[gnome-maps/wip/hidpi-icons2: 34/35] Align escaped newlines

commit 78d023155106a157e6ace291c7e5c8f94289ba35
Author: Mattias Bengtsson <mattias jc bengtsson gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jul 30 16:27:09 2014 +0200

    Align escaped newlines
    Align all escaped newlines at column 72, like in the rest of the
    Don't align the icon handling stuff since it comes from another
    code base.

 data/icons/Makefile.am |   54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/icons/Makefile.am b/data/icons/Makefile.am
index 34a4cab..1baee76 100644
--- a/data/icons/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/icons/Makefile.am
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-public_icons_themes =                          \
-       hicolor                                 \
-       HighContrast                            \
+public_icons_themes =                                                  \
+       hicolor                                                         \
+       HighContrast                                                    \
-public_icons =                                         \
-       hicolor_apps_16x16_gnome-maps.png               \
-       hicolor_apps_22x22_gnome-maps.png               \
-       hicolor_apps_24x24_gnome-maps.png               \
-       hicolor_apps_32x32_gnome-maps.png               \
-       hicolor_apps_48x48_gnome-maps.png               \
-       hicolor_apps_256x256_gnome-maps.png             \
-       HighContrast_apps_16x16_gnome-maps.png          \
-       HighContrast_apps_22x22_gnome-maps.png          \
-       HighContrast_apps_24x24_gnome-maps.png          \
-       HighContrast_apps_256x256_gnome-maps.png        \
-       HighContrast_apps_32x32_gnome-maps.png          \
-       HighContrast_apps_48x48_gnome-maps.png          \
+public_icons =                                                         \
+       hicolor_apps_16x16_gnome-maps.png                               \
+       hicolor_apps_22x22_gnome-maps.png                               \
+       hicolor_apps_24x24_gnome-maps.png                               \
+       hicolor_apps_32x32_gnome-maps.png                               \
+       hicolor_apps_48x48_gnome-maps.png                               \
+       hicolor_apps_256x256_gnome-maps.png                             \
+       HighContrast_apps_16x16_gnome-maps.png                          \
+       HighContrast_apps_22x22_gnome-maps.png                          \
+       HighContrast_apps_24x24_gnome-maps.png                          \
+       HighContrast_apps_256x256_gnome-maps.png                        \
+       HighContrast_apps_32x32_gnome-maps.png                          \
+       HighContrast_apps_48x48_gnome-maps.png                          \
 imagesdir = $(datadir)/gnome-maps/pixmaps
-images_DATA =                                   \
-       pin.svg                                 \
-       user-location.png                       \
+images_DATA =                                                          \
+       pin.svg                                                         \
+       user-location.png                                               \
-noinst_DATA =                                  \
-       gnome-maps.svg                          \
-       gnome-maps-highcontrast.svg                             \
+noinst_DATA =                                                          \
+       gnome-maps.svg                                                  \
+       gnome-maps-highcontrast.svg                                     \
-EXTRA_DIST =                                   \
-       $(public_icons)                         \
-       $(images_DATA)                          \
-       gnome-maps.svg                          \
-       gnome-maps-highcontrast.svg                             \
+EXTRA_DIST =                                                           \
+       $(public_icons)                                                 \
+       $(images_DATA)                                                  \
+       gnome-maps.svg                                                  \
+       gnome-maps-highcontrast.svg                                     \

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