[evolution] EWebView: Rework how link with fragment is detected, use SoupURI for it

commit 0979bb96d5ada2e5b2f0765c637056a757fe6760
Author: Tomas Popela <tpopela redhat com>
Date:   Wed May 7 16:16:24 2014 +0200

    EWebView: Rework how link with fragment is detected, use SoupURI for it
    Also when hovering over the link with fragment that points to message
    don't show the whole URI in status bar, but just the fragment.

 e-util/e-web-view.c |   62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e-util/e-web-view.c b/e-util/e-web-view.c
index 00dd6c0..bb02bd1 100644
--- a/e-util/e-web-view.c
+++ b/e-util/e-web-view.c
@@ -551,14 +551,47 @@ web_view_navigation_policy_decision_requested_cb (EWebView *web_view,
        uri = webkit_network_request_get_uri (request);
        frame_uri = webkit_web_frame_get_uri (frame);
-       /* Allow navigation through sections in page */
+       /* Allow navigation through fragments in page */
        if (uri && *uri && frame_uri && *frame_uri) {
-               /* The uri should contain the frame uri and the id of the anchor
-                * element that is separated from uri by hashtag character */
-               if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, frame_uri) && strstr (uri, "#")) {
-                       webkit_web_policy_decision_use (policy_decision);
-                       return TRUE;
+               SoupURI *uri_link, *uri_frame;
+               uri_link = soup_uri_new (uri);
+               uri_frame = soup_uri_new (frame_uri);
+               if (uri_link && uri_frame) {
+                       const gchar *tmp1, *tmp2;
+                       tmp1 = soup_uri_get_scheme (uri_link);
+                       tmp2 = soup_uri_get_scheme (uri_frame);
+                       /* The scheme on both URIs should be the same */
+                       if (tmp1 && tmp2) {
+                               if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (tmp1, tmp2) != 0)
+                                       goto free_uris;
+                       }
+                       tmp1 = soup_uri_get_host (uri_link);
+                       tmp2 = soup_uri_get_host (uri_frame);
+                       /* The host on both URIs should be the same */
+                       if (tmp1 && tmp2) {
+                               if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (tmp1, tmp2) != 0)
+                                       goto free_uris;
+                       }
+                       /* URI from link should have fragment set - could be empty */
+                       if (soup_uri_get_fragment (uri_link)) {
+                               soup_uri_free (uri_link);
+                               soup_uri_free (uri_frame);
+                               webkit_web_policy_decision_use (policy_decision);
+                               return TRUE;
+                       }
+ free_uris:
+               if (uri_link)
+                       soup_uri_free (uri_link);
+               if (uri_frame)
+                       soup_uri_free (uri_frame);
        /* XXX WebKitWebView does not provide a class method for
@@ -1012,7 +1045,22 @@ web_view_hovering_over_link (EWebView *web_view,
                format = _("Click to call %s");
        else if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, "##"))
                message = g_strdup (_("Click to hide/unhide addresses"));
-       else
+       else if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, "mail:")) {
+               const gchar *fragment;
+               SoupURI *soup_uri;
+               soup_uri = soup_uri_new (uri);
+               if (!soup_uri)
+                       goto exit;
+               fragment = soup_uri_get_fragment (soup_uri);
+               if (*fragment)
+                       message = g_strdup_printf (_("Go to the section %s of the message"), fragment);
+               else
+                       message = g_strdup (_("Go to the beginning of the message"));
+               soup_uri_free (soup_uri);
+       } else
                message = g_strdup_printf (_("Click to open %s"), uri);
        if (format == NULL)

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