[chronojump] neuromuscularProfile bars graph done

commit 1aff655ea8af517a34566b6b3681b1fa28d3a12a
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Sun Mar 23 14:36:02 2014 +0100

    neuromuscularProfile bars graph done

 encoder/graph.R                |   32 +++++++-------
 encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R |   96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index ac9218a..e7759b0 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -2646,22 +2646,22 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                        npj <- neuromuscularProfileGetData(displacement, curves, (MassBody + MassExtra), 
-                       np.bar.load <- mean(
-                                           npj[[1]]$e1$rfd.avg,
-                                           npj[[2]]$e1$rfd.avg,
-                                           npj[[3]]$e1$rfd.avg
-                                           )
-                       np.bar.explode <- mean(
-                                              npj[[1]]$c$cl.rfd.avg,
-                                              npj[[2]]$c$cl.rfd.avg,
-                                              npj[[3]]$c$cl.rfd.avg
-                                              )
-                       np.bar.drive <- mean(
-                                            npj[[1]]$c$cl.i,
-                                            npj[[2]]$c$cl.i,
-                                            npj[[3]]$c$cl.i
-                                            )
+                       np.bar.load <- mean(c(
+                                             npj[[1]]$e1$rfd.avg,
+                                             npj[[2]]$e1$rfd.avg,
+                                             npj[[3]]$e1$rfd.avg
+                                             ))
+                       np.bar.explode <- mean(c(
+                                                npj[[1]]$c$cl.rfd.avg,
+                                                npj[[2]]$c$cl.rfd.avg,
+                                                npj[[3]]$c$cl.rfd.avg
+                                                ))
+                       np.bar.drive <- mean(c(
+                                              npj[[1]]$c$cl.i,
+                                              npj[[2]]$c$cl.i,
+                                              npj[[3]]$c$cl.i
+                                              ))
                        neuromuscularProfilePlotBars(np.bar.load, np.bar.explode, np.bar.drive)
diff --git a/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R b/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
index 6eca07e..7e789ec 100644
--- a/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
+++ b/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
        weight <- mass * g
        #1.- e1 variables
@@ -46,9 +47,13 @@ neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
        #e1f (when force is done)
        #from max(abs(speed$y)) at e1, to end of e1
        e1.speed <- getSpeed(e1, smoothingC)
-       e1f <- e1[max(abs(e1.speed$y)):length(e1)]
+       e1.maxspeed.pos <- mean(which(abs(e1.speed$y) == max(abs(e1.speed$y))))
+       e1f <- e1[e1.maxspeed.pos:length(e1)]
+print(c("e max speed.t",e1.maxspeed.pos))
+print(c("length e1",length(e1)))
-       #e1f.t duration of e1f
+       #e1f.t duration of e1f (ms)
        e1f.t <- length(e1f)
        #e1f.fmax <- max Force on e1f
@@ -58,13 +63,16 @@ neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
        e1f.force <- mass * (e1f.accel$y + g)
        e1f.fmax <- max(e1f.force)
-       #average force on e1f / e1f.t
-       e1f.rfd.avg <- mean(e1f.force) / e1f.t #bars LOAD
+       #average force on e1f / e1f.t (s)
+       e1f.rfd.avg <- mean(e1f.force) / (e1f.t / 1000)  #bars LOAD
        #e1f.i (Impulse)
-       #average force on e1f * e1f.t / weight
-       e1f.i <- mean(e1f.force) * e1f.t / weight 
+       #average force on e1f * e1f.t (s) / mass (Kg)
+       e1f.i <- mean(e1f.force) * (e1f.t / 1000) / mass 
        e1.list = list(
                       range = e1.range,
@@ -87,7 +95,9 @@ neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
        c.position = cumsum(c)
        c.takeoff = min(which(c.force <= weight))
-       #c.jumpHeight = (c.position[length(c.position)] - c.position[c.takeoff]) /10
+       c.jumpHeight = (c.position[length(c.position)] - c.position[c.takeoff]) /10
+       print(c("jumpHeight", c.jumpHeight))
        #cl "land" from bottom to takeoff (force < weight)
        #ca "air" from takeoff to max height
@@ -103,20 +113,23 @@ neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
