[gimp-perl] Tidy Gimp::Net code. Bug 727002
- From: Kevin Cozens <kcozens src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gimp-perl] Tidy Gimp::Net code. Bug 727002
- Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:50:27 +0000 (UTC)
commit 9067d379d4838076785713dffdabbe65e48ece85
Author: Ed J <m8r-35s8eo mailinator com>
Date: Tue Mar 25 02:11:52 2014 +0000
Tidy Gimp::Net code. Bug 727002
Gimp.pm | 59 ++++-----
Gimp/Fu.pm | 2 +-
Net/Net.pm | 389 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
t/import.t | 3 +
t/load.t | 3 +
t/perlplugin.t | 3 +
t/run.t | 5 +
7 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 247 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Gimp.pm b/Gimp.pm
index 992e293..0adaa56 100644
--- a/Gimp.pm
+++ b/Gimp.pm
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ package Gimp;
use strict 'vars';
$interface_pkg $interface_type
- @gimp_gui_functions $function $basename $spawn_opts
+ $function $basename $spawn_opts
$in_quit $in_run $in_net $in_init $in_query $no_SIG
$help $verbose $host $in_top);
-use subs qw(init end lock unlock canonicalize_color);
+use subs qw(init end lock unlock);
$VERSION = 2.3001;
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ my @POLLUTE_CLASSES;
# we really abuse the import facility..
sub import($;@) {
my $pkg = shift;
+ warn "$pkg->import(@_)" if $verbose;
my $up = caller;
my @export;
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ sub import($;@) {
croak __"$_ is not a valid import tag for package $pkg";
for(@export) {
*{"$up\::$_"} = \&$_;
@@ -273,6 +274,8 @@ sub wrap_text {
+# section on command-line handling/interface selection
($basename = $0) =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//;
$spawn_opts = "";
@@ -295,14 +298,15 @@ if (@ARGV) {
if (/^-h$|^--?help$|^-\?$/) {
- print __"Usage: $0 [gimp-args..] [interface-args..] [script-args..]
+ print __<<EOF;
+Usage: $0 [gimp-args..] [interface-args..] [script-args..]
gimp-arguments are
-gimp <anything> used internally only
-h | -help | --help | -? print some help
-v | --verbose be more verbose in what you do
--host|--tcp HOST[:PORT] connect to HOST (optionally using PORT)
(for more info, see Gimp::Net(3))
} elsif (/^-v$|^--verbose$/) {
} elsif (/^--host$|^--tcp$/) {
@@ -315,6 +319,8 @@ if (@ARGV) {
+# section on logging
my @log;
sub format_msg {
@@ -323,19 +329,6 @@ sub format_msg {
sub _initialized_callback {
- # load the compatibility module on older versions
- if ($interface_pkg eq "Gimp::Lib") {
- # this must match @max_gimp_version in Gimp::Compat
- my @compat_gimp_version = (1,3);
- if ((Gimp->major_version < $compat_gimp_version[0])
- || (Gimp->major_version == $compat_gimp_version[0]
- && Gimp->minor_version < $compat_gimp_version[1])) {
- require Gimp::Compat;
- $compat_gimp_version[0] == $Gimp::Compat::max_gimp_version[0]
- && $compat_gimp_version[1] == $Gimp::Compat::max_gimp_version[1]
- or die "FATAL: Gimp::Compat version mismatch\n";
- }
- }
if (@log) {
my $oldtrace = set_trace(0);
unless ($in_net || $in_query || $in_quit || $in_init) {
@@ -367,6 +360,8 @@ sub die_msg {
logger(message => substr($_[0],0,-1), fatal => 1, function => 'ERROR');
+# section on error-handling
# this needs to be improved
sub quiet_die {
$in_top ? exit(1) : die "IGNORE THIS MESSAGE\n";
@@ -391,6 +386,8 @@ unless($no_SIG) {
+# section on callbacks
my %callback;
sub cbchain {
@@ -454,7 +451,7 @@ sub quiet_main {
+# section on interface_pkg
if ($interface_type=~/^lib$/i) {
