[geary/wip/712895-sigs: 4/5] Second patch from Gustavio Rubio merged into new branch

commit 789854bb25ebb352d675c88776059b8084e0fd2d
Merge: bf99080 4a2c31c
Author: Jim Nelson <jim yorba org>
Date:   Thu May 29 15:35:19 2014 -0700

    Second patch from Gustavio Rubio merged into new branch
    Like prior commit, needed to merge into branch after inline
    composer had landed.  Slight tweaks to code and Glade file.

 src/client/accounts/add-edit-page.vala   |   11 ++-
 src/client/composer/composer-widget.vala |   26 +++++-
 ui/login.glade                           |  149 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
diff --cc src/client/accounts/add-edit-page.vala
index 5b08a14,fed758c..a7da648
--- a/src/client/accounts/add-edit-page.vala
+++ b/src/client/accounts/add-edit-page.vala
@@@ -170,7 -165,8 +170,8 @@@ public class AddEditPage : Gtk.Box 
      private Gtk.CheckButton check_remember_password;
      private Gtk.CheckButton check_save_sent_mail;
 -    //Composer settings widgets
 +    // Signature
+     private Gtk.Box composer_container;
      private Gtk.CheckButton check_use_email_signature;
      private Gtk.TextView textview_email_signature;
@@@ -256,6 -246,11 +253,11 @@@
          combo_storage_length.append("1461", _("4 years back"));
          combo_storage_length.append(".", "."); // Separator
          combo_storage_length.append("-1", _("Everything"));
 -        //composer options
++        // composer options
+         composer_container = (Gtk.Box) builder.get_object("composer container");
+         check_use_email_signature = (Gtk.CheckButton) builder.get_object("check: use_email_signature");
+         textview_email_signature = (Gtk.TextView) builder.get_object("textview: email_signature");        
          // IMAP info widgets.
          entry_imap_host = (Gtk.Entry) builder.get_object("entry: imap host");
@@@ -675,7 -663,7 +677,8 @@@
          entry_nickname.visible = label_nickname.visible = mode != PageMode.WELCOME;
          storage_container.visible = mode == PageMode.EDIT;
          check_save_sent_mail.visible = mode == PageMode.EDIT;
 +        check_save_drafts.visible = mode == PageMode.EDIT;
+         composer_container.visible = mode == PageMode.EDIT;
          if (get_service_provider() == Geary.ServiceProvider.OTHER) {
              // Display all options for custom providers.
diff --cc src/client/composer/composer-widget.vala
index 15b92d0,0000000..c1b07fc
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/src/client/composer/composer-widget.vala
+++ b/src/client/composer/composer-widget.vala
@@@ -1,1940 -1,0 +1,1962 @@@
 +/* Copyright 2011-2014 Yorba Foundation
 + *
 + * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
 + * (version 2.1 or later).  See the COPYING file in this distribution.
 + */
 +// Widget for sending messages.
 +public class ComposerWidget : Gtk.EventBox {
 +    public enum ComposeType {
 +        NEW_MESSAGE,
 +        REPLY,
 +        REPLY_ALL,
 +        FORWARD
 +    }
 +    public enum CloseStatus {
 +        DO_CLOSE,
 +        PENDING_CLOSE,
 +        CANCEL_CLOSE
 +    }
 +    public enum ComposerState {
 +        DETACHED,
 +        INLINE_NEW,
 +        INLINE,
 +    }
 +    public const string ACTION_UNDO = "undo";
 +    public const string ACTION_REDO = "redo";
 +    public const string ACTION_CUT = "cut";
 +    public const string ACTION_COPY = "copy";
 +    public const string ACTION_COPY_LINK = "copy link";
 +    public const string ACTION_PASTE = "paste";
 +    public const string ACTION_PASTE_FORMAT = "paste with formatting";
 +    public const string ACTION_BOLD = "bold";
 +    public const string ACTION_ITALIC = "italic";
 +    public const string ACTION_UNDERLINE = "underline";
 +    public const string ACTION_STRIKETHROUGH = "strikethrough";
 +    public const string ACTION_REMOVE_FORMAT = "removeformat";
 +    public const string ACTION_INDENT = "indent";
 +    public const string ACTION_OUTDENT = "outdent";
 +    public const string ACTION_JUSTIFY_LEFT = "justifyleft";
 +    public const string ACTION_JUSTIFY_RIGHT = "justifyright";
 +    public const string ACTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER = "justifycenter";
 +    public const string ACTION_JUSTIFY_FULL = "justifyfull";
 +    public const string ACTION_MENU = "menu";
 +    public const string ACTION_COLOR = "color";
 +    public const string ACTION_INSERT_LINK = "insertlink";
 +    public const string ACTION_COMPOSE_AS_HTML = "compose as html";
 +    public const string ACTION_CLOSE = "close";
 +    private const string DRAFT_SAVED_TEXT = _("Saved");
 +    private const string DRAFT_SAVING_TEXT = _("Saving");
 +    private const string DRAFT_ERROR_TEXT = _("Error saving");
 +    private const string URI_LIST_MIME_TYPE = "text/uri-list";
 +    private const string FILE_URI_PREFIX = "file://";
 +    private const string BODY_ID = "message-body";
 +    private const string HTML_BODY = """
 +        <html><head><title></title>
 +        <style>
 +        body {
 +            margin: 10px !important;
 +            padding: 0 !important;
 +            background-color: white !important;
 +            font-size: medium !important;
 +        }
 +        body.plain, body.plain * {
 +            font-family: monospace !important;
 +            font-weight: normal;
 +            font-style: normal;
 +            font-size: 10pt;
 +            color: black;
 +            text-decoration: none;
 +        }
 +        body.plain a {
 +            cursor: text;
 +        }
 +        blockquote {
 +            margin-top: 0px;
 +            margin-bottom: 0px;
 +            margin-left: 10px;
 +            margin-right: 10px;
 +            padding-left: 5px;
 +            padding-right: 5px;
 +            background-color: white;
 +            border: 0;
 +            border-left: 3px #aaa solid;
 +        }
 +        pre {
 +            white-space: pre-wrap;
 +            margin: 0;
 +        }
 +        </style>
 +        </head><body id="message-body"></body></html>""";
 +    private const int DRAFT_TIMEOUT_MSEC = 2000; // 2 seconds
 +    public const string ATTACHMENT_KEYWORDS_GENERIC = ".doc|.pdf|.xls|.ppt|.rtf|.pps";
 +    /// A list of keywords, separated by pipe ("|") characters, that suggest an attachment
 +    public const string ATTACHMENT_KEYWORDS_LOCALIZED = _("attach|enclosed|enclosing|cover letter");
 +    public Geary.Account account { get; private set; }
 +    public string from { get; set; }
 +    public string to {
 +        get { return to_entry.get_text(); }
 +        set { to_entry.set_text(value); }
 +    }
 +    public string cc {
 +        get { return cc_entry.get_text(); }
 +        set { cc_entry.set_text(value); }
 +    }
 +    public string bcc {
 +        get { return bcc_entry.get_text(); }
 +        set { bcc_entry.set_text(value); }
 +    }
 +    public string in_reply_to { get; set; }
 +    public string references { get; set; }
 +    public string subject {
 +        get { return subject_entry.get_text(); }
 +        set { subject_entry.set_text(value); }
 +    }
 +    public string message {
 +        owned get { return get_html(); }
 +        set {
 +            body_html = value;
 +            editor.load_string(HTML_BODY, "text/html", "UTF8", "");
 +        }
 +    }
 +    public bool compose_as_html {
 +        get { return ((Gtk.ToggleAction) actions.get_action(ACTION_COMPOSE_AS_HTML)).active; }
 +        set { ((Gtk.ToggleAction) actions.get_action(ACTION_COMPOSE_AS_HTML)).active = value; }
 +    }
 +    public ComposerState state { get; set; }
 +    public ComposeType compose_type { get; private set; default = ComposeType.NEW_MESSAGE; }
 +    public Geary.EmailIdentifier? referred_id { get; private set; default = null; }
 +    public bool blank {
 +        get {
 +            return to_entry.empty && cc_entry.empty && bcc_entry.empty &&
 +                subject_entry.buffer.length == 0 && !editor.can_undo() && attachment_files.size == 0;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private ContactListStore? contact_list_store = null;
 +    private string? body_html = null;
 +    private Gee.Set<File> attachment_files = new Gee.HashSet<File>(Geary.Files.nullable_hash,
 +        Geary.Files.nullable_equal);
 +    private Gtk.Builder builder;
 +    private Gtk.Label from_label;
 +    private Gtk.Label from_single;
 +    private Gtk.ComboBoxText from_multiple = new Gtk.ComboBoxText();
 +    private EmailEntry to_entry;
 +    private EmailEntry cc_entry;
 +    private EmailEntry bcc_entry;
 +    public Gtk.Entry subject_entry;
 +    private Gtk.Button close_button;
 +    private Gtk.Button send_button;
 +    private Gtk.Button detach_button;
 +    private Gtk.Label message_overlay_label;
 +    private WebKit.DOM.Element? prev_selected_link = null;
 +    private Gtk.Separator attachments_separator;
 +    private Gtk.Box attachments_box;
 +    private Gtk.Button add_attachment_button;
 +    private Gtk.Button pending_attachments_button;
 +    private Gtk.Alignment hidden_on_attachment_drag_over;
 +    private Gtk.Alignment visible_on_attachment_drag_over;
 +    private Gtk.Widget hidden_on_attachment_drag_over_child;
 +    private Gtk.Widget visible_on_attachment_drag_over_child;
 +    private Gtk.Label compact_header_label;
 +    private Gtk.Label draft_save_label;
 +    private Gtk.Menu menu = new Gtk.Menu();
 +    private Gtk.RadioMenuItem font_small;
 +    private Gtk.RadioMenuItem font_medium;
 +    private Gtk.RadioMenuItem font_large;
 +    private Gtk.RadioMenuItem font_sans;
 +    private Gtk.RadioMenuItem font_serif;
 +    private Gtk.RadioMenuItem font_monospace;
 +    private Gtk.MenuItem color_item;
 +    private Gtk.MenuItem html_item;
 +    private Gtk.MenuItem html_item2;
 +    private Gtk.ActionGroup actions;
 +    private string? hover_url = null;
 +    private bool action_flag = false;
 +    private bool is_attachment_overlay_visible = false;
 +    private Gee.List<Geary.Attachment>? pending_attachments = null;
 +    private string reply_to_addresses = "";
 +    private string reply_cc_addresses = "";
 +    private string reply_subject = "";
 +    private string forward_subject = "";
 +    private string reply_message_id = "";
 +    private Geary.FolderSupport.Create? drafts_folder = null;
 +    private Geary.EmailIdentifier? draft_id = null;
 +    private uint draft_save_timeout_id = 0;
 +    private Cancellable cancellable_drafts = new Cancellable();
 +    private Cancellable cancellable_save_draft = new Cancellable();
 +    private bool in_draft_save = false;
 +    public WebKit.WebView editor;
 +    // We need to keep a reference to the edit-fixer in composer-window, so it doesn't get
 +    // garbage-collected.
