[gimp-perl] PF_ADJUSTMENT default handling now correct. Bug 144564

commit 343519403f6b4c81d656e9cee0e6e83191df1a17
Author: Ed J <m8r-35s8eo mailinator com>
Date:   Sun Mar 16 19:28:57 2014 +0000

    PF_ADJUSTMENT default handling now correct. Bug 144564

 Gimp/Fu.pm     |   19 ++++++--
 t/perlplugin.t |  141 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Gimp/Fu.pm b/Gimp/Fu.pm
index a1005b6..9610bd1 100644
--- a/Gimp/Fu.pm
+++ b/Gimp/Fu.pm
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ sub PF_TOGGLE () { Gimp::PDB_END+1    };
 sub PF_SLIDER  () { Gimp::PDB_END+2    };
 sub PF_FONT    () { Gimp::PDB_END+3    };
 sub PF_SPINNER () { Gimp::PDB_END+4    };
-sub PF_ADJUSTMENT(){ Gimp::PDB_END+5   }; # compatability fix for script-fu _ONLY_
+sub PF_ADJUSTMENT(){ Gimp::PDB_END+5   }; # compatibility fix for script-fu _ONLY_
 sub PF_BRUSH   () { Gimp::PDB_END+6    };
 sub PF_PATTERN () { Gimp::PDB_END+7    };
 sub PF_GRADIENT        () { Gimp::PDB_END+8    };
@@ -474,11 +474,19 @@ dialog box as a hint. The B<description> will be used as a tooltip.
 See the section PARAMETER TYPES for the supported types.
+The default values have an effect when called from a menu in GIMP, and
+when the script is called from the command line. However, they have a
+limited effect when called from Gimp::Net; data types that do not have
+an "invalid" value, like text does, may not be passed as an undefined
+value; this is because while Perl can use C<undef> instead of anything,
+GIMP cannot. For instance, it is possible to pass a C<PF_STRING> as
+undef, which will then be set to the supplied default value, but not
 =item the return values
 This is just like the parameter array except that it describes the return
-values. Specify the type and variable name only. This argument is optional
-- if unspecified, assumes return of an image.
+values. Specify the type and variable name only. This argument is optional.
 =item the features requirements
@@ -685,7 +693,10 @@ sub register($$$$$$$$$;@) {
       # set default arguments
       for (0..$#{$params}) {
-         $_[$_]=$params->[$_]->[3] unless defined($_[$_]);
+         next if defined $_[$_];
+         my $default = $params->[$_]->[3];
+         $default = $default->[0] if $params->[$_]->[0] == PF_ADJUSTMENT;
+         $_[$_] = $default;
       for($menupath) {
diff --git a/t/perlplugin.t b/t/perlplugin.t
index 74fbaac..d11c6ac 100644
--- a/t/perlplugin.t
+++ b/t/perlplugin.t
@@ -11,93 +11,68 @@ require 't/gimpsetup.pl';
 my $plugin = "$dir/test_perl_filter";
 die "write $plugin: $!" unless io($plugin)->print($Config{startperl}.<<'EOF');
+use strict;
 use Gimp qw(:auto __ N_);
 use Gimp::Fu;
-sub test_dies {
-  my ($text) = @_;
-  die $text."\n";
-sub test_return_text {
-  my ($text) = @_;
-  return $text;
+sub boilerplate_params {
+  my ($testing, $menuloc) = @_;
+  (
+    ("exercise gimp-perl filter testing $testing") x 2,
+    ("boilerplate id") x 2,
+    "20140310",
+    N_$menuloc,
+    "*",
+  );
-sub test_return_colour {
-  my ($colour) = @_;
-  return $colour;
-# returns a value despite such not being declared
-# previously, excess returns were a fatal error, but none were ever returned
-# now not an error
-sub test_perl_filter {
-  my ($i, $drawable, $text) = @_;
-  my $tl = $i->text_layer_new("hi", "Arial", 8, 3);
-  $i->insert_layer($tl, 0, 0);
-  $tl->set_name($text);
-  return $image;
+# & to dodge annoying prototype preventing use of boilerplate_params!
+  "test_dies",
+  boilerplate_params('exceptions', '<None>'),
+  [ [PF_STRING, "text", "Input text", 'default' ], ],
