[vala] gdk-3.0: update to 3.13.1~701adf81
- From: Evan Nemerson <evann src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [vala] gdk-3.0: update to 3.13.1~701adf81
- Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 23:47:59 +0000 (UTC)
commit 712c99276fdb7d677dcfe4a4aea634a85f60c445
Author: Evan Nemerson <evan nemerson com>
Date: Tue May 20 16:30:46 2014 -0700
gdk-3.0: update to 3.13.1~701adf81
vapi/gdk-3.0.vapi | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
vapi/metadata/Gdk-3.0.metadata | 30 +++++---------
2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/gdk-3.0.vapi b/vapi/gdk-3.0.vapi
index 706fcf1..5e9034b 100644
--- a/vapi/gdk-3.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/gdk-3.0.vapi
@@ -4548,13 +4548,13 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static void convert (Gdk.Window requestor, Gdk.Atom selection, Gdk.Atom target, uint32
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static unowned Gdk.Window owner_get (Gdk.Atom selection);
+ public static unowned Gdk.Window? owner_get (Gdk.Atom selection);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static unowned Gdk.Window owner_get_for_display (Gdk.Display display, Gdk.Atom
+ public static unowned Gdk.Window? owner_get_for_display (Gdk.Display display, Gdk.Atom
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static bool owner_set (Gdk.Window owner, Gdk.Atom selection, uint32 time_, bool
+ public static bool owner_set (Gdk.Window? owner, Gdk.Atom selection, uint32 time_, bool
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static bool owner_set_for_display (Gdk.Display display, Gdk.Window owner, Gdk.Atom
selection, uint32 time_, bool send_event);
+ public static bool owner_set_for_display (Gdk.Display display, Gdk.Window? owner, Gdk.Atom
selection, uint32 time_, bool send_event);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static int property_get (Gdk.Window requestor, [CCode (array_length = false, type =
"guchar**")] uint8[] data, Gdk.Atom prop_type, int prop_format);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
@@ -4592,7 +4592,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public Gdk.CursorType get_cursor_type ();
public unowned Gdk.Display get_display ();
public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_image ();
- public Cairo.Surface? get_surface (double x_hot, double y_hot);
+ public Cairo.Surface? get_surface (out double x_hot, out double y_hot);
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
public Gdk.Cursor @ref ();
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
@@ -4604,7 +4604,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public abstract class Device : GLib.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Device ();
- public static void free_history ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_events", array_length_pos =
1.1, type = "GdkTimeCoord**")] Gdk.TimeCoord[] events);
+ public static void free_history ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_events", array_length_pos =
1.1)] Gdk.TimeCoord[] events);
public unowned Gdk.Device? get_associated_device ();
public bool get_axis ([CCode (array_length = false)] double[] axes, Gdk.AxisUse use, out
double value);
public Gdk.AxisUse get_axis_use (uint index_);
@@ -4622,9 +4622,9 @@ namespace Gdk {
public void get_position (out unowned Gdk.Screen screen, out int x, out int y);
public void get_position_double (out unowned Gdk.Screen screen, out double x, out double y);
public Gdk.InputSource get_source ();
- public void get_state (Gdk.Window window, [CCode (array_length = false, type = "gdouble*")]
double[] axes, out Gdk.ModifierType mask);
- public unowned Gdk.Window get_window_at_position (out int win_x, out int win_y);
- public unowned Gdk.Window get_window_at_position_double (out double win_x, out double win_y);
+ public void get_state (Gdk.Window window, [CCode (array_length = false)] double[]? axes, out
Gdk.ModifierType mask);
+ public unowned Gdk.Window? get_window_at_position (out int win_x, out int win_y);
+ public unowned Gdk.Window? get_window_at_position_double (out double win_x, out double win_y);
public Gdk.GrabStatus grab (Gdk.Window window, Gdk.GrabOwnership grab_ownership, bool
owner_events, Gdk.EventMask event_mask, Gdk.Cursor? cursor, uint32 time_);
public GLib.List<weak Gdk.Atom> list_axes ();
public GLib.List<weak Gdk.Device>? list_slave_devices ();
@@ -4653,7 +4653,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DeviceManager ();
public unowned Gdk.Device get_client_pointer ();
- public unowned Gdk.Display get_display ();
+ public unowned Gdk.Display? get_display ();
public GLib.List<weak Gdk.Device> list_devices (Gdk.DeviceType type);