 +    private WebViewEditFixer edit_fixer;
 +    public Gtk.UIManager ui;
 +    private ComposerContainer container {
 +        get { return (ComposerContainer) parent; }
 +    }
 +    public ComposerWidget(Geary.Account account, ComposeType compose_type,
 +        Geary.Email? referred = null, bool is_referred_draft = false) {
 +        this.account = account;
 +        this.compose_type = compose_type;
 +        if (compose_type == ComposeType.NEW_MESSAGE)
 +            state = ComposerState.INLINE_NEW;
 +        else if (compose_type == ComposeType.FORWARD)
 +            state = ComposerState.INLINE;
 +        else
 +            state = ComposerState.INLINE_COMPACT;
 +        setup_drag_destination(this);
 +        add_events(Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK);
 +        builder = GearyApplication.instance.create_builder("composer.glade");
 +        // Add the content-view style class for the elementary GTK theme.
 +        Gtk.Box button_area = (Gtk.Box) builder.get_object("button_area");
 +        button_area.get_style_context().add_class("content-view");
 +        Gtk.Box box = builder.get_object("composer") as Gtk.Box;
 +        close_button = builder.get_object("Close") as Gtk.Button;
 +        close_button.clicked.connect(on_close);
 +        send_button = builder.get_object("Send") as Gtk.Button;
 +        send_button.clicked.connect(on_send);
 +        detach_button = builder.get_object("Detach") as Gtk.Button;
 +        detach_button.clicked.connect(on_detach);
 +        bind_property("state", detach_button, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE,
 +            (binding, source_value, ref target_value) => {
 +                target_value = (state != ComposerState.DETACHED);
 +                return true;
 +            });
 +        add_attachment_button  = builder.get_object("add_attachment_button") as Gtk.Button;
 +        add_attachment_button.clicked.connect(on_add_attachment_button_clicked);
 +        pending_attachments_button = builder.get_object("add_pending_attachments") as Gtk.Button;
 +        pending_attachments_button.clicked.connect(on_pending_attachments_button_clicked);
 +        attachments_separator = builder.get_object("separator") as Gtk.Separator;
 +        attachments_box = builder.get_object("attachments_box") as Gtk.Box;
 +        hidden_on_attachment_drag_over = (Gtk.Alignment) 
 +        hidden_on_attachment_drag_over_child = (Gtk.Widget) 
 +        visible_on_attachment_drag_over = (Gtk.Alignment) 
 +        visible_on_attachment_drag_over_child = (Gtk.Widget) 
 +        visible_on_attachment_drag_over.remove(visible_on_attachment_drag_over_child);
 +        Gtk.Widget recipients = builder.get_object("recipients") as Gtk.Widget;
 +        bind_property("state", recipients, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE,
 +            (binding, source_value, ref target_value) => {
 +                target_value = (state != ComposerState.INLINE_COMPACT);
 +                return true;
 +            });
 +        Gtk.Widget compact_header = builder.get_object("compact_recipients") as Gtk.Widget;
 +        bind_property("state", compact_header, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE,
 +            (binding, source_value, ref target_value) => {
 +                target_value = (state == ComposerState.INLINE_COMPACT);
 +                return true;
 +            });
 +        string[] subject_elements = {"subject label", "subject"};
 +        foreach (string name in subject_elements) {
 +            Gtk.Widget widget = builder.get_object(name) as Gtk.Widget;
 +            bind_property("state", widget, "visible", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE,
 +                (binding, source_value, ref target_value) => {
 +                    target_value = (state != ComposerState.INLINE);
 +                    return true;
 +                });
 +        }
 +        notify["state"].connect((s, p) => { update_from_field(); });
 +        compact_header_label = builder.get_object("compact_recipients_label") as Gtk.Label;
 +        Gtk.Button expand_button = builder.get_object("expand_button") as Gtk.Button;
 +        expand_button.clicked.connect(() => { state = ComposerState.INLINE; });
 +        // Set the visibilities later, after show_all is called on the widget.
 +        Idle.add(() => {
 +            state = state;  // Triggers visibilities
 +            show_attachments();
 +            return false;
 +        });
 +        from_label = (Gtk.Label) builder.get_object("from label");
 +        from_single = (Gtk.Label) builder.get_object("from_single");
 +        from_multiple = (Gtk.ComboBoxText) builder.get_object("from_multiple");
 +        to_entry = new EmailEntry(this);
 +        (builder.get_object("to") as Gtk.EventBox).add(to_entry);
 +        cc_entry = new EmailEntry(this);
 +        (builder.get_object("cc") as Gtk.EventBox).add(cc_entry);
 +        bcc_entry = new EmailEntry(this);
 +        (builder.get_object("bcc") as Gtk.EventBox).add(bcc_entry);
 +        Gtk.Label to_label = (Gtk.Label) builder.get_object("to label");
 +        Gtk.Label cc_label = (Gtk.Label) builder.get_object("cc label");
 +        Gtk.Label bcc_label = (Gtk.Label) builder.get_object("bcc label");
 +        to_label.set_mnemonic_widget(to_entry);
 +        cc_label.set_mnemonic_widget(cc_entry);
 +        bcc_label.set_mnemonic_widget(bcc_entry);
 +        // TODO: It would be nicer to set the completions inside the EmailEntry constructor. But in
 +        // testing, this can cause non-deterministic segfaults. Investigate why, and fix if possible.
 +        set_entry_completions();
 +        subject_entry = builder.get_object("subject") as Gtk.Entry;
 +        Gtk.Alignment message_area = builder.get_object("message area") as Gtk.Alignment;
 +        draft_save_label = (Gtk.Label) builder.get_object("draft_save_label");
 +        draft_save_label.get_style_context().add_class("dim-label");
 +        actions = builder.get_object("compose actions") as Gtk.ActionGroup;
 +        // Can only happen after actions exits
 +        compose_as_html = GearyApplication.instance.config.compose_as_html;
 +        // Listen to account signals to update from menu.
