[gnome-panel] (10800 commits) Created branch merge-gnome-applets

The branch 'merge-gnome-applets' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  a67685c... Added italian translation for sound-monitor Changed email c (*)
  3986a12... Added this file. (*)
  a659f55... Added topic.dat. (*)
  382699f... Added topic.dat (*)
  bd07539... Initial revision (*)
  a586cb5... gnome (*)
  79120a8... Added myself to the AUTHORS file, and put Tim Janik in alph (*)
  b07693e... No longer segfaults for me...  But still doesn't show up on (*)
  fc03853... More work on netwatch.  Still doesn't show up on the panel, (*)
  78fb450... um, netwatch now appears on the panel, courtesy of gtk_widg (*)
  f2c2196... Works for me!  As soon as miguel makes automake do what he  (*)
  0518ee8... C precedence rules confuse me. timeout units are millisecon (*)
  a68e5f2... Really cool new icons from tigert! -mkj (*)
  aa26a8b... misc mods - ask me please if you have questions (*)
  fec5c4d... Micah's batmon program upgraded to its latest version. (*)
  a85169c... small compile fix (*)
  304e2d5... this is the right batmon-ac.xpm file (*)
  581848d... GnomeApp works fairly decently now, I think ;-) also I put  (*)
  113e2b8... Added #include <unistd.h> (*)
  71d3ece... fixed invariant; fixing segv (I hope) -mkj (*)
  5fcf186... New pixmap for the battery monitor. Still not incredible, i (*)
  d6c5cc6... Made the pixmaps for batmon smaller. (*)
  a2eba08... moved fname decl outside of the #ifdef linux, and gave line (*)
  04bd459... Since the parse_path routine now expects a full path when p (*)
  9417c84... Internationalization to gnomine.c Listed more of the Gnome  (*)
  708c0ab... added orientation change notify command. fixed several bugs (*)
  f094eab... replaced the old xpm with a newer one from tigert which loo (*)
  7942b21... Provide a propery configurator that allows setting the anim (*)
  39ac6e5... General cleanup: (*)
  d881af0... panel is now a table instead of a fixed. This gives us far  (*)
  d6585a7... added .libs to .cvsignore - George (*)
  38275bf... Include <config.h>. And remove any `#ifdef HAVE_LIBINTL ... (*)
  ce83225... Gnome now builds on alpha-dec-osf3.2 dont build gsm if no l (*)
  26139fd... Ching Hui's cdplayer applet (*)
  81b0296... images for Ching Hui's cd player applet (*)
  e13eba6... Replace spaces with tab. (*)
  3e4ed36... Quick and dirty port of `panel/cdplayer' to Solaris. (*)
  1355c17... Added .cvsignore (*)
  b10c507... HAVE_SETFSGID #include <config.h> install gnomine setgid ga (*)
  5d56e04... remove EXTRA_libpanel_cdplayer_la_SOURCES line, it caused t (*)
  15e3c99... But still distribute cdrom-{linux,solaris}.c. (*)
  8eee5bf... switched to using panel-widget. it kind of works, and shoul (*)
  ad996be... misc fixes (*)
  fdd610c... gtk_tooltips_set_tips -> gtk_tooltips_set_tip conversion -t (*)
  962c7ec... Make it use gdk_imlib. (*)
  9c6cefa... Make it use gdk_imlib. (*)
  f442639... quickly ported some stuff ... no checking - George (*)
  9bcf312... still does not compile ... could somebody with some automak (*)
  ed783bc... libapplet changes   -- Hari (*)
  6dcfcd5... OK, libpanel_applet builds, clock_applet builds, panel buil (*)
  e1b66a2... made signals work better, drawers hide when their parent hi (*)
  533fbfc... Include GNOME_INCLUDEDIR. (*)
  45bb059... Added mico-parse.h. Include "mico-parse.h". Include "mico-p (*)
  8c9ec89... updated teh Makefiles being created (*)
  08f1f4b... added directory entries for categories of applets for teh A (*)
  5771206... forgot this one .... (*)
  b22314e... no .c file .. and you wonder why it's not compiling -George (*)
  80c71aa... updated .cvsignore's -George (*)
  c8da3dc... ported to corba, indented to kernel conding style to be com (*)
  c2f2c5c... few fixes now actually saves pixmap name, but doesn't swap  (*)
  5fed5af... loads but looks bad (*)
  cd2fd72... now compiles (*)
  5a91e04... .cvsignores, etc. (*)
  86443e9... .cvsignore updated -George (*)
  9c375a7... mico in CVS is version 2.0.5 - we should use version 2.0.5  (*)
  09d8170... updated to use gtk_full_path instead of get_which_output (*)
  af2d674... Use this to specify a C++ link rather than including `-lstd (*)
  85ec619... Trick automake into defining $(CXXLINK). (*)
  47555d6... Start work on a window list module. Basic skeleton only, ri (*)
  d8b353c... The basic generic stuff is here and "works" - now just need (*)
  6d762d5... added .cvsignore (*)
  cd00d80... a small commented out test code for oriantation changes -Ge (*)
  760d7af... fixed the display (*)
  d29ac5d... removed shutdown corba call and added handler for destroy s (*)
  5df1b64... Added Korean translations into *.desktop files. (*)
  e5f1596... recover gracefully from errors when creating widget, if you (*)
  18b0735... small cleanups, now becomes slimmer when the orientation ch (*)
  0ba162d... updated applets to return TRUE on save_session (*)
  c26f0a4... updated to ignore generated files. (*)
  e352bf1... Mon, 20 Apr 1998 21:39:02 +0200  [Vincent] (*)
  07cf596... Added cpuload to build dirs. (*)
  019f193... New little applet for tracking cpu load. Only works with li (*)
  6008c2f... I'm getting too busy with several other things to hack on t (*)
  6076db5... added cvsignore file -George (*)
  1f47066... Some feeble attempts to get this to build. it still don't b (*)
  6baeec5... added this file to keep cvs happy :) (*)
  4b63748... catch "destroy" event on plug and do gtk_exit, to avoid seg (*)
  4c9f85b... quick hack to have procbars from gtop available on panel (*)
  32e8dee... added properties dialog (*)
  5bc2cd6... Added properties dialog box. (*)
  afc8a33... added .cvsignore Radek (*)
  e9207d7... Added another properties option..update frequency. (*)
  882f0af... using SHADOW_IN instead of ETCHED_IN since it looks nicer (*)
  b9befd2... Mailcheck applet fixes: you can change the theme again. Pan (*)
  5e697d0... added -lcrypt (*)
  cfbe037... Configure for -lcrypt library. (*)
  d282f2f... changed the AC_PROG_LEX -> AM_PROG_LEX though I couldn't fi (*)
  67d619c... Its too early in the morning! added to the repo. desktop fi (*)
  7e2b242... This is a simple Master Volume mixer with a mute button. (*)
  51df845... only small fix in memory graph rodo (*)
  50e7214... Added testwinlist executable to ignore list (*)
  de7c2e4... I think I fixed the problem with loading the button pixmaps (*)
  394373a... more tinkering, no it don't work yet but I'm just tinkering (*)
  9355589... Display the current animation on the mailcheck applet inste (*)
  e374ff8... properties.c: only allows one dialog box up at once. (*)
  06f1e46... Norwegian entries for all of these. in gnome-core. (*)
  14e1a74... removed includes of panel.h and mico-parse.h, panel.h is no (*)
  6e41338... ported all appelts to applet-widget (even those that don't  (*)
  bc8833d... updated for the new callback function (minor change) (*)
  7d3eb57... updated the signal (*)
  92aed1a... Printer applet. Drag your files here to get them printed. (*)
  aa4e2e1... several fixes to config handeling, now saves config in the  (*)
  2c3b0ff... Initial property configurator for the printer, still buggy  (*)
  deb0fa4... Makefile includes printer (*)
  ffcd552... made cpuload cpumemusage and printer install their .desktop (*)
  6aa8840... Ok, dropped all of the nonsense code from last night and pu (*)
  9007e48... the session_save signal must be connected before applet_wid (*)
  1a3d2cc... conenct change_orient at the right time -George (*)
  7214c41... removed some debugging -George (*)
  4a03e26... Small fix to save the applet title as well -mig (*)
  630e282... Added German translation. (*)
  8d56cf5... ok .. try two of the commit .... fish applet going to apple (*)
  cbca850... cvsingores -George (*)
  7f17a2f... Added netload.c. (*)
  87f671d... Rest of the source. (*)
  c5081fa... Added netload. (*)
  7cad9a2... *** empty log message *** (*)
  aa91495... Moved netload into Network. (*)
  e295c90... About box. (*)
  3db63a5... *** empty log message *** (*)
  65cbd08... Added ability to name your GNOME Fish. (*)
  e5c8704... Improved the error handling. (*)
  1f19e2c... added per applet configurability as per the applet standard (*)
  51d09b8... use imlib to create gdkpixmaps, which makes start up instan (*)
  86aacbf... *** empty log message *** (*)
  46f24f6... Make the code visual-correct. (*)
  87946e7... Oops. (*)
  5422982... Bug fixes & properties. (*)
  d15233a... *** empty log message *** (*)
  3f198b6... Bug fix. (*)
  9d73e6f... netload was not building properly, removed from Makefile.am (*)
  6dfa2f4... New panel API. (*)
  5ecc31d... Yes, it's another useless applet. It sort of works right no (*)
  02feb2a... Does the panel close stdout by any chance? wget was apparen (*)
  b369196... Add the bussign to the list of applets to build. (*)
  a18dc79... Put netload back in since it compiles again. (*)
  80f89d4... Thu, 14 May 1998 15:33:07 +0200  [Vincent] (*)
  1dc9c36... Added a refresh button. (*)
  683ec76... A warning crept in there... (*)
  3601add... Wanda must look for /usr/games/fortune. (*)
  0f5865f... *** empty log message *** (*)
  7f7ec8e... New file. (*)
  5b1a636... Add the http_get.o file to ignore. (*)
  0729587... Now uses internal function to get image information. (*)
  5ddfd0c... i18n changes to bussign (*)
  b4022ae... [blizzard odin bussign]$ more ChangeLog 1998-05-15  Christo (*)
  5c0e761... cvs ignores (*)
  d3a3363... Added German translation. (*)
  3a2a6c1... Added some generated files. (*)
  701afc1... made clock not use global variables in preparation for it b (*)
  306611a... Removed auto-generated file netload/Makefile.in (*)
  b67b72e... Oops, forgot a file. (*)
  6285e9a... Comment out the properties button for now. (bussign_refresh (*)
  3c50cf8... added orientation code (*)
  edd2230... relocated "orient" signal_connect (*)
  a926c61... clock is now a multi applet, meaning if it's already starte (*)
  5c85cd0... changed to compile and work with the new applet-widget stuf (*)
  5a84f17... fixed up properties, the current ones wouldn't work, if you (*)
  cd8fad0... Initial revision (*)
  2c9f641... Importing diskusage applet from Bruno Widmann. (*)
  5b01059... Initial revision (*)
  041ff59... Importing from GNU fileutils 3.16 (*)
  ac0cb6d... *** empty log message *** (*)
  1c5bcf0... made up to date to work with the newest applet-widget (didn (*)
  e32fe32... Initial revision (*)
  f172078... Importing gifs from Bruno Widmann. (*)
  ac1e154... Initial revision (*)
  cee1fcd... Importing from GNU fileutils 3.16 (*)
  258b951... Included 'config.h'. Added i18n of some strings. (main): Ad (*)
  8cf06fe... Added initialization of i18n stuff. (computer_clock_update_ (*)
  90ce6a6... Add diskusage. (*)
  41af7a8... *** empty log message *** (*)
  1e75698... using g_malloc, g_realloc and g_strdup. (*)
  41acbaa... using read_filesystem_list and get_fs_usage defined in moun (*)
  c2cbee0... added mountlist.c, mountlist.h, fsusage.c and fsusage.h (*)
  2752726... *** empty log message *** (*)
  7d10976... cvsignore update -George (*)
  9b76106... Added initialization of the i18n stuff. Added i18n of some  (*)
  10be100... Added i18n of some strings. (*)
  6fcf7b2... Added initialization of the i18n stuff. Added i18n of some  (*)
  61fe32a... Added i18n of some strings. (*)
  5ad371b... Added i18n of some strings. Added initialization of the i18 (*)
  c750691... adding gen_util applet (clock,mailcheck,printer) -George (*)
  be6f8de... cvsingore (*)
  c5d6cda... Makefile.am add gen_util, and remove clock printer and mail (*)
  c8967f9... load the email.xpm by default (*)
  d31d414... wow, i feel special... my first work on a panel applet ;) (*)
  4581781... Changes to build icewm-pager dir (*)
  d1b654f... fixed up the property box stuff, and got rid of that annoyi (*)
  800dca8... why wasn't this added/imported when the dir was made? (*)
  de1978f... set titles of property dialogs (*)
  ae3f608... I have c&p'stet these from the cpuload applet, to get a min (*)
  532ba30... Just screenshot's of the applet. Since there are no screens (*)
  573cc92... Changed Utilities to Utility in install path (*)
  291da4f... The procbar.c the diskusage applet uses is not the same as  (*)
  690e69a... removing vim swap/backup file (*)
  37ebd5c... WHOOPS, I need to add these as well :) ... soooory ... that (*)
  5deb7f6... write 1000x on the board .. "check to see if it compiles" - (*)
  39d5de2... well, just most of the changes, summarized in CHANGES (*)
  8ccc097... The old readme.txt contained instructains on how to edit th (*)
  74a3122... i don't like having a author's file. But since it's there,  (*)
  91992c2... More Norwegification. (*)
  efc938c... removing mailcheck, it's all now in gen_util (*)
  3ddb415... removing clock .. it's in gen_util -George (*)
  997777d... updated the .desktop from the printer directory -George (*)
  e66aa85... removing the printer appelt, it's all now in gen_util -Geor (*)
  7494ff0... drivemount and clockmail (*)
  9a903fc... Remove political faux pas. (*)
  426b6a6... Add political doit-faire (*)
  fdf80a4... free memory of alloc'ed tooltip string (*)
  5cd705c... free alloced memory of old strings, before doing g_new to a (*)
  e47cdbc... added PROGRAMS_PANEL_MODEMLIGHTS net/ppp_defs.h does not se (*)
  7aefa7d... Woo! my FIRST applet :) (Needs /etc/ppp/ppp-on\ppp-off scri (*)
  a1bd422... Icons for applet (*)
  a6e2bca... Forgot to erase this (*)
  d22d53f... Make Makefile notice Dialer (*)
  23e6164... added a couple of #ifdef FreeBSD's so that modemlights woul (*)
  2377436... missed this in the last commit (*)
  9ae7e58... included sys/types.h so FreeBSD doesn't flip out (patch fro (*)
  09b7248... *** empty log message *** (*)
  995bc7e... i18n stuff for '12/24 hour'-dialog. (*)
  a7fb35b... Changed "properties" to "properties...". (*)
  a40d89c... Changed "properties" to "properties... (*)
  8d72ff9... Changed "properties" to "properties...". (*)
  8211f50... New file. (*)
  4e82351... added dial, load, and tooltip. Many changes, so bumped vers (*)
  f067c3c... added to clockmail.c, removed. Changed date format to displ (*)
  cd6b515... This file is not needed in the repository, because it is ge (*)
  251d0c0... New file. (*)
  ba0fcfe... More translations etc. in gnome-core (*)
  4b013f9... added a applet to control netscape with the remote interfac (*)
  ca09c69... These are generated files (*)
  70c7bd4... user can now specify mailfile. at reset option for when the (*)
  142d1a7... used strdup for getnev("MAIL") so it does not sigsegv when  (*)
  40a4f6b... Cleaned up Automake hack not to generate those pesky `dummy (*)
  3a5ed8a... Cleaned up Automake hack not to generate those pesky `dummy (*)
  b026d03... Split into ... (always_built_SUBDIRS): ... this, and ... (*)
  510fdaa... added more ignore files (*)
  63acaa5... Renamed `Changelog' to `ChangeLog'. (*)
  7484b2a... added more configurability (*)
  23f9a86... added Makefile to .cvsignore (*)
  c8cff68... made it so that if netscape -remote failed then netscape wa (*)
  4e69d6b... Added Korean translations into *.desktop Updated Korean tra (*)
  f21c98c... Fix SEGV when MAIL environment variable not set (misplaced  (*)
  3a85120... introduced a "confirmation" property to be saved and loaded (*)
  6a3ab01... oops: forgot to commit at this level to include the ChangeL (*)
  9bc9a32... Use gnome_execute_shell, because not all connect scripts te (*)
  38ebaa7... redesigned upon request. instead of displaying a tiny bar f (*)
  531f11d... some constants for the layout changed, due to piechart/text (*)
  d361b35... added configuration for width/height. color selection works (*)
  cdb5d31... added width and height (*)
  3c4012f... free the memory xalloc'ed by the mountlist function. ther'e (*)
  55b6f0a... removed procbar.c, due to redesign (*)
  535cc42... removing procbar's ... it's too complicated for that little (*)
  7ffe4c2... i guess a pie chart is better suited anyway .. therefore no (*)
  56d6235... this get's totaly outdated ... i'll better write a TODO fil (*)
  68bd146... slimmer vertical mode in 12 hour mode -George (*)
  b88a3f5... Fix Monitor -> Monitors typo. (*)
  142ca46... More missing header files.  Yeech.  - Federico (*)
  dbafe6c... Quite a few Makefile.am's had missing header files in the s (*)
  2a82ced... Missing xpm's, too.  this sucks - Federico (*)
  8eff4cb... More missing xpms - Federico (*)
  4cbad3f... add dummy.cc to cvsignore -George (*)
  4ca7c29... implemented background switching and added an event box beh (*)
  7596fa7... made menu items use stock icons (*)
  cd5185b... .cvsignore updates (*)
  92a356f... forgot one (*)
  3d799eb... Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:50:30 +0200  [Vincent] (*)
  0ad8757... Check for installed MICO version, and the libs it requires  (*)
  2c7ed28... Added selectable color for text and Backgroundcolor (*)
  148a342... Fix problem of drawing outside of the load window. (applet_ (*)
  6c6228a... nothing in clock dir -George (*)
  f8b546c... Nothing in this dir anymore (*)
  4f9bb93... polish translations from Paweďż˝ Grajewski -George (*)
  7bf1414... Really (hopefully) fixed the problem. (*)
  64d5c2f... Mon, 22 Jun 1998 12:38:50 +0200  [Vincent] (*)
  b6879aa... Someone seems to care who wrote this (*)
  0c727f6... Added another email animation this one is that animation th (*)
  110ecda... OOps forgot these two files. (*)
  ea6ca31... File to assign blame. Yes, it's my fault this applet exists (*)
  a395172... Added function to exec a command when new mail arrives. exa (*)
  a649b39... Added Portuguese translations to .desktop and .directory fi (*)
  27bac97... ported to the new save_session signal and using privcfgpath (*)
  2d6eb4b... Now uses stock menu icons. (*)
  ac85ec9... Now uses gnome stock icons. (*)
  2017f5a... Now uses stock menus icons. (*)
  1c8fb75... Now uses stock menu icons. (*)
  1c6b573... Now uses stock menu icons. (*)
  aa15348... Fixed memory leak. (*)
  3e40afa... Include <stdlib.h>, not <malloc.h>. (*)
  545ec95... use set_fixed_Font for the less widget -George (*)
  a29cca1... George has made it all to easy to create panel applets.  To (*)
  3798aa8... Add support for freebsd.  also, change the tip string to sh (*)
  dfb8030... don't load the pixmap again unless it's different than it w (*)
  7e82abd... An applet to monitor your laptop's battery charge. (*)
  adae388... Build the new battery applet too. (*)
  8194b9b... one needs to add section/key to the privcfgpath, not just k (*)
  ddd4d47... add .cvsingnore -George (*)
  c38aadf... added cvsignore -George (*)
  c376596... #include config.h (main): initialize i18n (battery_set_size (*)
  3ce4822... freebsd support. (*)
  e99b1e1... Added "Eject" entry to right-click menu Calls the "eject" p (*)
  2ad693b... Provide fallback values for non linux/FreeBSD m/cs. (*)
  c302878... Changes needed to get the panel to use ORBit. (*)
  34ca0c5... Use `STD_DEFINES' rather than `STD_CPP_DEFINES'. (ORB_LIBS) (*)
  3b498ce... Removed the canvas parameter from calls to gnome_canvas_ite (*)
  1b8b7a5... properties.c: Changed gnome_property_box_append_page to    gt (*)
  d372bd0... add Eject entry in rightclick menu only if eject program is (*)
  1aa7b4a... Removed generated files. (*)
  8fee199... added applet_widget_sync_config to the end of the propertie (*)
  5b31cd5... fixed a compile warning. (create_drive_widget): use (*)
  2218a11... Make fifteen compile again (*)
  64206cb... Session-saving information about selected filesystem. (*)
  fc95c0c... Increased maximal device name length from 4 to 5 to make `i (*)
  16a2fcf... Toplevel: 1998-08-02  Raja R Harinath  <harinath cs umn edu (*)
  4862b1b... Added Portuguese translations. (*)
  1f02e03... new file (*)
  abf3a04... does this fix the flicker? -George (*)
  1b6f62a... Set the scroll region of the canvas properly. (*)
  8cfd43a... More fixlets regarding the canvas - Federico (*)
  361484a... Updated/added spanish menu descriptions and spanish languag (*)
  9276324... Account for buffers when computing totals. (*)
  fed7c4b... Reverted accidental change to Makefile.am (*)
  e37f9b5... Applied `strlen () + 1' patch from Patrick Nguyen. (*)
  d143af0... Fixed some `xstrdup' problems (was fixed in libgtop/sysdeps (*)
  695a635... check for cases of allocation being 0x0, and don't draw in  (*)
  c6f95f5... fixed a memory leak (*)
  18ccbae... first check in of jbc. needs work. (*)
  f1247e4... inital commit. needs lots of work. help welcome. (*)
  84e547e... desktop entry (*)
  b3eaafc... minor fixes (*)
  bb8feda... updated spanish language file (*)
  2c82cc8... Re-enabled commented out DIST_SUBDIRS and added `winlist' t (*)
  546a73a... Fixed typo in EXTRA_DIST. (*)
  495b13c... Add `winlist' to the set of distributed subdirs. (*)
  5e128cf... Added `-I$(top_srcdir)/intl -I$(top_builddir)/intl' to `INC (*)
  5d7cad1... Added accidentally deleted `cdrom-$(CDROM_HOST).c' again. (*)
  cf62a9d... Added DIST_SUBDIRS again. (*)
  4c16405... *** empty log message *** (*)
  d7625aa... Until there is actually a 'gkb' directory to do things in,  (*)
  0c7373c... The first release of GKB. (*)
  971776a... Added gkb. (*)
  1d1a929... fixed the flickering by using drawing area instead of gtkpi (*)
  b6ebe33... very very very minor typo fix -George (*)
  9d0d3ad... Added Portuguese translations. (*)
  21c3c24... Instead of hardcoding the paths to the default pixmaps, ask (*)
  eb1ff6d... Removed. Removed. We now use libgtop to get the fsusage and (*)
  b20342c... This applet now requires libgtop. Likewise. (*)
  296be2b... We should call it `multiload_applet' ... (*)
  46d1441... Disable the bussign build for a while. I'm using it as a te (*)
  b3d17c4... A working one. (*)
  6035167... added "themability", so that you can load up a different an (*)
  df04974... Asclock applet (*)
  0f8748a... Bah didnt realize CVS would make a commit message for each  (*)
  e761d71... Small tweaks to compile on bare system (basically make thes (*)
  fc70006... Add ../../panel to the include path, link to the applet lib (*)
  c4b9f92... cvsignore update -George (*)
  37a4d1c... I hate it when I forget something -George (*)
  f48c816... Add conditional bussign build if you have libghttp installe (*)
  87d333d... Add ghttp libs. (*)
  8f3f244... You're really close to being able to post messages now. (*)
  2ad51d6... This works now. Lord help us, you can now send messages to  (*)
  cb55960... *** empty log message *** (*)
  a394a77... *** empty log message *** (*)
  8222e98... *** empty log message *** (*)
  8807955... removed support for mico and related sources (*)
  d7ba76f... added patch by Dave Finton <dfinton d umn edu> (*)
  ebceeef... Toplevel: New check. (*)
  cdef5ec... Complete removal of CXXLINK hack (*)
  ba826fa... . (*)
  f385ed3... Fix warnings -mig (*)
  5559614... Warning fixes -miguel (*)
  957adbd... Added dpath.h (for not --prefix=/usr compilations)... (*)
  356a110... Removed wired /usr/share directory from load_properties().  (*)
  e54a92e... Added Character Picker applet Added charpick subdir. (*)
  2a32e17... New applet for picking accented characters. (*)
  18718e6... Makefile.am added for new character picker applet (*)
  9529256... Added for new Character Picker applet (*)
  9124144... Added for Character Picker applet (*)
  eaf0c25... Changelog entry for new Character Picker Aapplet addition (*)
  cc8dfc4... Made this a multiapplet applet. In prep for adding a spiffy (*)
  47c92d2... Added TODO: (*)
  3632eff... Added support for themes, the format is based on GQmpeg. ne (*)
  7d7cee9... batmon.c: added a forward declaration for init_module() (*)
  8f9451d... Added more theme capability, orientation, memory cleanups,  (*)
  a704299... added some function prototypes to cut down compiler warning (*)
  84762f4... using GnomeColorPicker instead of GnomeColorSelector (*)
  14540eb... credits (*)
  ac5161a... *** empty log message *** (*)
  d44fb51... Added error dialog when the (u)mount command fails, fixed m (*)
  2d65ed7... Added foundation for ISDN, but there is no code in the is_I (*)
  b2d97a7... Forgot two _() brackets for i118n (*)
  00fa240... Added option to display time relative to GMT, with an offse (*)
  01aab78... Added function body for Linux. (*)
  55d6723... Added function body for Linux. (get_stats, get_modem_stats, (*)
  3b94290... And the crusade against XPMs begins... (*)
  b209a13... Convert xpm to png. (*)
  612398b... Added two new theme Items, Number_Mail and Item_Mail_Percen (*)
  90ecde2... Added ISDN statistics for Linux. (*)
  8bef5e4... Grey out device and lockfile entries when ISDN is selected. (*)
  9ec23c1... Added option to run gmix from right click menu. (*)
  1dad297... add entry after applet_widget_add to allow pasting (*)
  96aeb9e... Fixed wrong calculation. (*)
  da11eee... An afternoon lost in make distchecking.  Ah well.  Life goe (*)
  71b559d... ed Sep 23 00:23:17 1998  George Lebl  <jirka 5z com> (*)
  5a75edd... fvwm-pager added. See applets/fvwm-pager/README for details (*)
  5c4433e... diskusage_read.h is no longer used. stuff is in diskusage.h (*)
  58ac7ed... Added some .cvsignores. (*)
  afbc2fe... Fix for mail count/percent to work when mail_item is not av (*)
  8d2d545... Reworked the whole pager application. Now it uses a gnome_c (*)
  0cb8bab... Added properies dialig/saving/restoring. (*)
  a2e5abc... Slash app has a new display engine. It is actually useable  (*)
  efeb54b... Ignore stuff (*)
  2db5740... Added loading of topic images, some images are broken howev (*)
  e8439c4... Images, department, extra info is now optional. Info includ (*)
  f82365d... Make images less 'squished' (*)
  0d9b389... Now clicking on a headline will launch netscape with that h (*)
  34f7899... Show a wait curser when downloading headlines. Include free (*)
  e3f796e... Fixed compile warning that exposed bug. (*)
  5a46f64... Allow configuration of delay between articles. Minor displa (*)
  ff1993f... Fixed a bug which corruptes the data structures when deleti (*)
  fc106ec... color set callbacks use guint8 instead of int. (I think the (*)
  c04bf7f... Garrett Smith told me to go ahead and commit a little chang (*)
  03706a7... Changes to fix segfault when changing the theme file. Remov (*)
  b4630d8... Cosmetic trivialness. (*)
  4b27fc4... Fix compiler warning. (*)
  f09e31c... Added dialog to list all articles, called from the right cl (*)
  8c9eb86... *** empty log message *** (*)
  43bce5c... More Norwegification (*)
  5378720... Makefile.am(always_built_SUBDIRS): add slashapp (*)
  14374a0... Added an optional method for checking the mount status. Thi (*)
  58fa32a... -) (*)
  d0409ad... Updated spanish descriptions, added some french description (*)
  dcc239a... Die annoying question marks (*)
  bfa1614... enable user to configure the mail checking interval and an  (*)
  47c3936... adding gnome-pager (*)
  ca214bf... `libpanel_applet.la' is found in the build tree, not in the (*)
  f58b91c... ???????? (*)
  c4c8822... And now make it build.......... (*)
  4e471d6... hmm namespace conflicts.. whee... :) (*)
  87eda7a... session save MUST return FALSE, otherwise applet is NOT res (*)
  c8c0f1c... Quiet CVS (*)
  af8e307... now it skips windows that want to be skipped int he taskbar (*)
  65c0ca3... Added Portuguese translations. (*)
  a5476b2... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0f560a7... ?????????????????? (*)
  619c3fa... ?????????????? :) (*)
  65f63be... ???? blum (*)
  aca37f9... *** empty log message *** (*)
  bac5374... Use the new DND api. (*)
  60d1a5b... Added an about menu entry.. still need to switch to gnome-c (*)
  3f91ef6... Minor fixes. Got rid of some warnings. (*)
  0d9fcb7... directory cleanup (*)
  c9971f5... more minor cleanups (*)
  e1196a4... *** empty log message *** (*)
  46fff04... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6da1514... *** empty log message *** (*)
  40a2a4a... THEME-SPEC: Added note that background images should _alway (*)
  9e6eb42... esd manager! here we come... (*)
  a6caa00... conditionals here too... :) (*)
  3c49fcd... now its optional.. yaya! (*)
  843db3f... I wanted to give the blue whale a little rest. check out ne (*)
  9dcd1bf... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6d14cf0... fixed Makefile.am to install oldwanda.png (which was added  (*)
  e3b4f65... poptimization (*)
  0ac04fc... nothing big. will actually fetch stuff from slashdot, thoug (*)
  6db9b73... set return type to gint and return FALSE, so that the prope (*)
  71e78e6... Fix breakage from popt upgrade. (*)
  5a50124... automake was muttering something about the build depending  (*)
  1457c02... Change $(shell esd-config --libs) to $(ESD_LIBS). (*)
  837cb76... include errno.h to make it compile (*)
  9b526cf... Place theme_clist in a scrolled window for the latest gtk. (*)
  27defea... Much cleaner panel - rewrote most of it.. works nicely now. (*)
  84d1ac6... adding header... (*)
  1d6247a... Wheeeeeeeee we now have a fully working pager with properti (*)
  977aadb... Fixes to avoid blank window and errors when loading an imag (*)
  9fd2ef2... for johne (*)
  2b00951... just updated my email address.... (*)
  6497de1... will grab files now. updated file format (finalized?). will (*)
  c7ef2fc... Apply patches forwarded by Justin Maurer <justin openprojec (*)
  5a1c63e... chris, check me out (*)
  cc6cf19... Use ghttp_clean not ghttp_request_destroy. (*)
  d8ce84e... Migrated to GnomeColorPicker as I got tired of the warnings (*)
  76c08b3... Migrated to GnomeColorPicker vs GnomeColorSelector to clear (*)
  3c5c29b... CVS Shall NOT moan about files!! (*)
  8fe051a... Small patch from Richard Hult <rhult hem2 passagen se> (*)
  ee41199... connected "changed" signal of mc->spin spinbutton to proper (*)
  520eb40... chris, help me out! fwrite is returning 0! it's not connect (*)
  fb79cc7... more debugging info for Justin... (*)
  a1ce2bb... Added a headless option so that fvwm-pager provides only a  (*)
  3223336... connected "changed" signal of spin buttons to code that ena (*)
  6818eab... small updates. chris/fred, have a look at the bug? (*)
  6797299... Work........ PLEASE? :) (*)
  0ff87c3... Added fr & es language descriptions to *.desktop files Adde (*)
  2bdc57c... Changed "DISK usage" to "Disk Usage" (*)
  c8fc085... AMDNI you WILL work now.. NOW god DAMNIT! (*)
  dc73654... now it survives E restarts :) (*)
  cdd7ea1... new hint names (*)
  9bd1132... Merged the `netload_libgtop' branch. (*)
  89964b3... ... oops, only committed the ChangeLog but not the file its (*)
  ae68368... Nice the process. Also, fixed compiler warnings. (*)
  3381f49... speling prublem (*)
  76c8b86... Comment out gtk_clist_set_policy(). This should compile now (*)
  008b4b1... Comment out gtk_clist_set_policy(). This should compile now (*)
  c60f459... This is the correct gtk_clist_set_policy () fix - don't jus (*)
  f8cfe14... Seems I really forgot to commit this file ... (*)
  ab402f1... Here the CList was already inside a GtkScrolledWindow, so w (*)
  96f94b9... disabled popup menus - gnome popup menus leak. changed to u (*)
  d7c6a22... I removed the bad path-maker script, added some xmodmap.fil (*)
  032d446... Made xmodmap support. (*)
  75d449e... Added command item for xmodmap support. (*)
  f456800... Added xmodmap support. Removed bad path-calculation. (*)
  6e762d4... New pixmaps from Pablo Saratxaga. Thanx. (*)
  20178ee... Maps for xmodmap. Only us and hu now. (*)
  020b24b... TODO change... (*)
  a33136b... sync ChangeLog 1998-09-09  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel nuclecu (*)
  077e91e... Time to break everything - redid panel CORBA interface for  (*)
  c8ce7b6... Xmodmap maps. Thanks for Pablo Saratxaga. (*)
  0d80436... Added more keyboard maps. (*)
  edc6e87... Further goadizing - store goad_id's in params, and activate (*)
  88a4fe4... how the hell did that crap get in there. remove stuff that  (*)
  39642f3... this /should/ fix most of the stuff. sorry about that, ever (*)
  8904b3d... Better gnome-pager integration. Bug fixes. (*)
  29280cf... replaced gnome_color_selector() with gnome_color_picker().  (*)
  18e0e8e... Remove some deprecated functions from gnome-dialog (*)
  7236629... Remove more deprecated gnome-dialog functions (*)
  78450bd... some usual compile-fixes (*)
  8e0c81f... Added required app id arg to applet_widget_new (goadizing b (*)
  11ae5a9... applet api changes. Lord only knows if it will work, but th (*)
  6720506... Compilation fixes. (*)
  0436fa9... Corrected applet_widget_init_defaults arguments. (*)
  ef3a67d... s/gtk_container_border_width/gtk_container_set_border_width (*)
  8923aff... Added a configuration option to hide the date. (*)
  ab58c34... Change from gnome color selector to gnome color picker, ple (*)
  216c0e3... shut up cvs (*)
  00e2371... Fix uses of gnome_execute_* to account for new return value (*)
  7d1c61b... replaced applet_widget_new_with_param, and changed all mult (*)
  b0cfa91... Added hungarian commits, names.. (*)
  537687c... Added hungarian name, commit (*)
  ff47707... use abort_load applet widget call instead of a call which w (*)
  1295156... fixed up includes, removed applet-lib.h and added applet-wi (*)
  5b01f36... the last changelog message was supposed to be in applets no (*)
  08c059d... updated *.desktop file (*)
  2c7aa26... Made fvwmpager module self contained. It does not need the  (*)
  8b2b4a8... Fixed (for me, at least). (*)
  c599049... #ifdef'd out section on configuration of what browser to us (*)
  b8a9f84... new pager code :) (*)
  15e040c... Complying with new applet_widget_new api. (*)
  6bd06e6... Added $(GNORBA_LIBS). (*)
  e6116f3... Remove include of applet-lib.h. This is called applet-widge (*)
  bf3745f... Removed a debug, added option_set.. (*)
  787fd8c... directory and README file for mini-commander added (*)
  7530b6f... Fix the badwindow errors created when someone thought it wo (*)
  67534db... Commented out the unused server entry widgets. Added a sign (*)
  d3485fc... mini-commander v0.0.12 checked in for the first time (*)
  50bccb1... Always use LibGTop to get the data. (*)
  b1bf5f2... Removed some fprintf's that were confusing the panel (which (*)
  1a42391... Following a suggestion from Richard Hult it is confusing us (*)
  3e382db... Added this file, dunno why ;] (*)
  8354cef... Added GNORBALIBS for some bugfix... (maybe with success) (*)
  e529fb9... minimal fixes to avoid compiler warnings (*)
  114c450... Bugfixed some, but the ID-request missing... Why? (*)
  e4460ce... "mini-commander" added (*)
  6bdf197... fixed typo (*)
  59de7c5... show correct internal version number (*)
  6e1b47b... the goad revolution for applets changes are fairly minimal  (*)
  068c2a8... Thank you, Oliver... ( I'll use search and replace ) (*)
  f81d34f... using key names from gdk/gdkkeysyms.h instead of hardcoded  (*)
  a4f4ec9... Disable the bussign. Doesn't work. Shouldn't really be part (*)
  85e557f... Use gtk_widget_set_usize() instead of gnome_canvas_set_size (*)
  167b3ce... build wiht the new applet api! (*)
  cd10722... fix for new applet_widget_init() api You build too damint!  (*)
  7281fcf... -I$(top_builddir)/panel (*)
  2f9c809... Use factories. (*)
  3d936fe... No C++ comments! (*)
  8226d8f... NO C++ COMMENTS! NO C++ COMMENTS! (*)
  93ee804... change clockmail almost not at all. (*)
  1453e81... Turn off factories for now - everything seems to work excep (*)
  db1a10c... Added Japanese translation to the desktop entry with our sp (*)
  4907251... Fix AC_INIT, it was testing for an obsolete file. (*)
  3410a73... YAYA! IT survives E restarts again! :) (*)
  206dc3f... Lots of *CRAP* to make gnome-core make distcheck successful (*)
  80b377f... Updated norwegian translations (*)
  c6dd9d4... quiet CVS (*)
  4c78bb0... Removed. Use the GnomeProcBar from libgnomeui. (*)
  f3061e8... Sat, 19 Dec 1998 17:25:48 +0100  [Vincent] (*)
  ef52142... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu>:  I hope it's not too late ;] (*)
  961170d... Use factories, again. (*)
  70fc21a... Use factories properly (don't double-start). (*)
  2a61b52... Added "open gtcd" to rightclick menu. (*)
  76b528f... Merge some GNOME_STABLE changes into HEAD. (*)
  b46c671... oops, reversed the args (*)
  43bdac8... Merge more changes from GNOME_STABLE. (*)
  c81b2fb... Merged from GNOME_STABLE. (*)
  2dfb06d... The "MultiLoad Applet Revolution". (*)
  4ea2fa3... Oops, really should remove debugging code before committing (*)
  efb4fc0... *** empty log message *** (*)
  9aac6a8... Build fvwm-pager applet unconditionally. (*)
  4e1d95b... Transferring all mini-commander fixes from GNOME_STABLE to  (*)
  8fbb595... Doc update. (*)
  5ae4cbd... Doc updates. (*)
  5168e4d... merged changes from GNOME_STABLE -George (*)
  f8f5af6... an attempt to fix the clock applet's excessive cpu useage.  (*)
  6f8e7ed... .html files moved to docs/html/ (*)
  b338a69... .html files moved back to docs/; .sgml files moved to sgml/ (*)
  d16df11... unneeded .sgml files removed (*)
  148445c... s/g_copy_strings/g_strconcat (*)
  5eafc33... Written more documentation for mini-commander. (*)
  336bcad... Wed, 30 Dec 1998 23:04:25 +0100  [Vincent] * Major translat (*)
  3e45681... Docs updates. (*)
  2010501... Docs update. (*)
  a2ab92b... remove unneeded glist (*)
  5f3acab... Merge from STABLE (*)
  1b5cce2... Fixed minor problems caused by the large merge from GOME_ST (*)
  1f35d65... Pre-compiled .html files updated. (*)
  903ca69... Fix for build directory different from package top director (*)
  7506754... replaced gtk_label_set() with gtk_label_set_text(). (*)
  e483d19... replaced gtk_label_set() with gtk_label_set_text() (*)
  bf4c306... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  b1f99b5... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  191daf1... minor fixes like my email address (*)
  a6d2275... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  469213a... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  061248c... Do not compile fvwm module if fvwm is not installed. (*)
  37a9683... Fix (*)
  1f14c85... mini-commander sources moved to ./src (to separate the sour (*)
  9a1a5a4... added (*)
  be0dfe9... Added `-I$(top_srcdir)/panel'. (*)
  bee5001... save INTERNAL_VERSION instead of VERSION of gnome-core (*)
  4733319... NEWS file added. (*)
  6ad20e2... Pre-compiled *.html files updated. (*)
  ab7919f... handler box added [I liked this idea when I saw M. Watson's (*)
  cb41b97... resize applet when it is detached/attached (*)
  78b809d... updated (*)
  5167c89... file-browser/history-list buttons added (*)
  c958b83... Debug code removed. (*)
  e80f15a... Newcombe mordor clayton edu (Dan Newcombe) writes: (*)
  ada2223... gsm/manager.c: CVS is picking up stupid irrelevant spacing  (*)
  de5f76d... As discussed on the list a couple months ago. (*)
  c542ce9... No warnings. No mercy. (*)
  2379ef5... Some cosmetics. (*)
  c4a4130... Docs updated. (*)
  237c213... Pre-compiled *.html files updated. (*)
  d51abce... found and fixed preferences-mess-up bug [finally!] (*)
  3564e57... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  6eb4d76... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  acbd5b6... Added nl to the translations, courtesy of Dirk-Jan C. Binne (*)
  89dfab5... fixed bug where the pager would get confused if you shut do (*)
  42c31fe... Make it work properly with new panel setup. ("New" as in "h (*)
  882c119... this too (*)
  4a9f221... the bussign is dead. long live the bussign. (*)
  c187db2... Fixed some bugs and many compilation warnings. (*)
  f8bcd9b... When switching to the iconified icon, set the state of the  (*)
  98ab337... Fix to compile in more operating systems. It is still usele (*)
  ce2d3bb... Fix my previous commit (*)
  01e6658... Fix my previous commit (*)
  0cd4cec... pager patch (*)
  f1cc37e... s/gtk_toggle_button_set_state/gtk_toggle_button_set_active/ (*)
  10bb906... added *.desktop and pixmap for vietnamese xterm, added _( ) (*)
  3417a79... history window added; there is still fine-tuning needed (*)
  d59d079... ChangeLog updated. (*)
  dc746a5... TODO list updated. (*)
  81c221c... icons for file-browser/history-list buttons added (*)
  e7bbd19... Icons updated. (*)
  cad483d... Minor fixes of the defaults settings. (*)
  dc8f5bc... history window converted into a popup window (*)
  6d1eb46... Some GUI cosmetics made. (*)
  3576a47... Popup window did not close correctly. Fixed. (*)
  0b64bb1... load history on program start (saveSession): store history  (*)
  05313d6... TODO list updated. (*)
  87d138a... Docs updated. (*)
  0f3aad3... now command completion delivers the largest possible comple (*)
  6a992c7... more control keys supported (*)
  13b3f6b... Minor command completion bug fixed. (*)
  a363253... Minor tooltip and version fixes. (*)
  78aea59... cosmetics (*)
  3e415ad... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  0de8973... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  5df9ee3... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  1b14d76... added (propertiesBox_apply_signal): cleanup [now using (*)
  0087c0e... NEWS file and docs updated.  This is the official release 0 (*)
  f2881e3... Changed the description. Fixed a typo in the location_info. (*)
  94fd9e5... wrong "date on" message fixed (*)
  13496eb... updated (*)
  8a2bd5f... Connected the help button to gnome_help_pbox_display. (*)
  71b83f5... Connect to the help signal of the GnomePropertyBox to (*)
  cf779f6... Connected the help signal of the GnomePropertyBox to (*)
  0409422... Connected the help signal of the GnomePropertyBox to (*)
  091e9ca... Connect the help signal of the GnomePropertyBox to (*)
  1e7c107... Connected the help button of the GnomePropertyBox to (*)
  6321cac... Use gnome_app_id for the name of the root help directory. F (*)
  44fe85c... Connect to the help signal of the GnomePropertyBox to (*)
  cea0d39... Use gnome_app_id to find the applet name for the root help  (*)
  9d16f4a... Use gnome_app_id for the name of the root help directory. (*)
  b0636f8... Use gnome_app_id for the name of the root help directory. (*)
  42778a8... There really should be an "applet_id" or something like tha (*)
  f3c6343... added a missing "!" sign in an if test, this caused multipl (*)
  d7ceebb... applets/gnome-pager/gnomepager_applet.c: 64-bit casts every (*)
  71e6d06... updated (*)
  5d7eded... doc files will be installed in the right place (*)
  9a19c07... Docs updated. (*)
  781fdf4... added Russian translation (*)
  9438338... addes Russian translation (*)
  b74ec3e... removed icewm-pager from build, removed esdmanager from bui (*)
  8417078... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  6675052... Add conditional #include for {linux,machine,sys}/ soundcard (*)
  476b6b6... Added gnome-terminal/C/Makefile to the list of files to gen (*)
  b55718e... Fixed a bug with the task list arrow and a vertical panel. (*)
  06f70f3... If you are going to touch the Makefile.am, make sure it pas (*)
  4a83e46... Fix indentation (*)
  33a1a3e... Compile fix (missing var). (*)
  9eeb194... Patch from Mike Bond to avoid warning - move assignment bef (*)
  2d3e48b... Turning on i18n support. (*)
  589feab... last time I made a mistake :] (*)
  1d3170d... still doing (*)
  5a25664... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  c5d296d... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  7bf9e85... typos in .desktop and nl.po (*)
  f64b5a0... now we no longer draw the trough, and let mixer.c handle th (*)
  1e523e9... The Linux support has been completely rewritten. I am now c (*)
  9170d79... Forgot this (*)
  4582aa4... make the colors a bit less subtle. (*)
  98e00d9... Oops, emacs forgot this. (*)
  f4e178d... Added Korean translations. (*)
  86805b6... One leak less to go1999-02-05  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel nuc (*)
  f340e3c... One warning less. 1999-02-05  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel nucl (*)
  2bfd3ee... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  3cfd139... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  5855c84... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  7858ae4... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  cac2481... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  94cf6bd... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  8855fe4... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  f36356d... #include <stdio.h> please... (*)
  68cf155... removing gticker. it does not belong in 1.0 (*)
  9838137... Invoke the properties for the correct part of the applet. (*)
  82e5e0a... Add some return values for a event signals. This enables ri (*)
  fc0539f... Now this is the timeout handler. (load_graph_draw): Do not  (*)
  f64ba6c... Patch from Matt Mosley <mattm igloo org> to make modemlight (*)
  8724e20... Version to 0.99.0, updated copyrights to 1999. grammar, spe (*)
  d32bccc... Version to 0.99.0, updated copyrights to 1999. (*)
  6cdc397... Version to 0.99.0, updated copyrights to 1999. (*)
  69c21c5... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  3c4f81e... Find and track window manager frame window and root or virt (*)
  15489a3... Free results of gnome_is_program_in_path. (*)
  c8e084e... Added more efficient desktop redraw and tasklist redraw (on (*)
  7dd77ef... fixed pager crash when wm restarts or changes number of des (*)
  a010b17... Added these files. (*)
  48ead12... after more testing.. fixed problems of taskbar not updating (*)
  eeb06b6... event handlers have to return a TRUE/FALSE, timeouts have t (*)
  8c76079... Add the .gnorba to the EXTRA_DIST and add rules for install (*)
  f49ca44... behave beahve.. dont filter out your own events.......... : (*)
  297d38d... Renamed "Speed" to "Refresh Interval (ms)" and removed the  (*)
  078a11e... added danish language entries to lots of menu files (*)
  61ea897... fix the session loading which I have previously skillfully  (*)
  0d212eb... install .desktop files in $datadir/gnome/apps. (*)
  207cdc3... added an option to make tasklist constant size, for people  (*)
  be64274... at Feb 20 23:28:45 1999  John Ellis  <johne bellatlantic ne (*)
  c758e13... when doing XSelectInput on our own windows, get their previ (*)
  1f0a3b4... finally got the X stuff right and the pager is working corr (*)
  d8647dd... only display properties once (*)
  7fa710d... Reverted my last commit that removed the width/height prope (*)
  bba8b84... Applied the patch from Jacob Berkman that makes the multilo (*)
  2396d8e... Resize the widget after changing the size in the properties (*)
  dcd8224... Added a comment. (*)
  22599f3... added "property" checking so WM can detect that the pager i (*)
  3f04960... add unix time option for people that want their time in the (*)
  fe89533... Total re-write using GnomeCanvas (*)
  c34f8d8... Trying this commit again.. (*)
  cd2c4a2... *** empty log message *** (*)
  713ea57... *** empty log message *** (*)
  23124bd... default to small pagers as the default is two rows, which j (*)
  11021dc... Add jbc applet to the bunch. Tested. (*)
  7badff1... Cleared up some warnings. (*)
  7c3c477... some more cleanup (*)
  87fab9e... Remove autogenerated Makefile. (*)
  cd94adc... remove more bad stuff (*)
  88fb62d... add emergency properties button. (*)
  d60f149... Prepare for 1.0.0 (*)
  9eabc85... Fix distcheck. (*)
  9703886... more EXTRA_DIST files (*)
  703bf92... Correct fix (*)
  75ed890... This appled died a long time before - why are those files l (*)
  8808798... #include <config.h> before any of the LibGTop header files  (*)
  f5ef027... We need to #include <config.h> before any of the LibGTop he (*)
  8f294e1... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0646ee4... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  2d9c28a... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  2430072... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  2144069... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  a4407c9... (*)
  2631145... Last-minute fix for 1.0.1: (*)
  b98fc09... Shut up CVS (*)
  6128d2c... Disabled debugging output permanently (muhahaha) (*)
  ab69102... Made the timeout actually be bat->graph_interval seconds. (*)
  5ee2548... shut up warning and switch order of changed signal bindings (*)
  6a0b7a2... added a hack so that one can drag the applet by the propert (*)
  2096c84... more efficent algorithm for getting the short string names, (*)
  22e913d... fix minor leak from my previous commit (*)
  872a740... dialogs are destroyed automatically, plus use error dialog  (*)
  6e54383... fix adding/removing of the arrow/prop buttons by keeping a  (*)
  b7200d2... when tasklist is of fixed size, make sure the holding box i (*)
  b8b127a... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  5c0f5d6... Added some nice mute button icons by Dennis Cranston, and t (*)
  9b90da1... Check for stale modem lock files. (*)
  ec98386... Fixed startup position problem when panel is verticle. (*)
  f830149... Add OpenBSD support. Patch from Kenneth Stailey (*)
  ab680db... Internal version bumped to 1.0.1 (*)
  68d05b8... Applied patch from Peter Wainwright (prw wainpr demon co uk (*)
  d76d412... 1.0.3 - Federico (*)
  3a86694... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  e5b9a25... Finnish translations added. (*)
  81aec0c... Finnish translations of applet .desktop files. (*)
  aade967... add option to keep minimized windows on all the desktops (*)
  aa349cc... Set the close_hides property on the window. (*)
  06ca191... Oops, left in an extraneous gtk_timeout_add. (*)
  dfacb94... got my system hooked up to the net now. This should now sta (*)
  e6f67af... initial checkin of version 2 (*)
  b93c897... initial checkin of v2.0 (*)
  8ee31d5... the path passed from the panel already contains the '/' so  (*)
  44488e1... cleaned up code for proper compilation (*)
  b0d1042... connected theme selection to gnome_config repository. (*)
  9b85af1... un Mar 21 10:38:54 1999  John Ellis  <johne bellatlantic ne (*)
  0e4abff... Set the dragged icon to the current drive icon. (*)
  19269e5... - added new default theme Freeamp. - date.xpm are now 10 ti (*)
  bed66c6... new themes. (*)
  a24406f... copy themes files to $prefix/asclock (*)
  9308609... themes... (*)
  fa8e6ed... Set the state of the graph-direction radio buttons correctl (*)
  b0be7e2... Small bug fix. (*)
  ab081dc... *** empty log message *** (*)
  dc93ad6... Added the About box. (about_cb): New function. (destroy_abo (*)
  234e33f... added callbacks for 'blinking' and 'am/pm' (*)
  a884139... I didn't feel like hacking anything so I coded an utterly u (*)
  376adbd... Added another_clock applet. (*)
  588440f... Make the graph tick color configurable. (prop_apply): Updat (*)
  3351174... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6a390bb... Added another_clock applet (*)
  7b4f046... Changed the default height to 48. (*)
  bae3ac5... Lots of small improvements. (*)
  247acc4... Set the size before allowing the update function to run. (*)
  83cb2d2... applied patch from Erik Bagfors <bagfors hpc2n umu se>, to  (*)
  0e597a4... setenv had to be #ifdef'd for irix. (*)
  59c6408... analog hands are now always painted last, so they can't be  (*)
  338dc92... bbaaaaaad typo. (*)
  18cf672... New file. Thanks to Will LaShell <wlashell cland net> for t (*)
  7f120ec... Put the theme data files in EXTRA_DIST. WILL PEOPLE *PLEASE (*)
  2fab745... Sigh, another missing file. Added bolt.xpm to EXTRA_DIST. (*)
  7cced5d... lots of several little corrections on i18n on applets (*)
  f674875... New function to open a new gmc window at the mount point. (*)
  a19ea37... shut up cvs -George (*)
  af90009... Apparently some systems have broken lockfiles (no pid store (*)
  8227a22... Attached a handler to the new button for launching a mail r (*)
  5a7a368... Added theme option to display number of messages in mailbox (*)
  6d9b780... Update default theme Added for above. Added digsml.xpm, but (*)
  6ed2e1f... Clean up image background. (*)
  8503109... Added an optional connect time and throughput display. Base (*)
  29a33a1... completed i18n support of multiload applet (*)
  830f8e8... TODO list updated (*)
  242e0cf... more things TODO (*)
  34013e5... Fix display bugs after disconnect. (*)
  e4973c3... applied patch from Nick Lamb <njl98r ecs soton ac uk> and s (*)
  d357101... sort of reverted the patch for the eject/load, I left the f (*)
  af61e55... don't check for tray position if that ioctl is not defined (*)
  629b5ef... allow pasting into the input box with the middle mouse butt (*)
  c1449b2... new window is made as GDK_WINDOW_TEMP, instead of the thing (*)
  80a0889... Updated spanish language file, added walloon language file, (*)
  94890fd... set the gnome-less text thingie thing to at least 80x24 cha (*)
  9b2cd3b... Avoid warnings by instead of calling cdpanel_update from on (*)
  60c9d64... Removed excess trailing comma (*)
  a814ad1... Fixes crash of wanda when fortune is not installed. (*)
  740bd3d... Set the minimum values for update time and width to avoid l (*)
  1ac24cb... Fixed the problem with pixmap transparent pixels. (*)
  75b1420... Close the directory in the correct spot. Fixes crash. (*)
  f757619... Create the temporary file with O_CREAT|O_EXCL and tell xear (*)
  015a53a... This is what we call 2 1-liner bug fixes (*)
  56de939... just a sanity fix not to draw on NULL gc's (*)
  6a5ec5c... added basque language to GNOME menus (translations by Joseb (*)
  3b96b74... clear the pixmaps after creating to avoid ugly garbage (*)
  9e14a46... added Russian translation (*)
  5cf7e82... - modifications for "make install DESTDIR=</install/prefix> (*)
  1ae3a30... Connect signals after creating _all_ toggle buttons, otherw (*)
  8ab68e1... Use gtk_widget_destroyed - to fix problem where ->pb was ze (*)
  521234d... New mailcheck theme (*)
  d398cc2... added #include <time.h> (*)
  a8c2a22... Added new background pixmap, courtesy of Frank de Lange <fr (*)
  8e35aae... Fixed the error in Frank de Lange's email address (*)
  973bf1a... Added German translations. Added hyphens in already existin (*)
  eb0ba17... updated spanish language file, updated walon language file, (*)
  65905f2... Lots and lots and lots and lots of misc German l10n. Detail (*)
  7752f83... updated catalan language file, and added catalan to GNOME m (*)
  2a53c8f... fix minor problem wiht widget size allocatrion when numebr  (*)
  c6653d8... Added a missing ';' after the i++ in the author table looku (*)
  fed0863... local definition killed Solaris's X-server. (*)
  78b46fb... Further German l10n for *.directory (*)
  cec0650... Two other very macros from Chad Powell <pxpx usa net> which (*)
  5eddbb8... Using sigaction instead of signal. Now the signal handler h (*)
  9598ead... added function to run gtop (gnome bug #1025) (*)
  cec7078... Some cosmetic things and out-commented tries. (*)
  aa1076e... Added `pager_w_0', `pager_h_0', `pager_w_1' and `pager_h_1' (*)
  6cf1d49... documentation updated (*)
  f718b48... Added/Updated Korean messages in *.desktop's. (*)
  5c6f2c4... Small typo. (*)
  e927cde... some typos fixed (*)
  2845e57... Using waitpid() instead of wait(). (*)
  4a67e39... ChangeLog updated (*)
  f99219b... added catalan to various menus and *.soundlist (now they sh (*)
  f199db1... added function to run gtop (gnome bug #1025) (*)
  47c9427... Fixed leak of list nodes. (*)
  77e3966... routines to check for mail status on POP3 and IMAP mail ser (*)
  2758a20... Added a patch from Nick Lamb <njl98r ecs soton ac uk> which (*)
  caaeb76... Add fish guy (*)
  fe9101b... Patch from Aldy to support stick/unstick -mig (*)
  020b2d0... made a little change for an author name (*)
  ea080d7... I18N fix. (*)
  4b075da... Use glibtop_fsusage, glibtop_mountlist and glibtop_mountent (*)
  4e55918... We need to #include <config.h> before any of the LibGTop he (*)
  7f5cd3a... Added browse_cb, opens gmc window with selected filesystem. (*)
  e814a55... Ass missing file (*)
  3bc0e11... Applied patch from esr to add the netload thingie to multil (*)
  820cdf7... Aldy's patch to support stick/unstick (*)
  ed457b6... Added the netload applet so that it can actually be started (*)
  1bd7e68... based on a patch from "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery ece cmu (*)
  9a9eae5... Added a properties dialogue box. Also added more character  (*)
  7c12fc9... Trivial fix to prevent core-dump when invoking the netload  (*)
  257cb1f... Changelog for earlier commit. (*)
  97c26af... Fix color for non-SLIP/non-PPP activity.  My brain must hav (*)
  cdd9e9b... Remove duplicate definition of cb_stick (*)
  c4cebf1... I forgot this update (*)
  d86f28d... added a little comment to explain a chekcbox in slashapp; i (*)
  7491151... Make that config stuff from my last commits (some weeks ago (*)
  3ba95a6... We do not really require GLIBTOP_CPU_NICE and GLIBTOP_CPU_S (*)
  63b4e9b... fixed the bug where buttons created after changing the prop (*)
  849d8a4... Fix for Gnome ticket report log #529  multiload_applet has  (*)
  269400c... Add Japanize entry. (*)
  85db034... added .cvsignore for asclock's default theme (*)
  00a3ee8... added ability to execute a command when new mail arrives (*)
  627f036... gen_util/mailcheck.c: made check mail configurable by minut (*)
  a0cbc25... gen_util/popcheck.[ch]: C++ style comments -> C style (*)
  5d24f78... save clicked command in session setting (fix typo/bug) (*)
  0043a9f... Display Memload the same way gtop [The Summary Procbar in S (*)
  4d027e3... Removed printf used for debugging. (*)
  7f7c3a9... Included macro updates from Chad Powell <pxpx usa net>. (*)
  663ae73... make seconds minimum 0 (so people can do n minutes, 0 secon (*)
  11a09d0... revert the sizing thing that I accidentally (sorry) committ (*)
  dbc35ea... Add icon for jaz drives, patch from Owen Cliffe <oc197 ecs  (*)
  d90d70b... gen_util/mailcheck.c: cosmetic changes to the properties di (*)
  e7f19fd... This looks much better when there is no handlebox (*)
  2780f42... removed some commented out code from the last commit (*)
  29f3336... fixed a leak (*)
  11b6f49... Obsoleted by gnome-ppp-applet in gnome-network package. (*)
  84a29af... This applet has been obsoleted by gnome-ppp-applet which is (*)
  a9d20b0... Removed dialer. x (*)
  dec7016... *** empty log message *** (*)
  61ce55f... Added a Clocks applet folder, moved the *5* clocks into thi (*)
  a39c793... HAL 9000 for gnome 2001 (*)
  3be5480... added hal applet for gnome 2001 (*)
  d6a66e6... oops, g_assert (*)
  db3c569... I am an idiot (*)
  15d9adc... *** empty log message *** (*)
  779062a... *** empty log message *** (*)
  ec7e7d9... *** empty log message *** (*)
  07bda16... *** empty log message *** (*)
  dc2ef8a... gave the dialog a title (*)
  0c71a2b... added icon to .desktop fixed .gnorba file (*)
  935fca4... added .cvsignore (*)
  329314e... removed file Also install to Network folder (*)
  6ec9817... sed s/om linuxhq com/oliver maruhn com/g (*)
  7b683ff... int showFrame added (*)
  98dc15d... make this work in SIZE_TINY mode (*)
  250d374... make this support the SIZE_TINY panel size in a way (*)
  12c6536... fully support panel sizing (*)
  31fea8b... support full sizing of the panel (*)
  6aa7c74... Why the hell are these still around -George (*)
  adc6216... Make it follow the panel's size hint. When 'show throughput (*)
  d4099b9... add support for tiny size and rotation on vertical panels,  (*)
  a1cd524... Why is this here, it should have been gone about a year ago (*)
  460ce40... Now honors size hints, also gave a run through indent now i (*)
  ddc87f2... *** empty log message *** (*)
  94b7538... *** empty log message *** (*)
  681aab3... removed (*)
  365a4e0... added an option (on by default) not to have the growing tas (*)
  0109e55... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  d3594fd... new version. far from complete. use at your own risk. (*)
  8a05833... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  64a1c62... won't crash when you do "about" now oops (*)
  a8b80c0... don't check mail when applet is first created. This is done (*)
  a5ecc93... Add panel size hint, now a theme can include a version for  (*)
  8c04efe... Add support for an analog clock in themes. New files, provi (*)
  34e4751... Fix problems when offset for clock is not 0. (*)
  828c33b... Removed multiple inclusions of <config.h>. (*)
  d6aa4eb... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  ce93602... updated wallon entries (*)
  5c239ab... updated walloon entries on menus (*)
  f7f7bd6... Some fixed from the stable branch I forgot to add to head (*)
  e19e71d... add support for playing sounds when new mail arrives. based (*)
  21d18ff... updated walloon descriptions (*)
  aaf2f63... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  28d718d... Swap an order of includes, to allow some defenitions for sy (*)
  df8ff00... create applets/desk-guide/Makefile (*)
  ba343c1... take out -Wunused, i used that for development and its not  (*)
  dacf9ce... provide workaround for G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION definition fr (*)
  8c8074a... minimal documentation update (*)
  905baef... don't do a stock_callback, just a normal one (fixes a crash (*)
  05eb0ee... added an enum for mailbox types; fixed indentation; added (*)
  73faef6... really fix the don't-check-at-startup thing (*)
  d86630e... fix an oops in the properties dialog (*)
  5cacc33... missed a gtk_toggle_set_active() (*)
  0d38275... added a tooltip (fixes gnome bug 1436 by putting in patches (*)
  3d0ea5c... properly check for unread mail on remote servers. fix troub (*)
  550b8bf... Remove generated file - harinath cs umn edu (*)
  926f803... Create applet "deskguide_applet", not "gnomepager_applet". (*)
  2717843... Adding tasklist applet (*)
  28213bc... shut up cvs (*)
  11e47d7... Adding README (*)
  1254d3f... Updating stuff (*)
  24e0ca5... shut up! (*)
  a158da3... don't change desktops (pages) on button press if Control is (*)
  4ca4ea3... Adding ChangeLog and support for setting applet width (*)
  ddf8f94... Shooby Ban <ban szabolcs synergon hu> (*)
  2d24e0e... Ooops...  I forgot the ChangeLog entry for my previous comm (*)
  a4e6282... step 1:  remove applets that will be in gnome-core still al (*)
  cdd60d3... step 2:  add some files (*)
  23beb8e... step 3: add README files (although the one is currently bla (*)
  1924a97... step 4 (i think): added the geyes applet also modified Make (*)
  9708026... step 5: add sound-monitor applet also added .cvsignore's fo (*)
  781696e... step 6: add tick-a-stat applet (*)
  33a9735... step 6: add clockmail themes (*)
  c18b6d5... step 7: use previous gnome-applets' Makefile.am's (*)
  db32973... step 8 or so: added po (hopefully this was done correctly) (*)
  e9e380d... step 9: make distcheck happy (*)
  3a34629... step 10: fix .cvsignore files and add a couple that were le (*)
  a3f19e2... step 11: whoops, one more (*)
  2ebf86a... step 11: remove applets that are staying in gnome-core (*)
  5459ee4... gnome-applets take 2. Miguel did a copy on the cvs machine  (*)
  c94f78e... fix a typo which caused panel not to add this as a menu ite (*)
  08de715... fix the .cvsignore's for the new applets (*)
  b296bf9... add this file to make Stric's machine autogen this (*)
  892dd00... added some missing files Cleanups & 'make update-po' after  (*)
  3714c59... i18n updates (*)
  348e6d3... Updated Korean translation (*)
  b22b233... a little blurb saying that gnome-core is required (*)
  6fbf662... do not generate Makefiles for applets which are now in ngom (*)
  7ee7265... updated translation. (*)
  312e8ae... pass VERSION to applet_widget_init (*)
  feaace2... use VERSION instead of INTERNAL_VERSION (*)
  9e11806... Tomas broke this; the properties dialog expects to get some (*)
  3236b51... ANSI C patch provided by Drazen Kacar <dave srce hr> in GNO (*)
  a4202c2... use VERSION in about box (*)
  c1ec30e... load properties after creating widget in order to eliminate (*)
  3975ceb... Use gnome_file_entry instead of gtk_entry (*)
  f809d68... Use the gnome-applets defined VERSION. If /dev/modem does n (*)
  709847e... Use VERSION as defined by config.h. (*)
  1aae68d... Use VERSION from config.h. (*)
  2fd30b9... Do a test run of battery_read_charge() so we can do an erro (*)
  bf1a500... New module, can run a script to update displayed news, etc. (*)
  151ed3d... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  8127c21... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  7af99c5... Updated fr.po (*)
  7d82a18... move the warning dialog to after applet_widget_new() so we  (*)
  9de2a11... Move the dialog here, this didn't work exactly how I though (*)
  4be9bbc... Added tickastat/news_scripts. (*)
  601187e... Added ignore file. (*)
  da63276... Added free_current flag. Delay freeing line when remove_inf (*)
  0fc4ef7... Make it follow panel size hints, and extended theme spec to (*)
  40d8ed4... another_clock asclock batmon battery bussign cdplayer charp (*)
  4477011... (finish doing this) (*)
  e90da49... die icewm-pager and life, die (*)
  570632f... geez, what was *this* still doing here? this should have be (*)
  a203d1f... remove freshapp (*)
  6c76196... Add support for panel tiny size hint. Likewise Likewise. Li (*)
  635b29c... Updated translation. (*)
  e762df3... Use message count instead of message sizes to compute mail  (*)
  093f2c4... Group related options into frames. Use GNOME_PAD_* instead  (*)
  48584e9... Fix off by one placement of status item. (*)
  c82e3e9... Use consistent padding and packing throughout these propert (*)
  783440a... Updated email address. (*)
  e56d92e... Removed man_MANS section. (*)
  1542dc2... Fixed the Makefile (again). (*)
  8e29cc8... added gweather (*)
  5aaa7c2... Add the files this time (*)
  cfbbaf6... *sigh* one more... (*)
  01ca178... - Synced gnome CVS with my current tree. (*)
  ce0952a... don't use PACKAGE here, use "gweather" instead, so we don't (*)
  faa9660... - Minor oversight with version number... (*)
  84acfff... - Added Greek (el) locale. (*)
  e2e5448... - Bugfix (missing newlines and quotes). (*)
  851399c... - Added Greek (el) locale. (*)
  a6497cc... Improved the layout calculation. E.g. the case num_desk==7  (*)
  3476239... Fixed typo. (*)
  a2c785b... Remove newline inside string. (*)
  2d2ef13... Added myself to MAINTAINERS file, also removed spurious '>' (*)
  b4302f5... 8 space tabs. (*)
  c573aa2... Updated. Changed a string to make proper translation possib (*)
  be38a10... - HTTP requests performed asynchronously so the interface d (*)
  b79bd5b... - HTTP requests run in the background, so the interface doe (*)
  36f4795... - Background HTTP processing. (*)
  39c8aaa... - Minor UI tweak. (*)
  b9eff73... - Minor change: default value for radar maps. (*)
  d78a164... - Switched from www.wx.com to www.weather.com (Weather Chan (*)
  cb7e261... implement resizing new file (*)
  15fde76... - Minor bugfix for proxy authinfo (was calling the wrong li (*)
  91f197e... this has been missing for awhile. some values are hard-code (*)
  a2676d0... add noimage.xpm and back.xpm (*)
  96d1579... applied patch from "Dennis M. Cranston" <dcransto slip net> (*)
  c21a8af... - Fixed a memory leak with the clist data (*)
  c255060... add .libs and slash_applet (*)
  b30c61e... Corrected a number of Karsten's errors. (*)
  50ee7aa... handle not being able to get headlines more gracefully (*)
  b7c5b60... install the .desktop into the Network folder (*)
  b9b33dd... (new applet) (*)
  84f461f... added gnotes sources (*)
  c8c26d4... - Improved (or at least changed :) thunderstorm icon -- thi (*)
  f3476fb... - More radar locations in the Locations file; still a whole (*)
  acdaa7a... - Forgot to update this before... (*)
  1f3ea08... - Minor change in the radar map url (.gif to .jpg). (*)
  cd1d201... - Minor retouching... (*)
  2841db6... updated spanish language file (*)
  97cafe6... Updated translation. (*)
  304d3b8... e-mail address has changed from om linuxhq com to oliver ma (*)
  0782deb... - Minor fix: first-time default location radar code. (*)
  551457f... - Save config properly, so multiple applets do not interfer (*)
  c6c3459... - Changed upper limit of update interval to 2hrs (now that  (*)
  d238393... Initial whereis applet checkin. (*)
  692d70e... Added whereami applet to configure.in and Makefile.am. Upda (*)
  4632a8f... don't explicitly link against -lpanel_applet (*)
  272f587... use the stock refresh image on the 'update' menu (*)
  c12749f... renamed README.cvs to conform to GNOME programming guildeli (*)
  b72fb9d... updated wa & es files (*)
  f5eeb23... use index menu image (*)
  8fdd170... use the multimedia icon (*)
  9466619... Added "horrid" theme by Ungar Peter. (*)
  24aed99... add a .cvsignore (*)
  abd1e03... add geyes Horrid makefile (*)
  c5bf647... pass a pointer to the eyes_applet (applet_back_change): use (*)
  74a8b81... get the GtkStyle from the label. This almost certainly fixe (*)
  9342925... fix the transparency (same thing as in printer and geyes).  (*)
  1589cbc... free sd->data_file only once, change second to sd->data_fil (*)
  0126486... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  36a76e3... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  ca295ff... Typo fix (*)
  90bd8e4... Updated translation. (*)
  fb37b77... added lists for all remaining ISO-8859-1 characters that we (*)
  7fe49c0... see if I can get my own email address right in the changelo (*)
  4725186... updated wa file (*)
  76ca3f4... Finnish translations. (*)
  fba475b... Finnish translations to desktop files updated. (*)
  7d4403f... applied patch from Tom Gilbert <gilbertt tomgilbert freeser (*)
  797144d... the nvol thing didn't get saved (*)
  6cd429d... Finnish updates again. (*)
  b8d44c5... Assigned mc/i-floppy.png as icon. (*)
  c128e3e... Assigned mc/i-printer.png as icon. (*)
  76933c0... Change icon to use mc/i-cdrom.png. (*)
  87aa03d... Use our icon (*)
  5b71f12... use the vu meter icon (*)
  e1de607... Norwegian language updates. (*)
  362152f... Assigned an icon. (*)
  7c9aa4c... Added icon. (*)
  857df04... oops, forgot the .desktop (*)
  0f05eba... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  fe8f2a9... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  d753db8... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  df8676c... *** empty log message *** (*)
  21a1288... speed up motion (at least it seems that way) fix crashes on (*)
  378458b... add chdir call back. (*)
  c867f4f... Updated penguin (*)
  f8dcb02... quotes are ready for i18n (*)
  5287a00... added hal/hal.c (*)
  5f4037d... made state enum types capital letters so that idle does not (*)
  6571f91... Don't use gdk_imlib_free_bitmap ! Looking at imlib, it does (*)
  2eeeecc... Don't use gdk_imlib_free_bitmap ! Freeing pixmaps created w (*)
  3921cd8... defined CHARPICK_VERSION, incrementing the version number t (*)
  a6940b9... fixed segfaults when more then 9 buttons, and fixed some wa (*)
  a550f43... fixup the style setting, since get_rc_style can return NULL (*)
  85a8ade... fixup the style setting, since get_rc_style can return NULL (*)
  6a6fdde... use gtk_widget_set_rc_style to avoid warnings (*)
  b19f289... Replaced <om linux com> by <oliver maruhn com>. <om linuxhq (*)
  2ab5f00... added new option "enable history based autocomplete" (*)
  7918a07... Simplified the INCLUDE line by removing some superflous mac (*)
  126a3f7... Added code to display cursor position immediately after rec (*)
  5c7ec11... Minor cosmetic changes. (*)
  95974dc... Reapplied change to use upper-case state enum names. (*)
  69bb5e2... Added whereami (button_handler) log entry. (*)
  744b044... applied Halfline's <halfline hawaii rr com> patch with mino (*)
  b26d92a... Assigned an icon. (*)
  515c615... updated for current version (*)
  81f765d... C1999-08-23 Jacob Berkman <jberkman andrew cmu edu> (*)
  eb759c5... added '\n' to a string (*)
  26c6a2e... added new text clipboard applet (*)
  da03751... set proper size on start (*)
  111f19e... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  8b4b0f4... Hooray. We've got an icon. (*)
  b0c41bf... Assigned an icon. (*)
  d51f4f3... Assigned icons. (*)
  eac290b... Added about dialogue (*)
  3897a2f... maybe try building/installing gweather and slashapp these d (*)
  974ec7f... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  6ce2d3b... Updated translations. (*)
  e4ffc84... Updated translation. (*)
  71b1537... Added a new 'Default-tiny' theme, by Dennis Cranston <dcran (*)
  178ab32... Use eyes.png from Ben Frantzdale's kde-to-gnome icon set. (*)
  b07b0c9... Adding a new odometer applet (*)
  ec1deda... Documented ChangeLog about odometer (*)
  297752a... changelog updated (*)
  5a31c06... Fixed stuff. (*)
  51f4bbb... A whole lot of updates. (*)
  6a1abe2... Use gdk_draw_*() functions to create the applet's display l (*)
  318ff81... Assigned an icon. (*)
  6942d69... Check that ad->mail_file is not NULL before a strcmp. Fix s (*)
  c584c5e... removed a reference to eyes.png (*)
  2feca08... added support for maildirs. thanx for the patch go to Balaz (*)
  7139f72... Updated translations. (*)
  7c2034c... Put clobbered ChangeLog entries back in. (*)
  6ba9aa6... Fixed 3 typos found by Genevi�ve. (*)
  f09716d... ja.po update from ITANI Eiichiro. (*)
  9410ca3... Count the "From " lines instead of "From:", when counting m (*)
  0279129... hu Sep  2 18:31:56 1999  John Ellis  <johne bellatlantic ne (*)
  f712cfa... clean up warnings, make it read rdf, not just slashdot.xml  (*)
  0da4c20... Updated my email address. (*)
  e4ddb52... Added the theme directories/pictures. (*)
  b173c8d... Added odometer/themes directories (*)
  406e45c... Forgot to remove those files. (*)
  9cda46e... Updated the themes structure explanation. (*)
  7b516fb... Minor typo, and added credits. (*)
  0aef14b... Uses gnome-diskfree.png. (*)
  87d2e55... Assigned an icon. (*)
  a095253... remove unused variable and fixed memory leak (*)
  8f11d99... Shooby Ban <Shooby Synergon hu> (*)
  b6aaf42... Added this new command completion routine by Travis Hume (*)
  37516e8... documentation updates (*)
  36b3334... make close actually close the dialog :) (*)
  ce053b5... fix type (*)
  2f06951... again... (*)
  e8b6503... added gumma (*)
  76de412... plays CD's, xmms, gqmpeg (*)
  62283c6... hmm (*)
  0eddd8b... Make is work when builddir != srcdir. (*)
  b8ee865... ja Update from ITANI Eiichoro (*)
  2bac7dd... use redraw_applet() for modifying properties of the applet' (*)
  3f71321... (propertiesBox): hint 'Sometimes the applet has to be moved (*)
  f42d967... rewrote to be a bit cleaner; hopefully works nicer (*)
  2ec38ad... little improvement from yesterday's xmms attempt (*)
  3ff6653... add "show playlist" when eject is clicked (*)
  d7ca881... applet size will be automatically recalculated if panel siz (*)
  c972546... some typos fixed (*)
  0fb2acd... set ifp=NULL when we close it (*)
  422ff5f... fix crashing-on-session-startup (*)
  8b83e36... no longer make non-made Makefiles don't make themes/*/Makef (*)
  3952829... gumma/cd/Makefile.am: geyes/Makefile.am: gumma/gqmpeg/Makef (*)
  babe501... bussign/THIS_APPLET_IS_DEAD: esd-manager/THIS_APPLET_IS_DEA (*)
  08b6a47... just cosmetics (*)
  f4b44f8... added estonian file removed no longer needed es_* ones (*)
  18e8cab... added Estoniana descriptions (*)
  fa659a9... more estonian and walloon updates (*)
  f7fb680... cd/cdplayer.c: gqmpeg/gqmpeg.c: xmms/xmms.c: fast forward/r (*)
  929ce60... it is bad to remove the trailing '\' in these lines. especi (*)
  511b97b... updated es wa languages files small change to some strings  (*)
  b8ffff5... fix bug #1588 (*)
  9bc4c93... when we have no input try to close/open again (otherwise we (*)
  578d9df... don't print out every string we get (*)
  ce5ad74... Let it use Desk Guide's pixmaps. (*)
  2ff1ce3... Added or fixed a lot of German translations. (*)
  630ba26... fix so jwise can compile his sound-monitor (*)
  4cbb573... Updated translation. (*)
  b076d43... made the applet comply to the well-known fact that a minute (*)
  aab11b0... create sound-monitor/pvd/Makefile (*)
  a0daa7a... Updated translation. (*)
  1ceec8f... Shooby Ban <Shooby Synergon hu> (*)
  329ce7c... Updated Danish translation from Kenneth Christiansen <kenne (*)
  8c5d17a... Major update. (*)
  3c00335... Update from Andreas Persenius <ndap swipnet se> (*)
  126d8f8... add self to maintainer list (gnotes). (*)
  20461a7... Fix installed files for blue theme. (*)
  0276888... syncing Changelog from prev commit separately (my mini-comm (*)
  2285ab4... ja.po: Japanese Translation Upload and Update from ITANI Ei (*)
  a02f08f... *updated. (*)
  291ca6d... Tack rhult :) (*)
  b230f4c... terminal.[ch] added (*)
  b97263e... Documentation updates. (*)
  defea36... The path environment variable was modified by this function (*)
  b7723f2... ChangeLog updated. (*)
  e0174a2... fix startup crash (from 1-0) (*)
  e880675... added Estonian keyboard (*)
  b3dd6e1... ja.po: Update from Itani Eiichiro. (*)
  4ef82c1... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  dcdb448... display a dialog instead of a g_warning so that the user wi (*)
  7bb70b0... Assigned an icon (*)
  ec95e63... got rid of some unnecessary checks (fixes bug #2437) (*)
  3a01fb0... revert until ee.xpm shows up (*)
  48030b5... revert until xmomdmap.ee shows up (*)
  948a4d2... (merge from 1-0) (*)
  dedf06f... this should have been removed and the others added (*)
  f729d7a... added ee (Estonian) keyboard. (*)
  576c038... New icon for tickastat applet. Install and use icon. (*)
  0ed014f... New icon for the clockmail applet. Install and use icon. (*)
  5022712... Added Galician translation (*)
  992cc94... Updated Galician translation (*)
  db791c2... Apply fix for multibyte characters from Yuusuke Tahara (*)
  1be6d6f... Added. Install gnome-odometer.png. Use gnome-odometer.png.  (*)
  7e49474... reverting previous commit until the .png shows up (*)
  9217264... forgot to commit this (*)
  edeea87... Added and commited. Install gnome-odometer.png. (*)
  c3492af... Assignd an icon to the mailcheck applet. (*)
  39f2a2b... Added and assigned an icon (*)
  98fb600... Forgot this one. (*)
  6af22e0... On our way towards removal of the ugly black square. (*)
  c504fed... `GLIBTOP_CPU_NICE' and `GLIBTOP_CPU_SYS' are not essential  (*)
  c057fc1... dist the pixmap (*)
  cff4dda... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  2d25f4e... use _LDADD (*)
  9cc1cff... add tim janik (desk-guide) (*)
  93010ec... bump to 1.1.0 and add warning (*)
  d8388d7... don't make gnome-pager/Makefile (*)
  4802fa3... Added #ifdef's around panel size code, it should now compil (*)
  10d5c37... Added #ifdef's around panel size code, it should now compil (*)
  2af8673... Added #ifdef's around panel size code, it should now compil (*)
  445557d... Added #ifdef's around panel size code, it should now compil (*)
  d561d05... don't translate gnome-pager anymore (*)
  cf5bfba... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  569b13e... Add test files. (*)
  599fbc4... Moved stuff to gnotes_applet.h (*)
  bc98041... New file. (*)
  67cd2d3... Change include file usage. (*)
  409c067... Remove old stuff.  Move things to properties.c. (*)
  3e5bbc5... fix extraction of chars from text box. cleanups. (*)
  ffec018... update (*)
  4b94724... Update the cursor position report periodically when idle. E (*)
  7597dad... Added Changelog; Included recent changes. (*)
  a7fe258... use the new pixel size size stuff from applet-widget (*)
  fb49821... remove some non-disted applets (*)
  4c1f0cf... use gdkrgb (it's faster then setting each point by normal x (*)
  2741e25... do more random operation (*)
  0445823... correctly size when size is STANDARD exactly (*)
  72f8ce6... use SIZEHINT_STANDARD, instead of SIZE_STANDARD. (*)
  71931d5... Use SIZEHINT_STANDARD in place of SIZE_STANDARD. (for gnome (*)
  2989c54... Disable the timer when the applet widget is deleted. (*)
  e851a22... Changed the data argument from eyes_applet.fixed to &eyes_a (*)
  6f83a8d... Switch to new panel size signal, add scaling option, add cu (*)
  2c92b67... Switched sd and rd lights (send is now first). Receive ligh (*)
  8511d07... Added some usage information to the "About" dialog. (*)
  86b0353... Added usage info to About dialog. (*)
  9198549... add screenshooter applet (*)
  769c7d5... Syncing with my local copy (*)
  6d004e8... checks for wordexp.h conditional screenshooter compile (*)
  3bab46c... Forgot to commit this (*)
  148c364... #include <config.h> and un #define VERSION (*)
  6935a59... Whoops. Replace a couple of stray snprintf()s with g_snprin (*)
  02eb5af... I always do this the wrong way around :( (*)
  33938b1... rather then checking for wordexp.h check for the actual fun (*)
  f978717... really only build screenshooter when we have wordexp (*)
  1f49907... a little bit of cleanup and use the pixel_size stuff (*)
  6b51a5a... use the pixel_size stuff (*)
  a12f34f... use the pixel sizes and fix a warning on startup (*)
