[bugzilla-gnome-org-extensions] 4.4 migration: Add splinter.js being a cat of most js files
- From: Krzesimir Nowak <krnowak src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [bugzilla-gnome-org-extensions] 4.4 migration: Add splinter.js being a cat of most js files
- Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:26:13 +0000 (UTC)
commit e9137618d095cba3f95cfd6804232fd667998ada
Author: Krzesimir Nowak <qdlacz gmail com>
Date: Tue Nov 18 12:50:05 2014 +0100
4.4 migration: Add splinter.js being a cat of most js files
Created with a throw-away modification of flattener.py and then
hand-edited here and there.
web/splinter.js | 2686 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 2686 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/web/splinter.js b/web/splinter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3923e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/splinter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2686 @@
+/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+// Splinter - patch review add-on for Bugzilla
+// By Owen Taylor <otaylor fishsoup net>
+// Copyright 2009, Red Hat, Inc.
+// Licensed under MPL 1.1 or later, or GPL 2 or later
+// http://git.fishsoup.net/cgit/splinter
+if (!console) {
+ var console = {};
+ console.log = function() {};
+// MODULE: Utils
+var Utils = {};
+Utils.assert = function(condition) {
+ if (!condition)
+ throw new Error("Assertion failed");
+Utils.assertNotReached = function() {
+ throw new Error("Assertion failed: should not be reached");
+Utils.strip = function(string) {
+ return /^\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*$/.exec(string)[1];
+Utils.lstrip = function(string) {
+ return /^\s*([\s\S]*)$/.exec(string)[1];
+Utils.rstrip = function(string) {
+ return /^([\s\S]*?)\s*$/.exec(string)[1];
+Utils.formatDate = function(date, now) {
+ if (now == null)
+ now = new Date();
+ var daysAgo = (now.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+ if (daysAgo < 0 && now.getDate() != date.getDate())
+ return date.toLocaleDateString();
+ else if (daysAgo < 1 && now.getDate() == date.getDate())
+ return date.toLocaleTimeString();
+ else if (daysAgo < 7 && now.getDay() != date.getDay())
+ return ['Sun', 'Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'][date.getDay()] + " " + date.toLocaleTimeString();
+ else
+ return date.toLocaleDateString();
+// MODULE: Bug
+var Bug = {};
+// Until 2009-04, Bugzilla would use symbolic abbrevations for timezones in the XML output.
+// Afterwords it was switched to a UTC offset. We handle some of the more likely to be
+// encountered symbolic timezeones. Anything else is just handled as if it was UTC.
+// See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=487865
+ CEST: 200,
+ CET: 100,
+ BST: 100,
+ GMT: 000,
+ UTC: 000,
+ EDT: -400,
+ EST: -500,
+ CDT: -500,
+ CST: -600,
+ MDT: -600,
+ MST: -700,
+ PDT: -700,
+ PST: -800
+Bug.parseDate = function(d) {
+ var m = /^\s*(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\s+(?:([A-Z]{3,})|([-+]\d{3,}))\s*$/.exec(d);
+ if (!m)
+ return null;
+ var year = parseInt(m[1], 10);
+ var month = parseInt(m[2] - 1, 10);
+ var day = parseInt(m[3], 10);
+ var hour = parseInt(m[4], 10);
+ var minute = parseInt(m[5], 10);
+ var second = m[6] ? parseInt(m[6], 10) : 0;
+ var tzoffset = 0;
+ if (m[7]) {
+ if (m[7] in Bug.TIMEZONES)
+ tzoffset = Bug.TIMEZONES[m[7]];
+ } else {
+ tzoffset = parseInt(m[8], 10);
+ }
+ var unadjustedDate = new Date(Date.UTC(m[1], m[2] - 1, m[3], m[4], m[5]));
+ // 430 => 4:30. Easier to do this computation for only positive offsets
+ var sign = tzoffset < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ tzoffset *= sign;
+ var adjustmentHours = Math.floor(tzoffset/100);
+ var adjustmentMinutes = tzoffset - adjustmentHours * 100;
+ return new Date(unadjustedDate.getTime() -
+ sign * adjustmentHours * 3600000 -
+ sign * adjustmentMinutes * 60000);
+Bug._formatWho = function(name, email) {
+ if (name && email)
+ return name + " <" + email + ">";
+ else if (name)
+ return name;
+ else
+ return email;
+Bug.Attachment = function(bug, id) {
+ this._init(bug, id);
+Bug.Attachment.prototype = {
+ _init : function(bug, id) {
+ this.bug = bug;
+ this.id = id;
+ }
+Bug.Comment = function(bug) {
+ this._init(bug);
+Bug.Comment.prototype = {
+ _init : function(bug) {
+ this.bug = bug;
+ },
+ getWho : function() {
+ return Bug._formatWho(this.whoName, this.whoEmail);
+ }
+Bug.Bug = function() {
+ this._init();
+Bug.Bug.prototype = {
+ _init : function() {
+ this.attachments = [];
+ this.comments = [];
+ },
+ getAttachment : function(attachmentId) {
+ for (i = 0; i < this.attachments.length; i++) {
+ var attachment = theBug.attachments[i];
+ if (attachment.id == attachmentId)
+ return attachment;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getReporter : function() {
+ return Bug._formatWho(this.reporterName, this.reporterEmail);
+ }
+// In the browser environment we use JQuery to parse the DOM tree
+// for the XML document for the bug
+Bug.Bug.fromDOM = function(xml) {
+ var bug = new Bug.Bug();
+ $(xml).children('bugzilla').children('bug').each(function() {
+ bug.id = parseInt($(this).children('bug_id').text());
+ bug.token = $(this).children('token').text();
+ bug.shortDesc = Utils.strip($(this).children('short_desc').text());
+ bug.creationDate = Bug.parseDate($(this).children('creation_ts').text());
+ $(this).children('reporter').each(function() {
+ bug.reporterEmail = Utils.strip($(this).text());
+ bug.reporterName = Utils.strip($(this).attr('name'));
+ });
+ $(this).children('long_desc').each(function() {
+ var comment = new Bug.Comment(bug);
+ $(this).children('who').each(function() {
+ comment.whoEmail = Utils.strip($(this).text());
+ comment.whoName = Utils.strip($(this).attr('name'));
+ });
+ comment.date = Bug.parseDate($(this).children('bug_when').text());
+ comment.text = $(this).children('thetext').text();
+ bug.comments.push(comment);
+ });
+ $(this).children('attachment').each(function() {
+ var attachid = parseInt($(this).children('attachid').text());
+ var attachment = new Bug.Attachment(bug, attachid);
+ attachment.description = Utils.strip($(this).children('desc').text());
+ attachment.filename = Utils.strip($(this).children('filename').text());
+ attachment.date = Bug.parseDate($(this).children('date').text());
+ attachment.status = Utils.strip($(this).children('status').text());
+ if (attachment.status == "")
+ attachment.status = null;
+ attachment.token = Utils.strip($(this).children('token').text());
+ if (attachment.token == "")
+ attachment.token = null;
+ attachment.isPatch = $(this).attr('ispatch') == "1";
+ attachment.isObsolete = $(this).attr('isobsolete') == "1";
+ attachment.isPrivate = $(this).attr('isprivate') == "1";
+ bug.attachments.push(attachment);
+ });
+ });
+ return bug;
+// MODULE: Dialog
+var Dialog = {};
+/* This is a simple "lightboxed" modal dialog. The only reason I wrote it was
+ * so that the the "Cancel" button for a review wouldn't put up a:
+ *
+ * 'Really discard your changes?' [ OK ] [ Cancel ]
+ *
+ * dialog with Cancel meaning the opposite thing as the first Cancel - that's
+ * what you'd get with window.confirm(). Maybe it has other uses.
+ *
+ * Usage is:
+ *
+ * var dialog = new Dialog(<prompt>, <button_label1>, <callback1>)
+ * dialog.show();
+ * dialog.focus(<button_label1>)
+ */
+Dialog.Dialog = function() {
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+Dialog.Dialog.prototype = {
+ _init: function(prompt) {
+ var q = $("<div id='modalContainer' style='display: none;'>"
+ + "<div id='modalBackground' style='display: none;'></div>"
+ + "<table>"
+ + "<tr><td>"
+ + "<div id='dialog'>"
+ + "<div id='dialogText'></div>"
+ + "<div id='dialogButtons'></div>"
+ + "<div class='clear'></div>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "</td></tr>"
+ + "</table>"
+ + "</div>")
+ .find("#dialogText").text(prompt).end()
+ .appendTo(document.body);
+ this.div = q.get(0);
+ if (arguments.length % 2 != 1)
+ throw new Error("Must be an even number of label/callback pairs");
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
+ this.addButton(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]);
+ }
+ var me = this;
+ this._keypress = function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == 27)
+ me.destroy();
+ };
+ $("body").keypress(this._keypress);
+ },
+ addButton: function(label, callback) {
+ var me = this;
+ $("<input type='button' />")
+ .val(label)
+ .click(function() {
+ me.destroy();
+ callback();
+ })
+ .appendTo($(this.div).find("#dialogButtons"));
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ $(this.div).remove();
+ $("body").unbind('keypress', this._keypress);
+ },
+ focus: function(label) {
+ $(this.div).find('input[value=' + label + ']').focus();
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ $(this.div).show();
+ $(this.div).find("#modalBackground").fadeIn(250);
+ }
+// MODULE: Patch
+var Patch = {};
+// A patch is stored as:
+// Patch ::= File *
+// File ::= Hunk *
+// Hunk ::= Line *
+// The lines of a hunk are the lines of the two-column display of the hunk
+// So, e.g., the unified diff hunk:
+// @@ -4,8 +4,7
+// import time
+// -from gettext import ngettext
+// from threading import Thread
+// +
+// import gobject
+// import gtk
+// -import gc
+// -import sys
+// +from gettext import ngettext
+// Is represented as:
+// 4 import time 4 import time
+// - 5 from gettext import ngettext
+// 6 from threading import Thread 5 from threading import Thread
+// + 6
+// 7 import gobject 7 import gobject
+// 8 import gtk 8 import gtk
+// ! 9 import gc ! 9 from gettext import ngettext
+// ! 10 import sys !