 +        Geary.Engine.instance.account_available.connect(update_from_field);
 +        Geary.Engine.instance.account_unavailable.connect(update_from_field);
 +        Gtk.ScrolledWindow scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(null, null);
 +        scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
 +        Gtk.Overlay message_overlay = new Gtk.Overlay();
 +        message_overlay.add(scroll);
 +        message_area.add(message_overlay);
 +        message_overlay_label = new Gtk.Label(null);
 +        message_overlay_label.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.MIDDLE;
 +        message_overlay_label.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
 +        message_overlay_label.valign = Gtk.Align.END;
 +        message_overlay_label.realize.connect(on_message_overlay_label_realize);
 +        message_overlay.add_overlay(message_overlay_label);
 +        subject_entry.changed.connect(on_subject_changed);
 +        to_entry.changed.connect(validate_send_button);
 +        cc_entry.changed.connect(validate_send_button);
 +        bcc_entry.changed.connect(validate_send_button);
 +        if (get_direction () == Gtk.TextDirection.RTL) {
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_INDENT).icon_name = "format-indent-more-rtl-symbolic";
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_OUTDENT).icon_name = "format-indent-less-rtl-symbolic";
 +        } else {
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_INDENT).icon_name = "format-indent-more-symbolic";
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_OUTDENT).icon_name = "format-indent-less-symbolic";
 +        }
 +        ComposerToolbar composer_toolbar = new ComposerToolbar(actions, menu);
 +        Gtk.Alignment toolbar_area = (Gtk.Alignment) builder.get_object("toolbar area");
 +        toolbar_area.add(composer_toolbar);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_UNDO).activate.connect(on_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_REDO).activate.connect(on_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_CUT).activate.connect(on_cut);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_COPY).activate.connect(on_copy);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_COPY_LINK).activate.connect(on_copy_link);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_PASTE).activate.connect(on_paste);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_PASTE_FORMAT).activate.connect(on_paste_with_formatting);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_BOLD).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_ITALIC).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_UNDERLINE).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_STRIKETHROUGH).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_REMOVE_FORMAT).activate.connect(on_remove_format);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_COMPOSE_AS_HTML).activate.connect(on_compose_as_html);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_INDENT).activate.connect(on_indent);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_OUTDENT).activate.connect(on_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_JUSTIFY_LEFT).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_JUSTIFY_RIGHT).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_JUSTIFY_FULL).activate.connect(on_formatting_action);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_COLOR).activate.connect(on_select_color);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_INSERT_LINK).activate.connect(on_insert_link);
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_CLOSE).activate.connect(on_close);
 +        ui = new Gtk.UIManager();
 +        ui.insert_action_group(actions, 0);
 +        GearyApplication.instance.load_ui_file_for_manager(ui, "composer_accelerators.ui");
 +        add_extra_accelerators();
 +        from = account.information.get_from().to_rfc822_string();
 +        update_from_field();
 +        from_multiple.changed.connect(on_from_changed);
 +        if (referred != null) {
 +            this.referred_id = referred.id;
 +            string? sender_address = account.information.get_mailbox_address().address;
 +            reply_to_addresses = Geary.RFC822.Utils.create_to_addresses_for_reply(referred, sender_address);
 +            reply_cc_addresses = Geary.RFC822.Utils.create_cc_addresses_for_reply_all(referred, 
 +            reply_subject = Geary.RFC822.Utils.create_subject_for_reply(referred);
 +            forward_subject = Geary.RFC822.Utils.create_subject_for_forward(referred);
 +            reply_message_id = referred.message_id.value;
 +            switch (compose_type) {
 +                case ComposeType.NEW_MESSAGE:
 +                    if (referred.to != null)
 +                        to = referred.to.to_rfc822_string();
 +                    if (referred.cc != null)
 +                        cc = referred.cc.to_rfc822_string();
 +                    if (referred.bcc != null)
 +                        bcc = referred.bcc.to_rfc822_string();
 +                    if (referred.in_reply_to != null)
 +                        in_reply_to = referred.in_reply_to.value;
 +                    if (referred.references != null)
 +                        references = referred.references.to_rfc822_string();
 +                    if (referred.subject != null)
 +                        subject = referred.subject.value;
 +                    try {
 +                        body_html = referred.get_message().get_body(true);
 +                    } catch (Error error) {
 +                        debug("Error getting message body: %s", error.message);
 +                    }
 +                    if (is_referred_draft)
 +                        draft_id = referred.id;
 +                    add_attachments(referred.attachments);
 +                break;
 +                case ComposeType.REPLY:
 +                case ComposeType.REPLY_ALL:
 +                    to = reply_to_addresses;
 +                    if (compose_type == ComposeType.REPLY_ALL)
 +                        cc = reply_cc_addresses;
 +                    to_entry.modified = cc_entry.modified = false;
 +                    subject = reply_subject;
 +                    in_reply_to = reply_message_id;
 +                    references = Geary.RFC822.Utils.reply_references(referred);
 +                    body_html = "\n\n" + Geary.RFC822.Utils.quote_email_for_reply(referred, true);
 +                    pending_attachments = referred.attachments;
 +                break;
 +                case ComposeType.FORWARD:
 +                    subject = forward_subject;
 +                    body_html = "\n\n" + Geary.RFC822.Utils.quote_email_for_forward(referred, true);
 +                    add_attachments(referred.attachments);
 +                    pending_attachments = referred.attachments;
 +                break;
 +            }
 +        }
 +        // only add signature if the option is actually set
 +        if (account.information.use_email_signature)
 +            add_signature();
 +        editor = new WebKit.WebView();
 +        edit_fixer = new WebViewEditFixer(editor);
 +        editor.editable = true;
 +        editor.load_finished.connect(on_load_finished);
 +        editor.hovering_over_link.connect(on_hovering_over_link);
 +        editor.context_menu.connect(on_context_menu);
 +        editor.move_focus.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.copy_clipboard.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.cut_clipboard.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.paste_clipboard.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.undo.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.redo.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.selection_changed.connect(update_actions);
 +        editor.key_press_event.connect(on_editor_key_press);
 +        editor.user_changed_contents.connect(reset_draft_timer);
 +        // only do this after setting body_html
 +        editor.load_string(HTML_BODY, "text/html", "UTF8", "");
 +        editor.navigation_policy_decision_requested.connect(on_navigation_policy_decision_requested);
 +        editor.new_window_policy_decision_requested.connect(on_navigation_policy_decision_requested);
 +        GearyApplication.instance.config.settings.changed[Configuration.SPELL_CHECK_KEY].connect(
 +            on_spell_check_changed);
 +        // Font family menu items.
 +        font_sans = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem(new SList<Gtk.RadioMenuItem>());
 +        font_sans.activate.connect(on_font_sans);
 +        font_sans.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/font_sans");
 +        font_serif = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem.from_widget(font_sans);
 +        font_serif.activate.connect(on_font_serif);
 +        font_serif.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/font_serif");
 +        font_monospace = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem.from_widget(font_sans);
 +        font_monospace.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/font_monospace");
 +        font_monospace.activate.connect(on_font_monospace);
 +        // Font size menu items.
 +        font_small = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem(new SList<Gtk.RadioMenuItem>());
 +        font_small.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/font_small");
 +        font_small.activate.connect(on_font_size_small);
 +        font_medium = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem.from_widget(font_small);
 +        font_medium.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/font_medium");
 +        font_medium.activate.connect(on_font_size_medium);
 +        font_large = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem.from_widget(font_small);
 +        font_large.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/font_large");
 +        font_large.activate.connect(on_font_size_large);
 +        color_item = new Gtk.MenuItem();
 +        color_item.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/color");
 +        html_item = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem();
 +        html_item.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/htmlcompose");
 +        html_item2 = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem();
 +        html_item2.related_action = ui.get_action("ui/htmlcompose");
 +        WebKit.WebSettings s = new WebKit.WebSettings();
 +        s.enable_spell_checking = GearyApplication.instance.config.spell_check;
 +        s.auto_load_images = false;
 +        s.enable_scripts = false;
 +        s.enable_java_applet = false;
 +        s.enable_plugins = false;
 +        editor.settings = s;
 +        scroll.add(editor);
 +        scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
 +        add(box);
 +        validate_send_button();
 +        check_pending_attachments();
 +        // Place the message area before the compose toolbar in the focus chain, so that
 +        // the user can tab directly from the Subject: field to the message area.
 +        List<Gtk.Widget> chain = new List<Gtk.Widget>();
 +        chain.append(hidden_on_attachment_drag_over);
 +        chain.append(message_area);
 +        chain.append(composer_toolbar);
 +        chain.append(attachments_box);
 +        chain.append(button_area);
 +        box.set_focus_chain(chain);
 +        // If there's only one account, open the drafts folder.  If there's more than one account,
 +        // the drafts folder will be opened by on_from_changed().
 +        if (!from_multiple.visible)
 +            open_drafts_folder_async.begin(cancellable_drafts);
 +        destroy.connect(() => { close_drafts_folder_async.begin(); });
 +    }
 +    public ComposerWidget.from_mailto(Geary.Account account, string mailto) {
 +        this(account, ComposeType.NEW_MESSAGE);
 +        Gee.HashMultiMap<string, string> headers = new Gee.HashMultiMap<string, string>();
 +        if (mailto.length > Geary.ComposedEmail.MAILTO_SCHEME.length) {
 +            // Parse the mailto link.
 +            string[] parts = mailto.substring(Geary.ComposedEmail.MAILTO_SCHEME.length).split("?", 2);
 +            string email = Uri.unescape_string(parts[0]);
 +            string[] params = parts.length == 2 ? parts[1].split("&") : new string[0];
 +            foreach (string param in params) {
 +                string[] param_parts = param.split("=", 2);
 +                if (param_parts.length == 2) {
 +                    headers.set(Uri.unescape_string(param_parts[0]).down(),
 +                        Uri.unescape_string(param_parts[1]));
 +                }
 +            }
 +            // Assemble the headers.
 +            if (email.length > 0 && headers.contains("to"))
 +                to = "%s,%s".printf(email, Geary.Collection.get_first(headers.get("to")));
 +            else if (email.length > 0)
 +                to = email;
 +            else if (headers.contains("to"))
 +                to = Geary.Collection.get_first(headers.get("to"));
 +            if (headers.contains("cc"))
 +                cc = Geary.Collection.get_first(headers.get("cc"));
 +            if (headers.contains("bcc"))
 +                bcc = Geary.Collection.get_first(headers.get("bcc"));
 +            if (headers.contains("subject"))
 +                subject = Geary.Collection.get_first(headers.get("subject"));
 +            if (headers.contains("body"))
 +                body_html = Geary.HTML.preserve_whitespace(Geary.HTML.escape_markup(
 +                    Geary.Collection.get_first(headers.get("body"))));
 +            foreach (string attachment in headers.get("attach"))
 +                add_attachment(File.new_for_commandline_arg(attachment));
 +            foreach (string attachment in headers.get("attachment"))
 +                add_attachment(File.new_for_commandline_arg(attachment));
 +        }
 +    }
 +    public void set_focus() {
 +        if (Geary.String.is_empty(to)) {
 +            to_entry.grab_focus();
 +        } else if (Geary.String.is_empty(subject)) {
 +            subject_entry.grab_focus();
 +        } else {
 +            editor.grab_focus();
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_load_finished(WebKit.WebFrame frame) {
 +        WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement? body = editor.get_dom_document().get_element_by_id(
 +            BODY_ID) as WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement;
 +        assert(body != null);
 +        if (!Geary.String.is_empty(body_html)) {
 +            try {
 +                body.set_inner_html(body_html);
 +            } catch (Error e) {
 +                debug("Failed to load prefilled body: %s", e.message);
 +            }
 +        }
 +        protect_blockquote_styles();
 +        set_focus();
 +        // Ensure the editor is in correct mode re HTML
 +        on_compose_as_html();
 +        bind_event(editor,"a", "click", (Callback) on_link_clicked, this);
 +        update_actions();
 +    }
 +    // Glade only allows one accelerator per-action. This method adds extra accelerators not defined
 +    // in the Glade file.