@@ -464,7 +461,7 @@ if ($interface_type=~/^lib$/i) {
croak __"interface '$interface_type' unsupported.";
-eval "require $interface_pkg" or croak "$@";
+eval "require $interface_pkg" or croak $@;
# create some common aliases
@@ -473,28 +470,23 @@ for(qw(gimp_procedural_db_proc_exists gimp_call_procedure set_trace initialized)
*init = \&{"$interface_pkg\::gimp_init"};
-*end = \&{"$interface_pkg\::gimp_end" };
-*lock = \&{"$interface_pkg\::lock" };
-*unlock= \&{"$interface_pkg\::unlock" };
+*end = \&{"$interface_pkg\::gimp_end"};
+*lock = \&{"$interface_pkg\::lock"};
+*unlock= \&{"$interface_pkg\::unlock"};
+# section on AUTOLOAD
my %ignore_function = (DESTROY => 1);
@PREFIXES=("gimp_", "");
- gimp_gui_functions = qw(
- gimp_progress_init
- gimp_progress_update
- gimp_displays_flush
- gimp_display_new
- gimp_display_delete
sub ignore_functions(@) {
@ignore_function{ _}++;
my ($class,$name) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.*)::(.*?)$/;
+ warn "AUTOLOAD $AUTOLOAD(@_)" if $Gimp::verbose;
for(@{"$class\::PREFIXES"}) {
my $sub = $_.$name;
if (exists $ignore_function{$sub}) {
@@ -520,6 +512,7 @@ sub AUTOLOAD {
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
} elsif (gimp_procedural_db_proc_exists($sub)) {
*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
+ warn "gimp_call_procedure(@_)" if $Gimp::verbose;
shift unless ref $_[0];
unshift @_, $sub;
#goto &gimp_call_procedure; # does not work, PERLBUG! #FIXME
@@ -532,6 +525,8 @@ sub AUTOLOAD {
croak __"function/macro \"$name\" not found in $class";
+# section on classes
sub _pseudoclass {
my ($class, @prefixes)= @_;
diff --git a/Gimp/Fu.pm b/Gimp/Fu.pm
index 2f158d0..c4c9e30 100644
--- a/Gimp/Fu.pm
+++ b/Gimp/Fu.pm
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ some examples:
sub save_image($$) {
my($img,$path)= _;
- my($interlace,$flatten,$quality,$type,$smooth,$compress,$loop,$dispose);
+ my($flatten,$type);
my $interlace=0;
my $quality=0.75;
diff --git a/Net/Net.pm b/Net/Net.pm
index 26909be..4cc6906 100644
--- a/Net/Net.pm
+++ b/Net/Net.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package Gimp::Net;
-# This package is loaded by the Gimp, and is !private!, so don't
+# This package is loaded by Gimp, and is !private!, so don't
# use it standalone, it won't work.
# the protocol is quite easy ;)
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ package Gimp::Net;
# cmd response description
# AUTH password ok [message] authorize yourself
# QUIT quit server
-# EXEC in-args status out-args run simple command
-# TRCE trace in-args trace status out-args run simple command (with tracing)
+# EXEC func args status return-vals run simple command
+# TRCE func trace args trace status return-vals run simple command (with tracing)
# TEST procname bool check for procedure existance
# DTRY in-args destroy all argument objects
-# LOCK lock? shared? lock or unlock
+# LOCK lock? shared? lock or unlock - integers
# RSET reset server (NYI)
# args is "number of arguments" arguments preceded by length
@@ -25,19 +25,16 @@ package Gimp::Net;
# Aelem1\0elem2...
# Rclass\0scalar-value
+BEGIN { warn "Loading ".__PACKAGE__ if $Gimp::verbose; }
use strict 'vars';
-use vars qw(
- $default_tcp_port $default_unix_dir $default_unix_sock
- $server_fh $trace_level $trace_res $auth $gimp_pid
+use vars qw($VERSION $trace_res);
use subs qw(gimp_call_procedure);
use base qw(DynaLoader);
-use Socket; # IO::Socket is _really_ slow, so don't use it!
