[easytag] (108 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/application-window

The branch 'wip/application-window' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  f474569... Move CDDB dialog to EtCDDBDialog object
  452476f... Move scan dialog to EtScanDialog object
  2e442b9... Replace strncat() with g_string_append()
  386eaa0... Move select and unselect actions to main window
  3390ffc... Move file selection actions to EtApplicationWindow
  c1aacf9... Set a rough initial window size and pane positions
  b3b21b3... Move browser to EtBrowser object
  d9794c1... Avoid a GtkApplication assertion
  03ed3b9... Add GSettings schema
  c2c3b13... Use GSettings for most application settings
  360c9bb... Generate enum descriptions with glib-mkenums
  3fe09cb... Generate GSettings enum descriptions
  2a34f60... Store the file list sorting mode in GSettings
  edfe32b... Store the scanner window mode in GSettings
  fbe411c... Store the file extension case mode in GSettings
  dffb6a1... Store the playlist content mode in GSettings
  d1680aa... Store ID3v1 and ID3v2 iconv options in GSettings
  d999b44... Store rename filename encoding in GSettings
  368b722... Store the process fields option in GSettings
  fa9f05c... Store disc padding preferences in GSettings
  9c520d5... Store ID3v2.4/2.3 preference in GSettings
  ce7179d... Store scan space conversion options in GSettings
  b69ed5b... Store case sensitive sorting mode in GSettings
  9035ad4... Store CDDB search preferences in GSettings
  27eeec3... Store process fields conversions in GSettings
  323a181... Store character set preferences in GSettings
  eab4a14... Store playlist mask preferences in GSettings
  a6732de... Remove local CDDB search function
  b3284fe... Store default scanner masks in GSettings
  4a53987... Launch default audio player for directory
  f3e0163... Launch default audio player for selected files
  36431a2... Remove main configuration file handling
  4a46228... Fix some const string warnings
  43f7788... Add an app menu
  4cd8527... Add skeleton menubar from GtkBuilder file
  0c5a29c... Use GAction for go-directory actions
  1db6ab6... Use GAction for miscellaneous menu items
  61fc9e6... Add toolbar for new GAction-using toolbar buttons
  39d259c... Use GAction for go-file actions
  f34964d... Use GAction for browser menu items
  c237c17... Use GAction for edit menu items
  6c82795... Use GAction for file menu items
  6ffead3... Use GAction for some view menu items
  0ac0d48... Use GAction for file sorting mode GSetting
  f90a4b3... Use GMenuModel for popup menus
  fb3b829... Remove now-unused UIManager proxy logic
  a143d4a... Use GAction for toolbar stop button
  4c5aeff... Use named icons instead of GtkStock in some places
  9bc24a5... Convert XPM image data to PNG
  39ff786... Avoid deprecated margin property with GTK+ 3.12
  46f6fb6... Refactor popup menu handling
  887de6e... Remove last uses of GtkAction
  671c966... Track main window state
  0b68197... Save and restore main window state
  397bc9c... Move tag area to EtTagArea object
  f12c7b7... Move file area to EtFileArea object
  3bbe878... Drop explicit call to gtk_main()
  f77a45d... Remove unused code when closing preferences dialog
  ee026c0... Remove the cancel button from the preferences
  5c944af... Move dialog setting saving to application window
  8a8ed6a... Implement hiding of file header widget
  9eb614f... Avoid warnings when reading and writing ID3 tags
  aea7b3e... Remove use of deprecated GtkMisc xalign property
  44acec3... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtLogArea
  88c826d... Use popup-menu signal in EtLoadFilesDialog
  d280271... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtBrowser
  6fd3907... Avoid warnings when updating the scan dialog
  591e035... Use same strings in GSettings schema and UI
  270c97b... Move some GApplication handlers to EtApplication
  fb758e2... Refactor about dialog handling