public Gdk.Display display { get; construct; }
public signal void device_added (Gdk.Device device);
@@ -4669,12 +4669,12 @@ namespace Gdk {
public bool device_is_grabbed (Gdk.Device device);
public void flush ();
public Gdk.AppLaunchContext get_app_launch_context ();
- public static unowned Gdk.Display get_default ();
+ public static unowned Gdk.Display? get_default ();
public uint get_default_cursor_size ();
public unowned Gdk.Window get_default_group ();
public unowned Gdk.Screen get_default_screen ();
- public unowned Gdk.DeviceManager get_device_manager ();
- public Gdk.Event get_event ();
+ public unowned Gdk.DeviceManager? get_device_manager ();
+ public Gdk.Event? get_event ();
public void get_maximal_cursor_size (out uint width, out uint height);
[Deprecated (since = "3.10")]
public int get_n_screens ();
@@ -4683,7 +4683,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public void get_pointer (out unowned Gdk.Screen screen, out int x, out int y, out
Gdk.ModifierType mask);
public unowned Gdk.Screen get_screen (int screen_num);
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
- public unowned Gdk.Window get_window_at_pointer (out int win_x, out int win_y);
+ public unowned Gdk.Window? get_window_at_pointer (out int win_x, out int win_y);
public bool has_pending ();
public bool is_closed ();
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
@@ -4691,9 +4691,9 @@ namespace Gdk {
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
public unowned GLib.List<Gdk.Device> list_devices ();
public void notify_startup_complete (string startup_id);
- public static unowned Gdk.Display open (string display_name);
- public static unowned Gdk.Display open_default_libgtk_only ();
- public Gdk.Event peek_event ();
+ public static unowned Gdk.Display? open (string display_name);
+ public static unowned Gdk.Display? open_default_libgtk_only ();
+ public Gdk.Event? peek_event ();
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
public bool pointer_is_grabbed ();
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
@@ -4721,9 +4721,9 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DisplayManager ();
public static unowned Gdk.DisplayManager @get ();
- public unowned Gdk.Display get_default_display ();
+ public unowned Gdk.Display? get_default_display ();
public GLib.SList<weak Gdk.Display> list_displays ();
- public unowned Gdk.Display open_display (string name);
+ public unowned Gdk.Display? open_display (string name);
public void set_default_display (Gdk.Display display);
public Gdk.Display default_display { get; set; }
public signal void display_opened (Gdk.Display display);
@@ -4750,12 +4750,12 @@ namespace Gdk {
public Event (Gdk.EventType type);
public Gdk.Event copy ();
public void free ();
- public static Gdk.Event @get ();
+ public static Gdk.Event? @get ();
public bool get_axis (Gdk.AxisUse axis_use, out double value);
public bool get_button (out uint button);
public bool get_click_count (out uint click_count);
public bool get_coords (out double x_win, out double y_win);
- public unowned Gdk.Device get_device ();
+ public unowned Gdk.Device? get_device ();
public Gdk.EventType get_event_type ();
public bool get_keycode (out uint16 keycode);
public bool get_keyval (out uint keyval);
@@ -4763,12 +4763,12 @@ namespace Gdk {
public unowned Gdk.Screen get_screen ();
public bool get_scroll_deltas (out double delta_x, out double delta_y);
public bool get_scroll_direction (out Gdk.ScrollDirection direction);
- public unowned Gdk.Device get_source_device ();
+ public unowned Gdk.Device? get_source_device ();
public bool get_state (out Gdk.ModifierType state);
public uint32 get_time ();
public unowned Gdk.Window get_window ();
public static void handler_set (owned Gdk.EventFunc func);
- public static Gdk.Event peek ();
+ public static Gdk.Event? peek ();
public void put ();
public static void request_motions (Gdk.EventMotion event);
public void set_device (Gdk.Device device);
@@ -5032,12 +5032,12 @@ namespace Gdk {
protected FrameClock ();
public void begin_updating ();
public void end_updating ();
- public Gdk.FrameTimings get_current_timings ();
+ public Gdk.FrameTimings? get_current_timings ();
public int64 get_frame_counter ();
public int64 get_frame_time ();
public int64 get_history_start ();
public void get_refresh_info (int64 base_time, int64 refresh_interval_return, int64
- public Gdk.FrameTimings get_timings (int64 frame_counter);
+ public Gdk.FrameTimings? get_timings (int64 frame_counter);
public void request_phase (Gdk.FrameClockPhase phase);
public signal void after_paint ();
public signal void before_paint ();
@@ -5085,17 +5085,17 @@ namespace Gdk {
