[gedit/wip/fix-external-tools: 2/2] Port the external-tools plugin to the new file saving API

commit 1691a4513faab45ebc942f904a299abf0e6b9a92
Author: SĂŠbastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org>
Date:   Wed Nov 19 22:03:40 2014 +0100

    Port the external-tools plugin to the new file saving API
    Listening to the "saving" and "saved" signals, with a counter to know if
    all documents are correctly saved, was quite hackish. The new gedit API
    is cleaner, with GIO conventions for async operations.
    Anyway the port was needed because the code was broken. The "saving"
    signal has been removed, and the error parameter of the "saved" signal
    has been removed.

 plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py |   56 ++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py b/plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py
index f4d1ab5..94e0080 100644
--- a/plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py
+++ b/plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py
@@ -246,51 +246,33 @@ class MultipleDocumentsSaver:
         self._window = window
         self._panel = panel
         self._node = node
-        self._error = False
-        self._signal_ids = {}
-        self._counter = 0
         if all_docs:
             docs = window.get_documents()
             docs = [window.get_active_document()]
-        docs_to_save = [doc for doc in docs if doc.get_modified()]
-        signals = {}
-        for doc in docs_to_save:
-            signals[doc] = doc.connect('saving', self.on_document_saving)
-        if len(docs_to_save) == len(docs) and len(docs) != 0:
-            Gedit.commands_save_all_documents(window)
-        else:
-            for doc in docs_to_save:
-                Gedit.commands_save_document(window, doc)
-        for doc in docs_to_save:
-            doc.disconnect(signals[doc])
-        self.run_tool()
+        self._docs_to_save = [doc for doc in docs if doc.get_modified()]
+        self.save_next_document()
-    def on_document_saving(self, doc, size, total_size):
-        self._counter += 1
-        self._signal_ids[doc] = doc.connect('saved', self.on_document_saved)
-    def on_document_saved(self, doc, error):
-        if error:
-            self._error = True
-        doc.disconnect(self._signal_ids[doc])
-        del self._signal_ids[doc]
-        self._counter -= 1
-        self.run_tool()
-    def run_tool(self):
-        if self._counter == 0 and not self._error:
+    def save_next_document(self):
+        if len(self._docs_to_save) == 0:
+            # The documents are saved, we can run the tool.
             run_external_tool(self._window, self._panel, self._node)
+        else:
+            next_doc = self._docs_to_save[0]
+            self._docs_to_save.remove(next_doc)
+            Gedit.commands_save_document_async(next_doc,
+                                               self._window,
+                                               None,
+                                               self.on_document_saved,
+                                               None)
+    def on_document_saved(self, doc, result, user_data):
+        saved = Gedit.commands_save_document_finish(doc, result)
+        if saved:
+            self.save_next_document()
 def capture_menu_action(action, parameter, window, panel, node):

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