[evolution-data-server] Bug 698964 - Hide password prompt right after getting the password

commit 04a93c3ba1996cdadeb673fdedfdb4d0354d3e01
Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Date:   Mon Oct 20 18:57:47 2014 +0200

    Bug 698964 - Hide password prompt right after getting the password

 libebackend/e-authentication-session.c |   74 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libebackend/e-authentication-session.c b/libebackend/e-authentication-session.c
index b23522a..8a2cb73 100644
--- a/libebackend/e-authentication-session.c
+++ b/libebackend/e-authentication-session.c
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ authentication_session_execute_sync (EAuthenticationSession *session,
        ESourceRegistryServer *server;
        ESource *source = NULL;
        GcrPrompt *prompt;
-       GString *password_string;
+       GString *password_string = NULL;
        const gchar *label;
        const gchar *source_uid;
        const gchar *prompt_password;
@@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ authentication_session_execute_sync (EAuthenticationSession *session,
        gboolean success;
        gboolean allow_auth_prompt = TRUE;
        gboolean remember_password = TRUE;
+       gboolean first_prompt = TRUE;
        GError *local_error = NULL;
        /* XXX I moved the execute() operation into a class method thinking
@@ -513,6 +514,8 @@ authentication_session_execute_sync (EAuthenticationSession *session,
        /* Configure a system prompt. */
+ try_again:
        prompt = gcr_system_prompt_open (
                SYSTEM_PROMPT_TIMEOUT, cancellable, error);
@@ -540,7 +543,10 @@ authentication_session_execute_sync (EAuthenticationSession *session,
        gcr_prompt_set_choice_label (prompt, label);
        gcr_prompt_set_choice_chosen (prompt, remember_password);
+       if (!first_prompt)
+               gcr_prompt_set_warning (prompt, _("Password was incorrect"));
+       else
+               first_prompt = FALSE;
        /* Prompt the user for a password. */
@@ -560,6 +566,29 @@ try_again:
                goto close_prompt;
+       if (password_string)
+               g_string_free (password_string, TRUE);
+       password_string = g_string_new (prompt_password);
+       prompt_password = NULL;
+       remember_password = gcr_prompt_get_choice_chosen (prompt);
+       /* Failure here does not affect the outcome of this
+        * operation, but leave a breadcrumb as evidence that
+        * something went wrong. */
+       gcr_system_prompt_close (
+               GCR_SYSTEM_PROMPT (prompt),
+               cancellable, &local_error);
+       if (local_error != NULL) {
+               g_warning ("%s: %s", G_STRFUNC, local_error->message);
+               g_clear_error (&local_error);
+       }
+       g_object_unref (prompt);
+       prompt = NULL;
        if (source != NULL) {
                ESourceExtension *extension;
                const gchar *extension_name;
@@ -569,59 +598,33 @@ try_again:
                e_source_authentication_set_remember_password (
                        E_SOURCE_AUTHENTICATION (extension),
-                       gcr_prompt_get_choice_chosen (prompt));
+                       remember_password);
        /* Attempt authentication with the provided password. */
-       password_string = g_string_new (prompt_password);
        auth_result = e_source_authenticator_try_password_sync (
                authenticator, password_string, cancellable, error);
-       g_string_free (password_string, TRUE);
-       password_string = NULL;
        if (auth_result == E_SOURCE_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) {
                session_result = E_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_ERROR;
-               goto close_prompt;
+               goto exit;
        if (auth_result == E_SOURCE_AUTHENTICATION_ACCEPTED) {
-               gboolean permanently;
                gchar *password_copy;
-               permanently = gcr_prompt_get_choice_chosen (prompt);
                session_result = E_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_SUCCESS;
-               /* Close our prompt before storing the password in
-                * the keyring.  If the keyring is locked, it will
-                * need to prompt the user for a keyring password,
-                * but it can't do that if our password prompt is
-                * still open since both prompts are system-modal.
-                * Not sure what would happen next; probably the
-                * store operation would either fail or deadlock. */
                /* XXX Not sure if it's safe to use the prompt's
                 *     password string after closing the prompt,
                 *     so make a copy here just to be safe. */
-               password_copy = gcr_secure_memory_strdup (prompt_password);
+               password_copy = gcr_secure_memory_strdup (password_string->str);
                /* Failure here does not affect the outcome of this
                 * operation, but leave a breadcrumb as evidence that
                 * something went wrong. */
-               gcr_system_prompt_close (
-                       GCR_SYSTEM_PROMPT (prompt),
-                       cancellable, &local_error);
-               if (local_error != NULL) {
-                       g_warning ("%s: %s", G_STRFUNC, local_error->message);
-                       g_clear_error (&local_error);
-               }
-               g_object_unref (prompt);
                /* Create a phony "scratch" source if necessary. */
                if (source == NULL) {
                        source = e_source_new_with_uid (
@@ -630,7 +633,7 @@ try_again:
                if (source != NULL) {
                        e_source_store_password_sync (
-                               source, password_copy, permanently,
+                               source, password_copy, remember_password,
                                cancellable, &local_error);
@@ -646,8 +649,6 @@ try_again:
        g_warn_if_fail (auth_result == E_SOURCE_AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED);
-       gcr_prompt_set_warning (prompt, _("Password was incorrect"));
        goto try_again;
@@ -693,6 +694,11 @@ exit:
        g_clear_object (&source);
+       if (password_string) {
+               g_string_free (password_string, TRUE);
+               password_string = NULL;
+       }
        return session_result;

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