindow1.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(1));
                        // Container child GtkScrolledWindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-                       this.teamstreeview = new global::Gtk.TreeView ();
-                       this.teamstreeview.CanFocus = true;
-                       this.teamstreeview.Name = "teamstreeview";
-                       this.GtkScrolledWindow1.Add (this.teamstreeview);
+                       this.teamtemplatestreeview = new global::Gtk.TreeView ();
+                       this.teamtemplatestreeview.CanFocus = true;
+                       this.teamtemplatestreeview.Name = "teamtemplatestreeview";
+                       this.GtkScrolledWindow1.Add (this.teamtemplatestreeview);
                        this.GtkAlignment7.Add (this.GtkScrolledWindow1);
                        this.frame4.Add (this.GtkAlignment7);
                        this.GtkLabel7 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
diff --git a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
index 098a5d6..6adb4ca 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
+++ b/LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
@@ -7409,7 +7409,7 @@ You can continue with the current capture, cancel it or save your project.
                             <property name="MemberName" />
                             <property name="ShadowType">In</property>
-                              <widget class="Gtk.TreeView" id="teamstreeview">
+                              <widget class="Gtk.TreeView" id="teamtemplatestreeview">
                                 <property name="MemberName" />
                                 <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
                                 <property name="ShowScrollbars">True</property>
@@ -9081,7 +9081,7 @@ You can continue with the current capture, cancel it or save your project.
                             <property name="MemberName" />
                             <property name="ShadowType">In</property>
-                              <widget class="Gtk.TreeView" id="templatestreeview">
+                              <widget class="Gtk.TreeView" id="sporttemplatestreeview">
                                 <property name="MemberName" />
                                 <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
                                 <property name="ShowScrollbars">True</property>
diff --git a/data/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc b/data/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
index 4f31e1f..9bed1f7 100644
--- a/data/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
+++ b/data/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
@@ -1,322 +1,339 @@
-# Our icon theme
-gtk-icon-theme-name = "longomatch"
-gtk-icon-sizes = 
-gtk-toolbar-icon-size = small-toolbar
-gtk-color-scheme = 
-# enable/disable images in menus. most "stock" microsoft apps don't use these, except sparingly.
-# the office apps use them heavily, though.
-gtk-menu-images = 1
-# use the win32 button ordering instead of the GNOME HIG one, where applicable
-gtk-alternative-button-order = 1
-style "longomatch-default"
-  GtkWidget::interior-focus = 1
-  GtkOptionMenu::indicator-size = { 9, 5 }
-  GtkOptionMenu::indicator-spacing = { 7, 5, 2, 2 }
-  GtkSpinButton::shadow-type = in
-  GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
-  GtkComboBox::focus-on-click = 1
-  GOComboBox::add_tearoffs = 0
-  GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 0
-  GtkTreeView::expander-size = 12
-  GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
-  GtkButton::focus-line-width = 0
-  GtkButton::focus-on-click = 0
-  GtkButton::focus-line-width = 0
-  GtkButton::focus-on-click = 0
-  #xthickness = 0
-  #ythickness = 0
-  fg[NORMAL]        = @base_color
-  fg[ACTIVE]        = @base_color
-  fg[PRELIGHT]      = @base_color
-  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@base_color)
-  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_color
-  bg[ACTIVE]        = @bg_color
-  bg[PRELIGHT]      = @active_color
-  bg[SELECTED]      = @active_color
-  bg[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_color)
-  text[NORMAL]      = @base_color
-  text[ACTIVE]      = @base_color
-  text[PRELIGHT]    = @base_color
-  text[SELECTED]    = @base_color
-  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@base_color)
-  font_name = "Ubuntu"
-  # we should make this change on per OS basis as this will make the preferences look native
-  engine "clearlooks"
-  {
-  }
-style "longomatch-rounded-button" = "longomatch-default"
-  font_name = "Ubuntu 14"
-  engine "pixmap"
-  {
-    image
-    {
-      function  = BOX
-      state     = NORMAL
-      file      = "Buttons/button-rounded-default.svg"
-      border    = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch   = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = PRELIGHT
-      file       = "Buttons/button-rounded-prelight.svg"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = ACTIVE
-      file       = "Buttons/button-rounded-pressed.svg"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = INSENSITIVE
-      file       = "Buttons/button-rounded-default.svg"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-  }
-style "longomatch-rect-button" = "longomatch-default"
