[longomatch] (157 commits) Created branch newui

The branch 'newui' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  c8a3696... Remove tests from LongoMatch.Migration
  cfa9e83... Copy LongoMatch.GUI.dll.config to the output dir
  a97f2b2... Add autogenerated marshalling files for the IDE
  a9db2e5... Add back support for playlists
  acda7b6... Start with the Gtk theming
  d4af59c... Configure wait times for moves and clicks
  cf1875a... Add icons
  e54725d... Add ICons
  bee5c09... Gtk theming
  9df46c6... Add a new date picker component
  070ced4... Add media file chooser component
  1d221cb... Add a new combobox for teams selection
  326bece... Add a new API to list starting/bench players
  85dcdfc... Start with players tagging widget rededign
  5128872... Start with new projects panel design
  c44abfa... Embed the header HBox in an EventBox to allow background th
  573e502... Start adapting the template editors to the new design and l
  53df7b9... Add more icons for the new design
  600a6bb... Rename treeview widgets in the templates views for consiste
  bcd8118... Rename eventbox widget to something more suitable.
  7202d79... Use the new icons in the Teams templates panel
  0e187e7... Use the color scheme.
  6bd38c2... Customize the menubar and children menus.
  22435f8... Fix file chooser right button style
  8dc4843... Rename namespace CanvasObjects and fix players selections
  e8ef0bc... Add calendar icon
  52499a6... Use the logo from the icons instead of the resource
  06cd75a... Track media file changes correctly
  6387458... Start with timelines customization
  ec2221c... Emit tick events to update timelines
  fb924b7... Fix canvas object creation with the new namespace
  89f0945... Customize player widget
  7d00f5c... Implement the disposable pattern for canvas and canvas obje
  f79a240... Rename template editor to dashboard editor, refactor widget
  db062e3... Fix typo in Predifined.
  e7857b4... Add some more images for theming squared buttons. Split but
  299d8ff... Some new icons for the dashboard editor.
  a7c0806... Make it possible to hide the internal buttons and trigger a
  5396247... Tweak label alignments
  311a2a4... Continue with design updates, connect remote buttons for th
  9bb1a32... Rename widgets and reorganize widget tree.
  b1b4035... Updated stetic file.
  ba96135... Include the new buttons rc file, and customize the dashboar
  8b32adf... The vertical separator in the dashboard editor is currently
  36e6269... Respect defined tagging mode for buttons visibility
  8e646fa... Properties need to be in a scrolledwindow.
  17ad779... Start with category properties with tables hidden
  a27a690... Rename PlaysTagger to Dashboard
  4c11f67... Rename ButtonsWidget to DashboardWidget
  048cc23... Update makefiles
  d1742d0... Fix stetic file after widget rename
  60299be... Continue with players redesign
  cafb003... Dispose correctly more objects
  b60d64a... Organize player properties in a single column instead of 2
  a0da75d... Implement player selection in the teams tagger
  e3b5480... Align central box in the New Projects panel
  d2beab4... Use shorter strings for the capture configuration
  ff545d3... Update icons for team editor
  c502ad6... We will fix font size directly using pango markup.
  8b7d1d5... Start working on the team editor, tweak icon sizes and font
  e223134... Continue redesigning the team editor UI. Allow hiding inter
  419033b... Some more fine tuning in the Team information table.
  a94b1db... Customize notebooks
  1968ac1... Customize notebook and support detaching tabs
  b8465f4... New buttons
  854598c... New Style config for team shield icon size
  64dcf9c... Small tweaks for font sizes.
  1b69f78... Add a ValueChanged signal for the DatePicker widget.
  41aae56... Default birthday set to 25 years ago to make it easier to r
  1012e98... Various fixes to the player editor widget. Make sure we sup
  c84604c... Tweak font size and scale the team shield to style configur
  77466fd... Changes in the widgets layout.
  b7472c7... Signal added to DatePicker.
  672e7fd... Nationality was not filled from the proper field.