  355a797... use pixel size stuff, remove warnings and add implementatio (*)
  b5c6724... initialize globals, static vars, use gtk_widget_destroyed t (*)
  e3d6bf0... use pixel size stuff (*)
  c8b6777... use pixel sizes (*)
  8e14aba... use the pixel size stuff (*)
  73e2f48... use pixel size stuff (*)
  e1b274f... use pixel size stuff (*)
  91283e6... use pixel size stuff (*)
  727f069... use HAVE_PANEL_PIXEL_SIZE to check for new size stuff (*)
  12acacc... Added icon. (*)
  1b224d8... updated some desktop files (*)
  9fc3be4... fixed broken handling of strings with '/' in them. Also fix (*)
  45c9651... Updated Galician translation (*)
  2171894... Updated (again) Galician translation (*)
  e54a72f... added greek descriptions to *.desktop files (*)
  196dc91... *** empty log message *** (*)
  db8bac0... add properties.c (*)
  126b390... more stuff. (*)
  cc0e26f... use gtk_editable_get_chars. (gnote_create_menu): New functi (*)
  9b7d7d9... Fix single include define. Remove gnote.h stuff. (*)
  55b663f... Move preferences_{load,save} to properties.c. use new defau (*)
  312336d... Fix single include define. Remove gnote.h stuff. (*)
  5e0b501... add prototype (*)
  39bd58e... add lots more code to save properties: size, position, onbo (*)
  3fd2811... apply patch from bug report. (*)
  9971bdd... Added 2 new themes, "Radar Green" and "Radar Blue" to clock (*)
  4d30b69... install the new themes and stuff (*)
  49456a5... Added 2 themes for sound-monitor. Need to sleep, bug me if  (*)
  fb27501... Assigned an icon. (*)
  6f8fb1c... Modified Files: gnome-applets/charpick/charpick_applet.desk (*)
  a11f671... fix broken code. Now this all works, plus there is now supp (*)
  a2c0a23... bouncing mail... (*)
  4b98cac... store remote username and password in private config file. (*)
  f3a3ae8... read the remote server config from private config. this was (*)
  b7fd826... Make the `gen_util_applet' a shared library. (*)
  eaa76ea... Added icon by Michael (*)
  3812a35... Added icon (*)
  45166a3... apply patch from Robert Mibus <mibus bigpond com>, to optio (*)
  31f9656... Updated translation. (*)
  e2b5fe6... Updated Galician entries (*)
  d5f17c3... use a GnomeFileEntry for selecting output directory (*)
  1473761... A little script that lets people update the .pot file witho (*)
  abd59cf... make the desktop correctly use the PanelApplet dentry type  (*)
  3bbd6ed... apply patch by Nils Philippsen <nils wombat dialup fht-essl (*)
  7abdede... add another patch from Nils Philippsen (*)
  466c7f4... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  4bd41bb... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  bc9ceba... Added new keyboard maps, corrected some few ones. (*)
  5137316... corredted a little problem with korean description (*)
  fb11771... Updated swedish translation (*)
  cb16dd4... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  49df195... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  2f88ab8... Fix typo. (*)
  b5e3058... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  5e38682... Fix typo. Fix another typo. (*)
  1656d8b... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  47102bb... updated es.po (*)
  a5be804... don't install INSTALL since it doesn't exist (*)
  058c668... add ESD cflags (*)
  2159ab0... add missing files to EXTRA_DIST (*)
  faac82c... add headers to SOURCES (*)
  5bd18c8... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  9136918... TODO list updated; cosmetics (*)
  d00028d... 1.1.1 release (*)
  e4a0168... Added Ukrainian translation (*)
  1aee640... Added Ukrainian translation (*)
  c527bf8... Oh look. I seem to be still alive. That's cool then ;) Resp (*)
  3708b81... ) (*)
  2062ef2... honor size hints (*)
  561839d... fix warnings and leaks and make it work with the size hints (*)
  5b37ef9... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  d78bfb5... use gtk_widget_destroy instead of gdk_window_destroy, destr (*)
  7fed403... go to the new gnotices place. (thanks to Cory Watson <gphat (*)
  ce2149d... fix scaling so that it's nicer to smaller panels (*)
  6058b0b... fixed warnings and compilation errors (*)
  1d35fd6... Updated Galician translation (*)
  92a8c78... Oops. The screenshooter makefile was being generated twice. (*)
  d8261a2... On an anti-warning hunt using CFLAGS="-O6 -g -W -Wall -Wmis (*)
  10edbe2... Added the sgml docs from Telsa to the repo. I won't "plumb  (*)
  e99f264... follow size and orientation hints and fix a couple of warni (*)
  4764e5c... More warning eradication. (*)
  b05eeda... make a default mode that follows the size and orientation o (*)
  6298103... fix a segfault (*)
  fdb233c... The warning removal continues. (*)
  87d7324... Warning hunt complete. (*)
  803a7cd... follow panel size hints (*)
  a6de6ab... fixup some property saving/loading problems (*)
  234c3c2... add a black background item to make the scaling work nicer (*)
  9d36389... when we can't open /dev/mixer, put up a dialog and go on bu (*)
  274e054... use 32 and not 36 for the size of slider (*)
  d28dfb6... somewhat follow the panel size hints (*)
  290dcdd... Added a button and callback to show the result of shell-exp (*)
  afd33b7... The applet was starting at a set size, querying the weather (*)
  46a7f44... 1.1.2 release and what not (*)
  0e0946b... added a checkbutton in the properties box to let the user c (*)
  041be00... odometer/def_theme useless now. (*)
  aa82606... Added Tom's anti-warning trick in the new functions. (*)
  9d3744c... default to 2 minute interval (*)
  44e6ff6... install in Utilities, not Multimedia (*)
  58cbc29... sanitize, use pointers instead of integers and fix many man (*)
  8c81417... flag this as cvs (*)
  d108010... add patch from tahara gehenna u-aizu ac jp to il8n-ize (*)
  855eb3a... Updated English (British) translation. (*)
  52a6b3b... Essentially assigned an icon. (*)
  86b81ac... updated el.po (*)
  2483122... Added screenshooter/screenshooter_applet.c to po/POTFILES.i (*)
  23ed961... Joaquim Fellmann <joaquim hrnet fr> (*)
  7ec3218... use gnome_execute_async, somewhat follow size hints, very m (*)
  674c36a... forgot to commit this (*)
  22363f2... this might fix things (*)
  03fe9a8... apply patch from Aron Griffis <agriffis bigfoot com> to mak (*)
  26c21c2... apply patch from Dave Larson <davlarso acm org> for linking (*)
  0cc1d59... don't hard-code a prefix of /usr/local. Things are still no (*)
  93bed20... Filled in FIXMEs in the sgml helpfile. Still not plumbed it (*)
  19dd900... modified naming scheme of function and variable names (*)
  1fe7046... added (*)
  c5be09d... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  251400b... Updated translations (*)
  786a39e... Macros are defined via regular expressions instead of prefi (*)
  59da6ee... "bug" in a default macro fixed (*)
  804dc3c... cosmetics (*)
  1f46f22... kill bug #5711: added radar location for Rochester, MN. (*)
  7a54d16... updated el.po file (*)
  e072649... /me looks at code he wrote a year ago /me blushes /me shave (*)
  8a8adf1... added the ability to change the default list in properties, (*)
  4b858bc... Make the applet not quit on machines without APM, it just g (*)
  c9501fc... forgot this -George (*)
  aea2c17... /me smacks himself in the head with a hammer -George (*)
  32eb311... Disable modemlights if we're not on one of either Linux, Fr (*)
  7ba7ec1... fix possible segfault and test for the output of "eject -u" (*)
  cea37e6... for small screens default to no date (*)
  337443a... bug fixed which prevented executing plain commands (non-mac (*)
  3a17b35... fogot the horiz xpm in the EXTRA_DIST (*)
  2bd6b51... fixed segfault on deleting notes (*)
  5481daa... Joaquim Fellmann <joaquim hrnet fr> (*)
  7f1d1a0... gnome-applets/po/da.po (*)
  a12b6e0... bah! forgot the changelog for gen_util is in applets not ap (*)
  dba9519... use applet_widget_queue_resize when we update so that size  (*)
  05079f2... - Added Russia to Locations (from Serge Matveev). (*)
  cae8e39... - Fixed an error with pixel size stuff (if not present, wou (*)
  b3f795b... Modified Files: gconf/po/da.po ggv/po/da.po gnome-applets/p (*)
  28500f4... - Added a user's guide template, based upon mini-commander  (*)
  d077655... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  3d33a4e... - Updated documentation (writing docs *sucks*! ;-)  Still a (*)
  be361bc... Typo fix... (*)
  460851f... Sometimes the text entry does not get the keyboard focus al (*)
  32c78f8... Messages have not been visibile if the panel size was small (*)
  e9e230e... (show_message): better positioning of message popup window (*)
  5d64615... fixed small bug with message timing (*)
  ca60d35... fixing bug reported in #2275, you can't do buf[201] = '\0'  (*)
  a6c7649... *** empty log message *** (*)
  5f84af3... declare char variables as 'signed' because they will hold n (*)
  aab51d0... Modified Files: balsa/po/da.po bug-buddy/po/da.po (*)
  185051f... closing bug #4746 (*)
  cc5dd25... make the printer a separate extern applet. Due to gtkplug/s (*)
  37de7c6... fix blatant memory leaks and potential segfaults (*)
  50b1236... small memleak fix from Peter Hawkins <peterhawkins ozemail  (*)
  55baaa5... hide note if hidden set. add some comments. (*)
  5992c79... small memleak fix from Peter Hawkins <peterhawkins ozemail  (*)
  e7659e7... patch from PeterHawkins <peterhawkins ozemail com au> (*)
  9327d45... don't show multiple dialogs (*)
  699f906... 1.1.3 releasing action (*)
  8d8114b... use AM_GNOME_GETTEXT instead of AM_GNU_GETTEXT (*)
  3b69742... an attempt at keeping my inbox a bit less cluttered when I  (*)
  7e66897... build the printer applet as shlib again since it will now w (*)
  adb24f5... Eeeek, how come I forgot to do this here -George (*)
  310b27d... patch from Dave Larson <davlarso acm org> for Solaris suppo (*)
  077f7c9... this file shouldn't be here (*)
  d0a5fe8... Added and assigned icon. (*)
  c484803... Plumbed in some documentation. It took me about a month to  (*)
  b171b8c... ChangeLog (*)
  1dc7121... Forgot ChangeLog, thanks rhult (*)
  1e86edb... gedit/po/da.po gnome-applets/another_clock/another_clock_ap (*)
  c529479... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  e45ccf9... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  7cabd95... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  1c2fd8b... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  90bb3bb... Added Turkish translation (*)
  6bd7e36... Added tr to ALL_LINGUAS (*)
  669e328... Polished translations for release. (*)
  0c5f8b7... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  e3fd105... - Process HTTP requests on a separate thread.  Experimental (*)
  4de1bb3... Closing bug #2613: IRIX compiler support and cdplayer patch (*)
  739e471... ja.po: Update from Yuusuke Tahara. (*)
  8cc475b... - Reverted to old, non-multithreaded code. - Added Canberra (*)
  306fe1c... - Fixed spelling error. (*)
  9783560... - Added two locations in Saskatchewan (from Roger Blum). (*)
  c3b520b... - Reverted to old, non-multithreaded code. - Added Canberra (*)
  89a6994... Modified Files: balsa/balsa.desktop gnome-applets/po/da.po (*)
  b0b62b6... Modified Files: gnome-applets/asclock/asclock_applet.deskto (*)
  c273486... Updated Estonian translation (*)
  cd642fe... - Enclosed radarmap stuff within ifdef's (since I haven't y (*)
  ac7a589... Updated Swedisn translation (*)
  81b83a8... Modified Files: gnome-applets/po/da.po gnome-core/po/da.po (*)
  b3536a3... Implemented panel size and orientation hints. (*)
  9b0e22f... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  c1eff06... create an event box for the sole purpose of catching events (*)
  136f192... made the size be -4 of the panel size and not -2 so that it (*)
  657ede8... Use `cp screenshooter/*.html .' to copy the .html files so  (*)
  67fb049... *** empty log message *** (*)
  8158c92... Changed most of the properties code from the multiload appl (*)
  b31b010... Added a load average applet to the multiload applet. (*)
  b81953e... Added right-click menu to let the user select which load av (*)
  1a5872c... Don't use static variables for cpu times, but store them in (*)
  3d778ab... Don't show the frame if the panel is too small. (*)
  752a4c1... Call gtk_wiget_set_usize () on the main widget so we don't  (*)
  31f232e... *** empty log message *** (*)
  ead316a... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  a2bf477... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  83ed7bc... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  cfa4e7e... increase timeout to 500 ms (how high can we go?) (mixer_tim (*)
  d75d909... fix my previous Dave Larson patch thingie (*)
  ed56336... have netload use netload local properties instead of swaplo (*)
  b56cdd2... das 1.1.4 (*)
  8243915... bloop (*)
  cddf203... This is mostly done for vertical panels. Just need to have  (*)
  8e5795d... fixed redrawing after switching the layout (*)
  269a576... #IF SUN_API -> #IFDEF SUN_API Reported by Paul Barnfather (*)
  56e5b95... Calculate best height for a vertical applet. (diskusage_res (*)
  b2ad12f... The "App to view screenshots with" option wasn't being save (*)
  9f8de05... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  aab01a8... final fixes of Dave Larson's patch. (*)
  45e8fcc... update cs translations a bit (*)
  55ad52f... Fixed minor memory leak and stopped preferences dialog from (*)
  67d5984... Stopped preferences dialog box from being opened multiple t (*)
  f0057e7... Fixed typo - "#ifde" -> "#ifdef" (*)
  0b7c9bd... Shooby Ban  <bansz szif hu> (*)
  e61a1e4... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  a136a5f... Shooby Ban <bansz szif hu> (*)
  5c96aa9... Fix bug #6405: Removed CFLAGS line, which should be inherit (*)
  842696f... Stopped about box from being shown multiple times. (*)
  448e70f... Made about boxes non-modal, stopped about boxes from being  (*)
  cd2a47b... update (*)
  7a4740d... Made about boxes non-modal, stopped about boxes from being  (*)
  4e321a4... Stopped about box being shown multiple times at once. (*)
  448aa50... Stopped mailcheck about box from showing up multiple times  (*)
  21da56c... bind click to the ebox and not the applet widget (*)
  de1f1fd... sigh (*)
  9999c68... - Updated Greek (el) translation (from Simos Xenitellis <si (*)
  376217c... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  2186122... Reduced clock padding for small sizes of the panel. (*)
  ffabc37... ja.po: Update from Yuusuke Tahara (*)
  eef2910... Calculate best height for a horizontal applet. (diskusage_r (*)
  134cf89... Comment out the "Browse" button until this actually works. (*)
  6cf0c29... Added "Update" menu entry to immediately update the widget. (*)
  152eeff... Added "About" dialog. [FIXME: Bruno, if you read this - you (*)
  f545b66... *** empty log message *** (*)
  45951de... Added "About" dialog. Added "About" dialog. Added "About" d (*)
  b031503... We now have our own ChangeLog file here. Added everything u (*)
  7f951ba... Added AUTHORS file and listed me there. If I missed anyone  (*)
  769262b... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  709d605... - Fixed stupid bug that was introduced while playing with   (*)
  27a01d4... Being nice to xgettext. (*)
  7a3a451... credit where it's due (*)
  24a4ce7... use an etched border (*)
  3dae2f9... Fixed the bug with launcher propertyboxes not showing up th (*)
  8dfdb7b... - Minor beautification change (a more elegant frame; sugges (*)
  526e963... Modified Files: bonobo/po/da.po bug-buddy/po/da.po gedit/po (*)
  8ae4820... Mark a string for translation. (*)
  92fe590... Stopped multiple error boxes from being shown from the same (*)
  93fcb8d... Added docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net>. (*)
  b8df976... *** empty log message *** (*)
  eae81ba... New directory. GNU General Public license in SGML format (< (*)
  e5e2794... New directory. Moved everything from `docs/' here. Changed  (*)
  afd3d36... *** empty log message *** (*)
  07a2165... New directory. New screenshot. New screenshot. New screensh (*)
  914c2cb... Make "Help" a stock callback. (*)
  6c7e2d5... Sorry for /me being stupid .... (*)
  67aaaf6... Added docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> and "Help" (*)
  1631457... Added docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net>. (*)
  156656c... Added docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> and "Help" (*)
  c33b397... Moved things from `docs/' to `docs/C/'. (*)
  048097d... This is just the <sect1> part. Doctype header, include mode (*)
  3dff3ad... This is just the <sect1> part. Doctype header, include webc (*)
  6142b54... New file. New file. (*)
  e023760... *** empty log message *** (*)
  38606f3... First version of the GNOME Applets Manual. (*)
  0a7b662... Use an "Article" doctype and include `modemlights.sgml'. Th (*)
  0abcf0f... Use an "Article" doctype and include `webcontrol.sgml'. Thi (*)
  896afc0... *** empty log message *** (*)
  f84103d... *** empty log message *** (*)
  c540df6... Handle screenshots. (*)
  d409a72... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  1b5008d... Use an "Article" doctype and include `diskusage.sgml'. This (*)
  9ef9833... Added docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> and "Help" (*)
  1721bf0... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  b441d81... make dist (*)
  2d38e5a... Updated italian translation (*)
  21d193e... New and improved spec file.. (*)
  3f9fc48... fix typo (patch from paul plasma demon co uk) (*)
  02bcee2... use an event box instead of a frame, and set the shadow for (*)
  affbabd... do the set_events right after creating the eventbox as it n (*)
  a8e73ed... removed name from list (*)
  dfe1dd9... telsadocs (*)
  7b4c91b... forgot the changelog (*)
  452565b... Allow sizing of digit fields in clockmaildata, needed for n (*)
  737e1be... Remove debug printf. (browse_cb): is _still broken_. Fix cu (*)
  fe0fa58... make icons a wee bit bigger since we no longer have that sh (*)
  61512c6... use a prettier border (*)
  61627ca... Help\! (*)
  15c3367... 1.1.5 (*)
  0feb500... bleh 1.1.5 buggy-as-hell released (*)
  2808fc7... screenshooter_applet.c: Changed the pixmap on the help item (*)
  c7ddc9b... screenshooter_applet.c: Marked a string for translation. (*)
  472cd17... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  76f14ae... Modified Files: balsa/po/da.po gedit/po/da.po gnome-applets (*)
  dfc9703... returns gint instead of dev_t. return -1 on error. return f (*)
  7f1051d... Modified Files: achtung/po/da.po control-center/po/da.po ge (*)
  7f49b24... Modified Files: balsa/po/da.po bug-buddy/po/da.po ee/ee.des (*)
  3b32dc0... Install .sgml files. (*)
  c1b9856... conditionally compile panel size support since Matt Loper (*)
  b111f97... ja.po: Update from Japanese GNOME Users Group(translation g (*)
  af88bfb... Irish translations (*)
  5a3de70... Modified Files: Tag: control-center-1-0 (*)
  98676f8... Updated (*)
  9088e25... Added Lithuanian file (*)
  bedb471... Added About dialog, bug #7296 (*)
  c654185... Added About dialog, bug #7292 (*)
  8cfe3d1... - Incorporated patch from Jacob Berkman (jacob helixcode co (*)
  541e0fc... - Added patch from Jacob Berkman (jacob helixcode com). (*)
  a10ff32... renamed "run gtcd..." to "Run CD Player...", bug #6946 (*)
  859aadc... *** empty log message *** (*)
  49efb34... rearrange right click applet menu, About on top, Properties (*)
  44734af... reorganized right click applet menu with About on top and P (*)
  c478bc7... rearranged applet right click menu as about, help, then pro (*)
  25703d1... if remote server is to be polled and no password has been s (*)
  4363ff1... show the temperature on small panels (*)
  c0bf5f2... some docs from Telsa (*)
  fb7760f... don't use g_error, we're now all shlib, and g_error is very (*)
  e53d8c6... only load launchers of the correct mimetype to avoid going  (*)
  07b5de4... Don't provide an email address for Bruno Widmann. (*)
  087f18e... Add several checks that dd->mount_point is non NULL before  (*)
  b467881... fix leaks and use gdk-pixbuf for all image loading (*)
  d83e012... Modified Files: gnome-applets/po/da.po gnome-pim/po/da.po (*)
  00babaf... Updated Polish translation (*)
  da95e05... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  3e68ca5... Added italian translatio for Telsa's asclock applet manual. (*)
  4c707a5... added italian translation for Telsa's asclock applet manual (*)
  c78f6d7... cvs! shhh!!!!!!!! (*)
  f495ead... fix sgml typo. (*)
  bf4568c... typo night. (*)
  4677bb5... God, I'm a typo-generator. (*)
  59352e9... docs from the doc team (*)
  07da411... add docs subdir (*)
  c27c084... temporary update (*)
  9d45689... Added italian translation for Telsa's ClockMail applet docu (*)
  a647e99... added clockmail italian translation (*)
  82e71b8... Fixed typo. (*)
  476ac95... added italian translation for the battery monitor applet (*)
  8f35686... forgot this (*)
  0d37eb7... and forgot this (just another summary fan) (*)
  817e06a... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  ac3bc53... Updated Norwegian translations. (*)
  0798c3c... Some small changes (*)
  b16bbcc... 1.1.6 (*)
  dba8fd5... Fix for browsing from John Ellis (*)
  67bc5c7... More doc fixes (*)
  90945ef... Modified Files: balsa/po/da.po gnome-applets/po/da.po gnome (*)
  892e225... changed the docs to follow GDP guidelines: changed docs lic (*)
  db61298... updated lt.po (*)
  4da5ce5... changed "Run gmix..." to "Run Audio Mixer..." for consisten (*)
  a4d99d6... Fixed typo (from dreams tin it) (*)
  b01c90b... Noticed that I've not used the default gtk theme for screen (*)
  1a35362... Updated translations for 1.2. (*)
  5294d9c... added "bugs" section mentioning problems with Netscape and  (*)
  e7c51c7... Updated Norwegian translation (*)
  5257e02... Completed italian translation. phew. (*)
  7586b55... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  8e446fb... Modified Files: balsa/po/da.po control-center/po/da.po Tag: (*)
  04e20f2... updated italian translation (*)
  15b5dcc... Few corrections. (*)
  992d65b... Added german translation. (*)
  0223186... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  f2d8e40... Updated Russian translation from Valek Filippov <frob df ru (*)
  7afb0eb... Ich glaube, ein "Rechtsklickmenue" ist ein "Kontext-Menue"  (*)
  b7ce656... Corrected a few errors. (*)
  fbd33ad... Updated Galician translation Updated *.desktop Galician ent (*)
  f687519... MT was left out of the states list for US, while MO was the (*)
  8f76c51... Modified Files: bug-buddy/po/da.po gedit/po/da.po glade/po/ (*)
  fa8b319... Changed email address (*)
  6e3740b... 1.1.8; mostly changing doc build system (*)
  5568f5d... Added italian translation for sound-monitor Changed email c (*)
  7ca88e3... 1.1.8; mostly changing doc build system (*)
  d1ed4d7... forgot some files (*)
  0be1fec... Added Norwegian translation of the documentation. (*)
  dcb0c7f... more 1.1.8 stuff... fixing of doc linking, use TCP in gsm a (*)
  5a10c4b... mostly fixing some of the doc linking (*)
  f537e26... Added the Turkish translation (*)
  157bd2f... Small localisation updates, made panel use gnome-about-gnom (*)
  c43a128... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  00ce51f... Small update (*)
  4e28d8c... Added "xgettext:no-c-format" comment to please gettext. Als (*)
  52aafd7... - Updated Greek (el) translation. (*)
  ada8874... Re-commited the docs - somehow the previous changes I made  (*)
  c52df41... Oops... turned out that some minor changes were still lost  (*)
  b886dc5... Link to docs Link to docs Added docs (*)
  1c5346d... updated lt.po (*)
  6b265f7... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  f985b6d... Moved into new template. Moved into new template. Fixed des (*)
  4c08b32... Connected docs. Added phelp_cb(). Added doc files and direc (*)
  ffbed60... Updated docs to latest template. (*)
  55638aa... s/appets/applets for Telsa. (*)
  a0b35e9... Added russian translation. (*)
  565f664... Added Lithuanian strings to desktop files (*)
  1c94770... Fixed Makefile.am which broke "make dist" Fixed Makefile.am (*)
  e08e9c2... Updated gkb, charpick, mixer, and sound-monitor docs, mostl (*)
  a9bf181... *docs/C/*.sgml: Updated the docs to the GDP 1.x applet temp (*)
  27c2f3a... Add de. (*)
  21a461f... Updated the docs to the 1.x template. (*)
  fd7b7e7... Changed the license to the FDL. (*)
  79b4471... Added Authors and License sections and changed the license  (*)
  55fbd07... Updated to newer template. Updated to newer template. (*)
  b37d30c... Updated docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net>. (*)
  72cefbd... Updated docs from John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net>. (*)
  f2cdab4... *cpumemusage/docs/C/*.sgml: Changed the license to the FDL  (*)
  ceda6ed... Updated Danish file (*)
  8a31af2... Updated docs to include descriptions of parts I did not und (*)
  9ddb0da... Added russian translation. (*)
  5788d36... Small cleanup. (*)
  f522ee2... - Minor typo fix. (*)
  ccfd410... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  b907728... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  0333f35... properties.c: Some code was not properly moved to property_ (*)
  a85acaa... Updated to the 1.x template. Committed for John Fleck (*)
  3d91fca... Update. (*)
  bddc7f5... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  254dd80... ` * docs/C/*.sgml: Updated the docs to the 1.x template, ad (*)
  e2780f7... moved docs to 2.1 template and added screenshots. (*)
  0506135... moved to 2.1 template and added screenshots-- but with vali (*)
  66c75fe... Committed the correct, valid, versions of asclock.sgml and  (*)
  930ae80... Added screenshot to docs. Pic added for screenshot. (*)
  2fb914e... Added docs from Chris Lyttle (but with newer template) to c (*)
  3e0e701... *** empty log message *** (*)
  2d9c352... Updated Danish file (*)
  37fd313... Added screenshots and applet toplevel files to separate the (*)
  0a3302a... Separated the one large doc into 5 smaller docs. Added scre (*)
  6ebcc9a... *Makefile.am: Installed the screenshots. (*)
  70babd4... Added docs to Tick-a-Stat and made binding from Help menu b (*)
  e7c6ce4... Updated the docs to the new template. (*)
  c665860... Removed doubled <releaseinfo>. (*)
  63ff2f6... Added some [tr] things to gen_util (*)
  e562074... Updated British translation. (*)
  73d5842... Connected Help button in preferences by adding phelp_cb (*)
  2aaa63e... Merged two copywrites into one. (*)
  770fe46... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  d44d485... Added screenshot. Moved to new template. (*)
  9656ae4... - Minor addition (LGMK) (*)
  846e36f... Added figure list I forgot earlier (*)
  8442a73... Fixed screenshot names. Fixed markup and layout problems an (*)
  cb0ff5f... Added screenshots, added example on reading time, and moved (*)
  56a6398... Updated to newer template. Added screenshot. Fixed mistake  (*)
  41500b9... Add de. * cpuload_applet.desktop, memload_applet.desktop, (*)
  8cbb80b... Add de. (*)
  406219d... Add de. (*)
  7553103... Add de. (*)
  4590eb2... re-added the subdirs that got deleted somehow (*)
  e207a29... Updated Danish file (*)
  5bcc34a... Add gnotes/properties.c. (*)
  406500c... Adding Eric's new docs and fixes. Fixed a few small bits of (*)
  9b856b9... Removing old files Adding topic.dat files Small fix in id f (*)
  7770e63... fixed screenshots fixed link for properties section (*)
  0e90fa6... Added help to all 3 applets. (*)
  350bc57... Fixed confusing section about stat and mount. (*)
  d79df72... Improve. (*)
  50407ae... Update. * POTFILES.in: Add gnotes/properties.c. (*)
  42898d9... Add requirements. (*)
  26cad4c... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  15bf4ab... Updated Norwegian translation. Updated Dutch translation fr (*)
  1e3e128... Adding screenshots and changes made by Arjan (*)
  d2e5d3d... Added docs for XMMS. Didn't bind up because realized these  (*)
  05fb1d1... Added screenshots which were forgotten (*)
  dd46dcd... Added screenshots. Moved to new templates. Various small ch (*)
  02f167f... Fixed docs. (*)
  487be1b... Minor doc fix (*)
  2d0d1c0... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  1e474b7... Fixing the docs, again. (*)
  1eb0009... Updated Danish file (*)
  0edb00a... Added Danish strings to desktop/menu file (*)
  1bedbe0... Updated the license to the FDL and the docs to the new temp (*)
  9e5a0d5... Fixed docs linking. (*)
  b7a7d65... Updated Catalan file (*)
  74b3258... Added russian translation. (*)
  92a403a... Added FDL. (*)
  ea1a61c... Updated Danish file (*)
  f72da95... Updated Danish file (*)
  220e20f... Updated the docs to conform to the new 1.x template, also a (*)
  22776f9... Add a help button. Hook it up. My god, this code is crufty. (*)
  cf76cee... id fix (*)
  68d8eb5... bug fix in menu tree (*)
  4c70299... 1.1.9 (*)
  9d8b782... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  73acf22... Updated the Turkish translation for % 100 (*)
  395456e... Added italian translation for CdPlayer applet (*)
  8aff4ba... Updated Lithuanian file (*)
  6c61890... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  3411e0d... Small fix to another clock doc Continued Drake's work of br (*)
  15b74a1... small fixes to Another Clock docs (*)
  8274d21... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  4fc1a68... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  c749abf... Added Lithuanian strings (*)
  4d0d10c... Added italian translation for DiskUsage Applet (*)
  84213f8... Updated italian translation and added Makefiles for diskusa (*)
  441ac83... Update legalnotice. (*)
  296d4e8... Added russian translation. (*)
  0b8d3c6... Trademark part added. (*)
  d2c3af5... Fixed some Galician strings. (*)
  2c51ebe... Updated the docs to the current template and added a screen (*)
  a458946... Corrected some [tr] entries in the desktop files (*)
  575eb3c... Updated dutch translation (*)
  272ce1c... Added figures which were left out before (*)
  6fd0ad0... Updated the docs to the newest template and fixed the autho (*)
  9d151ec... Merged duplicate SUBDIRS lines which prevented docs from be (*)
  db08f91... Removed authors section from top. (*)
  adfc30b... A couple tiny changes Rearranged right-click menu item orde (*)
  afdd5a7... Moved help button link to point to preferences section of t (*)
  9095dde... Small changes for new template. (*)
  b3f575f... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  cc052be... Added [tr] section to the desktop files (*)
  a68c84e... Added the Turkish desktop entries (*)
  ca5bd00... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  0167623... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  e6017f4... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  e5a1a53... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  04ec82b... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  85bf5d0... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  a5ed48b... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  e918f0f... Added german translation of the clockapplet. (*)
  de6758d... added a new animation for tiny panel (by Ian Campbell <ijc2 (*)
  fb5d66f... Danish translations from Keld (*)
  f416a4c... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> updating dtds in applet .s (*)
  49cf6f8... markup bug fix (*)
  1a56d62... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  8113e90... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  3ae14b6... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  d3107a1... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  f8489be... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  927e10b... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  eaf5b7f... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  ec50b34... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  6558652... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  ccdc0ca... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  a0df12d... Added corrections suggested by Spiros and a couple other sm (*)
  8c11fb2... Updated. (*)
  a005576... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  41c4ff4... Updated/Added Polish translations. (*)
  8488bb9... translations from Keld (*)
  0dc844d... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  73ab132... fix scaling to different panel sizes. (*)
  467ca2c... Added a couple more error messages. Fixed Cancel/Close erro (*)
  4cf547a... Fixed broken PNG images which Netscape can't render. Fixed  (*)
  028ea30... Fixed screenshots which didn't render in Netscape. Changed  (*)
  b46c4c5... Updated Galician translation (*)
  0c6d2cc... Small bug fixes and update to DTD 1.1 Added these translati (*)
  1b69426... Applied patch of corrections submitted by Fabrice Bellet (*)
  ad71e5f... de.po: Update. (*)
  427f45b... Fixed the i18n problem. (*)
  a95b4a8... added patch from Fabrice Bellet <Fabrice Bellet creatis ins (*)
  9c7626f... Begin initial para with "The..."; Add description of area m (*)
  814bf02... Merged Shooby's docs with mine. Took new screenshots with s (*)
  d08e1ae... Spanish update (*)
  5000966... Making the docs in line with the rest of the applet docs by (*)
  e42f406... Fixed some strings in the Galician translation (*)
  43c2793... Updated Lithuanian file (*)
  e4e0cc6... Updated Catalan file (*)
  1beb9a4... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  d1c4c12... s/INT_MAX/G_MAXINT/ (*)
  13a6325... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  2795651... icon stuff and what not (*)
  6dbfee4... icon support for all (*)
  efba144... Updated ca.po (changed mantainer) (*)
  2415d5a... Add 'ja'. (*)
  6eb7119... Add 'ja'. (*)
  d387fe5... Add 'ja'. (*)
  70ac971... bleh (*)
  d8b7b79... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  8906330... another try (*)
  d7634e3... fixed email address (*)
  dd7c706... Updated russian translation. (*)
  8d76330... Fixed some strings in the Galician translation (*)
  8ded3d9... added self to get bugs mail -George (*)
  d74a04a... Added italian translation for drivemount applet (*)
  1ca89c1... Added italian translation for sound-monitor Changed email c (*)
  16a59b5... Added italian translation for drivemount applet (*)
  640684a... added drivemount/docs/it/Makefile (*)
  99fc175... added missing subdir (*)
  97bfb54... added italian translation for gnotes applet (*)
  a3feea9... added gnotes/docs/it/Makefile (*)
  b51220d... Added italian tranaslation for multiload applet docs (*)
  e9b6ae2... fix the gnome-libs check finally (*)
  eaf884e... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  36a2e6c... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  be589fc... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  7801b55... configure.in (AC_OUTPUT): Add multiload/docs/it/Makefile. (*)
  bfecd43... apply patch from Robert Wittams <robert wittams ic ac uk> a (*)
  64d5c7e... Major .cvsignore action -George (*)
  d2ca0b4... forgot some -George (*)
  17adee6... fix warning (*)
  7bb4d1e... only define close_application if building for GTK only (*)
  221f6eb... fix warnings (*)
  f79b9d1... fix warning (*)
  e5f61e9... First take on Danish (*)
  3d6b17d... update czech translation -George (*)
  386d983... Small updates (*)
  8d25aed... update czech translations (*)
  9e2c9e1... fix warnings (*)
  e684c52... Fixing configure.in for da translation of gen_util applet R (*)
  b712d8e... Updated Finnish Translations in fi.po (*)
  ad2194b... Modified how it calls up the documentation when the Help bu (*)
  665e6c9... Hide frequently "saving prefs..." messages if panel size is (*)
  2913023... Fixed broken lines in Finnish translation. (*)
  a906b7a... Fixed Galician translation (*)
  b34ad8a... Mark some strings for translations (the can't create, g_err (*)
  6b15b74... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  025d350... de.po: Update. (*)
  8ea6643... Updated Galician translation (*)
  a6e1947... gen_util/mailcheck.soundlist (description): Add de. (*)
  a80e364... Added Swedish translation. (*)
  bb87d17... bug-applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation. (*)
  723b459... clipboard_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  b7a6286... gnotes_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  3a16554... gticker_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  fe6ebae... gumma.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  50accd8... gweather.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  950fcb7... hal_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  e55dd88... src/mini-commander_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translatio (*)
  b841bad... Added Swedish translation. (*)
  7cf81d4... odometer_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  1a3b471... quicklaunch_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  43b7779... screenshooter_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  130ef29... slash_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  85097f5... sound-monitor_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  80b136c... webcontrol/webcontrol_applet.desktop: Added Swedish transla (*)
  9be70e7... whereami_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  ec92d9e... Updated GReek file (*)
  7325dc4... Added Lithuanian strings (*)
  f1a5866... removed duplicate [sv] entry (*)
  8ad215a... Better trans - sorry for the upcoming single commits (*)
  400eaf4... Better trans (*)
  867cc7b... Added translation again - hmm, donno why it was removed (*)
  be138f1... Spanish translation (*)
  3a71289... the new update.sh script which for instance can find transl (*)
  8954e39... added new update.sh 1.2.2 script Added new file Updated a l (*)
  91d5d57... Updated Galician translation (*)
  86412ec... Translations from Keld gnome-applets/po/da.po gnome-db/po/d (*)
  1435253... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  3178abf... *** empty log message *** (*)
  67271d7... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  acd5434... *** empty log message *** (*)
  fad36f8... Updated Walloon file (*)
  2d2fa80... s/free/g_free/ (applet_change_pixel_size): clean up stuff a (*)
  e3f80d2... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  e3efdae... Update (*)
  7596abc... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  39fb772... tickastat_applet.desktop: Added Swedish translation (*)
  03b64a1... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  662ba77... Update (*)
  b40039e... Removed hal/hal.c since it's not built. Updated Norwegian t (*)
  5d76582... Forgot to update it (*)
  cb153dd... de.po: Update. (*)
  7b90470... Spanish translation (*)
  d486717... *** empty log message *** (*)
  8e61904... Updated Galician translation (*)
  a19062c... update (*)
  1c2d191... Added Norwegian translation (*)
  dc5273e... Update (*)
  a103f02... Added trick to translate labels to loadavg_texts also. #inc (*)
  86f3577... i18n fixes (*)
  f69aaab... Added bindtextdomain() and textdomain() in main(). (*)
  e81ff22... Update (*)
  20014fc... Marked some more strings for translation. (*)
  1db1f66... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  7022893... update (*)
  fd56697... When changing sizes remove the box from it's parent, and de (*)
  f22b40f... 1.2.0 (*)
  6596ac5... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  b368b0d... Updated Galician translation (*)
  3702501... fixes. Mostly typos, added some italian translations. (*)
  63665c9... Added italian translation for sound-monitor Changed email c (*)
  b1f4adf... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  d1f642b... Updated russian translation. (*)
  c8dd836... fix a bunch of warnings and hopefully a segfault. also clea (*)
  d57396d... When checking for a string within a string, make sure there (*)
  4ab7f34... email change (*)
  5f123cf... protect the snprintf with setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C") since  (*)
  1f608fd... kill a whole bunch of memory leaks. Also fixed #12891 (*)
  4b37c5f... There was no case for QUALIFIER_VICINITY, which is a valid  (*)
  19c1675... replaced 5 bzero() calls with equivalent memset() calls, se (*)
  c8f42fe... Added italian translation for another_clock, cpumemusage, f (*)
  a254435... Added italian translation for sound-monitor Changed email c (*)
  338fc6c... Added italian translation for another_clock, cpumemusage, f (*)
  8e890c3... added italian locales (*)
  37662c5... shut up cvs (*)
  9183f31... Updated the Turkish translation for gnome-applets (*)
  6f01a26... Cleaned up tr.po (*)
  6380210... null everything on destroy, use 0 for invalid handler tags, (*)
  ddbf8d9... Added italian translation for charpick, gkb-new. Fixed lang (*)
  f8405e5... Added italian translation for sound-monitor Changed email c (*)
  e9a8778... Added italian translation for charpick, gkb-new. Fixed lang (*)
  f631177... Added italian translation for odometer, life and mini-comma (*)
  8d3c685... Triditional Chinese PO File 2000/06/21 (*)
  874c12d... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  dc25e80... #include <locale.h> to make it compile. (*)
  f5ec194... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  776d8ca... more updates to fix 'about' dialog. (*)
  196f7e0... xmodmap.jp: Add Japanese Keymap  tabl. (*)
  6a8c47b... Add Japanese keymap (*)
  825bcfa... Modified it.po for a little typo (*)
  564b337... Updated German Translation (*)
  4299ab0... Added italian translation for gweather (*)
  479ddbf... Aggiunta traduzione italiana di quicklaunch (*)
  56e4b36... Updated Dutch translation from Dennis Smit (*)
  9b11421... Updated British translation. (*)
  70b396e... updated Greek file (*)
  649ad68... Modified it.po, gweather.sgml and sound-monitor.sgml for it (*)
  ea45b90... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  4ff2e14... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  2d98719... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  33b3267... Made the button relief style use the toolbar button relief  (*)
  0122c4a... blah blah blah (*)
  73d1a3c... more translations from <ptitlu mandrakesoft com> (*)
  b56cb42... Added some italian translations and fixed changelog (*)
  733ee84... Fixed typo "inluding" (*)
  968b1ca... Updated the Turkish translation. (*)
  cbd9243... Szabolcs BAN <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  4a96267... Updated Finnish Translation (fi.po) (*)
  614d690... Updated Finnish messages in .desktop -files (*)
  d160ddb... Adding pt_BR translation. (*)
  62e39fd... Added myself. (*)
  f764a61... Put myself in the correct alphabetical position. :) (*)
  ee49fa8... Just created CVS entry (*)
  f05c37c... Created CVS entry (*)
  9ed7eb9... Added into CVS (*)
  39749c1... Added myself (*)
  e972030... Deleted ChangeLog.old.  It was a mistake to rename the file (*)
  2e1fa52... Adding to CVS (*)
  7bc37b3... Added entry for gtik (The Gnome Stock ticker) (*)
  43aa969... Added entry for gtik (*)
  3e0514e... Deleted non-essential stuff (*)
  db2a71e... Removed SUBDIR=marcos, added AUTHORS and README to EXTRA_DI (*)
  6b485b4... Changed INCLUDES line in Makefile.am to fix make error. (*)
  89cd5bf... added ChangeLog again and .cvsignore (*)
  b2cb664... Make it pass 'msgfmt -v'. (*)
  03f9e93... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  9890406... completed the header; so we can check the file for errors (*)
  2e38678... I was such a fool... Reverting to English... (*)
  d94f074... Reverting English docs, sorry (*)
  6af8b9f... Removed old gkb (*)
  46d28b5... Removing old gkb (*)
  16b40ec... removed (*)
  b8e27cd... removed... (*)
  f429b6d... Fixed link to preferences section. (*)
  1ad9d75... Updated URL for author's website (*)
  92d68d9... Close the cd device after each operation so that we don't " (*)
  53b226f... Size switching in menu, from wishlist... Beta thing... (*)
  e31291c... Added screenshots for italian translation for: mini-command (*)
  1379ffd... fixed properties bug and made code more modular.  buttons.p (*)
  6f07611... properties box cleanup (currently doesn't function properly (*)
  9227b9a... fixed warnings, but still must prototype functions.  put th (*)
  f2caeda... Updated russian translation. (*)
  01b850c... changed all files to gtik2_applet so they won't conflict wi (*)
  4e55ad4... fixed .cvsignore (*)
  7350d46... cleaned up README and fixed -DGTIK_APPLET_NAME (*)
  08b4949... update (*)
  e58a24f... New stuffs from weekend... (*)
  0226713... hungarian translation before holliday (*)
  aa5b2cf... Updated fi.po (Finnish translation) (*)
  dbf4f16... updated the docs, clarifying parts which I couldn't underst (*)
  2de7b85... updated; added section "technical info" (*)
  d5223bb... Initial revision (*)
  a97c563... First import (*)
  b579722... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  13fdf50... updated Greek file (*)
  ae62a70... Triditional Chinese PO File 2000/08/21 (*)
  7c0a580... updated Danish file (*)
  fecd226... Fixed a bug in battstat_applet.c in pixmap_timeout(). Proba (*)
  dc52d66... Update italian translation for the manual of sound-monitor  (*)
  4b4783e... Made the rest of the files ready for 2.0.7 (*)
  4b289bd... Oops, forgot to update the documentation html page (*)
  aa2f056... Hmm, this shouldn't even be in the CVS. (*)
  2cf56e6... Removed the "it" directory from the build as it's non-exist (*)
  06c3202... Allowed sliding of columns and rows.  Added move count to w (*)
  74f3fa9... Added Romanian translation. (*)
  dbd933a... Updated it.po (*)
  d53eaaf... updated Walloon file (*)
  1cbcc3d... Readded italian translation for webcontrol and tickastat (*)
  e836a10... *** empty log message *** (*)
  d9d4919... Updated russian translation. (*)
  7e00b54... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  db24d11... update (*)
  c467579... Fixed the bug whereby some properties would take effect bef (*)
  c5dcbd3... Fixed a little string (*)
  ddd0240... Fixed Jason's e-mail address (*)
  b69e2fc... added the it directory makefile for webcontrol (*)
  5a5c3e1... Use glib g_malloc/g_new/g_free remove broken memset, fix [h (*)
  89304aa... Reset move count when scrambling. (*)
  17e689c... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  cb049e9... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  3b04892... Updated Greek translations (*)
  ab912fe... Typo fixes. (*)
  9b22df9... Fix warnings, mark the gnome_config_get argument for hourfo (*)
  92b96b5... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  d128cb8... Added new animation (*)
  26e99f4... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  d0646a5... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  00a52f3... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  84feb90... .desktop greek translation updates (*)
  32ebc1d... Updated Galician translation (*)
  9f6de2f... Added Jayson's bugfix for the space in symbol names. (*)
  42131f4... Translations from Keld bonobo/po/da.po dia/po/da.po dr-geni (*)
  62bc3bd... Update (*)
  829633a... Added update.pl and README.tools from kanikus. (*)
  3e58fde... updating pt_BR translations (*)
  0418ae6... Added Slovenian translation (*)
  a87f6e0... improve text-only mail notification to show unread messages (*)
  986c3d6... Closed bug #6733 (SIZEHINT_DEFAULT) reported by Eric Baudai (*)
  63da3b7... 1.2.2 (*)
  1830b20... notes about stable branches (*)
  b3a6e41... Added flag for Cuba, thanx Ginet Seguďż˝ (*)
  f8c28c3... Applet layout coordinates are now stored in a static struct (*)
  bba01f4... Use gnome_execute_shell in place system() call, which block (*)
  7ae7eb6... Fix accidentally transposed positions of RX/TX lights durin (*)
  a874ec7... Fix stupid draw positioning errors. (was off by 1) (*)
  7ad60ee... Added German translation (*)
  fdf0450... Small fix for German translation (*)
  7703c8f... removing old directories (*)
  2f33313... Now handles varying panel sizes properly. Proxy support is  (*)
  f05c1c4... store the path to the device in the CDPlayerData structure. (*)
  ecff4f5... Translations from Keld balsa/po/da.po bonobo/po/da.po gnome (*)
  acd7101... fft.c needs lots of work, left it in in case someone wants  (*)
  9b06afa... Missed update in last sync. (*)
  8ac22f3... Moved to gdk-pixbuf for images, this applet will now do alp (*)
  419c7a8... yay, the article window works once more. proxy support soon (*)
  d2fe57f... Translations from keld gconf/po/da.po gfax/po/da.po gnome-a (*)
  0c68cf8... Updated French translation and added french strings in *.de (*)
  2bf094b... Updated (*)
  0fde22a... Updates (*)
  1e2fbfc... proxy support. booyah. (*)
  3de0400... Translations from Keld balsa/po/da.po gimp/po/da.po gnome-a (*)
  21d6a74... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  4962641... Added Ukrainian translation (*)
  468eb8d... Added Ukrainian translation (*)
  dd4e053... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  7e9a90b... Fix Month (+1) and Year (+1900) Number display bugs. Proper (*)
  4e730aa... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  cca9b6a... gkb.c: Added error handling :)) (*)
  408e25e... Updating pt_BR translations   * using allpo.pl please, any  (*)
  19ca952... Added a modified fix from Paul Hirst <p hirst jach hawaii e (*)
  8c2b1d2... Removed spoon ix netcom com upon his request. (*)
  5284b57... Updated russian translation. (*)
  291b4e6... Updating pt_BR translations (*)
  d55cf8b... Updated French and Dutch translations. (*)
  ea6a593... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> clock.sgml and clock-apple (*)
  46979de... Fix minor SGML error. (*)
  1e1ca89... ja.po: Update Japanese translation. (*)
  06d51b9... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> mailcheck.sgml and mailche (*)
  9c5eb10... Add another_clock/docs/uk/Makefile (*)
  d34baa4... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  fa6bf37... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> patches to printer.sgml an (*)
  25432a5... Sanity, fix minor mem leak and some cleanups, god does this (*)
  ebcf088... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> updating changelog to refl (*)
  215c8ac... file prop_show.h was initially added on branch GKB_unstable (*)
  859b3d8... file prop_copy.h was initially added on branch GKB_unstable (*)
  17c6a51... file prop_cb.h was initially added on branch GKB_unstable-1 (*)
  39b4314... zh_CN.GB2312.po: Initial Chinese(GB2312) translation from W (*)
  5ed1e6c... Changed my email address (only use this one for reporting b (*)
  7badd61... use gulong instead of unsigned for the free_space. Hopefull (*)
  7d77ed0... Shutup CVS -George (*)
  bebf5ed... Updating pt_BR translations... (*)
  629c4ff... updating pt_BR translation (*)
  0b0408e... file prop_preset.h was initially added on branch GKB_unstab (*)
  59ecc35... Updated French translations. (*)
  22bcc75... OpenBSD support added. (*)
  47ec9b4... Translations from Keld bug-buddy/po/da.po gdm2/po/da.po gim (*)
  fd9f53e... fixed warnings! (*)
  b79e58f... made "Add" button in properties box (*)
  88068b5... Translations from Keld glade/po/da.po gnome-applets/po/da.p (*)
  48aa70b... Fixed properties so you can now enter multiple stock quotes (*)
  b4088b4... dd->mount_base is now set as the base path from dd->mount_p (*)
  02ac5f8... Some const stuff, fix apply_cb parameters. (*)
  f860d6d... Some const stuff, fix apply_cb to check page_num. (*)
  f54585e... const * changes. Fix apply_cb to check page_num. (*)
  ea77f1f... Added rudimentary session management so that it will be res (*)
  3978a38... The connect light now blinks until the connection is establ (*)
  1cec1b6... updating pt_BR translations (*)
  f29fa60... Apparently the FreeBSD/OpenBSD #ifdefs were doing it the ri (*)
  d3e9f8b... updating some pt_BR <ricardo conectiva com br> (*)
  8594b53... Corrected some spelling mistakes (*)
  41c9380... Updated e-mail address (*)
  6f8d697... Updated Greek translation (*)
  7fba3f8... Updating some pt_BR translations. (Update-Gnome.sh script)  (*)
  45d7464... Updated Polish translation (*)
  2a8a3e8... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  a97345b... Added ro.png for Romanian support (*)
  eaba092... sk.po: Update Slovak translation. (*)
  9436b9d... TODO list updated (*)
  def1085... Fixed one bug. Have it install $(sgml_files). (*)
  54ed9fd... sk.po: Update Slovak translation from Stanislav Visnovsky. (*)
  acf7b71... Use -1 percentage as invalid and just display a gray batter (*)
  6892eef... fix second part of #23977, by saving low_warn_enable (*)
  2790ea5... Added connect time and description of byte counts to the to (*)
  fa74dec... .../gnome/help/<appname>/<lang>/<appname>.sgml where one wo (*)
  bed9da8... on Nov  6 18:08:31 2000  Jonathan Blandford  <jrb redhat co (*)
  6d5f778... Fixed a typo of "Stockholm (Arianda)" which should be "Stoc (*)
  23c1290... Add Slovak translations to *.desktop and sort. (Who is the  (*)
  cc03e79... Automatically updating some pt_BR and Spanish translatios ( (*)
  f0e1626... updating pt_BR (*)
  9e9bfce... Remove me from MAINTANIERS - no more spam (*)
  52969e6... Updates to all docs for compliance with the doc standards f (*)
  2fc97f6... can now change order of symbols (*)
  758ce58... Translations from keld gimp/po/da.po gnome-applets/po/da.po (*)
  ac10599... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  5afa52c... Fixed (*)
  9491b03... Added color configuration. Made the blinking when waiting f (*)
  19163d3... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  26461d4... Added Ukrainian translation of ASClock documentation (*)
  f28594d... Updated russian translation from Andrey Samoilov. (*)
  a285a39... proofreading (*)
  3651232... proofreading (*)
  f1ca3c3... Updated Japanese translation and correct headers. (*)
  0eadfd6... correction back to filesystem as it seems to be the consens (*)
  fb6fa85... Translations from keld balsa/po/da.po bonobo/po/da.po bug-b (*)
  24c103a... Have it install GIF's in stylesheet-images/ (I'm not sure w (*)
  88614aa... Added Lithuanian flag. (*)
  5ccebba... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> updating docs/C/anotherclo (*)
  0d944ea... added myself (*)
  21b955a... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  9f81d78... Added an 'eject on unmount' option, and updated the icon mo (*)
  6adca09... Updated fi.po and bug-applet.desktop's fi entry (*)
  4cc717f... Corrected some typos on fi.po (*)
  58aedd2... A couple of potential crash fixes and cleanups (*)
  393e1c7... Fix several most obvious possible overflow errors, a couple (*)
  026d290... Use gnome-moz-remote instead of netscape, as this does all  (*)
  f341032... Enabled option to monitor input from soundcard in advanced  (*)
  cd32e1a... Shut up CVS -George (*)
  63fe88b... Fixes, use of snprintf, bound checking in bunch of places,  (*)
  942133e... some minor cleanups fixes. If nautilus available use that t (*)
  0245429... when dropping make sure we have a unique filename, and fix  (*)
  2965778... Remove these files so that prune will get rid of this direc (*)
  88e6553... Make this actually somewhat work. It's still broken but les (*)
  d70408e... Wed Nov 29 2000  Darragh O'Brien <darragh obrien sun com> (*)
  ff713ee... Add a gnotices logo (stolen from the website). Also add an  (*)
  baf4c8d... slight cleanups, no more warnings on exit (*)
  4908f64... Updated russian translation. (*)
  6872b07... Don't issue warnings when there is no info. Its a perfectly (*)
  a602b05... UK met office forecast parsing. Also fixed  a couple more ' (*)
  1f9b7c0... And lo, UK weather forecasts worked. (*)
  bba8e14... Translations from Keld gimp/po-plug-ins/da.po gnome-applets (*)
  1e7328d... Updated russian translation. (*)
  12df01e... have some strings translated that were forgotten before (*)
  c33937d... Remove anders at his request -George (*)
  183e23a... Updated russian translation. (*)
  91b9c8d... I have not yet figured out why we wrote docs, since no one  (*)
  dfdaa3c... Fixed an easy ("cheat") way to win in 2 moves after already (*)
  86ccd57... Changed window title for the properties dialog to "GNOME We (*)
  7470bb6... Translations from keld balsa/po/da.po evolution/po/da.po ga (*)
  b04395b... update (*)
  fac6bc1... Nautilized docs (*)
  3191326... Nautilizing (*)
  0984960... Nautlizing (*)
  2c50788... Nautilized, watch automated tools on this one - the %age si (*)
  c2b1137... Nautilized (*)
  448b19f... Fed up of reading these yet ? (*)
  89d74d3... nautilizing (*)
  2e9b739... % to &prcnt; (*)
  4ec325d... Fix % abuse (*)
  c76d6ce... Fix some of the doc (*)
  ceea2d1... Fix %age abuse (*)
  4d7fe9f... Nautilizing (*)
  13a0b65... naultilize (*)
  8242ae5... anautilize (*)
  c9ca568... Serious %age abuse (*)
  4d18c67... nautilize (*)
  0df2dc2... Remove bogus > in file (*)
  83a93dc... Nautilize (*)
  130e0b4... Fix missing > in doc (*)
  6ecf5c0... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  01d68de... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  24e35a5... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  4284434... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  245b19e... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  5e1dd48... Applied patch from Peter Hawkins <peterhawkins ozemail com  (*)
  abfcd7c... check for canvas pixbuf stuff (*)
  6ed784f... Kill 5 warnings. (*)
  2acfab2... Split up the webconotrol functionality and the properties s (*)
  330e5cd... Updated russian translation. (*)
  ee7da88... merged GKB_unstabe-1-2-2 to HEAD (*)
  043dff7... Translations from keld achtung/po/da.po balsa/po/da.po bono (*)
  f7b7741... merging from unstable branch to HEAD (*)
  a8cb0ba... removing obsoleted images (*)
  fab8e93... Shooby Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  b1827e3... added subdirs (*)
  461db14... fix (*)
  2ac2c5d... Added keyboard descriptions' Makefile (*)
  b36cb2a... translations from keld gedit/po/da.po achtung/po/da.po bals (*)
  7256b72... Updated russian translation. (*)
  52147a8... Apply patch from Tobias Bengtsson <tobbe tobbe nu> for addi (*)
  ae9bb2a... Shut up CVS -George (*)
  049a618... updated (*)
  fdc131c... ditto (*)
  46d11ed... ditto (*)
  11ef430... Added gkb's new files... Updated Hungarian translations. (*)
  f2b1635... Added window based switching feature (works wrong) (*)
  984b0bd... i18n fix (*)
  9cbe12f... Committing for Rusty -George (*)
  2499c15... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  e233c28... Updates evolution/po/da.po gal/po/da.po galeon/po/da.po ger (*)
  b6f58fa... Update (*)
  3079001... Updating some pt_BR translations (*)
  379aa66... Added Azeri file (*)
  e5429f7... Updated Finnish translation (fi.po). (*)
  0096ebb... updated Azeri file (*)
  d35dfc6... Updated (*)
  f70c329... Updated russian translation. (*)
  607cc5f... fix s/dead_circumflex/asciicircum/ s/Portuglese/Portuguese/ (*)
  d955355... Updated French translation. (*)
  971dac0... Changed the DTD from 1.0 to 1.1. (*)
  856d443... Final pass of nautilizing. I can't wait for Alan to get bac (*)
  9b441ca... Updated sl translations (*)
  72d87c0... Applied ISDN patch from Nils Philippsen, ChangeLog entry is (*)
  b814070... manually set the wmclass for the property and about dialogs (*)
  b53d132... Modified for test... (*)
  6571100... sorry (*)
  0cc08c2... Yeah! this checkin alters 182 files! (*)
  a493dce... Two updates I've had since 10-2000 that got lost in my home (*)
  3b9af26... (iwin_parse): Strip CR from CRLF input. (*)
  68513ef... removed (*)
  aeb24f0... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  90e2150... Fix rules for the i18n stuff (*)
  4daef90... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  9a7adec... Updated Dutch translation by Dennis Smit <synap area101 pen (*)
  cbc541e... Removing old screenshot (*)
  dadc9c0... Adding new screenshots (*)
  5c53037... Adding the rest of the updated docs (*)
  8137c20... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  6311389... Reverting to 1.4 complient version of gkb_applet.sgml (vers (*)
  5dded8f... Update with some more recent info -George (*)
  da73249... fix makefile bug so that ALL desktops are included in the d (*)
  ddabd00... Druid for configuration... (*)
  853ec7a... updated (*)
  70e29ab... Added for use xml-i18n-tools, thanks for Kenneth (*)
  9ffe4a1... Added gkb-new/descs files (*)
  fde0694... forgot (*)
  16faa85... reverted... (*)
  c96f041... add missing files (*)
  1658d11... Applied patch of  Fabrice Bellet <Fabrice Bellet creatis in (*)
  ec8f3cc... Make sure the call to g_snprintf is in the C locale so the  (*)
  11c3762... Added pt_BR to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  afac038... Get rid of some sprintf's and quote login info for IMAP ser (*)
  63a4587... Updated russian translation. (*)
  fc16a0c... Added hungarian sun layout (*)
  5beb5b8... Modified Makefile.am's to register the new OMF files (*)
  614b991... Added apple german layout :] (*)
  fe2813c... Apply patch from Johnny C. Lam <jlam netbsd org>, for NetBS (*)
  8c14fed... Foo, forgot about this little piggie -George (*)
  3070f6a... -) Okay, someone needs to be shot. A cut-and-paste error wa (*)
  7bd03de... Fix strftime usage, be paranoid about nulling things and ad (*)
  464840d... ability to copy out a full timestamp, plus add year to date (*)
  062e3bc... fix pop login, and check for NULL after each read_line in t (*)
  7bbb530... some cleanups, null after free, and fix leaks in prop. Also (*)
  4c03916... Added to Chema (*)
  07ca0ac... removed, moved (*)
  afc8aae... some speed hack, check it out (*)
  30f601e... obsolete (*)
  c87a67d... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  89c12b8... Make the Properties dialog resizable. (*)
  07185df... fixed a broken URL (*)
  1e59047... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  a748eca... up version (*)
  8a9794a... up version (*)
  ae8dc7f... fix typo referring to mailcheck, not printer (*)
  1163ec1... fixed (*)
  4a37f95... Re-adding myself (*)
  203bb1d... releases n stuff (*)
  1a9d387... Updated russian translation. (*)
  a0b1bf8... Corrected minor typo. (*)
  8adc729... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  d80b65a... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  95d42ae... Update to Battstat 2.0.9.       2001-02-07         Rewrote the app (*)
  3c6bcef... Updated (finished? Two more!) italian po (*)
  e76596b... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  31e64a0... Update of Greek translation (*)
  d44fd57... Added Greek images with text for months and weekdays (*)
  2eb08a1... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  27ab71f... Updated sl translation (*)
  f01547e... Updated italian translation (*)
  0506d3e... Updated french translation. (*)
  ae4d683... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  5c69637... Updated italian translation (*)
  66d5ffd... Updated italian translation (*)
  7091273... Updated Korean translation committed (*)
  c3352e0... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  28c9a89... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  8d129ec... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  ac4f56a... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  96722b9... Added to repository (*)
  73aee81... fixup (*)
  12c0fb1... added keyprop files added few xmodmaps added few flags (*)
  8a51e28... prevent the possibility of an uninitialized pointer being s (*)
  c962e9a... Doing some initial setup of OMF installation. Added a handf (*)
  6431018... added Basque keyprop files added xmodmap added few flag fro (*)
  0e048b5... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  b874a53... Updated italian translation (*)
  eb83339... added Rusty (*)
  2210e15... Updated Norwegian (bokmel) translation. (*)
  c41fe52... Updated Greek translation (*)
  f84d1f7... New Printer Spanish translation (*)
  9ff8603... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  68ce1cf... Fixed this :-) (*)
  9f9186b... nuevas traducciones y se resolvieron algunos fuzzys. (*)
  9bc12f6... aviso de cambios en el es.po (*)
  3e44522... Updated Japanese translation (*)
  f94bc09... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  d705d82... Fix misspell. (*)
  f2a3cf9... Added Spanish translation (*)
  da9d63b... Added es for Spanish translation (*)
  ac8909b... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0f42e4e... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  4720249... Updated and fixed German translation. (*)
  d4651b7... added Croatian flag from Drazen Dimoti (*)
  0768275... Updated German translation (*)
  8f988d7... Szabolcs Ban <shooby gnome hu> (*)
  cb77b1e... Remove from cvs the keyprops we generate them from the keyp (*)
  a0f3c45... ultimos traducciones y resolucion de todos los fuzzys. (*)
  7cda89d... last changes in spanish translations. (*)
  f510088... Replaced the ugly flag with a nice one. (*)
  4fdb385... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  db911cc... Instead of doing network stuff in the main proccess which c (*)
  8afced0... update by ChiDeok, Hwang <hwang mizi co kr> (*)
  8fbcb4c... Updated French translation. (*)
  5e98a64... Fixed?. (*)
  2942f60... Shh (*)
  7bf248a... Fix (*)
  4a96099... Generate Makefile for mixer/docs/es (*)
  1c60bf2... On some OS's none of the used signal flags do exist. Use ze (*)
  8dfb3b3... Updated French translation. (*)
  7a27588... Updated Galician Translation (*)
  0ce3694... Added sys/types.h before regex.h, as the last one can use s (*)
  fe70e1f... Do not change show_frame status on startup. This prevents t (*)
  e1ec79c... Auto completion does not ignore case any longer [fixes #610 (*)
  28cbf62... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> (*)
  c2c9727... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  d34fa77... John Fleck <jfleck swcp com> add omf files for cpumemusage  (*)
  d67cb70... C/netload/netload_applet-C.omf C/swapload/swapload_applet-C (*)
  67d2a41... Fixing up the doc build stuff. (*)
  20cef5b... Adding file I forget to add last time: (*)
  bc7b11e... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  95bb1e7... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  23f502a... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  6004f17... Bug fix. (*)
  8076b8c... odometer/docs/C/odometer_applet-C.omf (*)
  bcd6c0c... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  e7747ff... Updated russian translation. (*)
  1803d64... diskusage/docs/C/diskusage_applet-C.omf geyes/docs/C/geyes_ (*)
  c407d72... fifteen/docs/C/fifteen_applet-C.omf (*)
  2223a53... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  0553a17... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  809c3ae... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  0cec2f6... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  e52f395... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  6488194... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  30ea64d... adding more omf files from patanjali (*)
  cf434bf... modemlights/docs/it/modemlights_applet-it.omf (*)
  5adc16e... 1.4 rc1 fixications (*)
  33a6277... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  3341a18... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  9c7d1a5... Updated Danish translation (*)
  5bb8e76... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  967f868... Shut up CVS -George (*)
  475ee17... Updated French translation. (*)
  8d2781b... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  7d9ccfa... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  7185f42... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  ce5a217... Small fix + update for de.po. (*)
  f19b3c8... Fixing a few OMF and Makefile bugs. (*)
  9724a74... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  0fd69f7... Removed bad tab at end of line. (*)
  da3c8ff... Fixed incorrect file name. (*)
  96151b7... Updating doc build stuff to new build system. Note that fig (*)
  de38c9f... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  94b4817... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  8b58e2b... Updating doc build stuff to use sgmldocs.make. Making sure  (*)
  a17cb1e... Updated Ukrainian transaltion (*)
  922ded2... Updated tr.po (*)
  ac03e14... Add Japanese asclock translation. (*)
  10d586c... Add .cvsignore (*)
  7f9d38f... Add Japanese battery applet translation. (*)
  e04a2ce... ja.po: Japanese translation small update. (*)
  e53483a... Add Japanese cdplayer translation. (*)
  796ee7e... ja.po: Small update. (*)
  6089bbf... charpick: Add Japanese translation. (*)
  1135de5... Add Japanese clockmail translation. (*)
  00746df... Add omf_timestamp (*)
  c2e7294... Add Japanese cpumemusage translation. (*)
  0f8f7ac... Add Japanese diskusage translation. (*)
  f0f8d71... Add Japanese drivemount translation. (*)
  6de974c... Add ja. (*)
  516b839... Updated Korean and Walloon files (*)
  97840e0... Added a patch from Mikael Hallendal <micke codefactory se>. (*)
  0b05569... Updated Greek translation (*)
  2e51f31... Fixed a bug that has lingered around since forever. The sou (*)
  44f0dc9... Updated Ukrainian transaltion (*)
  a3316be... Updated Ukrainian transaltion (*)
  30e5514... Added a logo for the About dialog. (It's a picture of Tesla (*)
  c1bc7e1... Removed old files. (*)
  15ed0e8... Added some _() for some strings. (*)
  3b4ba18... Removed some unneccessary code in pixmap_timeout(). Removed (*)
  0bac08b... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  eedf5df... SMall update (*)
  89932e1... consistent title (*)
  245bccf... italian title! (*)
  5d2b589... mmmm why there's the disk-mount applet in the .omf ? (*)
  dddd9b3... it refers to mini-commander. Cool (*)
  45aed93... Yet another Finnish update (*)
  4235d47... Allow the user to build snapshot releases. (*)
  2279052... resolving fuzzys messages. (*)
  4996a57... *** empty log message *** (*)
  492b50d... *** empty log message *** (*)
  e5d7bee... Updated Spanish Translation (*)
  7261e55... 2001-04-02 (First day in Annecy, France. Nicely located at  (*)
  879819b... Removing unneccessary files. Regenerate with autoconf, aclo (*)
  3aa9b23... Removing old garbage... (*)
  2d302fa... Forgot to actually add the spec file for the RPM stuff.. (*)
  9f978cd... Added some libtool settings. For some reason the applet wou (*)
  2be0ea1... Added autogen.sh. Finally the locale is working. Fixed by M (*)
  e0df0e4... Some localization changes. (*)
  73cacbd... Updated Azeri file Removed non-ascii letters from sources (*)
  456499e... First changes to support the size- and orientation-hints in (*)
  7ea2b16... Added the screenshot.gif that I used on Freshmeat.net. (*)
  63fecd4... I think the Panel size & orientation stuff works now. So I  (*)
  f6d760e... Forgot to update the Changelog when I did the last commit.. (*)
  d24dff0... Some more changes to better adhere to the GNOME standards.. (*)
  03c48e6... Updated the Swedish .po file. Removed a weird set_label tha (*)
  b7f7a18... sv.po: Changed some translations. Still do not know why the (*)
  05c9d13... Forgot to have an #ifdef HAVE_PANEL_PIXEL_SIZE around the g (*)
  62155a1... updated a bit (*)
  2c53bb2... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  4843cb2... srcdir != builddir fix. (*)
  7ac46a6... Only bug the user about an invalid proxy URL when they've a (*)
  3c244e4... Updated French translation. (*)
  3c7bb11... Removing files that should not be in the CVS. Added another (*)
  83e3a6e... Removed unnecessary files and updated Swedish translation. (*)
  62f789d... Added .cvsignore file and made small fix to sv.po header. (*)
  baa0155... Translations from keld achtung/po/da.po gal/po/da.po galeon (*)
  078bdf7... Translations from keld evolution/po/da.po galeon/po/da.po g (*)
  e34528c... Added traditional Chinese translation from Abel Cheung <mad (*)
  d684ebf... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  0480e68... Begun support for option to show time left of the battery i (*)
  e7019eb... update (*)
  ac7389c... Added German translation from Christian Meyer <chrisime gno (*)
  d63e7cb... Updated Slovak translation (*)
  0407175... src/properties.c, src/battstat_applet.c: Changed code to us (*)
  436213c... Removed old files. (*)
  4716302... Updated the TODO file... (*)
  2463f24... Changed some of the localization strings. (*)
  989e4c7... Added xml-i18n-tools to the applet. It makes it possible to (*)
  da0ed2f... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7da0a1f... Removed the gettext messages in the Changelog. (*)
  8b3735f... apply patch from Rob Funk (rfunk funknet net) to add suppor (*)
  9043922... Removed battstat_applet.desktop. (*)
  5e515b4... Checking in some grave markers for applets that are no long (*)
  504f554... Updated Danish translation (*)
  595c2e5... Set the shadow type to NONE on all the frames of the applet (*)
  ce1cf67... Shut up CVS -George (*)
  ce34959... CVS having fits -George (*)
  99dd63a... Changed my email address in AUTHORS and gtik.c (*)
  9d9934e... Added some patches from Michael Reinsch <mr uue org> (Makef (*)
  f2e63ec... Forgot to add Michael to the Patches: section in AUTHORS. S (*)
  64fc3c9... updated Azeri file (*)
  1ee0205... Added a patch in loadfont() by Dave Camp <dave ximian com>. (*)
  468fa41... Added Dave Camp <dave ximian com> to the patches section. (*)
  90e695b... Updated Danish translation (*)
  3dbbdab... Made some tiny code changes that would make the "Update Int (*)
  df4a027... fixed multibyte (*)
  992419b... Removed outdated Hungarian pictures for GKB docs (*)
  4b47db6... Fixed typo (*)
  3fad322... fixed typo (*)
  33abb26... Updated Hungarian translation (not finished yet) (*)
  19f1cf9... Updated de.po (*)
  d13ca35... updated Azeri file (*)
  a787347... applets/*/*.directory, */*/*.desktop, */*/*/*.desktop, */*/ (*)
  6a2f243... Updated Traditional Chinese translation by Abel Cheung (*)
  884e7a1... Added Hungarian translation from Emese Kovacs <emese gnome  (*)
  35c19ce... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  908f1ea... Added code to configure.in to require at least 0.10.37 of g (*)
  255ad83... Added new omf directory, though there may need to be more w (*)
  754e8e5... Modified default macros to use gnome-moz-remote instead of  (*)
  2e610f4... remove "to selection" from "Copy time to selection" and "Co (*)
  3d21f60... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  a3e3ac6... Added Geyes Spanish tranlation (*)
  2065801... New Spanish translation (*)
  ede150e... *** empty log message *** (*)
  e267ffe... *** empty log message *** (*)
  b82489e... New cpumemusage Spanish translation (*)
  2cb64b0... Updated Greek translation (*)
  89916d9... Modified Swedish translation. Added Swedish translation. So (*)
  3d8a8af... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  a2a2370... Fixed Swedish translation. Thanks to J�rgen Tegn�r (*)
  7a50f0b... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  05b5133... Make it compile. (*)
  ebee9ab... Remove // comment. (*)
  0262c09... Apply patch from Norman Stevens <norman arcady u-net com> t (*)
  561fc6b... Added patch for a typo s/iric/irix/ from David KAELBLING <d (*)
  21ff288... Fix c++ comments. All these are from <drk sgi com> Fix c++  (*)
  2935063... Apply patch from David KAELBLING <drk sgi com> to fix stuff (*)
  eb7d284... Apply the rest of the patch for Irix support from David KAE (*)
  bbbb15d... Forgot (*)
  dc5a42f... Irix compilation stuff from David KAELBLING <drk sgi com>. (*)
  e154771... s/rand()/random()/ and s/srand()/srandom()/ Please shout if (*)
  c954c8b... Applied a patch from John Ellis found in bugzilla. This sol (*)
  6993542... Apply patch from Mike Kelly <mike csuchico edu> to make the (*)
  2b062f3... Apply patch from <mdoller wpi edu> to make detailed forecas (*)
  c679ee5... Forgot to update (*)
  5112474... Remove extern declarations of pixmap data to make compilati (*)
  2a5c4cb... Remove C99 comments :) Remove trailing commas from enums to (*)
  2d965e7... Swap include order for <math.h>. (*)
  90be264... Remove trailing comma from enum. Remove extraneous semicolo (*)
  619a4e7... Move #include <math.h> up. Fixes compile on AIX. From Dan M (*)
  bd838c1... Fix compilation on AIX. From Dan McNichol <mcnichol austin  (*)
  4b73b70... Fix compilation on AIX. From Dan McNichol <mcnichol austin  (*)
  e1a7c81... Remove trailing comma in enum. From Dan McNichol <mcnichol@ (*)
  f30eb5f... fix some memleaks and a bit of constization (*)
  4d85cbf... Renamed to geyes_applet-es.omf (*)
  a7bb8a5... New mailcheck Spanish translation (*)
  db855d9... flag was subtly wrong, fixed. (*)
  692684a... Fix typo in the about box. (*)
  8b15037... odometer typo fixes (space changes). cs.po update. Some cs. (*)
  ec1dcd3... Apply patch from Richard Kinder from bugzilla. Fixes #52869 (*)
  5c6d019... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  fda821f... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  80600df... shh (*)
  d3dc095... Shh (*)
  f9c9907... Start filling in this. Please update as you go (*)
  768b6fc... #include <config.h> to make translations work. (*)
  27f58cd... Add comments to help transltors. (*)
  2084255... typo (autmatically -> automatically) (*)
  a64757a... updated italian translation (*)
  d389d5a... Mark some strings for translation. Replace a sprintf call w (*)
  cabdf26... Replace sprintf() with g_snprintf(). (*)
  ae3d608... Replace the last strcasecmp call with its glib equivalent. (*)
  87e28f2... Fix temporary file creation (with 0600 permissions rather t (*)
  5cb404b... Replace sprintf() with g_snprintf(). Check for NULL before  (*)
  d8cf33d... New Spanish Translation (*)
  be4b7d8... *** empty log message *** (*)
  841b4c4... Apply patch from Richard Kinder. (*)
  0cbb7fa... Apply fix for compilation on FreeBSD from (*)
  7b6d91f... Applied patch from Richard Kinder <r_kinder yahoo com> (*)
  0b29af8... Applied patch from Richard Kinder <r_kinder yahoo com> (*)
  94bd1bb... Applied patch for proper size negotiation with the panel. R (*)
  9e67919... Apply patch from Richard Kinder <r_kinder yahoo com> to fix (*)
  8631a6a... Mark a string for translation. Check for NULL before strcmp (*)
  444aecd... Apply patch from Richard Kinder to avoid flicker when addin (*)
  7d3863c... Fix up the about box a bit. (*)
  c718c11... Include <config.h> at the top. Fix _() marking of about box (*)
  c272e95... Added a new theme from Alex Bowley <alex bowley excitehome  (*)
  4fdfb1f... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  dba7143... New Spanish Translations (*)
  a1a1926... New Spanish translation (*)
  9136261... Spanish translation review (*)
  2bec2e5... New Spanish translations (*)
  05f29ca... New Spanish Translation (*)
  7901dc5... *** empty log message *** (*)
  a190f3c... Removed old cruft. That's what happens when you cut & paste (*)
  3deb612... Restoring original Italian Files. I have make some mistake  (*)
  26c9a40... *** empty log message *** (*)
  1fb25f5... Add figures to make it dist (*)
  3d8c833... Shh (*)
  c362b87... Stupid extra space removed. Thanks LotR (*)
  98ff8be... One more stray space (*)
  43cb872... Remove dead code. DTD -> 1.1. (*)
  245142f... apply and massage patch from Jon Bowman <jon bowman sun com (*)
  fe5cc04... This is a huge commit to make CVS look like the tarball tha (*)
  11fc142... Update (*)
  19694d2... shh (*)
  88a85cc... Shh (*)
  b140376... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  9a4331b... Updated Polish translation (*)
  0c8a4d2... New Spanish Translation (*)
  68162a0... New Spanish Tranlation (*)
  b1f069b... New Spanish Translations (*)
  b0828c1... Added Norwegian (nynorsk) translation. (*)
  ecfc67f... Added "nn" to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  004df66... make this actually compile and have some sane indenting and (*)
  d1dc9ac... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  c022dc2... Added Argentine flag from Pablo Alcaraz (*)
  a77719f... Added build instructions for building Battstat from CVS sou (*)
  31b5cfc... Public release 2.0.11 (*)
  26f6360... Updating doc build stuff to work with RH7.1 and other dists (*)
  bc2f510... zh_TW.Big5.po: Update traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  0280622... Changed description of -n(--noX) option. (*)
  79bac71... New doc Spanish Translation (*)
  4542d03... Whereami help Spanish translation (*)
  1c9648e... Fixed a bug omf file (*)
  3a28e7e... Updated German translation. (*)
  58569ea... Spanish translation updated (*)
  0f96b48... New Spanish translation (*)
  f7234a1... New Spanish translation (*)
  ae5315e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  4225d72... New Spanish translation (*)
  d542b1e... New Spanish help translation: cpuload, memload, netload and (*)
  1102fac... Updated Spanish trasnlation (*)
  8c06a7f... Updated Spanish help translation (*)
  330ecd1... New Spanish help translation (*)
  3c95973... More Spanish help trasnlation (*)
  888d414... Fixed a bug in makefile.am (*)
  49b7553... Fixed a bug in Makefile.am (*)