+use IO::Socket;
-use Gimp ('croak','__');
+use Carp 'croak';
use Fcntl qw(F_SETFD);
use constant {
@@ -45,52 +42,27 @@ use constant {
PS_FLAG_BATCH => 1 << 1, # started via Gimp::Net, extra = filehandle
-$PROTOCOL_VERSION = "3"; # protocol version
+my $PROTOCOL_VERSION = 4; # protocol version
+my ($server_fh, $gimp_pid, $trace_level, $auth);
-# TODO: use dynaloader
require DynaLoader;
$VERSION = 2.3001;
bootstrap Gimp::Net $VERSION;
-$default_tcp_port = 10009;
-$default_unix_dir = "/tmp/gimp-perl-serv-uid-$>/";
-$default_unix_sock = "gimp-perl-serv";
+my $DEFAULT_TCP_PORT = 10009;
+my $DEFAULT_UNIX_DIR = "/tmp/gimp-perl-serv-uid-$>/";
+my $DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCK = "gimp-perl-serv";
$trace_res = *STDERR;
$trace_level = 0;
my $initialized = 0;
-sub initialized { $initialized }
-sub import {
- my $pkg = shift;
- return if @_;
- # overwrite some destroy functions
- *Gimp::Tile::DESTROY=
- *Gimp::PixelRgn::DESTROY=
- *Gimp::GimpDrawable::DESTROY=sub {
- my $req="DTRY".args2net(0,@_);
- print $server_fh pack("N",length($req)).$req;
+# manual import - can't call Gimp::import as it calls us!
+sub __ ($) { goto &Gimp::__ }
- # make this synchronous to avoid deadlock due to using non sys*-type functions
- my $len;
- read($server_fh,$len,4) == 4 or die "protocol error (11)";
- };
-sub gimp_procedural_db_proc_exists {
- my $req="TEST".$_[0];
- print $server_fh pack("N",length($req)).$req;
- read($server_fh,$req,1);
- return $req;
+sub initialized { $initialized }
-# this is hardcoded into gimp_call_procedure!
sub response {
read($server_fh,$len,4) == 4 or die "protocol error (1)";
@@ -99,56 +71,54 @@ sub response {
-# this is hardcoded into gimp_call_procedure!
+sub senddata { $_[0]->print(pack("N",length $_[1]), $_[1]); }
sub command {
my $req=shift;
- $req.=args2net(0,@_);
- print $server_fh pack("N",length($req)).$req;
+ senddata $server_fh, $req . args2net(0,@_);
+ response;
+sub import {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ warn "$pkg->import(@_)" if $Gimp::verbose;
+ return if @_;
+ # overwrite some destroy functions
+ *Gimp::Tile::DESTROY=
+ *Gimp::PixelRgn::DESTROY=
+ *Gimp::GimpDrawable::DESTROY=sub {
+ # is synchronous which avoids deadlock from using non sys*-type functions
+ command "DTRY", @_;
+ };
sub gimp_call_procedure {
- my (@args,$trace,$req);
warn "Net::gimp_call_procedure[$trace_level](@_)" if $Gimp::verbose;
- $req = ($trace_level ? "TRCE" : "EXEC") . args2net(
- 0, ($trace_level ? $trace_level : ()), @_
- );
- print $server_fh pack("N",length($req)).$req;
- do {
- my $len;
- read($server_fh,$len,4) == 4 or die "protocol error (3)";
- $len=unpack("N",$len);
- read($server_fh,$req,abs($len)) == $len or die "protocol error (4)";
- if ($len<0) {
- ($req,@args)=net2args(0,$req);
- print "ignoring callback $req\n";
- redo;
- }
- @args = net2args(0,$req);
- $trace = shift @args if $trace_level;
- $req = shift @args;
- if ($trace_level) {
- if (ref $trace_res eq "SCALAR") {
- $$trace_res = $trace;
- } else {
- print $trace_res $trace;
- }
+ my $func = shift;
+ unshift @_, $trace_level if $trace_level;
+ my @response = command($trace_level ? "TRCE" : "EXEC", $func, @_);
+ my $trace = shift @response if $trace_level;
+ my $die_text = shift @response;
+ if ($trace_level) {
+ if (ref $trace_res eq "SCALAR") {
+ $$trace_res = $trace;
+ } else {
+ print $trace_res $trace;
- } while 0;
- die $req if $req;
- wantarray ? @args : $args[0];
-sub server_quit {
- print $server_fh pack("N",4)."QUIT";
- undef $server_fh;
+ }
+ die $die_text if $die_text;
+ wantarray ? @response : $response[0];
-sub lock {
- print $server_fh pack("N",12)."LOCK".pack("N*",1,0);
+sub gimp_procedural_db_proc_exists { command 'TEST', @_; }
+sub lock { command 'LOCK', 1, 0; }
+sub unlock { command 'LOCK', 0, 0; }
+sub server_quit { command 'QUIT'; undef $server_fh; }
-sub unlock {
- print $server_fh pack("N",12)."LOCK".pack("N*",0,0);
+sub server_wait {
+ croak __"server_wait called but gimp_pid undefined"
+ unless defined $gimp_pid;
+ waitpid $gimp_pid, 0;
sub set_trace {
@@ -162,90 +132,92 @@ sub set_trace {
+my @gimp_gui_functions = qw(
+ gimp_progress_init
+ gimp_progress_update
+ gimp_displays_flush
+ gimp_display_new
+ gimp_display_delete
sub start_server {
my $opt = shift;
$opt = $Gimp::spawn_opts unless $opt;
- print __"trying to start gimp with options \"$opt\"\n" if $Gimp::verbose;
- $server_fh=local *SERVER_FH;
- my $gimp_fh=local *CLIENT_FH;
- socketpair $server_fh,$gimp_fh,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC
- or socketpair $server_fh,$gimp_fh,AF_LOCAL,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC
- or croak __"unable to create socketpair for gimp communications: $!";
+ print __"start_server \"$opt\"" if $Gimp::verbose;
+ croak __"unable to create socketpair for gimp communications: $!"
