[genius] Very quick and dirty SurfacePlotDrawLine, still many issues... comitting only so that I can edit and

commit 36aff35cae8a72101e7051848bc1b9df25e5a66d
Author: Jiri (George) Lebl <jiri lebl gmail com>
Date:   Mon Sep 1 16:02:39 2014 -0500

    Very quick and dirty SurfacePlotDrawLine, still many issues...
    comitting only so that I can edit and work on it at home

 src/graphing.c |  338 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/graphing.c b/src/graphing.c
index 158d959..2c47cd3 100644
--- a/src/graphing.c
+++ b/src/graphing.c
@@ -3788,6 +3788,46 @@ draw_points (double *x, double *y, int len, int thickness, GdkColor *color,
        return data;
+static GtkPlotData *
+draw_surface_line (double *x, double *y, double *z,
+                  int len, int thickness, GdkColor *color, char *legend)
+       GtkPlotData *data;
+       data = GTK_PLOT_DATA (gtk_plot_data_new ());
+       gtk_plot_data_set_x (data, x);
+       gtk_plot_data_set_y (data, y);
+       gtk_plot_data_set_z (data, z);
+       gtk_plot_data_set_numpoints (data, len);
+       g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (data),
+                               "x", x, (GDestroyNotify)g_free);
+       g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (data),
+                               "y", y, (GDestroyNotify)g_free);
+       g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (data),
+                               "z", z, (GDestroyNotify)g_free);
+       gtk_plot_add_data (GTK_PLOT (surface_plot), data);
+       if (legend == NULL)
+               gtk_plot_data_hide_legend (data);
+       else
+               gtk_plot_data_set_legend (data,
+                                         legend);
+       color_alloc (color); 
+       gtk_plot_data_set_line_attributes (data,
+                                          GTK_PLOT_LINE_SOLID,
+                                          GDK_CAP_ROUND, 
+                                          GDK_JOIN_ROUND,
+                                          thickness, color);
+       gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (data));
+       gtk_plot_canvas_paint (GTK_PLOT_CANVAS (plot_canvas));
+       gtk_plot_canvas_refresh (GTK_PLOT_CANVAS (plot_canvas));
+       return data;
 #if 0
 static void
 clip_line_ends (double xx[], double yy[], int len)
@@ -8874,6 +8914,300 @@ LinePlotDrawPoints_op (GelCtx *ctx, GelETree * * a, int *exception)
        return gel_makenum_null ();
+static GelETree *
+SurfacePlotDrawLine_op (GelCtx *ctx, GelETree * * a, int *exception)
+       int len;
+       int nextarg;
+       double *x, *y, *z;
+       double minx = 0, miny = 0, maxx = 0, maxy = 0, minz = 0, maxz = 0;
+       GdkColor color;
+       int thickness;
+       gboolean arrow_origin = FALSE;
+       gboolean arrow_end = FALSE;
+       int i;
+       gboolean update = FALSE;
+       char *legend = NULL;
+       if G_UNLIKELY (plot_in_progress != 0) {
+               gel_errorout (_("%s: Plotting in progress, cannot call %s"),
+                             "SurfacePlotDrawLine", "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       ensure_window (FALSE /* do_window_present */);
+       if (a[0]->type == GEL_NULL_NODE) {
+               return gel_makenum_null ();
+       } else if (a[0]->type == GEL_MATRIX_NODE) {
+               if G_UNLIKELY ( ! get_line_numbers (a[0], &x, &y, &len,
+                                                   &minx, &maxx, &miny, &maxy,
+                                                   "SurfacePlotDrawLine",
+                                                   2))
+                       return NULL;
+               nextarg = 1;
+       } else {
+               double x1, y1, x2, y2, z1, z2;
+               if G_UNLIKELY (gel_count_arguments (a) < 4) {
+                       gel_errorout (_("%s: Wrong number of arguments"),
+                                     "LinePlotDrawLine");
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+               GET_DOUBLE(x1, 0, "LinePlotDrawLine");
+               GET_DOUBLE(y1, 1, "LinePlotDrawLine");
+               GET_DOUBLE(z1, 2, "LinePlotDrawLine");
+               GET_DOUBLE(x2, 3, "LinePlotDrawLine");
+               GET_DOUBLE(y2, 4, "LinePlotDrawLine");
+               GET_DOUBLE(z2, 5, "LinePlotDrawLine");
+               len = 2;
+               x = g_new (double, 2);
+               x[0] = x1;
+               x[1] = x2;
+               y = g_new (double, 2);
+               y[0] = y1;
+               y[1] = y2;
+               z = g_new (double, 2);
+               z[0] = z1;
+               z[1] = z2;
+               nextarg = 6;
+               minx = MIN(x1,x2);
+               maxx = MAX(x1,x2);
+               miny = MIN(y1,y2);
+               maxy = MAX(y1,y2);
+               minz = MIN(z1,z2);
+               maxz = MAX(z1,z2);
+       }
+       gdk_color_parse ("black", &color);
+       thickness = 2;
+       for (i = nextarg; a[i] != NULL; i++) {
+               if G_LIKELY (a[i]->type == GEL_STRING_NODE ||
+                            a[i]->type == GEL_IDENTIFIER_NODE) {
+                       GelToken *id;
+                       static GelToken *colorid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *thicknessid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *windowid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *fitid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *arrowid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *originid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *endid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *bothid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *noneid = NULL;