 +    private void add_extra_accelerators() {
 +        GtkUtil.add_accelerator(ui, actions, "Escape", ACTION_CLOSE);
 +    }
 +    private void setup_drag_destination(Gtk.Widget destination) {
 +        const Gtk.TargetEntry[] target_entries = { { URI_LIST_MIME_TYPE, 0, 0 } };
 +        Gtk.drag_dest_set(destination, Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,
 +            target_entries, Gdk.DragAction.COPY);
 +        destination.drag_data_received.connect(on_drag_data_received);
 +        destination.drag_drop.connect(on_drag_drop);
 +        destination.drag_motion.connect(on_drag_motion);
 +        destination.drag_leave.connect(on_drag_leave);
 +    }
 +    private void show_attachment_overlay(bool visible) {
 +        if (is_attachment_overlay_visible == visible)
 +            return;
 +        is_attachment_overlay_visible = visible;
 +        // If we just make the widget invisible, it can still intercept drop signals. So we
 +        // completely remove it instead.
 +        if (visible) {
 +            int height = hidden_on_attachment_drag_over.get_allocated_height();
 +            hidden_on_attachment_drag_over.remove(hidden_on_attachment_drag_over_child);
 +            visible_on_attachment_drag_over.add(visible_on_attachment_drag_over_child);
 +            visible_on_attachment_drag_over.set_size_request(-1, height);
 +        } else {
 +            hidden_on_attachment_drag_over.add(hidden_on_attachment_drag_over_child);
 +            visible_on_attachment_drag_over.remove(visible_on_attachment_drag_over_child);
 +            visible_on_attachment_drag_over.set_size_request(-1, -1);
 +        }
 +   }
 +    private bool on_drag_motion() {
 +        show_attachment_overlay(true);
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +    private void on_drag_leave() {
 +        show_attachment_overlay(false);
 +    }
 +    private void on_drag_data_received(Gtk.Widget sender, Gdk.DragContext context, int x, int y,
 +        Gtk.SelectionData selection_data, uint info, uint time_) {
 +        bool dnd_success = false;
 +        if (selection_data.get_length() >= 0) {
 +            dnd_success = true;
 +            string uri_list = (string) selection_data.get_data();
 +            string[] uris = uri_list.strip().split("\n");
 +            foreach (string uri in uris) {
 +                if (!uri.has_prefix(FILE_URI_PREFIX))
 +                    continue;
 +                add_attachment(File.new_for_uri(uri.strip()));
 +            }
 +        }
 +        Gtk.drag_finish(context, dnd_success, false, time_);
 +    }
 +    private bool on_drag_drop(Gtk.Widget sender, Gdk.DragContext context, int x, int y, uint time_) {
 +        if (context.list_targets() == null)
 +            return false;
 +        uint length = context.list_targets().length();
 +        Gdk.Atom? target_type = null;
 +        for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 +            Gdk.Atom target = context.list_targets().nth_data(i);
 +            if (target.name() == URI_LIST_MIME_TYPE)
 +                target_type = target;
 +        }
 +        if (target_type == null)
 +            return false;
 +        Gtk.drag_get_data(sender, context, target_type, time_);
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    public Geary.ComposedEmail get_composed_email(DateTime? date_override = null,
 +        bool only_html = false) {
 +        Geary.ComposedEmail email = new Geary.ComposedEmail(
 +            date_override ?? new DateTime.now_local(),
 +            new Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddresses.from_rfc822_string(from)
 +        );
 +        if (to_entry.addresses != null)
 +            email.to = to_entry.addresses;
 +        if (cc_entry.addresses != null)
 +            email.cc = cc_entry.addresses;
 +        if (bcc_entry.addresses != null)
 +            email.bcc = bcc_entry.addresses;
 +        if (!Geary.String.is_empty(in_reply_to))
 +            email.in_reply_to = in_reply_to;
 +        if (!Geary.String.is_empty(references))
 +            email.references = references;
 +        if (!Geary.String.is_empty(subject))
 +            email.subject = subject;
 +        email.attachment_files.add_all(attachment_files);
 +        if (compose_as_html || only_html)
 +            email.body_html = get_html();
 +        if (!only_html)
 +            email.body_text = get_text();
 +        // User-Agent
 +        email.mailer = GearyApplication.PRGNAME + "/" + GearyApplication.VERSION;
 +        return email;
 +    }
 +    public override void show_all() {
 +        base.show_all();
 +        update_from_field();
 +    }
 +    public void change_compose_type(ComposeType new_type) {
 +        if (new_type != compose_type) {
 +            bool recipients_modified = to_entry.modified || cc_entry.modified || bcc_entry.modified;
 +            switch (new_type) {
 +                case ComposeType.REPLY:
 +                case ComposeType.REPLY_ALL:
 +                    subject = reply_subject;
 +                    if (!recipients_modified) {
 +                        to = reply_to_addresses;
 +                        cc = (new_type == ComposeType.REPLY_ALL ? reply_cc_addresses : "");
 +                        to_entry.modified = cc_entry.modified = false;
 +                    } else {
 +                        to_entry.select_region(0, -1);
 +                    }
 +                    in_reply_to = reply_message_id;
 +                break;
 +                case ComposeType.FORWARD:
 +                    state = ComposerState.INLINE;
 +                    subject = forward_subject;
 +                    if (!recipients_modified) {
 +                        to = "";
 +                        cc = "";
 +                        to_entry.modified = cc_entry.modified = false;
 +                    } else {
 +                        to_entry.select_region(0, -1);
 +                    }
 +                    in_reply_to = "";
 +                break;
 +                default:
 +                    assert_not_reached();
 +            }
 +            compose_type = new_type;
 +        }
 +        container.present();
 +        set_focus();
 +    }
 +    private void add_signature() {
-         string signature = account.information.email_signature;
++        string? signature = null;
++        // If use signature is enabled but no contents are on settings then we'll use ~/.signature, if any
++        // otherwise use whatever the user has input in settings dialog
++        if (account.information.use_email_signature && 
Geary.String.is_empty_or_whitespace(account.information.email_signature)) {
++            File signature_file = File.new_for_path(Environment.get_home_dir()).get_child(".signature");
++            if (!signature_file.query_exists())
++                return;
++            try {
++                FileUtils.get_contents(signature_file.get_path(), out signature);
++                if (Geary.String.is_empty_or_whitespace(signature))
++                    return;
++            } catch (Error error) {
++                debug("Error reading signature file %s: %s", signature_file.get_path(), error.message);
++                return;
++            }
++        } else {
++            signature = account.information.email_signature;
++            if(Geary.String.is_empty_or_whitespace(signature))
++                return;
++        }
 +        signature = Geary.HTML.escape_markup(signature);
 +        if (body_html == null)
 +            body_html = Geary.HTML.preserve_whitespace("\n\n" + signature);
 +        else
-             body_html =  body_html + Geary.HTML.preserve_whitespace("\n\n" + signature);
++            body_html = Geary.HTML.preserve_whitespace("\n\n" + signature) + body_html;
 +    }
 +    private bool can_save() {
 +        return (drafts_folder != null && drafts_folder.get_open_state() == Geary.Folder.OpenState.BOTH
 +            && !drafts_folder.properties.create_never_returns_id && editor.can_undo()
 +            && account.information.save_drafts);
 +    }
 +    public CloseStatus should_close() {
 +        bool try_to_save = can_save();
 +        container.present();
 +        AlertDialog dialog;
 +        if (drafts_folder == null && try_to_save) {
 +            dialog = new ConfirmationDialog(container.top_window,
 +                _("Do you want to discard the unsaved message?"), null, Stock._DISCARD);
 +        } else if (try_to_save) {
 +            dialog = new TernaryConfirmationDialog(container.top_window,
 +                _("Do you want to discard this message?"), null, Stock._KEEP, Stock._DISCARD,
 +                Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE);
 +        } else {
 +            dialog = new ConfirmationDialog(container.top_window,
 +                _("Do you want to discard this message?"), null, Stock._DISCARD);
 +        }
 +        Gtk.ResponseType response = dialog.run();
 +        if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL || response == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) {
 +            return CloseStatus.CANCEL_CLOSE; // Cancel
 +        } else if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) {
 +            if (try_to_save) {
 +                save_and_exit.begin(); // Save
 +                return CloseStatus.PENDING_CLOSE;
 +            } else {
 +                return CloseStatus.DO_CLOSE;
 +            }
 +        } else {
 +            delete_and_exit.begin(); // Discard
 +            return CloseStatus.PENDING_CLOSE;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_close() {
 +        if (should_close() == CloseStatus.DO_CLOSE)
 +            container.close_container();
 +    }
 +    private void on_detach() {
 +        if (parent is ComposerEmbed)
 +            ((ComposerEmbed) parent).on_detach();
 +    }
 +    private bool email_contains_attachment_keywords() {
 +        // Filter out all content contained in block quotes
 +        string filtered = @"$subject\n";
 +        filtered += Util.DOM.get_text_representation(editor.get_dom_document(), "blockquote");
 +        Regex url_regex = null;
 +        try {
 +            // Prepare to ignore urls later
 +            url_regex = new Regex(URL_REGEX, RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS);
 +        } catch (Error error) {
 +            debug("Error building regex in keyword checker: %s", error.message);
 +        }
 +        string[] keys = ATTACHMENT_KEYWORDS_GENERIC.casefold().split("|");
 +        foreach (string key in ATTACHMENT_KEYWORDS_LOCALIZED.casefold().split("|")) {
 +            keys += key;
 +        }
 +        string folded;
 +        foreach (string line in filtered.split("\n")) {
 +            // Stop looking once we hit forwarded content
 +            if (line.has_prefix("--")) {
 +                break;
 +            }
 +            folded = line.casefold();
 +            foreach (string key in keys) {
 +                if (key in folded) {
 +                    try {
 +                        // Make sure the match isn't coming from a url
 +                        if (key in url_regex.replace(folded, -1, 0, "")) {
 +                            return true;
 +                        }
 +                    } catch (Error error) {
 +                        debug("Regex replacement error in keyword checker: %s", error.message);
 +                        return true;
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +    private bool should_send() {
 +        bool has_subject = !Geary.String.is_empty(subject.strip());
 +        bool has_body = !Geary.String.is_empty(get_html());
 +        bool has_attachment = attachment_files.size > 0;
 +        bool has_body_or_attachment = has_body || has_attachment;
 +        string? confirmation = null;
 +        if (!has_subject && !has_body_or_attachment) {
 +            confirmation = _("Send message with an empty subject and body?");
 +        } else if (!has_subject) {
 +            confirmation = _("Send message with an empty subject?");
 +        } else if (!has_body_or_attachment) {
 +            confirmation = _("Send message with an empty body?");
 +        } else if (!has_attachment && email_contains_attachment_keywords()) {
 +            confirmation = _("Send message without an attachment?");
 +        }
 +        if (confirmation != null) {
 +            ConfirmationDialog dialog = new ConfirmationDialog(container.top_window,
 +                confirmation, null, Stock._OK);
 +            if (dialog.run() != Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
 +                return false;
 +        }
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    // Sends the current message.
