[gnome-maps/wip/routing2: 25/25] Fixup routeService (error handling)

commit ce55f477fbf5f9907e83c3d9270f97a39390c685
Author: Mattias Bengtsson <mattias jc bengtsson gmail com>
Date:   Fri May 23 17:55:08 2014 +0100

    Fixup routeService (error handling)

 src/routeService.js |  114 +++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/routeService.js b/src/routeService.js
index 227e040..2d089d5 100644
--- a/src/routeService.js
+++ b/src/routeService.js
@@ -33,53 +33,6 @@ const RouteQuery = imports.routeQuery;
 const EPAF = imports.epaf;
 const HTTP = imports.http;
-const RouteError = new Lang.Class({
-    Name: 'RouteError',
-    _init: function(message, debugMessages) {
-        this._message       = message;
-        this._debugMessages = debugMessages;
-    },
-    debug: function() {
-        this._debugMessages.forEach(Utils.debug);
-    },
-    toString: function() {
-        return this._message;
-    }
-const ParseMsgError = new Lang.Class({
-    Name: 'ParseMsgError',
-    Extends: RouteError,
-    _init: function(httpCode, httpBody, errors) {
-        let debugMsgs = ["HTTP code: "  + httpCode];
-        if(errors.length > 0) {
-            debugMsgs.push("Errors: {");
-            errors.forEach(function({ details, msg }, i) {
-                debugMsgs.push("    Message[" + (i + 1) + "]: " + msg);
-                debugMsgs.push("    Details[" + (i + 1) + "]: " + details);
-            });
-            debugMsgs.push("}");
-        }
-        debugMsgs.push("HTTP Body: {\n" + httpBody + "\n}");
-        this.parent(_("The route search result had error(s)."),
-                    debugMsgs);
-    }
-const CreateRouteError = new Lang.Class({
-    Name: 'CreateRouteError',
-    Extends: RouteError,
-    _init: function(path) {
-        this.parent(_("Couldn't parse the route result JSON."),
-                    [JSON.stringify(path)]);
-    }
 const GraphHopper = new Lang.Class({
     Name: 'GraphHopper',
@@ -116,21 +69,21 @@ const GraphHopper = new Lang.Class({
         this._session.queue_message(msg, (function(session, message) {
             try {
                 let result = this._parseMessage(message);
-                let route  = this._createRoute(result);
-                this.route.update(route);
+                if(result.info && result.info.errors) {
+                    // show inappnote: "Route not found." (maybe add "from {from} to {to}")
+                } else {
+                    let route = this._createRoute(result.paths[0]);
+                    this.route.update(route);
+                }
             } catch(e) {
-                if(e instanceof RouteError) {
-                    log(e);
-                    e.debug();
-                } else
-                    throw e;
+                // show inappnote: "Routing request failed."
     _buildURL: function(viaPoints, transportation) {
-        let points = viaPoints.map(function(p) {
-            return [p.latitude, p.longitude].join(',');
+        let points = viaPoints.map(function({ latitude, longitude }) {
+            return [latitude, longitude].join(',');
         let vehicle = RouteQuery.Transportation.toString(transportation);
         let query = new HTTP.Query({ type:    'json',
@@ -146,38 +99,29 @@ const GraphHopper = new Lang.Class({
     _parseMessage: function({ status_code, response_body }) {
-        let errors = [];
-        if (status_code === 200 && response_body) {
-            let result = JSON.parse(response_body.data);
-            let info   = result.info;
-            let paths  = result.paths;
-            if(paths && paths[0])
-                return paths[0];
-            else if(info && info.errors) {
-                errors = info.errors;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new ParseMsgError(status_code, response_body.data, errors);
+        if (status_code === 200)
+            return JSON.parse(response_body.data);
+        if(status_code === 500)
+            this._logInternalServerError(response_body);
+        return null;
     _createRoute: function(result) {
-        try {
-            let path       = EPAF.decode(result.points);
-            let turnPoints = this._createTurnPoints(path, result.instructions);
-            let bbox       = new Champlain.BoundingBox();
-            // GH does lonlat-order and Champlain latlon-order
-            bbox.extend(result.bbox[1], result.bbox[0]);
-            bbox.extend(result.bbox[3], result.bbox[2]);
-            return { path:       path,
-                     turnPoints: turnPoints,
-                     distance:   result.distance,
-                     time:       result.time,
-                     bbox:       bbox };
-        } catch (e) {
-            throw new CreateRouteError(result);
-        }
+        let path       = EPAF.decode(result.points);
+        let turnPoints = this._createTurnPoints(path, result.instructions);
+        let bbox       = new Champlain.BoundingBox();
+        // GH does lonlat-order and Champlain latlon-order
+        bbox.extend(result.bbox[1], result.bbox[0]);
+        bbox.extend(result.bbox[3], result.bbox[2]);
+        return { path:       path,
+                 turnPoints: turnPoints,
+                 distance:   result.distance,
+                 time:       result.time,
+                 bbox:       bbox };
     _createTurnPoints: function(path, instructions) {

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