  06f55a0... Fixed more bugs in Makefile.am files (*)
  39400cd... Fixed some other bug in Makefile.am (*)
  b22ef61... Added missing omf file (*)
  9518cbd... Another fix in Makefile.am (*)
  1f7bb96... Update.. (*)
  9305331... updated Azeri and Walloon files (*)
  3beab0e... Fix pl.po. (*)
  febe9de... Revert the pageload diff since it doesn't work right. (*)
  a8425cf... Fix a typo on the about box. (*)
  c6ac529... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. Remove multiload/pa (*)
  e54208e... Really revert it all (*)
  662e3d4... Update this (*)
  7f23d44... ome sgml bugs fixed (*)
  a3c9c93... Some sgml bugs fixed (*)
  802462a... Updated Greek translation (*)
  4db2b98... Updated and enable traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  0b79a29... Shh (*)
  6810e4f... Make the clist titles be translated by manually calling get (*)
  0cfba33... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  964068c... Added nynorsk. (*)
  bba2b29... Hush (*)
  b1c4178... Remove generated file (*)
  5878cb0... More (*)
  f656966... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  681b87c... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  6a4acf5... Various traditional Chinese strings added/modified/reviewed (*)
  541ccaf... Remove generated (*)
  be2c76b... Add makefile creation for some dirs. (*)
  583e5e7... Add figures to make distcheck work (*)
  5966f0a... This too (*)
  2ffaad3... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  c759343... Updated Help Spanish translation (*)
  72c9ae2... Updated help Spanish translation (*)
  d12d728... Some sgml bugs fixed (*)
  5686cd0... Add makefile creation for some dirs. And bump version for r (*)
  1eef64b... Remove another generated file (*)
  638a190... Some sml bugs fixed (*)
  2719c01... Some bugs fixed (*)
  0ee450b... Some sgml bugs fixed (*)
  9138700... Updated help Spanish trasnlation (*)
  93e4a02... Updated help Sapnish translation (*)
  9dd71cc... Updated help Spanish translation (*)
  ac00629... Unmark a string for translation. It was causing bugs in loa (*)
  32ad4b3... New Help Spanish Translation (*)
  f473e9b... New loadavg spanish translation (*)
  9dd07e0... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6af5e22... Fix for distcheck (*)
  c1b477f... Remove missing files from build (*)
  d06c3dd... Update for release (*)
  4f4a3ec... Update traditional Chinese translation, for release (*)
  84a8015... Some Spanish translation files forget in the last update (*)
  390caba... Check for NULL mountpoint before calling strcmp(). (*)
  050f9e2... Fixed a bug in Makefile.am (*)
  0b7dfc0... Update branch info (*)
  fe16989... Hush (*)
  f1d4152... updated Azeri file (*)
  afd034c... Pull in from branch (*)
  b6f9fe8... Pull in changes from stable (*)
  3421c54... Finnish translation updated by Jarkko Ranta <jjranta cc joe (*)
  c613ed7... Updated Galician translation (*)
  b2e263a... Fixed Galician translation (*)
  902a3fe... Applied patch from Mikael Hallendal <micke codefactory se>. (*)
  f25623e... Patch from David Woodhouse <dwmw2 infradead org> If mixer d (*)
  d4ffa3c... Inserted a forgotten strlen twice [Thanks to Leif Bergman (*)
  675155a... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  327bef5... Merge from stable (*)
  3baff50... Rename zh_TW.Big5 -> zh_TW, to prevent future encoding nami (*)
  cdbaff1... Inserted two more forgotten strlen's [Thanks to Leif Bergma (*)
  ac9fc5e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  6e023bf... now uses gnome-vfs async operations to get stock quote data (*)
  c55dcde... Merge from stable (*)
  db99ce9... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  b7413f7... Start the grunt work towards GNOME 2.0. Lots and lots still (*)
  1dabe41... *** empty log message *** (*)
  ae53f05... More slightly sensible changes. We just need libapplet as a (*)
  5bc1d2c... More build fixes, although I'm beginning to wonder why now  (*)
  cb9a863... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  f8196a1... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  1b9b7e6... Renamed zh_TW.Big5.po to zh_TW, and updated with translatio (*)
  f67345e... About 15 minutes of actual porting [create_eyes ()]. Don't  (*)
  31e1a50... Mass commenting out so if people want to work on porting to (*)
  4a6eda6... ) (*)
  acf4b6c... More porting fun. Don't try and compile this. It doesn't ma (*)
  d16ac07... More porting to 2.0. Probably should start building now. (*)
  3469307... Including some more pkg-config checks for LIBGNOME and LIBG (*)
  77071b5... Added Tamil translation. (*)
  2dea3e4... Updated russian translation. (*)
  a1139d6... Merge from the stable branch (*)
  1b229c1... Missed file (*)
  c9afb32... Use gnome-clock.png as icon. Patch from Red Hat. (*)
  3ca7e69... Changed variable names to more sane ones. Changed some if-c (*)
  2c46582... Clean up tempfile handling. Clean up includes. Remove my_ti (*)
  77b82d5... Solaris fixes. Bug #60076 (*)
  2dca4a8... file another_clock_applet.1 was initially added on branch g (*)
  cec35bd... file cdplayer_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  1c205a5... file battery_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  a89b076... file asclock_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  14f8622... file clockmail_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  d330e44... file charpick_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  92c983d... file drivemount_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  b41b719... file diskusage_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  0aa14ee... file cpumemusage_applet.1 was initially added on branch gno (*)
  aafcbf4... file gkb_xmmap.1 was initially added on branch gnome-applet (*)
  afe623e... file gkb_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  fbcf5e6... file fifteen_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  432cbea... file gtik2_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  4eb293e... file gnotes_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-ap (*)
  0e6904f... file gweather.1 was initially added on branch gnome-applets (*)
  feab881... file life_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  56d2a79... file jbc_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  4f01084... file mixer_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  7934b70... file multiload_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  3e11f31... file modemlights_applet.1 was initially added on branch gno (*)
  0fc5c90... file quicklaunch_applet.1 was initially added on branch gno (*)
  d870d2c... file screenshooter_applet.1 was initially added on branch g (*)
  5fd7640... file odometer_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  08a8dc5... file tickastat_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  38190e9... file sound-monitor_applet.1 was initially added on branch g (*)
  037ed4c... file esdpvd.1 was initially added on branch gnome-applets-1 (*)
  0339f48... file slash_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  f91059b... file whereami_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  cde8dc9... file webcontrol_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  22e2c4a... file mini-commander_applet.1 was initially added on branch  (*)
  3a5599c... file gweather_applet.1 was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  a1d83f1... todo change for near future (*)
  477d327... Applied patch from Thomas Hood <jdthood mail com>. Much nee (*)
  a06b6ac... Fixed a bug in src/Makefile.am (EXTRADIST instead of EXTRA_ (*)
  acdc93b... Changed bs.spec.in. If I have the rpm-po.patch file activat (*)
  5511529... Changed version from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13 in configure.in (*)
  ca1fffe... Added ACPI support under Linux (*)
  d390607... Added acpi-linux.c to the Makefile (*)
  a2d87c7... Patched battstat_applet.c for using acpi-linux.c provided f (*)
  16c022e... Further fixes for platform compatibility (*)
  0efa192... Added libgnome-dev checks in autoconf to the list (*)
  90a2911... Added Bulgarian translation from Alexander Shopov <al_shopo (*)
  52d046c... Sorted and added comment. (*)
  cd19b1e... Change condition for emission of low-battery message (*)
  3ded06e... Move function inside battstat_applet.c (*)
  757adbc... Add apmlib in order to support ppc.  Patch provided by Bast (*)
  d9961a7... Add apmlib in order to support ppc. Patch provided by Basti (*)
  095b6e7... Use standard libapm.a (not apmlib/libapm.a) if available on (*)
  23fe62a... Updated battstat.png from http://jimmac.musichall.cz/ikony/ (*)
  e823f84... Add acpi-linux.h with declaration of acpi_linux_read() ---  (*)
  7d025b5... Don't define pixmaps again (by #including pixmaps.h) in pro (*)
  01f1842... Usual update and convert to UTF8 (*)
  bd9546f... Documentation by Alexandre Prokoudine <a_prokudin pub tmb r (*)
  fddad31... Ooops.. (*)
  35889be... Documentation by Alexandre Prokoudine <a_prokudin pub tmb r (*)
  93eed8a... Bring clock applet back to life in gnome 2. (*)
  0d4c812... add "panel:icon" and "panel:category" attributes. (*)
  fbde770... *** empty log message *** (*)
  e0bda6c... try to bring some way up to date. (*)
  8dee196... Move from $(top_srcdir)/panel. (*)
  403e710... Added WNCKLET_CFLAGS/LIBS for applets that link against lib (*)
  3d46ff5... make panel_applet_new return a GtkWidget. (*)
  55dffbd... Beginning to port to GNOME 2. Does not work. Only committin (*)
  f4559bb... *sigh* Why is it that you always miss one? (*)
  03f21a6... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7a82403... dk xmodmap fix (*)
  f659c4f... config path fix (*)
  ac72971... New tasklist + expandable applets. ChangeLog is in the vari (*)
  23ce035... Convert time/date string to utf-8 before setting the label  (*)
  3659bde... remove intl remove intl (*_LDADD): remove INTLLIBS (*)
  0fad482... Make the applet work. Properties don't work but the applet  (*)
  5ccec0a... changelog (*)
  6e2678f... More porting. Add the .server file clean up Makefile.am por (*)
  ffd6b0d... woops cvs add the .server.in file and remove the .desktop f (*)
  46d27fd... Port to GNOME 2.0. Create the .sever.in file and port to ne (*)
  2e2f76a... Initial port to GNOME 2.0. Add the .server file, port to ne (*)
  b343b1f... Port to GNOME 2.0. The only issue is that the pointer grab  (*)
  184faa0... Port mixer applet to GNOME 2. (*)
  2baf8b5... Save before commit... (*)
  d0afeae... And this time, really add the mixer subdir. (*)
  845d390... Richard Richard, when will you ever learn... (*)
  37d212b... Remove old cruft. (*)
  74c7cce... Remove double include of <config.h> (*)
  a0ca953... Added "da", "es", "no", "pt", and "ru" to ALL_LINGUAS. Adde (*)
  a4357d5... Added "gnome-config --cflags libglade" so that the build wi (*)
  cfe30d0... Added the MAINTAINERS file. (*)
  5207f4c... Initial port to GNOME 2.0. Applet runs and works. Need to i (*)
  a5a9822... Make this beast compile. clean up and build all the applets (*)
  bd887f7... Initial port to GNOME 2. Port from imlib to gdk-pixbuf. App (*)
  af9346e... add to odometer to the mix and fix the reference to screens (*)
  4fa5527... full port to gdk-pixbuf. I'm pretty sure the background hac (*)
  5ffd8ca... add geyes (*)
  66c311b... Added Ukrainian Translation (*)
  7219bb3... Updated Ukrainian Translation (*)
  2ccd4f9... GNOME 2 Port (*)
  ce97a41... Fix for Slovak map from Marcel Telka <marcel telka sk>. (*)
  4f8dd82... button3 popup (*)
  e59be1e... Add cd-player. (*)
  09e7bca... create xml version of documentation (*)
  2798492... remove incorrect comment. The background hacks are needed a (*)
  e857d7c... remove references to the .desktop files (*)
  3b6d3b4... Change the icon file from gnome-unknown to one that doesn't (*)
  266c1d5... Fix (*)
  a07c4c2... make sure the popup menu has the pretty icons (*)
  aa6ba43... pretty icons for the popup menu (*)
  48c7231... make the popup menu icons work (*)
  f022494... popup menu icons (*)
  5e1c6a2... popup menu icons (*)
  93403c1... GNOME 2 Port (*)
  ee5d1ab... updates (*)
  66bba36... button_press_event fix (*)
  494f7c0... properties fixes (*)
  27bb2d6... properties updates (*)
  f5ea0c2... properties updates (*)
  3f64450... Added Slovak translation. Added "sk" to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  0cfad86... properties cleanup (*)
  0f7fae5... quicky segfault fix (*)
  76397cc... remove ->prop* (*)
  da77206... move to our reserved GNOME_Vertigo namespace. (*)
  ed9fcb2... update for panel-applet GNOME_Vertigo namespace changes. (*)
  1015cb7... clean up a lot, properties dialog back (*)
  444c278... Add back translatable file. Translators, do your thing! (*)
  46ddef1... clean up (*)
  94d06a5... remove leftover garbage (*)
  25bfdd3... Fix applet background color handling (GdkColor contents are (*)
  f887119... Handle background changes. This doesn't change the color of (*)
  5d4a97e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ac540ff... Fixed *.pot. (*)
  68b3cfb... Updated russian translaton. (*)
  7f421f6... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  b383f60... trim some gen_util entries. (*)
  82e8978... Turn the thing on its head. We now have a BonoboItemHandler (*)
  3721b09... update for panel-applet api changes. (*)
  5dff76d... Updated portuguese translation (*)
  8f040ef... Updated portuguese translation (*)
  a81b088... adding Azerbaijani translation file (*)
  bf9576f... updated Azeri file (*)
  df40768... az:po * updating (*)
  9919d2c... *** empty log message *** (*)
  c39342a... Corrected header parts. (*)
  bd3e8d3... Changed the version numbering for GNOME 2.x to 2.1.x (*)
  f29f5c4... Added Lennart Poettering <lennart poettering de> to the fil (*)
  79e9d10... replaced outdated email address <om linuxhq com> with <oliv (*)
  db89554... very first port of mini-commander to GNOME2 (*)
  7a7a8ad... initial port to new api. (*)
  944e8cd... make the transparency work when panel has a color backgroun (*)
  026e434... Updated portuguese translation. (*)
  f36c5f2... port to GtkDialog and set up for gconf usage. Will be compl (*)
  5ab008d... Handle background changes. (*)
  521ec65... *.[ch] First pass at the Gnome 2.0 port. All five applets w (*)
  4df9852... add GNOME_DriveMountApplet.server.in and GNOME_CDPlayerAppl (*)
  9e49473... saving applet config now works! (*)
  c789dab... gconf schemas checks (*)
  4d2462d... 2002-01-04  Kevin Vandersloot <kfv101 psu edu  (*)
  9d9383e... forgot to add schemas file (*)
  acb679b... fixed keyboard grabbing error with sawfish. Thx, George! (*)
  eb18c35... install schemas file (*)
  10ae604... shemas file (*)
  5debf8b... GConf preference saving/loading implemented (*)
  4626843... {applets,gnome-about,gnome-desktop,gnome-terminal}/Makefile (*)
  361c5d8... server.in file (*)
  c323c84... Updated German translation. (*)
  492660d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ece581d... Fix name of schemas file. Doh! (*)
  f46423d... dist cdrom-irix.c too. (*)
  60e03d2... Update (*)
  19afe23... mailcheck.c: right-click menu fixed, gconf usage implemente (*)
  3e6e7cc... gconf-extensions -> panel_applet_gconf (*)
  dcee195... porting to gnome2 update killed gnorba, .server added, incl (*)
  ea500af... corrected (*)
  4d8f30d... obsolete (*)
  429d98a... port to GNOME 2.0 (*)
  48b1554... add life (*)
  99b821a... reorder includes so it builds with strange setups like mine (*)
  11b142f... don't need intl stuff in GNOME 2 (*)
  71dcbfc... remove intl stuff (*)
  b929c49... don't need intl stuff anymore (*)
  fa74655... Use AC_PROG_INTLTOOL. (*)
  e4ea686... Ssh (*)
  75680d6... Intltoolize some more. (*)
  a3eae3d... Consolidate applets from five widgets with one graph each d (*)
  13d0975... intltool-merge (*)
  914181b... gkb_xmmap fixed (*)
  776e295... log for prev changes (*)
  89b2314... obsolete (*)
  ad044d1... descs put back (*)
  1dce4b1... shut up cvs (*)
  31592af... add gkb-new (*)
  6ee3ff0... Updated portuguese translation. (*)
  9fd0284... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  d6da0ce... version 1.90.0. Remove some cruft and only build useful app (*)
  71176ae... Remove gconf_extensions code, and use standard panel_applet (*)
  da0a17d... Finished implementing panel_applet_gconf calls and added a  (*)
  3709dea... Change string to be more presise. Christian Marillat (*)
  fd65b7b... Numerous bug fixes related to resizing/realigning the panel (*)
  a056480... 2002-01-10  J<F6>rgen Pehrson  <jp spektr eu org> (*)
  c98690a... some fixes, improvements... not the final version. Maybe I' (*)
  c1c3126... Change name to System Monitor (*)
  46f5df0... clean up (*)
  9bed24f... thank you, miles (*)
  f6e7736... fixes in prop-add.c (*)
  c27d191... fix for appearance panel bug? (*)
  355b125... add back charpick even thoough it doesn't really work (*)
  831b576... woops (*)
  11e4b0a... woops again (*)
  0462aff... remove the save_session signal and #if 0 the save session c (*)
  fc3e18a... PanelMenu added to gnome-applets package (*)
  1ef9de1... PanelMenu sources added (*)
  1b69300... stock for add button and pref save (*)
  4e8f321... fix the latest change so that other modules get build (*)
  3c090e4... release 1.90.0 (*)
  67bbe1a... s/BACKGOUND/BACKGROUND (*)
  20d5d2c... doh, 1.90.1 because of the panel-applet misspeling (*)
  eacc00d... woops forgot this (*)
  3064559... BonoboUIContainer merging of xml for context menus instead  (*)
  f665989... Add gladefile and schemas file for pager. (*)
  439f503... fixes, g_signal_connect (*)
  8d69195... no message (*)
  2aa8b99... Hook up more preferences. Set id of help and done button. (*)
  80625c9... Hook up the workspaces part of the properties dialog. This  (*)
  0ec4687... Change gconf key to number_of_workspaces. (*)
  83da14e... make xpms const char to kill compiler warning (*)
  8421a42... release 1.90.1 (*)
  a5fc29d... lang and country data (*)
  6fb8f98... gtk_tree_model_get (*)
  0ac6c65... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  cc736f9... Add TASKLIST_GLADEDIR, tasklist.schemas and tasklist.glade  (*)
  8502e21... lube job (*)
  9791e4f... Excise the tumor (*)
  287e609... Finish commit (*)
  3b92a32... Update (*)
  50a5092... Remove quicklanuch (*)
  4208408... Remove gnotes (*)
  e0771a6... Updated Norwegian (nynorsk) translation. (*)
  165b931... panel-menu.c: xml default improvements, panel-menu-actions. (*)
  24c3fd4... make this applet work by removing global variables. (*)
  1f5b2f4... add back charpick files (*)
  3b7995a... add back charpick (*)
  ab925ce... *configure.in: Added Malay (ms) in ALL_LINGUAS. *po/ms.po:  (*)
  7da7b6b... Added schemas for porting to gconf. (*)
  275de91... Removed dirty hack from about code, preparation for gconf (*)
  da27095... GConf stuff, some bugfix of other things (*)
  25720b8... fixes for gconf stuff (*)
  ff4d9cc... Make the time/date be centered. (*)
  1ab9be8... convert strings to utf8 so they get displayed properly. Als (*)
  e72fb0c... Use "Applications" rather than "Programs" for GNOME2. (*)
  89177b6... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ed5fb38... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  d335c82... GtkDialog for GNOME2 and key grabbing fix (*)
  07daa97... forgot schema file (*)
  90b6e90... properties dialog buttons (*)
  9edacc2... Added 'ms' at ALL_LINGUAS. Added Malay Translation. (*)
  a61f391... remove the CFLAGS line since that can cause errors on some  (*)
  2ba5488... Add the schemas file (*)
  df64fa6... Honour ACLOCAL_FLAGS on automatic reautogen. (*)
  c9c9672... Major overhaul of the PanelMenu infrastructure (*)
  f323f3a... remove libxml dependancy from PANEL_MENU pkg-config check (*)
  7889051... Add panel-menu-applications.[c/h] (*)
  c588686... cdplayer.c: (cdplayer_load_config) && -> || (*)
  c595f3c... remove unused GNOME 1.4.x files (*)
  1b2cd02... Fix breakage with gconf schemas, set autofs-friendly to fal (*)
  15c4b21... export panel_menu_path_load () so that applications and lin (*)
  8caa69b... Call the clock applet "Clock". Don't put it in a category.. (*)
  86a6e30... Don't put in a category, since monitors are currently empty (*)
  e125144... Don't put in a category, since monitors are currently empty (*)
  f2ee5b6... Drop "Applet" from name. (*)
  7e5e0e3... Drop "Applet" from name. (*)
  653e43d... Make the name of the applet more descriptive. (*)
  f1c51bd... Rename some applets. Notably "Tasklist" and "Pager" to "Win (*)
  29de4e3... Try "Inbox Monitor" for the mailcheck applet. (*)
  e41954a... Change the name, drop "Applet". (*)
  835f7ef... Drop "Applet" from the name. Use "Disk" rather than "Drive" (*)
  e384ef1... Rename "Character Palette" (*)
  345c8a7... Rename "Screenshot Taker" (*)
  0a6d18f... Rename "Menubar". Don't put in a Category. (*)
  c43bb84... *** empty log message *** (*)
  7d87cb9... Change to using gnome-mouse.png as the icon. (*)
  41927f0... Rename to "Command Line" (*)
  14b618e... Add a new icon for the "Workspace List" applet. (*)
  e60a401... Panel apparently doesn't like things to not have a Category (*)
  ee48964... Mumble grumble. Put in utilities until we can fix the panel (*)
  35270b5... Remove the border around the menu. (*)
  0aef0b2... Remove unused files (*)
  303158c... Remove question marks from check boxes. (*)
  6d22453... Merge Ukrainian flag from stable branch. (*)
  77e1977... Server file for GNOME2 panel. (*)
  8ac2443... Remove the .desktop and the .gnorba file, neither of which  (*)
  b0945d3... Rename "Battery Charge Monitor" (*)
  c87d38a... Add GCONF macro calls to get the correct tool line for inst (*)
  bbd284b... Mr. Picky strikes... get rid of the seperator between the p (*)
  86c3ab9... Merge sgml fixes from stable branch. (*)
  e420899... Make panel menus respect desktop settings for tearoff menus (*)
  4675ad9... Hide the popup when any button is pressed, not just button  (*)
  eec0c4f... set tooltips for .desktop based menu items. remove buttons  (*)
  fd47461... PixbufEntry pixbuf cache (shared between all PanelMenu appl (*)
  51bb8c3... Fixed up all of seth's crack-ridden, emacs-formatted code.  (*)
  7987f0b... move "Regenerate Menus" crap to right-click context menu. R (*)
  3a88bdf... Change to using GNOME foot icon, which is what is currently (*)
  9ab57ed... Add an icon. (*)
  a6a9824... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  0857207... emese's work about gnome2 docs (*)
  0b23f2a... initial port to GNOME 2.0. Some issues with gnome-vfs to wo (*)
  edb8410... Initial port to GNOME 2.0 by Todd Kulesza <fflewddur dropli (*)
  ceec37b... make the applet work by changing info->valid=succes to info (*)
  50c3318... neglect the last patch. Really fix the problem now. (*)
  2ed97ac... add gweather and gtik (*)
  8e66f08... add right click menu, hook up to panel changed signals (*)
  9892b39... some more fixes to get the detailed forecast, and don't use (*)
  253db8a... fix building without libgtop. (*)
  dcc3ee5... make prefs dialog conform to UI standards. Remove the label (*)
  49fa5cc... make dialog conform to UI standards. Not really hooked up y (*)
  908f9a4... Conform to GNOEM 2 UI standards. Make it instant apply. (*)
  13da8ba... Add tooltips which display the current "in use" percentage  (*)
  63e59a7... implement directory monitoring per-menuitem for items with  (*)
  409ea06... port prefs dialog to GtkDialog and conform to ui standards. (*)
  e8741e8... Changed to correct code page (*)
  fc609d1... Corrected the codepage (*)
  dc297d2... Corrected Slovene -> Slovenian (*)
  ae5fc77... save layout after removal of an item. (*)
  571eb55... Follow the styleguide for "autocompletion". (*)
  a5278c4... Follow the styleguide for "autocompletion". (*)
  179574e... port prefs dialog to GtkDialog and make it instant apply. N (*)
  f7cc87c... panel-menu-path.c: (merge-ui) switch name and monitor order (*)
  d375168... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  c18a2df... add gconf suppport and schemas (*)
  116897d... Updated Norwegian nynorsk translation (*)
  10f4897... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. Update this a lot. (*)
  bc4b79d... Usual update (*)
  8f5f47f... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  fc0e7d6... Rewrite the properties dialog so that the applets are not r (*)
  dcb9ff5... Updated and converted to UTF-8. (*)
  2ccd016... Updated Norwegian nynorsk translation (*)
  9593188... prefs saving and make the prefs dialog work. Port the clist (*)
  29f1209... Updated and converted to UTF-8. (*)
  f82ff90... Add new pkg-config check for libpanel_applet. (*)
  31946d0... fix mispelling. Make default eyes tiny (*)
  37a9e3b... *** empty log message *** (*)
  a1771c8... add back some more files (*)
  96d8cbc... dist drivemount.png (*)
  51f9447... change Settings to Properties for props window (*)
  706e7c4... remove include of http.h since it isn't used anymore (*)
  4c1a402... dist the schemas file (*)
  087deb4... remove unused files (*)
  38f1cfe... add back geyes since I like that applet. Bump version to 1. (*)
  7c0e6b9... converted to UTF-8. (*)
  673d995... Hungarian translations (*)
  667d1be... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  2fe2461... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  5c772ee... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  969d773... *** empty log message *** (*)
  7c344aa... Updated russian translation. (*)
  466fda6... Updated Norwegian nynorsk translation (*)
  e1c4cb4... patch from Todd Kalusza <fflewddur dropline net> to make bu (*)
  9ba556f... Added Norwegian nynorsk translation (*)
  ee65424... Added nn to ALL_LINGUAS (*)
  586750f... tooltip, prop_changed remove (*)
  c55f4d6... bugfixes, hopefully (*)
  b89b0ab... layout bugfixes, updates (*)
  4615564... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  91c0577... fix display so it actually works. Patch from Todd Kulesza (*)
  72d837f... use AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2. (*)
  b689084... add this file to cvs (*)
  bace08a... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  e1f19af... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  884f47f... tooltip fixes keymap add dialog memcpy fix to avoid from ke (*)
  1e8dc43... fixes for m->M->less button (*)
  6efbc22... Schema install (*)
  2267760... TODO with irclog :) (*)
  d035d8c... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  40ecc25... Sun arch xmodmap files (*)
  bb991fd... Sun arch keyprop.in files (*)
  02b7012... Sun arch Makefile.am (*)
  fd0bc55... initialise error. [fixes #69728] (*)
  656615f... fix for defaults (*)
  2c7d98d... Style change for default settings (*)
  a92b40e... Sun xmodmap files, without .sun. (*)
  d4de920... sun arch check for gkb (*)
  a94be15... todo (*)
  4ff75e4... get proper height/width values for graphs. (*)
  f335249... General Apply routin to instant apply. (*)
  c4d6746... More funky renaming. (*)
  00565ca... Don't use deprecated API and fix slider direction for verti (*)
  404a250... remove the reference to terminal_init so garnome won't barf (*)
  2e05f3b... Updated Danish translation and converted it to UTF-8. (*)
  41cb8a9... port to GtkDialog with proper button placements. Don't make (*)
  b12a0f8... fix crash with NULL data passed to timeout. Fixes bug #7030 (*)
  6db5808... greatly simplify to creation of toggle buttons. (*)
  0d3583b... release 1.91.1 (*)
  fd6e449... file quicklaunch_applet.sgml was initially added on branch  (*)
  26c9a26... port the ctree to treeview. Also make double click update t (*)
  bd63dea... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  9bc073a... configure.in applets/gen_util/Makefile.am (*)
  df129f9... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  8d73762... Run gnome-volume-control on menu item or double-click on ap (*)
  aa4b871... procman was renamed to gnome-system-monitor (*)
  69bd987... Add a "Preferences" menu. (*)
  10243c1... remove unnecessary directories (*)
  1d372bc... get this building (*)
  54d5685... remove unneeded files (*)
  f15cfa2... Remove battery applet (*)
  c80cc7d... add battstat to the mix. Remove battery applets stuff (*)
  d593a72... remove autoconf 2.5 specific stuff (*)
  d69c91b... Get initial values for size and orient rather then just usi (*)
  55c59b6... dist the subdirs to fix build error (*)
  e7927d9... Call it "Weather Report" (*)
  1cb8218... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  82ea923... fix initial setting of orientation (*)
  81d8c51... fix most of the sizeing issues and layout issues. Issue wit (*)
  e7df777... Port to GtkImage with GdkPixbuf. A side effect is much bett (*)
  9d27e1b... Sun build fix (*)
  1968f01... compile with all DEPRECATED flags defined. remove eventbox  (*)
  5d9f9ab... mute (*)
  e770aa0... Changed the html chunk used to locate symbols in yahoo page (*)
  0359d9b... port from GnomeDialog to GtkDialog (*)
  1ed171b... add a clean rule for the descriptions (*)
  8f931fa... - fix apmlib include (*)
  54c217b... - fix properly this time (*)
  3a5e49d... - how many times ! (*)
  5ebc84a... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. Updated this. (*)
  76627dd... Add cdrom-$(CDROM_HOST).c to cdplayer_applet2_DEPENDS to ma (*)
  1e52eb8... remove the gnome-vfs handle global variables. Fix the bug w (*)
  8102ee1... Use intltool to translate all .desktop and .directory files (*)
  eb53935... port To GtkDialog and instant apply (*)
  3d48c47... reorder EXTRA_DIST so schemas get dist (*)
  ba9303b... bump version (*)
  00d059b... Added man pages from Christian Marillat. (*)
  a17482c... Create makefile for man/ (*)
  fdbf9d3... Forgot this (*)
  5d45484... gtcd->gnome-cd (*)
  0346370... remove need for libapm and bump version (*)
  33e29df... actually bump the version (*)
  461f9be... - loads of new .cvsignore, and install icons for battstat a (*)
  9fc558e... added mailcheck-C.omf, legal.xml (*)
  335f184... load applets in an idle handler at startup. (*)
  f2d0d3c... *.server.in: move to Vertigo namespace. (*)
  9e2ca93... Clean up while looking for bug that was actually in the pan (*)
  e4df88b... #include <config.h> (*)
  aaa05fd... Mark strings for l10n. Fix #include <config.h> (*)
  c12a7c7... Mark strings for l10n. Fix #include <config.h> (*)
  dece7d2... Mark strings for l10n. Fix #include <config.h> (*)
  c8d1cf8... Mark strings for l10n. Fix #include <config.h> (*)
  9709f9d... Mark strings for l10n. (*)
  96636c8... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  9577337... Mark strings for l10n. (*)
  14b4f15... bump version and gnome-core requirements to go with applet  (*)
  5c0bc87... Sorted and added missing battstat files. Updated Swedish tr (*)
  ceaac97... Minor changes. (*)
  2b3d3d5... attempting to add icons for cd recorders, BUG70862, kmaraas (*)
  20d07d3... hmm, nearly forgot about this :( (*)
  4771459... Finish of the string changes. (*)
  3573ea1... Remove autogenerated file (*)
  a5cded8... add burn images (*)
  6c834d1... use @CDROM_HOST@ instead of $(CDROM_HOST) so automake 1.5 d (*)
  8804ffb... hook up gnome_help for all of these. (*)
  8e7795e... build applet with -avoid-version -module. (*)
  10383fc... pass timeout handle. (destroy_cb): use the correct signatur (*)
  3109ecd... Updated Estonian translation by Ilmar Kerm <ikerm hot ee> a (*)
  4966110... #include <config.h> (*)
  1c31230... Add better descriptions. (*)
  01253ac... Move the clock into the new accessories category. (*)
  257e17e... Remove crack (i.e. don't quit when the last applet goes). (*)
  130ca81... Add ui file. (*)
  9cd1551... Add ui file. Spotted by Eagle Eye Kjartan. (*)
  0bfea00... kill cut & paste code, and render the pixmap in the right p (*)
  6a86522... typo (*)
  c6c0f09... queue the redraw on the battery pixmaps instead of the stat (*)
  b30cdcc... remove GCONF_LIBS since libpanelapplet pulls in gconf (*)
  799e1ed... clean up and remove unecessary checks (*)
  191d58c... Move the xml menu structure out into a file. Same. Same. Ho (*)
  85a0188... Hook up the .xml file. Move the applet menu into a file of  (*)
  eb9e839... Use external XML file instead of inline for BonoboUI. (*)
  671c4a5... Use $(ui_DATA) in EXTRA_DIST (*)
  2ad4ee8... Added GNOME_BattstatApplet.xml (*)
  18fccff... Moved inline XML out of cdplayer.c and into GNOME_CDPlayerA (*)
  a26759c... Moved inline BonoboUI XML data from charpick.c to external  (*)
  b1b60ef... Moved XML data out of drivemount.c and into GNOME_DriveMoun (*)
  aa7d3be... Moved BonoboUI XML data from inline in geyes.c to external  (*)
  aa1e6b7... Added GNOME_DriveMountApplet.xml (*)
  51645f3... Oops.. typo in the Makefile.am from earlier. (*)
  a839a98... Again. (*)
  9e574ba... Moved BonoboUI XML data out of gkb.c and into GNOME_Keyboar (*)
  72d676d... Added. (*)
  0e52317... Fixed a bunch of warnings. (*)
  2a23e3b... Fixed warnings. (*)
  740db0c... Moved BonoboUI XML data out of inline and into separate fil (*)
  298fee3... Moved inline BonoboUI XML stuff to external file. (*)
  71dd99f... External ui description. Use it. Dist it. (*)
  1fdee8f... External ui description. Hook it up. Use it. (*)
  c67dce4... Fix (*)
  ade2a7b... Actually make it work (*)
  7023da7... External ui description. Use it. Dist it. (*)
  4c64619... External ui description. Use it. Hook it up. (*)
  da51aad... Forgot this (*)
  9a47531... Fix (*)
  b063ad0... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. Update this. (*)
  bab6e73... Added. (*)
  ff08bb6... Fix #include <config.h> (*)
  e17dbca... Make menus consistent (*)
  5e38566... More consistent menus (*)
  781b702... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. Update this. (*)
  a3bb617... add the hack to get right click menus working on buttons (*)
  9dd8cd0... add  to EXTRA_DIST (*)
  c0e740e... Remove deprecated calls to functions gtk_widget_push|pop_vi (*)
  b94c7ba... Remove calls to deprecated functions gtk_widget_push|pop_vi (*)
  9b7bf43... don't use the cdplayer ui file ;) (*)
  fdf38c5... fix minor error (*)
  f7ce9a6... fix conversion to utf8. Thanks Owen :) (*)
  ee2ec23... fix (*)
  d6e3eb3... forgot this earlier (*)
  16f334b... fix the stock about icon (*)
  778ab7f... pass ma not the applet to the right click callbacks (*)
  cfc5aa4... convert string returned from gconf from utf8 (*)
  d2b7bb9... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  ce8df73... Now has never, always or auto window grouping. (*)
  02a714e... Call wnck_tasklist_set_switch_workspace_on_unminimize(). (*)
  5a464e9... remove screenshooter files (*)
  461c98e... Update for release (*)
  0c6705d... bump version, remove screenshooter from build (*)
  cab2f8d... - update en_GB for fuzzy strings (*)
  3212dbc... - install soundlist in the right place (*)
  26f27c0... Fix build here too (*)
  8f70db8... remove screenshooter as its makefile is not generated (*)
  f03a407... Updated and converted to UTF-8. (*)
  9c3aa0e... Updated traditional Chinese translation (*)
  04cafd1... Port the prefs dialog to GtkDialog and make it instant appl (*)
  10bb1b4... define GNOMELOCALEDIR. (*)
  8e57689... - better error messages (*)
  73a3d36... fixed for small panels. (*)
  ef9326e... clean up a lot of this applet wrt sizing and adding removin (*)
  683d3d9... put character in CLIPBOARD as well as PRIMARY so users can  (*)
  e816fde... change __inline to inline to fix compilation on Solaris. Pa (*)
  8c62d16... add tooltips to the buttons (*)
  24e3609... hook up to the destroy signal and kill the timeout there to (*)
  e182b49... fix crash on exit by not connecting twice to the destroy si (*)
  8fb7e43... initalize WeatherInfo's request_pending member to NULL and  (*)
  067831b... don't build battstat on Solaris since it doesn't compile. P (*)
  597f548... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  a0d4fe3... Mark category names for translation. (*)
  0b9aab3... Mark category names for translation. (*)
  2ad9ef1... fix up the font issues so that one can display arrows. Fixe (*)
  9d4f585... fix file selection crash #71666. Also get tooltips working (*)
  c475bc8... fix gnome_vfs_async_xfer problems by removing calls to g_pr (*)
  6ff10c6... some sanity check on gconf notify handlers to prevent core  (*)
  dc58167... kill .desktop and .gnorba rules. (*)
  555f82c... Authors, docs and about reorder (*)
  9cd65b7... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  ed290e6... remove .desktop and .gnorba files. (*)
  7b06d03... s/workspaces/workspace in a string. (*)
  290c12f... make the default stocks Dow Jones, Nasdaq and S&P 500 inste (*)
  89f62b5... compile warning fix (*)
  4a87b29... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  8d6d879... Don't translate the widget label. Same here. (*)
  4f1ffdb... make tooltip work. Convert everything we get from strftime  (*)
  c9b80ef... Updated tr.po (*)
  6148e68... remove duplicate setup_gconf call (*)
  a75b9b5... change font loading to use PangoFontDescription and hook up (*)
  61f2139... Woops this never got commited (*)
  1e43e72... fix the utf8 issues wrt the degrees symbol. (*)
  a2a02db... - fix for bug #72388 (*)
  48fb310... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  8628791... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  586e977... Properties now work. (*)
  6e0c078... don't use deprecated things, #define *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (*)
  4900ade... Fix build. (*)
  1b0fd6b... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7cefdaf... release 1.94.0 (*)
  d3b3252... - check if arguments are non-NULL before trying to copy the (*)
  cd5dbeb... remove some global variables to make multiple instances of  (*)
  5c19c21... kill the applet global variable. Also remove a lot of debug (*)
  3d7c39f... - fixed some the description of some locations (*)
  193752b... - use hPa instead of mmHg on metric systems, fix 54483 (*)
  1233b4d... - add Ben-Gurion to the list of locations, fix 72310 (*)
  04bbb15... - add locations in Thailand, fix 60226 (*)
  9fc0a42... - kill usage of fixed size strings, clean up (*)
  cb115de... define deprecated flags here. (*)
  a9f0b7d... file anotherclock_applet.sgml was initially added on branch (*)
  2e93956... file anotherclock_applet-eu.omf was initially added on bran (*)
  87e61dc... file anotherclock.sgml was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  eb30a97... file anotherclock-applet.png was initially added on branch  (*)
  865c621... file anotherclock-properties.png was initially added on bra (*)
  4295cb0... file asclock_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  d5b0f0d... file asclock_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  213c50f... file asclock.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  947d65a... file asclock_settings.png was initially added on branch gno (*)
  a08e62e... file asclock_applet.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  921d6e8... file battery_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  528a6e9... file battery_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  ec861a2... file battery.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  7a135f4... file battery-applet-properties-readout.png was initially ad (*)
  5014a03... file battery-applet-properties-messages.png was initially a (*)
  d9a7b2a... file battery-applet-properties-graph.png was initially adde (*)
  cc6b924... file battery-applet-properties-general.png was initially ad (*)
  4f1049b... file battery-applet-graph.png was initially added on branch (*)
  0ac2891... file battery-applet-ac-online-25-20.png was initially added (*)
  b16eeb0... file battery-applet-ac-offline-25-20.png was initially adde (*)
  3205b4a... file cdplayer_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gno (*)
  931713a... file cdplayer_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch g (*)
  d16446f... file cdplayer.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  3eff8c5... file charpick_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gno (*)
  5d3de53... file charpick_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch g (*)
  b3f5209... file charpick.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  07233aa... file charpick_characters.png was initially added on branch  (*)
  085eab7... file charpick_applet_settings.png was initially added on br (*)
  cbf88a1... file charpick_applet.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  8860be4... file clockmail_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gn (*)
  1ff29d3... file clockmail_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch  (*)
  a752773... file clockmail.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  2168344... file clockmail_applet.png was initially added on branch gno (*)
  d91f50f... file clockmail-prefs-theme.png was initially added on branc (*)
  596aeeb... file clockmail-prefs-general.png was initially added on bra (*)
  3b640cf... file cpumemusage_applet.sgml was initially added on branch  (*)
  5acbf01... file cpumemusage_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branc (*)
  e62f2e9... file cpumemusage.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  0a71e7b... file cpumemusage-applet.png was initially added on branch g (*)
  f947a59... file diskusage_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gn (*)
  6c416b2... file diskusage_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch  (*)
  bfaf3eb... file diskusage.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  98ff013... file diskusage-applet.png was initially added on branch gno (*)
  b31d2f1... file diskusage-applet-prefs.png was initially added on bran (*)
  698e5d7... file gpl2.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets- (*)
  94eac9f... file gpl.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets-1 (*)
  a72a604... file gnome-applets.sgml was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  2f137cf... file files.sgml.in was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  1665dee... file config.sgml.in was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  2107ea7... file drivemount_applet.sgml was initially added on branch g (*)
  8321134... file drivemount_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch (*)
  0c0c19c... file drivemount.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-ap (*)
  e7c32a5... file drivemount_applet_tooltip.png was initially added on b (*)
  0ff3d63... file drivemount_applet_settings.png was initially added on  (*)
  b665bb6... file drivemount_applet_floppy.png was initially added on br (*)
  e84fc89... file drivemount_applet_all.png was initially added on branc (*)
  55b6b1b... file fifteen_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  c3d5260... file fifteen_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  5dbe0a8... file fifteen.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  bc6ea2d... file fifteen_applet.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  152e2ce... file geyes_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  4a8038c... file geyes_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  79b7940... file geyes.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets (*)
  1799c4c... file geyes_settings.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  dfa09fe... file gkb_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-ap (*)
  e2c9d4d... file gkb_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  e51eb3b... file gkb.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets-1 (*)
  58c665f... file gkb_edit_keymap.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  d4a5472... file gkb_applet_settings2.png was initially added on branch (*)
  6d72638... file gkb_applet_settings.png was initially added on branch  (*)
  2dec92c... file gkb_applet.png was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  c4ad732... file gkb_add_list.png was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  d0b5b66... file gnotes_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  752d318... file gnotes_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gno (*)
  f91aa85... file gnotes.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applet (*)
  1d4c865... file gnotes-properties.png was initially added on branch gn (*)
  1f78ed5... file gnotes-fig.png was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  9ba0c30... file gweather_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gno (*)
  ea87e66... file gweather.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  001fa94... file jbc_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-ap (*)
  46db73b... file jbc_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  6780d09... file jbc.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets-1 (*)
  9bb4e08... file jbc_applet.png was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  c148337... free the GdkPixbufs to plug memory leaks (*)
  30d6f9a... file cpuload_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  b46497c... file cpuload_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  ce234a0... file cpuload.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  5ff812e... hook up to the applet destroy signal and free any allocated (*)
  e3a8d06... file cpuload-applet.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  a445d24... file cpuload-applet-properties.png was initially added on b (*)
  f0c13e5... file cpuload-applet-greyed.png was initially added on branc (*)
  688c64f... file cpuload-applet-default.png was initially added on bran (*)
  430ffda... file loadavg_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  a1ceb11... file loadavg_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  4b09586... file loadavg.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  307582b... file loadavg-applet.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  b4414b4... file loadavg-applet-properties.png was initially added on b (*)
  6872943... file loadavg-applet-greyed.png was initially added on branc (*)
  879b905... file loadavg-applet-default.png was initially added on bran (*)
  ebfaf9f... file memload_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  df9cf1b... file memload_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  9712f92... file memload.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  542bd2c... file memload-applet.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  764409a... file memload-applet-properties.png was initially added on b (*)
  063e983... file memload-applet-greyed.png was initially added on branc (*)
  9c4a6e4... file memload-applet-default.png was initially added on bran (*)
  d01b126... file netload_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  b3c71ce... file netload_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gn (*)
  02ca1ed... file netload.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-apple (*)
  e6af159... file netload-applet-default.png was initially added on bran (*)
  27bab66... file netload-applet.png was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  4429033... file netload-applet-properties.png was initially added on b (*)
  698741a... file netload-applet-greyed.png was initially added on branc (*)
  b99f3b9... file swapload_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gno (*)
  230cb62... file swapload_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch g (*)
  ee4a014... file swapload.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  1c9d5f8... file swapload-applet-greyed.png was initially added on bran (*)
  3f11380... file swapload-applet-default.png was initially added on bra (*)
  036b875... file swapload-applet.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  615db44... file swapload-applet-properties.png was initially added on  (*)
  e2f9c0d... file mini-commander_applet.sgml was initially added on bran (*)
  0077ba8... file mini-commander_applet-eu.omf was initially added on br (*)
  5865c9c... file mini-commander.sgml was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  0447e26... file mini-commander_settings_general.png was initially adde (*)
  a8ab3a6... file mini-commander_applet.png was initially added on branc (*)
  9cef3a8... file mixer_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  907d7ef... file mixer_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  c037445... file mixer.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets (*)
  49690d7... file mixer_applet.png was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  2abd826... file modemlights_applet.sgml was initially added on branch  (*)
  99efc18... file webcontrol_applet.sgml was initially added on branch g (*)
  c8c3195... file webcontrol_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch (*)
  0b268e6... file webcontrol.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-ap (*)
  a25e58d... file webcontrol-applet.png was initially added on branch gn (*)
  dcfda1e... file webcontrol-applet-prefs.png was initially added on bra (*)
  40f647a... file whereami_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gno (*)
  a82d7dc... file whereami_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch g (*)
  04086ea... file whereami.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  3415522... file whereami_applet.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  cbd9301... file life_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  004a076... file life_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  715b111... file life.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-applets- (*)
  a6c67bd... file life-applet.png was initially added on branch gnome-ap (*)
  e8f0438... file odometer_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gno (*)
  1d2424c... file odometer_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch g (*)
  a3c7169... file odometer.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-appl (*)
  62879b6... file odometer_themes.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  1e7f4a9... file odometer_settings.png was initially added on branch gn (*)
  e5a05ba... file odometer_applet.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  a32b2fb... file quicklaunch_applet.sgml was initially added on branch  (*)
  5c6d912... file quicklaunch_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branc (*)
  8b34c84... file quicklaunch.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-a (*)
  61d268d... file quicklaunch_applet.png was initially added on branch g (*)
  b2e9568... file screenshooter_applet.sgml was initially added on branc (*)
  1ab15e2... file screenshooter_applet-eu.omf was initially added on bra (*)
  c15490c... file screenshooter.sgml was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  595e883... file sound-monitor_applet.sgml was initially added on branc (*)
  5d772a3... file sound-monitor_applet-eu.omf was initially added on bra (*)
  0641f74... file sound-monitor.sgml was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  248f959... file soundmonitor_manager_server.png was initially added on (*)
  5624ee7... file soundmonitor_applet_themes.png was initially added on  (*)
  e371226... file soundmonitor_applet_settings.png was initially added o (*)
  faf5146... file soundmonitor_applet.png was initially added on branch  (*)
  2bb153c... file topic.dat was initially added on branch gnome-applets- (*)
  0030ab4... file tickastat_applet.sgml was initially added on branch gn (*)
  cc9627f... file tickastat_applet-eu.omf was initially added on branch  (*)
  a63a85f... file tickastat.sgml was initially added on branch gnome-app (*)
  919d4cc... file Makefile.am was initially added on branch gnome-applet (*)
  2628848... file tickastat_settings.png was initially added on branch g (*)
  70f91db... file tickastat_loadaverage.png was initially added on branc (*)
  5ad9bd4... file tickastat_coredump.png was initially added on branch g (*)
  88341cd... file tickastat_applet.png was initially added on branch gno (*)
  30b9043... free pixbufs. (*)
  85d8eca... fix memory leaks (*)
  ae31fe9... file gkb_applet-it.omf was initially added on branch gnome- (*)
  13446cd... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  d1d7ae5... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  ce55c4e... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  7f7205d... remove strange behavior about erasing all the characters in (*)
  19c6413... Fix about thirteen seperate memory leaks. Still need to cle (*)
  cdc69f1... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  c35fd58... fix memleaks. Also don't pop up multiple pref dialogs (*)
  323acb3... Fixed some alphabetical disorder with the US states (*)
  444ff61... remove dumb error dialog when an update is in progress. Fix (*)
  2f6b712... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  464f7ee... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5f58fb3... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  36aff07... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  cf9c9b9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  580a672... f1x0r3d the Makefile to check for DESTDIR before running gc (*)
  8e6df77... don't select first theme when prefs dialog is opened. Fixes (*)
  b043ce9... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  6929814... Big changes! (*)
  67b55b5... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  dd0807e... hour_format is of type int, was bool, so now it is remember (*)
  2a355ea... Applied patch by Shivram U <shivaram upadhyayula wipro com> (*)
  224ca0d... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  782fc1c... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d92986f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  3a35563... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  2f87893... configure.in charpick/Makefile.am added help/Makefile.am (*)
  4ded15b... Fix a typo. (*)
  e85142c... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  6cbb7d6... - don't do gconf fu if DESTDIR is set, I hope I didn't brea (*)
  ec40114... Remove temporary i18n stuff now that it is in libpanel-appl (*)
  2c74bec... Changed function signature to fit focus event callback. (pr (*)
  9c01026... remove a lot of global variables. Fixes bug #72169 (*)
  8d86d49... Forgot ChangeLog (*)
  0bb8302... fixes for new changes - mostly forgotten semicolons (*)
  d9731db... add help/Makefile.am help/C/Makefile.am help/C/command-line (*)
  576633a... Try to get the right-click help option working (*)
  aaf98ee... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  2f77eba... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  8200414... gconf suppport (*)
  0d075f9... add schemas file (*)
  7e07b0d... remove zvt check since mini-commander doesn't use zvt anymo (*)
  177b467... Translations committed for Huib Kleinhout <huib stack nl> (*)
  3adc34d... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  d0c0d6e... remove unnedded files (*)
  9d27107... release 1.95.0 (*)
  559610f... kill debug. (*)
  a0b25b8... change gnome_execute_shell to g_spawn.. to hopefully fix bu (*)
  fff3081... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7ac2e89... fix bug #63251 by popping up the forecast on double click (*)
  42f51ce... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  b582b81... don't pass GdkColor since it may have been causing a crash. (*)
  e10ad5b... Change description, move into "Accessories". (*)
  bf7fb1a... Update description, move into Accessories. (*)
  d9b5798... Update description. (*)
  a2f13e4... Update description. (*)
  e1e7a68... Update description. (*)
  47e7a86... Update description. (*)
  f975daf... Put in "Internet" category. (cleared with translators) (*)
  b6ab505... Dutch translation updated by Huib Kleinhout. (*)
  18c1f12... Restored russian translation from 1-4 branch. Someone incor (*)
  2c99343... - undo the schemas changes, packagers should use GCONF_DISA (*)
  06f82ec... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  425eb1e... trailing backslash before blank line (*)
  9c26c55... Updated russian translation. (*)
  689a7d9... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  0640440... don't call gnome_window_icon_ since it can cause crashes wi (*)
  faa7aec... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  26cf3ff... nl.po Translation updated by Arjen (*)
  338985f... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  b32c282... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  c568f82... remove unnedded fiels (*)
  acb82dd... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  ed9779c... allow the user to popup the slider from the keyboard when f (*)
  350b596... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  a623e1f... remove tooltip if "Show date in tooltip" option is unset (f (*)
  e66878b... use Close button instead of Done (*)
  bce5cde... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  455a343... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  006edf1... Remove noise (*)
  5253563... 2002-03-09  Kevin Vandersloot <kfv101 psu edu  (*)
  bb0145f... update the iwin url. Make forecasts work - bug #52518. (*)
  4e23db6... on double click don't toggle the forecast dialog - just sho (*)
  9bbb775... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  6fdd86a... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  a2b765a... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  0d78abd... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a029ace... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b3156ef... someone did not mean "connect_swapped" even though they typ (*)
  b9a61fe... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a44f408... print out gconf errors rather than silently dumping them le (*)
  313c549... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a6c3bba... release 1.96.0 (*)
  a733ea6... init num_rows to 1 not 2, #71689 (*)
  0ec597a... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> adding new help files for  (*)
  1d6566c... set the font picker font (*)
  75d4ad4... reviewed by Mark McLoughlin <mark skynet ie> (*)
  349d329... update for new docs names (patch from John Fleck). (*)
  ea1da86... Updated Korean translation (*)
  4149826... Allow for custom radar map urls. Fixes bug #53871 (*)
  f82b830... gkb bugfix :))) (*)
  d22c246... Global gconf path /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/layou (*)
  5aaaf4d... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  74f79bd... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  7107330... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a65a752... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  c45bc62... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  56fdcad... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  95c3ac5... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  c12f693... check for external mixers and run stdauidocontrl for Solari (*)
  9a607b5... if no mixers are found, don't display the menu item (*)
  abf87ed... ohn Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> * help/C/drivemount.xml, le (*)
  9c2cf21... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  218c048... Accessibility related patch of Parag Kabra (*)
  b396b20... Fix a missing xmmap file (*)
  15aba56... Added Bulgarian translation (*)
  7976a5d... Use internet category. (*)
  4dc7d6b... *** empty log message *** (*)
  d1b05b1... Updated Korean translation (*)
  1cafd16... updated Hungarian translations (*)
  9015441... string constant fix (*)
  7b74bcd... Hide the password in the passwort dialog. Correctly load an (*)
  23b0631... bring back tooltip - bug #74471 (*)
  97a0f8a... added tooltip and accessible name for the applet declared t (*)
  331d9bf... hn Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> (*)
  f5f2f4d... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  72f9f45... Updated German translation (*)
  d837ea1... don't destroy the dialog twice. Hopefully fixes part of bug (*)
  71de81b... Hungarian 100%... at last. (*)
  aeecdc7... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  258ab17... Make proxy settings work and match those found in nautilus (*)
  358aeef... add prefs settings for proxy. Fixes bug #74091 (*)
  935fd8b... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  613bb8f... initial version of xml'ified doc License info (*)
  79db67b... initial creation of xml'ified doc License info (*)
  f24d288... initial version of xml'ified doc License info (*)
  87f1094... warning fix from Parag Kabra <parag kabra wipro com> (*)
  e8d64df... created xml document legal info for document (*)
  d6d403b... 2002-03-18  Kevin Vandersloot <kfv101 psu edu  (*)
  5739cb2... focus_out_event returns a gboolean. Fixes crashes in proxy  (*)
  27c39e3... fix up some logic when the device path is wrong. Popup an e (*)
  e3ba04e... Set accessible description for clock, add accelerators for  (*)
  6ab5fbb... 2002-0318  Kevin Vandersloot <kfv101 psu edu> (*)
  fe20607... update for new docs names (patch from John Fleck) (*)
  fa9486a... reviewed by Mark McLoughlin <mark skynet ie> (*)
  b17a5bd... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  72e0de4... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  90c5b72... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  5993d79... added accessibility related code. (*)
  d519f14... Set tooltips where required. Added new routine add_tooltip( (*)
  843ab8e... removed the GnomePropertyBox and some depreceated calls (*)
  caeadad... set accessible name and description for widgets. set toolti (*)
  598cb9f... set accessible name and description for widgets. set toolti (*)
  2339706... keyboard navigation fix. (*)
  c8e8b90... don't bind to activate signal. Instead add it on double cli (*)
  e937c32... change all gconf keys to use underscore instead of hypen. T (*)
  9bd0066... Updated Estonian translation by Ilmar Kerm <ikerm hot ee>. (*)
  be5f703... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  c16d02c... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  72edcdf... NULL terminate the authors string. Might fix bug #75377 (*)
  f8cc288... removed deprecated clist calls. (*)
  1ac44bb... Removed the redundant conversion of pixbuf to pixmap. Chang (*)
  78fbe61... don't do tab completion for shift-tab so the keyboard users (*)
  2e77b9e... make the cdrom icon smalled so it isn't so damn ugly. Add a (*)
  99e3af0... report errors if the command can not be executed (*)
  c81fe67... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  e43010c... don't always return TRUE for keypresses. That's really bad  (*)
  71a064b... Disabled the unimlemented Actions items. implemented the "B (*)
  e7488e2... move Preferences menu before Actions menu. kill some debugg (*)
  aaedbbd... Fix up the vfs file system monitoring. Basically here was t (*)
  9253867... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  535c5a5... *** empty log message *** (*)
  5aa48e7... Fix encoding (*)
  eba1fa3... added functions add_atk_relation() and set_access_namedesc( (*)
  4730e08... release 1.98.0 (*)
  5f780f5... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  eb91b27... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  5587679... Files from shivaram upadhyayula wipro com (*)
  218fe53... Patch for supporting USB keyboards on Sun by shivaram.upadh (*)
  b13eea5... set close button as the default and set mnemonic for the la (*)
  724758a... set mnemonics and set close as the default button. shuffle  (*)
  555eb42... determine the default cdrom device here. Should fix bug #75 (*)
  8fcf43d... give the stocks list some extra width. Fixes bug #76436 (*)
  cef5ffe... Fix to provide default action for enter key in clock's pref (*)
  dadbdab... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  be234a7... Updated Finnish translation once again. (*)
  b1c90db... weak ref so we don't core if the window gets destroyed (741 (*)
  9de02dc... Changes done to fix the bug "Rename Links, doesn't retain t (*)
  f1708ba... Re-enabled error dialog, ported to gtkdialog and fixed word (*)
  de35746... install mailcheck.soundlist. Patch from Benedikt Roth. (*)
  2316bcc... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  e5ea732... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  22cd3b4... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  bd33cd4... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  bb7b24b... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  6e1647a... update the radar map download url for a better one (*)
  bdfc5da... do not AC_SUBST things like CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, and CFLAGS (*)
  f359be4... GNOME_PagerApplet.xml, GNOME_TasklistApplet.xml, clock.c, m (*)
  0a7fec8... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  c500a2e... " based, and that isn't supported by the standard GTK file  (*)
  04f5bfb... kill the pixbuf g_atexit() callback, and just call the func (*)
  005cec5... Added missing flags (*)
  739008d... last commit's changelog (*)
  2f6fcc6... almost forget vn (*)
  ca4c32b... try /dev/sound/mixer if /dev/mixer fails. Fixes mixer on de (*)
  bdcb720... Lot's of radar map updates from the following awesome peopl (*)
  c5354f8... Finished (*)
  655878d... Changed Properties->Preferences (*)
  18bc13b... change properties to preferences (*)
  c69bf09... changed Properties->Preferences (*)
  0ca3cb9... change properties to preferences and add mnemonics to prefs (*)
  2f3ab8f... change properties to preferences and add a mnemonic (*)
  06e94c9... change properties to preferences (*)
  7f3c63a... dd ChangeLog (*)
  ece9912... change properties to preferences and add mnemonics. (*)
  6de9fb0... add ellipses to preferences option (*)
  0f8ba02... use g_signal_handler_disconnect instead of g_source_remove  (*)
  202ac91... fix default fonts if gconf doesn't return a value. Also don (*)
  677d0b9... add in new accesabillity directory for gtik from Jagadeesh  (*)
  4227b8c... Added accessibility for the stock ticker display and other  (*)
  3ab2d23... This fixes bug# 76744 provide option to enable/disable defa (*)
  1c8d148... forgot ChangeLog (*)
  39849a9... more updates: Andrew Van Overloop David Hoover Rikke Giles  (*)
  b7e979d... fix misspeling. From patch by leedjarv interest ee Fixes bu (*)
  1dcb83e... change properties to preferences (*)
  983ad87... change properties to preferences (*)
  ac2ea10... change properties to preferences (*)
  0abfef3... changer poperties to preferences (*)
  a9428a0... change properties to preferences and addd mnemonics (*)
  1c70b2d... doc/C/modemlights.sgml adding tip on how to discover your l (*)
  500225c... don't declare panel_menu_pixbuf_exit static when it is defi (*)
  415bd6e... kill declaration of init func (*)
  ae4191f... check for NULL string when comparing and make sure we have  (*)
  7c0fa01... add X checks and libs for gkb applet to build on solaris wi (*)
  68a80ff... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  e9759be... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  460d0b7... Add "Show seconds" option (#75108), implement seconds for n (*)
  415a4ef... get i16 color values. Fixes bug #77302. Also don't cast a G (*)
  f709245... fix color changing (*)
  404c4c5... fix timeout updating. Pass the stockdata pionter to the tim (*)
  41eef9e... don't do another update if one is in progress (*)
  b175d9a... update Hawaii, ohio, north carolina and rhode island from R (*)
  eee54e3... Again (*)
  d5d2fcd... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  0fc2451... Fix typo (*)
  e03d118... kill $(WARN_CFLAGS) as it likes to use gcc-specific flags b (*)
  f2c3c78... Let the "can't open the sound device" dialog be closed by w (*)
  e0374a0... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  ebee054... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  b7e05bb... implement macros pref saving. Fixes bug #73249 (*)
  0a795d4... forgot again (*)
  a8e2b5b... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  ddd0e19... Update traditional Chinese translation (*)
  54f927c... fixed typo causing the document to not be rendered. (*)
  0fa5cfe... cheesy container based on GtkFrame that puts a handle grip  (*)
  edabb4d... Show the next layout with a popup (*)
  589cd4f... Removed previous commit. Sorry, I know there is freeze, I t (*)
  f0a50c1... Again and again (*)
  079f636... Updated French translation. (*)
  ab0426e... Only a fuzzy removed (*)
  9512ce8... Added some file(s). Updated traditional Chinese translation (*)
  c196710... fix warning. (*)
  f7bbf21... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  e629978... bring up the volume popup when scrolling with the wheel whe (*)
  bdfae0e... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  62c20c0... Save the world from the evil tyrrany of the infinitely wide (*)
  05f7375... util/ -> libgail-util/ (*)
  b7a7040... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  4a3f9b5... chnage - to underscore for gconf settings (*)
  82f9d93... +2002-04-10  Senthilkumar Ramasamy <senthil ramasamy wipro  (*)
  1d2eabb... replace - with undrescore for gconf entries. Also fix lot i (*)
  1e9dcab... change to underscores for gconf items (*)
  4cc38e5... change to undrscaore rfor gconf (*)
  3f9446a... enable scroll bar to work with keyboard in the Macros page. (*)
  61df786... release 1.99.0 (*)
  a7d4896... Dutch translation updated by Huib Kleinhout. (Sorry about t (*)
  f4729df... Updated russian translation. (*)
  9258f9e... Setup intltools for the soundlist file. New file. The polis (*)
  c88bcb9... Added battstat/sounds/battstat_applet.soundlist.in. Updated (*)
  d813654... Small update (*)
  d0687b5... applied AtkRelation patch from pasupathi duraisamy wipro co (*)
  01ddbef... Unmark empty strings as untranslatable (*)
  5ae8802... use CET instead of GMT. (#78532) (*)
  4d0d230... Version 1.5.17. (*)
  9c1f064... http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/guide/gad/gad-ui-gu (*)
  85481ab... panel-menu-common.c, panel-menu-links.c, panel-menu-directo (*)
  1204592... fixes keynav within the applet. Bug# 75903 (*)
  68b3d3f... don't swallow ctrl-tab so key nav works. Fixes bug #75908 (*)
  7f18e7c... forgot this (*)
  79affd8... get rid of event box completely. Fixes ugly toggle button b (*)
  1ce8366... bump gail version requirement. realy do 1.99.0 (*)
  f739da3... Corections (*)
  50801b2... return FALSE if its a bonobo applet. (applet_button_press): (*)
  293fcc9... revert broken .po files committed at release (*)
  9b3c297... Dutch translation updated by Ronald Hummelink. (*)
  2188a96... removed model message dialog. (#78182) (*)
  c5dd9a5... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  1b48708... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  a367ff9... fix the history popup. Make it show up next to the applet,  (*)
  e12937d... display tooltip even if the handle is not shown. (*)
  f62484b... updated todo (*)
  2b505e7... Add translation credits and documenters placeholders for va (*)
  ac73de2... Add translation credits and documenters placeholders for va (*)
  0cb60ad... Ouch. Typo. (*)
  cd75810... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  eb0b589... Real fix for #78182: First disable automatic updating, then (*)
  5eead70... change default bg color to white per accesability suggestio (*)
  c89d9b3... unref the GdkGC to plug mahor memory leak I just introduced (*)
  af8d2a2... Corrections (*)
  d7f8616... Flags for arabic language related countries (*)
  b5ad4ce... Arabic keyboard layout (*)
  164dbcf... Arabic language support in GKB (*)
  e208a05... ...thanks (*)
  77049cb... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  914e09b... Corrections (*)
  660d5dc... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  8d74d9c... Updated Finnish translation again. (*)
  606c42a... Added the icon. (*)
  4f59970... 2002-04-22 Nitin Yewale <nitin yewale wipro com>, Aruna <ar (*)
  313d940... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b6ce443... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  6ea9187... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  0c19aca... Updated Estonian translation by Ilmar Kerm <ikerm hot ee>. (*)
  86a0083... file gkb_edit_keymap.png was initially added on branch GKB_ (*)
  87cdbc6... file gkb_applet_settings.png was initially added on branch  (*)
  3ef0bb2... file gkb_applet_settings2.png was initially added on branch (*)
  6d28b84... file gkb_add_list.png was initially added on branch GKB_UNS (*)
  b12d51b... Fixes bug #79459 (*)
  755ff7d... From patch by Deepa Chacko Pillai. Port applet to Pango - b (*)
  260210e... Changed "Menu Bar Preferences" to just "Preferences" (#7832 (*)
  6fa71b4... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f1347db... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  e595dad... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  c83be9e... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  759f5c1... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  6cccf6f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  bd4fc86... updated todo (*)
  6ceec40... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5adb116... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  c6f6223... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a1daeee... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a59e28e... size on creation to fix bug 77933. From patch by Fernando H (*)
  cea9e58... Remove the "show arrows" option since it's no longer suppor (*)
  7ea0dbd... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  96f2132... fix for warnings and crashes (*)
  cf59d9e... changelog for prev. commit (*)
  e83635f... cast the dialogs to GTK_DIALOG. Also remove some unneded st (*)
  e8b9c41... About dialog fixes from Dennis Cranston - bug #80091 (*)
  22500e3... Set tooltip for the applet. Set accessible name and descrip (*)
  766896e... release 1.100.0 (*)
  c355c79... Fix a key to use underscore. (*)
  9c15678... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b7c9936... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  94929a1... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  8258a4a... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  9c1927f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  09ed9a3... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  4a712b1... Remove rules hint from tree view. Fixes #80469. (*)
  b04fda8... focus_out event returns gboolean. Should fix bug #80337 (*)
  0f14b13... check to see that files were really opened before reading.  (*)
  ba18e46... Get help working for a lot of applets (*)
  c304b96... Updated Dutch translation (Huib Kleinhout) UTF-8. (*)
  1a4df95... handle removale of all stock symbols gracefully. Should fix (*)
  f6db593... Updated Portuguese translation and converted to UTF-8. (*)
  106803d... Updated French translation. (*)
  8d226b1... Updated tr.po (*)
  abb9679... Updated encoding... (*)
  3c09470... Completed (again) (*)
  a9ac0d7... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  e5ef8f6... run gnome-volumne-control not gnome-volumne-meter. Patch fr (*)
  76ef41b... popup history list with label "no items in history" if the  (*)
  126cb23... Fix for bug # 79207. Affected files, panel-menu-properties. (*)
  6db8876... add tooltip to display applet name (*)
  1506dcf... remove led stuff and add a simple GtkLabel to display the t (*)
  cfc27fb... release 1.101.0 (*)
  a43a7de... Locations - fix spelling error pointed out by chips chips f (*)
  b952fa1... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  23f1071... Initial checkin of menubar documentation (*)
  6291f5d... Add help docs for menubar (*)
  84c603d... New, xml help docs for geyes (*)
  029375e... undisable geyes docs (*)
  87a18e4... Initial add of xml help docs for gtik (*)
  1b0f13e... xml docs from gtik (*)
  5d50175... Synced with source tree. Updated traditional Chinese transl (*)
  5de70d4... *** empty log message *** (*)
  15ca63f... set atk name, description and relation. set Close as the de (*)
  36e671a... remove proxy prefs tab since we now have a capplet (*)
  3b2a6e0... remove the proxy stuff since we now have a capplet for it (*)
  0ddc716... Update string to match the name 'Volume Control' for consis (*)
  31a2641... get help working (*)
  91217a2... added mnemonics for the popup menu (*)
  5cd9506... typo error in the message.(#79707) (*)
  865c301... Added SunRay support to volume control applet (*)
  7304c49... Added Vietnamese file (*)
  26eb067... Changes to fix #79601, #78288, #81303, #58295, #77763 bugs. (*)
  8ea0167... Default icon for previous commit (*)
  cc15353... #include <config.h> Fixes #81416. From Hidetoshi Tajima (*)
  6ac54c6... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  4f45a22... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  2f5d61a... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  e09c867... Fixed bogus Shift-Fn keys. Thanks to Federico. (*)
  1fd7086... hide the prefs dialogs instead of destroying. Fixes a crash (*)
  126385b... check to see if the battery is actually full before popping (*)
  57cf6ca... Updated French translation. (*)
  63009cb... implemented minimum_width and maximum_width preferences usi (*)
  2c051a4... Made rows in config dialog change to cols in vertical orien (*)
  e57f74b... fix bad help section references (*)
  5477c32... new screenshots for the help (*)
  eea8e78... add mnemonics to the right click pop up menus. Patch from D (*)
  e531fac... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  a3cdd31... s/_("")/""/ (*)
  f4ea87f... Patch from Jacob Berkman updating for acpi changes. Fixes b (*)
  5e3b553... change the volume with mouse wheel over the button applet w (*)
  d817d69... mixer_update_slider: for all panels mixer vol is -vol in sl (*)
  4e6bbc8... get the check for a full battery correct. Should fix bugs # (*)
  8576ce4... Release 1.102.0 (*)
  57cf016... The about dialogs of gnome-panel applets (fish,clock,mailch (*)
  9e52372... descs/RU_Russian_x_rev.keyprop.in, xmodmap/xmodmap.ru-rev:  (*)
  60d503a... Long waited Dvorak keyboard layout. (*)
  4f41512... updated vietnamese and Walloon files (*)
  5f7f26a... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  8cc0e30... sorting keymaps in add window (*)
  b64b9e6... 2002 Sun Submission: Adding modified omf file, done to the  (*)
  38bd622... 2002 Pat Costello (for Sun): Added modified omf file as per (*)
  b2b39dc... Require libwnck 0.11 (*)
  f2baf04... Use new multi-screen safe libwnck API. (*)
  965369b... Added Greek support to GKB, updated translation (*)
  3cee55e... Satyajit Kanungo <satyajit kanungo wipro com> (*)
  fd08894... make panel-menu-applet a conditional compile defaulting to  (*)
  5851e9c... added mnemonics for the popup menu (*)
  ab2845a... Updated a bit and corrected... (*)
  4058204... 2002-05-13  Satyajit Kanungo <satyajit kanungo wipro com (*)
  5bc8581... Updated French translation. (*)
  fbd0c45... remove call to wnck_workspace_get which appears to have gon (*)
  f474032... Integrate new, xml docs (*)
  6394067... 2002-05-16  Sander Vesik (*)
  57e8305... Integrate new docs (*)
  5a2e6c4... Update to the new generation of docs (*)
  1dadd09... get help working with new docs (*)
  e337081... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  b2e2a4b... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  5087323... try to make it build on solaris. hopefully i didn't break i (*)
  18d4850... file .cvsignore was initially added on branch gnome-applets (*)
  e04b61a... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  a49a94f... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  30e3e02... *. themes.c - Added a "help" button and the callback to the (*)
  5fdc8f3... updated a bit, Changelog comes (*)
  2e05851... add the ability to customize the unchanged text color. Fixe (*)
  84151a1... ru.po: updated russian translation from Dmitry G. Mastrukov (*)
  fd7d66c... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  9983ad7... fixed loosing selection in list of keymaps. (*)
  344a89d... updated hu.po (*)
  d4b8b4c... fixed a typo (*)
  ed7598a... require intltool-0.20 for .schemas file translation. (*)
  6354e52... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  ec1911b... add window icon. Also don't call gtk_main_quit on destroy (*)
  ecfa2bd... set window icon (*)
  fa3f9d8... set window icon and fix warning. Also fix a crash on exit (*)
  d14a841... set window icon (*)
  38e71ab... set window icon (*)
  6c4ce6c... set window icon (*)
  32691d0... set window icon (*)
  d9627fb... set window icon (*)
  2470c1e... set window icon (*)
  fc0926a... set window icon (*)
  b3192c5... set window icon and remove debug spew (*)
  6523e98... release 1.103.0 (*)
  7043de8... Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho Cha <ganadist cholli (*)
  35c7f8d... waited a week for comments on this patch, so committing ;)  (*)
  e05f1c4... Updated the OMF file to the Scrollkeeper DTD. (*)
  1aa7cac... Updated the help to the new UI. Updated the screenshot. Upd (*)
  ac690ff... mixer.c Fix for bug 82449 (*)
  5313f7a... Removed all the references to mailcheck applet. (*)
  1ff8f44... prepend the history list items so that the most recent are  (*)
