[gnome-builder] (156 commits) ...editor: wire GbEditorVim:enabled to GSetting schema.

Summary of changes:

  77673c3... vim: start on vim keybindings prototype. (*)
  9ee8e39... vim: x should never cause non-current lines to change. (*)
  f637b51... vim: implement basic "o" and "<Shift>o" support. (*)
  df878d3... vim: remove dead comment. (*)
  b1d341d... vim: fix comment on GDK_KEY_a. (*)
  e3bda9c... vim: make delete selection match VIM for removing whole lin (*)
  c4a6325... editor: remove duplicated commands implemented by VIM mode. (*)
  850ce9e... editor: make beginning search a GbSourceView signal. (*)
  f6abee4... vim: slash should initiate search. (*)
  ec1df85... vim: add some todo notes. (*)
  67e14f6... editor: make indent/unindent public API for source view. (*)
  a2c4dab... vim: indent/unindent selection upon > or < key press. (*)
  cb49fbb... vim: track connection state so we can warn if we find any f (*)
  70cda48... vim: possibly auto-indent after `o` or `O` in normal mode. (*)
  33d3e85... vim: implement `D` to delete to end of line. (*)
  fd76e6e... vim: implement <Control>u in insert mode. (*)
  d328c58... vim: match vim when `Vx` on an empty line. (*)
  34c9be4... vim: `$` jumps to end of line in normal mode. (*)
  66e1a33... vim: support overwrite mode with `R` command. (*)
  297e8b0... vim: `x` should move the cut text into the selection clipbo (*)
  e16544f... vim: try to keep the cursor set on the non-EOL like VIM doe (*)
  e079367... vim: adjust cursor position upon deletes when in non-insert (*)
  399e2c5... vim: escape any pending snippets when not in insert mode. (*)
  e97d22e... vim: fix comment. (*)
  a92055e... vim: implement `p` command for paste clipboard. (*)
  d62677d... vim: make paste act more like VIM (*)
  ebcc47f... vim: implement `G` command to move to end of document. (*)
  60b090d... vim: use gtk_text_buffer_get_has_selection() (*)
  f9293c1... vim: use gulong for signal ids. (*)
  874547e... vim: remove unnecessary selection expansion (*)
  ecb9eb2... vim: don't allow delete `x` to jump past current line. (*)
  027a9f3... vim: implement `e` command to move to end of word. (*)
  a19f409... editor: allow initializing find with the search text. (*)
  4843972... vim: dont skip a word upon `w` when not in a word boundry. (*)
  384718d... vim: implement yank command `y` (*)
  994b9c2... vim: move to beginning of line upon `^` command. (*)
  9c4deb4... vim: fix some typos in comments. (*)
  df95286... vim: potentially allow keybindings to activate if no comman (*)
  82ee886... editor: allow specifying the initial text and and direction (*)
  8e7895a... vim: implement # command to jump backwards to previous matc (*)
  bc1ce6a... editor: center search results vertically when selected. (*)
  34a6e11... notebook: focus tab after raising it. (*)
  463ee2f... vim: allow # search to not focus the search entry. (*)
  d80025e... editor: allow previous match to wrap around the end of the  (*)
  5f35ac2... editor: only adjust the beginning iter when (un)indenting. (*)
  09dbe70... vim: select the current character with `v` (*)
  ee2f856... vim: add selection support for `l` (*)
  b9ee183... vim: preserve insert and selection marks on `l` or `h` move (*)
  f192978... vim: make `b` preserve selection. (*)
  4454a6d... vim: preserve selection upon `w` command. (*)
  55e5dd2... vim: preserve selection on `j` command. (*)
  5c46072... vim: clear selection with Escape. (*)
  7d2dd3c... vim: preserve selection on `k` command. (*)
  c157989... vim: make `j` act more like VIM when a selection exists. (*)
  9eb6a17... vim: clear selection upon `u` undo (*)
  07a3389... editor: be more like VIM when moving up in line selections. (*)
  4ea09e3... vim: make `$` command respect selections. (*)
  469ef88... vim: make `^` command respect selections. (*)
  20479c9... vim: clear selection upon redo of operation. (*)
  2999978... vim: preserve selection upon `G` command. (*)
  6684f21... vim: implement `0` (zero) command. (*)
  9c8c183... vim: add forward search with * (*)
  4492b51... vim: make sure we move past the current word when searching (*)
  36e9f10... editor: set at-word-boundaries by default. (*)
  fbc5a19... vim: make `e` command respec the current selection. (*)
  4e04f9b... vim: make paste (p) place the cursor on the first pasted li (*)
  70038a1... vim: try to be a bit smarter about conditional multi-lines. (*)
  0c0df89... auto-indent: be smarter about indent in {|} position. (*)
  1f1eb1a... vim: plumb command line GString for use in command mode. (*)
  86943d9... vim: plumb some basic event handling for command mode. (*)
  fdc5112... vim: plumb some command line entry work. (*)
  918bbbb... vim: make command entry when switching to command mode (*)
  f514094... vim: add a GtkEntry to be used for vim command entry (*)
  4cb961f... vim: put command entry in an overlay/frame (*)
  3b38b6c... vim: make GtkEntry for command entry almost functional. (*)
  7944c23... vim: use slide up for command bar (*)
  4898ffb... vim: style the command entry a bit. (*)
  552f8c7... vim: plumb in :w support in a very crude way. (*)