 +    private void on_send() {
 +        if (should_send())
 +            on_send_async.begin();
 +    }
 +    // Used internally by on_send()
 +    private async void on_send_async() {
 +        cancellable_save_draft.cancel();
 +        container.vanish();
 +        linkify_document(editor.get_dom_document());
 +        // Perform send.
 +        try {
 +            yield account.send_email_async(get_composed_email());
 +        } catch (Error e) {
 +            GLib.message("Error sending email: %s", e.message);
 +        }
 +        yield delete_draft_async();
 +        container.close_container(); // Only close window after draft is deleted; this closes the drafts 
 +    }
 +    private void on_drafts_opened(Geary.Folder.OpenState open_state, int count) {
 +        if (open_state == Geary.Folder.OpenState.BOTH)
 +            reset_draft_timer();
 +    }
 +    // Returns the drafts folder for the current From account.
 +    private async void open_drafts_folder_async(Cancellable cancellable) throws Error {
 +        yield close_drafts_folder_async(cancellable);
 +        if (!account.information.save_drafts)
 +            return;
 +        Geary.FolderSupport.Create? folder = (yield account.get_required_special_folder_async(
 +            Geary.SpecialFolderType.DRAFTS, cancellable)) as Geary.FolderSupport.Create;
 +        if (folder == null)
 +            return; // No drafts folder.
 +        yield folder.open_async(Geary.Folder.OpenFlags.FAST_OPEN | Geary.Folder.OpenFlags.NO_DELAY,
 +            cancellable);
 +        drafts_folder = folder;
 +        drafts_folder.opened.connect(on_drafts_opened);
 +    }
 +    private async void close_drafts_folder_async(Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error {
 +        if (drafts_folder == null)
 +            return;
 +        // Close existing folder.
 +        drafts_folder.opened.disconnect(on_drafts_opened);
 +        yield drafts_folder.close_async(cancellable);
 +        drafts_folder = null;
 +    }
 +    // Save to the draft folder, if available.
 +    // Note that drafts are NOT "linkified."
 +    private bool on_save_draft_timeout() {
 +        // since all control paths return false, this is not rescheduled by the event loop, so
 +        // kill the timeout id
 +        draft_save_timeout_id = 0;
 +        if (in_draft_save)
 +            return false;
 +        in_draft_save = true;
 +        save_async.begin(cancellable_save_draft, () => { in_draft_save = false; });
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +    private async void save_async(Cancellable? cancellable) {
 +        if (drafts_folder == null || !can_save())
 +            return;
 +        cancel_draft_timer();
 +        draft_save_label.label = DRAFT_SAVING_TEXT;
 +        Geary.EmailFlags flags = new Geary.EmailFlags();
 +        flags.add(Geary.EmailFlags.DRAFT);
 +        try {
 +            // only save HTML drafts to avoid resetting the DOM (which happens when converting the
 +            // HTML to flowed text)
 +            draft_id = yield drafts_folder.create_email_async(new Geary.RFC822.Message.from_composed_email(
 +                get_composed_email(null, true), null), flags, null, draft_id, cancellable);
 +            draft_save_label.label = DRAFT_SAVED_TEXT;
 +        } catch (Error e) {
 +            GLib.message("Error saving draft: %s", e.message);
 +            draft_save_label.label = DRAFT_ERROR_TEXT;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    // Used while waiting for draft to save before closing widget.
 +    private void make_gui_insensitive() {
 +        container.vanish();
 +        cancel_draft_timer();
 +    }
 +    private async void save_and_exit() {
 +        make_gui_insensitive();
 +        // Do the save.
 +        yield save_async(null);
 +        container.close_container();
 +    }
 +    private async void delete_and_exit() {
 +        make_gui_insensitive();
 +        // Do the delete.
 +        yield delete_draft_async();
 +        container.close_container();
 +    }
 +    private async void delete_draft_async() {
 +        if (drafts_folder == null || draft_id == null)
 +            return;
 +        Geary.FolderSupport.Remove? removable_drafts = drafts_folder as Geary.FolderSupport.Remove;
 +        if (removable_drafts == null) {
 +            debug("Draft folder does not support remove.\n");
 +            return;
 +        }
 +        try {
 +            yield removable_drafts.remove_single_email_async(draft_id);
 +        } catch (Error e) {
 +            debug("Unable to delete draft: %s", e.message);
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_add_attachment_button_clicked() {
 +        AttachmentDialog dialog = null;
 +        do {
 +            // Transient parent of AttachmentDialog is this ComposerWindow
 +            // But this generates the following warning:
 +            // Attempting to add a widget with type AttachmentDialog to a
 +            // ComposerWindow, but as a GtkBin subclass a ComposerWindow can
 +            // only contain one widget at a time;
 +            // it already contains a widget of type GtkBox
 +            dialog = new AttachmentDialog(container.top_window);
 +        } while (!dialog.is_finished(add_attachment));
 +    }
 +    private void on_pending_attachments_button_clicked() {
 +        add_attachments(pending_attachments, false);
 +    }
 +    private void check_pending_attachments() {
 +        if (pending_attachments != null) {
 +            foreach (Geary.Attachment attachment in pending_attachments) {
 +                if (!attachment_files.contains(attachment.file)) {
 +                    pending_attachments_button.show();
 +                    return;
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        pending_attachments_button.hide();
 +    }
 +    private void attachment_failed(string msg) {
 +        ErrorDialog dialog = new ErrorDialog(container.top_window, _("Cannot add attachment"), msg);
 +        dialog.run();
 +    }
 +    private bool add_attachment(File attachment_file, bool alert_errors = true) {
 +        FileInfo attachment_file_info;
 +        try {
 +            attachment_file_info = attachment_file.query_info("standard::size,standard::type",
 +                FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE);
 +        } catch(Error e) {
 +            if (alert_errors)
 +                attachment_failed(_("\"%s\" could not be found.").printf(attachment_file.get_path()));
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        if (attachment_file_info.get_file_type() == FileType.DIRECTORY) {
 +            if (alert_errors)
 +                attachment_failed(_("\"%s\" is a folder.").printf(attachment_file.get_path()));
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        if (attachment_file_info.get_size() == 0){
 +            if (alert_errors)
 +                attachment_failed(_("\"%s\" is an empty file.").printf(attachment_file.get_path()));
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        try {
 +            FileInputStream? stream = attachment_file.read();
 +            if (stream != null)
 +                stream.close();
 +        } catch(Error e) {
 +            debug("File '%s' could not be opened for reading. Error: %s", attachment_file.get_path(),
 +                e.message);
 +            if (alert_errors)
 +                attachment_failed(_("\"%s\" could not be opened for 
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        if (!attachment_files.add(attachment_file)) {
 +            if (alert_errors)
 +                attachment_failed(_("\"%s\" already attached for 
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        Gtk.Box box = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
 +        attachments_box.pack_start(box);
 +        /// In the composer, the filename followed by its filesize, i.e. "notes.txt (1.12KB)"
 +        string label_text = _("%s (%s)").printf(attachment_file.get_basename(),
 +            Files.get_filesize_as_string(attachment_file_info.get_size()));
 +        Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label(label_text);
 +        box.pack_start(label);
 +        label.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
 +        label.xpad = 4;
 +        Gtk.Button remove_button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic(Stock._REMOVE);
 +        box.pack_start(remove_button, false, false);
 +        remove_button.clicked.connect(() => remove_attachment(attachment_file, box));
 +        show_attachments();
 +        check_pending_attachments();
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    private void add_attachments(Gee.List<Geary.Attachment> attachments, bool alert_errors = true) {
 +        foreach(Geary.Attachment attachment in attachments)
 +            add_attachment(attachment.file, alert_errors);
 +    }
 +    private void remove_attachment(File file, Gtk.Box box) {
 +        if (!attachment_files.remove(file))
 +            return;
 +        foreach (weak Gtk.Widget child in attachments_box.get_children()) {
 +            if (child == box) {
 +                attachments_box.remove(box);
 +                break;
 +            }
 +        }
 +        show_attachments();
 +        check_pending_attachments();
 +    }
 +    private void show_attachments() {
 +        if (attachment_files.size > 0 ) {
 +            attachments_box.show_all();
 +            attachments_separator.show();
 +        } else {
 +            attachments_box.hide();
 +            attachments_separator.hide();
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_subject_changed() {
 +        reset_draft_timer();
 +    }
 +    private void validate_send_button() {
 +        send_button.sensitive =
 +            to_entry.valid_or_empty && cc_entry.valid_or_empty && bcc_entry.valid_or_empty
 +            && (!to_entry.empty || !cc_entry.empty || !bcc_entry.empty);
 +        bool tocc = !to_entry.empty && !cc_entry.empty,
 +            ccbcc = !(to_entry.empty && cc_entry.empty) && !bcc_entry.empty;
 +        if (state == ComposerState.INLINE_COMPACT)
 +            compact_header_label.label = to_entry.buffer.text + (tocc ? ", " : "")
 +                + cc_entry.buffer.text + (ccbcc ? ", " : "") + bcc_entry.buffer.text;
 +        reset_draft_timer();
 +    }
 +    private void on_formatting_action(Gtk.Action action) {
 +        if (compose_as_html)
 +            on_action(action);
 +    }
 +    private void on_action(Gtk.Action action) {
 +        if (action_flag)
 +            return;
 +        action_flag = true; // prevents recursion
 +        editor.get_dom_document().exec_command(action.get_name(), false, "");
 +        action_flag = false;
 +    }
 +    private void on_cut() {
 +        if (container.get_focus() == editor)
 +            editor.cut_clipboard();
 +        else if (container.get_focus() is Gtk.Editable)
 +            ((Gtk.Editable) container.get_focus()).cut_clipboard();
 +    }
 +    private void on_copy() {
 +        if (container.get_focus() == editor)
 +            editor.copy_clipboard();
 +        else if (container.get_focus() is Gtk.Editable)
 +            ((Gtk.Editable) container.get_focus()).copy_clipboard();
 +    }
 +    private void on_copy_link() {
 +        Gtk.Clipboard c = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
 +        c.set_text(hover_url, -1);
 +        c.store();
 +    }
 +    private WebKit.DOM.Node? get_left_text(WebKit.DOM.Node node, long offset) {
 +        WebKit.DOM.Document document = editor.get_dom_document();
 +        string node_value = node.node_value;
 +        // Offset is in unicode characters, but index is in bytes. We need to get the corresponding
 +        // byte index for the given offset.