+ unless ($server_fh, my $gimp_fh) =
+ IO::Socket->socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
# do it here so it is done only once
require Gimp::Config;
$gimp_pid = fork;
+ croak __"unable to fork: $!" if $gimp_pid < 0;
if ($gimp_pid > 0) {
- Gimp::ignore_functions(@Gimp::gimp_gui_functions) unless $opt=~s/(^|:)gui//;
+ Gimp::ignore_functions(@gimp_gui_functions) unless $opt=~s/(^|:)gui//;
return $server_fh;
- } elsif ($gimp_pid == 0) {
- close $server_fh;
- fcntl $gimp_fh, F_SETFD, 0;
- delete $ENV{GIMP_HOST};
- unless ($Gimp::verbose) {
- open STDIN,"</dev/null";
- open STDOUT,">/dev/null";
- open STDERR,">&1";
- }
- my @args;
- my $flags = PS_FLAG_BATCH | ($Gimp::verbose ? PS_FLAG_QUIET : 0);
- my $args = join ' ',
- $flags,
- fileno($gimp_fh),
- int($Gimp::verbose);
- push(@args,"--no-data") if $opt=~s/(^|:)no-?data//;
- push(@args,"-i") unless $opt=~s/(^|:)gui//;
- push(@args,"--verbose") if $Gimp::verbose;
- exec $Gimp::Config{GIMP},
- "--no-splash",
- #"never",
- "--console-messages",
- @args,
- "--batch-interpreter",
- "plug-in-script-fu-eval",
- "-b",
- "(if (defined? 'extension-perl-server) (extension-perl-server $args))",
- "-b",
- "(gimp-quit 0)";
- exit(255);
- } else {
- croak __"unable to fork: $!";
+ close $server_fh;
+ fcntl $gimp_fh, F_SETFD, 0;
+ delete $ENV{GIMP_HOST};
+ unless ($Gimp::verbose) {
+ open STDIN,"</dev/null";
+ open STDOUT,">/dev/null";
+ open STDERR,">&1";
+ }
+ my @args;
+ my $flags = PS_FLAG_BATCH | ($Gimp::verbose ? PS_FLAG_QUIET : 0);
+ my $args = join ' ',
+ $flags,
+ fileno($gimp_fh),
+ int($Gimp::verbose);
+ push(@args,"--no-data") if $opt=~s/(^|:)no-?data//;
+ push(@args,"-i") unless $opt=~s/(^|:)gui//;
+ push(@args,"--verbose") if $Gimp::verbose;
+ { # block to suppress warning
+ exec $Gimp::Config{GIMP},
+ "--no-splash",
+ #"never",
+ "--console-messages",
+ @args,
+ "--batch-interpreter",
+ "plug-in-script-fu-eval",
+ "-b",
+ "(if (defined? 'extension-perl-server) (extension-perl-server $args))",
+ "-b",
+ "(gimp-quit 0)";
+ }
+ croak __"unable to exec: $!";
sub try_connect {
local $_=$_[0];
my $fh;
$auth = s/^(.*)\@// ? $1 : ""; # get authorization
- if ($_ ne "") {
- if (s{^spawn/}{}) {
- return start_server($_);
- } elsif (s{^unix/}{/}) {
- my $server_fh=local *FH;
- return ((socket($server_fh,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC)
- || socket $server_fh,AF_LOCAL,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC)
- && connect($server_fh,sockaddr_un $_)
- ? $server_fh : ());
- } else {
- s{^tcp/}{};
- my($host,$port)=split /:/,$_;
- $port=$default_tcp_port unless $port;
- my $server_fh=local *FH;
- return socket($server_fh,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,scalar getprotobyname('tcp') || 6)
- && connect($server_fh,sockaddr_in $port,inet_aton $host)
- ? $server_fh : ();
- }
- } else {
- return $fh if $fh = try_connect ("$auth\ unix$default_unix_dir$default_unix_sock");
- return $fh if $fh = try_connect ("$auth\ tcp/127.1:$default_tcp_port");
+ if ($_ eq "") {
+ return $fh if $fh = try_connect ("$auth\ unix$DEFAULT_UNIX_DIR$DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCK");
