[gegl] Bug 740540 - Port the gimp Solid Noise plug-in as gegl:noise-solid

commit c3f3bfc414687d929b934198de7e3422d8cb6fa6
Author: Thomas Manni <thomas manni free fr>
Date:   Sat Nov 22 16:28:15 2014 +0100

    Bug 740540 - Port the gimp Solid Noise plug-in as gegl:noise-solid

 operations/common/Makefile.am                |    3 +-
 operations/common/noise-solid.c              |  332 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/POTFILES.in                               |    1 +
 tests/compositions/Makefile.am               |    1 +
 tests/compositions/noise-solid.xml           |   23 ++
 tests/compositions/reference/noise-solid.png |  Bin 0 -> 77721 bytes
 6 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/operations/common/Makefile.am b/operations/common/Makefile.am
index e49b7f1..4402f6e 100644
--- a/operations/common/Makefile.am
+++ b/operations/common/Makefile.am
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ op_LTLIBRARIES = \
        noise-rgb.la \
        noise-simplex.la \
        noise-slur.la \
-       noise-spread.la \
+       noise-solid.la \
+        noise-spread.la \
        noise-cell.la \
        oilify.la \
        opacity.la \
diff --git a/operations/common/noise-solid.c b/operations/common/noise-solid.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..961b04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/operations/common/noise-solid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+/* This file is an image processing operation for GEGL
+ *
+ * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with GEGL; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * This operation generates solid noise textures based on the
+ * `Noise' and `Turbulence' functions described in the paper
+ *
+ *    Perlin, K, and Hoffert, E. M., "Hypertexture",
+ *    Computer Graphics 23, 3 (August 1989)
+ *
+ * The algorithm implemented here also makes possible the
+ * creation of seamless tiles.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Marcelo de Gomensoro Malheiros
+ *
+ * GEGL port: Thomas Manni <thomas manni free fr>
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+property_double (x_size, _("X Size"), 4.0)
+    description (_("Horizontal texture size"))
+    ui_range    (0.1, 16.0)
+    ui_meta     ("unit", "pixel-distance")
+    ui_meta     ("axis", "x")
+property_double (y_size, _("Y Size"), 4.0)
+    description (_("Vertical texture size"))
+    ui_range    (0.1, 16.0)
+    ui_meta     ("unit", "pixel-distance")
+    ui_meta     ("axis", "y")
+property_int    (detail, _("Detail"), 1)
+    description (_("Detail level"))
+    ui_range    (0, 15)
+    value_range (0, 15)
+property_boolean (tilable, _("Tilable"), FALSE)
+    description  (_("Create a tilable output"))
+property_boolean (turbulent, _("Turbulent"), FALSE)
+    description  (_("Make a turbulent noise"))
+property_seed (seed, _("Random seed"), rand)
+property_int    (width, _("Width"), 1024)
+    description (_("Width of the generated buffer"))
+    value_range (0, G_MAXINT)
+    ui_range    (0, 4096)
+    ui_meta     ("unit", "pixel-distance")
+    ui_meta     ("axis", "x")
+    ui_meta     ("role", "output-extent")
+property_int (height, _("Height"), 768)
+    description(_("Height of the generated buffer"))
+    value_range (0, G_MAXINT)
+    ui_range    (0, 4096)
+    ui_meta     ("unit", "pixel-distance")
+    ui_meta     ("axis", "y")
+    ui_meta     ("role", "output-extent")
+#define GEGL_OP_C_FILE "noise-solid.c"
+#include "gegl-op.h"
+#define TABLE_SIZE  64
+#define WEIGHT(T)   ((2.0 * fabs (T) - 3.0) * (T) * (T) + 1.0)
+typedef struct
+  gdouble x;
+  gdouble y;
+} Vector2;
+typedef struct
+  gint         xclip;
+  gint         yclip;
+  gdouble      offset;
+  gdouble      factor;
+  gdouble      xsize;
+  gdouble      ysize;
+  gint         perm_tab[TABLE_SIZE];
+  Vector2      grad_tab[TABLE_SIZE];
+} NsParamsType;
+static void
+solid_noise_init (GeglProperties *o)
+  gint          i, j, k, t;
+  gdouble       m;
+  GRand        *gr;
+  NsParamsType *params;
+  params = (NsParamsType *) o->user_data;
+  g_assert (params != NULL);
+  gr = g_rand_new_with_seed (o->seed);
+  /*  Set scaling factors  */
+  if (o->tilable)
+    {
+      params->xsize = ceil (o->x_size);
+      params->ysize = ceil (o->y_size);
+      params->xclip = (gint) params->xsize;
+      params->yclip = (gint) params->ysize;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      params->xsize = o->x_size;
+      params->ysize = o->y_size;
+    }
+  /*  Set totally empiric normalization values  */
+  if (o->turbulent)
+    {
+      params->offset = 0.0;
+      params->factor = 1.0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      params->offset = 0.94;
+      params->factor = 0.526;
+    }
+  /*  Initialize the permutation table  */
+  for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
+    params->perm_tab[i] = i;
+  for (i = 0; i < (TABLE_SIZE >> 1); i++)
+    {
+      j = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, TABLE_SIZE);
+      k = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, TABLE_SIZE);
+      t = params->perm_tab[j];
+      params->perm_tab[j] = params->perm_tab[k];
+      params->perm_tab[k] = t;
+    }
+  /*  Initialize the gradient table  */
+  for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
+    {
+      do
+        {
+          params->grad_tab[i].x = g_rand_double_range (gr, -1, 1);
+          params->grad_tab[i].y = g_rand_double_range (gr, -1, 1);
+          m = params->grad_tab[i].x * params->grad_tab[i].x +
+                   params->grad_tab[i].y * params->grad_tab[i].y;
+        }
+      while (m == 0.0 || m > 1.0);
+      m = 1.0 / sqrt(m);
+      params->grad_tab[i].x *= m;
+      params->grad_tab[i].y *= m;
+    }
+  g_rand_free (gr);
+static gdouble
+plain_noise (gdouble         x,