 +        int char_count = node_value.char_count();
 +        int index = offset > char_count ? node_value.length : node_value.index_of_nth_char(offset);
 +        return offset > 0 ? document.create_text_node(node_value[0:index]) : null;
 +    }
 +    private void on_clipboard_text_received(Gtk.Clipboard clipboard, string? text) {
 +        if (text == null)
 +            return;
 +        // Insert plain text from clipboard.
 +        WebKit.DOM.Document document = editor.get_dom_document();
 +        document.exec_command("inserttext", false, text);
 +        // The inserttext command will not scroll if needed, but we can't use the clipboard
 +        // for plain text. WebKit allows us to scroll a node into view, but not an arbitrary
 +        // position within a text node. So we add a placeholder node at the cursor position,
 +        // scroll to that, then remove the placeholder node.
 +        try {
 +            WebKit.DOM.DOMSelection selection = document.default_view.get_selection();
 +            WebKit.DOM.Node selection_base_node = selection.get_base_node();
 +            long selection_base_offset = selection.get_base_offset();
 +            WebKit.DOM.NodeList selection_child_nodes = selection_base_node.get_child_nodes();
 +            WebKit.DOM.Node ref_child = selection_child_nodes.item(selection_base_offset);
 +            WebKit.DOM.Element placeholder = document.create_element("SPAN");
 +            WebKit.DOM.Text placeholder_text = document.create_text_node("placeholder");
 +            placeholder.append_child(placeholder_text);
 +            if (selection_base_node.node_name == "#text") {
 +                WebKit.DOM.Node? left = get_left_text(selection_base_node, selection_base_offset);
 +                WebKit.DOM.Node parent = selection_base_node.parent_node;
 +                if (left != null)
 +                    parent.insert_before(left, selection_base_node);
 +                parent.insert_before(placeholder, selection_base_node);
 +                parent.remove_child(selection_base_node);
 +                placeholder.scroll_into_view_if_needed(false);
 +                parent.insert_before(selection_base_node, placeholder);
 +                if (left != null)
 +                    parent.remove_child(left);
 +                parent.remove_child(placeholder);
 +                selection.set_base_and_extent(selection_base_node, selection_base_offset, 
selection_base_node, selection_base_offset);
 +            } else {
 +                selection_base_node.insert_before(placeholder, ref_child);
 +                placeholder.scroll_into_view_if_needed(false);
 +                selection_base_node.remove_child(placeholder);
 +            }
 +        } catch (Error err) {
 +            debug("Error scrolling pasted text into view: %s", err.message);
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_paste() {
 +        if (container.get_focus() == editor)
 +            get_clipboard(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD).request_text(on_clipboard_text_received);
 +        else if (container.get_focus() is Gtk.Editable)
 +            ((Gtk.Editable) container.get_focus()).paste_clipboard();
 +    }
 +    private void on_paste_with_formatting() {
 +        if (container.get_focus() == editor)
 +            editor.paste_clipboard();
 +    }
 +    private void on_select_all() {
 +        editor.select_all();
 +    }
 +    private void on_remove_format() {
 +        editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("removeformat", false, "");
 +        editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("removeparaformat", false, "");
 +        editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("unlink", false, "");
 +        editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("backcolor", false, "#ffffff");
 +        editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("forecolor", false, "#000000");
 +    }
 +    private void on_compose_as_html() {
 +        WebKit.DOM.DOMTokenList body_classes = editor.get_dom_document().body.get_class_list();
 +        if (!compose_as_html) {
 +            toggle_toolbar_buttons(false);
 +            build_plaintext_menu();
 +            try {
 +                body_classes.add("plain");
 +            } catch (Error error) {
 +                debug("Error setting composer style: %s", error.message);
 +            }
 +        } else {
 +            toggle_toolbar_buttons(true);
 +            build_html_menu();
 +            try {
 +                body_classes.remove("plain");
 +            } catch (Error error) {
 +                debug("Error setting composer style: %s", error.message);
 +            }
 +        }
 +        GearyApplication.instance.config.compose_as_html = compose_as_html;
 +    }
 +    private void toggle_toolbar_buttons(bool show) {
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_BOLD).visible =
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_ITALIC).visible =
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_UNDERLINE).visible =
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_STRIKETHROUGH).visible =
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_INSERT_LINK).visible =
 +            actions.get_action(ACTION_REMOVE_FORMAT).visible = show;
 +    }
 +    private void build_plaintext_menu() {
 +        GtkUtil.clear_menu(menu);
 +        menu.append(html_item2);
 +        menu.show_all();
 +    }
 +    private void build_html_menu() {
 +        GtkUtil.clear_menu(menu);
 +        menu.append(font_sans);
 +        menu.append(font_serif);
 +        menu.append(font_monospace);
 +        menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        menu.append(font_small);
 +        menu.append(font_medium);
 +        menu.append(font_large);
 +        menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        menu.append(color_item);
 +        menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        menu.append(html_item);
 +        menu.show_all(); // Call this or only menu items associated with actions will be displayed.
 +    }
 +    private void on_font_sans() {
 +        if (!action_flag)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("fontname", false, "sans");
 +    }
 +    private void on_font_serif() {
 +        if (!action_flag)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("fontname", false, "serif");
 +    }
 +    private void on_font_monospace() {
 +        if (!action_flag)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("fontname", false, "monospace");
 +    }
 +    private void on_font_size_small() {
 +        if (!action_flag)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("fontsize", false, "1");
 +    }
 +    private void on_font_size_medium() {
 +        if (!action_flag)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("fontsize", false, "3");
 +    }
 +    private void on_font_size_large() {
 +        if (!action_flag)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("fontsize", false, "7");
 +    }
 +    private void on_select_color() {
 +        if (compose_as_html) {
 +            Gtk.ColorChooserDialog dialog = new Gtk.ColorChooserDialog(_("Select Color"),
 +                container.top_window);
 +            if (dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
 +                editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("forecolor", false, dialog.get_rgba().to_string());
 +            dialog.destroy();
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_indent(Gtk.Action action) {
 +        on_action(action);
 +        // Undo styling of blockquotes
 +        try {
 +            WebKit.DOM.NodeList node_list = editor.get_dom_document().query_selector_all(
 +                "blockquote[style=\"margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; padding: 0px;\"]");
 +            for (int i = 0; i < node_list.length; ++i) {
 +                WebKit.DOM.Element element = (WebKit.DOM.Element) node_list.item(i);
 +                element.remove_attribute("style");
 +                element.set_attribute("type", "cite");
 +            }
 +        } catch (Error error) {
 +            debug("Error removing blockquote style: %s", error.message);
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void protect_blockquote_styles() {
 +        // We will search for an remove a particular styling when we quote text.  If that style
 +        // exists in the quoted text, we alter it slightly so we don't mess with it later.