+  sub { die $_[0]."\n" }
-register       "test_dies",
-               "exercise gimp-perl filter testing exceptions",
-               "exercise gimp-perl filter testing exceptions",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "20140310",
-               N_"<None>",
-               "*",
-       [
-         [PF_STRING, "text", "Input text", 'default' ],
-       ],
-       [],
-       \&test_dies;
+  "test_pf_adjustment",
+  boilerplate_params('returning text', '<None>'),
+  [ [PF_ADJUSTMENT, "input", "input", [100, 2, 1000, 1, 10, 0, 1]  ], ],
+  [ [PF_INT32, "num", "Output number", ], ],
+  sub { @_ }
-register       "test_return_text",
-               "exercise gimp-perl filter returning text",
-               "exercise gimp-perl filter returning text",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "20140310",
-               N_"<None>",
-               "*",
-       [
-         [PF_STRING, "text", "Input text", 'default' ],
-       ],
-       [
-         [PF_STRING, "text", "Output text", ],
-       ],
-       \&test_return_text;
+  "test_return_text",
+  boilerplate_params('returning text', '<None>'),
+  [ [PF_STRING, "text", "Input text", 'default' ], ],
+  [ [PF_STRING, "text", "Output text", ], ],
+  sub { @_ }
-register       "test_return_colour",
-               "exercise gimp-perl filter returning color",
-               "exercise gimp-perl filter returning color",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "20140310",
-               N_"<None>",
-               "*",
-       [
-         [PF_COLOR, "colour", "Input colour", [ 5, 5, 5 ], ],
-       ],
-       [
-         [PF_COLOR, "colour", "Output colour", ],
-       ],
-       \&test_return_colour;
+  "test_return_colour",
+  boilerplate_params('returning color', '<None>'),
+  [ [PF_COLOR, "colour", "Input colour", [ 5, 5, 5 ], ], ],
+  [ [PF_COLOR, "colour", "Output colour", ], ],
+  sub { @_ }
-register       "test_perl_filter",
-               "exercise gimp-perl for a filter",
-               "exercise gimp-perl for a filter",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "boilerplate id",
-               "20140310",
-               N_"<Image>/Filters",
-               "*",
-       [
-         [PF_STRING, "text", "Text to name layer", "hello"],
-       ],
-       \&test_perl_filter;
+  "test_perl_filter",
+  boilerplate_params('filter', '<Image>/Filters'),
+  [ [PF_STRING, "text", "Text to name layer", "hello"], ],
+  sub {
+    # returns a value despite such not being declared
+    # previously, excess returns were a fatal error, but none were ever returned
+    # now not an error
+    my ($i, $drawable, $text) = @_;
+    my $tl = $i->text_layer_new("hi", "Arial", 8, 3);
+    $i->insert_layer($tl, 0, 0);
+    $tl->set_name($text);
+    return $i;
+  }
 exit main;
@@ -120,10 +95,10 @@ is(Gimp::Plugin->test_return_text(undef), 'default', 'test default on plugin');
 ok((my $c = Gimp::Plugin->test_return_colour([6, 6, 6])), 'return colour');
 my $send_text = 'exception';
 eval { Gimp::Plugin->test_dies($send_text); };
-my $at = $@;
-chomp $at;
-is($at, $send_text, 'check exception returned correctly');
-ok(!$i->delete, 'remove image');
+is($@, "$send_text\n", 'exception returned correctly');
+eval { is(Gimp::Plugin->test_pf_adjustment('text'), 'text', 'adj'); };
+like($@, qr/INT32/, 'pf_adjustment dies on non-INT32');
+is(Gimp::Plugin->test_pf_adjustment(17), 17, 'test adj return');
+is(Gimp::Plugin->test_pf_adjustment(undef), 100, 'test adj default');

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