+// 11 10
+// Conceptually the hunk is made up of context lines - lines that are unchanged
+// by the patch and "segments" - series of lines that are changed by the patch
+// Each line is stored as an array:
+// [old_text, new_text, flags]
+// old_text or new_text can be null (but not both). Flags are:
+Patch.ADDED = 1 << 0; // Part of a pure addition segment
+Patch.REMOVED = 1 << 1; // Part of a pure removal segment
+Patch.CHANGED = 1 << 2; // Part of some other segmnet
+Patch.NEW_NONEWLINE = 1 << 3; // Old line doesn't end with \n
+Patch.OLD_NONEWLINE = 1 << 4; // New line doesn't end with \n
+Patch.Hunk = function(oldStart, oldCount, newStart, newCount, functionLine, text) {
+ this._init(oldStart, oldCount, newStart, newCount, functionLine, text);
+Patch.Hunk.prototype = {
+ _init : function(oldStart, oldCount, newStart, newCount, functionLine, text) {
+ var rawlines = text.split("\n");
+ if (rawlines.length > 0 && Utils.strip(rawlines[rawlines.length - 1]) == "")
+ rawlines.pop(); // Remove trailing element from final \n
+ this.oldStart = oldStart;
+ this.oldCount = oldCount;
+ this.newStart = newStart;
+ this.newCount = newCount;
+ this.functionLine = Utils.strip(functionLine);
+ this.comment = null;
+ var lines = [];
+ var totalOld = 0;
+ var totalNew = 0;
+ var currentStart = -1;
+ var currentOldCount = 0;
+ var currentNewCount = 0;
+ // A segment is a series of lines added/removed/changed with no intervening
+ // unchanged lines. We make the classification of Patch.ADDED/Patch.REMOVED/Patch.CHANGED
+ // in the flags for the entire segment
+ function startSegment() {
+ if (currentStart < 0) {
+ currentStart = lines.length;
+ }
+ }
+ function endSegment() {
+ if (currentStart >= 0) {
+ if (currentOldCount > 0 && currentNewCount > 0) {
+ for (var j = currentStart; j < lines.length; j++) {
+ lines[j][2] &= ~(Patch.ADDED | Patch.REMOVED);
+ lines[j][2] |= Patch.CHANGED;
+ }
+ }
+ currentStart = -1;
+ currentOldCount = 0;
+ currentNewCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < rawlines.length; i++) {
+ var line = rawlines[i];
+ var op = line.substr(0, 1);
+ var strippedLine = line.substring(1);
+ var noNewLine = 0;
+ if (i + 1 < rawlines.length && rawlines[i + 1].substr(0, 1) == '\\') {
+ noNewLine = op == '-' ? Patch.OLD_NONEWLINE : Patch.NEW_NONEWLINE;
+ }
+ if (op == ' ') {
+ endSegment();
+ totalOld++;
+ totalNew++;
+ lines.push([strippedLine, strippedLine, 0]);
+ } else if (op == '-') {
+ totalOld++;
+ startSegment();
+ lines.push([strippedLine, null, Patch.REMOVED | noNewLine]);
+ currentOldCount++;
+ } else if (op == '+') {
+ totalNew++;
+ startSegment();
+ if (currentStart + currentNewCount >= lines.length) {
+ lines.push([null, strippedLine, Patch.ADDED | noNewLine]);
+ } else {
+ lines[currentStart + currentNewCount][1] = strippedLine;
+ lines[currentStart + currentNewCount][2] |= Patch.ADDED | noNewLine;
+ }
+ currentNewCount++;
+ } else if (op == '\\') {
+ // Handled with preceding line
+ } else {
+ // Junk in the patch - hope the patch got line wrapped and just ignoring
+ // it produces something meaningful. (For a patch displayer, anyways.
+ // would be bad for applying the patch.)
+ // Utils.assertNotReached();
+ }
+ }
+ // git mail-formatted patches end with --\n<git version> like a signature
+ // This is troublesome since it looks like a subtraction at the end
+ // of last hunk of the last file. Handle this specifically rather than
+ // generically stripping excess lines to be kind to hand-edited patches
+ if (totalOld > oldCount &&
+ lines[lines.length - 1][1] == null &&
+ lines[lines.length - 1][0].substr(0, 1) == '-')
+ {
+ lines.pop();
+ currentOldCount--;
+ if (currentOldCount == 0 && currentNewCount == 0)
+ currentStart = -1;
+ }
+ endSegment();
+ this.lines = lines;
+ },
+ iterate : function(cb) {
+ var oldLine = this.oldStart;
+ var newLine = this.newStart;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {
+ var line = this.lines[i];
+ cb(this.location + i, oldLine, line[0], newLine, line[1], line[2], line);
+ if (line[0] != null)
+ oldLine++;
+ if (line[1] != null)
+ newLine++;
+ }
+ }
+Patch.File = function(filename, status, hunks) {
+ this._init(filename, status, hunks);
+Patch.File.prototype = {
+ _init : function(filename, status, hunks) {
+ this.filename = filename;
+ this.status = status;
+ this.hunks = hunks;
+ var l = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hunks.length; i++) {
+ var hunk = this.hunks[i];
+ hunk.location = l;
+ l += hunk.lines.length;
+ }
+ },
+ // A "location" is just a linear index into the lines of the patch in this file
+ getLocation : function(oldLine, newLine) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hunks.length; i++) {
+ var hunk = this.hunks[i];
+ if (oldLine != null && hunk.oldStart > oldLine)
+ continue;
+ if (newLine != null && hunk.newStart > newLine)
+ continue;
+ if ((oldLine != null && oldLine < hunk.oldStart + hunk.oldCount) ||
+ (newLine != null && newLine < hunk.newStart + hunk.newCount)) {
+ var location = -1;
+ hunk.iterate(function(loc, oldl, oldText, newl, newText, flags) {
+ if ((oldLine == null || oldl == oldLine) &&
+ (newLine == null || newl == newLine))
+ location = loc;
+ });
+ if (location != -1)
+ return location;
+ }
+ }
+ throw "Bad oldLine,newLine: " + oldLine + "," + newLine;
+ },
+ getHunk : function(location) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.hunks.length; i++) {
+ var hunk = this.hunks[i];
+ if (location >= hunk.location && location < hunk.location + hunk.lines.length)
+ return hunk;
+ }
+ throw "Bad location: " + location;
+ },
+ toString : function() {
+ return "Patch.File(" + this.filename + ")";
+ }
+Patch._cleanIntro = function(intro) {
+ var m;
+ intro = Utils.strip(intro);
+ // Git: remove leading 'From <commit_id> <date'
+ m = /^From\s+[a-f0-9]{40}.*\n/.exec(intro);
+ if (m)
+ intro = intro.substr(m.index + m[0].length);
+ // Git: remove 'diff --stat' output from the end
+ m = /^---\n(?:^\s.*\n)+\s+\d+\s+files changed.*\n?(?!.)/m.exec(intro);
+ if (m)
+ intro = intro.substr(0, m.index);
+ return intro;
+// Matches the start unified diffs for a file as produced by different version control tools
+Patch.FILE_START_RE = /^(?:(?:Index|index|===|RCS|diff).*\n)*---[ \t]*(\S+).*\n\+\+\+[
+// Hunk start: @@ -23,12 +30,11 @@
+// Followed by: lines beginning with [ +\-]
+Patch.HUNK_RE = /^@@[ \t]+-(\d+),(\d+)[ \t]+\+(\d+),(\d+)[ \t]+@@(.*)\n((?:[ +\\-].*\n)*)/mg;
+Patch.Patch = function(text) {
+ this._init(text);
+Patch.Patch.prototype = {
+ // cf. parsing in Review.Review.parse()
+ _init : function(text) {
+ // Canonicalize newlines to simplify the following
+ if (/\r/.test(text))
+ text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "\n");
+ this.files = [];
+ var m = Patch.FILE_START_RE.exec(text);
+ if (m != null)
+ this.intro = Patch._cleanIntro(text.substring(0, m.index));
+ else
+ throw "Not a patch";
+ while (m != null) {
+ // git and hg show a diff between a/foo/bar.c and b/foo/bar.c
+ // or between a/foo/bar.c and /dev/null for removals and the
+ // reverse for additions.