  97fc96e... use gtk_main_do_event to do button press hack instead of in (*)
  c2b4fda... ru.po: updated russian translation. (*)
  2f515ed... need to convert UTF-8 to the locale encoding (Bug#80539). ( (*)
  195a2a1... do some sanitiy checks if gconf doesn't return sane values (*)
  5010f42... sanity check for when gconf doesn't return sane values (*)
  681a664... report errors if not able to get gconf values. Also make mi (*)
  9850a4e... gconf sanity checks and report any errros. (*)
  83859f7... get the button press hack done right. Fixes bug #81510 (*)
  214b482... get right and middle click working on the button. Also get  (*)
  cc7136a... gconf sanity checks. Should band-aid against bug #82759 (*)
  35da863... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  c87bac6... updated documentation added screenshot added screenshot add (*)
  b1697e5... - adding Arabic translation file (*)
  8d5edc8... added OMF file (*)
  5beec69... Changes (*)
  778fff8... it.po (*)
  075dbe6... make help in the prefs dialog go to the right help section. (*)
  046c296... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  2ca59e1... adding Arabic file (*)
  a4a3a41... help/C/char-palette.xml s/Properties/Preferences/ to match  (*)
  acd882b... help/C/geyes.xml s/Properties/Preferences/ (*)
  4993cd6... replace strcopy,strcat with g_strdup_printf. From patch by  (*)
  2760391... Update docs for string change. Fixes bug #82012. Also cvs r (*)
  fb67a7f... docs/C/gweather.xml updated to fix #81306 and clean up othe (*)
  040749f... updated to new omf build system (*)
  e79f319... release 1.104.0 (*)
  86f8f0c... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  5413221... Docbook4/XML docs for gkb-new (*)
  b27425c... Integrate gnome2 docs for gkb-new (*)
  a27ff26... get the help buttons working with new docs (*)
  8e368d1... Updated Portuguese translation (*)
  1aa75d0... New docs for mailcheck (*)
  9a18d11... Help button added to preference dialog (*)
  f511015... Added DADADIR, PREFIX etc (*)
  2ae6a73... Help Callbacks modified (*)
  6ff5922... mailcheck-C.omf removing dtd, which seems to screw up (*)
  052794f... return TRUE in timeout callback so that the timeout keeps g (*)
  06d8922... kill some memory leaks and become really frightened by the  (*)
  55dc797... fix up temp regex so that it can get the temp even if the d (*)
  5c19ce5... Committed Sun platform related and bugfix patches from Shiv (*)
  af655c6... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  26e88fc... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  5b3b3be... adding arabic (*)
  4647118... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  e91f477... created and updated documentation. added legal info for doc (*)
  f629c6e... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  bd2b2ba... Shivram U's patch for reloading default keymap (*)
  4bfeed5... removed DTD declaration (*)
  74a4b13... Fix a typo reported by Christian Rose. #83619. (*)
  28b9a3d... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  96e9d50... Fix GNOMELOCALEDIR to point to correct location. Fixes #836 (*)
  c9c1569... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  b80d4fe... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  d299b02... adding a no accelerator PO (*)
  01cf8fa... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  a2dd9b5... added updated screenshots to doc. updated/added screenshots (*)
  20ad953... Fix a typo. Same here. (*)
  0ed7512... Updated Estonian translation. (*)
  f668e2e... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  897f056... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  83d34e2... Fixes. (*)
  b1c5b3c... go back to destroying the dialogs. Fixes crashses when usin (*)
  ff38f0f... destroy prefs dialog so it doesn't crash when closed using  (*)
  04083d3... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  5a75a64... revert one of Rajkumar's changes to strings in the glade fi (*)
  21a0a65... release 1.105.0 (*)
  dcee439... ru.po: Updated Russian translation. (*)
  711b1a1... Andrei Lahun <a lahun editec-lotteries com>'s patch about l (*)
  f4a59ad... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  9e6353a... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  d6f58cd... Fixed some headers. (*)
  e004f7d... changed gtk_main_do_event to gtk_propagate_event in button_ (*)
  647475e... changed gtk_main_do_event to gtk_propagate_event in button_ (*)
  cfd2de4... ru.po: Updated Russian translation. (*)
  8488775... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  bf3d3a1... Shh (*)
  5d8f70a... Updated French translation. (*)
  760d021... store the notifies ids. (destroy_clock): remove the notifie (*)
  6c08168... User's original keymap (*)
  cf9dfee... Added Default.keyprop.in to the list of keyprop.in files. A (*)
  6c8833b... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  678814e... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  8a0b4fe... small change (*)
  b2e7be1... - build fix, somebody missed a backslash (*)
  23d2b14... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  356d4be... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  4109a4b... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  a4fd39a... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  0193c24... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  c53dbf6... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f0feea4... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  648325b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  9102bbe... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  e242d58... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  7882a42... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b9e21c4... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  fead4e5... Dutch translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  a3645c4... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  92d0f55... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  8590947... Mnemonic and typo fixes. (*)
  d141562... #include <config.h> to make it localized. (*)
  ab95af2... Mark a string for translation. (*)
  4c8e791... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  9a54eaf... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  df321c4... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f6f9130... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  a7a19e8... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  1b55edf... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  6095398... Updated by Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov debian org> (*)
  ae5b436... ru.po: Updated Russian translation. (*)
  f910c1d... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  3feb68d... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  59bbc91... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  9c244fc... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a952047... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f88cb2d... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  d00314d... updated Vietnamese file (*)
  296ee4b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  4d4c80f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  be95ec9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  64fdedb... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  3ce8fbd... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  4819f48... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  518b19f... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  60651e1... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  37ea19c... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b0477fc... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  a6f2af9... Bump requirements. Release 2.0.0 :) (*)
  3b59c12... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5aebb83... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d3fd5aa... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  f2e8fd5... updated translation (*)
  79b5e00... more updates (*)
  4dc504c... Updated ta.po (*)
  f58567a... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d3b5e59... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  4a985f9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  0693481... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  7d14b37... Updated Japanese translation. Merged with ja.po from Sun G1 (*)
  62a53bd... wrote xml version of documentation, and updated. added lega (*)
  cbf4754... fixed it so that it validates (*)
  1cacdff... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  eceba17... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  355f107... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  02aef72... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  1f6a298... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  7986437... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  66ad74b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  6ee1431... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  c6bc92f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  4caebb5... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  6f227ae... use $(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale instead of $datadir/loc (*)
  000c758... Updated Bulgarian translation. (*)
  a87b7de... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  2e230f8... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  8780eb7... Spelled Russian translation. Spelled Ukrainian translation. (*)
  d69c292... Update from Sun, v2.1 of manual to reflect latest technical (*)
  036bad8... Updated French translation. (*)
  47ed4de... ChangeLog (*)
  918456e... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  8b6d0c9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d487b06... Updated Galician translation (*)
  44e65af... more sanity checks for when schema defaults arent picked up (*)
  d57496f... more gconf sanity checks. Fixes bug #84922 (*)
  59343ae... Dutch translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  1888156... Updated italian translation (*)
  67fd593... String changes and UI consistency changes from #85344, #856 (*)
  415624a... change "refresh" to "update". Fixes bug #86756 (*)
  82b8632... set gweather_applet->gweather_info to the newly created inf (*)
  2571aba... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  55f5040... Finaly I had some time to commmit Shivram U's patch (*)
  3c1a98e... #78532 - s/GMT/UTC/ and s/Greenwich Mean Time/Universal Coo (*)
  a8fcda9... undo previous changes since they cause more breakage. Need  (*)
  1bcc7d1... Make sure we load up up the saved preferences. Fixes #84016 (*)
  df4314e... Add atk descriptions. Fix bug#84099 (*)
  0772be5... - Ported to GNOME2, changed the icon to a nifty icon from J (*)
  0ec70ff... - Ported the wireless applet to GNOME2, changed the icon to (*)
  bf045f4... - install the .server file as well... dah! (*)
  240958f... - fix a run-time warning (*)
  648c66d... - fix the dialogs showing up multiple times, remove debuggi (*)
  b901c07... - use non-deprecated apis, fix the messages to be a bit mor (*)
  8b75276... hack to get the workspace name changes reflected when the u (*)
  67c2606... - make sure the percentage doesn't go over 100% (which woul (*)
  3624562... impl using gspawn. (after_mail_check), (mail_check_timeout) (*)
  f15ab5d... don't set the sensitivty of a non existant widget. From Syl (*)
  8881df2... hush (*)
  da81996... - change the category from Utility to Internet (*)
  03327e6... - new theme from Tuomas, put together by yours truly (*)
  5ce26b3... add wireless (*)
  111fb87... Change the spacing slightly (*)
  2772b9d... ru.po: Updated Russian translation. (*)
  e66ef8c... get method signatures for verb callbacks correct, add Panel (*)
  ec303ca... Correct signatures for verb callback methods. (start_gtcd_c (*)
  d209f87... use unsafe verb callbacks to reduce the number of casts. (a (*)
  9741171... Correct the signatures for verb callback methods. (browse_c (*)
  4a82826... use unsafe verb callbacks to minise casting. (about_cb): us (*)
  9fdefb8... fix dubious first run check. (about_cb): about box is a gtk (*)
  c89f40d... use unsafe verbs to minimise casting. (*)
  322b071... use gtk_window_present. (*)
  8aef753... use gtk_window_present. (*)
  f39c65e... pop up error dialog if we fail to execute mixer. (*)
  170f67d... use gtk_window_present. (update_pixmaps): create the pixmap (*)
  6d2a875... don't export start_procman_cb. (*)
  95da674... add PanelMenu arg. (*)
  488b4f0... hush (*)
  e5a4211... doh (*)
  cc41da5... hush (*)
  6d41e31... add check for gtk with multihead support. (*)
  4df7d73... add check for gtk with multihead support. (*)
  71f94a8... some Solaris cdplayer applet checks from patch by Darragh O (*)
  306d8f2... add Prince Edward Island. Patch by Damon Brodie < (*)
  68851b3... fix small breakage in the last commit (*)
  d32e199... Fix misspelling. Patch by Heath Harrelson. Fixes bug #87010 (*)
  ab6267c... consistent spacing between the right two frames (*)
  15e61f3... use GTK_SHADOW_IN for consistency (*)
  5083e77... - fix "link lost" animation problem (*)
  4a4ddca... Updated category (*)
  982de1e... Updated graphics for v2.1 manual (*)
  b86b045... V2.1 manual (*)
  36a6dc7... updated category (*)
  171168b... updated graphics (*)
  16019af... Submitting V2.1 manual and updated OMF file (*)
  7839002... updated graphic (*)
  830a12c... iSubmitting V2.1 manual and updated OMF file (*)
  f1eed05... Updated the category (*)
  189392b... ru.po: Updated Russian translation. (*)
  1a3ddf4... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  3fc869d... fix function clashing from auidovar.h. Patch from Darragh O (*)
  8d55ae2... properly save the new location when changed in the prefs di (*)
  15dc995... Added short title. (*)
  9ebddc1... install applet in libexec. (*)
  c3cb311... .server.in -> .server.in.in. (*)
  9f528a3... - fix display of the percentage when it's 0% -> N/A (*)
  754016c... remove redfinfition of _() and unneeded include of libintl. (*)
  fcdd7ff... use consistent error messages. Fixes bug #87905. Patch by J (*)
  f77b92c... 2002-07-19 Padraig O'Briain (padraig obriain sun com> (*)
  66e6852... removing extraneous OMF file: //bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug (*)
  01c976b... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  24a6edd... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  0758864... unconditionally get the pixmap directory, fixes #88125. (*)
  a42076e... handle gconf errors with default values for min/max sizes.  (*)
  4c2f5d9... Added check for waitpid () returning -1 and errno EINTR. Fi (*)
  ac34c88... Handle case where spin buttons have already been destroyed. (*)
  7af6b34... Version 2.0.3. (*)
  8595443... Merge multihead branch into HEAD (*)
  7d3beaf... check for libwnck multiscreen patch. (*)
  9afa429... Committed updated translation. (*)
  7f7cd75... updates for beta refresh (*)
  610681a... *** empty log message *** (*)
  3cc3cf0... Updates for beta refresh CVS: ----------------------------- (*)
  59ab8ee... Updates for beta refresh (*)
  99e33dc... move Copy Date/Time to the top of the menu and add seperato (*)
  07f53fd... updated hungarian translations (*)
  f33200e... add egg-screen-exec file to the build. (*)
  44e54c7... Added keyprop.in files for Sun PC/AT 101 keyboards. Added t (*)
  09d7ab0... link against libglade, build mc-install-default-macros, run (*)
  46eb993... swop around the add and delete buttons and set 'can_default (*)
  e41cc05... s/mailcheck/Inbox Monitor/ s/pager/Workspace Switcher/ s/ta (*)
  d8f3245... use a table instead of two hboxes to make sure the frame ma (*)
  c0c4c4e... changed mnemonics for _UNIX to UNI_X as a fix for bug #8867 (*)
  9d523f5... Show seconds by default disabled. Fixes #88679. (*)
  30954f5... Updated Czech translation from Michal Bukovjan (*)
  7b96471... build cdplayer solaris stuff on intel solaris as well as sp (*)
  a543e33... how silly of me. I was installing the schemas into the user (*)
  02603e5... update the size of the entry even if its a flat layout. Fix (*)
  df526f3... And then you have to go an merge it across to HEAD ... (*)
  3a0e444... fix some mem leaks (*)
  029f9bd... Updated for Beta 2 build (*)
  bf24a31... add some new files (*)
  88d6144... greatly speed up the display of the quotes. Cache the strin (*)
  7b4a686... another massive speedup. Don't paint strings that lie outsi (*)
  d38a3a9... fix small bug in display logic (*)
  cca3b1a... add ability to change scroll speed and width of the applet. (*)
  9aa9543... fix bug in saving scroll speed (*)
  e6bb77d... Update docs for s/Refresh/Update. Fixes #86756. (*)
  403886e... updated to fix bug #91146 updated to reflect new version nu (*)
  7b17deb... put the date in front of the time. Fixes #80675. (*)
  04587eb... updated ( thanks to Mugurel Tudor <mugurelu go ro> ) (*)
  5611434... memleak fix from Arjan van de Ven <arjanv redhat com> (*)
  e13dcc5... translate the clock format (*)
  4a6ac94... impl method to create tooltips per aplet and set the tip. ( (*)
  0dba4dc... add new set of larger sized icons from Suzanna at Sun. Scal (*)
  6376f34... Don't leak the style. (*)
  a7a6d22... Don't leak the style. (*)
  a1ff898... require libwnck and gtk+ HEAD. (*)
  d2da7d8... kill multihead-hacks.h. (*)
  ccef050... Sync with libegg (*)
  0365300... require gtk 2.1.0 for the multihead stuff. (*)
  1003a94... Sync with libegg (*)
  f52a790... fixup a silly that cauased the dialog to not be realised on (*)
  a6ecb0f... Look for gtk-2.1, and define * HAVE_GTK_MULTIHEAD for egg-r (*)
  f24e4f4... Fixed a typo...... (*)
  2cc006f... remove m-c/src/messages.c (*)
  6e984ba... remove $(EGGFILES) (*)
  4c35b02... add $(glade_DATA) (*)
  059cf70... require a newer libwnck (*)
  ebe17f6... install mc-install-default-macros so packages can set up th (*)
  0532253... don't use leading 0 for 12 hour timeformat. Fixes #94268. (*)
  d410a6f... reorder elements so that it validates. (*)
  2825340... Ignore cltr+space key press. There is a default binding for (*)
  fabcd49... kill the HAVE_GTK_MULTIHEAD check from here ... (*)
  32b8c88... use gconf_client_suggest_sync to ensure the defaults actual (*)
  faa0907... Version 2.1.0. (*)
  6964163... Set up mnemonics for "Flag Pixmap" and "Grab hotkey". Fixes (*)
  6ded385... Modified files to cater for small functionality changes. <p (*)
  ecd2c66... Updated to reflect modifications to manual V2.3. <patrick.c (*)
  eaadddc... Updated italian translation (*)
  7cfdc45... file THIS_BRANCH_IS_DEAD was initially added on branch mult (*)
  b708662... Removed the global variable "gkb" and made it per instance. (*)
  e93e7d5... Add CLEANFILES so that make clean deletes $(server_DATA) an (*)
  e413b19... Correct the category (*)
  65365ad... sync with libegg. (*)
  42e96f9... Changed mnemonic for Architecture. (*)
  d9cb815... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  14c1b67... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  c0d7cc4... add colon at the end of 'Theme Name' label. Fixes #94035. (*)
  bb8c1c4... Politically correct Keyprop from Vedran Vyroubal. A big pub (*)
  4846715... Arabic and Bulgarian keymaps (*)
  f4979b9... Arabic, I said (*)
  46c7042... Arabic keyprop (*)
  12c0790... ChangeLog (*)
  ea59f1f... eh... the keyprop file... (*)
  521caef... New flag for Serbia & Montenegro (*)
  0ccd0c9... PC fix for Serbia and Montenegro (*)
  ddb7e47... Convert to UTF-8 (*)
  0ccd1a8... file .cvsignore was initially added on branch gnome-applets (*)
  4859933... 2002-10-25  Deepa Natarajan (*)
  ce41c91... realize the applet widget on startup so applet->window is n (*)
  d6a59a4... Latin American flag... almost forgot (*)
  4e38329... Check for GDK_PIXBUF_CSOURCE Register the cdplayer button i (*)
  64fc9f1... Change the preferences list's mnemonic to <Alt>+T. Fixes #9 (*)
  2491eed... Add colons to the labels in the preferences dialog. Fixes # (*)
  fd976c5... Remove installation of the -small images. We now have icon  (*)
  30c0940... Remove since we don't need them anymore. (*)
  9c53d32... this callback takes a GdkPixmap *, not a filename. (*)
  49eebb8... Again completed (*)
  3bc3b73... be.po: Added Belarusian translation from Belarusian team <i (*)
  dc95e52... configure.in: Added Belarusian to ALL_LINGUAS (*)
  6713b64... require libwnck 2.1.3 for new workspace prefs handling code (*)
  f9182a2... pump up for 2.1.1 release (*)
  9971901... Remove instances of the word "applet" wherever possible (*)
  5f34a7b... Adding Amharic translation. (*)
  cc7649c... simplify the code, should fix problem with the pixmap not b (*)
  1590d8d... String changes for style guide compliance and localisation (*)
  e02db65... New icons by Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com>, swapped the (*)
  401c999... Fixing a broken cross-reference (*)
  d87e2cd... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  f136d5b... poll for the pid to wrriten on to the pipe before allowing  (*)
  b2322a6... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  7a7b1d7... Lots of updates. Patches from Evert Verhellen and Pekka Pie (*)
  d61a1b7... don't hardcode sizes so that dialogs change when font size  (*)
  55ff2ec... Don't use mnemonics on notebook tab labels. Fixes #99159. (*)
  a8f9e56... Don't use duplicated mnemonics - this dialog probably needs (*)
  b0eaf94... Take over.. (*)
  1f847e5... don't hardcode battery directory names and allow for multip (*)
  ba08615... remove gless macro and change gnome-moz-remote to mozilla.  (*)
  d8d2004... don't scale the applet height to the panel size. Fixes bug  (*)
  455fab1... Added keyprop.in files for Sun Type-4 keyboards. Added the  (*)
  9da82a2... Convert all to UTF-8. (*)
  dd623dd... es.po: Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b8941ec... Updated Estonian translation. (*)
  920f5eb... Updated Norwegian (bokm�l) translation. (*)
  9267179... Massive copy-paste from stable branch. (*)
  a491532... Canadian updates from Mark L. Kahnt <kahnt hosehead dyndns  (*)
  dfa97ac... Add Lulea Sweden. Fixes bug #99514 (*)
  231db3a... don't limit the width of the applet to 200. Fixes bug #9570 (*)
  2d688ff... Update icons from Calum Benson to show up better with diffe (*)
  183b09d... Added a separator in the menu and ordered the menu items. M (*)
  395576e... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  73a3214... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  85382c7... docs/C/mixer_applet2.xml update to new wording for "run vol (*)
  5706843... fix memory leak. From patch by Sean Egan <bj91704 binghamto (*)
  a09f874... don't register stock icons if they have been registred alre (*)
  3ea60f4... don't create a new gc on every repaint. Performance improve (*)
  2de678c... some changes from the stable branch. Make the scroll speed  (*)
  caa15a4... realize drawing widget on startup since sometimes it doesn' (*)
  14edc61... Add button sensitivity, bogus, dunno why :-P (*)
  8f2e6f5... Add button sensitivity, the right callback (*)
  b0bb351... Simplifying editor dialog, bug #96713 (*)
  c52c2a0... Fix of modality bug #94154 (*)
  ca692a2... Fix for bug #93473 suggested by Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  e730496... Serbian flag (*)
  58f2302... Serbian flag ... (*)
  7f7df8d... Changelog for today :-) (*)
  13b8c14... Stock buttons in properties (*)
  3b2ad7f... Cosmetic changes for UI (*)
  3530594... *** empty log message *** (*)
  210ea45... require libwnck 2.1.5 for new interfaces for tasklist icon  (*)
  0b1e33f... Updated copyright strings, for details see ChangeLog. (*)
  987024d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  b930113... put never, auto and always in quotes for clarity. #100052. (*)
  d61220e... #100049, not #100052. (*)
  7baa73b... New format for presets (*)
  041a68d... don't open cd device unless needed. Patch by Owen Taylor (*)
  ebe5cd5... Made tabs of (hopefully) all applet preferences HIG complia (*)
  6af7b4d... Made tabs in gweather preferences dialog HIG compliant (rem (*)
  17984a4... Updated German translation. (*)
  2b5a056... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  2fff50b... remove whitespace before punctuation marks. (*)
  62b51e9... A minor modification to the error string displayed when the (*)
  037193d... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  39e23e7... cd continue to be played even when applet is removed from p (*)
  d7baab3... Korean standard keyboard (*)
  f2f314c... PC Serb keymaps, hopefully (*)
  455c635... PC Serb keymaps, forgot this file (*)
  d129f2f... PC Serb keymaps, forgot this file, too (*)
  b793c14... PC Serb keyboard entry (*)
  612f5f0... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  270485b... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  47cabbd... es.po: Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b44c0c5... Using g_strdup_print() to allocate for the error string ins (*)
  eab09ef... Fig bug 90156 and RH bug 70856, sorry for late commit, guys (*)
  9f35644... Updated Norwegian (bokmal) translation. (*)
  ceec3a0... Fix the previous commit, so instead of having 'Location' an (*)
  a2b11af... Change the default tab to 'General', since it is the first  (*)
  5d8933f... Updated Norwegian (bokmal) translation. (*)
  0e91ed1... Fix to #100700, hoping everything will be right (*)
  66b75d8... changelog for prev. commit (*)
  61d86d1... Fix a typo causing Gtk-CRITICAL warnings. (*)
  edb2ab2... hook up help menu. Fixes bug #91297 (*)
  2872743... fix segfault on exit when we don't need to stop the cd. (*)
  410e872... 2002-12-09  Artis Trops  <hornet navigator lv> * configure. (*)
  94b67a9... 2002-12-09  Artis Trops  <hornet navigator lv> * lv.po: Add (*)
  90a44d7... revert copyright changes until we decide on a format (*)
  42d60fd... Don't leak the about logo. #100776. (*)
  d3ff491... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov and me. (*)
  2eab03c... remove Marquette since its not supported anymore. Patch fro (*)
  ebe42eb... for the next release (*)
  19473c3... Updated Czech translation (*)
  84cd6d5... battstat/GNOME_BattstatApplet.server.in.in (*)
  e35e893... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  cfca19c... Clean a little (*)
  4b8a526... change packing so as to not try to expand panels. Fixes bug (*)
  8b3049d... release 2.1.2 (*)
  b57b029... Updated Malay Translation. (*)
  5147e9c... don't dist .serv.in file (*)
  14404fa... allow date and time in culturally specific orders. Fixes #1 (*)
  42047e2... release 2.1.3 (*)
  c3a1f6c... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  4df9dc7... move all these docs to here. (*)
  a254451... Remove all old help files. (*)
  64c5aab... Instructions for the L10N team about how to set up screensh (*)
  ec6fbe2... fixup the references to the FSF. Fixes #101589 and #101591. (*)
  7f6300f... Changed Copyright strings according to #101346. (*)
  b6480f1... Fix previous commit. (*)
  e98b3cf... Updated French translation. (*)
  2fb5040... Dutch translation updated by V. van Adrighem. (*)
  6f95c4a... 2002-12-22  Artis Trops <hornet navigator lv> * lv.po: Upda (*)
  1560a4c... remove translations marks from around the copyright notices (*)
  28635f0... Added Macedonian translation (*)
  d2c4e4b... *** empty log message *** (*)
  1a20794... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team <translators gn (*)
  facecb9... add help/Makefile.am help/C/Makefile.am help/C/drivemount-C (*)
  a55341f... configure.in add drivemount help files (*)
  16c1264... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  fefb7f9... updated Vietnamese and Walloon files (*)
  9559d0e... remove the 4 pixel border around the clock as suggested by  (*)
  aa533b6... Makes the password dialog not modal so that we don't have a (*)
  6992f7c... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  3f9541c... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  8494f6a... Spell Gardermoen correctly. (*)
  374c318... Added hi (hindi) in ALL_LINGUAS New hindi translation by Gu (*)
  8949306... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6e15228... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  6d499d7... Updated Amharic translation. (*)
  4fa9e77... s/Remove/Remote/ Patch from R.I.P. Deaddog. Fixes #102733.  (*)
  685249c... Make SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER change powerpc specific. Fixes bug (*)
  02ee909... Added comment on last change also to source. (*)
  9f5a984... Check some string in Spanish translation. (*)
  57ffaf1... remove the pager, tasklist and showdesktop oaf_servers. (*)
  970adbf... Fixed a couple of strings in Spanish translation. (*)
  208d1bf... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ff482ca... Stop playing if the user changes the device when the applet (*)
  35b3a24... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  7d4e6da... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  13e28bc... Updating Amharic transaltion. (*)
  2897850... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b9ae885... Updated tr.po (*)
  85c2486... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d6676f0... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  6872a31... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  46db6f6... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  ceca4ea... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> (*)
  7a4b58f... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  beb01e8... Updated traditional Chinese translation, discarded all fals (*)
  309874c... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  942c406... Updated German translation. (*)
  78392bd... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  adff12a... Updated German translation. (*)
  5860924... Updated German translation. (*)
  2cbd263... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f0be0e3... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  19ea15b... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  d0c79d1... *** empty log message *** (*)
  b8c94f0... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  75ed93d... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  73a43cc... Added "mn" to ALL_LINGUAS. Added Mongolian translation by S (*)
  e742fe0... Fixed crashes in battstat (#103650), cdplayer (#103648), ch (*)
  7a7a91e... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  c36bada... Replaced g_spawn_command_line_async with (*)
  d68dea9... updated ( thanks to Mugurel Tudor ) (*)
  f0953b0... *** empty log message *** (*)
  521bc0a... 2002-01-22 patrick costello sun com: updated for GNOME 2.2 (*)
  936763d... 2002-01-22 patrick costello sun com: Updated for GNOME 2.2  (*)
  680c40f... Updated manual for GNOME 2.2 (*)
  eaf8f56... 2003-01-22 patrick costello sun com: Updates for GNOME 2.2  (*)
  423b01e... Changing date to 2003. (*)
  468bff0... 2003-01-22 patrick costello sun com: Updated for GNOME 2.2  (*)
  2cb7df8... Changing copyright date to 2003. (*)
  74fa985... updated help files for GNOME 2.2 updated screenshot for hel (*)
  acdcabf... Updated for GNOME 2.2 (*)
  469bd44... Updated for GNOME 2.2 (*)
  ee99e76... Updates for GNOME 2.2 (*)
  e188709... updated help for GNOME 2.2 updated for GNOME 2.2 (*)
  378c54b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  7135e94... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  ed27104... Updated for GNOME 2.2. (*)
  9a06eb9... Added these three images to replace the cdplayer_applet_pla (*)
  dd8635e... updated for GNOME 2.2 updated manual date and version numbe (*)
  3270872... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  eae6ded... docs/C/battstat.xml fixing typo, bug #104340 (*)
  99d4e02... Updated italian translation (*)
  1839a60... Some fixes for problems catched in translation review. (*)
  e5511da... ko.po updated (*)
  d9f21fe... release 2.2.0 (*)
  d7d646d... gen cflags/libs/makefiles for mailcheck and clock and not g (*)
  c51ef1f... shuddup (*)
  9b33b4a... add stickynotes applet (*)
  ec2e72f... remove stickynotes/doc since it doesn't compile and I don't (*)
  1b23485... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  10587a6... Updated Simplified Chinese translation by Xiong Jiang (*)
  8698e7d... add stickynotes files to be translated (*)
  c21f289... 2003-02-11 added documents for Japanese translation. T.Aiha (*)
  8d20f03... Updated Lithuanian translation by Vaidotas Zemlys. (*)
  50cad93... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  ed98d3c... Fix missing L letter, thanx to Vladimir Vrzic (random bsd o (*)
  51560d9... Added Mongolian flag, thanks to Badral Sanlig (Sanlig plt r (*)
  a93f425... Added Mongolian keymaps, thanks to Badral Sanlig (Sanlig pl (*)
  fd3f3ae... Updated. (*)
  02f6e7f... Added myself. :-) (*)
  c66d4ac... Minor modifications to the translatable files list for stic (*)
  2875298... Generated file, should not be in CVS. (*)
  e093d7a... Minor modifications necessary after importing this into gno (*)
  595460e... Fixed mysterious error due to tabs/spaces. (*)
  20e648b... Readded docs. Added .cvsignore files. (*)
  8e89adb... Added .cvsignore file. (*)
  cfe5706... Updated .cvsignore files. (*)
  9b6ee0d... Updated. (*)
  6de3752... Change destination locations of glade files and pixmaps. (*)
  f7934ea... Changed destination locations somewhat. Removed #if's that  (*)
  668a746... Removed unneccessary installation of README and ChangeLog. (*)
  4c56af1... Updated. (*)
  51fbb36... Fixed some paths. (*)
  84957e5... Wrote some hacks to fix bugs arising from using libglade. S (*)
  4aa4d11... minor update :) (*)
  f0646f5... adding renamed files (*)
  ba96576... renaming files to iso country codes (*)
  071a661... removing bogus country codes (*)
  c209099... shut up cvs (*)
  9ed6e2d... Updated docs about the preferences dialog. (*)
  4a8c82c... Renamed some files to more standardized forms, and modified (*)
  a5bee3f... Updated. (*)
  ced62f2... Modified the translatable files list for stickynotes. (*)
  ef0aafb... Fixed tags incorrectly marked as translatable in schemas an (*)
  810dbf5... Marked a few more strings as untranslatable. (*)
  1c012e0... Added "locking" feature. Notes can now be locked so that th (*)
  396ccd6... updated presets.xml.in, xml parser is in the way (*)
  269b7df... add support for the GCONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL conditional and t (*)
  ab703c0... add stickynotes docs stuff to get it compiling (*)
  c0cecdd... Now properly updates tooltips when locking/unlocking notes. (*)
  bec1aa6... Fixed a couple of typos. (*)
  23d4ed2... Added missing doc about click_behaviour key. (*)
  c117c27... Added a missing bit of documentation in the help file. (*)
  35c4a63... Fixed bug #106150. Notes now don't move when they are hidde (*)
  99df3d5... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  aff591c... Added more figures to the gnome help file. (*)
  1aa264c... Fixed bug #106553. Corrected bad i18n regarding plurals. (*)
  d0a1e8d... merge changes from gweather-improve branch. (*)
  4dc1914... Added "fa" to ALL_LINGUAS. Added Persian translation. (*)
  1af5424... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  da0d155... shuddup (*)
  99ace4b... 2003-03-02 added new documents for GNOME-2.2. T.Aihana <aih (*)
  be71c7e... 2003-03-02 added ja into SUBDIRS in Makefile.am. T.Aihana < (*)
  305b6b0... 2003-03-02 updated docs/ja/* for GNOME 2.2. T.Aihana <aihan (*)
  de09820... 2003-03-02 added new documents for GNOME 2.2. T.Aihana <aih (*)
  132e767... 2003-03-02 added charpick/help/ja. T.Aihana <aihana gnome g (*)
  362d57c... 2003-03-02 added ja into SUBDIRS. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr (*)
  6ee48a2... 2003-03-02 added new documents for GNOME 2.2. T.Aihana <aih (*)
  fab60b7... remove panel-menu applet completely. Bump version to 2.3.0 (*)
  e569761... add location.c and remove panel-menu stuff (*)
  ec9eee2... update (*)
  28ff38d... clean up prefs dialog and HIGify. (*)
  816b99e... fix build from patch by Malcolm Tredinnick (*)
  76ec764... destroy the file_select dialog on destroy. Fixes bug #10489 (*)
  a3f4f0d... Close the "Select Keyboard" dialog if the preferences windo (*)
  d8b8a6f... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  340005c... *** empty log message *** (*)
  cf9d739... *** empty log message *** (*)
  ca97375... Added a new error handler. Retrun proper failure status Cal (*)
  dedb66c... copy mailcheck applet over from gnome-panel and fixup the b (*)
  5725828... 2003-03-09 fixed typo for translation in legal.xml. T.Aihan (*)
  1093261... 2003-03-09 fixed typo for translation in legal.xml from gno (*)
  c292980... Updated outdated README. (*)
  abc6c9a... Missing, added. (*)
  95e8928... Cleaned up. (*)
  12afd96... Fixed bug #107541. (*)
  f3f8fa9... don't set gconf string if it's NULL. Also if there's no dev (*)
  2078c0e... check for NULL strings before setting gconf value (*)
  9b7e3a6... destroy the dialogs after being run. Fixes bug #104465. Dra (*)
  5062009... Had inadvertently overwritten John Fleck's update of 2002-1 (*)
  760660e... Had inadvertently overwritten John Fleck's update of 2002-1 (*)
  d6eec9c... Don't revert to default keymap while exiting. Patch approve (*)
  0efaf33... Fixed bug #99820; quick language correction. (*)
  973d4f5... Sync mute functionality with other applications in Solaris  (*)
  4718ef0... fix small sizing issues. Patch from <berberic fmi uni-passa (*)
  0ff2738... fix for problems while setting a hotkey #104043 (*)
  3e59035... Changed "Swap File" into "Swap Space" as a fix for bug #879 (*)
  3e17587... fix typo, s/show/shows/ Fixes #104028 (*)
  e095d90... Added "ml" to ALL_LINGUAS. Added Malayalam translation by F (*)
  c044e03... Add the ability to customize the channel affected by the ap (*)
  c9e20d2... key 34 is dead_acute not dead_grave for spanish keyboards (*)
  c76ef08... Added a new function, which connects or disconnects the but (*)
  f3e1eea... Get other network showing correctly. Fixes bug #91730. Patc (*)
  8363d67... Minor context menu ui tweek (*)
  03c775c... Little adjustment (*)
  545d1a5... small optimization of display and use GtkImage to get rid o (*)
  dccc252... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  ebffd31... Fixed bug #107943. (*)
  36cdfae... Fully fixed bug #107943, including double dialogs. (*)
  e75378c... cdplayer.c, cdrom-solaris.c, writer-solaris.[ch] Give a err (*)
  86e11f2... - Use NULL instead of 0 for pointers. (menu_preferences_cb) (*)
  4bdd613... another optimization. Don't update the applet if the cursor (*)
  283d8ce... Unicodeify the applet. Fixes bugs #93682, #104324, #32769 (*)
  7dba3fc... update default location for server changes (*)
  2d37524... Doh! I missed marking the error dialog string in #105296 fo (*)
  a2aa5fb... update for 2.3.0 release (*)
  d879950... cdplayer files from SUN (*)
  4f71b5f... docs file for charpick, mini-commander,geyes,gkb-new, gtik, (*)
  921b0fd... deliver SUN's doc files for gnome-applets (*)
  020f9c2... Add $(LIBGLADE_LIBS) to stickynotes_applet_LDADD to find un (*)
  2686563... doc files of mailcheck from SUN (*)
  adcb868... it docs for mailcheck from SUN (*)
  40c4d63... add doc files for mailcheck (*)
  284070a... release 2.3.0. (*)
  e453969... When there is no wireless device, show "No Wireless Devices (*)
  6672a2a... Changed filelist for stickynotes. (*)
  3d7437e... Removed redundant GNOME_StickyNotesApplet.xml.in in favor o (*)
  378b27f... 2003-03-29 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  0741b8f... add menu button to select palettes. Add prefs dialog to edi (*)
  7267bf5... fix saving of custom icons. Fixes bug #90922 (*)
  eb5692b... translate frame label. Fixes bug #103091 (*)
  963daef... Fixed bug #109467: Note positions are no longer forgotten.  (*)
  71c6507... Obsolete file (*)
  3f1a3f1... Unused file (*)
  39614e8... Notes now respond properly when receiving a delete event fr (*)
  ff14b3f... Fixed bug #109391: Focus indication around applet is back. (*)
  b2f72c1... Fixed bug #109712. The about dialog acts properly now. (*)
  c009f66... Forgot to include changelog in last commit. (*)
  2b82933... HIGify this dialog (*)
  8fd0817... Code cleanup. (*)
  9046597... If the locale is not utf8 then convert the error string to  (*)
  56be941... Fix statis variable usage so that multiple mailchecks can b (*)
  ef648bb... Connect to the clicked signal to fix the stuck button probl (*)
  2a2ddb0... Converted 'D' in Device of the new string to lower case so  (*)
  567170c... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  918a6d8... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  daf8aaa... Fixed bug #106154, sticky notes are now correctly skipped f (*)
  15808d8... release 2.3.1 (*)
  1316471... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  f642053... 2003-04-07 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  f18b576... Extensibility of nmber of graphs. Patch by James Strandboge (*)
  0c2b228... Minor HIG cleanup for the popup menu. Changed "Check for ma (*)
  f46a81f... Fixed bug #110112, stickynotes now compiles correctly using (*)
  66bbbf3... HIGify the preferences dialog. Also, fix a few error messag (*)
  f26476d... Removed the "Run command before each update" documentation. (*)
  f03b138... get load average graph working. From Patch by rwahl at gmx  (*)
  1a5a91d... Changes here and there. (*)
  a68aaea... Pressing ENTER on applet == Left clicking it. (*)
  3bbf446... Fixed an errouneous assumption. (*)
  d75db68... cleanup. (*)
  0559bb4... Add seperate entry for cached memory. Fixes bug #91971 (*)
  f00f0f8... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  ba13346... add the ability to control the network background color. Fi (*)
  19ee9bf... Add .cvsignore to L10N online help directories (*)
  cfaec9b... Fixed reopened bug #110112. Used enums instead of magic num (*)
  23b9230... remove SK__x.keyprop.in since it doesn't have a proper lang (*)
  3e6b63d... Changed "sticky across workspaces" to the more standard "pu (*)
  eb70c4f... Cleanup. (*)
  9738c71... Changed gui-layout of sticky notes. This fixes bugs #109718 (*)
  3cae349... Fixed the bug #111010: Resizing works again. (*)
  af301c2... Minor fix to previous commit. Fixes stuck resize button. (*)
  5128f62... Fixed bug #111003, the resize and close buttons are colored (*)
  3d13ed9... themes.c: handle theme directories not configuree properly. (*)
  8a404d2... fix for bug #76223, applet size preference issue (*)
  9878bf6... remove 3 pixel veritcal padding on display. Update when pre (*)
  349e2a0... set sensitivity of add/remove buttons accordingly. Fixes bu (*)
  6986528... Window management buttons are only visible when a note is i (*)
  8537b97... fix small memory leak from previous patch. Thanks to Pasupa (*)
  f671d50... fix saving of update interval. Also limit minimun update in (*)
  4c8992c... Added "mk" to ALL_LINGUAS. Mark wrong entry as fuzzy. Updat (*)
  3ab7071... Arrrg, I forgot to add plural form as suggested by msgfmt. (*)
  f3480d4... Check if the keymap the user trying to add is already prese (*)
  b6e5c4f... HIGify the preferences dialog. Also, fix a bug that caused  (*)
  ccdb547... HIGify the preference dialog. (*)
  d96b419... HIGify the preference dialog. Also, fix initial sensitivity (*)
  430c4ad... Hanlde gracefully when acpi directories don't exist. Patch  (*)
  67123e7... Clean up packing of the widgets. Don't hardcode size of but (*)
  6da95b9... HIGify the Add dialog. HIGify the Preferences dialog. HIGif (*)
  b87dc1c... Add a mnemonic label for the list view. Add a mnemonic labe (*)
  6a5d0f8... Forgot to commit this (*)
  f1eeb12... HIGify the preferences dialog. Also, added a help button an (*)
  1773cbd... HIGify the preferences dialog: remove separator; fix widget (*)
  c0cb8c7... More HIGifcation of the preferences, properties, and add di (*)
  ba0f3b2... More HIGification of the preferences dialog. Also, hook up  (*)
  3cf1984... More HIGification of the preferences dialog: adds a proper  (*)
  1eea9ac... Fix widget padding per HIG. (*)
  d088937... Minor HIG changes: set default button; use sentence capital (*)
  b97d4eb... *gweather-pref.c: Minor HIG changes to the preference dialo (*)
  52b31f5... Minor HIGification of preferences dialog: remove separator; (*)
  1941aee... Minor HIGification of perference dialog: add mnemonic label (*)
  27449d5... HIGify the preferences dialog. Also, hook up the help butto (*)
  be643ca... HIGify widget padding. (*)
  cd05cf3... HIGify the preferences dialog: fix widget padding; add miss (*)
  14ced40... HIGify the preferences and edit title dialogs. (*)
  f48bfe6... fix mnemonic clash. (*)
  2047165... Add a mnemonic label for the macros listview and a units la (*)
  c0de660... Minor update to remove an incorrect statement about the his (*)
  1d91588... Removed one incorrect sentence about the history list being (*)
  e85a915... Make dialog per instance so that two instances don't share. (*)
  ae9f143... open pixbufs on startup so they aren't read form the file a (*)
  186f64a... Updated Irish translation Happy Bealtaine (irish & celtic f (*)
  f9f4647... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  509fac4... don't popup en error dialog unless user tries to do somethi (*)
  7f9f879... Add missing files Removed empty files. (*)
  97bb339... popup the volume slider on key press instead of release. (*)
  081b249... release 2.3.2 (*)
  2ae6ede... Modified Files: ChangeLog battstat/properties.c cdplayer/cd (*)
  f5966a6... Modified Files: multiload/main.c wireless/wireless-applet.c (*)
  d2945e4... 2003-05-05 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  c6f9f87... Welsh translation: now sandstorms in Cardiff airport can be (*)
  b7c8082... Added "sr" and "sr Latn" to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  af7a1ed... Updated Hindi translation (*)
  5bf04df... Update Czech translation (*)
  03e908d... file xmodmap.mn-yawerty was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  164b5e6... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0c95571... tranlsate the catagory so applet gets placed in the right c (*)
  4f7d861... Popup error dialog if user doesn't have acces to device. Al (*)
  0bc66f8... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  ccd3bf0... Updated traditional Chinese translation. Mark wrong entry a (*)
  4b60bae... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  db6a62f... remove all global and static variables so multiple instance (*)
  8ce3da5... Updated French translation. (*)
  c06b242... Update Czech translation (*)
  362b21d... run gnome-system-monitor when the applet is double clicked  (*)
  4d04f5c... only build battstat on supported platforms. Patch by Christ (*)
  f726209... Remove white space before colons. Fixes bug #99675 (*)
  0c2dbda... Add Syriac keymap. Patch from Emil Soleyman-Zomalan. Fixes  (*)
  e817c2d... remove handlers on exit. Patch by Muktha Narayan. Fixes bug (*)
  c13fb75... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  1392976... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  09f3ab1... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  43917bd... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  e0f65c8... fix mispelling. Fixes bug #112970 (*)
  8648263... put little +/- labels to indicate which direction is positi (*)
  0eaace0... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  7458867... fix non ascii copyright symbol. Fixes bug #112960 (*)
  f915b66... change wording for one of the prefs to make more understand (*)
  798156b... Fixed a fuzzy. (*)
  8f79664... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  3cd7adc... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  5d88618... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  742016a... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. Minor twe (*)
  4595806... fix typo. (*)
  9b970c0... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  fa9b363... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. Disable r (*)
  41f8e0e... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  642fdbe... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  af3c7ca... Change "Run External CD Player" menu item to "Open CD Playe (*)
  b1abd95... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. Remove th (*)
  50516bb... Set window icon for preferences dialog. (*)
  84840de... HIGify the action area of the various preference dialogs. (*)
  6d2c87b... HIGify the action area of the preferences and add macro dia (*)
  a1e7f7c... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. (*)
  d6503ac... HIGify the action area of the various dialogs. (*)
  bdfc27f... HIGify the action area of the preferences dialog. Correct t (*)
  aef882b... More HIGification of this poor little preferences dialog. A (*)
  5d73c11... *** empty log message *** (*)
  a0fddee... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  7c83c47... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  8b9bcad... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  992fdec... Ported from gnome-2-2 branch, not updated yet. (*)
  2b76277... - Major changes! - Fixed bug #109427 : Induvidial note colo (*)
  8d27ca7... Readded HIG fixes done by Dennis. Readded figures for docs. (*)
  6f89450... Fixed typo in prefs. (*)
  2a929e3... Fixed typo in prefs. Applet menu properly reflects current  (*)
  65e98ef... Code cleanup. (*)
  c444014... Updated TODO (*)
  0638f52... Fixed typo in header declaration. (*)
  ec38610... Forgot to add this in last commit. (*)
  61a10f9... Code cleanup and speedup. (*)
  4b69a50... Fixed typo in header declaration. Code cleanup and speedup. (*)
  f74aa48... Now saves after toggling locked/visible. (*)
  109be29... Fix bug #113468. See ChangeLog for details. (*)
  0470cc9... Fixed compile warnings, Bug #113616 now fully fixed. (*)
  f4302d5... Fixed compile warnings. Bug #113616 now fully fixed, but th (*)
  75dc809... Changed UI slightly. Now, when a note is locked, the button (*)
  f461fc4... Fixed an infinite loop when toggling lock using menu. (*)
  2976391... Prevent creation of multiple processes for imap configurati (*)
  3d0dd24... Bug #109427 now fully fixed/completed. Individual note colo (*)
  11e9396... Updated TODO. (*)
  d574487... Updated TODO again. (*)
  6e9f6ac... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  f082d33... don't pop up an error dialog on mail check failure. Just in (*)
  6b2c620... Make the update interval spins behave more sensibaly my mak (*)
  2c75926... New default for title format. Now the current locale is res (*)
  16bfdf2... Experiment, ignore this. (*)
  91dbe3f... Experiment over. Ignore this. (*)
  3e211f0... Reworded some UI text to make it more HIG compliant. Change (*)
  f9dc662... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  37a14cd... Correct grammar and capitalization for a few error messages (*)
  a37d424... Unspegettified internal API. :-) (*)
  1aa18c1... Fixed bug #113413. When changing colors, the notes now full (*)
  6fe1fb1... Fixed bug #113414, all sticky notes icons are added to an i (*)
  b34292a... Updated changelog. (*)
  0df81bf... Minor cleanup. (*)
  6fbdee1... Fixed segfault. (*)
  5ba1f64... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  408ca86... change behavior and pref so that when applet is clicked jus (*)
  864af14... Patch by: Deepa Natarajan <deepa natarajan wipro com> (*)
  d5538f5... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  490a2f2... Icon size is no longer huge. Changed look. (*)
  b057cc0... Got rid of infinite loop when changing note properties. (*)
  677241c... Add ability to choose default font as well as custom fonts  (*)
  8391ce2... Updated TODO. It's feature complete again! (*)
  c41db22... Fixed typo. (*)
  6615906... Updated documentation. Updated documentation figures. (*)
  12a62e6... Updated docs. (*)
  1fd0e6f... Added new applet, accessx-status.  Fix for bug #98488. Than (*)
  3a315ac... Add some accessx-status/ files. Updated traditional Chinese (*)
  172da67... Change look of resize pixmaps. Got rid of a rogue "&" in th (*)
  410f4f3... up to timeout to 2 minutes so that checking doesn't fail if (*)
  f4bfdd4... Added to check for runtime IPv6 support. (get_server_port): (*)
  e95b4f5... Added an option to enable IPv6 support. Checks for function (*)
  c9fb20e... quiet (*)
  d525aa2... Fixed two compiler warnings in accessx-status applet. (*)
  5139834... get the pixmapdirs correct (*)
  3e4f697... Check panel orientation before calling build_table (Bug #11 (*)
  9ae4875... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  b4a2932... Improve layout of recent changes to preference dialog. (*)
  119555a... small updates (*)
  138d008... 2003-05-30  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  5e34b35... Don't free pixbuf file name before it is really unused. (*)
  3d52cfd... 2003-05-31  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  02202de... Fix newly created mnemonic clash. (*)
  086046f... 2003-05-31  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  ff19dce... 2003-06-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  c4c2ab8... 2003-06-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  3c02ac0... 2003-06-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  4cf3bb0... 2003-06-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  c531cc6... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  2c158b7... Updated French translation. (*)
  75dad78... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  58e5f0b... 2003-06-02  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  86513e0... 2003-06-02  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  771390d... 2003-06-02  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  f7833e0... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  13a09ff... 2003-06-02  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  b039bff... 2003-06-02  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  08e35c8... Fix for #114190. (*)
  3d54c04... Updated Irish Translation (*)
  78d9681... Convert "when clicked" to "when double clicked". (*)
  09b9f1e... *stickynotes.glade: Revised tooltips. (*)
  c454f02... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ecfc750... 2003-06-03  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  6f4b32b... Center the geyes image on the panel. (*)
  2e67a66... Reduce padding on right & bottom inside edges of the frame. (*)
  efe86ac... 2003-06-03  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  bff4320... 2003-06-03  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  61a074b... 2003-06-03  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  4408b0b... Global fix of tamil translation encoding (*)
  7607205... 2003-06-04  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  7c1c590... *** empty log message *** (*)
  84d6045... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  dad26e1... Add missing check for load average property (bug #114477). (*)
  b29f996... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  db32f17... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  b949f38... 2003-06-05  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  17c0522... 2003-06-05  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  52a2df5... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ee9e234... HIGify the location tab. (*)
  24967d8... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b764307... Updated German translation. (*)
  aba6f0f... 2003-06-07  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  395272b... 2003-06-07  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  e5f5753... Updated French translation. (*)
  4ee63b6... gnome_question_dialog -> gtk_message_dialog conversion; cha (*)
  9d5bd13... 2003-06-08  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  89e5643... 2003-06-08  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  d1b1cb4... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  506821d... 2003-06-09  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  3926976... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  10b4d0d... Initial reorg to make the pref dialog available as a standa (*)
  4bca4ce... delete. Nothing calls it. it uses raw X data structures. (c (*)
  e8d0bb0... new. (country_data_free) : new. (tree_create) : avoid massi (*)
  1652f86... 2003-06-12  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  c00fb00... delete more unused code. (*)
  eb12ab7... 2003-06-12  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  62a8d3e... HIG'ify the options tab again as per the HIG, "Do not assig (*)
  12ee4b8... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  d607abd... Revised labels to get rid of "&"'s. Fixes bug #114367. When (*)
  442d72c... Fixed spelling typo. (*)
  ce6b281... Fix the problem of "Command text entered in mini commander  (*)
  1e1eee7... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  bdeae73... 2003-06-15 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  51783fa... A little update (*)
  ff99b92... 2003-06-14  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  dfe849b... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  f39a2f5... 2003-06-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  9f08f25... 2003-06-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  308aae3... 2003-06-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  fd17587... 2003-06-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  86d9a78... 2003-06-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  3c108c5... 2003-06-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  9d039ed... 2003-06-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  15ac608... 2003-06-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  df3cb47... 2003-06-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  03a608e... 2003-06-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  50f1135... 2003-06-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  d062fd6... Fix mnemonic conflicts for Height/Help & Color/Close again! (*)
  a7e4fe5... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  99b7fcb... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  c897a7d... added Macedonian translation (*)
  7f57d92... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  9f45d24... 2003-06-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  3ea63b6... 2003-06-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  6a7e6ea... 2003-06-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0c4d272... Fix wrong url. (*)
  025ceaa... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  1b7de77... Have default values for Name and Label when left empty. Fix (*)
  18ad164... Modified to create AF_INET6 socket, if AF_INET6 is defined  (*)
  a053ed8... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  cbcaec6... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  77c999c... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  4bc3b7a... 2003-06-22  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  66a441a... Adding work of Janos Cserep <janos cserep sun com>, a type6 (*)
  5eeb9eb... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  8160b41... Fixed a crash on eject which occurred if the user had pause (*)
  5fe87cd...      Fix Bug #115945 : Compilation problem using apm on SuS (*)
  c1cc387... 2003-06-25  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  a733454... Remove generated files (*)
  848ea77... Code cleanup. (*)
  911d9b8... code cleanup (*)
  41d47e0... initial update (fuzzy strings, for now) (*)
  45b2179... Added missing file. (*)
  55c9e2a... Removed typo:ed "battsat" line. (*)
  8a652f2... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  e2eb262... 2003-06-26  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  5a2d636... remove note->focused call, as it breaks compilation and doe (*)
  b526f02... Update Czech translation (*)
  67f47da... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  84c2ce0... Little update, plurals added (*)
  732eb44... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  cd34f7a... 2003-06-29  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  80d9919... 2003-06-29  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  e487a72... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  e2611dc... Fix for bug #116193 from Kevin Vandersloot; also fixes Fitt (*)
  63e3e24... HIGged a bit - moved to AccessxStatusApplet to "Utility" an (*)
  58706b6... Set translator_credits. (*)
  79f43db... Pressing ENTER will do the equivalent of left-clicking the  (*)
  810f219... Follow key-writability for preference keys (*)
  c69d0e2... respect key-writability (*)
  7fae2d2... 2003-07-04 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  4c561fe... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  236c914... when we obtain a gconf client, just cache the pointer, that (*)
  f410672... key-writability for theme_path preference (*)
  4c423a8... key-writability fixes for the device path (*)
  9139889... key-writability fixes. If chartable is not writable don't a (*)
  7727af3... Changed lock.png and unlock.png filenames to more accuratel (*)
  49cfa4d... The resize bar and window decorations now appear and disapp (*)
  5121375... The icons now change size accordingly when themes like "Lar (*)
  ed3c679... Got rid of of some debug code that got left in. (*)
  fe97ff1... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  c530c89... Fixed bug #115195. About box now longer crashes the applet  (*)
  98a3a09... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  e48312d... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  46b7e27... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  b27a235... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  740d9d9... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  45b616d... Tweaked status icons slightly before UI freeze :) (*)
  83ce895... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  561218a... respect key-writability in the preferences dialog (*)
  4dd4d9b... make hig_dialog_new static (*)
  aa19999... Follow key-writability (*)
  ec5683e... Update Czech translation (*)
  2756237... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7e9efe0... Updated Serbian translation by Serbian team (Prevod.org). (*)
  595dedf... Updated German translation. (*)
  75374a9... Update Czech translation (*)
  cef0f22... fix memory leak on widget destruction (*)
  be947c7... may properties respect key writability (*)
  6c41bac... battstat/docs/C remove old *.gif, *.sgml and related help f (*)
  08fc158... Fixed bug #97029. (*)
  8148659... update to new docs build system. This now requires the late (*)
  5a78ca2... update to new docs build system. This now requires the late (*)
  69c3a81... Fixed up the network code to read the correct fields, not c (*)
  06b2d26... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> re-adding sgmldocs.make -  (*)
  8f6d1a0... John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> (*)
  f19ea4b... John Fleck <fjleck inkstain net> another docs build cleanup (*)
  ccfeba2... respect key writability (*)
  70a2918... respect key writability (*)
  96cc49f... respect key writability, fix initial size so that all widge (*)
  4cc68e9... respect key writability (*)
  e560091... Respect key writability, even though it's a bit of an overk (*)
  d12326d... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  8393531... Unification of terminology and hotkeys (*)
  2ba33ca... updated translation, fixed some (C) -> (ďż˝) (*)
  f9b3007... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  257b178... Unification of terminology and hotkeys (*)
  eabcb62... Fixed some string issues (*)
  aa6e042... Updated Malay translation. Kenapa awak tengok cvslog saya? (*)
  86ceae1... 2003-07-13  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  6aa4bc2... Unification of terminology and hotkeys (*)
  5670dbb... 2003-07-13  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  f29d669... Updated Serbian translation by Serbian team (Prevod.org). (*)
  bfef2c6... Destroy the corresponding password prompt dialog when apple (*)
  97f71c1... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  a5885f4... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  cf03d58... Update Czech translation (*)
  dd108cb... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  21706f6... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  9c2d267... Updated about box description. Cleaned up and simplified Ge (*)
  ae7ab35... 2003-07-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0a2295a... 2003-07-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  4298763... forgot this (*)
  44bfeef... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  e9533e9... Update Czech translation (*)
  d7946a2... Removed all impossible weather combinations. (#103813) (*)
  51d56a2... Added comment. Added gweather/location.c. (*)
  26bbc89... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  efb1058... 2003-07-16  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  2563043... cdplayer applet to use "media-*" as stock-ids. Fixes bug #1 (*)
  6ee80d4... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  c997fa1... HIG changes for the preferences and forecast dialogs. (*)
  1b5b6a9... Fix the label for the radar map tab. (*)
  7b0f9d9... *** empty log message *** (*)
  61f2e36... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  0492c51... Allow only numeric values to time spin button. Fixes bug#11 (*)
  25c59e8... Updated German translation. (*)
  b336c6b... Update Czech translation (*)
  0860af1... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  cbe27b3... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  80e136a... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  a20b57d... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  fa89d98... 2003-07-20 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  4aa68b1... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  4ae7e54... 2003-07-21  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  87be2b8... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  2dd75f1... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  81315b3... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  03a96a8... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  c5e0d3a... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  3a6a2be... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  5556251... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  2c25733... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  1589b60... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  19c4d59... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  dc4c1cf... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  66a56dc... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  eb3d9b8... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  faef47d... HIGify widget padding between the vbox and action area of t (*)
  3c92493... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  0149117... Remove the "show dialog box" preference, since it was never (*)
  b092547... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  b13f7f4... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  dea403c... configure.in add modemlights docs directory back into the b (*)
  290276d... docs/C/modemlights-C.omf adding omf file, which I forgot, b (*)
  31822cd... 2003-07-23  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  9f9d38a... small typos (*)
  9924a8a... 2003-07-23  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  7451a51... 2003-07-23  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  f2693ec... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  b346abc... 2003-07-23  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  ddb0ae9... Updated Ukrainian translations (*)
  9c741ff... Updated Ukrainian translations (*)
  a7ed79b... Updated Ukrainian translations (*)
  c27dc4a... Updated Welsh translation. Again, dammit. (*)
  0e985b1... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  f8f33c0... Updated German translation. (*)
  2dcd35d... 2003-07-24  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  c737136... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  ff59ef4... Updated German translation. (*)
  37cee8d... Update Czech translation (*)
  c713b1a... Updated Serbian translation by Serbian team (Prevod.org). (*)
  990d1af... Fix two typos introduced by Kevin's patch (#116066). (*)
  5d5912b... Updated Serbian translation after a bugfix. (*)
  3b974b5... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  3411723... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  88d5374... 2003-07-26  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  6f70c79... 2003-07-26  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  11affa8... 2003-07-26  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  6db28de... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  6fd4c22... ok (*)
  874f428... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  bab9cb1... Update Czech translation (*)
  4c68690... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  c006549... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  5c4f606... docs/C/figures/modemlights_applet_general.png (*)
  c21c7b6... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  b70eb61... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  1f2b67f... Little italian update (*)
  635e1dd... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  515f969... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  9694a90... The mass cvs update by saji, Translatopn from smc (*)
  c53b477... Updated French translation. (*)
  a4baec1... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  0154241... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  2dfd2c5... Little bug (*)
  c8899b9... Updated Spanish translation by Francisco Javier F. Serrador (*)
  3dcf5dc... removed dead code (*)
  918e4c6... Massive cleanup to remove the over-engineered (for our use) (*)
  f82d253... *** empty log message *** (*)
  04ac527... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  f64f8cd... updated for GNOME 2.4 updated for GNOME 2.4 created this ne (*)
  48beb9f... updated for GNOME 2.4 updated for GNOME 2.4 created this ne (*)
  9f6c4f9... Updates for GNOME 2.4 (*)
  9a2977e... updates to Help for GNOME 2.4 release update information fo (*)
  c0f2270... make sure the pixmap is updated when changing the panel's o (*)
  26dfe05... be.po: Updated Belarusian translation from Belarusian team  (*)
  74c73c2... multiload.schemas.in: Commit patch from #116066. (*)
  7e6fbbe... Updated German translation. (*)
  02ba2cf... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  6643bdc... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  2bc8d03... Minor updates for 2.4 release (*)
  c0aae4c... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  ef9319f... hn Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> (*)
  dbffc2e... *** empty log message *** (*)
  07c7256... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  ab59102... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  83dec6f... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  e276a6b... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  316e95e... Update Czech translation (*)
  fbd538a... docs/C/Makefile.am docs/C/multiload.xml adding updated docs (*)
  3330f96... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  3489ec7... Updated French translation. (*)
  48e692d... Major update italian translation (*)
  84366dc... make the applet have the right display straight away, left- (*)
  3a301f8... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  bb81c9e... Added gkb-new/descs.sun/presets.xml.in and gkb-new/descs/pr (*)
  d955cea... Updated Spanish translation by Francisco Javier F. Serrador (*)
  75e139e... Updated Swedish translation somewhat. (*)
  8f7cb08... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  5e69bf0... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  e26db33... Updated German translation. (*)
  f1e47d8... Updated Spanish translation by Francisco Javier F. Serrador (*)
  0f4b6df... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  59b63c0... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  ae4e420... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  9e0bccd... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  0a768f7... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  24c8972... Fix previous update. (*)
  30d2ce6... Fix for #119734, updating the autocomplete_history key usin (*)
  970b8f0... Updated Belarusian translation by Ales Nyakhaychyk <nab mai (*)
  26a9a06... Major update (*)
  4dc3476... Updated French translation. (*)
  f23899c... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  b76fda3... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  6dbce61... Update Czech translation, finally (*)
  c776e5d... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  5fefdcc... minor translation update (*)
  651b3d0... Fixed some faulty wording in the "Advanced Settings" portio (*)
  04e3940... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  da20555... Update Norwegian translation. (*)
  56f4e99... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  2e88862... Update Norwegian translation. (*)
  6f505fc... Added Icelandic translation. (*)
  c47f8fa... Correct the Category name to fix the 'geyes' applet link mi (*)
  93cdcde... Updated Icelandic translation. (*)
  478b027... updated references to figures updated date and version numb (*)
  c588163... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  54e54c7... 2003-08-23 updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  0f89bc8... Minor updates for GNOME 2.4 release (*)
  343ca81... Minor updates for GNOME 2.4 release. deleting obsolete file (*)
  bfb4701... Removing obsolete SGML files (*)
  fa4ea5c... Removing unused OMF file (*)
  8459cb7... Updates for the GNOME 2.4 release (*)
  9f0df0a... Updates to the help for the GNOME 2.4 release. (*)
  21f3dee... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  77675ed... 2003-08-24  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  4dd5b4f... 2003-08-24  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  cdde2df... Added missing accel to Portuguese translation. (*)
  20cccaa... Updates for the GNOME 2.4 release (*)
  18cb540... updates to Help for GNOME 2.4 release updated info for L10N (*)
  6e30f91... Updates for GNOME 2.4 release (*)
  f4ada7d... updates to the Help for the GNOME 2.4 release new screensho (*)
  c91cf28... Minor updates to Help for GNOME 2.4 release (*)
  dcd8116... minor updates to Help files for the GNOME 2.4 release (*)
  d4debc1... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  f4dc343... Fixes bug #120691. Added a help button to every sticky note (*)
  faf9d5c... Dutch translation updated. (*)
  065e444... 2003-08-26  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  64c4698... Revision of Spanish translation by Francisco Javier F. Serr (*)
  dff1478... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0bbb8e5... Italian po updated (*)
  7b8e5c1... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  1d36ae0... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  d97a06e... Updated traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  918a7bc... 2003-09-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  f4918b9... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  8652bf0... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  9d492fc... Updated Finniah translation (*)
  f885c80... *** empty log message *** (*)
  1d5ea37... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  3325b15... updated pt_BR.po's translation (*)
  d97cadc... Italian po updated (*)
  99ad752... 2003-09-03  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  57f99fd... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  f5e4259... Added battstat_applet.soundlist.in to EXTRA_DIST. (*)
  91b5263... Use soundlist_in_files instead of file name for last change (*)
  f539e68... Correct the about box version number. (*)
  db2a859... include omf.make (*)
  847c98a... Updated Hindi translation (*)
  a610b8d... Used the egg_* functions so that help actually gets display (*)
  92c4b55... Fixed copy-paste typo in previous commit. (*)
  c2bcef1... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  7ccfbbd... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  86b4a43... Added "bn" to ALL_LINGUAS. Added Bangla translation by Saya (*)
  edad428... Fix the two broken, recently added messages so that they ma (*)
  1644546... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  8486165... Dutch translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  0b00eec... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  d043942... updated Vietnamese file; added Plural line for Greek (copie (*)
  31cfd61... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  390e02b... 2003-09-07  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0caa0ad... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0bd57f8... updated Vietnamese file; added definition of plural forms f (*)
  cd4d006... 2003-09-08  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  70a4186... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  60a5d57... Update (*)
  517c611... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  07475c0... Minor update (*)
  a96ca1f... cast properly to get rid of warning (*)
  a89fb7e... get rid of compiler warnings (*)
  386d744... remove unused var to avoid compiler warning (*)
  4b5cf28... Update -George (*)
  300370f... When started in locked down mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  4f4f8f4... when started in lockdown mode, hide the access x preference (*)
  854f390... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  c3cebef... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  d411844... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  7eb09e0... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  529d071... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  2b9ac82... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  731cf30... 2003-07-24 Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  e80005f... DAMNIT! stupid fingers are faster then brain -George (*)
  b4e929c... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  e73b11a... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  9b7cc38... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item. W (*)
  7fd20e9... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  385e1e6... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  ae6308e... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item, a (*)
  e8dd3bf... when started in lockdown mode, hide the preferences item (*)
  0b23e7f... when command line is being inhibited, make sure we disable  (*)
  9a8c018... when command line is being inhibitted don't allow setting c (*)
  b52cf9c... when command line is inhibited, then don't show the command (*)
  972a123... the command entry in the edit map dialog needs to be disabl (*)
  e113212... when the command line is disabled, then display a dialog te (*)
  5e58684... 2003-09-18  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  de6a96d... Add missing gettext call (#122793). (*)
  ecbc9e4... Mark missing string for translation (#122406). (*)
  afe4d20... Updated Azerbaijani file (*)
  bcfdbdb... Little update (*)
  99a40fa... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  cb4d8a2... Updateing according to inputs from SMC, the group for malay (*)
  db6ad1f... Provided Help in the applet's context menu and the prefence (*)
  e848d4e... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  e1bf4af... Updated Azerbaijani file (*)
  0370caf... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  ce3cb3b... Italian po corrected (*)
  941649e... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  f3bf8a9... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  40c0b3e... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  cd8807c... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  51ad4f0... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  1c8bf3b... Merge fix for bug #124151 from stable. (*)
  11d2359... Merge fix for bug #124150 from stable. (*)
  20f5e84... Little update (*)
  dae44d5... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  af88567... Rename applet_factory() to cdplayer_applet_factory() just t (*)
  ad66e4b... minor updates updated date and version number updated Summa (*)
  86a165d... Merge fix for bug #124642 from stable. (*)
  82397b1... new international us layout (*)
  250fd1b... Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem. (*)
  c08e74e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  52fec34... Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem. (*)
  7c0a727... gdk_pixbuf_composite fixing. 1) The dest_{width, height} co (*)
  956f3f8... Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem. (*)