+             gdouble         y,
+             guint           s,
+             GeglProperties *o)
+  Vector2       v;
+  gint          a, b, i, j, n;
+  gdouble       sum;
+  NsParamsType *p;
+  p = (NsParamsType *) o->user_data;
+  sum = 0.0;
+  x *= s;
+  y *= s;
+  a = (gint) floor (x);
+  b = (gint) floor (y);
+  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+        {
+          if (o->tilable)
+            n = p->perm_tab[(((a + i) % (p->xclip * s)) + p->perm_tab[((b + j) % (p->yclip * s)) % 
+          else
+            n = p->perm_tab[(a + i + p->perm_tab[(b + j) % TABLE_SIZE]) % TABLE_SIZE];
+          v.x = x - a - i;
+          v.y = y - b - j;
+          sum += WEIGHT(v.x) * WEIGHT(v.y) * (p->grad_tab[n].x * v.x + p->grad_tab[n].y * v.y);
+        }
+    }
+  return sum / s;
+static gdouble
+noise (gdouble         x,
+       gdouble         y,
+       GeglProperties *o)
+  gint          i;
+  guint         s;
+  gdouble       sum;
+  NsParamsType *p;
+  p = (NsParamsType *) o->user_data;
+  s = 1;
+  sum = 0.0;
+  x *= p->xsize;
+  y *= p->ysize;
+  for (i = 0; i <= o->detail; i++)
+    {
+      if (o->turbulent)
+        sum += fabs (plain_noise (x, y, s, o));
+      else
+        sum += plain_noise (x, y, s, o);
+      s <<= 1;
+    }
+  return (sum + p->offset) * p->factor;
+static void
+prepare (GeglOperation *operation)
+  GeglProperties *o = GEGL_PROPERTIES (operation);
+  const Babl     *format = babl_format ("Y' float");
+  if (o->user_data == NULL)
+    o->user_data = g_slice_new0 (NsParamsType);
+  solid_noise_init (o);
+  gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "output", format);
+static gboolean
+c_process (GeglOperation       *operation,
+           void                *out_buf,
+           glong                n_pixels,
+           const GeglRectangle *roi,
+           gint                 level)
+  GeglProperties *o = GEGL_PROPERTIES (operation);
+  gint      x, y;
+  gfloat    val;
+  gfloat   *output = out_buf;
+  for (y = roi->y; y < (roi->y + roi->height); y++)
+    {
+      for (x = roi->x; x < (roi->x + roi->width); x++)
+        {
+          val = noise (((gdouble) x / o->width), ((gdouble) y / o->height), o);
+          *output = val;
+          output++;
+        }
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+process (GeglOperation       *operation,
+         GeglBuffer          *out_buf,
+         const GeglRectangle *roi,
+         gint                 level)
+  GeglBufferIterator *iter;
+  const Babl         *format = gegl_operation_get_format (operation,
+                                                          "output");
+  iter = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (out_buf, roi, level, format,
+                                   GEGL_ACCESS_WRITE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
+  while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (iter))
+    c_process (operation, iter->data[0], iter->length, &iter->roi[0], level);
+  return  TRUE;
+static GeglRectangle
+get_bounding_box (GeglOperation *operation)
+  return gegl_rectangle_infinite_plane ();
+static void
+gegl_op_class_init (GeglOpClass *klass)
+  GeglOperationClass       *operation_class;
+  GeglOperationSourceClass *source_class;
+  operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass);
+  source_class = GEGL_OPERATION_SOURCE_CLASS (klass);
+  source_class->process = process;
+  operation_class->get_bounding_box = get_bounding_box;
+  operation_class->prepare = prepare;
+  operation_class->opencl_support = FALSE;
+  gegl_operation_class_set_keys (operation_class,
+    "name",               "gegl:noise-solid",
+    "title",              _("Solid Noise"),
+    "categories",         "render",
+    "position-dependent", "true",
+    "license",            "GPL3+",
+    "description", _("Create a random cloud-like texture"),
+    NULL);
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index f6ef74b..5f55a2d 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ operations/common/noise-reduction.c
diff --git a/tests/compositions/Makefile.am b/tests/compositions/Makefile.am
index ea83747..adb5e99 100644
--- a/tests/compositions/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/compositions/Makefile.am
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ TESTS = \
   noise-cell.xml                                       \
   noise-hurl.xml                                       \
   noise-simplex.xml                            \
+  noise-solid.xml                 \
   pixelize.xml                    \
   posterize.xml                   \
   red-eye-removal.xml             \
diff --git a/tests/compositions/noise-solid.xml b/tests/compositions/noise-solid.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca55faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/compositions/noise-solid.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <node operation='gegl:crop'>
+      <params>
+        <param name='x'>0</param>
+        <param name='y'>0</param>
+        <param name='width'>400</param>
+        <param name='height'>400</param>
+      </params>
+  </node>
+  <node operation='gegl:noise-solid'>
+    <params>
+        <param name='x-size'>5.00</param>
+        <param name='y-size'>5.00</param>
+        <param name='detail'>10</param>
+        <param name='tilable'>true</param>
+        <param name='turbulent'>true</param>
+        <param name='seed'>0</param>
+        <param name="width">100</param>
+        <param name="height">100</param>
+      </params>
+  </node>
diff --git a/tests/compositions/reference/noise-solid.png b/tests/compositions/reference/noise-solid.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec029ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/compositions/reference/noise-solid.png differ

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