[clutter/clutter-1.18] docs: Move to markdown

commit 12370bd4f8246f72abe75fae90fdee452c7a8f58
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gnome org>
Date:   Mon Mar 17 23:07:58 2014 +0000

    docs: Move to markdown
    We're removing docbook tags in favour of the markdown syntax.

 clutter/clutter-actor.c            |  904 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 clutter/clutter-backend.c          |    8 +-
 clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c       |   34 +-
 clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c  |   31 +-
 clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c     |   19 +-
 clutter/clutter-box-layout.c       |   32 +-
 clutter/clutter-canvas.c           |    9 +-
 clutter/clutter-child-meta.h       |    9 +-
 clutter/clutter-clone.c            |    6 +-
 clutter/clutter-color.c            |   28 +-
 clutter/clutter-constraint.c       |  207 ++++-----
 clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c    |   19 +-
 clutter/clutter-drag-action.c      |   20 +-
 clutter/clutter-drop-action.c      |   14 +-
 clutter/clutter-effect.c           |  158 +++----
 clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c      |   35 +-
 clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c   |   64 ++--
 clutter/clutter-image.c            |    9 +-
 clutter/clutter-input-device.c     |   20 +-
 clutter/clutter-layout-manager.c   |  285 ++----------
 clutter/clutter-main.c             |  140 ++----
 clutter/clutter-model.c            |   70 ++--
 clutter/clutter-offscreen-effect.c |   41 +-
 clutter/clutter-paint-volume.c     |   64 ++--
 clutter/clutter-path.c             |   67 +--
 clutter/clutter-script.c           |   10 +-
 clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c     |    9 +-
 clutter/clutter-settings.c         |   24 +-
 clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c    |  100 ++--
 clutter/clutter-stage.c            |   50 +-
 clutter/clutter-test-utils.c       |    2 +-
 clutter/clutter-test-utils.h       |    2 +-
 clutter/clutter-text.c             |    4 +-
 clutter/clutter-timeline.c         |   47 +-
 clutter/clutter-types.h            |    4 +-
 clutter/clutter-units.c            |    6 +-
 36 files changed, 1061 insertions(+), 1490 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-actor.c b/clutter/clutter-actor.c
index 2274c3e..fad7b0e 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-actor.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-actor.c
@@ -30,131 +30,121 @@
  * and it encapsulates the position, size, and transformations of a node in
  * the graph.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-transformations">
- *   <title>Actor transformations</title>
- *   <para>Each actor can be transformed using methods like
- *   clutter_actor_set_scale() or clutter_actor_set_rotation(). The order
- *   in which the transformations are applied is decided by Clutter and it is
- *   the following:</para>
- *   <orderedlist>
- *     <listitem><para>translation by the origin of the #ClutterActor:allocation;</para></listitem>
- *     <listitem><para>translation by the actor's #ClutterActor:depth;</para></listitem>
- *     <listitem><para>scaling by the #ClutterActor:scale-x and #ClutterActor:scale-y 
- *     <listitem><para>rotation around the #ClutterActor:rotation-angle-x and 
- *     <listitem><para>rotation around the #ClutterActor:rotation-angle-y and 
- *     <listitem><para>rotation around the #ClutterActor:rotation-angle-z and 
- *     <listitem><para>negative translation by the #ClutterActor:anchor-x and #ClutterActor:anchor-y 
- *   </orderedlist>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-geometry">
- *   <title>Modifying an actor's geometry</title>
- *   <para>Each actor has a bounding box, called #ClutterActor:allocation
- *   which is either set by its parent or explicitly through the
- *   clutter_actor_set_position() and clutter_actor_set_size() methods.
