[gnome-shell/gnome-3-12] networkAgent: Support NM versions without :capabilities

commit ffa8ff730e10ffd213bd3cb8cdda63f4eb36b1be
Author: Florian MĂźllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date:   Fri Oct 31 12:33:22 2014 +0000

    networkAgent: Support NM versions without :capabilities
    Commit 36f051044c465316 bumped the requirement for NetworkManager,
    which is problematic on a stable branch; optionally fall back to
    the previous code.

 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js |   12 +++++++++---
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/js/ui/components/networkAgent.js b/js/ui/components/networkAgent.js
index 2b5bf35..3ed6e23 100644
--- a/js/ui/components/networkAgent.js
+++ b/js/ui/components/networkAgent.js
@@ -597,9 +597,15 @@ const NetworkAgent = new Lang.Class({
     Name: 'NetworkAgent',
     _init: function() {
-        this._native = new Shell.NetworkAgent({ identifier: 'org.gnome.Shell.NetworkAgent',
-                                                capabilities: NMClient.SecretAgentCapabilities.VPN_HINTS
-                                              });
+        try {
+            this._native = new Shell.NetworkAgent({ identifier: 'org.gnome.Shell.NetworkAgent',
+                                                    capabilities: NMClient.SecretAgentCapabilities.VPN_HINTS
+                                                  });
+        } catch(e) {
+            // Support older versions without NetworkAgent:capabilities
+            this._native = new Shell.NetworkAgent({ identifier: 'org.gnome.Shell.NetworkAgent'
+                                                  });
+        }
         this._dialogs = { };
         this._vpnRequests = { };

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