public class Screen : GLib.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Screen ();
- public Gdk.Window get_active_window ();
- public static unowned Gdk.Screen get_default ();
+ public Gdk.Window? get_active_window ();
+ public static unowned Gdk.Screen? get_default ();
public unowned Gdk.Display get_display ();
- public unowned Cairo.FontOptions get_font_options ();
+ public unowned Cairo.FontOptions? get_font_options ();
public int get_height ();
public int get_height_mm ();
public int get_monitor_at_point (int x, int y);
public int get_monitor_at_window (Gdk.Window window);
public void get_monitor_geometry (int monitor_num, out Gdk.Rectangle dest);
public int get_monitor_height_mm (int monitor_num);
- public string get_monitor_plug_name (int monitor_num);
+ public string? get_monitor_plug_name (int monitor_num);
public int get_monitor_scale_factor (int monitor_num);
public int get_monitor_width_mm (int monitor_num);
public Gdk.Rectangle get_monitor_workarea (int monitor_num);
@@ -5103,7 +5103,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public int get_number ();
public int get_primary_monitor ();
public double get_resolution ();
- public unowned Gdk.Visual get_rgba_visual ();
+ public unowned Gdk.Visual? get_rgba_visual ();
public unowned Gdk.Window get_root_window ();
public bool get_setting (string name, GLib.Value value);
public unowned Gdk.Visual get_system_visual ();
@@ -5133,7 +5133,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public static unowned Gdk.Visual get_best ();
public static int get_best_depth ();
public static Gdk.VisualType get_best_type ();
- public static unowned Gdk.Visual get_best_with_both (int depth, Gdk.VisualType visual_type);
+ public static unowned Gdk.Visual? get_best_with_both (int depth, Gdk.VisualType visual_type);
public static unowned Gdk.Visual get_best_with_depth (int depth);
public static unowned Gdk.Visual get_best_with_type (Gdk.VisualType visual_type);
public int get_bits_per_rgb ();
@@ -5182,17 +5182,17 @@ namespace Gdk {
public void fullscreen ();
public void geometry_changed ();
public bool get_accept_focus ();
- public unowned Cairo.Pattern get_background_pattern ();
+ public unowned Cairo.Pattern? get_background_pattern ();
public GLib.List<weak Gdk.Window> get_children ();
public GLib.List<weak Gdk.Window> get_children_with_user_data (void* user_data);
public Cairo.Region get_clip_region ();
public bool get_composited ();
- public unowned Gdk.Cursor get_cursor ();
+ public unowned Gdk.Cursor? get_cursor ();
public bool get_decorations (out Gdk.WMDecoration decorations);
- public unowned Gdk.Cursor get_device_cursor (Gdk.Device device);
+ public unowned Gdk.Cursor? get_device_cursor (Gdk.Device device);
public Gdk.EventMask get_device_events (Gdk.Device device);
- public unowned Gdk.Window get_device_position (Gdk.Device device, out int x, out int y, out
Gdk.ModifierType mask);
- public unowned Gdk.Window get_device_position_double (Gdk.Device device, out double x, out
double y, out Gdk.ModifierType mask);
+ public unowned Gdk.Window? get_device_position (Gdk.Device device, out int x, out int y, out
Gdk.ModifierType mask);
+ public unowned Gdk.Window? get_device_position_double (Gdk.Device device, out double x, out
double y, out Gdk.ModifierType mask);
public unowned Gdk.Display get_display ();
public Gdk.DragProtocol get_drag_protocol (out Gdk.Window target);
public unowned Gdk.Window get_effective_parent ();
@@ -5210,7 +5210,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public int get_origin (out int x, out int y);
public unowned Gdk.Window get_parent ();
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
- public unowned Gdk.Window get_pointer (out int x, out int y, out Gdk.ModifierType mask);
+ public unowned Gdk.Window? get_pointer (out int x, out int y, out Gdk.ModifierType mask);
public void get_position (out int x, out int y);
public void get_root_coords (int x, int y, out int root_x, out int root_y);
public void get_root_origin (out int x, out int y);
@@ -5310,7 +5310,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
public Gdk.Cursor cursor { get; set; }
public virtual signal Cairo.Surface create_surface (int width, int height);
public virtual signal void from_embedder (double embedder_x, double embedder_y, out double
offscreen_x, out double offscreen_y);
- public signal unowned Gdk.Window pick_embedded_child (double x, double y);
+ public signal unowned Gdk.Window? pick_embedded_child (double x, double y);
public virtual signal void to_embedder (double offscreen_x, double offscreen_y, out double
embedder_x, out double embedder_y);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