-  engine "pixmap"
-  {
-    image
-    {
-      function  = BOX
-      state     = NORMAL
-      file      = "Buttons/button-rect-default.svg"
-      border    = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch   = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = PRELIGHT
-      file       = "Buttons/button-rect-prelight.svg"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = ACTIVE
-      file       = "Buttons/button-rect-pressed.svg"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = INSENSITIVE
-      file       = "Buttons/button-rect-default.svg"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-  }
-style "longomatch-entry" = "longomatch-default" {
-  font = "Ubuntu 12"
-  xthickness = 2
-  ythickness = 2
-  base[NORMAL]        = @bg_dark_color
-  base[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_dark_color)
-  text[NORMAL]      = @text_color
-  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@text_color)
-  engine "clearlooks"
-  {
-    radius = 1.0
-  }
-style "longomatch-teams-combo" = "longomatch-default" {
-  font = "Ubuntu 16"
-  xthickness = 2
-  ythickness = 2
-  base[NORMAL]        = @bg_light_color
-  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_light_color
-  fg[NORMAL]      = "#ffffff"
-  text[NORMAL]      = "#ffffff"
-  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@text_color)
-style "longomatch-header" {
-  font = "Ubuntu 25"
-  base[NORMAL]      = @bg_light_color
-  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_light_color
-  text[NORMAL]      = @base_color
-style "longomatch-filechooser-entry"
-   base[NORMAL] = @bg_color
-   base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
-   xthickness = 15
-   ythickness = 4
-   engine "pixmap"
-   {
-     image
-     {
-       function  = SHADOW
-       detail    = "entry"
-       state     = NORMAL
-       shadow    = IN
-       file      = "Entry/file-input-left.png"
-       border    = { 15, 4, 15, 15 }
-       stretch   = TRUE
-     }
-     image
-     {
-       function        = FLAT_BOX
-       detail          = "entry_bg"
-       state           = NORMAL
-       overlay_file    = "Entry/filechooser-entry-fill.png"
-       overlay_border  = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-       overlay_stretch = TRUE
-     }
-   }
-style "longomatch-filechooser-button"
-   ythickness = 4
-   engine "pixmap"
-   {
-    image
-    {
-      function  = BOX
-      state     = NORMAL
-      file      = "Buttons/filechooser-default.png"
-      border    = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch   = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = PRELIGHT
-      file       = "Buttons/filechooser-prelight.png"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = ACTIVE
-      file       = "Buttons/filechooser-pressed.png"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-    image
-    {
-      function   = BOX
-      state      = INSENSITIVE
-      file       = "Buttons/filechooser-default.png"
-      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
-      stretch    = TRUE
-    }
-   }
-style "longomatch-combobox" {
-  font = "Ubuntu 12"
-  xthickness = 2
-  ythickness = 2
-  base[NORMAL]        = @bg_dark_color
-  base[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_dark_color)
-  text[NORMAL]      = @text_color
-  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@text_color)
-  engine "clearlooks"
-  {
-    radius = 1.0
-  }
-   base[NORMAL] = @bg_color
-   base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
-   xthickness = 15
-   ythickness = 4
-   engine "pixmap"
-   {
-     image
-     {
-       function  = SHADOW
-       detail    = "entry"
-       state     = NORMAL
-       shadow    = IN
-       file      = "Entry/file-input-left.png"
-       border    = { 15, 4, 15, 15 }
-       stretch   = TRUE
-     }
-     image
-     {
-       function        = FLAT_BOX
-       detail          = "entry_bg"
-       state           = NORMAL
-       overlay_file    = "Entry/filechooser-entry-fill.png"
-       overlay_border  = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-       overlay_stretch = TRUE
-     }
-   }
-class "GtkWidget"                                style "longomatch-default"
-class "GtkEntry"                                 style "longomatch-entry"
-widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>"                    style "longomatch-combobox"
-#widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*<GtkButton>"        style "longomatch-combobox-button"
-#widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*<GtkEntry>"         style "longomatch-combobox-entry"
-widget "*roundedbutton*" style "longomatch-rounded-button"
-widget "*rectbutton*" style "longomatch-rect-button"
-widget "*headereventbox" style "longomatch-header"
-widget "*teamscombobox*" style "longomatch-teams-combo"
-widget "*mediafilechooser*entry*" style "longomatch-filechooser-entry"
-widget "*datepicker*button*" style "longomatch-filechooser-button"
-widget "*datepicker*entry*" style "longomatch-filechooser-entry"
-widget "*mediafilechooser*button*" style "longomatch-filechooser-button"
+# Our icon theme
+gtk-icon-theme-name = "longomatch"
+gtk-icon-sizes = 
+gtk-toolbar-icon-size = small-toolbar
+gtk-color-scheme = 
+# enable/disable images in menus. most "stock" microsoft apps don't use these, except sparingly.