 +        try {
 +            WebKit.DOM.NodeList node_list = editor.get_dom_document().query_selector_all(
 +                "blockquote[style=\"margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; padding: 0px;\"]");
 +            for (int i = 0; i < node_list.length; ++i) {
 +                ((WebKit.DOM.Element) node_list.item(i)).set_attribute("style", 
 +                    "margin: 0 0 0 40px; padding: 0px; border:none;");
 +            }
 +        } catch (Error error) {
 +            debug("Error protecting blockquotes: %s", error.message);
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_insert_link() {
 +        if (compose_as_html)
 +            link_dialog("http://";);
 +    }
 +    private static void on_link_clicked(WebKit.DOM.Element element, WebKit.DOM.Event event,
 +        ComposerWidget composer) {
 +        try {
 +            composer.editor.get_dom_document().get_default_view().get_selection().
 +                select_all_children(element);
 +        } catch (Error e) {
 +            debug("Error selecting link: %s", e.message);
 +        }
 +        composer.prev_selected_link = element;
 +    }
 +    private void link_dialog(string link) {
 +        Gtk.Dialog dialog = new Gtk.Dialog();
 +        bool existing_link = false;
 +        // Allow user to remove link if they're editing an existing one.
 +        WebKit.DOM.Node selected = editor.get_dom_document().get_default_view().
 +            get_selection().focus_node;
 +        if (selected != null && (selected is WebKit.DOM.HTMLAnchorElement ||
 +            selected.get_parent_element() is WebKit.DOM.HTMLAnchorElement)) {
 +            existing_link = true;
 +            dialog.add_buttons(Stock._REMOVE, Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT);
 +        }
 +        dialog.add_buttons(Stock._CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Stock._OK,
 +            Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
 +        Gtk.Entry entry = new Gtk.Entry();
 +        entry.changed.connect(() => {
 +            // Only allow OK when there's text in the box.
 +            dialog.set_response_sensitive(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, 
 +                !Geary.String.is_empty(entry.text.strip()));
 +        });
 +        dialog.width_request = 350;
 +        dialog.get_content_area().spacing = 7;
 +        dialog.get_content_area().border_width = 10;
 +        dialog.get_content_area().pack_start(new Gtk.Label("Link URL:"));
 +        dialog.get_content_area().pack_start(entry);
 +        dialog.get_widget_for_response(Gtk.ResponseType.OK).can_default = true;
 +        dialog.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.OK);
 +        dialog.show_all();
 +        entry.set_text(link);
 +        entry.activates_default = true;
 +        entry.move_cursor(Gtk.MovementStep.BUFFER_ENDS, 0, false);
 +        int response = dialog.run();
 +        // If it's an existing link, re-select it.  This is necessary because selecting
 +        // text in the Gtk.Entry will de-select all in the WebView.
 +        if (existing_link) {
 +            try {
 +                editor.get_dom_document().get_default_view().get_selection().
 +                    select_all_children(prev_selected_link);
 +            } catch (Error e) {
 +                debug("Error selecting link: %s", e.message);
 +            }
 +        }
 +        if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("createLink", false, entry.text);
 +        else if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT)
 +            editor.get_dom_document().exec_command("unlink", false, "");
 +        dialog.destroy();
 +        // Re-bind to anchor links.  This must be done every time link have changed.
 +        bind_event(editor,"a", "click", (Callback) on_link_clicked, this);
 +    }
 +    private string get_html() {
 +        return editor.get_dom_document().get_body().get_inner_html();
 +    }
 +    private string get_text() {
 +        return html_to_flowed_text(editor.get_dom_document());
 +    }
 +    private bool on_navigation_policy_decision_requested(WebKit.WebFrame frame,
 +        WebKit.NetworkRequest request, WebKit.WebNavigationAction navigation_action,
 +        WebKit.WebPolicyDecision policy_decision) {
 +        policy_decision.ignore();
 +        if (compose_as_html)
 +            link_dialog(request.uri);
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    private void on_hovering_over_link(string? title, string? url) {
 +        if (compose_as_html) {
 +            message_overlay_label.label = url;
 +            hover_url = url;
 +            update_actions();
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void update_message_overlay_label_style() {
 +        Gdk.RGBA window_background = container.top_window.get_style_context()
 +            .get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
 +        Gdk.RGBA label_background = message_overlay_label.get_style_context()
 +            .get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL);
 +        if (label_background == window_background)
 +            return;
 +        message_overlay_label.get_style_context().changed.disconnect(
 +            on_message_overlay_label_style_changed);
 +        message_overlay_label.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, window_background);
 +        message_overlay_label.get_style_context().changed.connect(
 +            on_message_overlay_label_style_changed);
 +    }
 +    private void on_message_overlay_label_realize() {
 +        update_message_overlay_label_style();
 +    }
 +    private void on_message_overlay_label_style_changed() {
 +        update_message_overlay_label_style();
 +    }
 +    private void on_spell_check_changed() {
 +        editor.settings.enable_spell_checking = GearyApplication.instance.config.spell_check;
 +    }
 +    // This overrides the keypress handling for the *widget*; the WebView editor's keypress overrides
 +    // are handled by on_editor_key_press
 +    public override bool key_press_event(Gdk.EventKey event) {
 +        update_actions();
 +        switch (Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)) {
 +            case "Return":
 +            case "KP_Enter":
 +                // always trap Ctrl+Enter/Ctrl+KeypadEnter to prevent the Enter leaking through
 +                // to the controls, but only send if send is available
 +                if ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0) {
 +                    if (send_button.sensitive)
 +                        on_send();
 +                    return true;
 +                }
 +            break;
 +        }
 +        return base.key_press_event(event);
 +    }
 +    private bool on_context_menu(Gtk.Widget default_menu, WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result,
 +        bool keyboard_triggered) {
 +        Gtk.Menu context_menu = (Gtk.Menu) default_menu;
 +        Gtk.MenuItem? ignore_spelling = null, learn_spelling = null;
 +        bool suggestions = false;
 +        GLib.List<weak Gtk.Widget> children = context_menu.get_children();
 +        foreach (weak Gtk.Widget child in children) {
 +            Gtk.MenuItem item = (Gtk.MenuItem) child;
 +            if (item.is_sensitive()) {
 +                WebKit.ContextMenuAction action = WebKit.context_menu_item_get_action(item);
 +                if (action == WebKit.ContextMenuAction.SPELLING_GUESS) {
 +                    suggestions = true;
 +                    continue;
 +                }
 +                if (action == WebKit.ContextMenuAction.IGNORE_SPELLING)
 +                    ignore_spelling = item;
 +                else if (action == WebKit.ContextMenuAction.LEARN_SPELLING)
 +                    learn_spelling = item;
 +            }
 +            context_menu.remove(child);
 +        }
 +        if (suggestions)
 +            context_menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        if (ignore_spelling != null)
 +            context_menu.append(ignore_spelling);
 +        if (learn_spelling != null)
 +            context_menu.append(learn_spelling);
 +        if (ignore_spelling != null || learn_spelling != null)
 +            context_menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        // Undo
 +        Gtk.MenuItem undo = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +        undo.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_UNDO);
 +        context_menu.append(undo);
 +        // Redo
 +        Gtk.MenuItem redo = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +        redo.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_REDO);
 +        context_menu.append(redo);
 +        context_menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        // Cut
 +        Gtk.MenuItem cut = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +        cut.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_CUT);
 +        context_menu.append(cut);
 +        // Copy
 +        Gtk.MenuItem copy = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +        copy.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_COPY);
 +        context_menu.append(copy);
 +        // Copy link.
 +        Gtk.MenuItem copy_link = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +        copy_link.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_COPY_LINK);
 +        context_menu.append(copy_link);
 +        // Paste
 +        Gtk.MenuItem paste = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +        paste.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_PASTE);
 +        context_menu.append(paste);
 +        // Paste with formatting
 +        if (compose_as_html) {
 +            Gtk.MenuItem paste_format = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
 +            paste_format.related_action = actions.get_action(ACTION_PASTE_FORMAT);
 +            context_menu.append(paste_format);
 +        }
 +        context_menu.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
 +        // Select all.
 +        Gtk.MenuItem select_all_item = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_mnemonic(Stock.SELECT__ALL);
 +        select_all_item.activate.connect(on_select_all);
 +        context_menu.append(select_all_item);
 +        context_menu.show_all();
 +        update_actions();
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +    private bool on_editor_key_press(Gdk.EventKey event) {
 +        // widget's keypress override doesn't receive non-modifier keys when the editor processes
 +        // them, regardless if true or false is called; this deals with that issue (specifically
 +        // so Ctrl+Enter will send the message)
 +        if (event.is_modifier == 0) {
 +            if (key_press_event(event))
 +                return true;
 +        }
 +        if ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK) != 0)
 +            return false;
 +        if ((event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0) {
 +            if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {
 +                child_focus(Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD);
 +                return true;
 +            }
 +            if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.ISO_Left_Tab) {
 +                child_focus(Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_BACKWARD);
 +                return true;
 +            }
 +            return false;
 +        }
 +        WebKit.DOM.Document document = editor.get_dom_document();
 +        if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {
 +            document.exec_command("inserthtml", false,
 +                "<span style='white-space: pre-wrap'>\t</span>");
 +            return true;
 +        }
 +        if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.ISO_Left_Tab) {
 +            // If there is no selection and the character before the cursor is tab, delete it.