+ var filename;
+ var status = undefined;
+ if (/^a\//.test(m[1]) && /^b\//.test(m[2])) {
+ filename = m[1].substring(2);
+ status = Patch.CHANGED;
+ } else if (/^a\//.test(m[1]) && /^\/dev\/null/.test(m[2])) {
+ filename = m[1].substring(2);
+ status = Patch.REMOVED;
+ } else if (/^\/dev\/null/.test(m[1]) && /^b\//.test(m[2])) {
+ filename = m[2].substring(2);
+ status = Patch.ADDED;
+ } else {
+ filename = m[1];
+ }
+ var hunks = [];
+ var pos = Patch.FILE_START_RE.lastIndex;
+ while (true) {
+ Patch.HUNK_RE.lastIndex = pos;
+ var m2 = Patch.HUNK_RE.exec(text);
+ if (m2 == null || m2.index != pos)
+ break;
+ pos = Patch.HUNK_RE.lastIndex;
+ var oldStart = parseInt(m2[1]);
+ var oldCount = parseInt(m2[2]);
+ var newStart = parseInt(m2[3]);
+ var newCount = parseInt(m2[4]);
+ hunks.push(new Patch.Hunk(oldStart, oldCount, newStart, newCount, m2[5], m2[6]));
+ }
+ if (status === undefined) {
+ // For non-Hg/Git we use assume patch was generated non-zero context
+ // and just look at the patch to detect added/removed. Bzr actually
+ // says added/removed in the diff, but SVN/CVS don't
+ if (hunks.length == 1 && hunks[0].oldCount == 0)
+ status = Patch.ADDED;
+ else if (hunks.length == 1 && hunks[0].newCount == 0)
+ status = Patch.REMOVED;
+ else
+ status = Patch.CHANGED;
+ }
+ this.files.push(new Patch.File(filename, status, hunks));
+ Patch.FILE_START_RE.lastIndex = pos;
+ m = Patch.FILE_START_RE.exec(text);
+ }
+ },
+ getFile : function(filename) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
+ if (this.files[i].filename == filename)
+ return this.files[i];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+// MODULE: Review
+var Review = {};
+Review._removeFromArray = function(a, element) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ if (a[i] === element) {
+ a.splice(i, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Review.Comment = function(file, location, type, comment) {
+ this._init(file, location, type, comment);
+Review.Comment.prototype = {
+ _init : function(file, location, type, comment) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.location = location;
+ this.comment = comment;
+ },
+ getHunk : function() {
+ return this.file.patchFile.getHunk(this.location);
+ },
+ getInReplyTo : function() {
+ var hunk = this.getHunk();
+ var line = hunk.lines[this.location - hunk.location];
+ for (var i = 0; i < line.reviewComments.length; i++) {
+ var comment = line.reviewComments[0];
+ if (comment === this)
+ return null;
+ if (comment.type == this.type)
+ return comment;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ remove : function() {
+ var hunk = this.getHunk();
+ var line = hunk.lines[this.location - hunk.location];
+ Review._removeFromArray(this.file.comments, this);
+ Review._removeFromArray(line.reviewComments, this);
+ }
+Review._noNewLine = function(flags, flag) {
+ return ((flags & flag) != 0) ? "\n\ No newline at end of file" : "";
+Review._lineInSegment = function(line) {
+ return (line[2] & (Patch.ADDED | Patch.REMOVED | Patch.CHANGED)) != 0;
+Review._compareSegmentLines = function(a, b) {
+ var op1 = a[0];
+ var op2 = b[0];
+ if (op1 == op2)
+ return 0;
+ else if (op1 == ' ')
+ return -1;
+ else if (op2 == ' ')
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return op1 == '-' ? -1 : 1;
+Review.File = function(review, patchFile) {
+ this._init(review, patchFile);
+Review.File.prototype = {
+ _init : function(review, patchFile) {
+ this.review = review;
+ this.patchFile = patchFile;
+ this.comments = [];
+ },
+ addComment : function(location, type, comment) {
+ var hunk = this.patchFile.getHunk(location);
+ var line = hunk.lines[location - hunk.location];
+ comment = new Review.Comment(this, location, type, comment);
+ if (line.reviewComments == null)
+ line.reviewComments = [];
+ line.reviewComments.push(comment);
+ for (var i = 0; i <= this.comments.length; i++) {
+ if (i == this.comments.length ||
+ this.comments[i].location > location ||
+ (this.comments[i].location == location && this.comments[i].type > type)) {
+ this.comments.splice(i, 0, comment);
+ break;
+ } else if (this.comments[i].location == location &&
+ this.comments[i].type == type) {
+ throw "Two comments at the same location";
+ }
+ }
+ return comment;
+ },
+ getComment : function(location, type) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.comments.length; i++)
+ if (this.comments[i].location == location &&
+ this.comments[i].type == type)
+ return this.comments[i];
+ return null;
+ },
+ toString : function() {
+ var str = '::: ';
+ str += this.patchFile.filename;
+ str += '\n';
+ var first = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.comments.length; i++) {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ str += '\n';
+ var comment = this.comments[i];
+ var hunk = comment.getHunk();
+ // Find the range of lines we might want to show. That's everything in the
+ // same segment as the commented line, plus up two two lines of non-comment
+ // diff before.
+ var contextFirst = comment.location - hunk.location;
+ if (Review._lineInSegment(hunk.lines[contextFirst])) {
+ while (contextFirst > 0 && Review._lineInSegment(hunk.lines[contextFirst - 1]))
+ contextFirst--;
+ }
+ var j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+ if (contextFirst > 0 && !Review._lineInSegment(hunk.lines[contextFirst - 1]))
+ contextFirst--;
+ // Now get the diff lines (' ', '-', '+' for that range of lines)
+ var patchOldStart = null;
+ var patchNewStart = null;
+ var patchOldLines = 0;
+ var patchNewLines = 0;
+ var unchangedLines = 0;
+ var patchLines = [];
+ function addOldLine(oldLine) {
+ if (patchOldLines == 0)
+ patchOldStart = oldLine;
+ patchOldLines++;
+ }
+ function addNewLine(newLine) {
+ if (patchNewLines == 0)
+ patchNewStart = newLine;
+ patchNewLines++;
+ }
+ hunk.iterate(function(loc, oldLine, oldText, newLine, newText, flags) {
+ if (loc >= hunk.location + contextFirst && loc <= comment.location) {
+ if ((flags & (Patch.ADDED | Patch.REMOVED | Patch.CHANGED)) == 0) {
+ patchLines.push(' ' + oldText + Review._noNewLine(flags,
+ addOldLine(oldLine);
+ addNewLine(newLine);
+ unchangedLines++;
+ } else {
+ if ((comment.type == Patch.REMOVED || comment.type == Patch.CHANGED) &&
oldText != null) {
+ patchLines.push('-' + oldText +Review._noNewLine(flags,
+ addOldLine(oldLine);
+ }
+ if ((comment.type == Patch.ADDED || comment.type == Patch.CHANGED) &&
newText != null) {
+ patchLines.push('+' + newText + Review._noNewLine(flags,
+ addNewLine(newLine);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Sort them into global order ' ', '-', '+'
+ patchLines.sort(Review._compareSegmentLines);
+ // Completely blank context isn't useful so remove it; however if we are commenting
+ // on blank lines at the start of a segment, we have to leave something or things break
+ while (patchLines.length > 1 && patchLines[0].match(/^\s*$/)) {
+ patchLines.shift();
+ patchOldStart++;
+ patchNewStart++;
+ patchOldLines--;
+ patchNewLines--;
+ unchangedLines--;
+ }
+ if (comment.type == Patch.CHANGED) {
+ // For a CHANGED comment, we have to show the the start of the hunk - but to save
+ // in length we can trim unchanged context before it
+ if (patchOldLines + patchNewLines - unchangedLines > 5) {
+ var toRemove = Math.min(unchangedLines, patchOldLines + patchNewLines - unchangedLines -
+ patchLines.splice(0, toRemove);
+ patchOldStart += toRemove;
+ patchNewStart += toRemove;
+ patchOldLines -= toRemove;
+ patchNewLines -= toRemove;
+ unchangedLines -= toRemove;
+ }
+ str += '@@ -' + patchOldStart + ',' + patchOldLines + ' +' + patchNewStart + ',' +
patchNewLines + ' @@\n';
+ // We will use up to 8 lines more:
+ // 4 old lines or 3 old lines and a "... <N> more ... " line
+ // 4 new lines or 3 new lines and a "... <N> more ... " line
+ var patchRemovals = patchOldLines - unchangedLines;
+ var showPatchRemovals = patchRemovals > 4 ? 3 : patchRemovals;
+ var patchAdditions = patchNewLines - unchangedLines;
+ var showPatchAdditions = patchAdditions > 4 ? 3 : patchAdditions;
+ j = 0;
+ while (j < unchangedLines + showPatchRemovals) {
+ str += patchLines[j];
+ str += "\n";
+ j++;
+ }
+ if (showPatchRemovals < patchRemovals) {
+ str += "... ";
+ str += patchRemovals - showPatchRemovals;
+ str += " more ...\n";
+ j += patchRemovals - showPatchRemovals;
+ }
+ while (j < unchangedLines + patchRemovals + showPatchAdditions) {
+ str += patchLines[j];
+ str += "\n";
+ j++;
+ }
+ if (showPatchAdditions < patchAdditions) {
+ str += "... ";
+ str += patchAdditions - showPatchAdditions;
+ str += " more ...\n";
+ j += patchAdditions - showPatchAdditions;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We limit Patch.ADDED/Patch.REMOVED comments strictly to 3 lines after the header
+ if (patchOldLines + patchNewLines - unchangedLines > 3) {
+ var toRemove = patchOldLines + patchNewLines - unchangedLines - 3;
+ patchLines.splice(0, toRemove);
+ patchOldStart += toRemove;
+ patchNewStart += toRemove;
+ patchOldLines -= toRemove;
+ patchNewLines -= toRemove;
+ }
+ if (comment.type == Patch.REMOVED)
+ str += '@@ -' + patchOldStart + ',' + patchOldLines + ' @@\n';
+ else
+ str += '@@ +' + patchNewStart + ',' + patchNewLines + ' @@\n';
+ str += patchLines.join("\n");
+ str += "\n";
+ }
+ str += "\n";
+ str += comment.comment;
+ str += "\n";
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+Review.Review = function(patch, who, date) {
+ this._init(patch, who, date);
+// Indicates start of review comments about a file
+// ::: foo/bar.c
+Review.FILE_START_RE = /^:::[ \t]+(\S+)[ \t]*\n/mg;
+// This is like Patch.HUNK_RE for the starting line, but differs in that it
+// includes trailing lines that are not patch lines up to the next hunk or file
+// (the trailing lines will be split out as the coment.)