@@ -5983,7 +5983,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
[Deprecated (since = "3.8")]
public static string get_display ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static unowned string get_display_arg_name ();
+ public static unowned string? get_display_arg_name ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static unowned string get_program_class ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
@@ -6007,7 +6007,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static bool keyval_is_upper (uint keyval);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static unowned string keyval_name (uint keyval);
+ public static unowned string? keyval_name (uint keyval);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static uint keyval_to_lower (uint keyval);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
@@ -6023,7 +6023,7 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static unowned Gdk.Window? offscreen_window_get_embedder (Gdk.Window window);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static unowned Cairo.Surface offscreen_window_get_surface (Gdk.Window window);
+ public static unowned Cairo.Surface? offscreen_window_get_surface (Gdk.Window window);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static void offscreen_window_set_embedder (Gdk.Window window, Gdk.Window embedder);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
@@ -6035,9 +6035,9 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static void parse_args ([CCode (array_length_cname = "argc", array_length_pos = 0.5)] ref
unowned string[] argv);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf_get_from_surface (Cairo.Surface surface, int src_x, int src_y, int
width, int height);
+ public static Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf_get_from_surface (Cairo.Surface surface, int src_x, int src_y, int
width, int height);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf_get_from_window (Gdk.Window window, int src_x, int src_y, int width,
int height);
+ public static Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf_get_from_window (Gdk.Window window, int src_x, int src_y, int width,
int height);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
[Deprecated (since = "3.0")]
public static Gdk.GrabStatus pointer_grab (Gdk.Window window, bool owner_events, Gdk.EventMask
event_mask, Gdk.Window? confine_to, Gdk.Cursor? cursor, uint32 time_);
@@ -6128,5 +6128,5 @@ namespace Gdk {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
public static uint unicode_to_keyval (uint32 wc);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdk/gdk.h")]
- public static string utf8_to_string_target (string str);
+ public static string? utf8_to_string_target (string str);
diff --git a/vapi/metadata/Gdk-3.0.metadata b/vapi/metadata/Gdk-3.0.metadata
index 895f073..468836a 100644
--- a/vapi/metadata/Gdk-3.0.metadata
+++ b/vapi/metadata/Gdk-3.0.metadata
@@ -3,24 +3,17 @@ selection_* name="selection_(.+)" parent="Gdk.Selection"
Atom struct
Color struct
Cursor abstract=false
- .get_image nullable
.free_history skip=false
- .get_associated_device nullable
.get_axis skip=false
.get_axis_value skip=false
.get_history skip=false
.get_state skip=false
.get_window_at_position skip=false
- .list_slave_devices nullable
- .associated_device nullable
- .name nullable
._get_angle skip
._get_center skip
._get_distance skip
- .get_window_stack nullable
.add_filter skip=false
.remove_filter skip=false
@@ -30,29 +23,26 @@ EventKey struct=false
RGBA struct
.modifier_reserved_*_mask skip
-offscreen_window_get_embedder nullable
pango_layout_get_clip_region skip=false
property_change skip=false
-// vapigen actually generates the correctly, but in away that breaks BC
-Screen.get_monitor_geometry skip
-Window.get_frame_extents skip
-// Should send upstream
add_option_entries_libgtk_only skip=false
- .get_surface nullable
- .free_history.events array array_length_idx=1
- .get_axis_value.value out
- .get_state.axes array
- .get_state.mask out
.grab_info_libgtk_only skip
Display.open_default_libgtk_only skip=false
.destroy destroys_instance
.destroy_notify skip
synthesize_window_state skip
+// g-i doesn't support nullable fields and properties (bug #730479)
+ .associated_device nullable
+ .name nullable
+// vapigen actually generates the correctly, but in away that breaks BC
+Screen.get_monitor_geometry skip
+Window.get_frame_extents skip
EventAny struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
EventButton struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
EventConfigure struct=false base_type="Gdk.Event" type_id="gdk_event_get_type ()"
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