+                       static GelToken *legendid = NULL;
+                       if (colorid == NULL) {
+                               colorid = d_intern ("color");
+                               thicknessid = d_intern ("thickness");
+                               windowid = d_intern ("window");
+                               fitid = d_intern ("fit");
+                               arrowid = d_intern ("arrow");
+                               originid = d_intern ("origin");
+                               endid = d_intern ("end");
+                               bothid = d_intern ("both");
+                               noneid = d_intern ("none");
+                               legendid = d_intern ("legend");
+                       }
+                       if (a[i]->type == GEL_STRING_NODE)
+                               id = d_intern (a[i]->str.str);
+                       else
+                               id = a[i]->id.id;
+                       if (id == colorid) {
+                               if G_UNLIKELY ( ! get_color (a[i+1], &color, "SurfacePlotDrawLine")) {
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               i++;
+                       } else if (id == thicknessid) {
+                               if G_UNLIKELY (a[i+1] == NULL)  {
+                                       gel_errorout (_("%s: No thickness specified"),
+                                                     "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               if G_UNLIKELY ( ! check_argument_positive_integer (a, i+1,
+                                                                                  "SurfacePlotDrawLine")) {
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               thickness = gel_get_nonnegative_integer (a[i+1]->val.value,
+                                                                        "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                               i++;
+                       } else if (id == windowid) {
+                               double x1, x2, y1, y2;
+                               if G_UNLIKELY (a[i+1] == NULL ||
+                                              (a[i+1]->type != GEL_STRING_NODE &&
+                                               a[i+1]->type != GEL_IDENTIFIER_NODE &&
+                                               a[i+1]->type != GEL_MATRIX_NODE)) {
+                                       gel_errorout (_("%s: No window specified"),
+                                                     "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               if ((a[i+1]->type == GEL_STRING_NODE &&
+                                    fitid == d_intern (a[i+1]->str.str)) ||
+                                   (a[i+1]->type == GEL_IDENTIFIER_NODE &&
+                                    fitid == a[i+1]->id.id)) {
+                                       x1 = minx;
+                                       x2 = maxx;
+                                       y1 = miny;
+                                       y2 = maxy;
+                                       if G_UNLIKELY (x1 == x2) {
+                                               x1 -= 0.1;
+                                               x2 += 0.1;
+                                       }
+                                       /* assume line is a graph so x fits tightly */
+                                       if G_UNLIKELY (y1 == y2) {
+                                               y1 -= 0.1;
+                                               y2 += 0.1;
+                                       } else {
+                                               /* Make window 5% larger on each vertical side */
+                                               double height = (y2-y1);
+                                               y1 -= height * 0.05;
+                                               y2 += height * 0.05;
+                                       }
+                                       update = update_lineplot_window (x1, x2, y1, y2);
+                               } else if (get_limits_from_matrix (a[i+1], &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2)) {
+                                       update = update_lineplot_window (x1, x2, y1, y2);
+                               } else {
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               i++;
+                       } else if (id == arrowid) {
+                               GelToken *astyleid;
+                               if G_UNLIKELY (a[i+1] == NULL ||
+                                              (a[i+1]->type != GEL_STRING_NODE &&
+                                               a[i+1]->type != GEL_IDENTIFIER_NODE)) {
+                                       gel_errorout (_("%s: arrow style should be \"origin\", \"end\", 
\"both\", or \"none\""),
+                                                     "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               if (a[i+1]->type == GEL_STRING_NODE)
+                                       astyleid = d_intern (a[i+1]->str.str);
+                               else
+                                       astyleid = a[i+1]->id.id;
+                               if (astyleid == originid) {