+// Hunk start: @@ -23,12 +30,11 @@
+// Followed by: lines that don't start with @@ or :::
+Review.HUNK_RE = /^@@[ \t]+(?:-(\d+),(\d+)[ \t]+)?(?:\+(\d+),(\d+)[ \t]+)?@@.*\n((?:(?!@@|:::).*\n?)*)/mg;
+Review.Review.prototype = {
+ _init : function(patch, who, date) {
+ this.date = null;
+ this.patch = patch;
+ this.who = who;
+ this.date = date;
+ this.intro = null;
+ this.files = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < patch.files.length; i++) {
+ this.files.push(new Review.File(this, patch.files[i]));
+ }
+ },
+ // cf. parsing in Patch.Patch._init()
+ parse : function(text) {
+ Review.FILE_START_RE.lastIndex = 0;
+ var m = Review.FILE_START_RE.exec(text);
+ var intro;
+ if (m != null) {
+ this.setIntro(text.substr(0, m.index));
+ } else{
+ this.setIntro(text);
+ return;
+ }
+ while (m != null) {
+ var filename = m[1];
+ var file = this.getFile(filename);
+ if (file == null)
+ throw "Review.Review refers to filename '" + filename + "' not in reviewed Patch.";
+ var pos = Review.FILE_START_RE.lastIndex;
+ while (true) {
+ Review.HUNK_RE.lastIndex = pos;
+ var m2 = Review.HUNK_RE.exec(text);
+ if (m2 == null || m2.index != pos)
+ break;
+ pos = Review.HUNK_RE.lastIndex;
+ var oldStart, oldCount, newStart, newCount;
+ if (m2[1]) {
+ oldStart = parseInt(m2[1]);
+ oldCount = parseInt(m2[2]);
+ } else {
+ oldStart = oldCount = null;
+ }
+ if (m2[3]) {
+ newStart = parseInt(m2[3]);
+ newCount = parseInt(m2[4]);
+ } else {
+ newStart = newCount = null;
+ }
+ var type;
+ if (oldStart != null && newStart != null)
+ type = Patch.CHANGED;
+ else if (oldStart != null)
+ type = Patch.REMOVED;
+ else if (newStart != null)
+ type = Patch.ADDED;
+ else
+ throw "Either old or new line numbers must be given";
+ var oldLine = oldStart;
+ var newLine = newStart;
+ var rawlines = m2[5].split("\n");
+ if (rawlines.length > 0 && rawlines[rawlines.length - 1].match('^/s+$'))
+ rawlines.pop(); // Remove trailing element from final \n
+ var commentText = null;
+ var lastSegmentOld = 0;
+ var lastSegmentNew = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < rawlines.length; i++) {
+ var line = rawlines[i];
+ var count = 1;
+ if (i < rawlines.length - 1 && rawlines[i + 1].match(/^... \d+\s+/)) {
+ var m3 = /^\.\.\.\s+(\d+)\s+/.exec(rawlines[i + 1]);
+ count += parseInt(m3[1]);
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ // The check for /^$/ is because if Bugzilla is line-wrapping it also
+ // strips completely whitespace lines
+ if (line.match(/^ /) || line.match(/^$/)) {
+ oldLine += count;
+ newLine += count;
+ lastSegmentOld = 0;
+ lastSegmentNew = 0;
+ } else if (line.match(/^-/)) {
+ oldLine += count;
+ lastSegmentOld += count;
+ } else if (line.match(/^\+/)) {
+ newLine += count;
+ lastSegmentNew += count;
+ } else if (line.match(/^\\/)) {
+ // '\ No newline at end of file' - ignore
+ } else {
+ // Ignore assumming it's a result of line-wrapping
+ // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=509152
+ console.log("WARNING: Bad content in hunk: " + line);
+ }
+ if ((oldStart == null || oldLine == oldStart + oldCount) &&
+ (newStart == null || newLine == newStart + newCount)) {
+ commentText = rawlines.slice(i + 1).join("\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (commentText == null) {
+ console.log("WARNING: No comment found in hunk");
+ commentText = "";
+ }
+ var location;
+ if (type == Patch.CHANGED) {
+ if (lastSegmentOld >= lastSegmentNew)
+ oldLine--;
+ if (lastSegmentOld <= lastSegmentNew)
+ newLine--;
+ location = file.patchFile.getLocation(oldLine, newLine);
+ } else if (type == Patch.REMOVED) {
+ oldLine--;
+ location = file.patchFile.getLocation(oldLine, null);
+ } else if (type == Patch.ADDED) {
+ newLine--;
+ location = file.patchFile.getLocation(null, newLine);
+ }
+ file.addComment(location, type, Utils.strip(commentText));
+ }
+ Review.FILE_START_RE.lastIndex = pos;
+ m = Review.FILE_START_RE.exec(text);
+ }
+ },
+ setIntro : function(intro) {
+ intro = Utils.strip(intro);
+ this.intro = intro != "" ? intro : null;
+ },
+ getFile : function(filename) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
+ if (this.files[i].patchFile.filename == filename)
+ return this.files[i];
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ // Making toString() serialize to our seriaization format is maybe a bit sketchy
+ // But the serialization format is designed to be human readable so it works
+ // pretty well.
+ toString : function() {
+ var str = '';
+ if (this.intro != null) {
+ str += Utils.strip(this.intro);
+ str += '\n';
+ }
+ var first = this.intro == null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
+ var file = this.files[i];
+ if (file.comments.length > 0) {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ str += '\n';
+ str += file.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+// MODULE: ReviewStorage
+var ReviewStorage = {};
+/* The ReviewStorage 'interface' has the following methods:
+ *
+ * listReviews()
+ * Returns an array of objects with the following properties:
+ * bugId
+ * bugShortDesc
+ * attachmentId
+ * attachmentDescription
+ * creationTime
+ * modificationTime
+ * isDraft
+ * loadDraft(bug, attachment, patch)
+ * saveDraft(bug, attachment, review)
+ * draftPublished(bug, attachment)
+ */
+ReviewStorage.LocalReviewStorage = function() {
+ this._init();
+ReviewStorage.LocalReviewStorage.available = function() {
+ // The try is a workaround for
+ // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=517778
+ // where if cookies are disabled or set to ask, then the first attempt
+ // to access the localStorage property throws a security error.
+ try {
+ return 'localStorage' in window && window.localStorage != null;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ReviewStorage.LocalReviewStorage.prototype = {
+ _init : function() {
+ var reviewInfosText = localStorage.splinterReviews;
+ if (reviewInfosText == null)
+ this._reviewInfos = [];
+ else
+ this._reviewInfos = JSON.parse(reviewInfosText);
+ },
+ listReviews : function() {
+ return this._reviewInfos;
+ },
+ _reviewPropertyName : function(bug, attachment) {
+ return 'splinterReview_' + bug.id + '_' + attachment.id;
+ },
+ loadDraft : function(bug, attachment, patch) {
+ var propertyName = this._reviewPropertyName(bug, attachment);
+ var reviewText = localStorage[propertyName];
+ if (reviewText != null) {
+ var review = new Review.Review(patch);
+ review.parse(reviewText);
+ return review;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ _findReview : function(bug, attachment) {
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < this._reviewInfos.length; i++)
+ if (this._reviewInfos[i].bugId == bug.id && this._reviewInfos[i].attachmentId == attachment.id)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+ },
+ _updateOrCreateReviewInfo : function(bug, attachment, props) {
+ var reviewIndex = this._findReview(bug, attachment);
+ var reviewInfo;
+ var nowTime = Date.now();
+ if (reviewIndex >= 0) {
+ reviewInfo = this._reviewInfos[reviewIndex];
+ this._reviewInfos.splice(reviewIndex, 1);
+ } else {
+ reviewInfo = {
+ bugId: bug.id,
+ bugShortDesc: bug.shortDesc,
+ attachmentId: attachment.id,
+ attachmentDescription: attachment.description,
+ creationTime: nowTime
+ };
+ }
+ reviewInfo.modificationTime = nowTime;
+ for (var prop in props)
+ reviewInfo[prop] = props[prop];
+ this._reviewInfos.push(reviewInfo);
+ localStorage.splinterReviews = JSON.stringify(this._reviewInfos);
+ },
+ _deleteReviewInfo : function(bug, attachment) {
+ var reviewIndex = this._findReview(bug, attachment);
+ if (reviewIndex >= 0) {
+ this._reviewInfos.splice(reviewIndex, 1);
+ localStorage.splinterReviews = JSON.stringify(this._reviewInfos);
+ }
+ },
+ saveDraft : function(bug, attachment, review) {
+ var propertyName = this._reviewPropertyName(bug, attachment);
+ this._updateOrCreateReviewInfo(bug, attachment, { isDraft: true });
+ localStorage[propertyName] = "" + review;
+ },
+ deleteDraft : function(bug, attachment, review) {
+ var propertyName = this._reviewPropertyName(bug, attachment);
+ this._deleteReviewInfo(bug, attachment);
+ delete localStorage[propertyName];
+ },
+ draftPublished : function(bug, attachment) {
+ var propertyName = this._reviewPropertyName(bug, attachment);
+ this._updateOrCreateReviewInfo(bug, attachment, { isDraft: false });
+ delete localStorage[propertyName];
+ }
+// MODULE: XmlRpc
+var XmlRpc = {};
+// This is a reasonably accurate implementation of the XML-RPC specification, except
+// for the data types that aren't implemented. Places where parsing isn't fully
+// validating:
+// * Element children of elements that are supposed to have only text content
+// are ignored.