- *   Each actor also has an implicit preferred size.</para>
- *   <para>An actor’s preferred size can be defined by any subclass by
- *   overriding the #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_width() and the
- *   #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_height() virtual functions, or it can
- *   be explicitly set by using clutter_actor_set_width() and
- *   clutter_actor_set_height().</para>
- *   <para>An actor’s position can be set explicitly by using
- *   clutter_actor_set_x() and clutter_actor_set_y(); the coordinates are
- *   relative to the origin of the actor’s parent.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-children">
- *   <title>Managing actor children</title>
- *   <para>Each actor can have multiple children, by calling
- *   clutter_actor_add_child() to add a new child actor, and
- *   clutter_actor_remove_child() to remove an existing child. #ClutterActor
- *   will hold a reference on each child actor, which will be released when
- *   the child is removed from its parent, or destroyed using
- *   clutter_actor_destroy().</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ## Actor transformations
+ *
+ * Each actor can be transformed using methods like clutter_actor_set_scale()
+ * or clutter_actor_set_rotation(). The order in which the transformations are
+ * applied is decided by Clutter and it is the following:
+ *
+ *  1. translation by the origin of the #ClutterActor:allocation property
+ *  2. translation by the actor's #ClutterActor:z-position property
+ *  3. translation by the actor's #ClutterActor:pivot-point property
+ *  4. scaling by the #ClutterActor:scale-x and #ClutterActor:scale-y factors
+ *  5. rotation around the #ClutterActor:rotation-angle-x and #ClutterActor:rotation-center-x
+ *  6. rotation around the #ClutterActor:rotation-angle-y and #ClutterActor:rotation-center-y
+ *  7. rotation around the #ClutterActor:rotation-angle-z and #ClutterActor:rotation-center-z
+ *  8. negative translation by the #ClutterActor:anchor-x and #ClutterActor:anchor-y point.
+ *  9. negative translation by the actor's #ClutterActor:pivot-point
+ *
+ * ## Modifying an actor's geometry
+ *
+ * Each actor has a bounding box, called #ClutterActor:allocation
+ * which is either set by its parent or explicitly through the
+ * clutter_actor_set_position() and clutter_actor_set_size() methods.
+ * Each actor also has an implicit preferred size.
+ *
+ * An actor’s preferred size can be defined by any subclass by
+ * overriding the #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_width() and the
+ * #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_height() virtual functions, or it can
+ * be explicitly set by using clutter_actor_set_width() and
+ * clutter_actor_set_height().
+ *
+ * An actor’s position can be set explicitly by using
+ * clutter_actor_set_x() and clutter_actor_set_y(); the coordinates are
+ * relative to the origin of the actor’s parent.
+ *
+ * ## Managing actor children
+ *
+ * Each actor can have multiple children, by calling
+ * clutter_actor_add_child() to add a new child actor, and
+ * clutter_actor_remove_child() to remove an existing child. #ClutterActor
+ * will hold a reference on each child actor, which will be released when
+ * the child is removed from its parent, or destroyed using
+ * clutter_actor_destroy().
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *  ClutterActor *actor = clutter_actor_new ();
- *  /&ast; set the bounding box of the actor &ast;/
+ *  // set the bounding box of the actor
  *  clutter_actor_set_position (actor, 0, 0);
  *  clutter_actor_set_size (actor, 480, 640);
- *  /&ast; set the background color of the actor &ast;/
+ *  // set the background color of the actor
  *  clutter_actor_set_background_color (actor, CLUTTER_COLOR_Orange);
- *  /&ast; set the bounding box of the child, relative to the parent &ast;/
+ *  // set the bounding box of the child, relative to the parent
  *  ClutterActor *child = clutter_actor_new ();
  *  clutter_actor_set_position (child, 20, 20);
  *  clutter_actor_set_size (child, 80, 240);
- *  /&ast; set the background color of the child &ast;/
+ *  // set the background color of the child
  *  clutter_actor_set_background_color (child, CLUTTER_COLOR_Blue);
- *  /&ast; add the child to the actor &ast;/
+ *  // add the child to the actor
  *  clutter_actor_add_child (actor, child);
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   <para>Children can be inserted at a given index, or above and below
- *   another child actor. The order of insertion determines the order of the
- *   children when iterating over them. Iterating over children is performed
- *   by using clutter_actor_get_first_child(), clutter_actor_get_previous_sibling(),
- *   clutter_actor_get_next_sibling(), and clutter_actor_get_last_child(). It is
- *   also possible to retrieve a list of children by using
- *   clutter_actor_get_children(), as well as retrieving a specific child at a