+ return $fh if $fh = try_connect ("$auth\ tcp/127.1:$DEFAULT_TCP_PORT");
return $fh if $fh = try_connect ("$auth\ spawn/");
+ undef $auth;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (s{^spawn/}{}) {
+ return start_server($_);
+ } elsif (s{^unix/}{/}) {
+ return IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Type => SOCK_STREAM, Peer => $_);
+ } else {
+ s{^tcp/}{};
+ my($host, $port) = split /:/;
+ $port = $DEFAULT_TCP_PORT unless $port;
+ return IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM, PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port,
+ );
undef $auth;
sub gimp_init {
+ warn "gimp_init(@_)" if $Gimp::verbose;
if (@_) {
$server_fh = try_connect ($_[0]);
} elsif (defined($Gimp::host)) {
@@ -258,7 +230,7 @@ sub gimp_init {
defined $server_fh or croak __"could not connect to the gimp server (make sure Perl-Server is running)";
{ my $fh = select $server_fh; $|=1; select $fh }
- my @r = response();
+ my @r = response;
die __"expected perl-server at other end of socket, got @r\n"
unless $r[0] eq "PERL-SERVER";
@@ -271,9 +243,7 @@ sub gimp_init {
if($_ eq "AUTH") {
die __"server requests authorization, but no authorization available\n"
unless $auth;
- my $req = "AUTH".$auth;
- print $server_fh pack("N",length($req)).$req;
- my @r = response();
+ my @r = command "AUTH", $auth;
die __"authorization failed: $r[1]\n" unless $r[0];
print __"authorization ok, but: $r[1]\n" if $Gimp::verbose and $r[1];
@@ -284,11 +254,10 @@ sub gimp_init {
sub gimp_end {
+ warn "gimp_end - gimp_pid=$gimp_pid" if $Gimp::verbose;
$initialized = 0;
#close $server_fh if $server_fh;
undef $server_fh;
- kill 'KILL',$gimp_pid if $gimp_pid;
undef $gimp_pid;
@@ -340,17 +309,11 @@ sub slog {
print time(),": ",@_,"\n";
-# this is hardcoded into handle_request!
-sub reply {
- my $fh=shift;
- my $data=args2net(0,@_);
- print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
+sub reply { my $fh = shift; senddata $fh, args2net(0, @_); }
sub handle_request($) {
my($fh)= _;
- my ($req,$data);
+ my ($req, $data);
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM}=sub { die "1\n" };
#alarm(6) unless $ps_flags & &PS_FLAG_BATCH;
@@ -365,35 +328,37 @@ sub handle_request($) {
return 0 if $@;
+ my @args = net2args(($req eq "TRCE" or $req eq "EXEC"), $data);
if(!$auth or $authorized[fileno($fh)]) {
if ($req eq "TRCE" or $req eq "EXEC") {
no strict 'refs';
- my @args = net2args(1, $data);
- my $trace_level = shift @args if $req eq "TRCE";
my $function = shift @args;
- Gimp::set_trace($trace_level) if $req eq "TRCE";
- $trace_res = "" if $req eq "TRCE";
+ if ($req eq "TRCE") {
+ my $trace_level = shift @args;
+ Gimp::set_trace($trace_level);
+ $trace_res = "";
+ }
@args = eval { Gimp->$function(@args) };
unshift @args, $@;
unshift @args, $trace_res if $req eq "TRCE";
- $data = args2net(1,@args);
- print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
+ senddata $fh, args2net(1, @args);
Gimp::set_trace(0) if $req eq "TRCE";
} elsif ($req eq "TEST") {
no strict 'refs';
- print $fh (defined(*{"Gimp::Lib::$data"}{CODE}) || Gimp::gimp_procedural_db_proc_exists($data)) ?