 +            WebKit.DOM.DOMSelection selection = document.get_default_view().get_selection();
 +            if (selection.is_collapsed) {
 +                selection.modify("extend", "backward", "character");
 +                try {
 +                    if (selection.get_range_at(0).get_text() == "\t")
 +                        selection.delete_from_document();
 +                    else
 +                        selection.collapse_to_end();
 +                } catch (Error error) {
 +                    debug("Error handling Left Tab: %s", error.message);
 +                }
 +            }
 +            return true;
 +        }
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +    // Resets the draft save timeout.
 +    private void reset_draft_timer() {
 +        if (!can_save())
 +            return;
 +        draft_save_label.label = "";
 +        cancel_draft_timer();
 +        if (drafts_folder != null)
 +            draft_save_timeout_id = Timeout.add(DRAFT_TIMEOUT_MSEC, on_save_draft_timeout);
 +    }
 +    // Cancels the draft save timeout
 +    private void cancel_draft_timer() {
 +        if (draft_save_timeout_id == 0)
 +            return;
 +        Source.remove(draft_save_timeout_id);
 +        draft_save_timeout_id = 0;
 +    }
 +    private void update_actions() {
 +        // Undo/redo.
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_UNDO).sensitive = editor.can_undo();
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_REDO).sensitive = editor.can_redo();
 +        // Clipboard.
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_CUT).sensitive = editor.can_cut_clipboard();
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_COPY).sensitive = editor.can_copy_clipboard();
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_COPY_LINK).sensitive = hover_url != null;
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_PASTE).sensitive = editor.can_paste_clipboard();
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_PASTE_FORMAT).sensitive = editor.can_paste_clipboard() && compose_as_html;
 +        // Style toggle buttons.
 +        WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow window = editor.get_dom_document().get_default_view();
 +        actions.get_action(ACTION_REMOVE_FORMAT).sensitive = !window.get_selection().is_collapsed;
 +        WebKit.DOM.Element? active = window.get_selection().focus_node as WebKit.DOM.Element;
 +        if (active == null && window.get_selection().focus_node != null)
 +            active = window.get_selection().focus_node.get_parent_element();
 +        if (active != null && !action_flag) {
 +            action_flag = true;
 +            WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration styles = window.get_computed_style(active, "");
 +            ((Gtk.ToggleAction) actions.get_action(ACTION_BOLD)).active = 
 +                styles.get_property_value("font-weight") == "bold";
 +            ((Gtk.ToggleAction) actions.get_action(ACTION_ITALIC)).active = 
 +                styles.get_property_value("font-style") == "italic";
 +            ((Gtk.ToggleAction) actions.get_action(ACTION_UNDERLINE)).active = 
 +                styles.get_property_value("text-decoration") == "underline";
 +            ((Gtk.ToggleAction) actions.get_action(ACTION_STRIKETHROUGH)).active = 
 +                styles.get_property_value("text-decoration") == "line-through";
 +            // Font family.
 +            string font_name = styles.get_property_value("font-family").down();
 +            if (font_name.contains("sans-serif") ||
 +                font_name.contains("arial") ||
 +                font_name.contains("trebuchet") ||
 +                font_name.contains("helvetica"))
 +                font_sans.activate();
 +            else if (font_name.contains("serif") ||
 +                font_name.contains("georgia") ||
 +                font_name.contains("times"))
 +                font_serif.activate();
 +            else if (font_name.contains("monospace") ||
 +                font_name.contains("courier") ||
 +                font_name.contains("console"))
 +                font_monospace.activate();
 +            // Font size.
 +            int font_size;
 +            styles.get_property_value("font-size").scanf("%dpx", out font_size);
 +            if (font_size < 11)
 +                font_small.activate();
 +            else if (font_size > 20)
 +                font_large.activate();
 +            else
 +                font_medium.activate();
 +            action_flag = false;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void update_from_field() {
 +        from_single.visible = from_multiple.visible = from_label.visible = false;
 +        Gee.Map<string, Geary.AccountInformation> accounts;
 +        try {
 +            accounts = Geary.Engine.instance.get_accounts();
 +        } catch (Error e) {
 +            debug("Could not fetch account info: %s", e.message);
 +            return;
 +        }
 +        // Don't show in inline or compact modes.
 +        if (state == ComposerState.INLINE || state == ComposerState.INLINE_COMPACT)
 +            return;
 +        // If there's only one account, show nothing. (From fields are hidden above.)
 +        if (accounts.size <= 1)
 +            return;
 +        from_label.visible = true;
 +        if (compose_type == ComposeType.NEW_MESSAGE) {
 +            // For new messages, show the account combo-box.
 +            from_label.set_use_underline(true);
 +            from_label.set_mnemonic_widget(from_multiple);
 +            // Composer label (with mnemonic underscore) for the account selector
 +            // when choosing what address to send a message from.
 +            from_label.set_text_with_mnemonic(_("_From:"));
 +            from_multiple.visible = true;
 +            from_multiple.remove_all();
 +            foreach (Geary.AccountInformation a in accounts.values)
 +                from_multiple.append(a.email, a.get_mailbox_address().get_full_address());
 +            // Set the active account to the currently selected account, or failing that, set it
 +            // to the first account in the list.
 +            if (!from_multiple.set_active_id(account.information.email))
 +                from_multiple.set_active(0);
 +        } else {
 +            // For other types of messages, just show the from account.
 +            from_label.set_use_underline(false);
 +            // Composer label (without mnemonic underscore) for the account selector
 +            // when choosing what address to send a message from.
 +            from_label.set_text(_("From:"));
 +            from_single.label = account.information.get_mailbox_address().get_full_address();
 +            from_single.visible = true;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    private void on_from_changed() {
 +        if (compose_type != ComposeType.NEW_MESSAGE)
 +            return;
 +        // Since we've set the combo box ID to the email addresses, we can
 +        // fetch that and use it to grab the account from the engine.
 +        string? id = from_multiple.get_active_id();
 +        Geary.AccountInformation? new_account_info = null;
 +        if (id != null) {
 +            try {
 +                new_account_info = Geary.Engine.instance.get_accounts().get(id);
 +                if (new_account_info != null) {
 +                    account = Geary.Engine.instance.get_account_instance(new_account_info);
 +                    from = new_account_info.get_from().to_rfc822_string();
 +                    set_entry_completions();
 +                    open_drafts_folder_async.begin(cancellable_drafts);
 +                }
 +            } catch (Error e) {
 +                debug("Error updating account in Composer: %s", e.message);
 +            }
 +        }
 +        reset_draft_timer();
 +    }
 +    private void set_entry_completions() {
 +        if (contact_list_store != null && contact_list_store.contact_store == account.get_contact_store())
 +            return;
 +        contact_list_store = new ContactListStore(account.get_contact_store());
 +        to_entry.completion = new ContactEntryCompletion(contact_list_store);
 +        cc_entry.completion = new ContactEntryCompletion(contact_list_store);
 +        bcc_entry.completion = new ContactEntryCompletion(contact_list_store);
 +    }
diff --cc ui/login.glade
index c37ddfb,cf8f640..0cd8bc6
--- a/ui/login.glade
+++ b/ui/login.glade
@@@ -972,5 -856,78 +913,95 @@@
          <property name="position">4</property>
+     <child>
+       <object class="GtkBox" id="composer container">
+         <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+         <property name="margin_bottom">10</property>
+         <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+         <child>
+           <object class="GtkLabel" id="label: composer">
+             <property name="visible">True</property>
+             <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+             <property name="margin_top">8</property>
+             <property name="xalign">0</property>
+             <property name="xpad">4</property>
+             <property name="ypad">6</property>
+             <property name="label" translatable="yes">Composer</property>
+             <attributes>
+               <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
+             </attributes>
+           </object>
+           <packing>
+             <property name="expand">False</property>
+             <property name="fill">True</property>
+             <property name="position">0</property>
+           </packing>
+         </child>
+         <child>
 -          <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="check: use_email_signature">
 -            <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Use the following signature for this 
++          <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="check: save_drafts">
++            <property name="label" translatable="yes">Save dra_fts on server</property>
+             <property name="visible">True</property>
+             <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+             <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+             <property name="margin_left">12</property>
+             <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+             <property name="xalign">0</property>
+             <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+           </object>
+           <packing>
+             <property name="expand">False</property>
+             <property name="fill">True</property>
+             <property name="position">1</property>
+           </packing>
+         </child>
+         <child>
++          <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="check: use_email_signature">
++            <property name="label" translatable="yes">Sign emails:</property>
++            <property name="visible">True</property>
++            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
++            <property name="receives_default">False</property>
++            <property name="margin_left">12</property>
++            <property name="use_underline">True</property>
++            <property name="xalign">0</property>
++            <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
++          </object>
++          <packing>
++            <property name="expand">False</property>
++            <property name="fill">True</property>
++            <property name="position">2</property>
++          </packing>
++        </child>
++        <child>
+           <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="scrolledwindow2">
+             <property name="visible">True</property>
+             <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+             <property name="margin_left">12</property>
+             <property name="shadow_type">in</property>
+             <child>
+               <object class="GtkTextView" id="textview: email_signature">
+                 <property name="visible">True</property>
+                 <property name="sensitive">False</property>
+                 <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                 <property name="wrap_mode">word</property>
+                 <property name="buffer">buffer: email_signature</property>
+               </object>
+             </child>
+           </object>
+           <packing>
+             <property name="expand">False</property>
+             <property name="fill">True</property>
 -            <property name="position">2</property>
++            <property name="position">3</property>
+           </packing>
+         </child>
+         <child>
+           <placeholder/>
+         </child>
+       </object>
+       <packing>
+         <property name="expand">False</property>
+         <property name="fill">True</property>
 -        <property name="position">5</property>
++        <property name="position">4</property>
+       </packing>
+     </child>

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