  2444dca... Fix tabs icons size
  f7ffa38... Fix more background colors
  c49ba77... Show the selection icon in the timeline
  8315d2a... Fix more missing calls to Dispose
  4d730af... Implement new UI for teams combo boxes
  64a2249... Add a panel header component and use it in more places
  5d769d4... We want to have some border on the buttons in their default
  e81e3b7... Fake a frame coming from the title icon with a triangular s
  ad73f5b... Some more adjustments to font sizes and paddings.
  6faa675... Do not authorize horizontal scrolling for the categories wi
  96238d6... Delete unused file
  a5566e1... Show score and penalty cards events in timelines
  69d9632... Fix exception after disposing canvas objects
  78d4ac7... Fix playlists binary serialization
  d50fc4f... Usa pango for text rendering and support text aligment
  8ac9b98... Fix makefiles
  ad15b5e... Add lastname and nickname for players
  2edd158... Use new icons in the plays selection widget
  527be5e... Make IWidget interface IDisposable
  b2194ab... Fix exception un plays lists showing menus
  f109470... Include players tagged in the tagging widget
  fb12657... Remove unused file
  8b3ecc7... Add style for check buttons
  89e8c7d... Fix infinite bucle in the drawing tool
  275ae61... Change background color of the analysis window
  e60364f... Style handles in panned windows
  b757ea0... Remove pixels gaps in notebook tabs
  9dc246a... Remove borders in the GtkAspectFrame
  fbd34f2... Style radio buttons
  93420c1... Add new icons for the drawing tool
  6f3cb55... Add a custom cell renderers for lists of plays
  9860a9a... Fix jumping to a previous playlist element
  6a4e60b... Group score and penalty cards in the plays list
  7f412a9... Redesign the project type selection panel
  3ea4945... Implement prelight/selected/loaded in plays lists
  ca94c91... Set timeline height correctly
  1fdbf80... Rework plays selection logic
  721da3f... Make PenaltyCard serializable
  f8559df... Use the new zoom icons
  dcfe568... Update makefiles
  4848be6... Fix tests
  0982cdf... Update icons for the welcome panel
  767e4e8... Add missing files
  d5e18a7... Style comboboxes
  b89d37b... Use the media file choorser in the project properties panel
  33086c7... Fix bench size in the teams tagger
  fb3a4a5... Fix disposing of timeline objects
  1e52030... Support removing players for the current match
  e7f66dd... Remove actions groups from the coding widget
  0424c37... Fix creation of live projects
  e723033... Format code for CapturerBin
  6fed913... Split tick events for player and capturer
  c75642b... Make sure the capturer emits tick events
  e52fb3f... Use a filename with the current date as default
  bc7984f... Only create a independent frames capturer for file projects
  c70d451... use new background and fix resetting them in the dashboard
  95f2b9f... Add new buttons to control Dashboard's fit/fill/1:1 and edi
  36cf993... Add new icons for the dashboard modes
  cf440c3... Fix rendering text to surfaces
  4066ec4... Redraw after reloading the teams
  5c8f23a... Fix exception redrawing before setting positions
  251f3a4... Use the default field background for teams edition
  d715161... Delete redraw, now handled in the component
  f0c8411... Add the common header to the preferences panel
  516c89b... Remove unused code
  4836e31... Default theming for TreeView
  9656c45... Add some new images for combo backgrounds that we will use 
  d6355cd... Simplify theming of comboboxes. We force combos to draw a s
  59d4f46... Text color is white in Combobox content.
  377565f... Add missing files.
  52a7d70... Polish UI for the preferences panel
  355ab18... Fix new plays insertion in the correct iter
  1bb5cc5... Don't show menus for groups and players in the treeview
  6cdd71e... Make sure that the tagproperties widget is not sensitive at
  8a7df28... Make sure the tagproperties widget is not sensitive when th
  9783734... Make sure the player properties widget is not sensitive whe
  88ac43c... Add a function to clear the player information from the wid
  a658422... When a new template is set or nothing is selected, make sur
  d39ae78... Improve support for null tagger. We need to reset the diffe
  8f8c5bd... Manage player frame widget sensitivity only with LoadPlayer
  47ca8a4... Rename function for consistency.
  6789752... Use a toolbar for the dashboard config
  4a0b4f5... Update makefiles for icons

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