- *   given index by using clutter_actor_get_child_at_index().</para>
- *   <para>If you need to track additions of children to a #ClutterActor, use
- *   the #ClutterContainer::actor-added signal; similarly, to track removals
- *   of children from a ClutterActor, use the #ClutterContainer::actor-removed
- *   signal.</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   <figure id="actor-example-image">
- *     <title>Actors</title>
- *     <graphic fileref="actor-example.png" format="PNG"/>
- *   </figure>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-painting">
- *   <title>Painting an actor</title>
- *   <para>There are three ways to paint an actor:</para>
- *   <itemizedlist>
- *     <listitem><para>set a delegate #ClutterContent as the value for the
- *     #ClutterActor:content property of the actor;</para></listitem>
- *     <listitem><para>subclass #ClutterActor and override the
- *     #ClutterActorClass.paint_node() virtual function;</para></listitem>
- *     <listitem><para>subclass #ClutterActor and override the
- *     #ClutterActorClass.paint() virtual function.</para></listitem>
- *   </itemizedlist>
- *   <formalpara>
- *     <title>Setting the Content property</title>
- *     <para>A #ClutterContent is a delegate object that takes over the
- *     painting operation of one, or more actors. The #ClutterContent
- *     painting will be performed on top of the #ClutterActor:background-color
- *     of the actor, and before calling the #ClutterActorClass.paint_node()
- *     virtual function.</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * Children can be inserted at a given index, or above and below
+ * another child actor. The order of insertion determines the order of the
+ * children when iterating over them. Iterating over children is performed
+ * by using clutter_actor_get_first_child(), clutter_actor_get_previous_sibling(),
+ * clutter_actor_get_next_sibling(), and clutter_actor_get_last_child(). It is
+ * also possible to retrieve a list of children by using
+ * clutter_actor_get_children(), as well as retrieving a specific child at a
+ * given index by using clutter_actor_get_child_at_index().
+ *
+ * If you need to track additions of children to a #ClutterActor, use
+ * the #ClutterContainer::actor-added signal; similarly, to track removals
+ * of children from a ClutterActor, use the #ClutterContainer::actor-removed
+ * signal.
+ *
+ * See [basic-actor.c](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/basic-actor.c?h=clutter-1.18).
+ *
+ * ## Painting an actor
+ *
+ * There are three ways to paint an actor:
+ *
+ *  - set a delegate #ClutterContent as the value for the #ClutterActor:content property of the actor
+ *  - subclass #ClutterActor and override the #ClutterActorClass.paint_node() virtual function
+ *  - subclass #ClutterActor and override the #ClutterActorClass.paint() virtual function.
+ *
+ * A #ClutterContent is a delegate object that takes over the painting
+ * operations of one, or more actors. The #ClutterContent painting will
+ * be performed on top of the #ClutterActor:background-color of the actor,
+ * and before calling the actor's own implementation of the
+ * #ClutterActorClass.paint_node() virtual function.
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * ClutterActor *actor = clutter_actor_new ();
- * /&ast; set the bounding box &ast;/
+ * // set the bounding box
  * clutter_actor_set_position (actor, 50, 50);
  * clutter_actor_set_size (actor, 100, 100);
- * /&ast; set the content; the image_content variable is set elsewhere &ast;/
+ * // set the content; the image_content variable is set elsewhere
  * clutter_actor_set_content (actor, image_content);
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   </formalpara>
- *   <formalpara>
- *     <title>Overriding the paint_node virtual function</title>
- *     <para>The #ClutterActorClass.paint_node() virtual function is invoked
- *     whenever an actor needs to be painted. The implementation of the
- *     virtual function must only paint the contents of the actor itself,
- *     and not the contents of its children, if the actor has any.</para>
- *     <para>The #ClutterPaintNode passed to the virtual function is the
- *     local root of the render tree; any node added to it will be
- *     rendered at the correct position, as defined by the actor's
- *     #ClutterActor:allocation.</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * The #ClutterActorClass.paint_node() virtual function is invoked whenever
+ * an actor needs to be painted. The implementation of the virtual function
+ * must only paint the contents of the actor itself, and not the contents of
+ * its children, if the actor has any.
+ *
+ * The #ClutterPaintNode passed to the virtual function is the local root of
+ * the render tree; any node added to it will be rendered at the correct
+ * position, as defined by the actor's #ClutterActor:allocation.