+// * Trailing junk on integers and doubles is ignored
+// * integer elements that are out of 32-bit range are accepted
+XmlRpc._appendValue = function(doc, parent, value) {
+ var valueElement = doc.createElement('value');
+ parent.appendChild(valueElement);
+ var element;
+ switch (typeof(value)) {
+ case 'boolean':
+ element = doc.createElement('boolean');
+ element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value ? '1' : '0'));
+ break;
+ case 'object':
+ if (value instanceof Date) {
+ throw new Error("Date values not yet implemented");
+ } else if (value instanceof Array) {
+ throw new Error("Array values not yet implemented");
+ } else {
+ element = doc.createElement('struct');
+ for (var i in value) {
+ var memberElement = doc.createElement('member');
+ var nameElement = doc.createElement('name');
+ nameElement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i));
+ memberElement.appendChild(nameElement);
+ var vElement = doc.createElement('value');
+ XmlRpc._appendValue(doc, vElement, value[i]);
+ memberElement.appendChild(vElement);
+ element.appendChild(memberElement);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'number':
+ if (Math.round(value) == value &&
+ value >= -0x8000000 && value <= 0x7fffffff)
+ element = doc.createElement('int');
+ else
+ element = doc.createElement('double');
+ element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value.toString()));
+ break;
+ case 'string':
+ element = doc.createElement('string');
+ element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Don't know how to handle value of type: " + typeof(value));
+ }
+ valueElement.appendChild(element);
+XmlRpc._appendParam = function(doc, paramsElement, param) {
+ var paramElement = doc.createElement('param');
+ XmlRpc._appendValue(doc, paramElement, param);
+ paramsElement.appendChild(paramElement);
+XmlRpc.ParseError = function(message) {
+ this.message = message;
+XmlRpc.ParseError.prototype = {
+ toString: function() {
+ return "XmlRpc.ParseError: " + this.message;
+ }
+XmlRpc._parseValue = function(valueElement) {
+ var text;
+ var value;
+ if (valueElement.firstChild == null || valueElement.firstChild.nextChild != null)
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<value/> doesn't have a single child");
+ var element = valueElement.firstChild;
+ switch (element.tagName) {
+ case 'boolean':
+ text = Utils.strip(element.textContent);
+ if (text == '0')
+ value = false;
+ else if (text == '1')
+ value = true;
+ else
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<boolean/> should be 0 or 1");
+ break;
+ case 'double':
+ text = Utils.strip(element.textContent);
+ value = parseFloat(text);
+ if (isNaN(value))
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<double/> doesn't contain a floating point number");
+ break;
+ case 'int':
+ case 'i4':
+ text = Utils.strip(element.textContent);
+ value = parseInt(text);
+ if (isNaN(value))
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<i4/> doesn't contain an integer");
+ break;
+ case 'struct':
+ value = new Object();
+ var member = element.firstChild;
+ while (member){
+ if (member.tagName != 'member')
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<struct/> has childeren other than <member/>");
+ var nameElement = member.firstChild;
+ if (nameElement == null || nameElement.tagName != 'name')
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<member/> doesn't have <name/> as the first element");
+ var name = nameElement.textContent;
+ var valueElement = nameElement.nextSibling;
+ if (valueElement == null || valueElement.tagName != 'value')
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<member/> doesn't have <value/> as the second element");
+ value[name] = XmlRpc._parseValue(valueElement);
+ if (valueElement.nextSibling != null)
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<member/> has too many children");
+ member = member.nextSibling;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'string':
+ value = Utils.strip(element.textContent);
+ break;
+ case 'array':
+ case 'base64':
+ case 'dateTime.iso8601':
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("Support for <" + element.tagName + "/> not yet implemented");
+ default:
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("Unknown value element <" + element.tagName + "/>");
+ }
+ return value;
+XmlRpc._handleSuccess = function(options, xml) {
+ try {
+ var root = xml.documentElement;
+ if (root.tagName != 'methodResponse')
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("Root isn't <methodResponse/>");
+ if (root.firstChild.tagName == 'params' &&
+ root.firstChild.nextSibling == null) {
+ var param = root.firstChild.firstChild;
+ if (param == null ||
+ param.tagName != 'param' ||
+ param.nextSibling != null)
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<params/> element in response should have <param/> child");
+ var value = param.firstChild;
+ if (value == null ||
+ value.tagName != 'value' ||
+ value.nextSibling != null)
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<param/> element in response doesn't have a single value as
+ options.success(XmlRpc._parseValue(value));
+ } else if (root.firstChild.tagName == 'fault' &&
+ root.firstChild.nextSibling == null) {
+ var value = root.firstChild.firstChild;
+ if (value == null ||
+ value.tagName != 'value' ||
+ value.nextSibling != null)
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<fault/> element in response should have <value/> child");
+ var struct = value.firstChild;
+ if (struct == null ||
+ struct.tagName != 'struct')
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("<value/> element in <fault/> should have <struct/> child");
+ var faultStruct = XmlRpc._parseValue(value);
+ var faultCode = faultStruct.faultCode;
+ var faultString = faultStruct.faultString;
+ // XMLRPC::Lite gives faultCodes like 'Client' at times,
+ // so we don't check for integer, though the spec says
+ // the faultCode should always be an integer
+ if (faultCode == null || typeof(faultString) != 'string')
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("fault structure should contain an [integer] faultCode and
string faultString");
+ options.fault(faultCode, faultString);
+ } else {
+ throw new XmlRpc.ParseError("Bad content of <methodResponse/>");
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof XmlRpc.ParseError)
+ options.error(e.message);
+ else
+ throw e;
+ }
+XmlRpc.call = function(options) {
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, "methodCall", null);
+ var methodNameElement = doc.createElement("methodName");
+ methodNameElement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(options.name));
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(methodNameElement);
+ var paramsElement = doc.createElement("params");
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(paramsElement);
+ if (options.params instanceof Array) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+ XmlRpc._appendParam(doc, paramsElement, options.params[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (options.params != null) {
+ XmlRpc._appendParam(doc, paramsElement, options.params);
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: options.url,
+ contentType: 'text/xml',
+ dataType: 'xml',
+ data: (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(doc),
+ error: function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ options.error(textStatus);
+ },
+ success: function(xml) {
+ XmlRpc._handleSuccess(options, xml);
+ }
+ });
+// MODULE: Main
+var reviewStorage;
+var attachmentId;
+var theBug;
+var theAttachment;
+var thePatch;
+var theReview;
+var reviewers = {};
+var navigationLinks = {};
+var updateHaveDraftTimeoutId;
+var saveDraftTimeoutId;
+var saveDraftNoticeTimeoutId;
+var savingDraft = false;
+var currentEditComment;
+var ADD_COMMENT_SUCCESS = /<title>\s*Bug[\S\s]*processed\s*<\/title>/;
+var UPDATE_ATTACHMENT_SUCCESS = /<title>\s*Changes\s+Submitted/;
+function doneLoading() {
+ $("#loading").hide();
+ $("#helpLink").attr("href", configHelp);
+ $("#credits").show();
+function displayError(msg) {
+ $("<p></p>")
+ .text(msg)
+ .appendTo("#error");
+ $("#error").show();
+ doneLoading();
+function updateAttachmentStatus(attachment, newStatus, success, failure) {
+ var data = {
+ action: 'update',
+ id: attachment.id,
+ description: attachment.description,
+ filename: attachment.filename,
+ ispatch: attachment.isPatch ? 1 : 0,
+ isobsolete: attachment.isObsolete ? 1 : 0,
+ isprivate: attachment.isPrivate ? 1 : 0,
+ 'attachments.status': newStatus
+ };
+ if (attachment.token)
+ data.token = attachment.token;
+ $.ajax({
+ data: data,
+ dataType: 'text',
+ error: function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ failure();
+ },
+ success: function(data, textStatus) {
+ if (data.search(UPDATE_ATTACHMENT_SUCCESS) != -1) {
+ success();
+ } else {
+ failure();
+ }
+ },
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: "/attachment.cgi"
+ });
+function addComment(bug, comment, success, failure) {
+ var data = {
+ id: bug.id,
+ comment: comment
+ };
+ if (bug.token)
+ data.token = bug.token;
+ $.ajax({
+ data: data,
+ dataType: 'text',
+ error: function(xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ failure();
+ },
+ success: function(data, textStatus) {
+ if (data.search(ADD_COMMENT_SUCCESS) != -1) {
+ success();
+ } else {
+ failure();
+ }
+ },
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: "/process_bug.cgi"
+ });
+function publishReview() {
+ saveComment();
+ theReview.setIntro($("#myComment").val());
+ var newStatus = null;
+ if (theAttachment.status && $("#attachmentStatus").val() != theAttachment.status) {
+ newStatus = $("#attachmentStatus").val();
+ }
+ function success() {
+ if (reviewStorage)
+ reviewStorage.draftPublished(theBug, theAttachment);
+ document.location = newPageUrl(theBug.id);
+ }
+ if (configHaveExtension) {
+ var params = {
+ attachment_id: theAttachment.id,
+ review: theReview.toString()
+ };
+ if (newStatus != null)
+ params['attachment_status'] = newStatus;
+ XmlRpc.call({
+ url: '/xmlrpc.cgi',
+ name: 'Splinter.publish_review',
+ params: params,
+ error: function(message) {
+ displayError("Failed to publish review: " + message);
+ },
+ fault: function(faultCode, faultString) {
+ displayError("Failed to publish review: " + faultString);
+ },
+ success: function(result) {
+ success();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ var comment = "Review of attachment " + attachmentId + ":\n\n" + theReview;
+ addComment(theBug, comment,
+ function(detail) {
+ if (newStatus)
+ updateAttachmentStatus(theAttachment, newStatus,
+ success,
+ function() {
+ displayError("Published review; patch status could not
be updated.");
+ });
+ else
+ success();
+ },
+ function(detail) {
+ displayError("Failed to publish review.");
+ });
+ }
+function doDiscardReview() {
+ if (theAttachment.status)
+ $("#attachmentStatus").val(theAttachment.status);
+ $("#myComment").val("");
+ $("#emptyCommentNotice").show();
+ for (var i = 0; i < theReview.files.length; i++) {
+ while (theReview.files[i].comments.length > 0)
+ theReview.files[i].comments[0].remove();
+ }
+ updateMyPatchComments();
+ updateHaveDraft();
+ saveDraft();
+function discardReview() {
+ var dialog = new Dialog.Dialog("Really discard your changes?",
+ 'Continue', function() {},
+ 'Discard', doDiscardReview);
+ dialog.show();
+ dialog.focus('Continue');
+function haveDraft() {
+ if (theAttachment.status && $("#attachmentStatus").val() != theAttachment.status)
+ return true;
+ if ($("#myComment").val().search(/\S/) >= 0)
+ return true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < theReview.files.length; i++) {
+ if (theReview.files[i].comments.length > 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function updateHaveDraft() {
+ clearTimeout(updateHaveDraftTimeoutId);
+ updateHaveDraftTimeoutId = null;
+ if (haveDraft()) {
+ $("#publishButton").removeAttr('disabled');
+ $("#cancelButton").removeAttr('disabled');
+ $("#haveDraftNotice").show();
+ } else {
+ $("#publishButton").attr('disabled', 1);
+ $("#cancelButton").attr('disabled', 1);
+ $("#haveDraftNotice").hide();
+ }
+function queueUpdateHaveDraft() {
+ if (updateHaveDraftTimeoutId == null)
+ updateHaveDraftTimeoutId = setTimeout(updateHaveDraft, 0);
+function hideSaveDraftNotice() {
+ clearTimeout(saveDraftNoticeTimeoutId);
+ saveDraftNoticeTimeoutId = null;
+ $("#saveDraftNotice").hide();
+function saveDraft() {
+ if (reviewStorage == null)
+ return;
+ clearTimeout(saveDraftTimeoutId);
+ saveDraftTimeoutId = null;
+ savingDraft = true;
+ $("#saveDraftNotice")
+ .text("Saving Draft...")
