[gimp-perl] Test perl plugin functionality. Bug #726085
- From: Kevin Cozens <kcozens src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gimp-perl] Test perl plugin functionality. Bug #726085
- Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:40:09 +0000 (UTC)
commit 2f458246df2993aa5d7217d1a690ab794f013c38
Author: Ed J <m8r-35s8eo mailinator com>
Date: Tue Mar 11 04:27:19 2014 +0000
Test perl plugin functionality. Bug #726085
t/gimpsetup.pl | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
t/perlplugin.t | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
t/run.t | 30 ++++++------------------------
3 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/t/gimpsetup.pl b/t/gimpsetup.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f529b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/gimpsetup.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# only one "test" result - 'gimp set up' at bottom
+# relies on caller having first done:
+# use Test::*; # to make available ok()
+# use Gimp qw(:auto);
+# our $dir;
+# if encounters problems, does a die()
+use strict;
+use Config;
+use File::Temp;
+use IO::All;
+our $DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
+our %cfg;
+require './config.pl';
+my $plugins = $cfg{gimpplugindir} . '/plug-ins';
+die "plugins dir: $!" unless -d $plugins;
+die "script-fu not executable: $!" unless-x "$plugins/script-fu";
+our $dir = File::Temp->newdir($DEBUG ? (CLEANUP => 0) : ());;#
+my $perlserver = "$dir/Perl-Server.pl";
+my $s = io("Perl-Server")->all or die "unable to read the Perl-Server: $!";
+$s =~ s/^(#!).*?(\n)/$Config{startperl}$2/;
+die "write Perl-Server: $!" unless io($perlserver)->print($s);
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ die "chmod Perl-Server: $!" unless chmod(0600, $perlserver);
+ my $wrapper = "$dir/perlserver-wrapper";
+ die "write $wrapper: $!" unless io($wrapper)->print(<<EOF);
+MALLOC_CHECK_=3 G_SLICE=always-malloc valgrind --read-var-info=yes perl $perlserver "\$\@" >../tf 2>&1
+ die "chmod $wrapper: $!" unless chmod 0700, $wrapper;
+} else {
+ die "chmod Perl-Server: $!" unless chmod(0700, $perlserver);
+die "symlink script-fu: $!"
+ unless symlink("$plugins/script-fu", "$dir/script-fu");
+die "symlink sharpen: $!" unless symlink("$plugins/sharpen", "$dir/sharpen");
+die "output gimprc: $!"
+ unless io("$dir/gimprc")->print("(plug-in-path \"$dir\")\n");
+map { die "mkdir $dir/$_: $!" unless mkdir "$dir/$_"; }
+ qw(palettes gradients patterns brushes dynamics);
+ok(1, 'gimp set up');
diff --git a/t/perlplugin.t b/t/perlplugin.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c34ffb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/perlplugin.t
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+#BEGIN { $Gimp::verbose = 1; }
+use Gimp qw(:auto);
+use Config;
+our $dir;
+our $DEBUG = 0;
+require 't/gimpsetup.pl';
+my $plugin = "$dir/test_perl_filter";
+die "write $plugin: $!" unless io($plugin)->print($Config{startperl}.<<'EOF');
+use Gimp qw(:auto __ N_);
+use Gimp::Fu;
+sub test_perl_filter {
+ my ($i, $drawable, $text) = @_;
+ my $tl = $i->text_layer_new("hi", "Arial", 8, 3);
+ $i->insert_layer($tl, 0, 0);
+ $tl->set_name('text layer');
+ return $image;
+register "test_perl_filter",
+ "exercise gimp-perl for a filter",
+ "exercise gimp-perl for a filter",
+ "boilerplate id",
+ "boilerplate id",
+ "20140310",
+ N_"<Image>/Filters",
+ "*",
+ [
+ [PF_STRING, "text", "Text to put in layer", "hello"],
+ ],
+ \&test_perl_filter;
+exit main;
+die "chmod $plugin: $!" unless chmod 0700, $plugin;
+ok((my $i = Gimp::Image->new(10,10,RGB)), 'new image');
+ (my $l0 = $i->layer_new(10,10,RGBA_IMAGE,"new layer",100,VALUE_MODE)),
+ 'make layer',
+ok(!$i->insert_layer($l0,0,0), 'insert layer');
+ok(!$i->test_perl_filter(undef, 'text value'), 'call filter'); # 1st param drawable
+my ($tl) = $i->get_layers;
+is('text layer', $tl->get_name, 'layer name');
+ok(!$i->delete, 'remove image');
diff --git a/t/run.t b/t/run.t
index 4fa8446..da1b29a 100644
--- a/t/run.t
+++ b/t/run.t
@@ -1,28 +1,10 @@
-use Config;
use strict;
-use File::Temp;
-use Test::More tests => 23;
-use IO::All;
+use Test::More tests => 15;
+use Gimp qw(:auto);
-BEGIN { use_ok('Gimp', qw(:auto)); }
-our %cfg;
-require_ok './config.pl';
-my $plugins = $cfg{gimpplugindir} . '/plug-ins';
-ok(-d $plugins, 'plugins dir exists');
-ok(-x "$plugins/script-fu", 'script-fu executable');
-my $dir = File::Temp->newdir;
-my $perlserver = "$dir/Perl-Server.pl";
-my $s = io("Perl-Server")->all or die "unable to read the Perl-Server";
-$s =~ s/^(#!).*?(\n)/$Config{startperl}$2/;
-ok(io($perlserver)->print($s), 'wrote Perl-Server');
-ok(chmod(0700, $perlserver), 'chmod Perl-Server');
-ok(symlink("$plugins/script-fu", "$dir/script-fu"), 'symlink script-fu');
-ok(symlink("$plugins/sharpen", "$dir/sharpen"), 'symlink sharpen');
-ok(io("$dir/gimprc")->print("(plug-in-path \"$dir\")\n"), 'output gimprc');
+our $dir;
+our $DEBUG = 0;
+require 't/gimpsetup.pl';
@@ -31,7 +13,7 @@ ok(
(my $l = $i->layer_new(10,10,RGBA_IMAGE,"new layer",100,VALUE_MODE)),
'Different OO syntax for creating a layer',
-ok(!Gimp->image_add_layer($l,0), 'Yet another OO syntax');
+ok(!Gimp->image_insert_layer($l,0,0), 'Yet another OO syntax');
is("new layer", $l->get_name, 'layer name');
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