+# the office apps use them heavily, though.
+gtk-menu-images = 1
+# use the win32 button ordering instead of the GNOME HIG one, where applicable
+gtk-alternative-button-order = 1
+style "longomatch-default"
+  GtkWidget::interior-focus = 1
+  GtkOptionMenu::indicator-size = { 9, 5 }
+  GtkOptionMenu::indicator-spacing = { 7, 5, 2, 2 }
+  GtkSpinButton::shadow-type = in
+  GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
+  GtkComboBox::focus-on-click = 1
+  GOComboBox::add_tearoffs = 0
+  GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 0
+  GtkTreeView::expander-size = 12
+  GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
+  GtkButton::focus-line-width = 0
+  GtkButton::focus-on-click = 0
+  GtkButton::focus-line-width = 0
+  GtkButton::focus-on-click = 0
+  #xthickness = 0
+  #ythickness = 0
+  fg[NORMAL]        = @base_color
+  fg[ACTIVE]        = @base_color
+  fg[PRELIGHT]      = @base_color
+  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@base_color)
+  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_color
+  bg[ACTIVE]        = @bg_color
+  bg[PRELIGHT]      = @active_color
+  bg[SELECTED]      = @active_color
+  bg[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_color)
+  text[NORMAL]      = @base_color
+  text[ACTIVE]      = @base_color
+  text[PRELIGHT]    = @base_color
+  text[SELECTED]    = @base_color
+  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@base_color)
+  font_name = "Ubuntu"
+  # we should make this change on per OS basis as this will make the preferences look native
+  engine "clearlooks"
+  {
+  }
+style "longomatch-rounded-button" = "longomatch-default"
+  font_name = "Ubuntu 14"
+  engine "pixmap"
+  {
+    image
+    {
+      function  = BOX
+      state     = NORMAL
+      file      = "Buttons/button-rounded-default.svg"
+      border    = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch   = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = PRELIGHT
+      file       = "Buttons/button-rounded-prelight.svg"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = ACTIVE
+      file       = "Buttons/button-rounded-pressed.svg"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = INSENSITIVE
+      file       = "Buttons/button-rounded-default.svg"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+  }
+style "longomatch-rect-button" = "longomatch-default"
+  engine "pixmap"
+  {
+    image
+    {
+      function  = BOX
+      state     = NORMAL
+      file      = "Buttons/button-rect-default.svg"
+      border    = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch   = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = PRELIGHT
+      file       = "Buttons/button-rect-prelight.svg"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = ACTIVE
+      file       = "Buttons/button-rect-pressed.svg"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = INSENSITIVE
+      file       = "Buttons/button-rect-default.svg"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+  }
+style "longomatch-entry" = "longomatch-default" {
+  font = "Ubuntu 12"
+  xthickness = 2
+  ythickness = 2
+  base[NORMAL]        = @bg_dark_color
+  base[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_dark_color)
+  text[NORMAL]      = @text_color
+  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@text_color)
+  engine "clearlooks"
+  {
+    radius = 1.0
+  }
+style "longomatch-teams-combo" = "longomatch-default" {
+  font = "Ubuntu 16"
+  xthickness = 2
+  ythickness = 2
+  base[NORMAL]        = @bg_light_color
+  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_light_color
+  fg[NORMAL]      = "#ffffff"
+  text[NORMAL]      = "#ffffff"
+  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@text_color)
+style "longomatch-header" {
+  font = "Ubuntu 25"
+  base[NORMAL]      = @bg_light_color
+  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_light_color
+  text[NORMAL]      = @base_color
+style "longomatch-templates-treeview" {
+  # Background color
+  base[NORMAL]       = "#151a20"
+  # Line color when active (default)