+ .show();
+ clearTimeout(saveDraftNoticeTimeoutId);
+ setTimeout(hideSaveDraftNotice, 3000);
+ if (currentEditComment) {
+ currentEditComment.comment = Utils.strip($("#commentEditor textarea").val());
+ // Messy, we don't want the empty comment in the saved draft, so remove it and
+ // then add it back.
+ if (!currentEditComment.comment)
+ currentEditComment.remove();
+ }
+ theReview.setIntro($("#myComment").val());
+ var draftSaved = false;
+ if (haveDraft()) {
+ reviewStorage.saveDraft(theBug, theAttachment, theReview);
+ draftSaved = true;
+ } else {
+ reviewStorage.deleteDraft(theBug, theAttachment, theReview);
+ }
+ if (currentEditComment && !currentEditComment.comment) {
+ currentEditComment = currentEditComment.file.addComment(currentEditComment.location,
+ currentEditComment.type,
+ "");
+ }
+ savingDraft = false;
+ if (draftSaved)
+ $("#saveDraftNotice")
+ .text("Saved Draft");
+ else
+ hideSaveDraftNotice();
+function queueSaveDraft() {
+ if (saveDraftTimeoutId == null)
+ saveDraftTimeoutId = setTimeout(saveDraft, 10000);
+function flushSaveDraft() {
+ if (saveDraftTimeoutId != null)
+ saveDraft();
+function getQueryParams() {
+ var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
+ if (query == null || query == "")
+ return {};
+ var components = query.split(/&/);
+ var params = {};
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
+ var component = components[i];
+ var m = component.match(/([^=]+)=(.*)/);
+ if (m)
+ params[m[1]] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);
+ }
+ return params;
+function ensureCommentArea(row) {
+ var file = $(row).data('patchFile');
+ var colSpan = file.status == Patch.CHANGED ? 5 : 2;
+ if (!row.nextSibling || row.nextSibling.className != "comment-area")
+ $("<tr class='comment-area'><td colSpan='" + colSpan + "'>"
+ + "</td></tr>")
+ .insertAfter(row);
+ return row.nextSibling.firstChild;
+function getTypeClass(type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case Patch.ADDED:
+ return "comment-added";
+ case Patch.REMOVED:
+ return "comment-removed";
+ case Patch.CHANGED:
+ return "comment-changed";
+ }
+ return null;
+function getSeparatorClass(type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case Patch.ADDED:
+ return "comment-separator-added";
+ case Patch.REMOVED:
+ return "comment-separator-removed";
+ }
+ return null;
+function getReviewerClass(review) {
+ var reviewerIndex;
+ if (review == theReview)
+ reviewerIndex = 0;
+ else
+ reviewerIndex = (reviewers[review.who] - 1) % 5 + 1;
+ return "reviewer-" + reviewerIndex;
+function addCommentDisplay(commentArea, comment) {
+ var review = comment.file.review;
+ var separatorClass = getSeparatorClass(comment.type);
+ if (separatorClass)
+ $("<div></div>")
+ .addClass(separatorClass)
+ .addClass(getReviewerClass(review))
+ .appendTo(commentArea);
+ var q = $("<div class='comment'>"
+ + "<div class='comment-frame'>"
+ + "<div class='reviewer-box'>"
+ + "<div class='comment-text'></div>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "</div>")
+ .find(".comment-text").preWrapLines(comment.comment).end()
+ .addClass(getTypeClass(comment.type))
+ .addClass(getReviewerClass(review))
+ .appendTo(commentArea)
+ .dblclick(function() {
+ saveComment();
+ insertCommentEditor(commentArea,
+ comment.file.patchFile, comment.location, comment.type);
+ });
+ if (review != theReview) {
+ $("<div class='review-info'>"
+ + "<div class='reviewer'></div><div class='review-date'></div>"
+ + "<div class='review-info-bottom'></div>"
+ + "</div>")
+ .find(".reviewer").text(review.who).end()
+ .find(".review-date").text(Utils.formatDate(review.date)).end()
+ .appendTo(q.find(".reviewer-box"));
+ }
+ comment.div = q.get(0);
+function saveComment() {
+ var comment = currentEditComment;
+ if (!comment)
+ return;
+ var commentEditor = $("#commentEditor").get(0);
+ var commentArea = commentEditor.parentNode;
+ var reviewFile = comment.file;
+ var hunk = comment.getHunk();
+ var line = hunk.lines[comment.location - hunk.location];
+ var value = Utils.strip($(commentEditor).find("textarea").val());
+ if (value != "") {
+ comment.comment = value;
+ addCommentDisplay(commentArea, comment);
+ } else {
+ comment.remove();
+ }
+ if (line.reviewComments.length > 0) {
+ $("#commentEditor").remove();
+ $("#commentEditorSeparator").remove();
+ } else {
+ $(commentArea).parent().remove();
+ }
+ currentEditComment = null;
+ saveDraft();
+ queueUpdateHaveDraft();
+function cancelComment(previousText) {
+ $("#commentEditor textarea").val(previousText);
+ saveComment();
+function deleteComment() {
+ $("#commentEditor textarea").val("");
+ saveComment();
+function insertCommentEditor(commentArea, file, location, type) {
+ saveComment();
+ var reviewFile = theReview.getFile(file.filename);
+ var comment = reviewFile.getComment(location, type);
+ if (!comment) {
+ comment = reviewFile.addComment(location, type, "");
+ queueUpdateHaveDraft();
+ }
+ var previousText = comment.comment;
+ var typeClass = getTypeClass(type);
+ var separatorClass = getSeparatorClass(type);
+ if (separatorClass)
+ $(commentArea).find(".reviewer-0." + separatorClass).remove();
+ $(commentArea).find(".reviewer-0." + typeClass).remove();
+ if (separatorClass)
+ $("<div class='commentEditorSeparator'></div>")
+ .addClass(separatorClass)
+ .appendTo(commentArea);
+ $("<div id='commentEditor'>"
+ + "<div id='commentEditorInner'>"
+ + "<div id='commentTextFrame'>"
+ + "<textarea></textarea>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "<div id='commentEditorLeftButtons'>"
+ + "<input id='commentCancel' type='button' value='Cancel' />"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "<div id='commentEditorRightButtons'>"
+ + "<input id='commentSave' type='button'value='Save' />"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "<div class='clear'></div>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "</div>")
+ .addClass(typeClass)
+ .find("#commentSave").click(saveComment).end()
+ .find("#commentCancel").click(function() {
+ cancelComment(previousText);
+ }).end()
+ .appendTo(commentArea)
+ .find('textarea')
+ .val(previousText)
+ .keypress(function(e) {
+ if (e.which == 13 && e.ctrlKey)
+ saveComment();
+ else
+ queueSaveDraft();
+ })
+ .focus(function() {
+ $("#commentEditor").addClass('focused');
+ })
+ .blur(function() {
+ $("#commentEditor").removeClass('focused');
+ })
+ .each(function() { this.focus(); });
+ if (previousText)
+ $("<input id='commentDelete' type='button' value='Delete' />")
+ .click(deleteComment)
+ .appendTo($("#commentEditorLeftButtons"));
+ currentEditComment = comment;
+function insertCommentForRow(clickRow, clickType) {
+ var file = $(clickRow).data('patchFile');
+ var clickLocation = $(clickRow).data('patchLocation');
+ var row = clickRow;
+ var location = clickLocation;
+ var type = clickType;
+ saveComment();
+ var commentArea = ensureCommentArea(row);
+ insertCommentEditor(commentArea, file, location, type);
+function EL(element, cls, text) {
+ var e = document.createElement(element);
+ if (text != null)
+ e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ if (cls)
+ e.className = cls;
+ return e;
+function getElementPosition(element) {
+ var left = element.offsetLeft;
+ var top = element.offsetTop;
+ var parent = element.offsetParent;
+ while (parent && parent != document.body) {
+ left += parent.offsetLeft;
+ top += parent.offsetTop;
+ parent = parent.offsetParent;
+ }
+ return [left, top];
+function scrollToElement(element) {
+ var windowHeight;
+ if ('innerHeight' in window) // Not IE
+ windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
+ else // IE
+ windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ var pos = getElementPosition(element);
+ var yCenter = pos[1] + element.offsetHeight / 2;
+ window.scrollTo(0, yCenter - windowHeight / 2);
+function onRowDblClick(e) {
+ var file = $(this).data('patchFile');
+ if (file.status == Patch.CHANGED) {
+ var pos = getElementPosition(this);
+ var delta = e.pageX - (pos[0] + this.offsetWidth/2);
+ var type;
+ if (delta < - 20)
+ type = Patch.REMOVED;
+ else if (delta < 20)
+ type = Patch.CHANGED;
+ else
+ type = Patch.ADDED;
+ } else {
+ type = file.status;
+ }
+ insertCommentForRow(this, type);
+function appendPatchTable(type, maxLine, parentDiv) {
+ var q = $("<table class='file-table'><colgroup></colgroup>"
+ + "</table>").appendTo(parentDiv);
+ var colQ = q.find("colgroup");
+ if (type != Patch.ADDED) {
+ colQ.append("<col class='line-number-column' span='1'></col>");
+ colQ.append("<col class='old-column' span='1'></col>");
+ }
+ if (type == Patch.CHANGED) {
+ colQ.append("<col class='middle-column' span='1'></col>");
+ }
+ if (type != Patch.REMOVED) {
+ colQ.append("<col class='line-number-column' span='1'></col>");
+ colQ.append("<col class='new-column' span='1'></col");
+ }
+ if (type == Patch.CHANGED)
+ q.addClass("file-table-changed");
+ if (maxLine >= 1000)
+ q.addClass("file-table-wide-numbers");
+ q.append("<tbody></tbody>");
+ return q.find("tbody").get(0);
+function appendPatchHunk(file, hunk, tableType, includeComments, clickable, tbody, filter) {
+ hunk.iterate(function(loc, oldLine, oldText, newLine, newText, flags, line) {
+ if (filter && !filter(loc))
+ return;
+ var tr = document.createElement("tr");
+ var oldStyle = "";