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * static void
  * my_actor_paint_node (ClutterActor     *actor,
  *                      ClutterPaintNode *root)
@@ -162,112 +152,131 @@
  *   ClutterPaintNode *node;
  *   ClutterActorBox box;
- *   /&ast; where the content of the actor should be painted &ast;/
+ *   // where the content of the actor should be painted
  *   clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (actor, &box);
- *   /&ast; the cogl_texture variable is set elsewhere &ast;/
+ *   // the cogl_texture variable is set elsewhere
  *   node = clutter_texture_node_new (cogl_texture, CLUTTER_COLOR_White,
  *                                    CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_TRILINEAR,
  *                                    CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_LINEAR);
- *   /&ast; paint the content of the node using the allocation &ast;/
+ *   // paint the content of the node using the allocation
  *   clutter_paint_node_add_rectangle (node, &box);
- *   /&ast; add the node, and transfer ownership &ast;/
+ *   // add the node, and transfer ownership
  *   clutter_paint_node_add_child (root, node);
  *   clutter_paint_node_unref (node);
  * }
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   </formalpara>
- *   <formalpara>
- *     <title>Overriding the paint virtual function</title>
- *     <para>The #ClutterActorClass.paint() virtual function is invoked
- *     when the #ClutterActor::paint signal is emitted, and after the other
- *     signal handlers have been invoked. Overriding the paint virtual
- *     function gives total control to the paint sequence of the actor
- *     itself, including the children of the actor, if any.</para>
- *     <warning><para>It is strongly discouraged to override the
- *     #ClutterActorClass.paint() virtual function, as well as connecting
- *     to the #ClutterActor::paint signal. These hooks into the paint
- *     sequence are considered legacy, and will be removed when the Clutter
- *     API changes.</para></warning>
- *   </formalpara>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-events">
- *   <title>Handling events on an actor</title>
- *   <para>A #ClutterActor can receive and handle input device events, for
- *   instance pointer events and key events, as long as its
- *   #ClutterActor:reactive property is set to %TRUE.</para>
- *   <para>Once an actor has been determined to be the source of an event,
- *   Clutter will traverse the scene graph from the top-level actor towards the
- *   event source, emitting the #ClutterActor::captured-event signal on each
- *   ancestor until it reaches the source; this phase is also called
- *   <emphasis>the capture phase</emphasis>. If the event propagation was not
- *   stopped, the graph is walked backwards, from the source actor to the
- *   top-level, and the #ClutterActor::event signal, along with other event
- *   signals if needed, is emitted; this phase is also called <emphasis>the
- *   bubble phase</emphasis>. At any point of the signal emission, signal
- *   handlers can stop the propagation through the scene graph by returning
- *   %CLUTTER_EVENT_STOP; otherwise, they can continue the propagation by
- *   returning %CLUTTER_EVENT_PROPAGATE.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-animation">
- *   <title>Animation</title>
- *   <para>Animation is a core concept of modern user interfaces; Clutter
- *   provides a complete and powerful animation framework that automatically
- *   tweens the actor's state without requiring direct, frame by frame
- *   manipulation from your application code.</para>
- *   <formalpara>
- *     <title>Implicit animations</title>
- *     <para>The implicit animation model of Clutter assumes that all the
- *     changes in an actor state should be gradual and asynchronous; Clutter
- *     will automatically transition an actor's property change between the
- *     current state and the desired one without manual intervention, if the
- *     property is defined to be animatable in its documentation.</para>
- *     <note><para>By default, in the 1.0 API series, the transition happens
- *     with a duration of zero milliseconds, and the implicit animation is an
- *     opt in feature to retain backwards compatibility.</para></note>
- *     <para>Implicit animations depend on the current easing state; in order
- *     to use the default easing state for an actor you should call the
- *     clutter_actor_save_easing_state() function:</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
- * /&ast; assume that the actor is currently positioned at (100, 100) &ast;/
+ *
+ * The #ClutterActorClass.paint() virtual function is invoked when the
+ * #ClutterActor::paint signal is emitted, and after the other signal
+ * handlers have been invoked. Overriding the paint virtual function
+ * gives total control to the paint sequence of the actor itself,
+ * including the children of the actor, if any.
+ *
+ * It is strongly discouraged to override the #ClutterActorClass.paint()
+ * virtual function, as well as connecting to the #ClutterActor::paint
+ * signal. These hooks into the paint sequence are considered legacy, and
+ * will be removed when the Clutter API changes.
+ *
+ * ## Handling events on an actor
+ *
+ * A #ClutterActor can receive and handle input device events, for
+ * instance pointer events and key events, as long as its
+ * #ClutterActor:reactive property is set to %TRUE.