+                                       arrow_origin = TRUE;
+                                       arrow_end = FALSE;
+                               } else if (astyleid == endid) {
+                                       arrow_origin = FALSE;
+                                       arrow_end = TRUE;
+                               } else if (astyleid == bothid) {
+                                       arrow_origin = TRUE;
+                                       arrow_end = TRUE;
+                               } else if (astyleid == noneid) { 
+                                       arrow_origin = FALSE;
+                                       arrow_end = FALSE;
+                               } else {
+                                       gel_errorout (_("%s: arrow style should be \"origin\", \"end\", 
\"both\", or \"none\""),
+                                                     "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               i++;
+                       } else if (id == legendid) {
+                               if G_UNLIKELY (a[i+1] == NULL)  {
+                                       gel_errorout (_("%s: No legend specified"),
+                                                     "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               if (a[i+1]->type == GEL_STRING_NODE) {
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       legend = g_strdup (a[i+1]->str.str);
+                               } else if (a[i+1]->type == GEL_IDENTIFIER_NODE) {
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       legend = g_strdup (a[i+1]->id.id->token);
+                               } else {
+                                       gel_errorout (_("%s: Legend must be a string"),
+                                                     "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                                       g_free (legend);
+                                       g_free (x);
+                                       g_free (y);
+                                       g_free (z);
+                                       return NULL;
+                               }
+                               i++;
+                       } else {
+                               gel_errorout (_("%s: Unknown style"), "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                               g_free (legend);
+                               g_free (x);
+                               g_free (y);
+                               g_free (z);
+                               return NULL;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       gel_errorout (_("%s: Bad parameter"), "SurfacePlotDrawLine");
+                       g_free (legend);
+                       g_free (x);
+                       g_free (y);
+                       g_free (z);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       if (plot_mode != MODE_SURFACE) {
+               plot_mode = MODE_SURFACE;
+               clear_graph ();
+               update = FALSE;
+       }
+       if (surface_plot == NULL)
+               add_surface_plot ();
+       draw_surface_line (x, y, z, len, thickness, &color, legend);
+       /*
+       if (arrow_end && len > 1)
+               draw_arrowhead (x[len-2], y[len-2],
+                               x[len-1], y[len-1],
+                               thickness, &color);
+       if (arrow_origin && len > 1)
+               draw_arrowhead (x[1], y[1],
+                               x[0], y[0],
+                               thickness, &color);
+                               */
+       g_free (legend);
+       return gel_makenum_null ();
 static gboolean
 get_surface_data (GelETree *a, double **x, double **y, double **z, int *len,
                  double *minx, double *maxx,
@@ -9888,8 +10222,12 @@ gel_add_graph_functions (void)
        VFUNC (SurfacePlot, 2, "func,args", "plotting", N_("Plot a surface function which takes either two 
arguments or a complex number.  First comes the function then optionally limits as x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2"));
+       //FIXME: FUNC (SurfacePlotClear, 0, "", "plotting", N_("Show the surface (3d) plot window and clear 
out functions"));
        VFUNC (SurfacePlotData, 2, "data,args", "plotting", N_("Plot surface data given as n by 3 matrix 
(n>=3) of data with each row being x,y,z.  Optionally can pass a label string and limits.  If no limits 
passed, limits computed from data."));
        VFUNC (SurfacePlotDataGrid, 3, "data,limits,label", "plotting", N_("Plot surface data given as a 
matrix (where rows are the x coordinate and columns are the y coordinate), the limits are given as 
[x1,x2,y1,y2] or optionally [x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2], and optionally a string for the label."));
+       VFUNC (SurfacePlotDrawLine, 2, "x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,args", "plotting", N_("Draw a line from x1,y1,z1 to 
x2,y2,z2.  x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 can be replaced by a n by 3 matrix for a longer line"));
+       /*FIXME: points*/
        FUNC (LinePlotClear, 0, "", "plotting", N_("Show the line plot window and clear out functions"));
        VFUNC (LinePlotDrawLine, 2, "x1,y1,x2,y2,args", "plotting", N_("Draw a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2.  
x1,y1,x2,y2 can be replaced by a n by 2 matrix for a longer line"));

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