+ var newStyle = "";
+ if ((flags & Patch.CHANGED) != 0)
+ oldStyle = newStyle = "changed-line";
+ else if ((flags & Patch.REMOVED) != 0)
+ oldStyle = "removed-line";
+ else if ((flags & Patch.ADDED) != 0)
+ newStyle = "added-line";
+ if (tableType != Patch.ADDED) {
+ if (oldText != null) {
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "line-number", oldLine.toString()));
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "old-line " + oldStyle,
+ oldText != "" ? oldText : "\u00a0"));
+ oldLine++;
+ } else {
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "line-number"));
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "old-line"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (tableType == Patch.CHANGED)
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "line-middle"));
+ if (tableType != Patch.REMOVED) {
+ if (newText != null) {
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "line-number", newLine.toString()));
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "new-line " + newStyle,
+ newText != "" ? newText : "\u00a0"));
+ newLine++;
+ } else if (tableType == Patch.CHANGED) {
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "line-number"));
+ tr.appendChild(EL("td", "new-line"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (clickable){
+ $(tr).data('patchFile', file);
+ $(tr).data('patchLocation', loc);
+ $(tr).dblclick(onRowDblClick);
+ }
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ if (includeComments && line.reviewComments != null)
+ for (var k = 0; k < line.reviewComments.length; k++) {
+ var commentArea = ensureCommentArea(tr);
+ addCommentDisplay(commentArea, line.reviewComments[k]);
+ }
+ });
+function addPatchFile(file) {
+ var fileDiv = $("<div class='file'></div>").appendTo("#files").get(0);
+ file.div = fileDiv;
+ var statusString;
+ switch (file.status) {
+ case Patch.ADDED:
+ statusString = " (new file)";
+ break;
+ case Patch.REMOVED:
+ statusString = " (removed)";
+ break;
+ case Patch.CHANGED:
+ statusString = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ $("<div class='file-label'>"
+ + "<span class='file-label-name'></span>"
+ + "<span class='file-label-status'></span>"
+ + "</div/>")
+ .find(".file-label-name").text(file.filename).end()
+ .find(".file-label-status").text(statusString).end()
+ .appendTo(fileDiv);
+ var lastHunk = file.hunks[file.hunks.length -1];
+ var lastLine = Math.max(lastHunk.oldStart + lastHunk.oldCount- 1,
+ lastHunk.newStart + lastHunk.newCount- 1);
+ var tbody = appendPatchTable(file.status, lastLine, fileDiv);
+ for (var i = 0; i < file.hunks.length; i++) {
+ var hunk = file.hunks[i];
+ if (hunk.oldStart > 1) {
+ var hunkHeader = EL("tr", "hunk-header");
+ tbody.appendChild(hunkHeader);
+ hunkHeader.appendChild(EL("td")); // line number column
+ var hunkCell = EL("td", "hunk-cell",
+ hunk.functionLine ? hunk.functionLine : "\u00a0");
+ hunkCell.colSpan = file.status == Patch.CHANGED ? 4 : 1;
+ hunkHeader.appendChild(hunkCell);
+ }
+ appendPatchHunk(file, hunk, file.status, true, true, tbody);
+ }
+function appendReviewComment(comment, parentDiv) {
+ var commentDiv = EL("div", "review-patch-comment");
+ $(commentDiv).click(function() {
+ showPatchFile(comment.file.patchFile);
+ if (comment.file.review == theReview) {
+ // Immediately start editing the comment again
+ var commentArea = $(comment.div).parents(".comment-area").find("td").get(0);
+ insertCommentEditor(commentArea,
+ comment.file.patchFile, comment.location, comment.type);
+ scrollToElement($("#commentEditor").get(0));
+ } else {
+ // Just scroll to the comment, don't start a reply yet
+ scrollToElement(comment.div);
+ }
+ });
+ var inReplyTo = comment.getInReplyTo();
+ if (inReplyTo) {
+ $("<div>"
+ + "<div class='reviewer-box'>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "</div>")
+ .addClass(getReviewerClass(inReplyTo.file.review))
+ .find(".reviewer-box").preWrapLines(inReplyTo.comment).end()
+ .appendTo(commentDiv);
+ $("<div class='review-patch-comment-text'></div>")
+ .preWrapLines(comment.comment)
+ .appendTo(commentDiv);
+ } else {
+ var hunk = comment.getHunk();
+ var lastLine = Math.max(hunk.oldStart + hunk.oldCount- 1,
+ hunk.newStart + hunk.newCount- 1);
+ var tbody = appendPatchTable(comment.type, lastLine, commentDiv);
+ appendPatchHunk(comment.file.patchFile, hunk, comment.type, false, false, tbody,
+ function(loc) {
+ return (loc <= comment.location && comment.location - loc < 3);
+ });
+ $("<tr>"
+ + "<td></td>"
+ + "<td class='review-patch-comment-text'></td>"
+ + "</tr>")
+ .find('.review-patch-comment-text').preWrapLines(comment.comment).end()
+ .appendTo(tbody);
+ }
+ parentDiv.appendChild(commentDiv);
+function appendReviewComments(review, parentDiv) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < review.files.length; i++) {
+ var file = review.files[i];
+ if (file.comments.length == 0)
+ continue;
+ parentDiv.appendChild(EL("div", "review-patch-file", file.patchFile.filename));
+ var firstComment = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < file.comments.length; j++) {
+ if (firstComment)
+ firstComment = false;
+ else
+ parentDiv.appendChild(EL("div", "review-patch-comment-separator"));
+ appendReviewComment(file.comments[j], parentDiv);
+ }
+ }
+function updateMyPatchComments() {
+ appendReviewComments(theReview, $("#myPatchComments").empty().get(0));
+ if ($("#myPatchComments").children().size() > 0)
+ $("#myPatchComments").show();
+ else
+ $("#myPatchComments").hide();
+function selectNavigationLink(identifier) {
+ $(".navigation-link").removeClass("navigation-link-selected");
+ $(navigationLinks[identifier]).addClass("navigation-link-selected");
+function addNavigationLink(identifier, title, callback, selected) {
+ if ($("#navigation").children().size() > 0)
+ $("#navigation").append(" | ");
+ var q = $("<a class='navigation-link' href='javascript:void(0)'></a>")
+ .text(title)
+ .appendTo("#navigation")
+ .click(function() {
+ if (!$(this).hasClass("navigation-link-selected")) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+ if (selected)
+ q.addClass("navigation-link-selected");
+ navigationLinks[identifier] = q.get(0);
+function showOverview() {
+ selectNavigationLink('__OVERVIEW__');
+ $("#overview").show();
+ $(".file").hide();
+ updateMyPatchComments();
+function addOverviewNavigationLink() {
+ addNavigationLink('__OVERVIEW__', "Overview", showOverview, true);
+function showPatchFile(file) {
+ selectNavigationLink(file.filename);
+ $("#overview").hide();
+ $(".file").hide();
+ if (file.div)
+ $(file.div).show();
+ else
+ addPatchFile(file);
+function addFileNavigationLink(file) {
+ var basename = file.filename.replace(/.*\//, "");
+ addNavigationLink(file.filename, basename, function() {
+ showPatchFile(file);
+ });
+var REVIEW_RE = /^\s*review\s+of\s+attachment\s+(\d+)\s*:\s*/i;
+function start(xml) {
+ var i;
+ document.title = "Attachment " + theAttachment.id + " - " + theAttachment.description + " - Patch
+ doneLoading();
+ $("#attachmentInfo").show();
+ $("#navigation").show();
+ $("#overview").show();
+ $("#files").show();
+ $("#subtitle").text("Attachment " + theAttachment.id + " - " + theAttachment.description);
+ $("<a></a>")
+ .text("Bug " + theBug.id)
+ .attr('href', newPageUrl(theBug.id))
+ .attr('title', theBug.shortDesc)
+ .click(flushSaveDraft)
+ .appendTo("#information");
+ for (i = 0; i < configAttachmentStatuses.length; i++) {
+ $("<option></option") .text(configAttachmentStatuses[i])
+ .appendTo($("#attachmentStatus")); }
+ if (theAttachment.status != null)
+ $("#attachmentStatus")
+ .val(theAttachment.status)
+ .change(queueUpdateHaveDraft);
+ else
+ $("#attachmentStatusSpan").hide();
+ if (thePatch.intro)
+ $("#patchIntro").preWrapLines(thePatch.intro);
+ else
+ $("#patchIntro").hide();
+ addOverviewNavigationLink();
+ for (i = 0; i < thePatch.files.length; i++)
+ addFileNavigationLink(thePatch.files[i]);
+ $("<div id='haveDraftNotice'style='display: none;'>Draft</div>"
+ + "<div class='clear'></div>").appendTo("#navigation");
+ var numReviewers = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < theBug.comments.length; i++) {
+ var comment = theBug.comments[i];
+ var m = REVIEW_RE.exec(comment.text);
+ if (m && parseInt(m[1]) == attachmentId) {
+ var review = new Review.Review(thePatch, comment.getWho(), comment.date);
+ review.parse(comment.text.substr(m[0].length));
+ var reviewerIndex;
+ if (review.who in reviewers)
+ reviewerIndex = reviewers[review.who];
+ else {
+ reviewerIndex = ++numReviewers;
+ reviewers[review.who] = reviewerIndex;
+ }
+ var q = $("<div class='review'>"
+ + "<div class='reviewer-box'>"
+ + "<div class='reviewer'></div><div class='review-date'></div>"
+ + "<div class='review-info-bottom'></div>"
+ + "<div class='review-intro'></div>"
+ + "</div>"
+ + "</div>")
+ .addClass(getReviewerClass(review))
+ .find(".reviewer").text(review.who).end()
+ .find(".review-date").text(Utils.formatDate(review.date)).end()
+ .find(".review-intro").preWrapLines(review.intro? review.intro : "").end()
+ .appendTo("#oldReviews");
+ $("#oldReviews").show();
+ appendReviewComments(review, q.find('.reviewer-box').get(0));
+ }
+ }
+ // We load the saved draft or create a new reeview *after* inserting the existing reviews
+ // so that the ordering comes out right.