  6727e3a... Split off main() to a separate source file
  cc18f86... Remove last uses of deprecated GtkStock
  04e6e68... Remove use of deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  7e929df... Move tagging code to new subdirectory
  b5e2400... Set maximum allowed GLib version to 2.32
  78f557f... Disable writing of ID3v1 tags by default
  5682058... Enable ID3v2.3 (instead of ID3v2.4) by default
  f486b4c... Split progress bar from status bar
  8f783f1... Move status bar to EtStatusBar object
  ff43d54... Add "music" to the desktop file keywords
  6bf6363... Review strings
  8b1d6a7... Move scanner preferences page to GtkBuilder
  9d2adeb... Move confirmation preferences page to GtkBuilder
  d38b0ee... Move UI and misc preferences pages to GtkBuilder
  422a4e1... Move file preferences page to GtkBuilder
  f687399... Move tags preferences page to GtkBuilder
  593627d... Move ID3 preferences page to GtkBuilder
  30f9ebd... Move CDDB preferences page to GtkBuilder
  04826ad... Move preferences notebook into GtkBuilder
  cada17d... Remove redundant et_grid_new() define
  cfe14a4... Remove unnecessary et_grid_attach_margins()
  63b833c... Remove old GTK+ 2 grid compatibility code
  b72fe67... Move playlist dialog to GtkBuilder
  6481cb6... Move rename directory dialog to GtkBuilder
  b0da8b3... Set transient parents before init()
  f965ea2... Move picture details dialog to GtkBuilder
  a9364a6... Move browse directory dialog to GtkBuilder
  0cab929... Move open files dialog to GtkBuilder
  8fddd3a... Move search dialog to GtkBuilder
  cce1b5c... Move load files dialog to GtkBuilder
  80e6782... Remove unused function in misc.c
  9b2d881... Remove duplicate NULL check in et_run_program()
  c3f879d... Use GtkTreeView interactive search in CDDB dialog
  f4d2d28... Update the file list column width on path changes
  7a416c2... Remove global INIT_DIRECTORY variable
  ded51bc... Move application quit code to EtApplicationWindow
  9fcfdb6... Review more strings
  eba31aa... Review many translatable strings

Commits added to the branch:

  f21de23... Move CDDB dialog to EtCDDBDialog object
  5e019e0... Move scan dialog to EtScanDialog object
  f2099fd... Replace strncat() with g_string_append()
  3c4b559... Move select and unselect actions to main window
  97f7b08... Move file selection actions to EtApplicationWindow
  0086beb... Set a rough initial window size and pane positions
  7483788... Move browser to EtBrowser object
  8f9e6db... Avoid a GtkApplication assertion
  b42a637... Add GSettings schema
  2437a01... Use GSettings for most application settings
  a76afa3... Generate enum descriptions with glib-mkenums
  d400c80... Generate GSettings enum descriptions
  652df51... Store the file list sorting mode in GSettings
  e0998ab... Store the scanner window mode in GSettings
  ed09cef... Store the file extension case mode in GSettings
  0b9ab4c... Store the playlist content mode in GSettings
  76b3bd2... Store ID3v1 and ID3v2 iconv options in GSettings
  734d34e... Store rename filename encoding in GSettings
  1703d85... Store the process fields option in GSettings
  83ea9c8... Store disc padding preferences in GSettings
  1c9af64... Store ID3v2.4/2.3 preference in GSettings
  3c8076e... Store scan space conversion options in GSettings
  ec509e7... Store case sensitive sorting mode in GSettings
  a6afef2... Store CDDB search preferences in GSettings
  4f55a40... Store process fields conversions in GSettings
  d3dbe51... Store character set preferences in GSettings
  366cf74... Store playlist mask preferences in GSettings
  e9f7fe5... Remove local CDDB search function
  4ef6afc... Store default scanner masks in GSettings
  2526476... Launch default audio player for directory
  151f95e... Launch default audio player for selected files
  ea28382... Remove main configuration file handling
  d4b58fa... Fix some const string warnings
  b031777... Add an app menu
  962ad44... Add skeleton menubar from GtkBuilder file