  7ed594a... 2003-10-21  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  3bc066f... deleted this old file deleted this old file deleted this ol (*)
  672e30c... 2003-10-22  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  9e1e3df... Fixed bug #124630. (*)
  85ae53e... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  d5580e4... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ee11914... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  ec98e41... Remove unnecessary include. Merge from stable. (*)
  a2def6a... Fix a typo. Found by Ole Laursen. Closes bug #119624. (*)
  4c8e8ec... Merge fix for Athens from stable. (*)
  bda3ce9... More fixety from stable (*)
  6778abe... Added Fredericksburg US. From stable. (*)
  c8d2dca... Fixed Whitehorse, Alaska. From stable. (*)
  f61280f... Merge fix for bug #123471. (*)
  eb6a275... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  159a5f0... Merge fix for bug #125488 from stable. (*)
  b7d565e... Fixed bug #125500. (*)
  263fa97... Fix critical warnings when opening prefs window. Fixes bug  (*)
  30ef01d... Added the patch for bug 123033 2003-11-01  Kaushal Kumar <k (*)
  a177534... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  b71281b... file .cvsignore was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  8029ab9... Merge fix for a leak from stable. Closes bug #125594. (*)
  c2ef30d... file omf.make was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  ca7a4ea... Don't register stock icons if they are already registered.  (*)
  e83387e... Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem. (*)
  e24f851... Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem. (*)
  7a1d8d1... Updated for GNOME 2.4.2 Updated to reflect new manual versi (*)
  ccb90f3... 2003-11-09  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  06f4dc6... croatian translation (*)
  b75dc81... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  eca3949... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  c2733bd... 2003-11-14  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  1160de0... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  8a47828... 2003-11-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  531b982... Escape text to allow '&' in the title. Fixes bug #122050. (*)
  89b5e64... Corrected the short description for the r,g,b colors. Fixes (*)
  0fe9758... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  f932bff... Update Czech translation (*)
  bc1960b... 2003-11-30  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  7587549... 2003-11-16  Behdad Esfahbod (*)
  c833ce6... 2003-11-30  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  ce5b548... Forgot to add the usb xpm files :( (*)
  a476005... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  9a94ea9... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  44702e4... Fix critical warnings when invoking help. Fixes bug #128364 (*)
  918ef70... Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem. (*)
  ba8ca0c... Remove the applet from the list when it is deleted from pan (*)
  835b73e... accessx_status_applet_destroy () Removed the filter using (*)
  9af05b1... Replace GtkFileSelection with GtkFileChooser. (*)
  35d0e1c... 2003-12-07  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  93763a1... 2003-12-7  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  11bdabd... Update Czech translation (*)
  7a05eb9... Add CLEANFILES so that make clean deletes $(server_DATA) an (*)
  45968cf... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  f6ed09a... Add accessible name. Fixes bug #128297. (*)
  9a29aa2... Add accessible name. Fixes bug #128259. (*)
  3b353d4... Added Albanian file (*)
  7362de9... Added Albanian translation (*)
  f7f38bc... Added "sq" to ALL_LINGUAS (*)
  4699cc8... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  7946d49... Connected delete_event signal to the property dialog. Fixes (*)
  5918c55... 2003-12-14  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  7d6cf4d... 2003-12-14  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  4970325... Added "hr" to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  12de375... 2003-12-16 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  6f5cb29... lrint() not available on Solaris. Replaced with 'floor()+0. (*)
  b2d13a8... GtkPixmap -> GtkImage, g_file_exists -> g_file_test and GTK (*)
  2706448... 2003-12-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  8d8f52a... Locations: Added Wheeling, Illinois (*)
  7b61069... Fix for bug #126201. (*)
  2163817... hotfix for Thai keyboard by Paisa (*)
  f20e772... changelog for previous hotfix (*)
  7fcb29a... Drop font_set_cb since it doesn't seem to be used (it also  (*)
  36c75f0... Also get rid of deprecated GDK functions. (*)
  8ffe67a... 2003-12-7  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  ff167ac... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  eab1657... Fix critical warnings with accessibility on. Fixes bug #129 (*)
  6d549e1... Fix a typo in the accessible description. Fixes bug #128955 (*)
  1912b21... Updated Polish translation. (*)
  5823a76... first code from gswitchit (*)
  2943325... VERY VERY Important: merged with po files from gswitchit. H (*)
  ec9ca0b... Update Czech translation (*)
  8f1480b... one binary less (*)
  1cf081d... well, this file is not necessary any more (*)
  91a9e21... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  56ff422... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  31e1b46... CVS_SILENT (*)
  562efd7... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  4200c58... set this to 1.6 to cope with the gswitchit reqs. (*)
  dd654f9... CVS_SILENT (*)
  fcc46bd... a lot of warnings should be gone now (*)
  88b0826... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  d730970... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  0fd2c92... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  0d01cfc... Updated Mongolian translation (*)
  5c005ff... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  5ad5e11... *** empty log message *** (*)
  9485064... now we got --enable-flags option the way crude politically- (*)
  e734f4e... Updated French translation. (*)
  d878690... some cleanup in the About dialog (*)
  f9b8de7... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  41d1131... add buzilla info. Fixes bug #129214. (*)
  c5e1322... 2003-01-04  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  204909a... Move icons from built-in xpm pixmaps to gnome-icon-theme ic (*)
  45e316d... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  13c36c7... Fix typos (bug #119644). (*)
  ca8ecd5... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  1703db7... position center. Fixes #130645. (*)
  b40c7c4... Give a default command. Assume APM for now, but really this (*)
  05792e8... some indenting + start of preparations to the gkb digestion (*)
  2c7fe4b... splitting switch to separate file and changing the gswitchi (*)
  d66fbac... first create libgkb.a and make it link somehow... (*)
  dadc8af... Set gtk_entry_set_activates_default on entry box to activat (*)
  c4be122... make this compile (get_remote_password) : and this. Looks l (*)
  4729242... adding gswitchit.pc (*)
  542e759... cleaner handling of ENABLE_FLAGS in CFLAGS (*)
  9b4ad1d... Change in the server file name (*)
  2048da2... Updated ICAO location code for Charlottetown to CYYG in the (*)
  1e9f654... 2004-01-09  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  8bd4a08... 2004-01-09  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  1232e22...        * configure.in: Check for gstreamer for the m (*)
  af4403b... 2004.01.09 Arafat Medini <lumina silverpen de> (*)
  344d03f... Added Accessible Descritpion Fixes #128290 (*)
  8f802a2... fixing 131173 (*)
  cb549cd... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  641b692... Set the accessible name and description. Fixes bug #128262. (*)
  d7c0d24... Added info for bug-reporting. Fix bug #131014. (*)
  3718b16... Update Czech translation (*)
  475cdd2... Remove spurious newline, making it compile again. (*)
  18a2f81... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  3449fa9... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  b0281e1... Use gnome-icon-theme icon instead of built-in application i (*)
  06e02c5... Change default to not display warning when fully charged (*)
  1ac6ffa... Fri Jan 12 2004 Archana Shah <archana shah wipro com> (*)
  c6d245d... Added a field in the structure GWeatherApplet for about dia (*)
  2870aa5... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  e8ce817... Update Czech translation (*)
  43faf5a... Translation updated. (*)
  e09de2e... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  faa641e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  1f796ab... Updated (*)
  0556ac6... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  64fcd00... Translation updated. (*)
  e1ee220... Kevins said we did not need gweather/pixmaps any more (*)
  7d87b60... gswitchit dirs should be distributed anyway (*)
  8c1ef86... 2004-01-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  899b6a1... 2004-01-15  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  e417f78... Mark two strings for translation. Fixes #131328 (*)
  7e93bbc... Added a member in the structure CDPlayerData for about dial (*)
  3475c3f... Added a field for about dialog in structure MixerData. (*)
  6953938... Added a field into the structure MCData, for about dialog.  (*)
  740e216... Updated Irish translation. (*)
  c9cb483... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  db47a99... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  c937937... 2004-01-17 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  b5c0e51... Updated German translation. (*)
  564bb99... builddir != srcdir fix. (*)
  b10b2f9... builddir != srcdir fix. (*)
  466ec51... builddir != srcdir fix. (*)
  a70cfe3... builddir != srcdir fix. (*)
  a31503a... All the remaining fixes for when builddir != srcdir. (*)
  2191b12... Fixing a couple of bugs after gnome-applets review (metabug (*)
  02548dc... Destroys about dialog when that instance of applet is remov (*)
  551ea81... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  bfcd739... Updated and revised Portuguese translation. (*)
  0ac9c2e... Updated Spanish traslation. (*)
  ca41e9b... Udpated Korean translation. (*)
  5022776... Update Czech translation (*)
  fa8aa54... Updated Irish translation (*)
  ec10feb... Translation updated. (*)
  c1191b2... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  28da044... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  21a83fa... Mark string for translation. Patch from Maxim Dzumanenko <m (*)
  948b9d9... add BOM report codes to various Australian locations. (*)
  b31a320... requires the latest libxklavier due to the API change (*)
  b963a2e... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  aea6a47... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5870c74... One last builddir != srcdir fix. (#129236, Mike Castle) (*)
  dc2b74c... Fix bug #125909: Property windows remain after applet remov (*)
  083c0c3... Capture new screenshot for GNOME 2.6 (*)
  2cd745e... Update modemlights documentation for GNOME 2.6 (*)
  006fc9c... Add an entry for updating docs for 2.6 (*)
  caa90a5... Add entry for updating docs for modemlights 2.6 (*)
  1ce21a4... Ignore generated Makefile.in and Makefile (*)
  0c83082... Updated (*)
  9bf6b3e... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  2fa16a1... patch for building on Solaris, thanks to Padraig (*)
  d75e79f... Set the screen when creating the about dialog. (*)
  f477d4a... Set the screen after creating the about dialog. (*)
  2047017... Set the screen for the about dialog. (*)
  6ed6fba... Set the screen for the about dialog (*)
  ca9fb3f... Set the screen for the about dialog. (*)
  b369be3... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  6e05b0d... Fixed Czech translation (*)
  3ceeaad... file battstat-general.png was initially added on branch gno (*)
  7460465... file battstat-apperance.png was initially added on branch g (*)
  14474ee... file cdplayer.xml was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  efb1eef... file cdplayer-uk.omf was initially added on branch gnome-2- (*)
  2b9f047... file cdplayer_applet_stop.png was initially added on branch (*)
  8e8e611... file cdplayer_applet_prevtrack.png was initially added on b (*)
  6ee34ad... file cdplayer_applet_playpause.png was initially added on b (*)
  3ee12b5... file cdplayer_applet_playing.png was initially added on bra (*)
  03c4663... file cdplayer_applet_play.png was initially added on branch (*)
  db22b4e... file cdplayer_applet_pause.png was initially added on branc (*)
  4ae3acb... file cdplayer_applet_nexttrack.png was initially added on b (*)
  a9c039b... file cdplayer_applet_playafterpause.png was initially added (*)
  9ef0969... file cdplayer_applet.png was initially added on branch gnom (*)
  fb8375c... file cdplayer_applet_eject.png was initially added on branc (*)
  81da831... file drivemount_applet_settings.png was initially added on  (*)
  f06390e... file drivemount_applet_floppy.png was initially added on br (*)
  611dbf0... file gkb.xml was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  0d1927a... file gkb-uk.omf was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  5e79fd9... file gkb_applet.png was initially added on branch gnome-2-4 (*)
  c5f159c... file mailcheck.xml was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  026d0b3... file mailcheck-uk.omf was initially added on branch gnome-2 (*)
  331341d... file mailcheck_applet.png was initially added on branch gno (*)
  6b68038... file modemlights.xml was initially added on branch gnome-2- (*)
  fa31c5f... file modemlights-uk.omf was initially added on branch gnome (*)
  5ef5c07... file modemlights_applet_if_connect.png was initially added  (*)
  6a9388f... file modemlights_applet_general.png was initially added on  (*)
  822192f... file modemlights_applet_connected.png was initially added o (*)
  9834fd5... file modemlights_applet_colors.png was initially added on b (*)
  9dd81d9... file modemlights_applet_button_2.png was initially added on (*)
  4cf314c... file modemlights_applet_awaiting.png was initially added on (*)
  0e8548b... file modemlights_applet_advanced.png was initially added on (*)
  da0458e... file modemlights_applet_not_connected.png was initially add (*)
  ec5a6d1... file modemlights_applet.png was initially added on branch g (*)
  b2c3a7b... file modemlights_applet_button.png was initially added on b (*)
  94198d9... file wireless.xml was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  f85d5db... file legal.xml was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  41782c0... file wireless-uk.omf was initially added on branch gnome-2- (*)
  eb5cd85... file .cvsignore was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  5047a53... file Makefile.am was initially added on branch gnome-2-4. (*)
  76766cd... file wireless_applet_conn.png was initially added on branch (*)
  13b6c4f... file wireless_applet_no_conn.png was initially added on bra (*)
  c45492e... just a couple of tiny tipos (*)
  43568bf... better wording, thanks to billh (*)
  f45108d... keynav added, thanks to billh (*)
  64ff18e... Fix bug #132832 for displaying online help of modemlights (*)
  bf77253... fix bug #132832 for displaying online help. (*)
  363a206... Freeing colors structure here instead of freeing it in func (*)
  2c6500d... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  e975fee... Update Czech translation (*)
  b88fe3a... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  2f15919... Updated for GNOME 2.6, technical review draft * docs/C/mult (*)
  4e60545... added about_box GtkWidget to the _ProgressData structure. (*)
  c3bc9ce... add about_dialog entry to the StickyNotesApplet structure (*)
  1d667e0... Added a field in the structure AccessxStatusApplet for abou (*)
  b3f9507... Added an about_dialog GtkWidget to the _DriveData structure (*)
  4a9967b... Added a field for about dialog in structure charpick_data.  (*)
  56153ed... Added a field in structure MultiloadApplet for about dialog (*)
  f95737c... Added a member in structure MLData for about dialog. Initia (*)
  3362f53... added about_dialog GtkWidget to the WirelessApplet structur (*)
  b13a84a... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  a48d94c... Adding patch from: (*)
  b08c639... check for NULL value from the file selector. Closes bug #13 (*)
  1a262ec... i Changed gweather", "gweather-prefs", into "gweather", (*)
  70b4087... Translation updated. (*)
  477784c... Updated German translation. (*)
  fd0bffd... Added patch from SUN to make the stickynotes applet use the (*)
  cabb005... Applied patch from: (*)
  3d54322... Added an add_edit_dialog and add_edit_entry entry to _charp (*)
  6bbd35f... Check if the theme didn't have a fatal. (*)
  952c2e4... Updates for 2.5.5. (*)
  97d2590... Updated (*)
  64a205e... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  3f31368... Update documenters credit in About dialog. (*)
  0f11b24... 2004-02-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  a3297e0... 2004-02-01  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  12228d8... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  7365465... Updated German translation. (*)
  ab12157... Translation updated. (*)
  24f78ed... Mark accessible name and description for translation. Fixes (*)
  fb744c5... reviewed by: <delete if not using a buddy> (*)
  d6f26a2... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  21e863f... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  386f391... Updated Irish translation (*)
  fdd43e6... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  9973d00... 2004-02-03 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  1fedbd5... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  096357e... Update Czech translation (*)
  3bbc429... Translation updated. (*)
  03506dc... Quoted definition of macro AM_PATH_ESD. Fixes #133213. (*)
  9a367e7... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  2446808... Updated Irish translation (*)
  2346595... Fix bug #133100 for properly installing themes. (*)
  17af67f... Add an entry to ChangeLog for fixing bug #133100 (*)
  7db944c... Update my email, and use the correct shadow type for the de (*)
  837af0e... Added Ukraine to the list of locations. (*)
  5e587da... AI, i was assigning the credits for the patch wrongly, i sh (*)
  1ae792c... Updated (*)
  d78a86d... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  240cf2d... Dennis Smit  <ds nerds-incorporated org> Submitting patch b (*)
  b38a053... Patch by Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>: (*)
  08221a3... *** empty log message *** (*)
  522f1e0... Install the docs for multiload. (*)
  750bf58... replaced deprecated glib functions. (*)
  3c8e38b... Changed multihead fixes to reflect CVS. (*)
  157882d... Added documenter credits. (*)
  963f370... Submitting patch by Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org>: (*)
  0d1b497... set the menu to the right screen. (*)
  4033ffc... 2004-02-06  Padraig O'Briain (padraig obriain sun com) (*)
  454da47... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  9936aec... Fix for bug 133605. Set PANEL_APPLET_EXPAND_MINOR. (*)
  5973ed8... Patch by Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas gnome org> to cleanup some (*)
  ed90c19... Removed underscore from "Viet_namese". (*)
  8835977... Whoops, added ChangeLog entry as well. (*)
  706470f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  283e1f1... Adding file. (*)
  6d40e93... Submitting patches by: (*)
  8ae0486... Updated (*)
  9cf781e... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  3a5b86d... Update Czech translation (*)
  28e12fd... Remove duplicate definitions. Closes bug #124153. (*)
  de836c5... Add .server and .server.in to CLEANFILES for each applet's  (*)
  8ced0b3... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  eb94592... Change that name and description is changing before calling (*)
  a3855c4... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  102ccf5... Implemented peer review comments Updated date (*)
  1c48b60... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Issued for technical review. Updated (*)
  6e4e5a6... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Issued for technical review. Updated (*)
  7d55eed... Renamed from battstat-applet.png as per GNOME Documentation (*)
  c00c9f1... Removed the --disable-install-schemas arg (whose conditiona (*)
  c67dac1... Fix all applets so they won't install their schemas if the  (*)
  6bd03f7... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  5f4b013... Updated (*)
  ff9aedf... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  6eab635... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  80fd9e2... Added connect_dialog and run_dialog entries to the mldata s (*)
  148fc35... Do the initial about dialog spawm on the right screen fixes (*)
  37a4986... Spawm help on the right screen. (*)
  2a4c10d... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  84cae30... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  1129453... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  10cc1bc... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  9ea09b9... Updated Arabic translation. (*)
  d1a87f2... Make the about dialog multihead sane. (*)
  43b41b3... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  3e750e3... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  3002ecb... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  f87e408... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  8b40e1a... Updated Greek translation (*)
  8a5d772... Submitted patch by Leena Gunda to fix a few multihead issue (*)
  b498f53... DOH DOH DOH DOH (forgot to add to the reposity) (*)
  950a4fe... changed g_strdup into g_strdup_printf at some places, fixes (*)
  5aef5ed... Translation updated. (*)
  3ccd22d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  232022c... Updated French translation. (*)
  fbdc628... use \xc2\xa9 instead of (C) for copyright sign. (*)
  234227d... Adding more swedish cities. (*)
  5d7b8df... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  2b8e1aa... Updated italian translation (*)
  14f471d... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  8efb4cd... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  075474a... 2004-02-17  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  f90898f... 2004-02-17  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0221ac9... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  6c787c9... Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for GNOME 2.6. Updated for G (*)
  6ee31b6... 2004-02-18  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  ddb1794... 2004-02-18  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0d01269... 2004-02-18  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  92daf6a... 2004-02-18  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  757203f... include <locale.h> to get things compiling. There are still (*)
  e3303da... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  f90bbff... 2004-02-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0632d8d... 2004-02-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  fce64e2... 2004-02-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  1007cb5... 2004-02-19  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  a6803bb... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  9c10167... Updated (*)
  4361738... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  75cb6a1... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  9831b76... Updated German translation. (*)
  989798b... Added "en_CA" to ALL_LINGUAS. Added Canadian English transl (*)
  2af5ba7... replaced the gnome_execute_shell with egg_screen_execute_sh (*)
  07ef8ca... Applied patch by Vijaykumar Patwari to fix help in the cont (*)
  33df891... Updated the Greek translation (*)
  f41bde7... Updated Azerbaijani translation. (*)
  a2cd1b6... Translation updated. (*)
  a356ad9... 2004-02-22  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  ede8966... Move from egg_screen_execute to gdk_spawn_on_screen. (*)
  eb36174... Doh, i had autoident screwed these files up. (*)
  192f856... Set the fill option for gtk_table_attach to GTK_FILL instea (*)
  166c985... Destroy the eye box and GtkWidget eye array. (*)
  eed0f24... Have only one icon_list_count instead of two for both c fil (*)
  9fafc27... Be multihead aware. (*)
  c762de4... Keep track of the dialog within the DriveData structure so  (*)
  fa4f645... Set the about dialog to the right screen when the user requ (*)
  6de7ccf... Reset the right screen if the user requests the about dialo (*)
  6c706a5... Set the screen right when the user requests the about dialo (*)
  b74e321... Set the right screen when the user requests the about dialo (*)
  4c27188... Set the screen right when the user requests the about dialo (*)
  b5d385d... Set the screen right when the user requests the about dialo (*)
  b564844... Set the screen right if the user requests the about dialog  (*)
  d00abe3... Set the screen right if the user requests the about dialog  (*)
  511acb8... Set the about dialog on the right screen if the user reques (*)
  32a5793... Set the screen right when the user requests the about dialo (*)
  aaf4cc6... Made event driven so it doesn't block different instances a (*)
  7296a0f... Add a prop_dialog entry to the MultiloadApplet struct. (*)
  63ddbc1... Free the MLData structure so it doesn't leak. (*)
  51e715a... Stupid bug fix. (*)
  3dcb3ec... fixing 135071 - help button should not close the dialog (*)
  c39dff0... Patch that adds more Malaysian contries and adds "MY" to th (*)
  21d4eed... 2004-02-23 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  5c57ac6... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  c1aa7ea... Make the capplet link to screen-exec. (*)
  7935a94... The applet now places the text and icon in the right way in (*)
  801b05d... updated hindi translation (*)
  6fa392e... Fix for bug #135292. (*)
  2088019... Some polish of the event processing, thanks to Kevin (*)
  fa87c56... 2004-02-25  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  6715819... Cleaned up and fixed transparency for color background pane (*)
  c43a300... pixmap argument is a GdkPixmap not a gchar *pixmap. (*)
  e996768... Added function to listen to panel background changes and ad (*)
  5996e8f... Doh me. (*)
  60b5c89... Connect a signal to change_background. (*)
  9c5a361... Moved the about window entry placing in the Mailcheck struc (*)
  6e6708a... Small fix when setting the screen. (*)
  be9feb0... Translation updated. (*)
  5b4cda6... Bumping up MAX_EYES hard limit to 1000. 100 eyes seem to fi (*)
  93d77f3... Added function to handle panel background changes. (*)
  caf4877... Added signal handler for the change_background signal. (*)
  aba3850... Updated french translation. (*)
  a867763... update Russian translation (*)
  e8f29f2... Translation updated. (*)
  ab0cffa... undo change made in wrong changelog (*)
  3ced593... Should size better to panel now because we're using widget  (*)
  b55124a... 2004-02-28  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  cb9f5dc... 2004-02-28  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  0e0e3cf... 2004-02-28  Kevin Vandersloot (*)
  89d6b07... Added function to handle panel background changes. (*)
  e245a0f... I should check the diffs better before commit. (*)
  02b6873... Silly cleanup. (*)
  1c1a25e... Center the label in the middle of the panel (visible for ve (*)
  560f523... Added the ebox to the GSwitchItApplet structure because we  (*)
  140f9f5... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  05ed7c9... fixing partially #135070 (*)
  be66cab... Submit patch: (*)
  e299b76... Updated Arabic translation. (*)
  8e4f2f9... Fix for bug #124018, made accessx-status-applet single-clic (*)
  d5496d8... Added Thai translation. (*)
  ff2e2d2... Added "th" (Thai) to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  47a031c... Submitting patch by: (*)
  aa105d8... Tell the session manager to ignore our windows. (*)
  ff4925a... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  d817a8c... Updated Belarusian translation. (*)
  619a693... Translation updated. (*)
  270ecaf... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  35b44f1... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  1f3d191... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  376906c... use gst 0.8 and 0.7 (*)
  a616123... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  6efafab... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  6869e3b... release 2.5.7 (*)
  cc7bdb9... Made the buffers a bit longer so international characters d (*)
  ba4a4d6... Ditto like the previous commit. (*)
  fe85e10... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  fbf90da... Fix some errors in gtik. (*)
  fbeef0e... Update Czech translation (*)
  0bb69ba... Remove semicolon after if. (*)
  1f81abf... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  dcf2442... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  743983b... Updated Arabic translation. (*)
  3225b69... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  e86f995... Updated Bulgarian translation. (*)
  92c7146... Updated Ukrainian trnaslation (*)
  ca25235... Translation updated by Elros Cyriatan. (*)
  0691b48... release 2.5.8 (*)
  9cc05a1... Remove, it's old. Remove, not referenced anymore. Remove, n (*)
  1aa2b46... Localized docs for de, es, fr, it, ko, sv, zh_CN, zh_HK and (*)
  6dc2971... Quiet dudes.. (*)
  77ea2b1... Kill off the old sgml based docs. (*)
  0d2409d... Update docs for de, es, fr, it, ko, sv, zh_CN, zh_HK and zh (*)
  b9581db... Remove top level crap that we don't need anymore. (*)
  eaf2469... Add localized documentation for de, es, fr, it, ko, sv, zh_ (*)
  049122f... Remove, they're all old and on other branches if we need th (*)
  6db0616... blah, remove. (*)
  d0e123f... Add localized documentation from the Sun translation team f (*)
  58d1487... Localized online documentation from the Sun translation tea (*)
  e3f8704... Remove the old help docs, they're no longer needed anymore. (*)
  8f43b9b... Online localized help docs for de, es, fr, it, ko, sv zh_CN (*)
  b21b5a4... Localized online help from Sun's translation team for de, e (*)
  687823e... Localized online help from Sun's translation team for de, e (*)
  90705f7... Online localized help from Sun's translation team for de, e (*)
  3da08d6... Remove the old sgml docs since we really don't need them an (*)
  ae4dac2... Localized online docs from Sun's translation team for de, e (*)
  a5d8745... Remove the old sgml stuff, we don't need it anymore. (*)
  f1dd30d... Remove the old sgml docs that we don't need anymore. (*)
  970492b... Remove the sgml stuff since we don't need it anymore. (*)
  2af1778... Add localized online documentation from Sun's translation t (*)
  c6b1d49... Remove the old sgml docs and weird assed directory structur (*)
  0617d6c... Ignore (*)
  da0b6ba... Online localized help from Sun's translation team in de, es (*)
  f5f61bc... Online localized help from Sun's translation team for de, e (*)
  29df7c5... Updated Bengali translations (*)
  4b362dc... Localized online documentation from Sun's translation team  (*)
  e81d2f9... Add l10n'd docs to the build. Still missing some ja updates (*)
  7d6db63... updated Russian translation (*)
  556d32c... updated translation by "Raphael Higino" <raphaelh uai com b (*)
  1f678e4... Remove non-portable CFLAGS. Shouldn't override them anyway. (*)
  6d5402f... Add sv. (*)
  fa635c2... Adding ja docs, since I didn't hear from the previous autho (*)
  154197a... Add inlinepixbuf to SOURCES. Should fix one distcheck issue (*)
  f406c66... jeff waugh has no pants. (*)
  476214c... Add ja docs since the original author didn't get back to me (*)
  dcc0e40... jeff waugh had no pants (*)
  7feae4f... jeff waugh will have no pants (*)
  2a615a5... Fix installation of gconf schemas. (*)
  e11c03a... jeff waugh would have no pants (*)
  67f6122... Put back ja docs since the original author never got back t (*)
  123a3b9... Add ja docs since the orignal author didn't get back to me. (*)
  c24c3e2... jeff waugh used to have pants (*)
  22c0e10... Add ja docs since the original author didn't get back to me (*)
  787266a... ok, i can't conjugate jeff waugh and his pants anymore (*)
  24b1f6c... Add ja docs since the original author didn't get back to me (*)
  2389fbe... happy st.patricks day. (*)
  51fd92d... Add ja docs since the author never got back to me. (*)
  6ff5860... blah blah blah (*)
  fa5f4fb... blah (*)
  c074951... Add ja docs since I haven't heard from the original author. (*)
  e667865... isgh (*)
  909340b... Put back the ja docs as well since the orignal author didn' (*)
  9d282bf... The Great 'I HATE CVSIGNORE' Commit. (*)
  de73295... ok, (*)
  0f282f7... ahr (*)
  7c1da6a... applet-docs.am.template, applet-docs.make, Remove more lega (*)
  bed2d71... Updates for 2.5.90. (*)
  f0dd462... Commit these changes back, although still struggling to dis (*)
  d8171a5... Hrm, I thought I commit this yesterday :/ (*)
  a1a03de... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  bcbb94c... Updated Arabic translation. (*)
  4e0cb35... Updated italian translation (*)
  2ea2f26... Typo fixes from Rhys Jones and updated Welsh translation fr (*)
  bae3fa3... Updated Welsh translation from Dafydd Tomos. (*)
  88f7297... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  020395e... Updated British translation (*)
  05652bc... Approved by release team and Kevin (*)
  979e5db... release 2.6.0 (*)
  fe8245c... Updated Irish translation (*)
  2a0ff16... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  90fb7a0... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  ba2b717... Added punjabi translation (*)
  79bc305... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5877463... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  e1aec6f... Updated French translation. (*)
  cf151fa... *** empty log message *** (*)
  724e653... Added gswitchit.schemas.in to EXTRA_DIST. Fixes build outsi (*)
  8c0a879... Fixed odd bug with the background update. No more reprodusa (*)
  24a61fc... Updated Icelandic translation by Helgi �ormar �orbj�rnsson (*)
  bf0945c... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  e3bf597... Translation updated. (*)
  c4c0305... Translation updated. (*)
  043a818... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  34a8b8c... added gujarati translation (*)
  2920a5c... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  3f84a3a... handle 2 wireless cards correctly, as well as cards with 2  (*)
  2dc99b5... Fix typo in multiload applet. (*)
  8581979... Fix typo in multiload applet. (*)
  0bd47d1... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  117492d... Fix spellings. (*)
  9b05dcb... More spelling fixes. (*)
  435032d... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  818d3e8... Replaced %-d as %e. %-d is a GNU extension. (*)
  4058193... Added Basque help files (*)
  c934d03... Added Basque help files (*)
  492c436... Added Basque help files (*)
  a90cc9d... Added Basque help files (*)
  61c9d45... Added Basque help files (*)
  9fa52c6... some more fixes in Basque help files (*)
  ab30bc2... Fix bug #135179 - help not displaying from right click on t (*)
  38eb7d6... Fix for certain invalid conditions. From bug #134452. Patch (*)
  b7a4e0e... use correct icon to theme properly. Patch from Calum Benson (*)
  f8c8d56... Fix volume reduction for alsa. Fixes bug #137307. Patch fro (*)
  afe32e7... Fix build (*)
  aaf14b3... Fix crash when removing second applet.  Fixes bug #140964 (*)
  4f0a836... Adding some portugese cities. Patch from Milton Moura <mgcm (*)
  b9bf3f6... Adding cities in Great Britain. Patch from Gareth Owen <gow (*)
  1f6832e... Bad bad bad - this code should not have been removed. Proba (*)
  2d9dec7... Updated German translation. Thanks to Sven Herzberg for poi (*)
  a760eac... Translation updated. (*)
  eca0863... fixed the bug regarding non-working shortcut (*)
  51805e9... Updated German translation. (*)
  5e3c2bc... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  a199f79... Release 2.6.1 (*)
  59f33ed... Added a ETCHED_IN border around the Forecast dialog. (*)
  85c296e... Replace useless Critical/Low/High message in tooltip with a (*)
  2fd784e... free notes on exit (*)
  039fbeb... Use appropriate mnemonic widget id to display the font pick (*)
  1e36fa7... Allow for translators to specify the default location. Fixe (*)
  95c34a4... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  d69d9db... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  91b224b... Close bug #131322. Make the battery warning dialog disappea (*)
  6aa1442... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  6c5a3c4... Use more sensible macros. Use gnome-open for things (instea (*)
  7481da5... Updated British English translation (*)
  0e8baa8... Fix a segmentation fault caused by attempting to remove the (*)
  c6b3d04... Check that sapplet->box is realized instead of sapplet->app (*)
  f3cce14... Ensure that when the widget is destroyed the pointer is set (*)
  46f4bc6... - Improve and apply a fix from Richard Kinder <r_kinder yah (*)
  e55933c... -export-dynamic is necessary for plugins (*)
  206000a... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  1b7f2c0... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  61d58d5... Updated British English translation (*)
  ed8bea2... Applied patch by Gareth Owen that fixes bug #134018. (*)
  3878ba7... Removed the show_handle and show_frame preferences and supp (*)
  d7e36b7... Remove all uses of snprintf and replace them with g_strdup  (*)
  5534c17... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  65c0572... - Ensure battery warning dialogs are line wrapped. - Add ti (*)
  d9b8baf... Fix the warning when removing gkb applet from panel. Fixes  (*)
  1a25664... Updated British English translation (*)
  e973dda... Free buffers on deleting weather info structure.  Fixes bug (*)
  79366cc... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  c120062... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  4d09992... Add accessible name. Fixes bug #134935. (*)
  1f30a64... Updated Bulgarian translation by Peter "Peshka" Slavov (*)
  11cedc2... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  b32c7b6... gswitchit-plugins capplet is able to show some debug info (*)
  8d2433b... Fixing the bug with 8-bit encodings. Shame on me (*)
  3d214ec... Getting rid of excessive debug (*)
  fc36b8b... Added error_io_dialog and error_busy_dialog widgets to the  (*)
  5c3b024... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  1b73160... Updated British English translation (*)
  c3c70da... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  b233239... Add a response for the update button. (*)
  32f29cd... Changed Kph to km/h in the WINDSPEED_UNIT_STR define. Kph i (*)
  9aba86a... Fixed up applet placement majorly. (*)
  9c0f6a7... Add a string to indicate that there are no stocks to be mon (*)
  ef10cd1... Fix for bug #120758 (Belarussian entry was wrong, sorry for (*)
  76560f5... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  46f83a3... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  7bb5986... Updated British English translation (*)
  c8bb87e... Added Karlstad (ESOK) in Sweden. (*)
  6436929... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  f6b3b38... Updated (*)
  0129946... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  b85b109... Removed some stray semicolons. Fixes bug #136845. (*)
  5bdefa6... Updated Tamil Translation (*)
  e5a1acf... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  3db520c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  1004a68... Restore saved mixer channel on startup. Fixes #139374. (*)
  633814b... patch by: Kaushal Kumar <kaushal kumar wipro com> (*)
  07c7c16... Set the accessible name to read out no of messages and remo (*)
  6647e37... Changing the CLOUD_RE_STR define. (metar_tok_cloud): Adding (*)
  3606fa0... Use alignment instead of hbox for the container so the appl (*)
  fe9b6e8... Applied patch to fix ally issues for bug #135366. (*)
  36b09f4... Ally fixes by: Padraig 'O brain <padraig obriain sun com>. (*)
  780316c... Changed a few labels to fix bug #120693. (*)
  4543bc4... Cleared a stray / in the about text. (*)
  4f9d6eb... Initializing some variables to fix crasher on location chan (*)
  68e24d9... Fixes for PPC and libapm. (*)
  221bd64... fixing 143786 - most probably should be backported to gnome (*)
  8194aad... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  4da6e7d... Fixed two compile warnings. (*)
  6e08305... Fix for transparant radar images. (*)
  d26574b... Portability fixes for the IBM C compiler. (*)
  6ad65ea... Portability fixes for the IBM C compiler. (*)
  4a8e5ed... Patch by: Ross Burton <r burton 180sw com> (*)
  d3f87e9... Added flag to track if zone information is valid. (*)
  8061f6a... Super small code cleanups (*)
  45dd1fe... Put the treeview in a scrolled window and make the dialog a (*)
  57a3846... Set the preference window resizeable flag to FALSE. (*)
  5619852... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  25ce348... Present the forecast dialog when it's reselected from the a (*)
  3d5f764... Single click to popup forecast: (*)
  e18f80c... Set the correct accessible name. Fixes bug #134932. (*)
  63b50cc... Accessibility fixes bug #135374. (*)
  7ef00c3... Display the proper tooltip. (*)
  1587ee7... The stock icon got registered. (*)
  3651044... Added tooltip. Removed static variable usage. Fixes bug #14 (*)
  f92aa92... Set the atk description for each of the toggle buttons Fixe (*)
  4297c8c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  c58350d... Copy needed defines from linux/isdn.h instead of including  (*)
  ef05f49... Open on single click instead of double based on: (*)
  1cf6fd7... Set the correct range value for gtk_adjustment_new. (*)
  b4eb2e2... With mem usage also show the percentage cache. (*)
  0d5a95c... Removed ellipses in context menus. (*)
  2a1e849... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  59da687... Fix bug #139949 - change some language for consistency. (*)
  151b2ff... s/O_utline/O_utline:/ as spotted by: Paisa Seeluangsawat (*)
  d2423b1... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  41041ef... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  fa2a802... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  728db8f... Updated British English translation (*)
  45f4c7f... Updated (*)
  fa2cf0a... Updated Albanian translation (*)
  746cc9d... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  9bac43d... Adding symbols is coma and space separated. (*)
  f05b77b... Increased the size of the string to 1024 to avoid the crash (*)
  b2f4ba8... Added scrollbars to the radar map. (*)
  0228eec... "No Change" string was marked strangly as reported by: Pais (*)
  2d4ef4a... Check gdk_spawn_on_screen, so that we get errors when comma (*)
  bdc86b2... Check for a new mail is not supported by POP3 (RFC 1939). D (*)
  05b0a58... Remove extraneous #include <dirent.h>. Should (*)
  c5b7b93... Add AccessxStatusErrorType enum. Set the error flag if XKB  (*)
  7e27d9a... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  a91d54a... Added setting default values for new unit variables. Remove (*)
  34d9259... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  a7599b4... Updated British English translation (*)
  c0e7134... Comitting a huge patch by: Gareth Owen  <gowen72 yahoo com> (*)
  29fc939... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  33a8cec... Quieten CVS (*)
  29fccee... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ef5ba81... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  b2c0967... Created separate domain for location translations. (*)
  4cc0600... Updated British English translation (*)
  8e2199a... Imported Dutch transltion from evolution evolution-1-4-bran (*)
  303e4cc... Added Swedish translation, based on the evolution-1-4-branc (*)
  25d4b90... Portuguese migrated from gnome-applets. (*)
  5846376... Added Morganton, NC (*)
  3bdf16a... Removed some broken locations (*)
  e567426... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  cd975b3... ru.po: Added Russian translation (imported from evolution-1 (*)
  553ddd0... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  884f264... Added Czech translation. (*)
  f021f41... Added Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  7783bbf... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  e94e7bb... Added Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  6ce0b96... Updated Canadian English translation. Added Canadian Englis (*)
  0631ed6... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  b4e3524... Updated British English translation (*)
  2c88751... file mi.po was initially added on branch gnome-2-6. (*)
  4ab5a16... Added VIJP, Jaipur/Sanganer. (*)
  8a2be18... Added function. (*)
  80f5170... Check if g->data == NULL. (*)
  d31011c... Add brief description of "feels like" (*)
  9d977e1... Updated document to match recent changes. (*)
  a964a9f... Updated (*)
  681f987... Added Albanian file (*)
  ff9a7cb... Added Albanian translation (*)
  8967cfb... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  e2e048c... Updated Greek translation (*)
  4ce0a62... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  6b8391b... Translation updated by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  d5e8d1e... Updated (*)
  296c892... Added Serbian translations. (*)
  82e21d8... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  a0e1462... Fixes for gettext 0.14.x: fixed prulural fields and header, (*)
  abad9b5... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  27d67b5... Added Spanish locations (*)
  f2a2ec9... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  d6b75ca... Translation updated by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  9968195... Fix 'Probress Bar' a11y typos. (*)
  3e1eb85... Updated German translation. (*)
  aecefe0... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  8a3c8b3... Updated French translation. (*)
  a36e6d2... Added Hungarian translation. (*)
  c75f3ce... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  4736801... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  a252c24... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  b8fd844... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  34145a0... Removing O from my surname :) (*)
  7668234... remove Arabic temporarily from ALL_LINGUAS as it has invali (*)
  4bdbf44... added callback for changes in panel size. (*)
  f82f7db... Mapping of wind directions [237..247] (*)
  c9df06c... Updated British English translationi (*)
  34e5242... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  4ff245b... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  2ceff44... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  21c6162... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov (*)
  99fc574... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  87a2bd9... Corrected zone for Washington DC (*)
  ff46773... use the "size-allocate" signal to get the panel size. (buil (*)
  5582956... small fix for vertical panels. From patch by Vincent Noel. (*)
  dd6703c... small fix for vertical panels. Patch by Vicent Noel. (*)
  855d252... Make the applet horizontal on wide vertical panels. (*)
  48230ef... use a different size requisition for the entry line dependi (*)
  a0062b2... 2004-07-11 Added ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  d12bcbb... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  bb3b93c... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by Raphael Hi (*)
  73dae52... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  447029b... Updated Greek translation: minor fixes (*)
  b473786... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov (*)
  ca60fa5... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by Raphael Hi (*)
  7c01067... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  a07c19f... Updated Bulgarian translation by Rostislav Raykov <zbrox i- (*)
  d502af7... release 2.7.0 (*)
  8126d12... 2004-07-21 Updated and Fixed translations. T.Aihana <aihana (*)
  5ca89c3... 2004-07-21 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  3c1a269... update hindi translation (*)
  7bf9527... remove mailcheck docs and install the char-palette ones aga (*)
  ec0756a... help/ja/char-palette-ja.omf, help/ja/char-palette.xml, (*)
  949bc7b... Updated Bulgarian translation by many translators. (*)
  f7508da... add a --disable-battstat argument. bug #148163. (*)
  f6937fc... Fix references to certain apm_info structs that don't exist (*)
  705436a... new + (*)
  c548b11... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  54b1cd1... Merge fix for bug #145340 from stable. (Fixes a small leak) (*)
  03598d3... Fix compile of systems without _NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT (*)
  f417cc4... Remove C99isms (*)
  579ba90... Added Aigen Im Ennstal to Austrian locations. (*)
  8bed263... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  08fde48... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  ab15685... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  11a7dd8... Updated British English translation (*)
  45a22fe... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  702162c... Updated Bulgarian translation by Rostislav "zbrox" Raykov (*)
  fb6ff01... Added Lithuanian translation. (*)
  ce62552... Merge fix for bug #148499 from stable. (*)
  1ee308e... Updated Bulgarian translation by many tranlsators. (*)
  619f0b9... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  be16fe9... Added Korean translation (*)
  3ab0659... fixing 138513 (*)
  91a1588... fixing the typo with one s (*)
  543636f... Updated British English translation (*)
  c652423... adding SK__x (*)
  13b577c... Updated British English translation (*)
  d3066fb... Added danish translation (*)
  cd5c174... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  a6332a6... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  30c55f9... Merge fix for bug #148498 from stable. (*)
  6230d8c... Updated Korean translation (*)
  7095b3c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  81c9368... Merge fix for bug #148708 from stable. (*)
  ca90994... Merge fix for bug #148710 from stable. (*)
  483a80f... Merge fix for bug #148712 from stable. (*)
  8c59d1f... Added Norwegian translation. (*)
  eb1f7bd... And complete it as well... (*)
  90c2f74... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  9ecb7b9... don't use a huge label for the strength, only in the toolti (*)
  cd81565... Updated Greek translation. (*)
  cb607f3... Added Hindi translation (*)
  b4e5d41... Fix build. (*)
  133c30f... es.po: Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  400c6e3... Reviewed and updated fuzzy translations, translated new str (*)
  7ab3501... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  05760b6... commit first time (*)
  4c116e6... yet to complete (*)
  ec23468... release 2.7.1 added self to MAINTAINERS file (*)
  69cce6a... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  a9c850d... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  76a712c... ongoing (*)
  d164e38... yet to complete (*)
  87517fb... Added (most of a) Welsh translation (*)
  d904052... Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes. (*)
  1f29a8a... Updated Danish translation (*)
  0ea98c0... Use the size_allocate signal to get the panel real size. Fi (*)
  662469a... 2004-08-03 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  dddeb7f... Correct Aguascalientes spelling. (*)
  d0f1725... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  9b9ee39... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5a95536... Changed spurious & to &amp; to fix bug #145409. (*)
  8e155b6... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov (*)
  6d97f45... yet to complete (*)
  ee1346a... da.po: fixes (*)
  8f89440... yet to proof read (*)
  3f7ca3a... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  e6b69a2... Started Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  d636f8f... Started Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  8befded... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ca54f1c... Updated Ukraininian translation. (*)
  00f6d80... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  a783328... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  5d62d21... Updated German translation. (*)
  cbc5499... fixing the bug 148870 (*)
  78b039f... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  6f435ea... Updated Korean translation (*)
  1e037f7... Update german "de" translation. Add german "de" translation (*)
  aff6f6d... Updated Serbian translations. (*)
  fd81135... Updated Serbian translations. (*)
  0dbfb1a... Make applet work on intermediate panel sizes (ie. 37pt). Cl (*)
  f387619... ankit redhat com 07/08/04 (*)
  6353946... Huge string break. Improved all strings to give battery sta (*)
  ff8b9e3... Updated Serbian translations. (*)
  dd9f615... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  9ca2a4c... Added Slovak translation. (*)
  81f6a0e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  857b1af... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bafe4f0... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  9d910e0... Make gkb remember settings between logins. Needed preferenc (*)
  da969fa... Switch connected time display to the format days:hours when (*)
  4134cc0... ankit redhat com 09/08/04 (*)
  712004f... Make applet follow panel sizes better Closes bug #143934. P (*)
  7ca868d... Add kPa to the list of pressure preferences. Closes #149612 (*)
  f7ca64a... Another largish string break (related to the last one). Thi (*)
  d834e55... Change centigrade to celsius. Closes bug #149541. Change ce (*)
  f4394e6... Change centigrade to celsius. Closes bug #149541. Change ce (*)
  727752b... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  c4af443... ankit redhat com 09/08/04 (*)
  12ada21... ankit redhat com 09/08/04 (*)
  24733c0... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  329c6b0... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  ab9bb39... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  7cace54... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b47ac25... Added Mongolian translation. (*)
  5263a41... Require gnome-panel 2.7.x (*)
  9644785... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  46ff65c... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  9178a5f... Add: - gkb-new/GNOME_KeyboardApplet_Factory.server.in.in - (*)
  8a4fc9e... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  dc8f340... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  ac69573... ankit redhat com 10/08/04 (*)
  d2d7ee4... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  3e1ed1d... Updated Norwegian translation. (*)
  8a977ac... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  f9b5d02... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  560c5e8... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  5c80348... Updated French translation. (*)
  c41475d... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  bc832be... remove - we're now using /apps/gnome-cd/device (*)
  61248a8... remove cdplayer.schemas.in - we're now using /apps/gnome-cd (*)
  c303555... check (*)
  9cb493f... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  8ebae89... Updated Korean translation (*)
  3743469... Fixed a typo. (*)
  637eacb... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  42b5614... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  3e08da8... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by Raphael Hi (*)
  403179d... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  d37d316... Added Finnish translation (*)
  fb0dd9d... Updated faulty Arabic translation. (*)
  88392f9... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  48266b6... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  fb6ffe5... Add Ulaanbaatar, remove extra occurance of Penang, fix spel (*)
  62d3c96... Updated German translation. (*)
  602d238... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  91b9cd7... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  d0fbb54... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  df4a6d7... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  62d97c7... Fixed typo in Portuguese translation. (*)
  8490bf1... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  ed5044e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  4b841e8... Updated Danish translation (*)
  77288a4... Change "Forecast" to "Details". Fixes #133871. (*)
  00d3f1d... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Ditto (*)
  e3ba80e... Added nb to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  3cf323e... Use the right API to show help. s/egg/gnome/ (*)
  d9d3704... Use the right API to show help. s/egg/gnome/ Remove now unn (*)
  83be8cb... s/gtk_signal_connect/g_signal_connect ANSI parameter lists. (*)
  5cf0475... ANSI this. ANSI that. Also static something == FALSE is bad (*)
  8255edc... NULL vs 0 Same here. (*)
  d1ae17d... more NULL vs 0. (*)
  96164c6... use g_signal_connect_*. ANSIfication. ANSIfication. (*)
  4c2a191... ANSIfication. ANSIfication. (*)
  dbf40f5... ANSIfication. Same Same. Same. Make the size allocation cal (*)
  77523e0... Don't use egg to display help. Also a lot of NULL vs. 0 stu (*)
  0a57064... Updated Danish translation (*)
  417f351... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  17bc249... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  6f7a74e... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  41955d0... ru.po: Updated Russian translation from Russian team <gnome (*)
  1aca392... Added id to ALL_LINGUAS. Added Indonesian translation done  (*)
  de79155... Added Bengali (bn) Translation (*)
  4db87da... Remove from CVS. (*)
  8a34b2d... release 2.7.2 (*)
  335938b... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  181df86... ankit redhat com 16/08/2004 (*)
  04bbd9d... ankit redhat com 16/08/2004 * Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  973cf49... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  b97f1c2... Added it here too. (*)
  5ce7abe... Translation added. (*)
  b8a157c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  c1c033a... Updated Bengali (bn) translation (*)
  dfb20ac... Updated the Bengali (bn) Translation (*)
  e99d06f... ankit redhat com 18/08/2004 (*)
  2c0be6a... ankit redhat com 17/08/2004 * gu.po : Updated Final Gujarat (*)
  600c05e... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  18c02f8... Updated Greek airport list (*)
  c706740... ankit redhat com 18/08/2004 * gu.po : Updated Final Gujarat (*)
  d1a0e87... check (*)
  da3146c... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  3cd877a... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  c21eee0... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  eb6569a... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  bbb7165... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  eaeccc8... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  e0c58f4... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  c01a1a2... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  adc8cbf... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  fd4a0d2... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  65a83e3... 2004-08-19 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  c936425... Added Indonesian translation (*)
  e759060... 2004-08-19 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  099ab49... 2004-08-19 Fixed translations. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp (*)
  e8ce510... Added Nicosia/Cyprus to Locations.xml.in (*)
  2c57270... Updated Greek translation (*)
  2d65729... Updated Greek translation (*)
  1096a4f... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  5306112... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  b71b22c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  fc87c10... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  b9649f4... ankit redhat com 20/08/2004 (*)
  cd9e506... Fix uk.po file. (*)
  eddeffa... Updated Ukrainian translation. (*)
  264a15b... check (*)
  b3da93e... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  50fa846... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  8381353... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  a90e3b3... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  834a53b... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  77b9f9c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  b03af5f... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  fd556bd... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  98dd352... Sorry to break string freeze, reverting my changes (*)
  a3e39e7... Fix forecasting information for United Kingdom. Closes #140 (*)
  f43daf7... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  32c5fad... ankit redhat com 23/08/2004 * gu.po Updated (*)
  c5ca669... check (*)
  a97bd31... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  b260303... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  33783e9... ankit redhat com 23/08/2004 * gu.po : Final Proofread. (*)
  0a260ae... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  ad2359c... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  859861c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  e6fb63a... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  2857715... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  10caff5... Updated Swedish translation somewhat. (*)
  cf3dd72... String composition is confusing and bad. Added a comment to (*)
  2899440... Fix a TRANSLATOR comment incorrectly indicating "m/s" was m (*)
  e76226b... Fix spelling mistake. s/Extenstion/Extension/ Closes #15088 (*)
  0e4f5e9... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  db5d9e3... Remove trailing spaces from keymap names. This does not bre (*)
  9f02f6b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  02e7217... Added Malay translation. (*)
  d0b8b7d... yet to proof read (*)
  478d453... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  2f03ff4... Updated Ukrainian translation. (*)
  36bd5ec... Updated Hungarian translation. (*)
  bf2289c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  abdaf7e... fixed SK__x.keyprop.desktop.in (*)
  9ca8a6f... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  0b39794... yet to proofread (*)
  8291cd2... fixing 136431 (*)
  d42e3ce... Add Basque translation. (*)
  a2f4133... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  de27f16... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  8ca14ce... Fix a crasher with battery notifications. Closes #151412. P (*)
  5779233... Change "dictionary:" macro to use gnome-dictionary. (*)
  1c08d40... release 2.7.3 (*)
  7b5b4e0... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  88f85f2... 2004-08-31 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  2de0e85... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  df799ed... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  b9df690... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  b6fabd3... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  a9860ca... Updated German translation (*)
  5f57f57... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  2b9ccd4... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  705de19... Another round of fixes. (*)
  142394f... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  ec9067d... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  42d3c0d... Updating pt_BR translations. (*)
  fd22158... Translation updated. (*)
  b97b5d1... Updated German translation. (*)
  ddc8470... Updated Turkish Translation (*)
  9e84b83... 2004-09-05 Akagic Amila <bono linux org ba> * bs.po: Added  (*)
  8973476... 2004-09-05 Akagic Amila <bono linux org ba> * configure.in: (*)
  8ceb5bb... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  539cf9c... Updated Updated (*)
  5066192... Added Italian translation. (*)
  0338687... Fix a build problem for BSD. Closes #151824. Patch from Jul (*)
  6ffc255... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  83e3d20... Fix install location so that mixer icon appears in Add to P (*)
  7ee0736... AddedRomanian translation by Misu Moldovan <dumol go ro> (*)
  68efc2e... - New battstat docs from Angela Boyle (*)
  2ef003a... Updated British translation. (*)
  182df48... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  ea00862... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  15af492... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  14432f2... Updated vi.po (*)
  8590227... Updated British translation. (*)
  dae3389... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  4eac705... Updating pt_BR translation (*)
  7cd45d7... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  5821241... Updated Greek translation (*)
  2e81163... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  ddf07d4... Added Arabic translation (*)
  f3509af... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  e1d7cad... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  f16c86f... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  53ea35e... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  a45210b... Updated Turkish Translation (*)
  3f4ae1e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7be370c... Updated Hungarian translation by Gabor Kelemen. (*)
  5d828e2... New traditional Chinese translation by GNOME HK Team (*)
  a42bf1d... - Updates for 2.8, thanks to Christian Kellner (*)
  55699bd... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  199d5f7... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  bc7920e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  c33215c... Updated German translation. (*)
  4977dc3... - Fix OMF files (*)
  61a02ce... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  aa322f3... Updated French translation. (*)
  bc2c49a... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  d971aaf... Updated Malay translation. (*)
  b8d6624... Sorry I was late... Makefile.am is on the way, I will have  (*)
  a8b99fa... Sorry I was late... This is for cooperating with the .serve (*)
  4ffbac9... ChangeLog for commits (*)
  bfab736... Cosmetics and setting default theme to label (*)
  723afd6... fixing schemas, too (*)
  d9fffa9... - Updated for 2.8 (*)
  086244d... Update Welsh translation. Again. Seems I forgot the ChangeL (*)
  8e0bf31... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  d5ab82a... - Updates for 2.8 (*)
  ccbdf5b... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  e45e6f6... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  d51c964... Updated traditional Chinese translation by GNOME HK Team Ma (*)
  e098550... - Updates for 2.8, thanks to Angela Boyle and me (*)
  15657ed... - Update for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  0cd1010... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  ed8ab4a... Reverting changes from 2004-09-12 as they break the freeze. (*)
  ad71f33... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  7b0809a... - Updates for 2.8 from Angela Boyle (*)
  6ba685f... - Added gswitchit docs from Angela Boyle (*)
  0851f0b... - Just updated how to add to the panel. So tired. (*)
  4a2e36d... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  5127c19... release 2.8.0 Fix build issue found when building tarball. (*)
  0477428... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  8e23d93... Updated Finnish Translation (*)
  831bbb6... Translation updated. (*)
  3630121... Fixed North america (*)
  03645e3... Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes. (*)
  179b80b... Added vi.po (*)
  ba80b30... Updated Arabic translation. (*)
  8159c70... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  a92e2a4... Updated for new stable branch (*)
  1da568c... Upgraded version number to 2.9.0 so people know they're run (*)
  9f29e7a... REMOVED. See bug #151506 (*)
  5792567... New mixer. See ChangeLog files or bugzilla bugs for details (*)
  6eb1b4a... add missing credit to changelog (*)
  e80969f... *** empty log message *** (*)
  c5aa87c... Updated traditional Chinese translation by GNOME HK Team (*)
  8719c0c... Added Estonian locations. Closes #152302. Patch from Chris  (*)
  b0107eb... Added Michiel Sikkes' <michiels luon net> trash applet to G (*)
  d0ac96d... Reviewed by: Ronald S. Bultje  <rbultje ronald bitfreak net (*)
  d9b877e... Updated Greek translation (*)
  b091993... Added Greek airports, updated their airport names (*)
  650c5e5... Added bug report to ChangeLog for reference. (*)
  fbde765... - Removed panel:category we no longer use it - Added Bugzil (*)
  87bdec0... Fixed spelling of EKYT: Aalborg (*)
  41af28e... Removed old mixer source files, added the new ones. (*)
  dffe60b... Fix crasher (#153171). (*)
  ca45e28... Fixing #153398 (*)
  c6533fb... Fix message inconsistency. Closes #150920. Patch from Chris (*)
  3276e0e... add a better description. Bug #152040. (*)
  55a848e... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  a2e48b8... Added French translation. (*)
  0d89043... Added Persian translation by Meelad Zakaria <meelad bamdad  (*)
  0bd58d0... Updated Olde Englisc translation for James Johnson. (*)
  7e9a7f1... hush (*)
  97f9ae1... new icon from Jakub Steiner. (*)
  45ffe4f... new icons from Jakub Steiner. (*)
  1e84113... new icon from Jakub Steiner. (*)
  b528d37... Fixes focus padding issues on small panels, bug 153971. Hac (*)
  98ede32... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  8c667cd... Make network traffic show under NetBSD. Patch from Douglas  (*)
  8fe6e04... Resolve some string composition problems in the ticker. Clo (*)
  e079b34... Make informational labels in details selectable. Closes #15 (*)
  1d7857b... Use the size-allocate signal to follow the panel size. (*)
  e6b4c61... Patch from Vinay Mandyakoppal <vinay mandyakoppal wipro com (*)
  d8a8e95... Fixed a type-o. (*)
  19c200e... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bbf48fe... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  367fab3... Updated German translation. (*)
  791e42f... Updated French translation. (*)
  4e3c81c... Updated British English translation. (*)
  92d70b6... Updated Persian translation by Meelad Zakaria <meelad bamda (*)
  114cf94... Bump requirements for libxklavier to 1.10, required to buil (*)
  54a73c4... Add Juneau, Wisconsin to the locations database. Patch from (*)
  91c6993... Bump requirements for GTK+ and other core libraries. We now (*)
  d2434d4... Add Linköping (SAAB) to the locations database. Patch from (*)
  d17a009... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  713f065... - Use right section for note properties Help (#152476) (*)
  e6e3b54... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  2edcb90... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  ada3c14... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  bceec9d... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  26cbb28... 2004-10-10  Davyd Madeley  <davyd madeley id au>: (*)
  f2ff60a... updated Russian translation (*)
  d7d5f1b... Fixes crash when opening preferences dialog - bug #153331 (*)
  b594e9c... Clarify a few string. (*)
  052131c... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bf2c78b... Updated British English translation. (*)
  4032714... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  5fdce2b... Fix crash when there is error to display help. Fixes bug #1 (*)
  1bd0f82... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  559e2b9... Updated Persian translation. (*)
  41ef9e3... fixed German locations' names (umlauts, use English names + (*)
  02f851f... Added more locations in Germany. Grouped them by state/city (*)
  81b9792... Ssssshhh (*)
  417d545... fixed #155721 (*)
  46beff2... Added multiple trashdir support by James Henstridge. Closes (*)
  05fcbbc... Merge warning fix from stable. Closes bug #155734. (*)
  086b821... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  b0f701f... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5c5af15... Updated British English translation. (*)
  4fd8002... fixing the mouse clicking for borders (*)
  a59c9b3... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  ef7b143... Changed button_press_event to button_release_event to make  (*)
  988a3d8... Woops, forgot to rename a callback. (*)
  428d515... Added HIG patch by Dennis Cranston <dennis_cranston yahoo c (*)
  7de99cb... String change -> 'Go to Trash' Changed menu item order (Ope (*)
  725ac68... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  449f3d0... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  c4e3d6c... comment out context menu items that aren't supported right  (*)
  fa569a8... fix up the copyright headers. (*)
  96cfd03... change the copyright header to the standard GPL, rather tha (*)
  c6a430c... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  a6abd43... Changed copyright header. Changed copyright header, indenta (*)
  89527b8... Make the weather dialog disappear if you click it while the (*)
  2d71991... Updated German translation. (*)
  ae910b0... fixed #156220 (*)
  e9a752c... Fixed #156220 (*)
  c5dc1cb... Clean up preferences dialog. Add option to display time rem (*)
  005f2a8... gtik/gnome-money.png (*)
  e517852... use the new "logo_icon_name" property to further simplify t (*)
  eabde6f... rather than just unmounting the drive on left click, pop up (*)
  2537ac3... remove commented out items from file. (*)
  fb2ed5a... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  a45f36c... Remove mailcheck, add new null_applet to deprecate mailchec (*)
  79457a9... Behave like a menu (fixes #98355). (gnome_volume_applet_tog (*)
  d07b6af... Refactoring. (gnome_volume_applet_button): Hide on move (fi (*)
  3484ef6... Neaten up the preferences dialog. (*)
  cba5d42... Fix icon for RTL environments. (*)
  7867aa0... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  0280e5f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  64c527a... FYR Macedonia -> Macedonia. Closes bug #156326. (*)
  f1e25ac... Sync file with about dialog. (*)
  7ff29e4... Make macro list global for all instances of the mini-comman (*)
  d681ab1... Make charpick applet require gucharmap (>=1.4.0) this allow (*)
  a859bd0... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  33c02d9... Make warning dialog multihead aware. Closes #134000. Patch  (*)
  dae45ae... Ensure stickynotes remain on all workspaces after hiding an (*)
  8419155... Adding Latvian layout. Fixing #128740 (*)
  3bbd34e... Adding Catalan layout. Fixing #99460 (*)
  674cb49... fixing LV_Standart to LV_Standard (*)
  cf6fb60... fixing LV_Tilde (*)
  2d204e7... Remove a number of removed files. (*)
  22d4864... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  ec752ed... Update icon when muting. Doesn't happen automagically for s (*)
  95c84c9... These files should be removed but are not. Hmm.. (*)
  1dfe24b... These files should be removed too. (*)
  457fdd8... replace icons with those from the netapplet. Fixes bug #142 (*)
  efea883... One last file... (*)
  4633aa8... Release 2.9.1 (*)
  a869ace... Bumping post-release version to (*)
  f3d1136... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  2759780... fix up typo in macro definition. (*)
  f5fbc91... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  48d1622... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  0529e21... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  f203dff... add back background change handling. Remove debugging outpu (*)
  63470e3... Fixing libxklavier version requirement (*)
  c7025fc... add a change_background handler. This doesn't affect the bu (*)
  9640eec... 2004-11-05 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  d6c50ed... reindent change_background() (*)
  3ae5f36... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  410cc95... Added Catalan translation. (*)
  78892d3... Make gweather work with transparent panels. (*)
  7e42046... Fix support for transparent panels. (*)
  81c260f... Support panel translucency. (*)
  12347d2... Fix fixed support for transparent panels... oops! (*)
  8869b41... Add _change_background stuff that Davyd added everywhere el (*)
  b705c62... Add new cpufreq-applet (*)
  5f9ae15... Add cpufreq files for translation (*)
  802a309... generating base.xml for libxklavier/xmodmap (*)
  b9a12ad... Fix a build problem, I think (*)
  9aac1c0... Support panel translucency. (*)
  ff82fc5... Fix applet translucency. (*)
  7bf3fd2... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  0c89789... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  f518ebb... Fix to make old configurations continue to work with newer  (*)
  3c0e621... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  9edfd98... fix typo bug (*)
  f63fa5d... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  6461fb7... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  22ecfef... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  911edb1... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  1f320dd... Updated British English translation. (*)
  503a9dd... include glib/gi18n.h to get _ (*)
  29c0a71... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d9a1fac... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bd4e838... Updated italian translation (*)
  1a96d0c... Updated italian translation (*)
  81da1e0... More cities of China added ( bug#158564 ) (*)
  41ffa2e... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  7341028... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  98157d9... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  7e39344... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  82251bf... Remove '...' from Preferences and About menu items. HIGify  (*)
  1223c21... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  954c60b... Fix minor use of incorrect padding. Fix conflicting mnemoni (*)
  be7b661... Updated British translation. (*)
  8b3caae... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  deacb16... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  7f66e19... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  a77c432... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  f262f28... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  63a1847... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  91f7116... Add missing files. (*)
  20893ec... Add bugzilla information (*)
  f3c752d... New weather locations (EBBR, CYSC, CYVO, CYMT, CYZG, CYPH,  (*)
  47add19... Remove file that is no more. Update (*)
  4922a0b... libxklavier 1.12 compatibility (*)
  be5ec71... libxklavier 1.12 required (*)
  d23094e... adding grp: options (*)
  14007b8... do not leak the date title. (*)
  e8d87d9... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  ae51166... Update Update (*)
  96577a8... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ec950a9... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  cf4cf01... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  d7a1ff7... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  44209d2... Make the usage of gucharmap optional so that people with gu (*)
  a72b240... no more switch to gkb (*)
  2edaf8c... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  f59ca5b... sort alphabetically. (*)
  d223c2d... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  c362ea6... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  d3150fb... add a special RC style for DriveButtons to reduce the paddi (*)
  828e894... remove some unused variables added in the last commit (*)
  f9487d9... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  27bcf86... Sync with METAR list. Tidy up entire database. Work from Fr (*)
  918fdf2... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  6d8ddc4... Release 2.9.2 (*)
  26022ed... Bumping post-release version to (*)
  8b299ef... Updated italian translation (*)
  571b56c... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  0dac036... install locations.dtd. (*)
  ac2f77a... when starting to read the locations file, fast forward to t (*)
  17baebb... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  8117f81... Use HIG compliant alert dialogs. Support primary and second (*)
  7492331... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  647d258... Updated Lithuanian translations. (*)
  b8c0cf5... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  3cc5c3b... Updated German translation. (*)
  7f9ffff... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  7932a51... Fixed manual line-break bug. (*)
  9d9ae0a... Updated German translation. (*)
