[mousetrap/gnome3-wip] (240 commits) ...Changed automake version in configure.ac

Summary of changes:

  1a7c3fa... Basic directory structure
  53b4710... Add standard header to __init__.py
  47fd9e3... Add makefiles.
  34a9c10... Moved mousetrap.app.main to mousetrap.main
  bc9cdec... Moving import.
  7c4b4d7... Revert "Moving import."
  60fa004... Change line feeds from DOS to UNIX
  e0d0f2f... Stub out a few main classes
  2b1caa1... Change line endings back to unix for POTFILES
  167a3bb... Move mousetrap.in and environment.py.in to mousetrap/
  1fb0d38... Fix 'src/mousetrap/app/environment.py.in' not found
  46043df... added modules(feature_detector,heads_up_display,image_libra
  4436088... Created new Camera class and test_camera unit test.
  4e5409c... Update test.py to reflect the change in location of main.py
  56cadde... added modules(feature_detector,heads_up_display,image_libra
  681f6f0... Fix reference to old location of main.py
  83753bf... Remove generated POTFILES, update gitignore, and fix refere
  4a6f4a7... Rename main.py to controller.py and remove generated file a
  8c47bee... Fix test for README. Now looks for README.md
  763539e... Rename configure.in to configure.am
  35b6256... Rename configure.am to configure.ac.
  70cce10... Rename README.md to README to conform to GNU standards.
  7bfc460... Added basic test runner
  0b9712a... Create devel directory and start populating it.
  11e4a19... Remove execute permission from many files.
  408c979... Move couple diagrams to devel. Remove exec perms under docs
  88b9d73... Fix reference to README.md in INSTALL.
  5427a5b... Update Makefile.am files and add documentation for autotool
  9ebe024... Update build system. Delete INSTALL (generated).
  c3c3c7a... Rework command-line interface and reorganized.
  7a8a671... Fix breakage from last commit.
  8bd7f48... Restore original directory in moustrap.sh
  8b4150f... Add test.sh to run python AND shell tests.
  fef97c9... Fix bin/mousetrap.sh (in-place runner).
  b1d968e... Simplify README. Fix pylint.sh.in.
  d225a62... Bug #275182: src/mousetrap/ocvfw/idm/finger.py for pep8 com
  385993a... Bug 728182: Pep8 formatting, remove whitespace
  5475e8d... Bug 728182 - PEP 8 Compliance updated.
  42cee13... Merge branch 'gnome3-wip' into ocfw_refactor
  41769ae... Update test framework.
  9487b7e... Use append instead of replacing sys.path.
  bc56eba... Removed hard-coded path in python test runner.
  ec19cc2... Refactor camera.py and test_camera.py.
  eb9ec2d... Add bin/generate_AUTHORS.sh
  e9deb85... Add *.pylint files to .gitignore.
  cb6ab5d... Fix path to shunit2 in test_pylint.sh
  ecfdc74... Start new pylintrc for MouseTrap.
  01cf700... Simplify camera.py; fix convention in test_camera.py
  0efee31... pylint.sh now operates on source tree, not installed tree.
  3a2a62d... Move old stuff to old/.
  2422205... Added mouse.py.
  f18cc5d... Update README.
  37bd6c4... Reintroduce pylint and clean up code.
  801e8fd... /usr/bin/env is more consistent than /bin/env
  54318aa... Avoiding disabling PyLint for now
  07177f8... Add gui, main, and vision. Lots of renames.
  5162d2b... Reintroduce script to generate AUTHORS file.
  ef7ab7f... Improve readability of call to Pixbuf.new_from_data.
  008b196... Added haar cascades which should be used
  c09477f... Add spike implementation of nose detection
  ca44b2b... Add HaarLoader and ImageConverter
  5513be9... Remove adding src/ to Python path.
  903afae... Refactor into a class.
  435fde3... Refactor - extracting magic numbers into constants.
  4144587... Refactor into byte-sized methods that do one thing.
  cd47393... Factor out FaceDetector and NoseDetector.
  f745acd... Refactor FaceDetector and NoseDetector into a generalized D
  5324632... Move FeatureDetector and NoseLocator into vision, and run.p
  c47af9f... Convert comment into code.
  a82cf73... Fix undefined variable.
  528883a... Add Image to ecapsulate conversions.
  e40f858... Use NoseLocator to main.
  a186fe4... OK, the pointer moves. This needs cleaning. But at least it
  a697c32... De-linting
  706883d... Improve design of Camera and Image.
  61b7237... Move Pointer int moustrap.gui.