        #cl.t = contact time (duration) on cl
        cl.t <- length(cl)
-       #cl.rfd.avg = average force on cl / cl.t / weight #bars EXPLODE
+       #cl.rfd.avg = average force on cl / cl.t (s) / mass (Kg) #bars EXPLODE
        cl.speed <- getSpeed(cl, smoothingC)
        cl.accel = getAcceleration(cl.speed) 
        #speed comes in mm/ms when derivate to accel its mm/ms^2 to convert it to m/s^2 need to *1000 because 
it's quadratic
        cl.accel$y <- cl.accel$y * 1000
        cl.force <- mass * (cl.accel$y + g)
-       cl.rfd.avg <- mean(cl.force) / cl.t / weight
+print(c("mean clforce",mean(cl.force)))
+       cl.rfd.avg <- mean(cl.force) / (cl.t / 1000) / mass
-       #cl.i = average force on cl * cl.t / weight #impulse #bars DRIVE
-       cl.i <- mean(cl.force) * cl.t / weight
+       #cl.i = average force on cl * cl.t (s) / mass (Kg) #impulse #bars DRIVE
+       cl.i <- mean(cl.force) * (cl.t / 1000) / mass
-       #cl.f.avg = average force on cl / weight
-       cl.f.avg <- mean(cl.force) / weight
+       #cl.f.avg = average force on cl / mass (Kg)
+       cl.f.avg <- mean(cl.force) / mass
        #cl.vf (vF -> valley Force)
        #minimum force on cl before concentric Speed max
@@ -178,8 +191,8 @@ neuromuscularProfileJump <- function(e1, c, e2, mass, smoothingC)
        #e2fFmaxt = duration from land to max force
        e2f.f.max.t <- min(which(e2.force == e2f.f.max)) - e2.land.pos
-       #e2f.rfd.max = e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t
-       e2f.rfd.max <- e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t
+       #e2f.rfd.max = e2f.f.max / e2f.f.max.t (s)
+       e2f.rfd.max <- e2f.f.max / (e2f.f.max.t / 1000)
        e2.list = list(
                      e2f.t = e2f.t,
@@ -255,10 +268,59 @@ neuromuscularProfileGetData <- function(displacement, curves, mass, smoothingC)
        return (npj)
+#implement the Excel Forecast in R
+cutreForecastInRDo <- function(table.points, table.values, value)
+       if(value > table.values[11])
+               return (table.points[11])
+       else if(value < table.values[1])
+               return (table.points[1])
+       else {
+               for(i in 1:10) {
+                       if(value >= table.values[i] && value < table.values[(i+1)]) {
+                               range.values = table.values[(i+1)] - table.values[i]
+                               distanceFromLow = value - table.values[i]
+                               percentFromLow = distanceFromLow / range.values
+                               range.points = table.points[(i+1)] - table.points[i]
+                               return (table.points[i] + (range.points * percentFromLow))
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+cutreForecastInRPrepare <- function(variable, value)
+       table.points <- seq(0,100,length.out=11)
+       table.load <- seq(0,20000,length.out=11)
+       table.explode <- seq(0,250,length.out=11)
+       table.drive <- seq(3,8,length.out=11)
+       if(variable == "load")
+               return (cutreForecastInRDo(table.points, table.load, value))
+       else if(variable == "explode")
+               return (cutreForecastInRDo(table.points, table.explode, value))
+       else #(variable == "drive")
+               return (cutreForecastInRDo(table.points, table.drive, value))
 neuromuscularProfilePlotBars <- function(load, explode, drive)
-       barplot(c(load,explode,drive),col=topo.colors(3),names.arg=c("Load","Explode","Drive"))
        print(c("load, explode, drive", load, explode, drive))
+       load100 = cutreForecastInRPrepare("load",load)
+       explode100 = cutreForecastInRPrepare("explode",explode)
+       drive100 = cutreForecastInRPrepare("drive",drive)
+       print(c("load100, explode100, drive100", load100, explode100, drive100))
+       barplot(c(load100,explode100,drive100),col=topo.colors(3),ylim=c(0,100),
+               names.arg=c(
+                           paste("Load\n",round(load,2)," -> ",round(load100,2),"%",sep=""),
+                           paste("Explode\n",round(explode,2)," -> ",round(explode100,2),"%",sep=""),
+                           paste("Drive\n",round(drive,2)," -> ",round(drive100,2),"%",sep="")
+               ))
        #show small text related to graph result and how to train
@@ -282,6 +344,6 @@ neuromuscularProfileWriteData <- function(npj, outputData1)
        colnames(df) <- c(paste("e1.",names(npj[[1]]$e1),sep=""), names(npj[[1]]$c), names(npj[[1]]$e2))
-       write.csv(df, outputData1, quote=FALSE)
+       write.csv2(df, outputData1, quote=FALSE)

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