  2c0ef9e... vim: clear command mode after :w (*)
  e21b534... vim: remove some dead comments. (*)
  dc5f66e... vim: implement :sort command. (*)
  6f16a0b... vim: add <stdlib.h> for qsort(). (*)
  eb33800... editor: use equality func (*)
  f8178c7... keybindings: map begin/end to their natural gtk counterpart (*)
  9e8d4c0... vim: make clear selection only clear if there is currently  (*)
  9114fbc... vim: clear selection before searching. (*)
  249a33c... vim: make searching a bit more resilient (*)
  504e2aa... vim: reselect the previous search upon `/` command. (*)
  f57b70d... vim: update comment on search TODO (*)
  0df9036... vim: implement <Control>B to go back a page. (*)
  a42c5d9... vim: implement <Control>F (*)
  99167d2... vim: move backward a character when escaping from Insert. (*)
  55e66f2... vim: only change to NORMAL mode on focus-in if we are in CO (*)
  0946f4a... vim: <Control>U should delete to first non-whitespace chara (*)
  cdba80c... vim: make move to start handle whitespace lines closer to V (*)
  4ca2b41... vim: make ctrl+[ a synonym for Esc. (*)
  bd15757... vim: a very rough first draft at phrases (dw, yy, gg, etc) (*)
  8171c7d... vim: refactor phrase and normal mode to share command API. (*)
  0570025... vim: o and O should switch to insert mode. (*)
  7d790e5... vim: verify subcommand is a movement when necessary. (*)
  e818d33... vim: add comment regarding multi-char commands like gu and  (*)
  39fe9ec... vim: yy should not move the cursor position. (*)
  26b1212... vim: `p' of whole line should leave us on index 0. (*)
  88ef77a... vim: add helper to save/restore cursor position (*)
  122c57f... vim: fix `yw' and other y movements. (*)
  74e36ac... vim: improve position of cursor after pasting. (*)
  f02e214... vim: fix `v' command when on last character of the line. (*)
  022913e... vim: coalesce all changes in insert mode into single undo i (*)
  14e11d2... vim: start from zero mode (*)
  6a5fe00... vim: try to handle selection properly in `vk' sequence. (*)
  5f55921... vim: rename function to match similar functions (*)
  ce4c098... vim: don't rely on selection when selecting current char. (*)
  308c924... vim: ensure the originating character selection is always s (*)
  4461fdc... vim: don't try to overselect when moving down. (*)
  2734dca... vim: preserve selected character column when moving up and  (*)
  4e012b1... vim: try to clone VIM page up/down semantics more closely (*)
  a930703... vim: special work around for `y' when there is a selection. (*)
  c20d02c... vim: add GbEditorVim:phrase property for observers (*)
  1b3a789... vim: render the phrase status in the position label. (*)
  6574f31... vim: make backspace move backwards and preserve the selecti (*)
  37b8139... vim: add basic ctrl-a/ctrl-x support. (*)
  0e8d392... vim: update some comments. (*)
  2296246... vim: remove dead comment. (*)
  51277fb... vim: move clearing of snippets outside of GbEditorVim. (*)
  39744b3... vim: allow defining GB_EDITOR_VIM_EXTERNAL to use without r (*)
  3d08dd2... vim: allow gb-editor-vim to be used externally. (*)
  a2e5c56... vim: fix visual line selection at end of buffer (*)
  cf1002b... vim: allow selecting last character in buffer with select_c (*)
  1dec5f9... vim: handle corner case with line selection at end of buffe (*)
  378ed6b... vim: fix `a' at end of buffer. (*)
  6304f44... auto-indent: move function higher for reuse. (*)
  73407ea... auto-indent: don't add space before ( on #define's (*)
  87ac1f5... vim: don't clear selection when going to COMMAND mode. (*)
  f2cdf4c... vim: perform commands in begin/end user action. (*)
  0e9c786... vim: fix `x' command on last character of buffer. (*)
  661f429... editor: add setting for higlight-matching-brackets. (*)
  23b89da... snippets: make `gobject' in headers have a reasonable defau (*)
  d27dec3... app: cleanup how we present the window (*)
  42faffc... app: change where we set the resource base path (*)
  a1f2f60... prefs: start plumbing an preferences dialog. (*)
  0596fa8... prefs: use headerbar for prefs window. (*)
  9728b3b... prefs: add search entry for searching preferences (*)
  889872b... prefs: lighten the background of the sidebar (*)
  90fd0a4... prefs: expand sidebar height (*)
  7a19da6... prefs: set transition to crossfade (*)
  619643a... prefs: add a section so we can see the sidebar in action (*)
  14898f3... build: add gnome_builder_built_sources to BUILT_SOURCES (*)
  267aa6b... prefs: more preferences wip (*)
  879e679... prefs: map section titles to headerbar title (*)
  ab61b9b... prefs: stub out some horrible UI for VIM preference. (*)
  3de780c... prefs: stub out some git info widgets (*)
  10719f8... vim: restore cursor when disabling VIM mode. (*)
  e5ca43d... prefs: load some git config info just for fun (*)
  4d1ad0e... settings: add schema for vim-mode in editor settings. (*)
  3e76e7e... prefs: wire vim mode to gsettings schema. (*)
  3688cfa... editor: wire GbEditorVim:enabled to GSetting schema. (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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