+  base[ACTIVE]       = "#50b44d"
+  # Line color when selected
+  base[SELECTED]       = "#50b44d"
+  text[NORMAL]       = "#f6f6f6"
+  text[SELECTED]     = "#f6f6f6"
+  text[ACTIVE]     = "#f6f6f6"
+  # We can also customize odd/even row colors
+  #GtkTreeView::odd_row_color      = "#5f5f5f"
+  #GtkTreeView::even_row_color     = "#828282"
+style "longomatch-filechooser-entry"
+   base[NORMAL] = @bg_color
+   base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
+   xthickness = 15
+   ythickness = 4
+   engine "pixmap"
+   {
+     image
+     {
+       function  = SHADOW
+       detail    = "entry"
+       state     = NORMAL
+       shadow    = IN
+       file      = "Entry/file-input-left.png"
+       border    = { 15, 4, 15, 15 }
+       stretch   = TRUE
+     }
+     image
+     {
+       function        = FLAT_BOX
+       detail          = "entry_bg"
+       state           = NORMAL
+       overlay_file    = "Entry/filechooser-entry-fill.png"
+       overlay_border  = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+       overlay_stretch = TRUE
+     }
+   }
+style "longomatch-filechooser-button"
+   ythickness = 4
+   engine "pixmap"
+   {
+    image
+    {
+      function  = BOX
+      state     = NORMAL
+      file      = "Buttons/filechooser-default.png"
+      border    = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch   = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = PRELIGHT
+      file       = "Buttons/filechooser-prelight.png"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = ACTIVE
+      file       = "Buttons/filechooser-pressed.png"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+    image
+    {
+      function   = BOX
+      state      = INSENSITIVE
+      file       = "Buttons/filechooser-default.png"
+      border     = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
+      stretch    = TRUE
+    }
+   }
+style "longomatch-combobox" {
+  font = "Ubuntu 12"
+  xthickness = 2
+  ythickness = 2
+  base[NORMAL]        = @bg_dark_color
+  base[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_dark_color)
+  text[NORMAL]      = @text_color
+  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@text_color)
+  engine "clearlooks"
+  {
+    radius = 1.0
+  }
+   base[NORMAL] = @bg_color
+   base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
+   xthickness = 15
+   ythickness = 4
+   engine "pixmap"
+   {
+     image
+     {
+       function  = SHADOW
+       detail    = "entry"
+       state     = NORMAL
+       shadow    = IN
+       file      = "Entry/file-input-left.png"
+       border    = { 15, 4, 15, 15 }
+       stretch   = TRUE
+     }
+     image
+     {
+       function        = FLAT_BOX
+       detail          = "entry_bg"
+       state           = NORMAL
+       overlay_file    = "Entry/filechooser-entry-fill.png"
+       overlay_border  = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+       overlay_stretch = TRUE
+     }
+   }
+class "GtkWidget"                                style "longomatch-default"
+class "GtkEntry"                                 style "longomatch-entry"
+widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>"                    style "longomatch-combobox"
+#widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*<GtkButton>"        style "longomatch-combobox-button"
+#widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*<GtkEntry>"         style "longomatch-combobox-entry"
+widget "*roundedbutton*" style "longomatch-rounded-button"
+widget "*rectbutton*" style "longomatch-rect-button"
+widget "*headereventbox" style "longomatch-header"
+widget "*templatestreeview" style "longomatch-templates-treeview"
+widget "*teamscombobox*" style "longomatch-teams-combo"
+widget "*mediafilechooser*entry*" style "longomatch-filechooser-entry"
+widget "*datepicker*button*" style "longomatch-filechooser-button"
+widget "*datepicker*entry*" style "longomatch-filechooser-entry"
+widget "*mediafilechooser*button*" style "longomatch-filechooser-button"

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