  cffe470... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  33f3239... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  8753201... Partial update of Serbian translation. (*)
  c66e948... Clean up Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia entrie (*)
  4add072... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  fade6a6... Updated regexp and parsing of the visibility data field to  (*)
  93d4ed7... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  4dd7973... 2004-12-06 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  2267dcd... Updated italian translation (*)
  af5f4d6... wiping gkb-new. Only xmodmap data remaining (*)
  02bba12... damn, I broke the tinderbox build because of amnesia (*)
  3f74bc5... updating .cvsignore (*)
  51d9240... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  e1c59a9... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  4f28ce7... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  8849505... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  42b6747... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  605be6b... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  35f489b... libxklavier 1.13 (*)
  b85b70a... Fixed size array of images changed to GSList. memleaks fixe (*)
  aace4c4... Updated italian translation (*)
  bb753d4... Updated italian translation (*)
  3b25761... Updated italian translation (*)
  b792015... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  5505030... Updated list of Greek airports (*)
  668b4c1... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  759742a... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  a1573dc... _How_ many new placenames? (*)
  710f143... Further partial update of Welsh translation. (*)
  9f9efb8... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  8605ead... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  af25385... Updated Welsh translation. Up to placenames beginning with  (*)
  4dcb015... Updated Welsh translation. No more fuzzies now, just 654 em (*)
  ee5ea9c... Updated German translation. (*)
  1dc12a8... Translation updated. (*)
  1e7c913... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  10493ef... Added Thai translation. (*)
  5d5dfcb... Updated British translation. (*)
  8d7d7cb... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  de966cb... Dont' show modems (similar to g-v-c), fixes #161258. (*)
  84d6222... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  1240f82... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  d26ba98... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  4faf98c... update Russian translation (*)
  c60ac45... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  833fd0a... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  d07e631... Updated Swedish airports. (*)
  78b5420... Ouch, tiny markup error fix. (*)
  a84f586... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  d3c6cc0... massive changes to reflect libgswitchit (*)
  6cee90f... minor gconf schema cleanup (*)
  c9b1574... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  cb075fc... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  fc78b3e... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  34feb24... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  7315bf3... Remove removed file. Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  991439c... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  ae0b3f5... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  13f6c16... Translation updated. (*)
  ad482af... Locations Love-in Closes bugs: #159899: ralph mail pangea a (*)
  18bc041... Fix bugs inadvertantly committed last time. XML now parses. (*)
  d84e3f6... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  7a29337... Spurious line in translucency code. (*)
  9a72021... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  237fe2d... check if /proc/cpufreq is parsed correctly. Fixes bug #1612 (*)
  52687da... s/&/&amp;/ - XML doesn't like unescaped &s (*)
  45b8a44... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bcc4a21... Use HIG compliant label capitalization and fix table spacin (*)
  3bfe057... Remove duplicate YPXM and YPXX Add schema for coordinates f (*)
  62a26e2... File encoding glitches had broken special characters for Ge (*)
  513074a... Revert to a non-chained, more flexible METAR parser. Work b (*)
  1395418... Updated Thai translation by Sirat Rerk-Ngarm. (*)
  038f4a1... Updated German translation. (*)
  d766060... Minor bugfix. (*)
  ab92e7d... Update Update (*)
  ebeae58... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  c335c82... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  17496df... Updated Russian translation (*)
  f1de607... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  7650ba6... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  ae2366b... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  ac8eaf6... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  7b587b3... loading and activating GSwitchItConfig (*)
  a0ee322... Updated Russian translation (*)
  c51ef21... updated Russian translation (*)
  966a15f... patch from Ed Catmur <ed catmur co uk> to only copy the dat (*)
  ee94dc4... fixed a crasher due to some typos in the parser (Closes: #1 (*)
  7da9459... files added files removed rewrite the whole applet with a n (*)
  28fa2a5... Release 2.9.3 (not tagged) (*)
  7aa6cbd... use gchar * instead fo gchar as type for the cname paramete (*)
  6f7c62a... just deleted obsolete commented code (*)
  c626dd3... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  bf6cd0c... Updated German translation. (*)
  61a8949... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  b752e70... Add missing source files Add some server.in files (they're  (*)
  59fc9f9... Release (*)
  3b3b69a... compile with all warnings fix some compiling warnings remem (*)
  a024842... emit the changed signal when the cpu attribute changes (*)
  b2202cb... Scrollkeeper fix for distcheck (patch from Mariano Suárez- (*)
  743c3d3... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  ed43b68... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5f4c709... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  0b12fd9... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  90380a6... Fix up a bunch of encoding errors. (*)
  39432db... Fix two errors I made (*)
  aeeca7c... Update Update (*)
  1d61dde... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  6ca9099... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  ad8eee5... Reorder headers to allow things to compile. (*)
  0bf3ed7... 2005-01-01 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  c550aa8... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  353baf7... removed private copy of esd.m4. gmome-applets don't uses no (*)
  6c659bc... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  a0b679a... remove -DGNOMELOCALEDIR from INCLUDES. GNOMELOCALEDIR is no (*)
  32572a2... removed (unused now). (*)
  fc2a2d8... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  50a12c6... Add base infrastructure for icons and pixmaps. Remove -DPIX (*)
  8348d4c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  c6854c8... use g_locale_from_utf8 for displaying date Patch originally (*)
  43e8d2e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  abab896... Up requirement to automake-1.8. (*)
  ca11df1... Drag stickynotes out of the dark ages. Remove old lignomeui (*)
  55317f8... removed -DGLADEDIR=$(gladedir) from INCLUDES (not used anym (*)
  5ad67e4... removed all files (all battstat translations are now in cen (*)
  a759dd4... Changing default note colour to #ECF833. As determined to b (*)
  b222af6... Fix some file locations. (*)
  3b10661... Add AC_DEFINE_DIR, m4 dir, and use it to properly get direc (*)
  a742d14... autogen again (*)
  d7c9a09... wrong syntax for autogen (*)
  eb5e02a... use the gnome-common way (*)
  6915823... typo in comment (*)
  ede78b4... add more ignore (*)
  d3012c6... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  b29a675... Fixed #150921, updated HACKING file. (*)
  de24d17... 2005-01-04 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  5916b32... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  aee9baf... Removed (*)
  e0ceda7... stickynotes now requires libwnck. I accidently committed ch (*)
  1e3422f... create all new windows before trying to move them to the ap (*)
  b41184f... Translation updated. (*)
  4eac243... Revamp of stickynotes, stage 2. Stickynotes can now deal wi (*)
  1265e40... Updated German translation. (*)
  1aedaee... Revamp of stickynotes, stage 3. Stuff that has changed (ove (*)
  3fc2067... closed #111426 (*)
  bbc21e4... Fix incorrect percentages for stocks. Fixes bug #143737. Pa (*)
  63a8fe7... update (*)
  0831eb1... remove mailcheck and cdplayer servers and ... (*)
  caf2a8d... Deprecate the wireless applet in favour of netstatus. (*)
  d27063d... Don't remove $(server_in_files) on make clean. Just remove (*)
  47c70df... Missed one ;) (*)
  e84d50a... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  28cae86... Support for new modemlights (requires gnome-system-tools to (*)
  c390963... Since the panel won't be automatically focused on click any (*)
  00984c0... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b586271... require LIBPANEL_APPLET >= 2.9.4 (mini-commander needs to u (*)
  0af2bf2... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  674e902... update save/load function names (*)
  f7dad8c... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  e72c395... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  1299c8f... Support animated radar images. Closes bug #149380. Patch fr (*)
  d30bb25... Remove -Wall, we shouldn't use this, plus it breaks some cr (*)
  252ce70... Set cursor to be same colour as the text (useful when your  (*)
  9396ae5... Fix bugs #143479 and #130676 (*)
  449e671... Start g-s-m on single click. Fix for 113958. (*)
  535e7e7... Add facility to set font colour for notes in the same way y (*)
  cd98ce6... Little cleanups. Replaced assert by g_return_if_fail. Close (*)
  1c45709... require LIBGTOP >= 2.9.0. (*)
  04a00e2... Waste less memory due to Glade. Patch from Paolo Borelli (*)
  ac0ac0b... Use GtkAboutDialog. (*)
  9617e89... Make about box centred. (*)
  3ca40df... - Update to GtkAboutDialog - Use stock buttons for Add/Remo (*)
  f83de00... Update to using GtkAboutDialog. (*)
  b139a6f... Fix tiny error calling wrong function. Why hasn't this brok (*)
  f0e8a04... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  3b28535... Add diskload monitor. Not quite working properly and there  (*)
  f5f1361... Add this file to stop the build from breaking. Is there no  (*)
  bf6ca6e... Help button for Shaun. (*)
  1031b6a... Should fix #88654. (*)
  3f1ab5c... Added iowait to cpu graph. Closes #160444. (*)
  8cec3a7... require LIBGTOP >= 2.9.4. (*)
  fe6e6e5... i2005-01-10  Davyd Madeley  <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  c652bbf... Fix stickynotes in RTL environments. (*)
  61587ec... Add default colour for iowait. Choose better colours for re (*)
  4de6864... Patch for London, UK from Nicholas J. Skehin <nicholas skeh (*)
  736503c... London: change City to City Airport (*)
  e2514eb... Fixed a bit. Need more work and autoscaling. Libgtop also h (*)
  8ca16a7... Remove -Wall -Werror (non-portable options) and not used an (*)
  18044ab... use $(pixmapsdir) "framework". Cleanups. Remove using -DGNO (*)
  d5c1df1... Remove -DDATA_DIR from INCLUDES (DATA_DIR is not used in ba (*)
  3855a5c... Use $(pixmapsdir) "framework". (*)
  f75f57c... Use DATADIR in panel_applet_setup_menu_from_file(). Useful  (*)
  c955b68... No need to define VERSION or ICONDIR as they are defined fo (*)
  3e35c76... update with more pertinent information (*)
  08fe5d2... Malformed string breaking XML. (*)
  b462cbd... Don't free something we're not meant to. Why hadn't this cr (*)
  d118c6d... Move geyes themes to ${pkgdatadir} (*)
  14dbc1f... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  f5c2176... fixing #135070 (*)
  5ab2c63... Remove removed files. Update Update (*)
  743ade6... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  878d182... Massive changes. In brief: - pixmap_timeout has been gutted (*)
  b6443da... patch from Javier F. Serrador. Closes #162737. (*)
  aef7db4... specify DATADIR in panel_applet_setup_menu_from_file(), thi (*)
  9f39422... Make GtkAboutDialog appear in the centre of the screen. (*)
  bde6509... Use ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS correctly. (*)
  2e0ec39... Translation added. (*)
  7ba7bb8... Release 2.9.4 (*)
  d7d42f1... Make sugar-daddy happy. Evil hack. Don't look. Fixes #15355 (*)
  8172d9d... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  ca9ed41... Updated Thai translation by Arthit Suriyawongkul. (*)
  7d63c80... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  9c587e4... Updated German translation. (*)
  a7f1b64... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  e6b4642... minor code cleanup (*)
  95d86df... Fix bug #163703. Show "-:--" for unknown time remaining. (*)
  c2a5484... autoscaler.[ch] Generic autoscaling for everyone. (*)
  fdc47e9... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  dc782eb... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  7c312a9... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  3fd0e8c... GdkPixmaps need to be unref'd after being added to a GtkIma (*)
  41a64df... acpi_linux_init: On failure to connect to the apicd this fu (*)
  a492230... Fix file location for pixmaps. Use correct OMF (not one fro (*)
  6d6d363... patch from Adam Sjøgren <asjo koldfront dk>. Closes #16373 (*)
  1a8ab3d... Fix 163911. Add ¡ for consistancy and use in Spanish. (*)
  f1a8246... Oops, forgot to add these files. (*)
  721fccd... Cleanups to please gcc :) Closes #163930. (*)
  7975881... New configure option : --enable-more-warnings (GCC only). U (*)
  0f84d69... Release (*)
  471a043... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  7c3db0e... Remove an unused local variable. Remove data/decl's that ou (*)
  048b36c... Make dialogs appear always on top but not stealing focus. (*)
  de18961... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  e76e9ae... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  c539372... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  fdcd216... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  97d500a... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  5c1e15e... POSIX says that <sys/types.h> must be included (by the call (*)
  1d635fa... 2005-01-15 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  6957f83... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  0aaf57b... s/Nexrad/NEXRAD/g s/Gimli Industrial/Gimli Industrial Park/ (*)
  76e55f1... Updated German translation. Updated German translation. (*)
  a12bc02... Closing bugs #161094 and #161100 (spellings and accents) Pa (*)
  9651ab4... Started adding translator comments, explaining what country (*)
  1bc2c92... Add new modemlights applet. Add .server.in files from the N (*)
  2fd398c... Remove reference to nonexistant file; realphabetize. (*)
  1461753... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  fb31732... a bit of polish (*)
  2d7e148... Updated German translation. (*)
  98e8123... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  855da77... No longer install pixmaps. (*)
  d651a34... Fix panel transparency problems. (*)
  93f44dd... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  25d4820... Fix transparency (*)
  ade6300... Fix applet transparency. (*)
  3df97e3... Based on patches submitted by Michael Terry and Damián Via (*)
  ad1a271... New function. (gweather_dialog_update): Display the forecas (*)
  9573860... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  6c399c0... Mark string "Unknown" as translatable. Fixes #164278. (*)
  faba7ce... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  21a1874... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  fc98e72... Updated italian translation (*)
  59377b4... 1-line cleanup. (*)
  1ec4acd... Update Update nynorsk translation too. Update (*)
  75046bb... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  fdc855a... Changed my email. (*)
  7a39460... Killed many warnings. (*)
  7894591... handled panel size and icon theme changes, as well as a lit (*)
  9312d21... Updated italian translation (*)
  6d382d6... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  a153feb... 2005-01-19 Updated ja.po. T.Aihana <aihana gnome gr jp> (*)
  ab413ca... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  82a1746... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  365fe02... Updated italian translation (*)
  2476c88... Use the new icons instead (*)
  03ac435... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  9ed6984... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  0d60af1... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  0ff2bc4... Fixed leak. See #124456. (*)
  20774a5... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  0ec60d4... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  d98bbde... Updated Russian translation (*)
  b7dbc68... transparency is fixed (*)
  6fad260... notdone (*)
  ebbf2eb... Use panel_applet_gconf instead of gconf directly. Fixes #16 (*)
  a07fb40... Switch to using gnome-dev-battery (*)
  a50e59e... Locations Love from Priit Laes <amd tt ee>. Closes #164034. (*)
  f52ff98... Updated German translation. (*)
  4d3c72a... Updated German translation. (*)
  4f0842a... just a bit of polish (*)
  94d7119... Updated German translation. (*)
  11ff4ba... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  481b34a... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  71dfc15... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  cfe8f36... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  427b7f5... added su checks for the modemlights applet (*)
  6c03313... Updated Russian translation (*)
  e25ce2c... Correct calculation for hPa to inHg should be 1/33.86 (the  (*)
  12770c2... Remove spurious < (*)
  350ecfe... Parser fixes from Marius Gedminas <mgedmin b4net lt>. Close (*)
  7727aa7... Minor update. (*)
  4996a1e... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  75d6edc... Release 2.9.5 (*)
  d9a0d27... Fix #165114 (a stock icon name typo). (*)
  820c53a... Colorado is still Colorado, not Colourado. Fixes #164529. (*)
  91b93b0... *ja.po: Updated Japanese translation for v2.9.5. (*)
  c3caad5... notdone (*)
  d6b1a8e... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  d96e4b2... Tartu/Ulenurme -> Tartu/Ăślenurme (*)
  b4b399b... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  664d227... notdone (*)
  e792ee4... full (*)
  f75415d... Updated German translation. (*)
  3b7641d... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  83536f4... Translation updated. (*)
  201d911... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  213d970... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  5fb0306... Typo and grammar fixes. (*)
  a122fb4... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  919aeab... Translation updated. (*)
  9a9f48d... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  23acbcc... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  06d2017... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  bcac0e2... String changes in Latino and Spanish strings. (*)
  b2b41b8... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  7b306cc... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  7c7a148... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  ad8500c... Translation updated. (*)
  83f3575... Updated Japanese translation until 'E' alphabetically. (*)
  40c029c... Translation updated. (*)
  d627ce3... Updated British translation. (*)
  64c05c6... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  a0a81f6... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  dd1524e... started again with locations file (*)
  3506db3... Updated German translation. (*)
  ade6ee0... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  e65c0b6... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  00a91f6... loc-started (*)
  b658e76... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  1f2d80a... Corrected Brazilian locations. (*)
  c499522... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  36ced87... Add missing files, remove nonexistant ones. (*)
  13a6bdc... spawing -> spawning. Closes bug #165998. (*)
  fa5dcc7... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  3d751ae... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  8224e92... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  e9b421c... Updated German translation. (*)
  5c3fc5f... Corrected some of the Danish locations. (*)
  75babaa... Corrected Lithuanian locations. (*)
  e96ff19... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  fcebcc5... Moved Vágar/Sørvágur to Faroe Islands, a country in Euro (*)
  880e1bf... Fixed validity of XML file. Can people please xmllint again (*)
  f71b0e4... Added a comment for Denmark (*)
  4df3cf5... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  bfff75a... Translation updated. (*)
  244a929... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ce77a01... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  94e9d7b... Corrected some Catalan, Basque and Spanish names. (*)
  a173d17... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  c9a45a3... Updated Spanish places (*)
  bfcb029... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  a1e09c7... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  64e52ea... Updated German translation. Updated German translation. (*)
  c2d4e04... Update Update (*)
  3cacb42... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  18048f1... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  05f80fb... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  112cd1b... Some corrections pointed By Jordi (*)
  2bb832d... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  b0f93d1... Icons are installed from iconsdir, which might not come of  (*)
  aaec9a5... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  78fa9cf... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  9062001... Use ngettext for pluralisation. Closes #165652. (*)
  0b4e2b0... Save the unexpanded command. See bug #166202. (*)
  1dcf07d... Translation updated. (*)
  3a8d846... Corrected two Wyoming locations. (*)
  39175e0... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  f614cdd... Updated German translation. (*)
  e3f0524... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  06858b5... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  461fe51... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  2051424... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  7f7c187... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  3ca3df4... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  2f1bbc0... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  297e261... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  67ec3db... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  f2efa3b... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  3cefb3a... Sync Empty Trash dialog with Nautilus. Closes #165241. Patc (*)
  cf9f098... Set application icon. Closes #166501. Patch from Jaap Haits (*)
  fa3b36a... Locations love for: - #165212 Maine, Chris Hollenbeck (*)
  9ac8787... Translation updated. (*)
  ee73625... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  03b3359... Updated British translation. (*)
  70114ed... Updated Russian translation (*)
  06b013b... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  eb915c3... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  0ddc360... Updated German translation. (*)
  26ccca6... Update Update (*)
  6277664... Further Catalan and Basque fixes. (*)
  78c120c... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  8650cb6... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  161799b... Install copy of application icon in the icon theme. (*)
  9f23c1e... Remove some old .server files, add some new ones. (*)
  03fa76e... Release 2.9.6 (*)
  2891719... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  42ba981... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  6ee1123... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  9252723... Updated German translation. (*)
  4386dac... NULL vs. 0 Don't use gtk_signal_connect, use g_signal_conne (*)
  83804bb... Translation updated. (*)
  3ebc219... Translation updated. (*)
  02c1d1e... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  71d63eb... Updated Turkish Translation by Gorkem Cetin (*)
  452179e... Fixes crash when we select a track with no channels. See Fe (*)
  ec89e3d... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  360d5a9... Sebang->Sepang (damn regression). Closes #166762. (*)
  2e06042... Sebang->Sepang: minimise string breakage from #166762. (*)
  6dede47... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  00820fb... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  2addd10... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  44ce8f0... Updated Russian translation (*)
  ac2a524... fixed copyright information. Fixes #166741 (*)
  568b07c... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  1c8b90f... Removed nonexisting file entries. (*)
  2592e29... Remove authors name from requiring translation. (*)
  625aaac... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  93f1201... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  b0fc697... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  63513f6... Sorted and added a notexist entry. (*)
  78cdf46... Translation updated. (*)
  2cd157b... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  db47413... Updated British translation. (*)
  29fbc29... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  d09821c... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  dc1d4f2... Updated French translation. (*)
  280b3fe... Updated Japanese translation for v2.9.6. (*)
  1d33992... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  c4ae66f... Fix typo. Fix typo. (*)
  8280d78... Updated French translation. (*)
  a869768... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  76d22aa... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  67cd1c1... Updated Japanese translation for v2.9.6. (*)
  c9738ba... Don't let the user see the term applet. Same (*)
  1d4ed7f... Updated German translation. (*)
  03e1d0f... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  6fc1fce... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  bd5bc60... Translation updated. (*)
  9615f11... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  441cb49... Update Update Update (*)
  b6cbe59... Updated Persian translation. (*)
  1c49c84... Update Update Update (*)
  b7b33b9... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  089895a... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  49dcd0c... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  2d59b03... Partially updated Welsh translation. (*)
  6b3895a... Further updates. (*)
  ef4caee... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  a86696b... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  5b8225b... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  77046d6... Fixed a couple of things in the Danish translation. (*)
  5a9decf... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  952923a... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  4736d7c... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  f9e1b1b... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  058b610... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  ca17127... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  89c74ef... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  5dd3aff... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  ee17218... Hungarian translation updated by Gabor Kelemen. (*)
  78b79bd... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  f082f02... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  815aa42... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  da0f2ad... Updated French translation. (*)
  0cc0d54... update (*)
  2905f78... Updated Translation (*)
  91eedf3... Updated Translation (*)
  3c874b3... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  d323be4... Updated Japanese translation for 'K' alphabetically. (*)
  52ee28b... reviewed by: Davyd Madeley <davyd madeley id au> (*)
  dc06252... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  49a45d6... Updated docs (*)
  b867955... Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes. (*)
  2932fe3... Updated Translation (*)
  7beaef8... Updated Russian translation (*)
  4dd30ae... asd (*)
  ff72b55... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  c454409... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  e7b0f89... Make some functions and vars static. (*)
  34fe76e... Make some functions static and ANSIfy the functions taking  (*)
  23b2ea9... ANSIfication ANSIfication, return NULL, not FALSE from some (*)
  4b27325... Add missing header. (*)
  5d4637a... Make theme dirs static (*)
  ecefc04... Mark some variables static. Mark function as static. (*)
  df1e133... Mark as static Don't mix code and declarations. (*)
  8a6ad89... Mark a function as static. (*)
  e7f5223... Use gtk_widget_size_request() instead of the deprecated (*)
  eb0e400... Don't mix code and decl. (*)
  4b1d534... Don't mix code and decl. (*)
  e661543... Add missing header. (*)
  6c0cd4d... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  8fd0f23... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  ee5bfa4... applet (*)
  d57c8c1... Updated Japanese translation for 'M' alphabetically. (*)
  3cb964c... Updated Japanese translation for 'R' (alphabetically). (*)
  84070bf... All translations are completed. (*)
  3f53c11... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  d346fd9... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  6df382f... Don't leak style while handling the change_background signa (*)
  41ae4ab... polocation (*)
  03cbbd4... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  9527f7f... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  28688a7... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  4da1cc2... Updated Catalan translation by Josep Puigdemont. (*)
  f78c497... Updated traditional Chinese translation from GNOME HK Team (*)
  1a353be... trans (*)
  5155928... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  e414109... po-location (*)
  222a8c5... Updated Finnish translation. (*)
  fe22fc8... Updated Turkish Translation by Emre Kadioglu (*)
  ba05021... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  5b2004e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  425bd94... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  5281636... Updated Catalan translation by Xavier Conde Rueda <xavicond (*)
  4ab5895... trying for 80 (*)
  56455d2... Ignore clicks from outside widget. Fixes #168726. (*)
  473d895... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  3e7fe22... Release 2.9.7 (*)
  d1e0529... Added Nepali Translation by Kapil (*)
  a7720a7... Updated Finnish translation (N-S + misc). (*)
  fbc1108... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  7ad0a24... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  f1c0c54... Fixed errors in po file. Fixed an error in po file. (*)
  7e445fe... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  bb83051... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  9602175... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  19ef0db... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  67fa2c0... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  26d0883... Renamed Copenhagen to København. (*)
  afac85b... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  3e50e47... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  a91fffc... update by amanpreealam yahoo com (*)
  8ba6e7a... ankit redhat com * Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  7a0153c... Updated traditional Chinese translation from GNOME HK Team (*)
  e73ae42... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  07b6801... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  3bf806f... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  1b17dc7... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  019f3f7... Updated vi.po (*)
  d652df1... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  2c9041d... Updated French translation. (*)
  cdfcd3f... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  9f85da0... Small fix in the Swedish translation. (*)
  7dfd6cd... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  0c81fbf... Updated italian translation (*)
  92dd1b7... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  375475b... commit 80% (*)
  07bd76e... clog for tamil trans (*)
  6547742... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  afad3da... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  d1c1b1a... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  dcb3918... Updated Greek translation. (*)
  63a7538... 100 (*)
  8402dad... 100 (*)
  ef61e02... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  cd2787f... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  c80ab14... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  c18ff4e... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  02e6e5d... Updated Greek translation (not related to gweather  bug) (*)
  417648d... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  226cf59... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  73066dd... Updated Greek translation. (*)
  7bdb494... Minor fixes. (*)
  5d31a5c... ankit redhat com * Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  8a5cf06... Update documentation for GNOME 2.10. (*)
  1c947a2... Update documentation for GNOME 2.10. (*)
  362b003... New documentation from Trent Lloyd. (*)
  ea6cc8d... Update documentation for GNOME 2.10. (*)
  d3e9bfa... Update documentation for GNOME 2.10. (*)
  9d41220... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  8a24742... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  f2a2bd6... many new images (*)
  441273d... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  527e431... Translation updated. (*)
  66134f3... Update Update Update (*)
  9e28285... Remove old figures, add new ones. (*)
  386049e... Added a figure. (*)
  9d06b81... Add new figures, remove old ones. (*)
  e287737... Some new images. Update documentation for GNOME 2.10. (*)
  1b40077... Refer to figures correctly (*)
  6c1ae8d... Release 2.10.0 (*)
  3b0d977... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  45abea6... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  5dfc22c... Updated traditional Chinese translation from GNOME HK Team  (*)
  616e1ea... - Fixed duplicate ID (*)
  558db88... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  0e45648... Fixes to Serbian translation. (*)
  5eb774d... Updated Greek translation (*)
  8cf31d4... Add Ukrainian translation of the manual. (*)
  a78c292... Translation updated. (*)
  5379265... Updated Nepali Translation (*)
  159aaa9... Updated image. (*)
  abbd833... fix of #170187, thanks to pvillavi (*)
  d7428f6... Free location->coordinates too. Closes bug #169827 (and a 1 (*)
  06210dc... Updated Nepali Translation (*)
  6498cb8... Clean up includes a lot. (*)
  0dfe2d3... Clean up includes. (*)
  4230acf... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  a1da8c1... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  4f8a848... Port to GtkAboutDialog Clean up. (*)
  192ea17... Don't free stuff until we're done using it. (*)
  93d5419... Clean up a bit (*)
  5c3041a... Clean up some. (*)
  e527a60... Make the dialog resizable. Closes bug #170709. Patch from M (*)
  4ae0180... Cleanup and don't use deprecated headers. (*)
  8b4ef7a... Fix compiler warnings about signedness. (*)
  c7177bd... Clean up compiler warnings and headers. (*)
  f3d099e... Cleanups (*)
  72ebcfd... Fix compiler warning and header. (*)
  82612b3... Make the CPU graph work on Linux 2.4 again. Closes #170921. (*)
  64fe2a7... americanize the spelling (*)
  2056e51... Added this file with the emptying_trash dialog. Implemented (*)
  c0dec53... Added trashapplet/trashapplet.glade. (*)
  9ccf8b7... Forgot to uncomment a testline. (*)
  ac0cb36... ankit redhat com * Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  8f824bb... #159057) (*)
  53598e6... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  4109afd... Remove trashapplet/trashapplet.glade, which doesn't exist. (*)
  03f4cf5... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  e51db8a... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  bf36e0a... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  77715b8... Updated Indonesian Translation. (*)
  a8183dc... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  5bba51f... Switch pressure unit to "kPa" by default. (*)
  aa2b724... Fix the check to ensure that spurious gconf updates are not (*)
  89a6f33... Fixed a typo in my email. Feedback section points now to th (*)
  7c93f01... Lots of fixes: Fix translatability of locations which has b (*)
  b400d10... Updated Ukrainian translation. (*)
  7573b9c... Branched for G10. This is the HEAD branch, which is unfroze (*)
  2d433c9... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  948e020... Fixed Finnish location names (bug #171741). (*)
  fad2155... Small comment fix. (*)
  65ca59b... Corrected the English name of the country Peru. (*)
  cc8b428... Added comment for RĂ©union. (*)
  a32d88b... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  2c6ce89... Remove some debugging output (bug #171924) (*)
  bf1d455... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  72e4829... Use show/hide_all instead of show/hide for the drop-down sl (*)
  e46ec72... Updated Persian translation. (*)
  ddaf310... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  0306ead... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  3fde68d... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  7568bf4... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5d9918f... fixing #167217 (*)
  faa28d8... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  82d053a... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  67b9562... Fix a silly typo. (*)
  4d024e4... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  3ee95f2... Updated traditional Chinese translation from GNOME HK Team (*)
  572ff37... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  2dfe691... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  9027af8... Updated Indonesian Translation. (*)
  4b359a7... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  84b6c01... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  9a17854... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  c2799d2... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  07f7326... Updated German translation. Fixed #172173 and #172174. (*)
  0887986... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  5c71bcf... I do NOT maintain gnome-applets (*)
  83d4843... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  fee605d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  a08bb3c... Use GOption instead of libpopt Clean up tabs (*)
  081755b... #159057) Added some xstuff which does some kind of open-cli (*)
  c54d16d... Added trashapplet.glade (*)
  ae76ca9... Free GError var after use it. (*)
  c3ca6b7... Updated German translation. (*)
  4aecd4a... Added back trashapplet/trashapplet.glade, and added (*)
  963c397... Updated. Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  23f04ab... Added new Language, Kinyarwanda (rw), to this package (*)
  b9abbdc... Added new Language, Kinyarwanda (rw), to this package (*)
  bfd6663... Added nepali translation (*)
  2ff7a46... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  dcdc58b... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  999ffeb... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  1ba67dd... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  cc455a1... Some include fixes. Fix type-ahead bug (#171367). (*)
  ca8de93... Display tooltip showing current volume, based on a patch fr (*)
  85c5985... Fix for mute misbehaviour. (*)
  12af36a... Since the current_location structure is free'd by the row_c (*)
  be0c5ff... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  9ab741b... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  f7168e2... Use gtk.h instead, fixes compile issue. Patch from Ali Akca (*)
  57b6fe2... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  292a50a... Add selector_mode key for configuring the frequency selecto (*)
  b919271... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  33cbbcc... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  94f4124... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  350f570... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  2073a2f... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  18dc831... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  917a40f... Updated German translation. (*)
  2194a17... Fix HIG regressions of the previuos commit. Fixes #172667 (*)
  d30f603... Add some more translator comments, and comment out some sta (*)
  1f7adaf... Make the error dialogs non-blocking. Includes minor HIG fix (*)
  8571a4b... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  1f3b4ad... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  802b64a... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  4bd2847... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  6d14ceb... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  e06a344... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6169e51... *** empty log message *** (*)
  f032c84... *** empty log message *** (*)
  432ae0a... Migrated from gnome-2-10 branch. (*)
  74752c6... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  b0c9520... Removed some duplicate stations and restructure some city i (*)
  797963f... Eliminate another duplication (*)
  ded0a47... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  e84fd71... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  2186336... Updated traditional Chinese translation from GNOME HK Team (*)
  4464eb3... Added Xhosa translation. Added "xh" to ALL_LINGUAS. (*)
  91d3f37... Updated German translation. (*)
  469cfb0... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  91caef2... Updated British English translation (*)
  a4d924b... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  77b2587... Updated Persian translation. (*)
  f27f763... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  e11398d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  56627bb... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  35e0a88... Translation updated. (*)
  08ee4e2... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  d77ae40... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  6e86e34... Leak fixes Leak fixes. Closes bug #300718. (*)
  f3b6ab1... Updated. (*)
  e59c23a... Updated Japanese translation, which is suggested by ishimin (*)
  38ba1a5... Updated. (*)
  26afbaf... Updated. (*)
  30eea95... Translation updated. (*)
  8520dd8... fixing #300959 (*)
  33fba15... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  dff49c8... Fixes #300938 (*)
  b3810e7... Updated British English translation. (*)
  b1c3fde... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  49faa94... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b684d46... s/translator_credits/translator-credits/, fixes #300959 (*)
  4a4faff... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  5a4ee52... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  a003a24... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  cecf17e... Translation updated. (*)
  e5109f2... Translation updated. (*)
  5aad0fc... fixed some stuff (*)
  7b711b4... fixed stuff (*)
  e6a5486... Cache volume. Only reset element if it's not the one we wer (*)
  22c3584... Always select a channels-containing track on element switch (*)
  2c6a07e... Added check for gnome-desktop with gnome-desktop-item_new_f (*)
  78ac262... Added gnome-desktop cflags and libs. Use startup notificati (*)
  9dbbd07... Remove panel:category OAF attribute as it's not actually ne (*)
  69270a6... Add acpi-freebsd.[ch]. (*)
  e66e927... Added gnome-desktop cflags and libs. Use startup notificati (*)
  b42e39d... Updated Greek Translation. (*)
  1364706... Added some include help for battstat FreeBSD ACPI port whic (*)
  090ac38... updated by rranjan redhat com (*)
  7ff1130... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  74fa2cb... Add a separator in the context menu. Closes bug #302797. Pa (*)
  ef25ad8... Reworded battery low warning and made text selectable. Clos (*)
  e2ba098... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  a1695e0... Translation updated. (*)
  e1fc186... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  d17725e... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  9d462db... Updated Greek translation (numbers-desktop-check) (*)
  b843ac0... translation fix by Baptiste Mille-Mathias <bmm80 free fr> (*)
  3557cc2... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  b8c5134... Added some more translator comments, explaining what countr (*)
  2ba0c46... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  2b25c7a... Update Update (*)
  d9706bf... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  51ca938... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  db933a9... Moved some German locations into the correct places. (*)
  5dec842... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  81b3c3d... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5732504... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  c6c688f... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  cebd957... Remerged translation. (*)
  df5bf01... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  4c32300... Updated Updated (*)
  e2269e7... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  3cf2af9... Added support for the Beaufort wind speed scale. See (*)
  045c670... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  083ab1d... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  0134237... Updated German translation. (*)
  db33344... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  2551793... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  6f026e6... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  cf61ebd... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  adfa725... Use gdk_pixbuf_flip() - #304329. (*)
  b1e6b57... Removed uneeded LoadGraph::odata and do the shift in-place. (*)
  ff9bb20... Remove gnome-config cruft. Closes bug #172028. (*)
  5f04336... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  dc517ec... Merge the Ubuntu-ized battstat and make it the default. Thi (*)
  69c9e0c... If both options are ticked, switch to new setting for migra (*)
  1886149... Rearrange locations in Thailand by cities. Patch submitted  (*)
  a73955a... removed. Old files with no current content. (*)
  d77c742... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  855b235... Low battery warning can now be dependant on time remaining  (*)
  454de6b... Reviewed by:  Ronald S. Bultje  <rbultje ronald bitfreak ne (*)
  5f89da9... Woops, re-add some code. (*)
  7fc79e7... If no elements/devices present, don't show a dialog to the  (*)
  41d311e... Small fix for showing dialog on first user interaction: ret (*)
  baa14f3... Properly initialise 'active_tracks' variable to NULL. Remov (*)
  ab4f10a... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  a6572ea... Grammar fixes and some layout tweaks. (*)
  b9cf40b... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  5a507bd... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  667b64f... Avoid markup in gnome-applets message. Closes #167170. (*)
  a6d4937... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  f01691a... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  92988b0... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  8d8fbf3... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  3ae18ce... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  1bc1877... - some typos in previous commit (*)
  7b19391... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  15d41fd... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  b2bcaa0... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  7724da2... Fixed minor typos in Thai translation. (*)
  48449f2... Updated German translation. (*)
  576c35e... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  57755f3... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  c723815... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  50a42a6... Test for libnotify (*)
  d0f808e... ChangeLog (*)
  aace04e... fixing #305085 (*)
  c6f35a4... Nepal is in Asia, not Africa. Fixed bug #308269. (*)
  7059146... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  35e4bd6... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same (*)
  a683551... Updated German translation. (*)
  e87cfb9... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  10de4b5... fixed some strings (*)
  4b1cedd... fixed some strings2 (*)
  d763cee... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  27cfe1c... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  0979f02... fix language team reference (*)
  eec7a4f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  134652c... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  5c98c54... Fix about dialog. (*)
  86198cb... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  6e02d28... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  7169bfc... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  2adf824... Updated German translation. (*)
  75ae5b3... Restore unintentionally reverted UK zone changes. Add addit (*)
  5c4cdbe... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  4657246... use GtkMessageDialog instead of g_warning's. (*)
  0f43504... translated 90 i nesho (*)
  63dfa07... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  76500d6... Intelligent options for media, taken from GVM. Patch by Emm (*)
  155b4c3... replace GnomeColorPicker with GtkColorButton. Patch by Mich (*)
  efeb68a... use GtkIconTheme instead of GnomeIconTheme. Patch by Michae (*)
  24b2c3f... use GtkColorButton instead of GnomeColorPicker. Patch by Mi (*)
  03c9ce2... Locations Loving. Closes at least #306265. (*)
  8614d77... Added pref_find_entry and pref_find_next_btn (*)
  099a0c0... Release version 2.11.1 (*)
  91f8997... - additional ChangeLog info to previous commit. (*)
  2ae4182... Updated Traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  b463696... Updated German translation. (*)
  72a60f9... f...king behavio*r (*)
  578e84a... Updated Japanese translation for v2.11.1 (not completed). (*)
  82704c5... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  e5f9a41... Use cpu_min/cpu_max as the only available frequencies if th (*)
  ae8e417... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  e89e734... removed two typos, two spaces before colons. (*)
  8df34ea... Fix naming in the about dialog. Patch from <Lex Hider gmail (*)
  a6cb7c0... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  506641c... Removed two spaces before colons. Patch from (*)
  4ed40c5... Add check for libhal, fix checks for libnotify, mixer-apple (*)
  1c9f73b... Update AC status on battery status updates to work-around a (*)
  64d01bb... Updated German translation. (*)
  aa4191f... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  a1a1ad0... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  66bbc57... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  2c77bde... Updated Catalan translatio by Xavier Conde. (*)
  32d830c... adapt to new libnotify API. (*)
  0cf1c72... when libnotify is available, display a nice notification ab (*)
  82102bd... Parse METAR string time with localtime_r, not gmtime_r. Thi (*)
  0d9541e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  03f5178... Added Galician translation by Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (*)
  1f8d261... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  75a16f2... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  c6e644d... need some more work (*)
  0e243bc... Translation updated. (*)
  a5b7603... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  c4daa70... updated by rranjan redhat com (*)
  92c7cb1... Removal of suspend support as per bug #303496. (*)
  65d2b5c... Move most code out of help_cb and into a generic battstat_s (*)
  e9cab9c... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  03b7d87... Init uninitialized variable Fix implicit declaration of str (*)
  0caacc3... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  dd6b23a... top (*)
  ed93406... use dialog instead of g_warning Closes bug #168807. Patch f (*)
  3a3e5b9... More updates on Thai translation by Phisit Siprasatthong (*)
  5df9f24... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  328e953... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  fd5edd8... Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes. (*)
  8cb0b13... German location updates. Patch from Jens ?? <inf408 FH-Worm (*)
  738450f... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  00fce7e... stickynotes features from Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap haitsma org (*)
  0e5860c... More extended media handling from Emmanuel Touzery. (*)
  d00ab71... Release version 2.11.2 (*)
  8d62eb5... Correct duplicate XML id and change one instance of (*)
  bebe099... Remove use of magic -1 value to denote end of GdkColor entr (*)
  098194b... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.CVS: ---------------- (*)
  7459e00... HIG fixes for capplet (vertical spacing should be 6 pixels, (*)
  6e93dcf... Fix a typo in last commit. (*)
  8908167... xmlChar is 'unsigned char' whereas everything else is 'char (*)
  7899e0b... Added missing #include. Commented dead code. Fixed possible (*)
  45a25b1... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.CVS: ---------------- (*)
  2d487cb... Cleanup : - Added explicit dep on libgnome and libgnomeui - (*)
  9580c0e... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ae120af... Big cleanup : - replaced custom get_utf_string() by g_ucs4_ (*)
  6f2b770... Remove erroneous cast to (guint) on comparing -1 to status- (*)
  266cbfb... Fixed typo that breaks the build. G_GNUC_CONST'ified *_get_ (*)
  98b8532... libhal_ctx_free isn't enough to destroy a libhal context pr (*)
  34f6aeb... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.CVS: ---------------- (*)
  baeec43... *** empty log message *** (*)
  c5e18c6... Added Hebrew translation (*)
  c44022b... Updated Norwegian translation Same (*)
  762891b... Updated French translation. (*)
  3e6debf... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  68b0241... Updated French translation. (*)
  d90038d... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  3fd3360... udpate by amanpreetalam yahoo com (*)
  50d4c25... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bd9aeef... Fixed i18n plural. (*)
  f0238e4... done (*)
  3a313a1... Updated Lithuanian translation by Justina KlingaitÄ—. (*)
  01a3a49... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  e90cd37... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  84196d1... fixed #308976 (*)
  1e965e5... Cleanup : - More const. - Removed 1 useless global var. (*)
  e3cc8e0... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  9ad312e... Translation updated. (*)
  f5fe9b4... Added. Added. Removed. Add <abstact role="description">. (*)
  e924766... Added. Added. Removed. Add <abstact role="description">. (*)
  2480f90... Added. Added. Removed. Add <abstact role="description">. (*)
  63b8b1f... Fix ChangeLog. (*)
  9e12f53... Added. Added. Removed. Add <abstact role="description">. (*)
  0e6852d... Fix DOC_MODULE. (*)
  d82c6c6... Add gnome-doc-utils.make. (DISTCLEANFILES): Likewise. (*)
  272ba65... Updated Japanese translation for v2.11.2. (*)
  485fdaa... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.CVS: ---------------- (*)
  caa9a0d... Removed docs/C/Makefile.am. (*)
  d393977... Remove lots of unwanted files. XML files still need convert (*)
  fa51bf3... Remove lots of unwanted files. XML files still need convert (*)
  c629ffa... gnome-doc-util-ise (*)
  6386f8b... gnome-doc-util-ise (*)
  1ceb585... Remove lots of unwanted files. XML files still need convert (*)
  8831293... Remove lots of unwanted files. XML files still need convert (*)
  63f5f46... Remove unwanted files. Need to remove XML files once they'v (*)
  18f9ca8... Remove unwanted files. XML files need xml2po-ising (*)
  36c9c0d... Clean up unrequired files. XML files will need to go once p (*)
  ffe3fef... Remove unneeded files. Translated xml will have to go once  (*)
  4f76deb... gnome-doc-utils (*)
  e51f6da... gnome-doc-utilise (*)
  91239fc... gnome-doc-utilise (*)
  b7ddbe2... gnome-doc-utilise (*)
  e16d225... gnome-doc-utilise. Currently does not want to pass distchec (*)
  d9da03d... Translation updated. (*)
  1449ca0... Make it distcheck again. Requires yesterday's g-d-utils. (*)
  e0608cc... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  a2b621e... Merged from gnome-2.10 (*)
  f805e2a... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  c8000bb... Updated Lithuanian translation by Justina KlingaitÄ—. (*)
  25f3306... ==> battstat/ChangeLog <== 2005-07-21  Ryan Lortie  <desrt@ (*)
  0ba49a2... - Switched to DocBook 4.3, sanified email addresses (*)
  fe7c0be... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  1af524c... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  bf699dc... Fixed plural error in Thai translation. (*)
  6e7faa0... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  eec36b9... done (*)
  e417ab4... Workaround some apparent "lag" in volume changes being prop (*)
  bbf1eb3... Updated German translation. (*)
  41a644c... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  5c9ac0a... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  32d8c4e... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  e4162a2... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  59bf2bb... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  a2b39d6... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ea6938d... Created changelog file Added nl to list of linguas added Du (*)
  efa4eeb... fixing #311353 (*)
  4a6e2f9... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  27740e6... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same (*)
  17e11e1... Updated spanish translation. (*)
  98db34d... .cvsignore updated (*)
  72727a2... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  d3aca89... compilation fixes for libgswitchit changes by Mark McLoughl (*)
  d90e115... updating to the latest semantics in libgswitchit (*)
  b76e74b... trying to add the preview (*)
  02ac0bd... adding kbdraw (*)
  a67e23d... adding kbdraw (*)
  0cc3349... todos (*)
  23612fd... Updated translation by Igor Nestorovic. (*)
  55dc285... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  5accb07... Updated Translation (*)
  dfc11fe... really working layout view (*)
  64c8a40... Updated Norwegian BokmĂĄl translation. Same. (*)
  b5950d5... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  07addf1... build fixes (*)
  42b2b6d... Bulk changes to Finnish strings (*)
  345ad86... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  bca9100... done (*)
  b548f5a... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  a3923b6... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  2ed4cc3... Updated Translations (*)
  53283c8... updated by rranjan redhat com (*)
  9064d68... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  ddfa554... Infraestructure for Gnome docs. (*)
  550148a... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  dc0a601... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  da45327... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  cef6e77... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  c36d9b2... Code cleanup to support multiple battery systems instead of (*)
  143de3c... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  a57372b... Bulk change to fi.po: (gnome-fi.org to gnome.fi) (*)
  b1774cc... removed redundant changelog file. updated dutch translation (*)
  787a37c... Translation updated. (*)
  cda49d3... udted by rranjan redhat com (*)
  9be6fed... fixing the crash for bad, multigroup layouts (*)
  88c7f3d... ==> ChangeLog <== 2005-08-01  Ryan Lortie  <desrt desrt ca> (*)
  48cddee... Updated Japanese translation for HEAD. (*)
  3c026b7... 2005-08-02  Ryan Lortie  <desrt desrt ca> : 2005-08-02  Cal (*)
  de08f4b... GtkAboutDialog stuff (*)
  c9b3d14... Updated Serbian translation by Igor Nestorovic. (*)
  c76bbe8... Updated Greek translation (*)
  f8694a5... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  cbe2ccf... Added Telugu translation done by Prajasakti Localisation Te (*)
  4d8ddd3... Updated Bulgarian translation by Rostislav Raykov <zbrox i- (*)
  92b67c3... Small quote fix. (*)
  00df767... If your sound is muted on start, then we will first setup t (*)
  bda0c85... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  7a61f5f... Only show palette selector if there are palettes to select. (*)
  82919d2... Remove mention of the word 'capplet'. Closes #168789. (*)
  b4092f8... Use escaped characters for degree symbol and give explanati (*)
  4b807dc... Build fixes for Solaris and AIX, closes #304118 and #306275 (*)
  88beaf0... change labels on radiobuttons to make them less of a gratui (*)
  26e3efe... it's a generated file now (*)
  2169fec... Release gnome-applets 2.11.91 (*)
  4e9d40e... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  5be00f8... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  933511d... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  176d759... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  6e78dbe... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  a945093... Added Telugu translation to po-locations based on Hindi tra (*)
  f01c22a... Updated Japanese translation for v2.11.91. (*)
  f16d1cb... Updated German translation. (*)
  5e37621... Updated Bulgarian translation by Rostislav Raykov <zbrox i- (*)
  f0c6226... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  d556106... Use volume (which is more detailed), rather than icon numbe (*)
  adafa21... Updated Slovak translation. (*)
  29ed7af... done (*)
  b69527d... Updated Simplified Chinese translation (*)
  f6ae165... Added Spanish translation. (*)
  4872786... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  1f8b54c... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  440a2a2... Fixed Spanish docs for gweather. (*)
  b2c05f0... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  db53577... Fix error (*)
  ff15c60... hide the property dialog instead of closing it (Closes: #31 (*)
  29a24ec... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same (*)
  7d960c3... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  6cd9b5e... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  ac8de5e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  11481ff... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  aad8189... Added Missing figure (*)
  ff6f589... Added Spanish translation Added Figures (*)
  9e10e21... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  e4a9d8c... Add (x,y) hints to the notification call. This exposes anot (*)
  0454223... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  10ab2e5... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  8989da5... fixing #313368 (*)
  46152ce... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  8a2ae1f... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  c7237d5... Updated Greek translation (*)
  3288a74... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  2c60281... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  88ae643... Added Missing ChangeLog Changed es.po to es (*)
  55626c5... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  6808264... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  a86c1c2... Added Spanish translation. (*)
  26625e0... Added Spanish translation. (*)
  15b368f... Added Spanish translation. (*)
  41279ba... free temporary buffer on error condition early exit. Leak f (*)
  2142bcc... Plug leak -- free 'volumes' hash. Patch from Felix Riemann (*)
  be96112... Removed old screenshots and added new ones. (*)
  291c81b... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f32aff1... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  0aa3dbc... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  11ee81d... Updated Misu Moldovan's address. (*)
  7a83518... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  9c2d731... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  a7485f4... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f5a76a5... Drawing was done so that it always started one pixel outsid (*)
  d7a2017... Fix gcc 4.0 warnings. Patch from Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap hait (*)
  ff5f6a9... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same (*)
  17112b4... add Punjabi (pa) (*)
  b012bfe... Fixed Angela's typo. (*)
  2d855bc... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  e132f53... gweather_settings.png removed old files (*)
  e9034fc... add Punjabi (pa) by amanpreetalam (*)
  8c109df... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  99aec76... Call gconf_client_add_dir() before requesting notifications (*)
  9d9a36e... Remove arbitrary limit of 4 governors in cpufreq_sysfs_get_ (*)
  cf4b598... Use g_file_get_contents so that we don't need fixed buffers (*)
  425fe5c... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  df9675e... Add 'relief' member to structure. Add prototype for new (*)
  3bde334... Updated Ukrainian translation. (*)
  2f4401e... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  70d1009... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  117545e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  6bb3a87... These 6 files have been removed from CVS. (*)
  ef08e59... REMOVED (now generated by g-d-u) (*)
  6b4623a... Guard against the case that self->drive might be NULL. Clos (*)
  c4745fd... Partially updated Welsh translation. (*)
  649202d... Updtaed Translations (*)
  2741486... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  3687c46... release gnome-applets 2.11.92 (*)
  6ff585e... add Punjabi (pa) by amanpreet Singh Brar Alamwalia (*)
  54a9eaf... Removed a little workaround that is now broken with libgtop (*)
  09541a6... requires libgtop 2.11.92 (*)
  f219233... release gnome-applets (*)
  ae5cff0... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  f61056f... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  2000ea9... remove pangoxft (*)
  adb2344... Updated Translations (*)
  0910121... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  359e309... Updated Traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  9670f65... Updated Ukrainian doc translation. (*)
  8771144... Removed broken duplicate Wildwood, New Jersey entry. Patch  (*)
  d496456... Fix serious logic problem in failure-handling code and alwa (*)
  0fbca19... ==> ChangeLog <== 2005-08-24  Ryan Lortie  <desrt desrt ca> (*)
  3e536cc... Add "uk" to DOC_LINGUAS (*)
  d635abb... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  916b48c... Updated Catalan translation by Xavi Conde. (*)
  d5c28af... use hints for the notification. (*)
  cb063de... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  1624d82... Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes. (*)
  8f914ba... Updated Ukrainian translation. (*)
  d840a6c... Add support for the user disabling HAL via a GConf key. Als (*)
  f269b7b... Sort mixers by the elementfactory rank. (*)
  3fd3352... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  3db18d1... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  9ff5b99... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  b7e38c2... Started updating battstat documentation. Preferences sectio (*)
  fa45863... add french translation of docs, by Christophe Bliard <cblia (*)
  319a254... add french translation of docs, by Christophe Bliard <cblia (*)
  4c13e1f... add french translation of docs, by Christophe Bliard <cblia (*)
  41d8f25... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  444d2c1... forgot some headers (*)
  abaece6... forgot some headers (*)
  7b249a5... forgot some headers (*)
  2911e02... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b0fc3a2... Finish adding a troubleshooting section (*)
  ec27ac1... update documentation for 2.12 (*)
  90bb410... fix validation error, oops add me to documenters (*)
  0b9c8c7... add myself to documenters (*)
  d5ff260... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f1a7d01... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  5da98c6... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  6f2e236... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  bfbc4e8... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  d1b0153... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  3d8219f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  d99bb0d... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  4466089... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  1c49bb9... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  874372f... Updated typos in Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  9fdccdd... Updated Russian translation (*)
  3914cda... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  1eca352... Updated Russian translation (*)
  af85ef0... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  7d5a2df... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  23e7006... update by amanpreetalam yahoo com for Punjabi (*)
  96cf89b... release gnome-applets 2.11.93 (*)
  5ea3dbc... Updated Russian translation (*)
  999e733... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  cc95eb7... fixed compilation without HAL. (*)
  a4e9dfd... Updated translation <arangela cvs gnome org> (*)
  dd4e782... repair gnome_keyboard_applet_LDADD entry for libgswitchit-a (*)
  115e266... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  74df708... updated by rranjan redhat com (*)
  dafc061... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  a000ed9... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  b0a9c6b... Updated Macedonian Translation, Arangel Angov <arangela cvs (*)
  ce42b1e... - updated documentation for cpufreq and mini-commander (*)
  8c03dc7... removed outdated strings. (*)
  8961b8f... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  b4e2086... removed moved pa translation to where it should be, added t (*)
  5c39458... documentation updated for sticky notes (*)
  b38f8b7... Typo + grammar fixes in Welsh translation. (*)
  fd46238... Update Spanish translation. (*)
  0a31987... Updated turkish translation (*)
  98f8281... Fix a regression caused by Carlos's last patch. Recloses bu (*)
  8165dcf... Update Spanish translation. (*)
  ed9c340... Updated Russian translation (*)
  50a538a... Updated French translation. (*)
  d0ebefa... Updated French translation. (*)
  9167aef... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  16d37e7... Updated accessx docs Mostly thanks to Francisco Javier F. S (*)
  ab1ad6c... Added Armenian translation. (*)
  69c4a92... Added Spanish translation. (*)
  81535c3... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  98c4829... Updated Turkish TRanslation from Deniz Kocak (*)
  62ce46d... Last minute fixes to prevent failing make distcheck. Also, (*)
  3230d4c... GNOME 2.12.0 Release. (*)
  a2dd87e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  5e6f2cb... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  4e5ee99... Changed two translations that annoyed me. (*)
  167fc2e... Typo correction. (*)
  c1d641d... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  2beff85... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor dogan (*)
  d33c0d7... clean up all sorts of -Wall warnings (missing headers, unus (*)
  17abc9b... report 3 digits instead of just 2 (as our upstream data sou (*)
  6685f5d... help/Makefile.am Added Brazilian Portuguese translation fro (*)
  f016f79... Added Brazilian Portuguese translation from Pedro de Medeir (*)
  1bb0c91... Updated Traditional Chinese translation. (*)
  dfa3b35... a bit of polish (*)
  23eb0dd... Underscore checks (*)
  81e5ab4... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  c2329e4... Removed redundant notes (*)
  9ba127d... gnome-applets is maintained by Davyd Madeley. (*)
  09c20a5... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  622fb7a... Added Italian translation of charpick and drivemount help f (*)
  4a794ac... Added Italian translation. (*)
  46c77ac... *** empty log message *** (*)
  62ae62b... *** empty log message *** (*)
  2135e0f... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  bdbe551... ==> accessx-status/ChangeLog <== 2005-09-28  Ryan Lortie  < (*)
  ed1ebdc... build fixes, adapted from those submitted by the Cygwin tea (*)
  64c54c0... Fix rounding errors for setting new volume after button-up  (*)
  e2c7ed6... properly escape stock symbols for GNOME-VFS (parseQuote): m (*)
  e29d0ad... ensure button relief is set on newly-created drives. (*)
  5bb01e6... Fall back to volume activation URI when drive activation UR (*)
  007a0e5... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  8197ffc... Updated Bengali (bn) Translion:10/03 (*)
  cbfb628... Added Entry for Updation of Bengali (bn) Translation:10/03 (*)
  408cba7... remove dead XML files that have been replaced with xml2po. (*)
  95de434... removed. Merged into this ChangeLog (*)
  b3a7de4... "Maintainer stuff" (*)
  53fa00c... release GNOME-Applets 2.12.1 (*)
  884ebe0... Minor typos fixed in Thai translation. (*)
  284e0ad... branch for gnome-2-12 (this is the development branch) (*)
  b2d1db2... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  1b67d88... small update. (*)
  d6e2799... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  b43a9b4... Added Dutch translation (Translated by Myckel Habets) (*)
  c3c03f9... Remove compiler specific -Wall and replace it with $(WARN_C (*)
  05f4ad4... Translation updated. (*)
  1f64c9b... Make mousewheel sensitivity of applet slightly more aggress (*)
  ec04fc8... Fix compiler-specific weirdnesses in my fixes for rounding  (*)
  7b8cad7... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  5190a84... Added Kurdish translation of locations (*)
  01b28c8... Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  c529da1... Updated Greek translation (*)
  83b7332... Updated Persian translation by Masoud Ahmadzadeh <masoud ba (*)
  d80aa92... Added Italian translation. (*)
  92e2076... Do some magic to make the flicker between show-all, size-ca (*)
  6cc2522... removing ku, the po file appears to be missing. (*)
  6d3f197... scale images so that they don't exploderise the panel. Patc (*)
  b5e00ce... fixed German translation for "Shallow fog". Thanks to Felix (*)
  975ef9e... #if 0 dead code. Fixed format string. removed PANEL_APPLET_ (*)
  d3b9c58... Updated Persian translation by Meelad Zakaria and Elnaz Sar (*)
  0422eaf... Patch for #310370 from Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap haitsma org>. (*)
  db317ba... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  3bb4ec6... fix a verb mode/tense in the Brazilian Portuguese translati (*)
  1dc493c... A cleanup patch of serious scope. Cleanup and dead code rem (*)
  295445e... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  6983849... Updated Bengali (bn) Translation:11/18 (*)
  f4dd8fd... Added Entry for Bengali (bn) Translation updation (*)
  f5a2b25... Updated mk translation <arangela cvs gnome org> (*)
  8d86cdf... file weather-location.h was initially added on branch gweat (*)
  34087f2... file weather-location.c was initially added on branch gweat (*)
  01598e1... file weather-info.h was initially added on branch gweather- (*)
  c94d99c... file weather-info.c was initially added on branch gweather- (*)
  dba5b82... applied patch to fix build on kfreebsd-gnu (FreeBSD kernel, (*)
  377e5e7... Change "translator_credits" to "translator-credits" as per  (*)
  c94bae4... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  7f4b16b... GWEATHER_REFACTOR branch created. This is the initial check (*)
  fbe40f9... My bad. I checked that into HEAD. Off it goes. (*)
  4bfad9a... file gweatherprefs.pc.in was initially added on branch GWEA (*)
  d7bf46f... file gweather.schemas.in was initially added on branch GWEA (*)
  0e4375f... file gweather-prefs.h was initially added on branch GWEATHE (*)
  ad06c4b... file gweather-prefs.c was initially added on branch GWEATHE (*)
  d87db10... file gweather-gconf.h was initially added on branch GWEATHE (*)
  6b59085... file gweather-gconf.c was initially added on branch GWEATHE (*)
  f9aad0c... file README was initially added on branch GWEATHER_REFACTOR (*)
  7b8f75f... file Makefile.am was initially added on branch GWEATHER_REF (*)
  422435e... file MAINTAINERS was initially added on branch GWEATHER_REF (*)
  acc1972... file ChangeLog was initially added on branch GWEATHER_REFAC (*)
  3a4cb49... file .cvsignore was initially added on branch GWEATHER_REFA (*)
  d1e0f60... update, by Christophe Bliard <christophe bliard trux info>  (*)
  3d9e52e... add french translation, by Christophe Bliard <christophe.bl (*)
  85c877b... french translation, by Christophe Bliard <christophe.bliard (*)
  4af4dd5... small update, by Christophe Bliard <christophe bliard trux  (*)
  498ad2e... french translation, by Christophe Bliard <christophe.bliard (*)
  0edaee6... french translation, by Christophe Bliard <christophe.bliard (*)
  c8ac3e5... small update, by Christophe Bliard <christophe bliard trux  (*)
  067473a... fix one typo (*)
  2b34a21... New function to rotate the applet text on side panels. Clos (*)
  3584b85... HAL incorrectly spells 'adaptor' as 'adapter'. This prevent (*)
  b3dd460... Add last_present field to main structure. Track last value  (*)
  e99da19... New function to detect in a distribution-specific way if su (*)
  2efe1ae... file test-weather-info.c was initially added on branch gwea (*)
  a9af591... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bf9e7bd... *** empty log message *** (*)
  83efb1a... Set the "OK" button as the default action (partially addres (*)
  09a96be... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  90f0867... Cleaned up the Dulles/Washington, DC/Virginia mess by setti (*)
  64c103a... Corrected name and coordinates for OIAG (bug #319538, Farza (*)
  ee5f698... small change in the plugin API (*)
  fee3e55... Add Lugansk (UKCW) and Ternopol (UKLT) from Ukraine. Closes (*)
  7c545c9... Use %c universally as the date format. Closes bug #172514. (*)
  87a99cd... *** empty log message *** (*)
  32fa937... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  17f6c3a... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  3e89afc... Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  0e413fa... Brent Smith  <gnome nextreality net>         * accessx-stat (*)
  7774751... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  17b88df... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  a5f3bbd... Merged libgweather from GWEATHER_REFACTOR branch. Changelog (*)
  3f27817... Fix mnemonic keys (*)
  4767a01... release 2.13.1 (*)
  043fd6c... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  b9ee1d6... default pressure unit back to kPa (recloses bug #171830) (*)
  568267b... Added Telugu translation done by Prajasakti Localisation Te (*)
  59ca59e... Updated Translation (*)
  aeda01e... Updated French translation. (*)
  9e394bf... Explicitely initialize a value to NULL. (gnome_volume_apple (*)
  08103d3... Don't make images static, since then all applets will have  (*)
  c86fe9d... Reviewed by:  Ronald S. Bultje  <rbultje ronald bitfreak ne (*)
  54550a2... Give unique names to mixers if multiple mixers have the sam (*)
  acf8692... Updated Japanese translation for v2.13.1. (*)
  8c38f48... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  c018fcb... Fix memleak of pixmaps on exit (matters if you run multiple (*)
  b4ba766... Added Dutch (nl) translation. Translated by Myckel Habets. (*)
  7d580e0... HIG fix, do not use frames. Also, replace the awkword "Show (*)
  428994b... - fix for #323929, ensures default titles are UTF-8'ed. Bas (*)
  f27bbf1... Added nl to LINGUAS Added Dutch translation by Myckel Habet (*)
  c9cbfa8... Kirghiz translation added. (*)
  d2978a1... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  6b38f6f... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  437cbcb... Added missing files. Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  a247939... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  6e8f604... Updated Simplified Chinese translation of gnome-applets-loc (*)