  858ead4... Moving test_*.py to tests/.
  19b76e8... Add bin/mt-clean.
  ff48eb9... Add moustrap.gui.Gui to collect public mousetrap.gui functi
  9ef80e3... Encapsulate screen access into moustrap.gui.Gui.
  8d8677a... Move Image and related functions to mousetrap.image.
  6d04b55... Add bin/mt-kill-runaway to kill moustrap if it gets away fr
  f6d84e4... A little doc for main.py
  b705df4... Add mousetrap.pointers package to hold pointer modules. Eac
  2ffce2c... Rename MousePointer to ScreenPointer.
  5cbee31... Replace Exception with NotImplementedError in interface.
  2729715... Add bin/mt-run to easily run mousetrap.
  24ad9bb... Add custom exception FeatureNotFoundException.
  a251ca4... Add HaarNameError.
  48ab8ce... De-lint.
  986b041... Remove dependency on Xlib and pyatspi
  fdcfa03... Added a basic implementation of joystick-style movement
  1e7ae00... Put back execute permission on mousetrap_pythondir.
  ee0d8db... Simplified exceptions
  dd2e548... Default camera width to 320x240 and default to joystick
  9f72283... Tweak the joystick a little
  6589e2d... Added very basic click support
  56c4b98... Add logging.
  1efdfcf... Remove Makefile.am from src/ (for now).
  061497c... Pointers now return a list of ScreenPointerEvents which gui
  fde9609... New core architecture.
  6af4cca... Move logging into log.py.
  56392b0... Main is gone.
  86331e5... Parts are now identified by fully qualified class name.
  db010fa... Merge pull request #14 from GNOME-MouseTrap/stoney2
  6be3583... Rename `Part` to `Plugin`.
  48fdbb0... Removed backup file
  9edf1e5... Might as well use Python casing for the logger
  860b502... Don't fire clicks if the mouse is moving
  ceb1a37... Remove negation from function/method name.
  5788182... Rename _history to _eye_detection_history.
  02ac8e0... Simplify eyes.py
  716cdef... Introduced History class to manage length of histories.
  1c79dd0... Removing extra call to pointer.get_location() and moving up
  f205819... Making magic numbers and complicated operations more meanin
  c1f0aa2... Separate eye detection and motion detection.
  09250cc... Try to improve the eye detection
  894177d... Remove unused constants.
  72b0144... Add basic configuration system.
  acb7539... Remove FIXME comment since we don't plan to fix it :)
  10ad9cd... Make constants look like constants.
  d88e49a... Fix bug introduced by last commit.
  3467741... Fix bug in config.py
  7a86e8d... Add configuration to HaarLoader.
  7a30b4d... Move haar_files list to configuration.
  7685af2... Extracting camera configuration.
  464d2ad... Extract mousetrap.plugins.display configuration.
  e1260cf... Update Plugin interface reflect that constructor must take 
  703ba65... Simplify access to class-based configuration.
  c400152... Extract mousetrap.plugins.eyes configuration.
  88c2951... Extract nose_joystick configuration.
  262f763... Extract nose.py configuration.
  4dc40a3... Add recurseive merge for configurations.
  150d95c... Move config dump to main after logger has been configured.
  e65f025... Load default configuration from a YAML file.
  33d3706... Add configuration search path.
  33ab2f8... Update README.
  359cf35... Moving docs/ to old/ because they are so outdated.
  0c15e1f... PEP8 fixes
  26f6f01... Fixed syntax error
  119ed2f... Merge the two nose plugins
  ec7b413... We don't currently use images.
  54a392d... Move samples/ to old/
  a19b51e... Move po/ to old/
  37e7f7f... More useful information in HACKING.
  4cb023b... Removing obsolete nose_locator_sample.py
  752c68a... Add Kevin, Heidi, and myself to MAINTAINERS
  2d5de62... Consistent naming of config file.
  92f93eb... Fix tests.
  f084981... Better error message when plugin not found.
  43356b7... i18n.
  1e32977... Fix gettext.install magic.
  4651f3c... Stop ignoring i18n.py.
  844f65d... Clean up .gitignore.
  d1791f8... Move mousetrap.desktop.in to old/
  5e95972... Set up locale files
  640878c... Update mousetrap.doap
  b136bcf... Add mt-gen-mousetrap.po
  054bd48... The header is required for msgfmt
  0a4be2e... Work on making MouseTrap available over PyPI
  8208ab9... Added classifiers
  cc02f10... Customize the `install` and `egg_info` commands
  37a2962... Automatically compile locales on install
  851c604... Don't display xlib warning for Py3
  0cd1bb8... Do not exclude *.mo files
  abfad7f... Merge pull request #28 from GNOME-MouseTrap/setuptools
  2822390... Removing unnecessary i18n import and add debug to config.