"1" : "0";
+ reply $fh,
+ defined(*{"Gimp::Lib::$args[0]"}{CODE}) ||
+ Gimp::gimp_procedural_db_proc_exists($args[0]);
} elsif ($req eq "DTRY") {
- destroy_objects net2args 0,$data;
- print $fh pack("N",0); # fix to work around using non-sysread/write functions
+ destroy_objects(@args);
+ reply $fh; # fix to work around using non-sysread/write functions
} elsif ($req eq "QUIT") {
+ reply $fh;
slog __"received QUIT request";
$server_quit = 1;
} elsif($req eq "AUTH") {
- $data=args2net(0,1,__"authorization unnecessary");
- print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
+ reply $fh, 1, __"authorization unnecessary";
} elsif($req eq "LOCK") {
- my($lock,$shared)=unpack("N*",$data);
+ my ($lock,$shared) = @args;
slog __"WARNING: shared locking requested but not implemented" if $shared;
if($lock) {
unless($exclusive) {
@@ -409,15 +374,16 @@ sub handle_request($) {
slog __"WARNING: client tried to unlock without holding a lock";
+ reply $fh;
} else {
- print $fh pack("N",0);
+ reply $fh;
slog __"illegal command received, aborting connection";
return 0;
} else {
if($req eq "AUTH") {
- if($data eq $auth) {
+ if($args[0] eq $auth) {
} else {
@@ -426,11 +392,10 @@ sub handle_request($) {
slog $msg;
sleep 5; # safety measure
- $data=args2net(0,$ok,$msg);
- print $fh pack("N",length($data)).$data;
+ reply $fh, $ok, $msg;
return $ok;
} else {
- print $fh pack("N",0);
+ reply $fh;
slog __"unauthorized command received, aborting connection";
return 0;
@@ -480,53 +445,44 @@ sub extension_perl_server {
slog __"server version $Gimp::VERSION started".($auth ? __", authorization required" : "");
$SIG{PIPE}='IGNORE'; # may not work, since libgimp (eech) overwrites it.
- my($unix_path)=$default_unix_dir.$default_unix_sock;
if ($host ne "") {
if ($host=~s{^spawn/}{}) {
die __"invalid GIMP_HOST: 'spawn' is not a valid connection method for the server";
} elsif ($host=~s{^unix/}{/}) {
- $unix = local *FH;
- && bind($unix,sockaddr_un $host)
- && listen($unix,5)
- or die __"unable to create listening unix socket: $!\n";
+ $unix = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM, Local => $host, Listen => 5
+ ) or die __"unable to create listening unix socket: $!\n";
slog __"accepting connections in $host";
} else {
my($host,$port)=split /:/,$host;
- $port=$default_tcp_port unless $port;
- $tcp = local *FH;
- socket($tcp,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,scalar getprotobyname('tcp') || 6)
- && setsockopt($tcp,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1)
- && bind($tcp,sockaddr_in $port,INADDR_ANY)
- && listen($tcp,5)
- or die __"unable to create listening tcp socket: $!\n";
+ $port=$DEFAULT_TCP_PORT unless $port;
+ $tcp = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM, LocalPort => $port, Listen => 5, ReuseAddr => 1,
+ ) or die __"unable to create listening tcp socket: $!\n";
slog __"accepting connections on port $port";
} else {
if ($use_unix) {
unlink $unix_path;
- rmdir $default_unix_dir;
- mkdir $default_unix_dir,0700 or die "$!";
- $unix = local *FH;
- && bind($unix,sockaddr_un $unix_path)
- && listen($unix,5)
- or die __"unable to create listening unix socket: $!\n";
+ mkdir $DEFAULT_UNIX_DIR,0700 or die "$!";
+ $unix = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM, Local => $unix_path, Listen => 5
+ ) or die __"unable to create listening unix socket: $!\n";
slog __"accepting connections on $unix_path";
if ($use_tcp && $auth) {
- $tcp = local *FH;
- socket($tcp,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,scalar getprotobyname('tcp') || 6)