  193ba84... Kirghiz translations of po/locations added. (*)
  9d49474... Updated Translation (*)
  17dfc92... Reorganized locations in China. (*)
  7872472... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  9d729d9... Added Kirghiz translation po/ky.po . Added "ky" to ALL_LING (*)
  cbcc2f8... Updated Gujarati Translations (*)
  498839d... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  f157e1f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f211a35... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  648e336... Bug #321411 (*)
  69832fd... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  7e11a8a... Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  50efdd1... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  3a860d8... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  84661c6... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  1566bad... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  9483009... Updated translator comments for gweather (*)
  406f8eb... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  9333f32... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  bc48f6e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  882dc6b... dewpoint is optional Closes gweather bug 172711. Patch from (*)
  c4bc281... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  05d7ce6... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  810b761... update for bug 325327 by aalam|@| redhat (*)
  6a29d0e... Updated Gujarati Translations (*)
  0ca9278... update for Fuzzy by aalam|@|redhat|.|com (*)
  109af75... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  cc7c3e1... Bug #325402: ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 mixed. Fixed. (*)
  c2c4125... Updated Translation (*)
  bc49140... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  c3de81e... Change location name. Closes bug: #313655 (*)
  3cfd5ca... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  42e019e... ==> ChangeLog <== 2006-01-03  Ryan Lortie  <desrt desrt ca> (*)
  7b017f3... Updated Gujarati Translations (*)
  57ba0ec... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  67da33f... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  156ab72... updated hindi (*)
  3cd4066... Updated Thai translation. Closes bug #325406. (*)
  f1a76dc... Added translator comments for locations in Thailand. (Patch (*)
  0a7e29e... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation Same. (*)
  ba8ea61... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same (*)
  7db6638... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  6b2eb8e... update, by Christophe Bliard <christophe bliard trux info> (*)
  eab3504... update french translation, by Christophe Bliard (*)
  c5ea0b0... update french translation, by Christophe Bliard (*)
  c9c5339... small update, by Christophe Bliard <christophe bliard trux  (*)
  0d05b67... update french translation, by Christophe Bliard (*)
  9391f66... update french translation, by Christophe Bliard (*)
  918f871... small update, by Christophe Bliard <christophe bliard trux  (*)
  568f169... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  5ba58c5... Updated Traditional Chinese Translation.(Taiwan) Added Trad (*)
  b062541... Updated Traditional Chinese Translation.(Taiwan) Updated Tr (*)
  c1e9c5b... update for Spelling for Amritsar (*)
  4eb4992... add french translation by Christophe Bliard <christophe.bli (*)
  6d4fe81... fix description for the storm icon Fix bug #326106. (*)
  018f07e... fix bad copy and paste: s/Network/Harddisk/ Fix bug #326106 (*)
  5ec64cc... fix description for the storm icon Fix bug #326106. Also, r (*)
  5a397d7... allow stickynotes to remember their position and size corre (*)
  509dd02... make HAL support optional with a --without-hal flag. Patch  (*)
  05451af... kill this (*)
  10b16da... add french translation by Christophe Bliard <christophe.bli (*)
  beeda96... two little fixes (case and punctuation) (*)
  1241eb6... Updated French translation. (*)
  9306b48... Fix random drawing problems in the graph. (Baz Zoetekouw) C (*)
  c7331fd... Fix the name for Mexico and Mexico City. (Pedro Villavicenc (*)
  46d9951... Revert accidentally commited change (*)
  e6dcb55... remove a fuzzy string (*)
  f48bdf2... stop updating the tooltip when the applet is removed, fix a (*)
  95cb139... *** empty log message *** (*)
  abfc304... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  32094ed... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  cceb20e... Updated Gujarati Translations (*)
  10e2eb5... Plug a small leak. (*)
  fbe0126... Avoid a critical warning and a crash when iface == NULL. Cl (*)
  95fee2b... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  0895efb... update for spelling of Indian cities (*)
  83d14cf... HIG compliance issue, fixed #326549 (*)
  8e98498... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b5fcf3c... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  dc596a6... Transition from day to night icons at sunset/sunrise. (*)
  3dccf35... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  6ea718d... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan). Updated Tr (*)
  6f3c508... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  0287bba... Don't poll network filesystems. Closes #310370. (*)
  3ba8754... Oops. Don't poll network filesystems. Closes #316455. (*)
  e93b80c... add Hide Notes to the menu. Patch from Jaap A. Haitsma <jaa (*)
  feb857f... move prototype for calc_sun to header and remove static dec (*)
  3231b63... New program to test station report parsing remove 'static'  (*)
  9c4fae6... fix a crasher that was hinted to at a compiler warning (*)
  a223937... resize trashapplet to fit strange panel sizes. Closes #3269 (*)
  1dd2fdc... things are moved to the trash, not copied. Override the sug (*)
  8d95ebf... --- libgweather --- (*)
  add66dd... remove gweather/location.c as it no longer exists (*)
  1bef30a... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  77129f5... Adjust metar site id for Alamogordo, NM US to a geographica (*)
  60ea3e7... fix misleading tooltip for memory. Patch from Benoît Dejea (*)
  f6ff051... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f721390... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  d720638... Added new Kurdish translation to /po, there was already one (*)
  4074a21... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  e47fd67... Updated Kurdish translations (*)
  0ee8cb2... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  c6a5d9e... Updated Kurdish translations for the second time. (*)
  8368670... Fix build by adding some '\'s. (*)
  1f1c581... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  5f66e67... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  c986526... remove Ryan's star, replace with a much more straight-forwa (*)
  ee7afaa... add "atm" as possible unit in translator comment for (*)
  a5a5ad0... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  9f890ef... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  bf0e6e0... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  78c73c0... Updated Translation (*)
  778377a... release 2.13.2 (*)
  0622466... *** empty log message *** (*)
  3305dcc... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  9afb37d... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  39bf0d2... Updated gnome-applets location translation. (*)
  31220de... Small update everywhere (french translation of the docs) (*)
  39e19e1... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  6b2d5c0... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  a0abb07... Updated Bulgarian translation by Vladimir Petkov <vpetkov i (*)
  63420b4... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same. (*)
  aff81ed... *** empty log message *** (*)
  689bc53... Updated gnome-applets translation. (*)
  a7cac25... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same. (*)
  b7239f0... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  62c7fb7... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  da54289... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan). Updated Tr (*)
  e0c75d1... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  fd16bc4... Updated Greek translation (*)
  e1ad58f... Move to the new libpanel-applet API for background handling (*)
  c26a52f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  597c2f0... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6c9d791... Updated Macedonian translation <arangela cvs gnome org> (*)
  3ca1987... GObject'ify the GWeather prefs dialog. (*)
  995a8f5... - centre low battery dialog - closes #328959 - update libno (*)
  6436606... Remove FIXME's from libnotify code. Move libnotify preferen (*)
  743a978... remove dead code that caused a critical warning - closes #3 (*)
  0a4d25b... drivemount depends on GNOME-VFS (*)
  7e63fbf... add missing link flags for mixer (*)
  0936cf1... do not g_free GList (causes an invalid free); use g_list_fr (*)
  62cdf13... gcc 2.95 fixes - closes #328256 Patch from Jens Granseuer (*)
  dc76e5d... release 2.13.3 (*)
  7b8e810... Updated Serbian translation, this fixes #325404 (*)
  2d9628a... replace sscanf with g_strsplit to prevent stack smashing. C (*)
  4fbe033... don't call gtk_main_quit on destroy, this would seem to be  (*)
  8094c69... ignore test_metar (*)
  8c708eb... ignore gweather.schemas (*)
  9a326a7... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  2cd7216... Do not try to set window size if gconf stored values are no (*)
  dc64079... Revert a bit of the change to the new background API to res (*)
  4f7f90a... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  3fddc46... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  96a366f... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan). Updated Tr (*)
  350bbd7... stickynote_set_font: replace g_free with pango_font_descrip (*)
  2047716... ta.po (*)
  7cebe7a... ChangeLog (*)
  7b01c17... ta.po (*)
  cb7b689... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  8c9774a... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  16d416c... ta.po (*)
  889a991... fix a bug where the wrong pointer was being passed as user_ (*)
  b54d65a... - make mini-commander run deskbar-applet's factory by defau (*)
  f6f19a0... small fix in build_table() to correct a division by zero (*)
  d774280... There's one more place where the wrong user_data was being  (*)
  2c84175... added server file from last commit was moved to libgweather (*)
  e1fa1dd... configure fixes for building with GST 0.8 add a comment to  (*)
  73c3a72... release 2.13.4 (*)
  5dc54a9... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  69abeeb... Updated German translation. (*)
  b3a139d... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  a50ae26... Updated gnome-applets zh_CN translation. (*)
  b624959... Uses volume-0 for mute, 1 step for 0 < v < 33%, 2 steps for (*)
  f46a4c8... Unconditionally destroy the graph widgets even if they're n (*)
  17ff4f9... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  35463a1... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  83522a6... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  6936b99... Fix DEFAULT_* values (bug #325399). (*)
  245a4f4... Updated Persian translation by Elnaz Sarbar and Farzaneh Sa (*)
  9d4339b... Hungarian translation updated by Mate ORY. (*)
  be615ca... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  ee0df98... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  d6ce90a... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  5c33381... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  d357d2a... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  4057a8e... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  69a7ffb... Updated Translation (*)
  2169e97... *** empty log message *** (*)
  7ebf47f... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  22b68ee... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  b5f6249... Updated Greek translation (*)
  e3e494f... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  5699879... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  aabb52a... Updated Russian translation (*)
  ffbfab1... ka.po: Added Georgian translation. (*)
  a3bb30f... Hungarian translation updated. (*)
  7c9c28c... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan). Updated Tr (*)
  ac32079... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  919a90e... release 2.13.90 (*)
  a884a19... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. Same. (*)
  cd232b5... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  9e8741b... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  91859aa... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b618494... Updated Italian translation. add legal.xml (*)
  2dd73e2... Updated it.po (Italian translation) for charpick, drivemoun (*)
  31b72ac... Updated Danish translation by David Nielsen (*)
  e79a8c8... Updated Bulgarian translation by Rostislav Raykov <zbrox i- (*)
  50019f2... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  3376cd6... Fixed bug #325386 (*)
  8977630... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  48607e7... Updated Macedonian Translation <arangela cvs gnome org> (*)
  1d37dae... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor dogan (*)
  3d40860... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  a81e20b... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  3873fb9... Makefile.am bg/bg.po bg/figures/battstat-credits-hal.png (*)
  b6db1dd... Updated Ukrainian translation. (*)
  2529579... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  a80cbb8... Makefile.am bg/bg.po bg/figures/harpick-preferences.png Add (*)
  32c9f30... Makefile.am bg/bg.po Added Bulgarian translation by Yavor D (*)
  9ad257e... Fixed potential overflow. Fixed C99 code. Closes #333242. (*)
  a0bb8c1... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  d52a648... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  3d74c61... Updated Norwegian nynorsk translation. (*)
  472ee11... Updated Danish translation. (*)
  bda4de2... Updated Macedonian Translation <arangela cvs gnome org> (*)
  44d2e07... Updated Albanian translation by Elian Myftiu. (*)
  f2f1180... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  4147506... Added Russian translation by Vasiliy Faronov <qvvx land ru> (*)
  aaaa6da... Translation updated. (*)
  6125fa0... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  cf1c6b8... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  5a23ed3... Updated something else on the Brazilian Portuguese translat (*)
  7b04d87... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  9fadbcf... Translation updated. (*)
  0e0bc67... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  783187e... Updated Czech translation by Petr Tomeš. (*)
  5ec7d52... release 2.14.0 (*)
  f4336e0... update translation for Punjabi (Gurmukhi) by apbrar gmail c (*)
  4ede3e5... Added Georgian gnome-applets-locations (*)
  3d25b10... Updated turkish translation (*)
  06150fc... *** empty log message *** (*)
  69fedbb... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  c38fe92... Updated Georgian translation (*)
  862d092... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  79080ac... Added Belarusian translation. (*)
  4077ee5... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  52e5177... Updated Georgian Language (*)
  b924f06... Added Russian translation. (*)
  397e11b... closing bad crash (*)
  7286d62... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  8a4f4b1... Updated Belarusian translation. (*)
  804f20c... clean not required -lpopt build option, the applets use GOp (*)
  d85f9e5... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  b27ebc4... Updated French translation. (*)
  e7fca9f... exporting symbols for the plugins (*)
  c97518c... new section: Layout View (*)
  4903a61... Added help to the layout view (*)
  955c7f0... added new section on Layout View (*)
  d7673d5... Added Dzongkha translation (*)
  273d169... updated info on keyboard shortcut for switching group, upda (*)
  8eedec3... added info about how to add layouts, closes #141332 (*)
  909b185... removed section 'Customizing Behavior', obsolete, closes #3 (*)
  3af2de7... removed id for 'Customizing Behavior' section, see comment  (*)
  7e38cf0... *** empty log message *** (*)
  edb706f... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  474ce70... Closed #325397 (*)
  fed91f7... Closed #325387 (*)
  e835c34... Closed #325390 (*)
  4ca1482... Fix double-free on quit which would cause the panel to free (*)
  60194d1... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  b432a35... Call cpufreq-selector specifying the monitored cpu. Fixes b (*)
  14ae5bc... Fixed two strings in Danish translation, spotted by David N (*)
  9888e43... release 2.14.1 (*)
  fbd06e6... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  10916b3... *** empty log message *** (*)
  fbf0191... branched for gnome-2-14, this is the development branch (*)
  5ab32d5... Initial import of invest-applet (*)
  ddaf831... Fixed German translation (#338355). (*)
  0f4b18d... Remove unneeded files (*)
  09209ff... Show frequency or percentage at startup based on user confi (*)
  e7d2b62... Show frequency or percentage at startup based on user confi (*)
  813517b... Build fixes (*)
  dd41d02... 2006-04-13  Raphael Slinckx  <rslinckx cvs gnome org> (*)
  5d6c90d... Fix compile warning (*)
  bb3fbbd... - get invest-applet building - refactor configure.in to mak (*)
  350b40c... Swedish translation updated. (*)
  9611eba... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  4fef677... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  d389ade... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f830e2d... More build fixes, add glade path where needed, find the app (*)
  c3bb1a2... *** empty log message *** (*)
  71e614f... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  f913dcb... Remove obsolete entry for no_NO. Remove the translation. Re (*)
  3cb2258... Updated Translation (*)
  37d1edb... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  cb943e0... update for new libxklavier API (*)
  24e91f2... Updated Translation (*)
  34a49fb... *** empty log message *** (*)
  7d9a48d... Do the PoLinguas thing. And remove non-existant en_AU ref. (*)
  34dbe57... save the Layout View geometry (*)
  44c37ef... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  cd52495... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  0be129a... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  daa5e3d... Colourado->Colorado. #340226 (*)
  d606062... Updated gnome-applets zh_CN translation. (*)
  35c6f46... ta.po (*)
  3b3a899... Translated by Felix updated by Jayaradha (*)
  9cf2150... Updated Gujarati Translations (*)
  d14477c... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  dfddf60... file br.po was initially added on branch gnome-2-14. (*)
  e2248cd... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong). Updated (*)
  e5ce636... Added cpufreq zh_CN doc translation. (*)
  d463e3e... app name fix (*)
  6ec5b5b... Added drviemount zh_CN translation. (*)
  4a23882... Fixed default weather applet info. (#325389) (*)
  696fc46... Change the applet aspect to not reveal sensitive infos. Use (*)
  0507905... Bump to intltool 0.35 (*)
  c2b7452... Updated Translation (*)
  3f220cd... mouse wheel events are ignored (*)
  2ee1766... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  62959a1... better UTF-8 description handling (*)
  d2cd581... Fix a typo. Patch from Benoît Turpin. Fixes bug #343138. (*)
  87d2e47... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  060f37d... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6a5b660... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  ed22e64... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  82f861f... This change refactors the details dialog and is the part tw (*)
  30e1589... gweather.h Remove dead code for managing lifetime of About  (*)
  8411080... *** empty log message *** (*)
  04333a5... *** empty log message *** (*)
  0692d3d... Commiting on behalf of Manjunath Kadajji - Archana Shah (ar (*)
  566c108... Updated Translation (*)
  529a147... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  d584781... Updated Dutch names in Serbian translation. (*)
  0b9b6d6... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  ff67e4f... Updated gnome-applets zh_CN translation. (*)
  396fb8b... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  84779a9... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  50d2b95... Added Latvian translation by Raivis Dejus <orvils gmail com (*)
  90b9ba1... Updated Catalan translation, rebased from gnome-2-14. (*)
  d1373d5... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  1c3f675... Removed Added (*)
  6864904... Don't install gconf schemas when --disable-schemas-install  (*)
  bed2cff... Updated Translation (*)
  87c34a3... check if there is libcpufreq support in order to use it in  (*)
  c2bbf3c... Added Use libcpufreq when available (*)
  a117967... Updated German translation. (*)
  f38b509... Updated German translation. (*)
  7174d1b... Remove unused file (*)
  5377fb3... Remove unused files making gtik dir still show up in checko (*)
  b738322... Remove the last remnants of the gtik subdirectory. (Hmmm... (*)
  e729126... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  f2dd5fa... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  fb1cbb3... make gswitchit compile optional in case you have the wrong  (*)
  dd1396c... release 2.15.1 (*)
  9885511... Correct GObject macros, fixes #341457 (*)
  40c6900... Correct GObject macro (*)
  9724797... code cleanups (*)
  ed77cac... Added missing G_BEGIN_DECLS and G_END_DECLS (*)
  6e69019... fix stupid typo. Patch from Fryderyk Dziarmagowski <freetz@ (*)
  3164fc0... release (*)
  edc16ee... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  3e1fe9a... Fixed Czech translation. (*)
  83fea59... Massive libgswitchit API change, following GNOME naming con (*)
  9f29350... split Congo into Democratic Republic of and Republic of. Pa (*)
  e32653d... Updated Gujarati Translation (*)
  8f6a991... Updated Dzongkha translation (*)
  df1bd2b... Updated Translation (*)
  2175a13... Added Swedish translation. (*)
  0b20927... Added Swedish translation. (*)
  7722203... Added Swedish translation. (*)
  016548f... Tamil translation updated (*)
  f1b92c5... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  af581d3... Updated Nepali Translation (*)
  807cf12... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  7b8c9ba... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  209211e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  0ccbc3f... Fixed "plugin" (*)
  7fda472... Fixed "Plugin" again (*)
  18a86ff... Fix bad use of GList. Patch by Paolo Borelli. Closes bug #3 (*)
  87b0b29... Cygwin portability. Patch from Cygwin Ports Maintainer. Clo (*)
  1820ff7... Updated French translation. (*)
  8f6bed6... Updated French translation. (*)
  cfde299... Updated Translation (*)
  54ca717... Fixed default Nepal weather settings, bug #325398 (*)
  286ec7c... Fixed default Arabic weather settings, bug #325383 (*)
  574dd74... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  42693e5... Fixed "hoáş·t Ä‘á»™ng" (*)
  52f8fc6... Added entry for addition of  bengali India (bn_IN) translat (*)
  46ef88b... Added Bengali India Translation (*)
  9b6d08f... Added bengali India (bn_IN) (*)
  dca4f14... Added entry for addition of  bengali India (bn_IN) translat (*)
  8913889... Minor translation fix (*)
  a5790ee... Disable layout Preview for non-XKB (*)
  b24cba6... Fixed #325388, added Beijing in local script (*)
  5319d6e... Added dependency on g-s-d DBUS API (*)
  348446d... linking with g-s-d DBUS API (*)
  ea147a1... Don't poll CIFS. Closes #344031. (*)
  56f6ac8... Oops. Reverted. (*)
  4fc3c78... Loadavg improvments. Displays numeric load average. Adjuste (*)
  8929e55... Changed the menu item, #315643 (*)
  c33e67a... #331709 (*)
  78baf19... Updated Translation (*)
  c8662bb... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  807b03e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  2f0403c... Fixed misspelled 'chá»­' (*)
  4f4f4f3... Fixed several misspelled words (*)
  057470e... Fixing the build process (*)
  262a438... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  c88022c... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  0a39443... Removed "sv" from DOC_LINGUAS to temporarily work around bu (*)
  e4ca8f1... Updated Bulgarian translation by Rostislav Raykov <zbrox i- (*)
  c21a655... - add gnome-system-tools to optional dependancies for modem (*)
  5f25189... moving plugin mgmt app to libgswitchit (*)
  1f9df0d... Import old gtik settings when upgrading. Allow to use only  (*)
  1970c6b... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong). Updated (*)
  5562977... added libgswitchit/gswitchit-plugins.desktop.in to configur (*)
  d1aacb8... update POTFILES.in (*)
  ffb6265... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  aa7fbd3... Yet another update to Thai translation, thanks to Patipat S (*)
  440be18... Fix typo in IT_PROG_INTLTOOL call version string Add (*)
  5d0a35f... Use multimedia-volume-control as the icon name instead of v (*)
  f829f98... Use battery as the icon name instead of gnome-dev-battery a (*)
  3574c5c... Use user-trash-full instead of gnome-fs-trash-full as per t (*)
  3623381... Call gweather_dialog_update conditionally - the dialog does (*)
  a3395bb... Updated. (*)
  1628215... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  8f0ea29... Updated Dzongkha translations (*)
  f8781fc... Fixed two long strings (*)
  ff9ba73... small update. (*)
  deb7227... small update in French documentation updated screenshots (*)
  9fe2988... There is no libgswtichit inside gnome-applets. (*)
  53d2283... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  3ee911e... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  03925c7... Updated French translation. (*)
  06302a5... Updated gnome-applets zh_CN translation. (*)
  9e0cb9d... - initialize the color buttons in the preference dialog of  (*)
  9ed2de7... Updated translation Removed obsolete translation Removed ob (*)
  6555565... Updated Swedish documentation (*)
  7067d07... Updated Swedish translation. Removed obsolete XML file. (*)
  3b0c454... Updated Swedish translation. Removed obsolete file. Removed (*)
  e2c8a2e... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  0d105b9... Updated Swedish translation. Removed obsolete file. (*)
  33e2dc2... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  850b09c... Updated Swedish translation. Removed obsolete file. (*)
  a6e7da3... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  3890935... locations love. Patch from John N. Laliberte: Closes #34042 (*)
  f04ce58... update schema descriptions, patch from Adam Petaccia. Close (*)
  64ac9f8... Updated French translation. (*)
  57671bc... Updated French translation. (*)
  ea5fafe... Updated Translation (*)
  a95f306... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  65f48a3... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  5595b3d... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  f6ec9c5... Added French translation and figures (*)
  1d0a435... small update (*)
  09d4cbe... Small update of French translation (*)
  23e397f... Updated French translation (*)
  ecfaf48... Small update of French translation (*)
  96f8ffd... Small update of French translation Update French documentat (*)
  c348a48... Small update of French translation Update of figures (*)
  107f041... Small update of French translation Updated screenshot (*)
  23e4c86... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  5557e18... Fixed documentation about CPU nice. Closes #347271. (*)
  3037bee... release 2.15.2 (*)
  d6c7093... Updated. (*)
  1cb3f00... use panel_applet_set_background_widget instead of monitorin (*)
  69e4717... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  c14340f... Added mr.po and corrosponding entry for marathi in Language (*)
  71e7951... Migrated to gnome-doc-tools (*)
  0aa1587... Added mr.po and corrosponding entry in ChangeLog (*)
  c9a538e... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  92fa80e... Added Malayalam Translations (*)
  c50217f... Updated Translation (*)
  0fe5316... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  9ca6cf7... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  5329c69... Updated translations (*)
  d97fcbc... Updated Changelog (*)
  6c9851e... Added New File for Oriya Translation (*)
  4293b1b... Added and Updated File for Oriya Translation (*)
  c8ef0a8... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  890603d... Added Oriya to The List of Languages and Updated Oriya Tran (*)
  78fe11b... Added Oriya to The List of Languages (*)
  b8c6d76... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  9c09326... updated POTFILES.in (*)
  fafa0e3... Updated translation (*)
  c2c1468... b.g.o#345804 (*)
  7a7f4ba... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  417d90a... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  f3d06d3... Updated Translation (*)
  4214af1... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  44147ab... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  66ccd4f... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  6691951... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  dde8c72... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  2a266a0... Updated Translation for mr_IN (*)
  a49e070... Updated French translation. (*)
  db759b4... Set accessibility name (#337059). (*)
  e527dc1... Added Malayalam to the List of Languages (*)
  c303c6d... Added Entry for Malayalam to the List of Languages (*)
  b36e387... Updated Malayalam translation (*)
  1ba7df0... Updated Macedonian translation, Arangel Angov <ufo linux ne (*)
  7f7e98e... Updated Welsh translation. (*)
  a1a6477... Updated Malayalam translation (*)
  5a8b631... Updated Translation for mr_IN (*)
  e8f44db... Updated Translation for mr_IN (*)
  407c69b... Updated Malayalam ml.po (*)
  cfb80d4... Updated Malayalam ml.po (*)
  5351054... Updated gnome-applets zh_CN translation. (*)
  b0dbc75... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  ad1d789... Updated Malayalam ml.po (*)
  6b81539... 2006-08-03 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> * mk.po: (*)
  6b15620... Updated Translation for mr_IN (*)
  de72ec0... Updated Translation for mr_IN (*)
  dd02838... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  726000f... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  db885dd... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  06fba5a... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  4d0dfdd... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  c7c8de5... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  9fb17f6... Updated Malayalam translation (*)
  fe9473b... add a missing default value (*)
  91ae972... Updated Latvian translation. (*)
  73e2f90... Updated Malayalam translation (*)
  726a4c6... updating UI on reinit-ui signal, closing #318787 (*)
  d72698c... Updates the tooltip only if needed. This saves a lot of CPU (*)
  098a820... Added Slovenian translation in po-locations (*)
  9d67b15... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  905d563... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  c91e29e... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  5bed8d3... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  81c6759... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  b49a909... - fix component name, closes #348846. (*)
  5bacdb9... - fix component name in server file. Closes #348845. (*)
  99b0e85... - catch possible NULL pointers when parsing strings. Patche (*)
  45d71ad... - depend on API in gnome-vfs 2.15.4 - request ejectable sta (*)
  2404273... Call place_widgets() from update_finish() so that in a vert (*)
  c859b4a... release 2.15.3 (*)
  1ba69fe... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d118ea7... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  b7bc813... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  fad9916... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  69e0bdd... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  333f1e9... Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  a07236c... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  db804af... Added missing call to glibtop_init. (*)
  d27dd61... Reduce the number of files read each second. Use a custom v (*)
  4172c9e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  3177322... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  dbdc4ea... Added Entry for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  3ef2785... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  345e4e5... Updated Dzongkha translation (*)
  a3ea85b... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  91bfd75... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  adf2b91... Mark the application name for translation. (*)
  c0e7a88... Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  4ed809c... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  e763021... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  1c40321... Updated Georgian translation (*)
  64dd6b2... Added constants needed for gettext/localization and fixed t (*)
  acc4254... Oops, forgot to commit the ChangeLog file (*)
  4a689c5... 2006-08-13 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> * mk.po: (*)
  6e9a4af... - correct location of executable in server file (*)
  86a3ed3... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  3579f15... Added Malagasy translation. Added 'mg'. (*)
  980cf52... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  b9c7f59... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  3e6dadb... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  4f98217... Updated Translation (*)
  e34ce2d... Updated German translation, by Jochen Skulj <jochen jochens (*)
  85b150d... Dutch translation added by Inge Loots. (*)
  6c9ff1b... Added nl to list of doc linguas. (*)
  8a6e852... Translation updated by Mate ORY. (*)
  938e640... Translation updated. (*)
  867bb91... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  b6eb469... Updated Russian translation (*)
  e78b335... Updated Slovenian translation. (*)
  bc1b562... Updated Kurdish translations (*)
  4896888... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  8f59851... Ensure cpufreq-selector is built without lazy bindings. Fix (*)
  7e559b4... Updated Spanish translation, all languages. (*)
  08db233... Updated Japanese Translation. (*)
  f59312a... Updated. (*)
  029ddf4... Updated Kurdish translations (*)
  395b448... Updated Kurdish translations, replaced wrong file (*)
  722816e... Updated Swedish translation. Added files. (*)
  ab6d41c... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  0365d73... Updated Swedish translation Added new images and removed ob (*)
  e786b7c... Updated Swedish translation. Removed old images and added n (*)
  d9fda8f... Updated Swedish translation Added images. (*)
  7af43d4... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  2d27b35... - correct zone for Loveland (closes #335135) - commit mass  (*)
  2b815d1... do not leak GList. (*)
  4446ed0... plug various memory leaks. (*)
  ee871bb... Updated Georgian translation (*)
  d2e9eb6... plug a couple of memory leaks. (*)
  c843a00... bump required GNOME_ICON_THEME (*)
  fcda0a0... Use new icon in about dialog. (*)
  eea092b... Move G_GNUC_INTERNAL macro to the beginning of the prototyp (*)
  a947166... Updated Catalan translation by Xavier Conde Rueda. (*)
  7c25ffd... - add Autotools'ing to upgrade stickynotes to Tomboy reenab (*)
  9e1e405... Updated Malayalam translation (*)
  8278bc8... release GNOME Applets 2.15.90 (*)
  46b256c... 2006-08-22 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> * mk.po: (*)
  951e893... Updated Russian translation (*)
  b4d298d... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  168bf5e... unconditionally enable stickynotes applet, because I hate f (*)
  bebbe20... Added Malagasy translation. (*)
  653eefe... Updated Translation (*)
  3507c04... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  f70a282... fixed typo (*)
  5cb21b1... Translation updated. (*)
  710993e... Updated Catalan translation by Xavi Conde. (*)
  005539d... Upadted Malayalam translation (*)
  5f72da1... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  8e3582f... Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  de934bc... Updated Russian translation (*)
  043046e... Updated Slovenian translation. (*)
  7163d52... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  8d84132... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  8c51ccb... Updated German translation. (*)
  740b721... update "add to panel" section. Fixes #311149 (*)
  5ba2a4d... removing modeline (messes up Nautilus's type detection) upd (*)
  5afaf43... add mention of double-click to add a note: fixes #311151 co (*)
  cbc1f12... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  0f67a26... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  a8045cd... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  eb1e307... fixed typo (*)
  e816008... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  4bc9900... Updated French translation (*)
  d4bf7da... Updated Macedonian Translation <ufo linux net mk> (*)
  523b05e... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  a764004... jayaradhaa gmail com (*)
  1046c86... Updated French translation. (*)
  ff3111f... Updated Translation (*)
  f3ac983... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  6117c0b... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  b7e5632... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  b34b239... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  6d758e4... Translation updated. (*)
  fb3304e... 2006-08-30 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> * mk.po: (*)
  c78956a... hindi updated by Rajesh Ranjan (*)
  53383c3... - latest icons from the art team (*)
  dedbfb7... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  57e8fe9... Translation updated. (*)
  b505c8b... Updated Greek tranlsation (*)
  6dc6fb7... Updated Translation (*)
  f24eabc... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  02f349f... 2006-09-01 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> * mk.po: (*)
  6b92abb... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  5ad4ac1... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  1ab0d24... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  7872d59... Updated Greek translation (*)
  4363d94... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  25433e3... - added a Tango eye theme (*)
  106c850... Updated Greek translation (*)
  31bc08e... Updated Swedish documentation Added screenshots. (*)
  5b9a652... Updated Swedish translation. Updated screenshots. (*)
  c881be8... Updated Swedish translation. Added screenshots. (*)
  d8882f7... update translation for Punjabi (Gurmukhi) by apbrar gmail c (*)
  21129fc... Added Strings for Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  96d6d4c... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  e7bf91e... 2006-09-03 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> * mk.po: (*)
  100915c... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  227c734... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  ecaece8... Added screenshot. (*)
  6607f37... Updated Swedish translation. Removed old screenshots. (*)
  72b0432... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  51ab8a3... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  26f60e5... - release GNOME Applets 2.16.0 (*)
  19e63d3... Updated Chinese (Hong Kong) translation from Woodman Tuen (*)
  b70707a... mg.po: Updated Malagasy translation. (*)
  1abd8e9... Fix typo (*)
  a3f1aca... - fix icon path (*)
  8fa8e87... release GNOME Applets (*)
  57c5dc0... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  c77612a... Updated Catalan translation. (*)
  3171485... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Leonardo Ferrei (*)
  05f4125... *** empty log message *** (*)
  6f40d3e... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  b7248cd... Updated Greek translation (*)
  1945943... Update Georgian translation (*)
  1eaf825... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  a7c2ad5... Updated Bengali translation (*)
  3ebe537... Updated English (British) translation. (*)
  4db5d64... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  995d94e... Updated Chinese (Hong Kong) translation. Updated Chinese (T (*)
  531f7ea... Update Italian translation - 1 message :-) (*)
  b653ad7... Fixed up mismatch between nplurals and number of plural for (*)
  b89ef49... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation. (*)
  326fccd... using dbus explicitly, #353155 (*)
  a819247... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  7ee1057... Don't install a 10Hz timer to poke at the X event queue. In (*)
  3733ea6... Add a callback system to notify the applet when changes to  (*)
  09302b4... - move changelog entry - (*)
  d837c46... Rename pixtimer to timeout_id. Add 'timeout' to record curr (*)
  d0d0070... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  bc641dc... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  54c87bf... tweaked abstract and intro text for #357620 (*)
  dc709b6... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  dc2bc1f... Updated Slovenian translation. (*)
  cf6838f... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  c1eb8d3... catch a -1 time and format it correctly (*)
  89d0dce... gcc2.95 fixes. Patch from Jens Granseuer. Closes #348875. (*)
  264eb69... Stop the search of a location if the criterium is empty (bu (*)
  984c096... - respect /apps/panel/global/enable_animations from GConf - (*)
  c1e17c2... - icon related cleanups - fix icon resizing Patches from Ma (*)
  4f8b1a2... - remove spurious \ (*)
  0055097... - release GNOME Applets 2.16.1 (*)
  166a7ad... Updated Swedish translation Added screenshots (*)
  a9994a2... Updated Swedish translation Added screenshot (*)
  f4ae312... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  b65297d... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  8324773... Updated all Spanish translations. (*)
  ce86bc0... Update cpufreq-monitor when cpu changes on SMP systems. (*)
  df847a1... 2006-10-03 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna cvs gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  deb903f... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  44379a5... Updated Translation (*)
  de9f5bc... Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  95fe41b... Czech translation updated (*)
  67b35c9... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  165c183... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  439882c... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  dc010d7... *** empty log message *** (*)
  1212a8f... Updated French translation. (*)
  1898060... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  65922da... Updated French translation. (*)
  56735ae... Add or update cvsignore files (bug #323327) Patch from Tom  (*)
  cbd73e2... add this too. (*)
  b115867... Updated. (*)
  a3967cb... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  ecd8ce4... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  da5e282... branched for gnome-2-14, this is the stable branch (*)
  72edaad... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  32503b9... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  9dcd252... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  ebdf29e... Changing library dependency from virtual libgswitchit/libkb (*)
  c582d7a... Add AC_CHECK_HEADERS for err.h and sys/sysctl.h (*)
  b7a749b... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  bdae64b... Updated Japanese translations. (*)
  adca8cc... Updated Spanish translations. (*)
  fc03bae... Updated sPanish translation. (*)
  11fb79d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  8cdf7ec... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  03a8444... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  6776eb9... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  f0e562d... - don't import egg.trayicon, which is seemingly unused (*)
  c277a85... small cleanup. Bug #352215. (*)
  7a43028... Added role=maintainer. Remove duplicated includes. Same her (*)
  a1a5489... Fix build. (*)
  70b2548... Fix build. (*)
  c1eab25... Fix build. (*)
  19261eb... Fix build. (*)
  487c71d... Fix build. (*)
  b859d76... Fix build. (*)
  220c3fe... Fix build. (*)
  f660d73... Fix build. Remove duplicated include. (*)
  8df780b... Fix build. (*)
  dcdbb88... Fix build. Don't first check if font_str is null and then g (*)
  285b77b... And the revision info (*)
  bab2cf2... Fix the build. (*)
  4b63be2... Add an accessible name to the applet. Rodney Dawes, closes  (*)
  4ecb538... Bug #340769: Removed autosave_time. Removed. Removed. New f (*)
  d35f237... Fix warning (*)
  e686754... Use "formerly". Bug #331121. (*)
  5746da9... Also use left/right key to change volume. Patch from Jerry  (*)
  e72093a... Remove markup from translatable message. Patch from Elijah  (*)
  b2a652d... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  3e72b51... Fix the mute icon (*)
  59034aa... Never return a cpu number higher than max cpu. Fixes bug #3 (*)
  8fb5001... Fix a typo in a comment. (*)
  98a8136... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  6f62e93... Updated French translation. (*)
  d78a6c7... Request a fixed size for the whole applet. Fixes bug #31870 (*)
  c2e1801... Show only the theme names and not complete paths. Fixes bug (*)
  f4b8dcb... Updated Spanish translation. (*)
  4e597e7... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  f4506e5... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  63424a2... Open the window on the right screen. (#382774) (*)
  c70ebd7... file as.po was initially added on branch gnome-2-16. (*)
  e187540... Rework popup menu layout by merging frequencies and governo (*)
  29df6a6... Updated Arabic Translation. Sync for gnome-2-18 (*)
  5c6d065... Updated Latvian Translation. (*)
  2194bc6... explicitly check for libxml2. Fixes #388799 (*)
  d2bc503... Updated Arabic Translation. (*)
  e55982f... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  02d299e... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  ccdf399... Updated Arabic Translation. (*)
  93a6428... Updated this a bit. Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  8b3dac0... Updated English (British) translation (*)
  b8fb8a1... help/sv/sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  e280c50... release 2.17.1 (*)
  24b0032... Updated Arabic Translation. (*)
  75ad67b... upating translation for Punjabi (*)
  51ba3d3... adding figure (*)
  e79f9d8... updatin translation for Punjabi by alam (*)
  dc00703... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  f04bada... vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation. (*)
  c2a00f2... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  a32aa69... s/malloc.h/stdlib.h/ Closes bug #387179. Patch from Roy Mar (*)
  a0dae12... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor dogan (*)
  d296ee8... defer initialization of gstreamer until after the applet ha (*)
  8a27267... Set focus on slider, not plus button, when clicking on the  (*)
  6d2129e... Invert horizontal, so + is right and - is left (#333778). (*)
  932284b... updated hebrew translation (*)
  a170df4... sv/sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  13f476c... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  eefce02... Translation updated. (*)
  e1416ea... Translation updated. (*)
  0cb6d89... Do not stop run timeout callback when a cpu is not online.  (*)
  36ab53e... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor dogan (*)
  c63496a... Added Russian translation. (*)
  b4fda56... fixed a wrong word. (*)
  5c685c5... Added (British) English translation of trashapplet docs (*)
  52f9d4c... Updated (British) English translation (*)
  3bef8c5... svn path=/trunk/; revision=10145 (*)
  deec213... Added en_GB docs translation to mini-commander (*)
  470c273... Added en_GB docs translation to mini-commander (*)
  9706b16... Added en_GB docs translation to accessx-status (*)
  f38a3ed... Added en_GB docs translation to multiload (*)
  fcde848... Added en_GB docs translation to battstat (*)
  c74c8b5... Updated Estonian translation by Ivar Smolin <okul linux ee> (*)
  dac8ad3... added Russian translation (*)
  7e1c5e6... Updated French translation by Robert-André Mauchin. (*)
  2f9c7de... Add include to fix a warning. (*)
  0983cf6... Add missing include to get rid of a warning. (*)
  09c218e... Don't mix declarations and code. (*)
  b3d5d89... Add missing include to silence warning. (*)
  def58e4... Updated Belarusian translation. (*)
  1c8060e... Listen for theme changes. Fixes #335327. Patch from Jesse S (*)
  4eb9191... Translation updated. (*)
  63a36dd... Updated French translation by Jonathan Ernst (fix accelerat (*)
  4a24f42... updating translation for Punjabi (*)
  8fefa0e... adding Punjabi (*)
  565d8c1... adding Punjabi (*)
  a2218c9... adding translation for Punjabi (*)
  b5e9577... adding Punjabi (*)
  709333b... adding Punjabi for docs (*)
  31f0a9b... adding Punjabi (*)
  6d1ec4b... adding Punjabi (*)
  b0ee4f9... adding Punjabi for docs (*)
  f45e0b2... Updated pt_BR translation (*)
  0fa4f6e... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  30b80d8... Completed en_GB translation of docs (*)
  12113a8... Update en_GB translation (*)
  c4399cd... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  586ff0a... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  5c1c8e2... Dist MAINTAINERS. (*)
  0d80336... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong). Updated (*)
  ca16b52... Help Funda Wang committing zh_CN translation (*)
  ce077c1... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  90c2ff2... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  471a572... Handle icon theme changes. Fixes #339006. Based on a patch  (*)
  1bd2405... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  a30047e... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  7e88af7... release 2.17.90 (*)
  976f058... Updated French translation by Christophe Bliard. (*)
  cbd3ca9... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  3897c7c... updating for Punjabi by alam (*)
  f4036b1... Updated German translation. (*)
  4cabd99... add zones to Wisconsin cities, patch from Alex Mauer (*)
  f905d84... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  be3add8... Updated Translation (*)
  0f762dc... sv/figures/cpufreq-applet-preferences-smp.png: Updated figu (*)
  5abb30e... Fixes in Brazilian Portuguese translation by Og Maciel (*)
  60cbf04... updated hebrew translation (*)
  a84a372... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  3934d03... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  92c9bcd... Updated Catalan translation by Gil Forcada. (*)
  b99f895... Fixed wrong parameters in Catalan translation. (*)
  8602467... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  acebd08... 2007-03-06 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna svn gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  24ed372... Added ru to DOC_LINGUAS Added Russian translation by Salikh (*)
  f31c09c... Updated Greek translation. (*)
  f73f05e... Added ru to DOC_LINGUAS Added Russian translation by Sergey (*)
  1cb3b01... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  fcef2ca... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  5321a23... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  4d9f491... Updated Russian translation (*)
  69e4fa2... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor gnu o (*)
  9ecd869... "Application" is not a valid category in the freedesktop.or (*)
  68faf4f... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  069878b... release 2.18.0 (*)
  698f420... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  68f6aca... 2007-03-17 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna svn gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  f9492e7... Added Russian translation by Sergey Mironov <sergo bk ru> A (*)
  c476f67... dropping obsolete schema file (*)
  76eff8b... dropping obsolete schema file (*)
  f0dbe7c... Updated Arabic Translation by . (*)
  eefcd17... Updated Dzongkha Translation (*)
  124f519... Updated Macedonian Translation. (*)
  71fdcf1... s/Colourado/Colorado; fixes bug #164529. (*)
  97de177... Updated Danish translation (*)
  8c943f8... Updated Danish translation (*)
  3566799... Updated Danish translation (*)
  e6d9063... Updated Galician translation. (*)
  1ec6522... Updated Galician Translation (*)
  1631735... Fixed German translation by Jens Seidel <jensseidel users s (*)
  d65cae8... Fixed an error in Portuguese translation. (*)
  904733a... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  d3b6504... bugzilla support, b.g.o#424989 (*)
  0751e3a... Updated Spanish translation by Jorge González. (*)
  22344f5... Updated Simplified Chinese translation of gnome-applets. (*)
  5efbbb8... Fixed #427229 Kallisti! (*)
  529625f... Updated Czech Translation. (*)
  d0d206b... Fixed inconsistent temperature units in Czech (*)
  e10b218... Fixing a funny mistranslation of US Georgia into Czech. (*)
  99f93b4... Fixing a funny mistranslation of US Georgia into Czech. (*)
  eb5ee51... Fixing another funny mistranslation. (*)
  b8f4279... Congo translation. (*)
  71b90e1... Updated gnome-applets translation from Yang Zhang. (*)
  827e64b... Added Occitan translation. (*)
  ab29ff6... Updated Occitan translation. (*)
  72eaa30... Updated Occitan translation. (*)
  75294e1... Added Belarusian Latin translation for locations by A.Navic (*)
  c50a8b8... Fixed "mapa radaru". Eek! Eek! (*)
  f9198cb... Update spanish translations of gswitchit and accessx-status (*)
  cbf8560... Czech translation updated. (*)
  df2d982... Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi. (*)
  4d305ab... Added real Belarusian Latin translation by Ales Navicki. (*)
  2fec9b7... Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi. correcting Hurg (*)
  7858be7... added Russian translation by Sergey Mironov <sergo bk ru> (*)
  636aa45... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  df9b3e2... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  f7df34e... release 2.18.0 (*)
  beba797... Fix division by zero, and bug #397941. (*)
  9343544... Fix error when yahoo returns N/A. Fixes bug #413603 (*)
  a17ac67... Update the encoding to be utf8 (*)
  36a1c1c... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  59544c2... Updated Russian translation by Sergey Mironov <sergo bk ru> (*)
  96a3cf7... Add GNOME_APPLETS_CFLAGS to get GConf includes. Fixes the b (*)
  c7f5439... updated hebrew translation (*)
  7be19d1... Fixed bug #443285 in Portuguese translation. (*)
  91fbdfa... Added Catalan translation by Gil Forcada Added ca to DOC_LI (*)
  4d389fe... Added Catalan translation by Gil Forcada Added en_GB to DOC (*)
  cf4c32a... Last minute fixes from the translator (*)
  f60c491... Catalan localization by Gil Forcada ca added to DOC_LINGUAS (*)
  d3fd2b6... 2.6.21 compatibility fix (based on patch by Alan Swanson).  (*)
  54a1a30... accidently left some printfs in. apologies. (*)
  3c2cfae... added Catalan translation by Gil Forcada (*)
  aeb371e... updated si translation (*)
  c8aec66... updated ta translation (*)
  7e9b65c... updated ta translation (*)
  e5b7040... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  2a5e847... Fixes to sunrise, sunset and update time calculations. See  (*)
  bae853b... Fix various Makefile.am to be BSD compatible. == -> = (*)
  eb81e17... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  32f4dd7... set minimum requirements for glib to 2.13.0 and for gtk+ to (*)
  e9d56b3... Maxim Dziumanenko <dziumanenko gmail com> (*)
  2f87574... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  794678a... Remove *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED defines from the mixer Makefile (*)
  d73c552... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  a865004... Various corrections to fix bug #459086. (*)
  fe738a9... 2.19.0 (*)
  dd51f37... sv.po: Swedish translation updated (*)
  7b49bfd... 2.19.1 (*)
  a7429e9... Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  a2b683c... Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  568e919... Updated Changelog to reflect added Assamese translations (*)
  fb3764d... Updated Assamese translations (*)
  9de8eb1... Updated LINGUAS and added as for Assamese (*)
  dc8de45... Updated ChangeLog to reflect changes in LINGUAS (*)
  52a90a6... Updated ChangeLog (*)
  10ce34f... Updated Assamese translations (*)
  57a367f... removed "as" from the list until the actual po file lands i (*)
  4cdde68... Enhanced translation of "workspace". See bug #461308. (*)
  80a2921... Updated Greek translation by Dimitrios Typaldos <dtfedora y (*)
  6560fb2... Updated Changelog (for Greek translation addition) (*)
  33f8a63... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  029c284... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  7c588dc... The Plugins menu item is dynamic and hidden (*)
  def47d6... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8dd886d... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  6d9896e... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  9b8f1d2... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  06e1e4e... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  bcabae2... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  6982d3c... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  58c9aaa... Updated Belarusian Latin translation (*)
  974fcf1... Added si.po file for sinhala (*)
  e4b6913... Added si entry  for sinhala (*)
  d1d9803... si.po file for sinhala updated (*)
  e89a9ac... Updated Translation (*)
  fa5abff... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  0c1d5ac... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  dac79fc... si.po file for sinhala updated (*)
  3fdf8a5... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  409ffae... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  4258eaa... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  2e64f45... Moved a declaration to be C89 compatible. (*)
  1eb0340... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  a1b88b5... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  6d0f6e1... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  8c3ffa3... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  e0c5ca5... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  333ed7a... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  4baa812... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  121c425... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  812870a... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  f938956... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  00cc89e... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  7f0a05b... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  71296a8... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  fe07e80... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  6e8681d... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  9ad40ee... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  769d393... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  268aba2... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  390ef80... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  db8e0e5... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  e202b20... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  8ecf93b... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  f0423ab... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  7e29e26... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  34c2c2c... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  9409ea6... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  190c1b2... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  40a9b16... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  84c2fe2... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  aa54c93... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  65e1dab... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  dafb4a6... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  b448534... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  83bbee0... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  f4acbe8... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  1f0187a... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  e453af0... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  a029540... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  75b9cb4... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  2647781... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  ed3ae33... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  bab5caf... Updated Canadian English translation. (*)
  f2db9ae... work after first login, b.g.o#470496 (*)
  b928f16... updated ta translation (*)
  5de3026... updated ta translation (*)
  0801975... Estonian translation updates by Ivar Smolin (*)
  06c8ec1... Update the MAINTAINERS file. (*)
  4973385... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  7227fac... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  5ce2b06... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  d8512eb... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  1fea19e... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  67f6975... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  79934ca... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  29dd321... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  fcb43fd... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  adb2993... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  4c802e7... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  a76c4ce... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  cda8535... Added catalan translation of geyes manual (*)
  f10dab5... 2007-09-02    vi.po    Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  7c1ec5f... 2.19.91 (*)
  cc75f01... Updated Italian translation. Updated to new default theme. (*)
  34cbb3a... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  a71049d... Updated si.po  for sinhala (*)
  e447676... Updated si.po  for sinhala (*)
  ea24ed7... Added entry for sinhala (*)
  4e96c65... Added entry for sinhala (*)
  c8fd76e... Added assamese translations (*)
  179cdb8... Updated assamese translations (*)
  cb4c278... 2007-09-05 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna svn gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  e07dc50... Updated French translation. (*)
  c75db0e... Updated zh_CN translation (*)
  b437b4b... Fixed some typos in Basque translation. (*)
  02efcee... Updated Serbian translation. (*)
  9f82fec... Updated Bengali Translation (*)
  6f052b7... Updated Bengali Translation (*)
  7cfb824... Updated Bengali Translation (*)
  2ecacac... Updated Bengali Translation (*)
  efff24a... Translation updated. (*)
  66d1287... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  731fa7a... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  0d98612... 2.20.0 (*)
  2a34a54... Updated Finnish translation (spellchecked) (*)
  fc89288... 2007-09-16 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna svn gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  9d63c94... 2007-09-16 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna svn gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  c9e77ec... Updated Russian translation. (*)
  1c25cfa... updated si.po file (*)
  4f80721... Added entry for Sinhala (*)
  1c69090... si.po updated (*)
  27d2db0... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  29a990b... Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi. (*)
  153ccc7... Updated Catalan translation by Xavier Conde Rueda (*)
  508abd0... Fixed typo in Portuguese translation. (*)
  68de501... Updated Bengali Translation (*)
  6a6e92d... Updated Bengali Translation (*)
  ca82165... Ellipsise the device list, otherwise long (really long) dev (*)
  f4aca1c... Added Catalan translation (*)
  08f60a1... Plug leak. (*)
  f2bcb28... Updated Belarusian Latin translation (*)
  04abb75... Updated Galician Translation. (*)
  7a8f563... Added German translation (by Tobias Höbel <tobsi-h gmx de> (*)
  7fa3ab9... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  d97f27f... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  ad637d1... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  911fc4e... Updated Danish translation (*)
  16a45e8... Translation updated (*)
  8a90650... Added de to DOC_LINGUAS. Added German translation (by Domin (*)
  dbf8f48... Fixed gweather.pc to provide the proper libraries. (*)
  df40ca3... Fix the .in file, not the generated file you fool. (*)
  ecf7f11... Make sure the drivemount applet works on the second login. (*)
  3c3ebc2... Use more appropriate unicode symbols for the degree symbol. (*)
  2cec779... Locations.xml update for Virginia. (*)
  c343dd6... Make the invest drop-down window shrink properly when stock (*)
  62b6b59... Make the invest drop-down window shrink properly when stock (*)
  c48215a... Remove a dead link from the invest applet about dialog. (*)
  2f1bb12... Apply a patch to make some battstat error messages translat (*)
  ab89605... Avoid a division by zero when calculating percentage change (*)
  4bac092... Use G_DEFINE_TYPE macros rather than hand-rolled code. (*)
  5635743... Sort the invest list of stocks so at least we don't get a r (*)
  88ad6aa... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  7da02f0... Update fallback cb_check function so that it only checks fo (*)
  4195384... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  e84e69f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  322d983... Updated Belarusian Latin translation (*)
  c721cd4... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  1da949b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  3cfd617... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  94aa516... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  bb0d930... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  6e7369b... Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi. (*)
  c07015b... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  4f4e44a... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  a68e3d1... Testing. (*)
  3a33356... Updated Belarusian Latin translation. (*)
  7a27a7d... Fix the macro definition of weather_info_update. (*)
  71f918c... Ensure the requests_pending flag is set correctly on abort. (*)
  166b293... Locations.xml updates for Missouri. (*)
  3d67c9c... Use a correct check for nl_langinfo and company. (*)
  2976ca7... Geyes -> Eyes (*)
  7fb0440... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  017dd85... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  eff4d16... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  9d0e4c0... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin. (*)
  01c6688... NEWS and configure.in updates for 2.21.1 (*)
  944daac... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a0967c9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  1e51b83... Based on a patch by Matthias Clasen, closes #314177 (*)
  5a0628d... Remove dead code. Prevent random spaces appearing in the we (*)
  29878f9... Renamed East Midlands airport. Again. (*)
  7bedb7d... Fix string-handling issues with battstat when HAL isn't run (*)
  732237b... 'Fort Worth' only has an H at the end of the second word. (*)
  176bc28... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  c36eba7... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  567d82f... Fix up dialog resizable/not resizable code for the weather  (*)
  1dc7451... Added Greek translation by Dimitrios Typaldos <dtfedora yah (*)
  067e3a5... Added Greek translation by Dimitrios Typaldos <dtfedora yah (*)
  b6f8445... Added Greek translation by Dimitrios Typaldos <dtfedora yah (*)
  7d0bada... Added Kip's hometown to the gweather Locations file. (*)
  2d1aa06... Updated Belarusian Latin translation. (*)
  2a73843... Korean manual gnome-doc-utils migration from the old Sun ma (*)
  e496f87... Correct the order of files in POTFILES.in. (*)
  e335272... Updated abstract for the weather applet. (*)
  a29e372... 2.21.2 (*)
  e43187a... Updated spanish translation (*)
  1bb03f8... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  c1b6034... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  6deefc2... Add battstat-hal.c here to please the status pages. (*)
  8072d05... Czech Translation updated by Petr Kovar. (*)
  164f3e2... add layout preview printing (*)
  0e213cc... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  0f7d032... Fix memory leak. Fixes bug #504435. Patch by <kripkensteine (*)
  8e289d1... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  d7403d3... Two more memory leaks fixed by <kripkensteiner gmail com>.  (*)
  582d71b... sv.po: Swedish translation updated (*)
  4ae9062... Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi. (*)
  b8cbce3... Updated Irish translation. (*)
  85d6688... Added Irish translation. (*)
  5b5e7ae... Updated Irish translation. (*)
  c86dec8... Fixes to Catalan translation. (*)
  d7413ea... Updated Irish translation. (*)
  25e7bf0... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  a049cd8... sv.po: Swedish translation updated (*)
  41ca7e0... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  d200b1c... Patch from Ted Gould to remove accelerators from the mixer. (*)
  c015629... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  79ab974... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  195e40c... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  c766b9d... Updated Slovak translation on behalf of Peter Tuharsky (*)
  2b0dbff... gtk-print is not translatable, b.g.o#507533 (*)
  fde8b9d... Updated the Norwegian Nynorsk translation (*)
  1b1b8b2... Fix reference to button. Patch from Bob Mauchin. Closes bug (*)
  73cce86... Remove this old man page. Closes bug #400961. (*)
  013dc7e... The forecast menu entry was renamed to Details. Reported by (*)
  bec4a3c... Fix error on startup of null_applet. Patch from Ray Strode. (*)
  0983577... Remove padding spaces and use GtkAlignment to align text la (*)
  0e63c28... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  25e0f96... Fix bugzilla component and add missing line to make bug bud (*)
  1d25295... Fix zone code for Washington and Dulles Airport. Closes bug (*)
  ca6518b... Add Yerevan in Armenia. Patch from petrosyan at gmail com.  (*)
  18ad191... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8e4d7a9... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  6a6a6f2... updated hebrew translation (*)
  c36111f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  fa6be8c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  77707db... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d7b214c... Added Catalan translation of char-applet documentation (*)
  30a14ee... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  5026e61... Use an external libgweather. (*)
  5e57d0f... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  bc43ce3... Release 2.21.3 (*)
  238028f... Added Catalan translation of gswitchit help and updated the (*)
  371f309... 2.21.4: Allow compilation with the latest libgweather. (*)
  5173858... sv.po: Swedish translation updated (*)
  50cf477... Use the correct location for Locations.xml (*)
  c2974f0... Added Catalan translation (*)
  ee298bc... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  11f1d1a... Updated Turkish translation to pass msgfmt -cv (*)
  76aa2d8... cs.po: Updated Czech translation. (*)
  44d02be... 2008-01-27 Jovan Naumovski <jovanna svn gnome org> *mk.po:  (*)
  596abf0... Don't use G_GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION. Fixes the build with glib (*)
  232cef5... Updated French translation of gweather and charpick applets (*)
  320a477... Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi. (*)
  cbc5f2b... updated assamese translations (*)
  82cbfbc... The previous commit broke the build. Fix from Simon Holm Th (*)
  eb2c8fd... Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Vladimir Melo. (*)
  3805330... updated si.po (*)
  17d9997... updated si.po (*)
  5dc1fd4... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  30a867c... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  deb9f96... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong). Updated (*)
  c80c323... Patch to avoid a crash on really small panels (bug #513536) (*)
  6be50d7... Add two missing full stops. Add missing return value. (*)
  9efa5cb... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  5f165ef... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  59608a7... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  1ca41a7... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  3f3077d... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  e18dd3a... Add transparent panel support to the character picker apple (*)
  ea6fcea... Arangel Angov <arangel linux net mk> * mk.po: Updated Maced (*)
  823e17c... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  3bda924... Updated German translation. (*)
  24f70c9... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  1d9369d... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  6de6f0a... signed vs unsigned fix. (*)
  d06b6e5... add missing full stops in the long description. (*)
  d4b65aa... Add missing full stops in the long description. (*)
  ebb1709... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  33e6411... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  8a2508e... Updated Belarusian Latin translation. (*)
  26d8cea... 2.21.91 (*)
  84d2bd1... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  fe388d3... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  9a85d09... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  96a965f... 2.21.91 (b) (*)
  5ac4db4... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  3d0ca20... cs.po: Updated Czech translation. (*)
  e81e314... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  e8fa1bb... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  ec76f43... PKG_CHECK_MODULES for GIO move trashapplet to not depend on (*)
  a56c681... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  470c723... trash applet updates (glade -> gtkbuilder, empty-trash.c). (*)
  62a75cd... 2008-02-12  Ryan Lortie  <desrt desrt ca  (*)
  58c69c5... revert accidental string changes (*)
  e96dddc... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  25a3a85... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  16341cd... added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Amadeu A. Barbosa (*)
  a7eb43f... updating for Punjabi by amanpreet brar (*)
  7564254... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  b6f74c4... remove old files update accordingly use GIO directly for mo (*)
  4467422... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  a29a26b... fix transparency (*)
  9598834... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  37d1d85... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  5d8a599... Updated Nepali Translation (*)
  c903b64... Updated Galician Translation (*)
  bb585a4... Arangel Angov <arangel linux net mk> * mk.po: Updated Maced (*)
  5942572... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  900b327... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  7a69658... Updated Korean translation (*)
  c937d74... Updated German translation. (*)
  83ead8d... Updated French translation. (*)
  6731109... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  c5ad44a... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  a097e4e... Updated Belarusian Latin translation. (*)
  09f6826... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  9157b16... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  549b700... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  904dfc3... Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  1667279... Added Kannada Translations by Shankar Prasad (*)
  75af8fb... Added Kannada (kn) to the List of languages (*)
  f3f6a36... Added Entry for Kannada Translation addition and addition t (*)
  f87e583... Updated Turkish Translation (*)
  de371e2... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  16be954... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  9440bff... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  de2ae4a... Build breakage fix: Re-add libgweather, removed in previous (*)
  01685be... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  00a5ed8... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  728017b... Updated Finnish translation (bug #518255) (*)
  6d14f12... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  613c9ac... Updated zh_CN translation (*)
  886ed28... Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Vladimir Melo. (*)
  691708f... Updated Korean translation (*)
  5aff049... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  b998d0d... 2.21.92 (*)
  4d58ebd... Fix garbage in GNOME_CharpickerApplet.xml (*)
  db0d212... Updated Arabic Translation by Abou Manal. (*)
  d4c7208... Added Russian translation by Yuri Myasoedov <omerta13 yande (*)
  10c6ee4... Added Russian translation by Yuri Myasoedov <omerta13 yande (*)
  6be600a... Updated Arabic Translation by Abou Manal. (*)
  7d1170e... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  186575c... Minor change in Brazilian Portuguese translation, agreed up (*)
  3de9416... Added pt_BR do DOC_LINGUAS. Added Brazilian Portuguese tran (*)
  3254cec... Added 4 screen shots by Amadeu A. Barbosa Jr. (*)
  4d6d34b... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  3ca7c4e... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  80ecd8d... Use the new keyboard accesiblity program. (*)
  20c0605... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  0497e44... Added pt_BR to DOC_LINGUAS Added Brazilian Portuguese trans (*)
  ca3154a... Missing files from previous commit. (*)
  2c04496... Updated British English translation. (*)
  1838cfe... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  8912d30... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  0ea9a14... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation updation (*)
  cf79305... Updated Marathi Translations (*)
  ed314fa... Updated Russian translation. (*)
  591eb20... cs.po: Updated Czech translation. (*)
  df14e2e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  7a6411c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  24a84eb... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8bd23da... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  afe1bbd... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  2460c00... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  14950f2... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  22228de... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  759ea0d... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  160bb02... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  b37a001... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  dd2c2e7... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8f2928a... Updated Translation (*)
  89249d3... Updated Translation (*)
  35e7dc3... Updated Belarusian Translation. (*)
  87ceb6a... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  428a173... Tribute to Raphael (*)
  a1d6c06... Translation updated (*)
  dff60c6... Fix plural errors (*)
  7b09aa1... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  2a29070... Updated Greek translation (*)
  7a83566... Added pt_BR to DOC_LINGUAS. Added Brazilian Portuguese tran (*)
  b70f1c4... Committed ChangeLog and docs/Makefile.am, missing in my pre (*)
  981b5bf... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong). Updated (*)
  1563549... Updated Danish translation (*)
  a30484d... 2.22.0 (*)
  9bbc8a2... Updated Telugu traslation done by Krishna Babu K <kkrothap@ (*)
  5022a67... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  937487f... Doc fixes for the battstat applet. (*)
  7441b4d... Use the correct icon for the sticky-notes about dialog. (*)
  074a67b... Use tango icons in gswitchit (*)
  6cd7322... Removing obsolete files (.cvsignore and po-locations/) (*)
  b7468f4... Migrate from glade to gtkbuilder (see bug 521082) (*)
  f0274a7... Patch from Danny Baumann to set the window type hint to ass (*)
  2d7da6b... Remove glade references in the invest applet missed by the  (*)
  a6abc80... Make sure the invest applet always responds to right-clicks (*)
  8aad2db... updating from deprecated function, #523704 (*)