+ if (reviewStorage) {
+ theReview = reviewStorage.loadDraft(theBug, theAttachment, thePatch);
+ if (theReview) {
+ var storedReviews = reviewStorage.listReviews();
+ $("#restored").show();
+ for (i = 0; i < storedReviews.length; i++) {
+ if (storedReviews[i].bugId == theBug.id &&
+ storedReviews[i].attachmentId == theAttachment.id)
+ $("#restoredLastModified").text(Utils.formatDate(new
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!theReview)
+ theReview = new Review.Review(thePatch);
+ if (theReview.intro)
+ $("#emptyCommentNotice").hide();
+ $("#myComment")
+ .val(theReview.intro ? theReview.intro : "")
+ .focus(function() {
+ $("#emptyCommentNotice").hide();
+ })
+ .blur(function() {
+ if ($(this).val().search(/\S/) < 0)
+ $("#emptyCommentNotice").show();
+ })
+ .keypress(function() {
+ queueSaveDraft();
+ queueUpdateHaveDraft();
+ });
+ updateMyPatchComments();
+ queueUpdateHaveDraft();
+ $("#publishButton").click(publishReview);
+ $("#cancelButton").click(discardReview);
+function gotBug(xml) {
+ theBug = Bug.Bug.fromDOM(xml);
+ showNote();
+ if (attachmentId != null) {
+ theAttachment = theBug.getAttachment(attachmentId);
+ if (theAttachment == null)
+ displayError("Attachment " + attachmentId + " is not an attachment to bug " + theBug.id);
+ else if (!theAttachment.isPatch) {
+ displayError("Attachment " + attachmentId + " is not a patch");
+ theAttachment = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (theAttachment == null)
+ showChooseAttachment();
+ else if (thePatch != null)
+ start();
+function gotAttachment(text) {
+ thePatch = new Patch.Patch(text);
+ if (theAttachment != null)
+ start();
+function isDigits(str) {
+ return str.match(/^[0-9]+$/);
+function newPageUrl(newBugId, newAttachmentId) {
+ var newUrl = configBase;
+ if (newBugId != null) {
+ newUrl += (newUrl.indexOf("?") < 0) ? "?" : "&";
+ newUrl += "bug=" + escape("" + newBugId);
+ if (newAttachmentId != null)
+ newUrl += "&attachment=" + escape("" + newAttachmentId);
+ }
+ return newUrl;
+function showNote() {
+ if (configNote)
+ $("#note")
+ .text(configNote)
+ .show();
+function showEnterBug() {
+ showNote();
+ $("#enterBugGo").click(function() {
+ var newBugId = Utils.strip($("#enterBugInput").val());
+ document.location = newPageUrl(newBugId);
+ });
+ doneLoading();
+ $("#enterBug").show();
+ if (!reviewStorage)
+ return;
+ var storedReviews = reviewStorage.listReviews();
+ if (storedReviews.length == 0)
+ return;
+ $("#chooseReview").show();
+ for (var i = storedReviews.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var reviewInfo = storedReviews[i];
+ var href = newPageUrl(reviewInfo.bugId, reviewInfo.attachmentId);
+ var modificationDate = Utils.formatDate(new Date(reviewInfo.modificationTime));
+ var extra = reviewInfo.isDraft ? "(draft)" : "";
+ $("<tr>"
+ + "<td class='review-bug'>Bug <span></span></td>"
+ + "<td class='review-attachment'><a></a></td>"
+ + "<td class='review-desc'><a></a></td>"
+ + "<td class='review-modification'></td>"
+ + "<td class='review-extra'></td>"
+ + "</tr>")
+ .addClass(reviewInfo.isDraft ? "review-draft" : "")
+ .find(".review-bug span").text(reviewInfo.bugId).end()
+ .find(".review-attachment a")
+ .attr("href", href)
+ .text("Attachment " + reviewInfo.attachmentId).end()
+ .find(".review-desc a")
+ .attr("href", href)
+ .text(reviewInfo.attachmentDescription).end()
+ .find(".review-modification").text(modificationDate).end()
+ .find(".review-extra").text(extra).end()
+ .appendTo("#chooseReview tbody");
+ }
+function showChooseAttachment() {
+ $("#bugId").text(theBug.id);
+ $("#bugShortDesc").text(theBug.shortDesc);
+ $("#bugReporter").text(theBug.getReporter());
+ $("#bugCreationDate").text(Utils.formatDate(theBug.creationDate));
+ $("#bugInfo").show();
+ document.title = "Bug " + theBug.id + " - " + theBug.shortDesc + " - Patch Review";
+ $("#originalBugLink").attr('href', configBugzillaUrl + "show_bug.cgi?id=" + theBug.id);
+ $("#allReviewsLink").attr('href', configBase);
+ var drafts = {};
+ var published = {};
+ if (reviewStorage) {
+ var storedReviews = reviewStorage.listReviews();
+ for (var j = 0; j < storedReviews.length; j++) {
+ var reviewInfo = storedReviews[j];
+ if (reviewInfo.bugId == theBug.id) {
+ if (reviewInfo.isDraft)
+ drafts[reviewInfo.attachmentId] = 1;
+ else
+ published[reviewInfo.attachmentId] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < theBug.attachments.length; i++) {
+ var attachment = theBug.attachments[i];
+ if (!attachment.isPatch)
+ continue;
+ var href = newPageUrl(theBug.id, attachment.id);
+ var date = Utils.formatDate(attachment.date);
+ var status = (attachment.status && attachment.status != 'none') ? attachment.status : '';
+ var obsoleteClass = attachment.isObsolete ? "attachment-obsolete" : '';
+ var draftClass = attachment.id in drafts ? "attachment-draft" : '';
+ var extra = '';
+ if (attachment.id in drafts)
+ extra = '(draft)';
+ else if (attachment.id in published)
+ extra = '(published)';
+ $("<tr>"
+ + "<td class='attachment-id'><a></a></td>"
+ + "<td class='attachment-desc'><a></a></td>"
+ + "<td class='attachment-date'></td>"
+ + "<td class='attachment-status'></td>"
+ + "<td class='attachment-extra'></td>"
+ + "</tr>")
+ .addClass(obsoleteClass)
+ .addClass(draftClass)
+ .find(".attachment-id a")
+ .attr("href", href)
+ .text(attachment.id).end()
+ .find(".attachment-desc a")
+ .attr("href", href)
+ .text(attachment.description).end()
+ .find(".attachment-date").text(date).end()
+ .find(".attachment-status").text(status).end()
+ .find(".attachment-extra").text(extra).end()
+ .appendTo("#chooseAttachment tbody");
+ }
+ doneLoading();
+ $("#chooseAttachment").show();
+// This is basically a workaround for IE which doesn't treat \n as a
+// line-break in white-space: pre, but only \r\n; we could normalize
+// line endings, but we take an alternate approach of just putting
+// each line into a separate div. We omit a trailing empty line
+// after the last line break.
+var LINE_RE = /(?!$)([^\r\n]*)(?:\r\n|\r|\n|$)/g;
+jQuery.fn.preWrapLines = function(text) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ while ((m = LINE_RE.exec(text)) != null) {
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.className = "pre-wrap";
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(m[1].length == 0 ? " " : m[1]));
+ this.appendChild(div);
+ }
+ });
+function init() {
+ var params = getQueryParams();
+ var bugId;
+ if (ReviewStorage.LocalReviewStorage.available())
+ reviewStorage = new ReviewStorage.LocalReviewStorage();
+ if (params.bug)
+ bugId = isDigits(params.bug) ? parseInt(params.bug) : NaN;
+ if (bugId === undefined || isNaN(bugId)) {
+ if (bugId !== undefined)
+ displayError("Bug ID '" + params.bug + "' is not valid");
+ showEnterBug();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ dataType: 'xml',
+ url: '/show_bug.cgi',
+ data: {
+ id: bugId,
+ ctype: 'xml',
+ excludefield: 'attachmentdata'
+ },
+ success: gotBug,
+ error: function() {
+ displayError("Failed to retrieve bug " + bugId);
+ showEnterBug();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (params.attachment) {
+ attachmentId = isDigits(params.attachment) ? parseInt(params.attachment) : NaN;
+ }
+ if (attachmentId === undefined || isNaN(attachmentId)) {
+ if (attachmentId !== undefined) {
+ displayError("Attachment ID '" + params.bug + "' is not valid");
+ attachmentId = undefined;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ dataType: 'text',
+ url: '/attachment.cgi',
+ data: {
+ id: attachmentId
+ },
+ success: gotAttachment,
+ error: function(a, b, c) {
+ displayError("Failed to retrieve attachment " + attachmentId);
+ }
+ });
+ }
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