  16edfeb... Use GAction for go-directory actions
  b307be7... Use GAction for miscellaneous menu items
  9f1e55e... Add toolbar for new GAction-using toolbar buttons
  edeb127... Use GAction for go-file actions
  cd22655... Use GAction for browser menu items
  3609c02... Use GAction for edit menu items
  48f4417... Use GAction for file menu items
  f1e7ad1... Use GAction for some view menu items
  4240df4... Use GAction for file sorting mode GSetting
  3680a80... Use GMenuModel for popup menus
  80b224e... Remove now-unused UIManager proxy logic
  9bbabbf... Use GAction for toolbar stop button
  b77f062... Use named icons instead of GtkStock in some places
  f809b35... Convert XPM image data to PNG
  7434daf... Avoid deprecated margin property with GTK+ 3.12
  6c92316... Refactor popup menu handling
  ad71355... Remove last uses of GtkAction
  28a6540... Track main window state
  8e8a428... Save and restore main window state
  68126d2... Move tag area to EtTagArea object
  814d72a... Move file area to EtFileArea object
  725a0a7... Drop explicit call to gtk_main()
  ea7d9b3... Remove unused code when closing preferences dialog
  c97d970... Remove the cancel button from the preferences
  6c068d0... Move dialog setting saving to application window
  377c665... Implement hiding of file header widget
  7858d62... Avoid warnings when reading and writing ID3 tags
  659ec7d... Remove use of deprecated GtkMisc xalign property
  ce1ee77... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtLogArea
  e160572... Use popup-menu signal in EtLoadFilesDialog
  c7289b2... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtBrowser
  0d1de3a... Avoid warnings when updating the scan dialog
  0210801... Use same strings in GSettings schema and UI
  88a2f73... Move some GApplication handlers to EtApplication
  735d790... Refactor about dialog handling
  e61e608... Split off main() to a separate source file
  38c32f7... Remove last uses of deprecated GtkStock
  9b32ad5... Remove use of deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  560a189... Move tagging code to new subdirectory
  6825439... Set maximum allowed GLib version to 2.32
  262cf05... Disable writing of ID3v1 tags by default
  f9d6007... Enable ID3v2.3 (instead of ID3v2.4) by default
  14b1f84... Split progress bar from status bar
  5ca4977... Move status bar to EtStatusBar object
  35d38b6... Add "music" to the desktop file keywords
  ea213e4... Review strings
  f2f5e62... Move scanner preferences page to GtkBuilder
  e414f42... Move confirmation preferences page to GtkBuilder
  f08e300... Move UI and misc preferences pages to GtkBuilder
  8dacac9... Move file preferences page to GtkBuilder
  a4c6ff3... Move tags preferences page to GtkBuilder
  28434a6... Move ID3 preferences page to GtkBuilder
  57a5f85... Move CDDB preferences page to GtkBuilder
  30a92e6... Move preferences notebook into GtkBuilder
  bcf55c3... Remove redundant et_grid_new() define
  bab5646... Remove unnecessary et_grid_attach_margins()
  1fa9572... Remove old GTK+ 2 grid compatibility code
  97ad739... Move playlist dialog to GtkBuilder
  5124d9b... Move rename directory dialog to GtkBuilder
  f30abda... Set transient parents before init()
  3df3f43... Move picture details dialog to GtkBuilder
  9b28f7f... Move browse directory dialog to GtkBuilder
  4869118... Move open files dialog to GtkBuilder
  e1a6878... Move search dialog to GtkBuilder
  9362d2b... Move load files dialog to GtkBuilder
  f9c6c38... Remove unused function in misc.c
  0aaaa6e... Remove duplicate NULL check in et_run_program()
  cea1e8d... Use GtkTreeView interactive search in CDDB dialog
  71d14f7... Update the file list column width on path changes
  9803692... Remove global INIT_DIRECTORY variable
  9795dc5... Move application quit code to EtApplicationWindow
  b6f1096... Review more strings
  c81eb30... Review many translatable strings

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