  81616f1... Updated Slovak translation by Peter Tuhársky. (*)
  e66f16f... Updated British English translation. (*)
  b73bf75... Added Danish translation (*)
  c9a33a3... Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team. (*)
  b3cd677... Major UI update for the invest applet from Matteo Zandi. (*)
  f40d7ac... i18n fixes for recent UI changes. (*)
  0b7b152... Added Greek translation by Giannis Katsampiris. (*)
  57622e1... Added Greek translation by Giannis Katsampiris. (*)
  83e07cc... Add the glade files into POTFILES.skip now that we're using (*)
  b2507ff... Add sparklines support to the invest applet. (*)
  a5ff94c... Added Finnish help translations by Jukka Heikkilä (*)
  6e1dbd7... check for gweather >= 2.22.1, don't check for libxml2 and t (*)
  29e6b53... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  63c468e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  bc7f95d... Fix the launching of the keyboard properties dialog. (*)
  10c7868... add back the libxml2 check (needed by sticky notes) (*)
  7fc951c... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  05ff9a7... Prepare for a gucharmap API change. (*)
  888cfec... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor gnu o (*)
  883eba7... svn path=/trunk/; revision=10794 (*)
  1c1e0f1... 2008-04-14 Norayr Chilingaryan (*)
  be255d8... svn path=/trunk/; revision=10797 (*)
  706fed3... Restore the externally-visible indicator of stock health to (*)
  e94c67d... Restore the externally-visible indicator of stock health to (*)
  ba889bd... svn path=/trunk/; revision=10800 (*)
  55243cc... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  f03783c... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  6838ec1... svn path=/trunk/; revision=10803 (*)
  04696cd... Move the indicator into the main icon. (*)
  a188c50... 2.23.1 (*)
  0d7675c... Added Finnish document translations by Jukka Heikkilä (*)
  1a4e5cd... updated email (*)
  71d476f... C89 fix for the gswitchit applet (*)
  e53723a... Add a 2 pixel border to the trash applet. (*)
  4f77d74... Mixer applet math fix. (*)
  9e4ec40... Multiload applet memory leak fix. (*)
  7b3be65... Multiload applet memory leak fix. (with the patch really ap (*)
  d3e91e9... Translation updated. (*)
  e628d2a... this's probably not supposed to be here (*)
  6c31389... code cleanup, b.g.o#529760 (*)
  a06a288... reviewed by: Callum McKenzie (*)
  e47540d... Updated Galician Translation. (*)
  227caf8... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  48c43e6... Remove mention od an unusable accelerator key. (*)
  4cab70b... updated hebrew translation (*)
  6919c8c... Added pt_BR to DOC_LINGUAS. Added Brazilian Portuguese tran (*)
  00c16cc... Invest applet manual. (*)
  946b698... Invest applet manual (everything this time). (*)
  35202e5... Make the change item in the invest applet an actual percent (*)
  7b84ea5... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8c8d50c... Added initial Spanish translation (*)
  a458e18... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  d875f15... Updated Icelandic Translation on behalf of Anna Ármannsdó (*)
  e51aafe... docs/Makefile.am, Brazilian Portuguese translation by Amade (*)
  8c1ae68... docs/Makefile.am, Brazilian Portuguese translation by Amade (*)
  dbddce6... Patch from Arthur Taylor to make the program launched from  (*)
  5046346... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  0e75ca7... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d231f9b... 2.23.2 (*)
  8165670... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  74e5920... Updated Arabic Translation by Abou Manal. (*)
  31358c7... Updated Arabic Translation by Abou Manal. (*)
  11827c6... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  bad3f5e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  bc3310a... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  805f42b... Translation updated by Tino Meinen. (*)
  15bcb55... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  2c7ea0b... Use PolicyKit when available in the cpufreq-selector instea (*)
  90235b8... Updated Galician Translation. (*)
  d3eecd9... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  e501e09... Added hu to DOC_LINGUAS. Added Hungarian translation by Má (*)
  90fd4e3... Added hu to DOC_LINGUAS Added Hungarian translation by Őry (*)
  c81d660... Added hu to DOC_LINGUAS Added Hungarian translation by Őry (*)
  7747dbf... Added hu to DOC_LINGUAS. Added Hungarian translation by Má (*)
  11f2338... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  b3cad39... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  4ede384... Updated Arabic Translation by Abou Manal. (*)
  e5d515d... Fix the build for people with gucharmap-2. Bug 531298 (*)
  1f54698... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  249a035... Investment applet updates: Nicer border (bug 538130). Handl (*)
  acef429... 2.23.3 (*)
  a0d750f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  05f0dca... updated hebrew translation (*)
  23199b7... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  dc5a67f... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  59fd2f0... Added Finnish documentation for invest applet (*)
  4580598... Changes to the volume slider widget: Make it behave more li (*)
  166774c... Minor updates to Catalan translation (*)
  a6107e8... Cleanup of the mixer applet: Improve the decoupling of the  (*)
  5c183c4... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  cdfb52b... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  fb01bc5... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  812fc46... Updated Russian translation. (*)
  2f91fbd... Updated Korean translation (*)
  9dc3d93... Updated Korean translation. (*)
  8121e12... Added Korean document translation (*)
  9b7497d... Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  8253ada... Updated Galician Translation. (*)
  81889f9... Make the compilation of the weather applet conditional on l (*)
  0b73b19... Added Pashto translation by Zabeeh khan (*)
  b0563d3... Updated Italian translation (*)
  425ac82... Updated Swedish translation. (*)
  01c1eef... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  cb26297... Added Swedish translation. Added sv to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  79e48a5... Terminology improvements by FabrĂ­cio Godoy. (*)
  e2b18c6... Patch from Bastien Nocera to use GST signals to avoid the n (*)
  f030abd... Updated Arabic Translation by Abou Manal. (*)
  b1705e4... 2.23.4 (*)
  f5c9986... Minor change to the mixer popup window to stock it getting  (*)
  74b72d5... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  5997363... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  777401e... More explicit window parameters set for the mixer popup (bu (*)
  cd378a1... Revert window positionsing changes (second part of bug 4564 (*)
  39efe08... Fix a typo in the schema (spotted by Og Maciel, bug 546800) (*)
  c74343f... Updated Galician translation (*)
  36059a4... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  3747370... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  05dc9b5... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  74a7c49... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  35f977a... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  cfd21f0... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  e06d266... Remove left-over gnome-vfs include. Fixes (*)
  22ab465... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  3e6dd9f... Invest applet: Replace gnome-vfs calls with urllib calls. G (*)
  8891028... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  b8ffdda... updated hebrew translation (*)
  8dc8360... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  eb4d852... 2.23.90 (*)
  074aa6f... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  d18a8f7... Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Fábio Nogueira (*)
  b3591ec... Explicitly declare a return type for an implicitly declared (*)
  955776b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  4478068... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  4b9cf7d... Change mistyped "(DESTDIR)" to "$(DESTDIR)". Partially fixe (*)
  9e9a2c7... Fix a division by zero in the invest applet. Bug 548517 (*)
  36bed4c... Fix a division by zero in the invest applet. Bug 548517 (wi (*)
  4b6db95... Call gtk-update-icon-cache in uninstall-local (*)
  de3f366... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  23e0469... Updated Spanish translation, Fixed two string translations  (*)
  1507969... 2.23.90 (*)
  6040f52... Updated Galician translation (*)
  dfe24e9... Arangel Angov <arangel linux net mk> * mk.po: Updated Maced (*)
  6b2a06e... Arangel Angov <arangel linux net mk> * mk.po: Updated Maced (*)
  3fba337... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  31df3bb... Conversion from sr Latn to sr latin (*)
  c3458eb... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  37499a0... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  478a2bb... Stop the mixer crashing if the icon cannot be found in an R (*)
  71ea7e6... Add some context comments for translators. Bug 548697. (*)
  8288b2e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  b464bf1... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  fc4925d... Updated French translation by Robert-André Mauchin. (*)
  6472d4b... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  d0432d2... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  ff2c045... added by Rajesh Ranjan for maithili (*)
  47edc85... Adding in LINGUA for maithili (*)
  9da1fd7... Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Leonardo Gregia (*)
  b7208bb... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  cadfe09... Fix a memory leak, bug 549890. (*)
  a7fb560... Make sure the tash applet keeps working on the second login (*)
  1a60f36... Updated German translation, fix #550530. (*)
  c5b336a... Removal of gnome-vfs and drivemount port to GIO. Bug 543711 (*)
  cd39afd... 2.23.91 (*)
  5b7d284... Remove a stray character. Bug 550981. (*)
  5fa8209... Remove a stray character. Bug 550981. (+ ChangeLog entry) (*)
  527c869... Updated zh_CN translation. (*)
  39ba546... Updated zh_CN translation. (*)
  9abc20d... Updated Irish translation. (*)
  a60df02... Updated Korean translation (*)
  abce276... Updated British English translation. (*)
  1904a9e... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  6193a04... Updated Dutch translation by Wouter Bolsterlee. (*)
  00e12d8... Updated Translation (*)
  923bec0... Updated German translation. (*)
  6cac1a9... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  11c4a9b... Update: Croatian Language (*)
  9b5c073... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  71d9c46... Updated Polish translation (*)
  4812a6e... Patch to fix a crash due to the lack of a colormap (Matt Ke (*)
  127f930... Remove the explicit libgail dependence now it is part of GT (*)
  caed726... Update: Croatian Language (*)
  a6eb81f... 2.23.92 (*)
  6a6bb75... Updated Dzongkha Translation (*)
  d437386... Updated Catalan translation by Joan Duran (*)
  0488bbe... Update: Croatian Language (*)
  05fbb02... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  69c63a4... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  825a7af... Make it possible to explicitly disable policy-kit even if i (*)
  f4152d0... Avoid a crash on eject by supplying a callback. Bug 551669. (*)
  2eda58a... Remove the references to system-tools-backends, we don't us (*)
  cd0e2f9... Translation updated. (*)
  5b2ab97... Updated Turkish Translation (*)
  1259a1d... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  6ed9e1b... Updated Serbian translation (by Miloš Popović) (*)
  1a285fe... Updated Serbian translation (by Miloš Popović) (*)
  ca5e0ac... Updated Bulgarian translation by Yavor Doganov <yavor gnu o (*)
  dc2fd45... Make the Play DVD button appear when a DVD is inserted with (*)
  242af38... Updated Marathi Translations (*)
  ec286e5... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  432bbc3... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  ef77092... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  8cf71b1... Added Danish translation by Mads P. Rommedahl (*)
  70f9687... Update Makefile.am to include da in list of languages (*)
  fa60c67... Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny. (*)
  5120d77... Tamil translation updated (*)
  73f6421... Committed Translation by Sweta Kothari (*)
  79a8a98... Updated Greek translation by Hlias Makris. (*)
  2b51532... Updated Greek translation by Fotis Tsamis. (*)
  8756fc9... Updated French translation (*)
  47d703a... Added el to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  1269520... Added el to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  b4bc509... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  632e165... Added Greek translation by Ilias Makris (*)
  731cca3... Added Greek translation by Ilias Makris (*)
  47a8414... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  fc2e45b... Updated Danish translation (*)
  4df6e82... Translation updated. (*)
  78f851a... Updated Arabic Translation by Anas Afif Emad. (*)
  ae3400e... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11011 (*)
  2167ed2... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  7af07e1... Fix a memory leak (Matthias Clasen / bug 552577). (*)
  1ee9bd7... Add an explicit GPL2 COPYING file (bug 552770) (*)
  2f46f61... Updated Romanian translation by MiĹźu Moldovan <dumol gnome (*)
  47972b7... 2.24.0 (*)
  fe69f90... After more than a year of living in denial, I have accepted (*)
  fbfdc9a... Updated Translation (*)
  8139f18... Don't unref the return value of g_file_info_get_icon, it is (*)
  dfe298e... version (*)
  8bb1943... post-release bump to 2.24.1. (*)
  8b68f62... Set the page_size to 0 for glade-designed adjustments to wo (*)
  7ae1cbf... Don't ship defs.py. (*)
  73ec094... Added Greek translation by Ilias Makris (*)
  a95eaef... Added Greek translation by Ilias Makris (*)
  5fcdcb9... Drivemount updates: authentication support, warning removal (*)
  ff9b89d...  Remove the use of the --shutdown option when installing th (*)
  31bfd4e... Added Greek translation by Tom Tryfonidis (*)
  b96d761... Basic test suite for the invest applet and a generic fix fo (*)
  4aee201... Revised version of the previous fix for 554425. (*)
  5fe846e... Make a click on the stickynotes applet with all notes shown (*)
  1dfcc67... Patch to put explicit type information in POTFILES.in for G (*)
  c60aa6b... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  9d20052... 2008-10-16  Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle  leonardof gnome o (*)
  ece1823... Translation updated. (*)
  6005bdd... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  f48c230... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  77f8222... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  51e6740... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  cb09b4b... Updated German Translation. (*)
  2854b5b... Updated French translation (sync with 2.24). (*)
  2874fc5... Updated Thai translation (merged from gnome-2-24 branch). (*)
  448b74c... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  3d14d76... Updated zh_CN translation. (*)
  53a02ed... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  eef049d... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  097f2af... Added Asturian translation on behalf of Mikel González (*)
  40151ea... Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (*)
  ea629b8... Added German manual translation (*)
  d680fe1... 2008-10-25  Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle  leonardof gnome o (*)
  36c6cb1... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  723c614... Update Ukrainian translation. (*)
  19c048b... Change the netload categories from slip/plip/ethernet/other (*)
  8f80d69... 2.25.1 (*)
  82838f9... Updated Slovak translation by Peter Tuhársky. (*)
  9f2b6d4... Added German translation (*)
  16d4b2a... Added German translation (*)
  16574b0... Added German translation (*)
  46576d0... Added German translation (*)
  4750f4d... Added German translation (*)
  003125f... Added German translation (*)
  0682836... Insert a pre-prepared stock list so we no longer need to ha (*)
  3beb9cd... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  0ba916d... Updated German translation (*)
  40e05aa... Report the actual bandwidth in the tooltip. (*)
  0a9705a... Reduce stickynotes I/O by batching saves of the configurati (*)
  3fd8c78... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8987456... Updated German translation (*)
  0405545... Add missing files from the recent multiload update. (*)
  c038293... Plug a leak (*)
  f5e1526... Fix a typo in the last commit which prevented the build to  (*)
  e12ebbe... Use NetworkManager to tell gweather to update when the netw (*)
  050ed8d... We really need NetworkManager 0.7. Bug 560374. (*)
  22a41c9...  Patch from Maxim Ermilov to rationalise GTK includes. See  (*)
  c96a502... Updated German translation (*)
  d2bec7d... Some fixes in German translation (*)
  86b5033... Some fixes in German translation (*)
  af3cca9... Some fixes in German translation (*)
  5010141... First baby-steps in redoing the mixer slider. (*)
  397b0b8... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  cea5f58... Attach the new mute button in the mixer applet. (*)
  c9f2ae9... Hook up the mixer's new Volume Control... button (*)
  c2eb7e4... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  260f0a3... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  277cf5e... updated hebrew translation (*)
  d464f9b... Arabic help files (*)
  419574c... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  8795418... Merged from branch gnome-2-24 minor fixes to the Brazilian  (*)
  3c04557... Explicitly add libgnome flags and libs since it's needed fo (*)
  1faa42c... Fix size requisition. If the applet is using a vbox in an h (*)
  5cbd408... Fix several compile warnings. (*)
  7ff1ec1... Show the applet when the setup is done rather than in the i (*)
  1e696fd... one small fix (add space) (*)
  14598ef... Fix visibility when switching between graph and text modes. (*)
  99136b8... Forgot bug number in ChangeLog (*)
  eab323f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8d87f23... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  c546423... Add missing libgnomeui CFLAGS Patch from: lucasr at mundo g (*)
  f991e86... Remove Davyd, who says he's no longer the maintainer (*)
  322e32c... 2.25.2 + make distcheck fixes. (*)
  5cd4137... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d3754f7... Bug 564413 – Icon does not scale like launchers do (*)
  e7ee6b7... Bug 419501 – Empty wastebasket generates WM_TRANSIENT_FOR (*)
  6711699... remove temporary compatibility code (*)
  e0a509a... use standard indentation style through-out (*)
  b16485e... set the image from the icon directly, now that we have the  (*)
  1f709e8... Remove change_background callback since it's already implem (*)
  290389f... Fix minicommander for the libgnomeui flags issue (bug 56542 (*)
  52b540d... Remove the .sever file from the repository, it is a generat (*)
  0c167ed... Allow fractional amounts in the invest applet. See bug 5662 (*)
  e379928... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  670a6f8... The great mixer removal of 2009. It has moved to gnome-medi (*)
  6d349f5... 2.25.3 (*)
  1860807... Changelog markers for 2.25.3 (*)
  54b92d8... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  280bd7c... Really fix the minicommander build. (*)
  b8f2e6c... Updated Greek translation by Marios Zindilis. (*)
  b325829... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  a704b40... Drop gnome_help from accessx-status applet (*)
  f097a87... Drop gnome_help from battstat applet (*)
  4e15bf7... Drop gnome_help from charpick applet (*)
  9e4fc49... Drop gnome_help from cpufreq applet (*)
  470d8bb... Drop gnome_help from drivemount applet (*)
  a640e35... Drop gnome_help from geyes applet (*)
  71f4e30... Drop gnome_help from gswitchit applet (*)
  9ff406a... Drop gnome_help from gweather applet (*)
  7a68663... Drop gnome_help from mini-commander applet (*)
  e5d67cf... Drop gnome_help from modem-applet (*)
  fa4136d... Drop gnome_help from multiload applet (*)
  656ccd2... Drop gnome_help from stickynotes applet (*)
  210f517... Drop gnome_help from trashapplet (*)
  10bfe15... Use gtk_show_uri to open Trash: in trashapplet (*)
  b14ba83... Don't ask for libgnomeui in configure (*)
  cd65f76... Remove libgnome from trashapplet (*)
  cdfed1f... More libgnome/libgnomeui removal work. Fixes the build too. (*)
  bf28d22... Revert "Don't ask for libgnomeui in configure" (*)
  cedfc0d... Added German translation. Added screenshot. (*)
  36c72a0... Added 'de' to DOC_LINGUAS (*)
  2f55ac1... 2.25.4 (*)
  21d230e... replace a non-libgnome version of the initialisation code t (*)
  4b0c9f0... replace main with PANEL_APPLET_BONOBO_FACTORY macro (*)
  4c6cbc2... Do not reuse an error in the battstat applet. See bug 56852 (*)
  a3b162f... Stickynotes libgnome removal work. See bug 562333, patch 12 (*)
  8a24e29... Updated Korean translation (*)
  d00847b... Updated Catalan translation by Joan Duran (*)
  e40f676... Replace gnome_popup_menu_attach(). Bug 562333. (*)
  48ca911... Updated Latvian translation. (*)
  c391ca5... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Andre_Gondim (*)
  5a80618... We finally pass GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (*)
  fb17bd7... Remove the libgnomeui check. (*)
  9b9dc14... Remove the last explicit dependence on libgnome and the che (*)
  1963821... The mixer applet returns. (*)
  9058f45... Oops from configure.in - it pays to make the Makefiles. (*)
  47b21e5... Make sure the mixer actually builds. Especially now that th (*)
  bb8dd94... Make sure the mixer actually builds. Especially now that th (*)
  ea796d1... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  54f4a73... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  caae666... Added entry for Oriya language Translation updation (*)
  11dc009... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  35ce98c... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  de12847... Bug 317652 – improve trash applet context menu (*)
  fb1d478... Mixer UI improvements. Double click now equals mute. A bord (*)
  e7b6c3b... Updated German translation of the mixer-applet manual (*)
  ac6e286... Updated German translation of the drivemount-applet manual (*)
  b44a052... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  daeb9aa... Translation updated. (*)
  ff5d6af... Popdown the volume control dock when it looses focus. (*)
  c1b5e56... 2.25.90 (*)
  1810400... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by André Gondim. (*)
  d0a660e... Committed Translation by Sweta Kothari (*)
  ece6e31... 2.25.90 (*)
  15a53f0... Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee. 2009-02-04  (*)
  ec4cab7... Updated Chinese Simplified translation (*)
  fbaea53... Update zh_CN.po (*)
  d4c4aa4... Updated Romanian translation. (*)
  db46a86... Updated Vietnamese translation (*)
  fc30a78... Added German docs for accessx-status (*)
  7290aeb... Added German docs for gswitchit (*)
  d0520d3... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  ce311c0... Added Asturian translation on behalf of Mikel González (*)
  c7b9194... Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Shopov <ash cont (*)
  55c47f3... Updated Basque translation. (*)
  62a95ae... Added Simplified Chinese translations. (*)
  ce844a0... Translation updated. (*)
  f1bad32... Updated Italian translation. (*)
  e52db4a... Updated zh_CN.po (*)
  3183e25... Updated zh_CN.po (*)
  249337c... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  cc79c9b... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  9a00d08... Updated Portuguese translation. (*)
  4f9c5fe... Updated Danish translation (*)
  f9d8bd4... Added Basque translation. Added 'eu' to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  2a4ce6a... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11266 (*)
  ef59c03... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11267 (*)
  4845912... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11268 (*)
  ba671f3... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11269 (*)
  bb8624b... Added Basque translation. Added 'eu' to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  8d9ee5d... Added Basque translation. Added 'eu' to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  6f75ab8... Added Basque translation. Added 'eu' to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  e970273... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11273 (*)
  629903f... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11274 (*)
  fd44905... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11275 (*)
  59dccce... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11276 (*)
  e514aa8... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11277 (*)
  a88b3d9... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11278 (*)
  949134e... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11279 (*)
  ccc8b65... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11280 (*)
  2733870... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11281 (*)
  a64ab88... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  f02361e... Added Basque translation. Added 'eu' to DOC_LINGUAS. (*)
  efe8c07... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11284 (*)
  411e9fc... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11285 (*)
  c2700b8... svn path=/trunk/; revision=11286 (*)
  5056939... removed deprecated symbols, Bug #562520 (*)
  313e947... More deprecated function replacement. Why didn't GTK_DISABL (*)
  4364246... More deprecated function replacement. Why didn't GTK_DISABL (*)
  1e3c6a0... More deprecated function replacement. Why didn't GTK_DISABL (*)
  d1f5d2d... More deprecated function replacement. (gdk_pixbuf this time (*)
  95dd582... Reload the mixer's channel list to detect device changes. (*)
  1694bf8... 2.25.91 (*)
  028a5fe... Deleted figures directory, not needed (*)
  1a40a5e... Added image in Basque language. Images are: accessx_bounce- (*)
  abbf829... Added image in Basque language. Images are: battstat-applet (*)
  6b0cf25... Added image in Basque language. Images are: charpick-prefer (*)
  f7e450a... Added image in Basque language. Images are: cpufreq-applet- (*)
  d7a60b1... Added image in Basque language. Images are: drivemount-appl (*)
  3e2f5ee... Added image in Basque language. Images are: gweather-detail (*)
  c3db0f8... Added image in Basque language. Images are: multiload-prefe (*)
  3f67932... Added image in Basque language. Images are: stickynote-righ (*)
  f31cc71... Added image in Basque language. Images are: trash-applet.pn (*)
  3b2dd05... Updated Romanian translations from Adi Roiban (*)
  3fc982a... Updated Korean translation (*)
  79aec04... It is completely unreasonable for people to want minicomman (*)
  8c616ce... Updated Japanese translation. (*)
  0ced78c... Updated German translation of the accessx-status manual (*)
  989249b... Updated British English translation. (*)
  c0f8429... Added German doc translation of mini-commander by Christian (*)
  cb12f6d... Updated be latin po (*)
  df4e4fd... Added German docs for invest (*)
  24d7b16... Updated French translation by Frédéric Peters. (*)
  af4ce9d... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  5f25917... Added entries for Oriya Language Translation (*)
  09cd5c5... 2.25.92 (*)
  09159d2... Translation updated. (*)
  5d3685e... Move the dock update code to be in sync with the icon updat (*)
  7a4ea11... Hide the mixer dock when the escape key is pressed. Bug 572 (*)
  69cb7d4... Added Czech translation by Jan BroĹľ. (*)
  3ae4ab5... Updated British English translation. (*)
  e280f1a... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  e87a388... Updated Changelog entry (*)
  4086a65... Updated Telugu Translation (*)
  2970cda... Updated telugu translations (*)
  f8ee154... updated hebrew translation (*)
  84fe82b... Make enum error values array static. Fixes bug #573762. (*)
  ce12b06... Updated German translation. (*)
  f997b6b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  a2494d8... Updated Gujarati Translations. (*)
  0595917... Added Czech translation by Jan BroĹľ. (*)
  922edea... Make sure defs.py is installed (invest applet). Bugs 553611 (*)
  431a2c7... Updated Czech translation by Lucas Lommer. (*)
  eebef9d... Updated Italian translation (*)
  54f4153... Updated Italian translation (*)
  f61a7b8... Deleted Italian figures not needed (*)
  66d9419... Updated Oriya Translation. (*)
  6375cc4... Added entries for Oriya language Translation updation. (*)
  bd8fe7e... Updated Polish translation (*)
  9ae8c53... Malayalam translation updated (*)
  3e7b90f... Updated Russian translation. (*)
  c6648d3... Updated Czech translation by Lucas Lommer. (*)
  337bdb8... tamil translation updated (*)
  71da4e4... Updated Marathi Translations (*)
  07e9abe... Revert last commit. (*)
  e15fc81... Updated Czech translation by Lucas Lommer. (*)
  7928b5e... Updated Czech translation by Lucas Lommer. (*)
  bbd9a77... Added Czech translation by Jan BroĹľ. (*)
  fb011c3... Updated Galician translation (*)
  c59a760... Updated Malayalam translation (*)
  0c7d734... Updated Bengali India Translation (*)
  88c0d6d... Added Entry for Bengali India Translation Updation (*)
  f715630... Updated Gujarati Translations. (*)
  3d41684... Added entry for Gujarati translation update. (*)
  81ff947... Updated Greek Translation (*)
  da1f49d... updated kn.po (*)
  3462f9b... updated kn.po (*)
  5f2bc2a... sv.po: Updated Swedish translation (*)
  ca73fec... Minor fixes to Catalan translation by Joan Duran (*)
  d85bde2... Added Afrikaans translation by Johan Mynhardt / Friedel Wol (*)
  5527a42... Check for OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet in the null applet. Bug  (*)
  8f9b06b... Updated Czech UI translation. Added Czech translation of gs (*)
  eccb409... 2.26.0 (*)
  1449def... Updated assamese translations (*)
  c3511f6... updating for Gnome Punjabi Translation by A S Alam (*)
  a47775e... Belatedly adding changelog markers for 2.26.0. (*)
  cf6e639... Deleted duplicated screenshots (*)
  e4b9997... Deleted duplicated screenshot (*)
  b6ba80c... Deleted duplicated screenshots (*)
  8da7bd9... Deleted duplicated screenshot (*)
  dbc418d... Deleted duplicated screenshot (*)
  a26eead... Deleted duplicated screenshots (*)
  26171be... Deleted duplicated screenshots (*)
  ca91432... Deleted duplicated screenshot (*)
  2e6a6aa... Deleted duplicated screenshot (*)
  4f39966... Patch from gQuigs to replace g_timeout_add with g_timeout_a (*)
  7079e55... Null Applet: Mark the applet names as (*)
  0a7b0af... Add https support to mini-commander. Bug 575782. (*)
  ab61bec... Check that we get a valid response from gconf when asking f (*)
  f5cbbb9... Add defaults to autoplay in case gconf is down. Make sure g (*)
  56f173f... Many duplicated figures deleted. Figures should not be copi (*)
  94b7b6e... Fix for bug 554856 (crasher when searching the locations tr (*)
  12416e7... deleted duplicated screenshots (*)
  f8469bf... Removed duplicate screenshots. (*)
  f2de77f... Removed duplicate screenshots. (*)
  88cdcb3... updated kn.po (*)
  373bb59... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  36e69b5... Added Simplified Chinese translations by M Zhang <mymzhang  (*)
  d618ccd... Added Simplified Chinese translations by M Zhang <mymzhang  (*)
  02ac82d... Added Simplified Chinese translations by M Zhang <mymzhang  (*)
  dbea320... Added Greek translation (Sterios Prosiniklis, Jennie Petoum (*)
  388fbc4... Added Greek translation, added el to DOC_LINGUAS (Michael K (*)
  a42eae1... Added Greek translation (Fotis Tsamis) (*)
  210c425... Added Greek (el) to DOC_LINGUAS (*)
  b65e09d... Added Greek translation, added el to DOC_LINGUAS (Fotis Tsa (*)
  9de0c1f... Added Greek translation, added el to DOC_LINGUAS (Marios Zi (*)
  e877933... Added Greek translation, added el to DOC_LINGUAS (Michael K (*)
  37db3e7... Added figure by Fotis Tsamis (*)
  9bee1b4... Removed some unneeded images from German docs (*)
  8550642... Fix icon-locating code for the accessx applet (bug 5767070) (*)
  11ccda7... Added four screenshots (Fotis Tsamis) (*)
  baf0c2a... Added screenshot (Fotis Tsamis) (*)
  747ab33... Remove the translatable flag from blank padding strings. (*)
  36fc42a... crh Added Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) translation. (*)
  4f8cf67... Updated Serbian translation (by Miloš Popović) (*)
  1de285c... Slightly updated Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) translatio (*)
  0ebbb8d... Added Russian translation. deleted unused images to fix the (*)
  e234b01... 2.26.1 (*)
  5d3d75e... drop old xml based translation (*)
  a31c3bd... add po based translation (*)
  8a4a2f8... add zh_CN into doc langs (*)
  b644a72... Added missing Arabic (ar) code (*)
  2c3747c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  f2ff4fe... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  5b2abee... Add a gnome-applets.doap file to make the cgit listing pret (*)
  ef2d2d1... Remove a file that shouldn't have snuck in. (*)
  ede5fe6... Add a doap file with a good project description to make cgi (*)
  78c17fa... Came up with a better description (*)
  3344a99... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  67976f1... Updated Simplified Chinese by multi-authors. (*)
  0d0b385... Added zh_CN to Makefile.am (*)
  7b5b253... Added zh_CN to Makefile.am (*)
  1ca5f14... Make email addresses into mailto: links in the DOAP file (*)
  5462145... Minor typo in the DOAP file (*)
  2642ce4... Missed from the last commit (*)
  bfaa73d... Minor fixes to Catalan translation (*)
  1c27452... Updated Kannada transltion (*)
  aa1b99f... Prevent sticky notes getting too large (*)
  49ea13a... Updated Oriya Translation. (*)
  f141d7f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  cb35c4f... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  5329fa0... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  46bae0d... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  11fac8a... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  7999078... Added Catalan translation by Joan Duran (*)
  8ed09c4... Added Catalan translation by Joan Duran (*)
  c6e5816... Added Catalan translation by Aniol Gervasi (screenshots by  (*)
  c4fbfb3... Added Catalan translation by Aniol Gervasi (*)
  a8a6bef... Updated Czech translation (*)
  25ba41b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  e49e9ba... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  2323ea7... Write-up for 2.27.1 (*)
  e1e8e12... Fix links in the Chinese stickynotes docs (*)
  9c59b19... ChangeLog markers for 2.27.1. (*)
  d28f872... More link fixes in the Chinese docs. (*)
  5f2df81... Updated Italian translation (*)
  7e80b03... Updated German translation. (*)
  7d69d72... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  740cebf... Updated Greek translation (*)
  b79d45a... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  79fd633... Updated Greek translation (*)
  a0be43e... Updated Greek translation (*)
  3facf07... updated Greek translation for accessx-status documentation (*)
  efc78b0... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  a47f0d1... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  b070247... Work around GTK+s wonky ideas about the up key and scroller (*)
  8da05ef... Updated Tamil translation (*)
  2e3a419... Updated Tamil translation (*)
  9f3d5ce... Updated Greek translation for documentation (*)
  ee8ec22... Updated Greek translation for documentation (*)
  0282336... Fix a reference counting bug in the mixer. (*)
  4abbfee... Mixer applet dock not multihead aware (*)
  b72bba8... Fix a typo in Matt's patch. (*)
  3147912... Updated Danish translation (*)
  be3c163... Remove unnecessary markup from translatable strings. (*)
  dcfb7a1... Remove glade files. (*)
  de79d68... Add support for South African languages to charpick (*)
  7b368aa... The 2.27.2 release (*)
  7562199... Fix the links in the Chinese battstat docs in the right pla (*)
  464aa3b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  fb2454e... Autogenerate the ChangeLogs (*)
  f8bd8fc... Fix network state detection in gweather (*)
  34f7059... charpick: Update the documentation for adding palettes (*)
  5c59c5a... charpick: Automatically updated translated doc files (*)
  7bd3d0e... General: Make NetworkManager support manually selectable (*)
  eb8ef5f... general: Replace [ and ] in configure.in with quadrigraphs (*)
  203a48c... general: Add Pulse support to the documentation (*)
  765741b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  27e658c... stickynotes: Don't close the prefs dialogs when a check-mar (*)
  a088122... Added Czech translation of char-palette & drivemount help (*)
  39f781a... Tamil translation updated (*)
  ee9d029... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  d3fd1ee... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  4d55c41... Updated Hindi Translation (*)
  87dedb7... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  b67da0e... Updated Bengali India Translations (*)
  48aa903... Added zh_CN to DOC_LINGUAS, remove superfluous figures. (*)
  adfe305... 2.27.3 release (*)
  70ac17f... Added Czech help translation for gweather by Marek Cernocky (*)
  a4615ac... General: Clean up GTK+ includes (*)
  664d931... General: Clean up GTK+ includes (*)
  6585447... Updated Tamil translation (*)
  c1fe05d... general: Fix the test for NetworkManager (*)
  70a123d... Added & fixed Czech help translation for various applets by (*)
  a40db0c... Fixed Czech help translation for stickynotes by Marek Cerno (*)
  d98c933... Remove figures identical to original (but only those) from  (*)
  a6b4d8e... Bumped libxklavier version to 4.0 (*)
  547db14... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  5b26d3b... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  8b0a283... invest: remove a superfluous argument (*)
  3541818... invest: Make the selection of stocks nicer (hover) (*)
  6c77ab3... invest: Select the newly added stock for editing. (*)
  1158013... invest: auto-convert stock symbols to upper case (*)
  65d7d63... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  94b465a... Updated French translation (*)
  369caed... trashapplet: Remove markup from a translatable string. (*)
  61e76a8... invest-applet: Update the "uninstalled" check (*)
  d226410... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  6df48d5... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  2b6230e... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  ad6ce9a... Removed obsolete script (*)
  b439c6c... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  f318b47... stickynotes: Make sure we only save when asked to. (*)
  e286e49... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  fb6862e... invest-applet: Allow labels instead of stock symbols (*)
  e3f3431... Merge branch 'invest-labels-586364' (*)
  39ed342... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  297e413... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  c81842b... Updated Czech help translation for various applets by Marek (*)
  ce76730... Added Czech help translation for battstat by Marek Cernocky (*)
  e2c6061... Added Czech help translation for multiload by Marek Cernock (*)
  2fef58b... Updated Tamil translation (*)
  a26d745... invest-applet: Build cleanly after a make distclean (*)
  5cb77cd... General: 2.27.4 release notes and version bump (*)
  e5c2784... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  ee8dc6b... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  980f0f8... Updated breton translation (*)
  4680e80... Added br in LINGUAS file (*)
  03b8932... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  341babc... Updated German translation (*)
  30354c5... Removed unneeded image (*)
  0182ce3... Updated German translation (*)
  ac47d2b... Added screenshot to German translation (*)
  66f7666... Remove useless Plural-Forms line which breaks build with gn (*)
  1215439... Updated Irish translation (*)
  122fbab... Updated Galician translation (*)
  0146c6d... Updated Italian translation (*)
  cb93221... minicommander: FIx to mc-install-default-macros (*)
  c7cc33a... invest-applet: Remove the bad 3 year chart in favour of 5 y (*)
  574b6bc... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  b9ca2c4... cpufreq: port to PolicyKit 1.0 (*)
  412a3d4... hindi update (*)
  feadfac... hindi update (*)
  6b0f2e1... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  7ea575b... Updated Czech translation. (*)
  ac5f1ab... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. (*)
  9902403... trashapplet: Revert a string change. (*)
  1d11072... Updated Irish translation (*)
  f08b2bd... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  22c07a8... Updated Italian translation  * Fixes part of bug 591923 (*)
  b758c6d... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  f2a00a0... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  4ad3987... Updated Galician Translation (*)
  8e0777f... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  2020ebc... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  c78bf14... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  8688a64... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  819cab7... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  af7478a... Fixed bug #591916 (*)
  0284734... Update Korean translation (*)
  6337532... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  5834beb... Added Catalan (Valencian) translation (*)
  a5b0837... GNOME 2.27.91 (*)
  220ee74... Updated Tamil Translations (*)
  418bacd... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  5785be8... Updated Malayalam Translations (*)
  ac505a6... Updated Basque language (*)
  7699f47... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  6cdb891... invest: Fix refreshing. (*)
  84dbf32... Updated French translation (*)
  7a06196... Updated Polish translation (*)
  9d648ea... Updated Turkish translaion. (*)
  8779eb1... Updated Portuguese translation (*)
  0040a5c... Updated Bengali India Translations (*)
  e4f6085... Updated Gujarati Translations (*)
  5683847... Improved French translation (*)
  2234307... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  b19c772... Add Behdad's git.mk to autogenerate .gitignore (*)
  93044cd... Updated Italian translation (*)
  9471e04... invest-applet: Added more descriptive debug messages. (*)
  19101fc... Hungarian translation updated (*)
  d90a6ef... UPdating for Punjabi (*)
  cc20082... 2.27.92 Release (*)
  1d1f980... Updated breton translation (*)
  e551dfc... Updated Marathi Translations (*)
  a6d52a1... Updated Telugu Translation (*)
  a00f823... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  0c6e959... invest-applet: Stock data are not lost when update fails. (*)
  cd17796... Updated German translation (*)
  1e168c5... stickynotes: Rename duplicate entries in the .ui file. (*)
  a5cf626... stickynotes: Further tweaks to the .ui duplicate name issue (*)
  9188d50... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  14a734e... Updated Greek help translation. (*)
  64809a3... Updated British English translation (*)
  665a949... Updated Danish translation (*)
  5dc7697... Updated Kannada(kn) translation (*)
  8ccfd08... Removed unused plural translations (*)
  6fc0aeb... hindi update by Rajesh Ranjan (*)
  5244fd7... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  eb374ce... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  813c695... Added Ukrainian translation (*)
  f9664c9... Updated German doc translation (*)
  91ede7b... Upadated Oriya Translation (*)
  bb4bf9e... deleted english images (*)
  121f8e6... delete english image (*)
  03f1234... Delete english images (*)
  1098de1... Deleted english images (*)
  9c70afc... Deleted english image (*)
  1da036b... Added Hungarian translation by Balazs Mesko (*)
  6dc122d... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  965303d... Updated Czech translation (*)
  9d2845b... Updating Assamese translations (*)
  034c5b8... 2.28.0! (*)
  5193347... 2.28.0! (*)
  5e89b58... Remove .xml files obsoleted by the .po process from the rep (*)
  ffd1867... Removing executable permissions from more translation files (*)
  189506e... Fix a format string in the fa translation. (*)
  6832c4f... Fixup plurals in translations files (*)
  c9f6966... Fix help of the keyboard applet to open the right file (*)
  a68d1b6... invest: Use proper labels for the chart selection combo-box (*)
  fe0f4cc... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  51fd777... stickynotes: More fixes for duplicate labels in the .ui fil (*)
  47440be... Updated Finnish translation by Jyri Grönroos. (*)
  0bf446d... Updated German translation (*)
  9ff5b57... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  330dd85... Fix weather applet preferences find function (*)
  8474544... Update this a bit. (*)
  c1f9885... Updated Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) translation (*)
  b34e2a9... [battstat applet] Updated German help translation and its s (*)
  99259cd... [cpufreq help] Added 2 screenshots to German manual. (*)
  870699a... Updated Tamil translation (*)
  659add5... Updated Greek translation (*)
  1bdbe7b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5af7b36... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  68130e2... Shavian translation (*)
  2db9e03... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  60d3a01... Updated German translation (*)
  e965f0e... [mini-commander] Updated German manual (*)
  058df94... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  acfa650... [sticky notes] Updated German manual translation (*)
  45fbc26... Update Simplified Chinese translation. (*)
  8e10fa5... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  21d8872... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  222ab67... Update Romanian translation (*)
  d197e10... No more gswitchit applet (*)
  1522065... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  6469b56... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  79d73cb... Recreated .gitignore files (*)
  921aa94... Remove deprecated GLIB symbols (*)
  ba1a868... Revert "Recreated .gitignore files" (*)
  9146ccf... [release] 2.29.5 (*)
  6367ba9... [release] post-release bump to 2.29.6 (*)
  6bf5c60... invest-applet: connects to the network manager via dbus to  (*)
  cb54ac4... Updated Bengali translation (*)
  2640c7a... Fix two spelling errors (tthe and candlestick chart) both i (*)
  84c98d9... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  e1eac58... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  a19492a... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  36db7ff... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  9fdeee3... Updated Galician Translation (*)
  44fdc2a... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  8d01df0... Updated Polish translation (*)
  0a19e02... Update Czech translation (*)
  34366d5... Updated British English translation (*)
  dbb52b1... Update Russian translation by Yuri Kozlov <yuray komyakino  (*)
  0dbb5af... Fix format security warning (*)
  cf9460e... Updated German translation (*)
  66b1903... Updated japanese translation. Merged typo fix by OKANO Taka (*)
  29e5945... Updated French translation (*)
  23bb1f3... Updated Korean translation (*)
  41e641b... Updated German doc translation (*)
  527fe7e... Updated Basque language (*)
  0d8ef7e... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  f93a2b7... Updated Italian translation (*)
  312080e... Updated Japanese translation. (fix typo) (*)
  f4f0b02... Updated Greek translation for charpick manual (*)
  4eb84b1... Updated Portuguese translation (*)
  b41f743... Add screenshot (*)
  c401c5c... Added Danish translation of the documentation (*)
  bae9a42... Added da to list of languages (*)
  eeecdb4... Added da to list of languages (*)
  b0ac8bb... Added Danish translation of the documentation (*)
  7ffb09c... Fix mnemonics for Find Next button (closes bug #612701) (*)
  ea0ac3c... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  b35a84f... Estonian translation updated (*)
  ccb58d4... Updated Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) translation (*)
  deb12ef... Clean the keyboard indicator applet on upgrade (closes bgo# (*)
  78d4520... Updated British English translation (*)
  9061ead... Updated French translation (*)
  a66a596... Updated German translation (*)
  836b29e... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  91a1a4c... Update Russian translation (*)
  6bbce03... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  a04c6b2... Updated Italian translation (*)
  abbd994... Update Czech translation (*)
  8948713... Updated Portuguese translation (*)
  e5d2768... updated Tamil translation (*)
  3215a62... Estonian translation updated (*)
  a79844f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  48963bf... Updated Doc French translation (*)
  10cf091... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  302a85b... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  6bffbc8... Updated asturian language (*)
  66d563e... Added asturian language (*)
  0d11c74... update Punjabi Translation (*)
  36083f1... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  487536a... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  4913ca9... Estonian translation updated (*)
  7189cdc... Updated Polish translation (*)
  10837a5... Update Romanian translation (*)
  1dfc0c0... Updated Finnish translation (*)
  5941eb4... Updated Basque language (*)
  826fd17... Updated Serbian translations (*)
  26c36e0... Updated Galician translation (*)
  739b5de... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translations. (*)
  66f3544... Updated German translation (*)
  b91e33e... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  7c39a4f... Updated Greek translation for gnome-applets invest document (*)
  2e1563f... Updated Lithuanian translation. (*)
  9b5c6c1... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  2d0b98d... Updated Traditional Chinese translation (Hong Kong and Taiw (*)
  d14c53b... Updated Greek translation for gnome-applets (*)
  f619f0d... Updated Bengali translation (*)
  97281a3... Updated Danish translation (*)
  77e5ffa... Updated Greek translation (*)
  729d5dd... Updated Basque language (*)
  fdf4965... Updated Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) translation (*)
  7c6fb36... remove trailing space after \ in Makefile (*)
  e9fcde4... Add empty abstract for zh_{TW,HK} translations (*)
  286c749... [release] 2.30.0 (*)
  3bb7879... [release] post-release bump to 2.30.1 (*)
  c685951... Updated Greek translation (*)
  be8f56c... Added UG translation (*)
  00c00af... Added UG translation (*)
  aea9e60... Added da to list of languages (*)
  b423f70... Added Danish translation of documentation (*)
  5554796... Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee (*)
  b9c701b... Fixes to Catalan translation (*)
  551d6dd... Make charpick compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLE and bump GTK+ to  (*)
  57fa3cc... Fix my stupid mistake in the last commit (*)
  3512149... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  45af386... Two small fixes for compiling with -DGSEAL_ENABLE. (*)
  7a3ce62... Some small fixes for compiling with -DGSEAL_ENABLE. (*)
  94b7258... Some small fixes for compiling with -DGSEAL_ENABLE. (*)
  cab5c24... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  f4bc248... Occitan translation update (*)
  a601442... Occitan translation update (*)
  8888620... Minor update for Crimean Tatar/Turkish translation (*)
  cf35762... Some small fixes for compiling with -DGSEAL_ENABLE. (*)
  71b9292... Updated Catalan (Valencian) translation (*)
  b4fdf2c... Updated Kannada translations (*)
  d596fcf... Compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLE. Fixes bug 612473. Bumps gtk+ r (*)
  8f7a55f... Remove unneeded GTK_CHECK_VERSION for 2.18 (*)
  1614274... Bump gtk+ requirement to 2.20. Also removes the previous gt (*)
  20e038c... Store GtkWidget * window in a variable as it's called multi (*)
  d3d4bcc... Updated Latvian translation. (*)
  8c1ce33... Added UG translation (*)
  7c0a6de... Added UG translation (*)
  88daf98... Added UG translation (*)
  169b8f9... [invest-applet] Do not use deprecated libgnome library (*)
  383fae1... Updated Armenian translation. (*)
  2db482f... Estonian translation updated (*)
  eb26556... Updated Oriya Translation (*)
  a88fba9... Updated Shavian transliteration (*)
  b23b248... Update Shavian translation (*)
  0e97da8... Minor fixes to Catalan translation (*)
  6591025... Updated Finnish help translation by Jukka Heikkilä. (*)
  53087f7... Updated Finnish help translation of invest applet by Jukka  (*)
  31c4c93... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  e542914... Avoid double-unreffing our icons (*)
  2d369bb... Compile it before you commit (*)
  4bc831b... Add a comment to explain the apparently unecessary change m (*)
  dffa31d... Add Esperanto translation (*)
  e4499d7... Add Esperanto translation (*)
  ba9964f... Update the multiload tooltip periodically (*)
  e92b28f... drivemount: minor style fix (*)
  870b26c... [invest-applet] improves visibility of numbers in selected  (*)
  54b4e7e... [invest-applet] fractional cent prices are now shown in pre (*)
  46f7117... [invest-applet] numbers are parsed and formated using user' (*)
  df51669... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  6121f5b... [invest-applet] handles exception when gconfd is not availa (*)
  836de67... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  3a8c4d4... [invest-applet] adding currency support, fixes bug #339127  (*)
  2ad2a78... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  9e8a17b... [invest-applet] fixed help file seriesid clash, yelp finds  (*)
  8fa5fe1... Updated Galician translations (*)
  1682240... [invest-applet] added missing currencies.py file, completin (*)
  b6917ed... Added galician translations for help (*)
  20513a1... [invest-applet] removed broken and unnecessarily set icon f (*)
  66d73cb... Add Enrico Minack to the maintainers list (*)
  8c0c6b8... [release] 2.31.5 (*)
  00df0ed... [release] post-release bump to 2.31.6 (*)
  6a06df9... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  489ba1f... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  fda9463... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  4cbd3f6... [i18n] Updated German translation (*)
  436110c... [stickynotes] fix missing titlebar menu, bug #601908 (*)
  d8b070e... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  19b5e9f... Update Simplified Chinese translation. (*)
  b82dcef... Update Simplified Chinese help translation of mixer. (*)
  08c49f7... Update Simplified Chinese help translation of charpick. (*)
  49ce0db... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  a8dc0c3... Fixed headers in galician translation file (*)
  1bfffca... Update Simplified Chinese translation. (*)
  1adb975... [stickynotes] fix clicking on desktop to hide stickynotes,  (*)
  ae51359... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  bd893eb... Update Simplified Chinese translations. (*)
  80e3fc4... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  ee13be5... Updated Galician translations (*)
  c0bc1c3... [i18n] Updated German translation (*)
  7280be2... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  0eaa7fb... Updated Romanian translation (*)
  0574c0c... [invest-applet] added help to context menu and preferences, (*)
  c6d7510... [invest-applet] updated documentation, added section on new (*)
  d1edc15... [invest-applet] updated authors list (*)
  990a039... [invest-applet] there is also the AUTHORS file, completing  (*)
  8475d40... [invest-applet] updated applet icons, fixes feature request (*)
  21ebd82... [invest-applet] revert removal of revision section in docum (*)
  643bfae... [invest-applet] documentation xml did not validate, fixed (*)
  e5bf6af... [release] 2.31.6 (*)
  1c824b3... [release] post-release bump to 2.31.90 (*)
  a3c5756... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  e9aff04... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  44c7f5b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  be6601d... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  c7ae85a... [i18n] Updated German doc translation (*)
  55e35ab... Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation (*)
  c2a3a8e... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  c89f6e1... update translation for master (*)
  2ba7bd5... [release] 2.31.90 (*)
  b95fa8d... [release] post-release bump to 2.31.91 (*)
  8183f9f... [configure] Add libpanel-applet3 dependency (*)
  d160a23... [cpufreq] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  445b1eb... [gweather] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  45f4cd1... [accessx-status] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  9512923... [mini-commander] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  96691bc... [drivemount] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  57bc3f7... [modemlights] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  62ab2e7... [multiload] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  a7c53c1... [charpick] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  149a357... [geyes] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  d667202... [battstat] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  2851f90... [mixer] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  be46000... [stickynotes] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  07253b9... [trashapplet] Port to new libpanel-applet API (*)
  b447ad6... Added missing files (*)
  d85922b... Update POTFILES.in/.skip (*)
  d5d6dc3... Updated French translation (*)
  475279a... making distcheck work (*)
  a46cbfb... [release] (*)
  8c50232... [release] post-release bump to 2.31.91 (*)
  fe5078b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  07636f9... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  7282e12... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  eb187f0... Add dbus-glib to CFLAGS and LDADD to make this compile (*)
  f2dc7f9... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  71796cb... [invest-applet] fixed broken screen shot in invest manual (*)
  5019657... cpufreq: Remove unused variable (*)
  46117dc... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  404a1d8... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  853fd34... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  8f2aa86... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  a54723c... [release] 2.31.91 (*)
  96f56d8... [release] post-release bump to 2.31.92 (*)
  6b42bce... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  96096e9... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  2d3ff1b... l10n: Updated Greek translation for gnome-applets (*)
  6866a3a... Update British English translation (*)
  ec1849b... Updated Tamil translation (*)
  156b1fe... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  a34f92f... Updated Portuguese translation (*)
  815bd8c... [invest-applet] added translator comments, fixes bug #61324 (*)
  5e9468a... Updated Polish translation (*)
  8703898... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  b28ce26... [release] 2.31.92 (*)
  37d814b... [release] post-release bump to 2.32.0 (*)
  b4c7abc... Updated Danish translation (*)
  b0738df... Initial translation to Kazakh (*)
  73d377d... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  a827fad... [l10n] Updated Italian manager (*)
  3ceb573... Updated Dutch translation by Wouter Bolsterlee (*)
  785d069... Updated Japanese translation (*)
  32b28e9... Fix Japanese translation (*)
  e236dd8... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  199ff19... Update Czech translation (*)
  5995955... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  540dd0a... Updated Basque language (*)
  07ad344... Updated Russian translation (*)
  75d6802... Updated Catalan translation (*)
  083437e... [release] 2.32.0 (*)
  79d7ee1... [release] post-release bump to 2.32.1 (*)
  9064651... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  0f350b8... l10n: Updated Greek translation for gnome-applets/invest he (*)
  5bb0749... [l10n] Added invest-applet docs Italian translation (*)
  dbe23d9... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  268c51f... Updated Korean translation (*)
  d4bea68... invest-applet: fixed exception occuring when only purchases (*)
  1c054e5... [release] post-stable branch bump to 2.91.1   switched mast (*)
  d3bf188... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d479a58... Added UG translation (*)
  657cb40... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  320862f... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  853577e... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  9dc0539... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  363d106... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b92dc4b... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  f8063df... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  ff10630... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  c3212cc... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  86a08f4... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  724d6b2... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  959dd39... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  c17d34d... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  7942887... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  83050b8... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  8247b1f... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  3f33e1b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  7db98c7... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  a4dfbac... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  401be93... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  9fed2d3... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  e88c031... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  67ec2f3... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  56840ae... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  a56cba0... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  0c87628... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  9d7c808... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  d2eb9e4... Added sl for Slovenian translation (*)
  da180ea... [release] 2.91.1 (*)
  090b0e9... [release] post-release bump to 2.91.2 (*)
  9992a4e... Updated Telugu Translations (*)
  c8afd0c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d5131b6... [sticky-notes help] Fix XML validity of French translation (*)
  e4e6b2d... Fix xml tags (*)
  92ba193... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  319cc47... Make sure source files are UTF-8 (*)
  0df817d... Updated Catalan (Valencian) translation (*)
  55afa8c... Updated Japanese translation (*)
  d82d022... [release] 2.91.2 (*)
  f7cf345... [release] post-release bump to 2.91.3 (*)
  5d5784b... Added UG translation (*)
  9562975... mini-commander: Fix exec path in D-Bus service file (*)
  0aada44... Added UG translation (*)
  b3758cc... Added Romanian translation (*)
  d5f2fba... [release] 2.91.3 (*)
  6273ced... [release] post-release bump to 2.91.4 (*)
  f6b5bf4... moved to libnotify version 0.7 fixed API change of libnotif (*)
  8647cef... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  8070e74... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  f37c1c0... Added UG translation (*)
  f468a4e... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  0058dde... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation from Torstein Adolf W (*)
  fe72f63... gweather: fixes NetworkManager support to compile, see bug  (*)
  33e10c4... drivemount: Fix "variable might be used uninitialized" (*)
  18e23a4... stickynotes: Fix compile warnings (*)
  47d62f7... trash: Remove unused function (*)
  f026336... multiload: Remove unused variable (*)
  088a4e2... gweather: Remove unused variables (*)
  3d51417... battstat: Suggest parenthesis around assignment used as tru (*)
  724533e... accesx: variable should be GdkWindow, not GtkWindow (*)
  23f39be... multiload: Render with Cairo (*)
  5b91de8... accessx: Draw with Cairo (*)
  137c00e... battstat: Draw with Cairo (*)
  274f17f... Remove GtkObject use (*)
  bb2a683... Remove gnome-desktop dependency (*)
  42a8a51... gtk3: update configure requirements (*)
  298d6c0... charpick: Fix build with gtk3 (*)
  71f00ef... drivemount: Fix build with gtk3 (*)
  3494343... geyes: Fix build with gtk3 (*)
  9cb63db... stickynotes: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  fb9db56... trashapplet: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  5a130b3... multiload: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  e963da0... gweather: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  13522dc... battstat: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  cd5250e... accessx: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  fb51ac7... cpufreq: Fix the build with gtk3 (*)
  561a932... Patch from Milan Bouchet-Valat to fix compilation against g (*)
  7742d17... Port away from deprecated GDK functions. Patch from Milan B (*)
  9f15852... Use GSourceFunc. Patch from Milan Bouchet-Valat (*)
  5829a2a... GDK fix from Milan Bouchet-Valat (*)
  a27ea0e... More GDK fixes from Milan (*)
  e3350ca... More GDK fixes from Milan (*)
  26620fd... Port null_applet to the new libpanel-applet (*)
  d26faa6... Fix Makefile (*)
  fea6b8c... Remove use of deprecated GDK functions and quiet a compiler (*)
  60a3efe... Drop catering for two versions of the panel (*)
  90d2129... Make stuff compile (*)
  de5b7e3... Make stuff compile (*)
  a03597d... Use GAppInfo (*)
  26af3f7... Fix CFLAGS and LIBS to reflect that we're only about GNOME  (*)
  625ed2f... Updated Galician translations (*)
  b2f72f8... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  9f2eb39... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  c856cf4... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  adc50b2... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  788a691... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  8cb2297... Updated Bulgarian translation (*)
  72999ba... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  284d70e... Updating Persian Translation (*)
  63487e3... Updating Persian Translation (*)
  c26ab5f... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  b858888... Install applets in the correct directory (*)
  6fd5567... cpufreq: Don't use size-request deprecated API (*)
  dea641d... Updated French translation (*)
  d23cdba... [l10n] Updated German doc translation (*)
  e71599e... Updated Czech translation (*)
  87ef419... Fix compiler warning (*)
  c0f6e56... Remove unused var (*)
  71ced83... The build system insists on changing these so I'm just comm (*)
  ebd3481... New French Doc Translation (*)
  48b138c... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation. (*)
  45a4988... Update for API change in libpanel-applet >= 2.91.90 (*)
  b477024... build: Use libpanel_applet_dir from libpanelapplet-4.0.pc (*)
  5853035... Added Danish translation (*)
  5553b78... Added da to list of languages (*)
  17beccd... [l10n]Update Simplified Chinese translation. (*)
  655950b... configure: Bump GTK+ requirements to 3.0 (*)
  96bf5c1... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  2a28639... Updated Polish translation (*)
  37948b2... Updated Danish translation (*)
  f915b51... invest-applet: fixed broken charts for European markets, se (*)
  4be3093... Minor correction on Simplified Chinese translation. (*)
  eff77bf... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  99f91d5... fixes compilation problems for sticky notes and trash apple (*)
  7c839d8... Updated Esperanto translation (*)
  8935df7... Updated Latvian translation. (*)
  c6bcd36... invest-applet: enabled to use network manager also with spe (*)
  6a87376... [l10n] Updated German translation (*)
  6b2d685... bump to 3.1.1 because that's what we are heading for (*)
  99c7875... Port mixer applet to GTK 3 (*)
  d128934... mini-commander: Replace GDK_<keyname> with GDK_KEY_<keyname (*)
  ec016ee... mini-commander: Do not use gtk_dialog_set_has_separator. (*)
  fd17e9a... mini-commander: Use g_spawn_async instead of gdk_spawn_on_s (*)
  beae0dc... mini-commander: Access the editable widget via gtk_cell_are (*)
  d99ac83... mini-commander: use accessor functions instead of direct ac (*)
  31e2b12... mini-commander: use the new common path for menu files, see (*)
  2aba940... null applet: removed unused bonobo files and updated po/POT (*)
  b488efb... null applet: files really have to be removed from POTFILES. (*)
  92d0dcf... invest-applet: port invest applet to Gtk 3, see bug 619818  (*)
  db30fe4... mixer applet: type annotation in POTFILES.in was missing, b (*)
  c29ca83... general: replace LIBPANEL_APPLET_DIR with path containing d (*)
  9469025... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  f1f7d1a... [l10n] Updated German translation (*)
  5e7664f... [release] 3.1.1 (*)
  dd214c5... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.2 (*)
  ceee869... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  ef44d8f... Updated Czech translation (*)
  766c9e1... invest-applet: fixed chart and prefs window, added chart sc (*)
  36c4576... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  202c7e8... Add missing #include <config.h> to make translations work (*)
  40eac4f... Don't explicitly set invisible_char but rely on the gtk+ de (*)
  2114f0a... Updated Czech translation (*)
  d1e7bbb... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  01be5b7... Updated Hungarian translation by Balazs Ur (*)
  0fe0cda... [l10n] Updated German translation (*)
  0e5ffb5... [release] 3.1.2 (*)
  b72b4b5... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.3 (*)
  c67282d... drive mounter: fixes broken "Open $VOLUME" menu option - fi (*)
  f7cd488... drive mount: does not show shadowed mounts, bug #622709 (Al (*)
  be2f99f... drive mount: allow unmount without eject, see bug 604848 (M (*)
  ba7a46d... Remove last traces of gswitchit since the applet was remove (*)
  65212e8... invest-applet: downloaded quotes get cached - this allows t (*)
  9be6681... invest-applet: ignore unknown stocks, fixes part of bug #60 (*)
  8f5d67f... [release] 3.1.3 (*)
  4dbf4a2... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.4 (*)
  ba8252b... invest-applet: updated (c) of about and doc to 2011 (*)
  b8fec5c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  14d572b... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  a9a1ef5... invest applet: minor string change in preferences window (*)
  01c4e2a... Updated Czech translation (*)
  88d376d... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  6d9748d... invest applet: widget shows scroll bars when it gets too la (*)
  bc1169f... invest applet: introduces index value expansion and tree or (*)
  7ba16b4... Updated Czech translation (*)
  0adf37e... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  86cc00e... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  0506e7a... [l10n] Updated German translation (*)
  34ad9b8... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  dcefc36... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  99d963a... gweather: changed initial label from '0 °F' to '--', fixes (*)
  38eff02... mixer applet: call gnome-control-center for settings, bug # (*)
  997bb79... [release] 3.1.4 (*)
  a84b817... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.5 (*)
  6430d7f... Updated French translation (*)
  27a23a8... Updated French doc translation (*)
  067b16e... [release] 3.1.5 (*)
  b00990a... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.90 (*)
  5eee8b1... Updated Russian translation (*)
  c167602... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  c5859e7... [release] 3.1.90 (*)
  75403b3... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.91 (*)
  9d52aae... geyes, multiload: explicitly link against libm, fixes bug 6 (*)
  fc01d59... [release] 3.1.91 (*)
  4906d00... [release] post-release bump to 3.1.92 (*)
  8ba7b38... Updated Polish translation (*)
  0635112... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  8bd9c14... Updated Latvian translation. (*)
  c655f95... [release] 3.1.92 (*)
  e0c0913... [release] post-release bump to 3.2.0 (*)
  3ece0a8... Updated Arabic translation (*)
  b845672... [release] 3.2.0 (*)
  f410a78... [release] post-release bump to 3.3.1 (*)
  f597419... Moved tarball compression to xz (*)
  57a6b02... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  6016969... [l10n] Updated German doc translation (*)
  6bc3485... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  deac9c4... Removed old xmodmap stuff (*)
  f7b04bb... Updated POTFILES.in (*)
  61059c9... [release] 3.3.1 (*)
  df757c8... [release] post-release bump to 3.3.2 (*)
  80c271a... Updated Russian translation of help (*)
  ab1b72d... Updated Japanese translation (*)
  add2a0f... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  a2ee94b... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  391e28a... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  4f51aec... [l10n] Updated Estonian translation (*)
  ea7c685... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  d288848... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  80678c5... [l10n] Updated German translation (*)
  0995a48... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  51d3d9f... Updated Polish translation (*)
  cfd0440... Updated Latvian translation. (*)
  07d17c5... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  49319a1... Updated spanish translation (*)
  d8e08d8... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  ddef6f2... Updated Galician translations (*)
  5444997... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  9a7196a... [release] bump to 3.4.0 (*)
  f93ddab... [release] 3.4.0 (*)
  519aee6... [release] post-release bump to 3.5.1 (*)
  3a16864... Updated French translation (*)
  3b2ccad... Added Kashubian translation (*)
  ed88678... Updated Czech translation (*)
  e70bc07... Updated Russian translation (*)
  de167d4... [release] 3.5.1 (*)
  9545a27... [release] post-release bump to 3.5.2 (*)
  365d62e... Updated Czech translation (*)
  b2ee9e0... Updated Polish translation (*)
  392c811... bump to 3.5.91 (*)
  e24754b... [release] 3.5.91 (*)
  2582bf5... [release] post-release bump to 3.5.92 (*)
  8fdcb13... Updated Polish translation (*)
  5f8535d... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  82fea5c... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  8a41357... gweather: port to the new libgweather (*)
  f2a7c65... configure: add -lm dependency on mixer libs (*)
  658c12b... [release] 3.5.92 (*)
  1a8d23f... [release] post-release bump to 3.6.0 (*)
  f3aa3ec... Updated POTFILES.in (*)
  32a1066... Updated Polish translation (*)
  a1c44ac... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5bae9c5... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  3695c81... Updated British English translation (*)
  c5c2cd9... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  a2c3876... Updated Brazilian Portuguese Translation (*)
  00de59b... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  f58295f... gweather: added gschema.in.in to EXTRA_DIST so that dist bu (*)
  5fa521c... [release] 3.6.0 (*)
  10a3468... [release] post-release bump to 3.7.1 (*)
  fac08b3... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  f57269b... Updated French translation (*)
  3ca3132... Updated Czech translation (*)
  64e661f... Updated Galician translations (*)
  7a7a754... Updated German translation (*)
  32585ff... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  559f601... Fixed typo in string. Fixes bug #684524 (*)
  98f2a4b... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  471185b... Updated Polish translation (*)
  c999d9d... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  5fe061d... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  cecdbca... Updated Czech translation (*)
  15e911a... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  4faabab... Updated Galician translations (*)
  b80cdf3... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  2061151... Updated Hebrew translation. (*)
  8eab6dc... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  164d3b0... Updated Czech translation (*)
  9229756... Updated Czech translation (*)
  1dfe7a7... Updated Czech translation (*)
  82d629e... Update French translation (*)
  e053f6d... Updated Thai translation (*)
  3b15f23... Updated Danish translation (*)
  13db503... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  5cc3159... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  435b0db... Updated Czech translation (*)
  8115075... Updated Czech translation (*)
  dc64660... Updated Czech translation (*)
  dffd064... Updated Czech translation (*)
  d880854... Updater romanian translation (*)
  0e6106d... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  1fb02aa... Updated Norwegian bokmĂĄl translation (*)
  b3aa138... invest-applet: use /usr/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/env  (*)
  d810bb5... upower support (*)
  b498c8d... Fix deprecated declaration error in autoconf (*)
  890044b... Disable gweather applet with libgweather 3.8 (*)
  f405cfb... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  4f5fe86... Updated Czech translation (*)
  19fa386... Updated Czech translation (*)
  2c6e8db... Fixed typo in string (*)
  43dc41e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  aff1d21... Updated Slovenian translation (*)
  f2a0438... Updated Czech translation (*)
  7b783a3... Updated Indonesian translation (*)
  05a5d79... help: fix fdl links (*)
  60e19a9... help: port to yelp-tools from gnome-doc-utils (*)
  54cda68... help: Consistently use help/ not docs/ (*)
  0e0edb5... help: Consistently use help/ not docs/ part 2 (*)
  2c0a100... help: Consistently use help/ not docs/ part 3 (*)
  eabb5b3... help: Consistently use help/ not docs/ part 4 (*)
  0edb53f... build: Rename configure.in to configure.ac (*)
  348a332... fix some missing prototypes (*)
  81e9d7d... configure: check for pygobject-3, not pygobject-2 (*)
  671d233... fix ./configure --help bracket for --enable-suid (*)
  4c3097c... multiload: fix applet flickering on redraw (*)
  e8b2831... build: correctly handle --enable-frequency-selector and --d (*)
  5513d73... build: Use AM_CPPFLAGS instead of INCLUDES (*)
  fcef6b9... fix some translation typos (*)
  4443f29... fix some more translation typos (*)
  231a798... fix some minor deprecations and 2 more translation typos (*)
  5efdaf3... Czech translation (*)
  2314e9e... Czech translation (*)
  21d3161... Added Czech translation (*)
  dda039d... Added Czech translation (*)
  583bdf3... Updated Czech translation (*)
  a10e2ea... Updated Czech translation (*)
  ea9e69c... Updated Czech translation (*)
  ec37968... Updated Czech translation (*)
  2b42e34... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  7a71673... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  9805ef2... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  a11a874... Updated Czech translation (help: instead of ghelp:) (*)
  d482524... Updated Polish translation (*)
  0d19d08... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  70f2010... Updated Polish translation (*)
  0574e9e... Updated Hungarian translation (*)
  43d29ec... Updated Galician translations (*)
  4fe424b... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation for cpufreq manual (*)
  cc172f1... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation for mini-commander (*)
  2743689... Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation for Character Pale (*)
  bb5d210... Updated Serbian translation (*)
  216348d... Fix a broken tag in Korean help translation (*)
  036f52d... Updated Danish translation (*)
  8844011... Updated Latvian translation (*)
  7afdec6... Update Chinese simplified translation (*)
  0979f88... Updated Esperanto translation (*)
  4b190ee... Updated FSF's address (*)
  09b2bea... Revert "Updated FSF's address" (*)
  8bf82d4... doap: update URLs (*)
  6a1f2c1... Updated Basque language (*)
  09f8ab2... Updated Basque language (*)
  e08ed0a... Merge gnome-applets into gnome-panel
  9db4a0a... Move applets from gnome-applets to applets directory
  255523e... Move manpages from gnome-applets/man to man directory

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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