[glib/wip/unicode-7.0: 2/3] unicode: Move gscripttable.h generation into main script
- From: Christian Persch <chpe src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [glib/wip/unicode-7.0: 2/3] unicode: Move gscripttable.h generation into main script
- Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 17:53:32 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4bfa537f8241cd206d757715c171164520d85ade
Author: Christian Persch <chpe gnome org>
Date: Sat May 3 18:49:07 2014 +0200
unicode: Move gscripttable.h generation into main script
So we just have to run one script when updating the unicode data, not two.
glib/gen-script-table.pl | 119 ----------------------------------------
glib/gen-unicode-tables.pl | 129 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
glib/gscripttable.h | 14 +++---
3 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glib/gen-unicode-tables.pl b/glib/gen-unicode-tables.pl
index e6520b8..46c4b27 100755
--- a/glib/gen-unicode-tables.pl
+++ b/glib/gen-unicode-tables.pl
@@ -161,12 +161,17 @@ my @special_cases;
my @special_case_offsets;
my $special_case_offset = 0;
+# Scripts
+my @scripts;
# East asian widths
my @eawidths;
$do_decomp = 0;
$do_props = 1;
+$do_scripts = 1;
if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-decomp')
$do_decomp = 1;
@@ -181,11 +186,11 @@ elsif (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-both')
if (@ARGV != 2) {
$0 =~ s */@@;
- die "\nUsage: $0 [-decomp | -both] UNICODE-VERSION DIRECTORY\n\n DIRECTORY should contain the
following Unicode data files:\n UnicodeData.txt, LineBreak.txt, SpecialCasing.txt, CaseFolding.txt,\n
CompositionExclusions.txt extracted/DerivedEastAsianWidth.txt \n\n";
+ die "\nUsage: $0 [-decomp | -both] UNICODE-VERSION DIRECTORY\n\n DIRECTORY should contain the
following Unicode data files:\n UnicodeData.txt, LineBreak.txt, SpecialCasing.txt, CaseFolding.txt,\n
CompositionExclusions.txt Scripts.txt extracted/DerivedEastAsianWidth.txt \n\n";
my ($unicodedatatxt, $linebreaktxt, $specialcasingtxt, $casefoldingtxt, $compositionexclusionstxt,
- $derivedeastasianwidth);
+ $scriptstxt, $derivedeastasianwidth);
my $d = $ARGV[1];
opendir (my $dir, $d) or die "Cannot open Unicode data dir $d: $!\n";
@@ -196,6 +201,7 @@ for my $f (readdir ($dir))
$specialcasingtxt = "$d/$f" if ($f =~ /^SpecialCasing.*\.txt/);
$casefoldingtxt = "$d/$f" if ($f =~ /^CaseFolding.*\.txt/);
$compositionexclusionstxt = "$d/$f" if ($f =~ /^CompositionExclusions.*\.txt/);
+ $scriptstxt = "$d/$f" if ($f =~ /^Scripts.*\.txt/);
my $extd = $ARGV[1] . "/extracted";
@@ -210,6 +216,7 @@ defined $linebreaktxt or die "Did not find LineBreak file";
defined $specialcasingtxt or die "Did not find SpecialCasing file";
defined $casefoldingtxt or die "Did not find CaseFolding file";
defined $compositionexclusionstxt or die "Did not find CompositionExclusions file";
+defined $scriptstxt or die "Did not find Scripts file";
defined $derivedeastasianwidthtxt or die "Did not find DerivedEastAsianWidth file";
print "Creating decomp table\n" if ($do_decomp);
@@ -502,6 +509,26 @@ while (<INPUT>)
close INPUT;
+print "Reading scripts\n";
+open (INPUT, "< $scriptstxt") || exit 1;
+while (<INPUT>) {
+ s/#.*//;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ if (!/^([0-9A-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-F]+))?\s*;\s*([A-Za-z_]+)\s*$/) {
+ die "Cannot parse line: '$_'\n";
+ }
+ if (defined $2) {
+ push @scripts, [ hex $1, hex $2, uc $3 ];
+ } else {
+ push @scripts, [ hex $1, hex $1, uc $3 ];
+ }
+close INPUT;
print "Reading derived east asian widths\n";
open (INPUT, "< $derivedeastasianwidthtxt") || exit 1;
@@ -534,9 +561,12 @@ if ($do_decomp) {
&print_decomp ($last_code);
&print_line_break ($last_code);
+if ($do_scripts) {
+ &print_scripts
exit 0;
@@ -1427,3 +1457,96 @@ EOT
&output_one_width_table ($out,"wide", "[FW]");
&output_one_width_table ($out, "ambiguous", "[A]");
+sub print_scripts
+ my $start;
+ my $end;
+ my $script;
+ my $easy_range;
+ my $i;
+ print STDERR "Writing gscripttable.h\n";
+ open OUT, ">gscripttable.h" or die "Cannot open gscripttable.h: $!\n";
+ print OUT<<EOT;
+/* This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+ Instead, edit gen-unicode-tables.pl and re-run. */
+ @scripts = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @scripts;
+ $easy_range = 0x2000;
+ print OUT<<EOT;
+#define G_EASY_SCRIPTS_RANGE $easy_range
+static const guchar g_script_easy_table[$easy_range] = {
+ $i = 0;
+ $end = -1;
+ for (my $c = 0; $c < $easy_range; $c++) {
+ if ($c % 3 == 0) {
+ printf OUT "\n ";
+ }
+ if ($c > $end) {
+ $start = $scripts[$i]->[0];
+ $end = $scripts[$i]->[1];
+ $script = $scripts[$i]->[2];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if ($c < $start) {
+ } else {
+ printf OUT " G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_%s,", $script;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($end >= $easy_range) {
+ $i--;
+ $scripts[$i]->[0] = $easy_range;
+ }
+ print OUT<<EOT;
+static const struct {
+ gunichar start;
+ guint16 chars;
+ guint16 script;
+} g_script_table[] = {
+ for (; $i <= $#scripts; $i++) {
+ $start = $scripts[$i]->[0];
+ $end = $scripts[$i]->[1];
+ $script = $scripts[$i]->[2];
+ while ($i <= $#scripts - 1 &&
+ $scripts[$i + 1]->[0] == $end + 1 &&
+ $scripts[$i + 1]->[2] eq $script) {
+ $i++;
+ $end = $scripts[$i]->[1];
+ }
+ printf OUT " { %#06x, %5d, G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_%s },\n", $start, $end - $start + 1, $script;
+ }
+ printf OUT<<EOT;
+#endif /* SCRIPTTABLES_H */
+ close OUT;
diff --git a/glib/gscripttable.h b/glib/gscripttable.h
index e195409..b4166d5 100644
--- a/glib/gscripttable.h
+++ b/glib/gscripttable.h
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-/* gscripttable.h: Generated by gen-script-table.pl
- *
- * Date: Tue Oct 1 13:39:25 2013
- * Source: Scripts-6.3.0.txt
- *
- * Do not edit.
- */
+/* This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+ Instead, edit gen-unicode-tables.pl and re-run. */
@@ -3119,3 +3117,5 @@ static const struct {
{ 0xe0020, 96, G_UNICODE_SCRIPT_COMMON },
+#endif /* SCRIPTTABLES_H */
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