- && setsockopt($tcp,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1)
- && bind($tcp,sockaddr_in $default_tcp_port,INADDR_ANY)
- && listen($tcp,5)
- or die __"unable to create listening tcp socket: $!\n";
- slog __"accepting connections on port $default_tcp_port";
+ $tcp = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM, LocalPort => $DEFAULT_TCP_PORT,
+ Listen => 5, ReuseAddr => 1,
+ ) or die __"unable to create listening tcp socket: $!\n";
+ slog __"accepting connections on port $DEFAULT_TCP_PORT";
@@ -537,14 +493,15 @@ sub extension_perl_server {
my $r;
if(select($r=$rm,undef,undef,undef)>0) {
if ($tcp && vec($r,fileno($tcp),1)) {
- my $h = local *FH;
- my ($port,$host) = sockaddr_in (accept ($h,$tcp)) or die __"unable to accept tcp connection: $!\n";
+ my $h = $tcp->accept
+ or die __"unable to accept tcp connection: $!\n";
+ my ($port,$host) = ($h->peerport, $h->peerhost);
- slog __"accepted tcp connection from ",inet_ntoa($host),":$port";
+ slog __"accepted tcp connection from $host:$port";
if ($unix && vec($r,fileno($unix),1)) {
- my $h = local *FH;
- accept ($h,$unix) or die __"unable to accept unix connection: $!\n";
+ my $h = $unix->accept
+ or die __"unable to accept unix connection: $!\n";
slog __"accepted unix connection";
@@ -577,7 +534,7 @@ sub extension_perl_server {
if ($use_unix) {
undef $unix;
unlink $unix_path;
- rmdir $default_unix_dir;
@@ -604,10 +561,10 @@ menu entry C<<Xtns>/Perl-Server> then it is probably installed.
The Perl-Server can either be started from the C<<Xtns>> menu in Gimp,
or automatically when a perl script can't find a running Perl-Server.
-When started from within The Gimp, the Perl-Server will create a unix
+When started from within GIMP, the Perl-Server will create a unix
domain socket to which local clients can connect. If an authorization
password is given to the Perl-Server (by defining the environment variable
-C<GIMP_HOST> before starting The Gimp), it will also listen on a tcp port
+C<GIMP_HOST> before starting GIMP), it will also listen on a tcp port
(default 10009). Since the password is transmitted in cleartext, using the
Perl-Server over tcp effectively B<lowers the security of your network to
the level of telnet>. Even worse: the current Gimp::Net-protocol can be
@@ -650,6 +607,10 @@ work in this function, or see L<Gimp::Fu> for a better solution.
=over 4
+=item server_wait()
+waits for a spawned GIMP process to exit. Calls C<croak> if none defined.
=item server_quit()
sends the perl server a quit command.
diff --git a/t/import.t b/t/import.t
index 6ff9680..f01f1bd 100644
--- a/t/import.t
+++ b/t/import.t
@@ -16,4 +16,7 @@ ok($@, 'polluting version should fail');
ok(Image->new(10,10,RGB), 'polluting version should now work');
diff --git a/t/load.t b/t/load.t
index 2585796..30d58f7 100644
--- a/t/load.t
+++ b/t/load.t
@@ -39,4 +39,7 @@ is_deeply(
diff --git a/t/perlplugin.t b/t/perlplugin.t
index b8ff83b..a44a240 100644
--- a/t/perlplugin.t
+++ b/t/perlplugin.t
@@ -147,4 +147,7 @@ is_deeply(
# color one works, font doesn't - speculate is due to being in "batch mode"
#Gimp::Plugin->test_dialogs(RUN_INTERACTIVE, [0,0,0], "Arial", 150, );
diff --git a/t/run.t b/t/run.t
index f5ab3a8..f979940 100644
--- a/t/run.t
+++ b/t/run.t
@@ -48,3 +48,8 @@ my $vectorstring = $vectors->export_to_string; # takes VECTORS as input - QED
like($vectorstring, qr/<path id="hi"/, 'vector string plausible');
ok(!$i->delete, 'remove image');
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