  3383a71... in progress
  2dbc3e1... Deleting (hopefully) unneeded Makefile.am
  d7825ec... Finally removing old/
  9aecb48... Delete Makefile.am that got away.
  fc2ded0... Attempt to implement autotools using setup.py.
  6cd94d4... Fixed a few small issues
  b991a1c... Getting closer to working...
  acec831... Got distcheck working!
  8d04fb8... dist-hook now only deletes mousetrap.egg*. Removed comments
  99184f4... Generate AUTHORS and ChangeLog when `make dist` is run.
  b89161d... Fixed pip-based install
  9579581... Update README.md to tell Fedora users to use --prefix=/usr
  6e3bd88... Merge pull request #29 from GNOME-MouseTrap/autotools2
  3178b36... Copy default config to user config if it doesn't exist.
  4c86710... Inline generation of AUTHORS and ChangeLog to pass `make di
  c4278ff... Update README.md
  667f51c... Update README.md
  b54a001... Change default logging to INFO, and add INFO messages.
  4d713d1... Fix distcheck by removing obsolete lines in Makefile.am
  8d2e463... Remove *.mo files in the Makefile and not setup.py
  cd5029a... Add `make pristine`
  e87ccf1... Add `make potfile`
  4d2c915... Add comment header for `make potfile`
  99f059c... Add `make mofiles`.
  b4b7e52... Add `make check`
  36ae915... Add `make lint`
  3c17bf2... Add `make run`
  cde4c23... Fix `make distcheck`, `make check`, and `make run`. * Remov
  0e7196a... make mofiles uses msgfmt instead of msgfmt.py
  4e220d3... Merge branch 'ocfw_refactor' of github.com:GNOME-MouseTrap/
  33bc619... Add `logging-test` configuration section for configuring lo
  82ec4b5... Fixed a few issues
  3202166... Reimplement `bin/mt-*` in terms of `make *`.
  74d841c... Simplify the mt-* interface.
  39882ef... Delete obsolete mt-* commands.
  ed9a9af... Speed up and make mt-guess-prefix more accurate.
  084054e... Add --dump-config and --config options.
  6e035e0... Document built-in config file and add `--dump-annotated`.
  704f975... `make clean` deletes `build/` generated by `make`.
  a599d02... Add `make devclean`. Fix comments. Adjust README.md.
  cc1a69a... Point `make clean` to $(builddir) whenever possible.
  482ecf2... Remove local configurations.
  73fd6cb... Split out core.py from main.py.
  0b20896... MouseTrap, not mouseTrap
  60c7728... Small fixes with the README
  67145ac... Fix logging broken by 73fd6cb1dea523f334a63516d73daa449d6fc
  5a0a51b... Add FeatureDetector caching.
  03eb16f... Adjust key used to cache FeatureDetectors.
  db3e51a... Remove supurfluous methods.
  7704ea9... Chain exceptions for FeatureNotFoundException on cache hits
  76948d3... Call parent constructor in FeatureNotFoundException.
  543a028... Add support for nosetests.
  ad7cf41... Remove nose dependency. Now only dependent on coverage (opt
  7facdf2... Fix options to coverage to include all and only mousetrap f
  23751e3... Rename test to match file.
  a452f49... Remove cruft.
  7ffb643... Merge pull request #40 from GNOME-MouseTrap/detectcache
  6ada268... Initialize Loop using passed config and not app.config.
  1c3aa86... Observable doesn't need a config.
  7aa08bb... Report missing statements in coverage report.
  ec1e8a9... Add tests for mousetrap.core.Observable.
  5e78abf... Start test_config.py. Add test for _rmerge.
  923a8c0... Simplify mousetrap.config and add tests.
  82200ec... Add more tests for mousetrap.config.
  03923c0... Delete most of mt-*.
  560e803... PEP8/de-linting and adjust `make clean` to delete .coverage
  2d2c10b... Py3 compat: change from GObject.timeout_add to GLib.timeout
  c0b1985... Port to Python 2.7+ (i.e., ready for Python 3).
  aae1d5c... More port to Python 3.
  9f7d9c6... More Python 3 compatibility fixes
  6d191ef... `cv` no longer exists
  66fceaf... Convert comments to code.
  17813fd... Changed automake version in configure.ac

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