+ *
+ * Once an actor has been determined to be the source of an event,
+ * Clutter will traverse the scene graph from the top-level actor towards the
+ * event source, emitting the #ClutterActor::captured-event signal on each
+ * ancestor until it reaches the source; this phase is also called
+ * the "capture" phase. If the event propagation was not stopped, the graph
+ * is walked backwards, from the source actor to the top-level, and the
+ * #ClutterActor::event signal is emitted, alongside eventual event-specific
+ * signals like #ClutterActor::button-press-event or #ClutterActor::motion-event;
+ * this phase is also called the "bubble" phase.
+ *
+ * At any point of the signal emission, signal handlers can stop the propagation
+ * through the scene graph by returning %CLUTTER_EVENT_STOP; otherwise, they can
+ * continue the propagation by returning %CLUTTER_EVENT_PROPAGATE.
+ *
+ * ## Animation
+ *
+ * Animation is a core concept of modern user interfaces; Clutter provides a
+ * complete and powerful animation framework that automatically tweens the
+ * actor's state without requiring direct, frame by frame manipulation from
+ * your application code. You have two models at your disposal:
+ *
+ *  - an implicit animation model
+ *  - an explicit animation model
+ *
+ * The implicit animation model of Clutter assumes that all the
+ * changes in an actor state should be gradual and asynchronous; Clutter
+ * will automatically transition an actor's property change between the
+ * current state and the desired one without manual intervention, if the
+ * property is defined to be animatable in its documentation.
+ *
+ * By default, in the 1.0 API series, the transition happens with a duration
+ * of zero milliseconds, and the implicit animation is an opt in feature to
+ * retain backwards compatibility.
+ *
+ * Implicit animations depend on the current easing state; in order to use
+ * the default easing state for an actor you should call the
+ * clutter_actor_save_easing_state() function:
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
+ * // assume that the actor is currently positioned at (100, 100)
+ *
+ * // store the current easing state and reset the new easing state to
+ * // its default values
  * clutter_actor_save_easing_state (actor);
+ *
+ * // change the actor's position
  * clutter_actor_set_position (actor, 500, 500);
+ *
+ * // restore the previously saved easing state
  * clutter_actor_restore_easing_state (actor);
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *     <para>The example above will trigger an implicit animation of the
- *     actor between its current position to a new position.</para>
- *     <para>It is possible to animate multiple properties of an actor
- *     at the same time, and you can animate multiple actors at the same
- *     time as well, for instance:</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
- * /&ast; animate the actor's opacity and depth &ast;/
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * The example above will trigger an implicit animation of the
+ * actor between its current position to a new position.
+ *
+ * Implicit animations use a default duration of 250 milliseconds,
+ * and a default easing mode of %CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC, unless you call
+ * clutter_actor_set_easing_mode() and clutter_actor_set_easing_duration()
+ * after changing the easing state of the actor.
+ *
+ * It is possible to animate multiple properties of an actor
+ * at the same time, and you can animate multiple actors at the same
+ * time as well, for instance:
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * clutter_actor_save_easing_state (actor);
+ *
+ * // animate the actor's opacity and depth
  * clutter_actor_set_opacity (actor, 0);
  * clutter_actor_set_depth (actor, -100);
+ *
  * clutter_actor_restore_easing_state (actor);
- * /&ast; animate another actor's opacity &ast;/
  * clutter_actor_save_easing_state (another_actor);
+ *
+ * // animate another actor's opacity
  * clutter_actor_set_opacity (another_actor, 255);
  * clutter_actor_set_depth (another_actor, 100);
+ *
  * clutter_actor_restore_easing_state (another_actor);
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *     <para>Implicit animations use a default duration of 250 milliseconds,
- *     and a default easing mode of %CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC, unless you call
- *     clutter_actor_set_easing_mode() and clutter_actor_set_easing_duration()
- *     after changing the easing state of the actor.</para>
- *     <para>Changing the easing state will affect all the following property
- *     transitions, but will not affect existing transitions.</para>
- *     <para>It is important to note that if you modify the state on an
- *     animatable property while a transition is in flight, the transition's
- *     final value will be updated, as well as its duration and progress
- *     mode by using the current easing state; for instance, in the following
- *     example:</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * Changing the easing state will affect all the following property
+ * transitions, but will not affect existing transitions.
+ *
+ * It is important to note that if you modify the state on an
+ * animatable property while a transition is in flight, the transition's
+ * final value will be updated, as well as its duration and progress
+ * mode by using the current easing state; for instance, in the following
+ * example:
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * clutter_actor_save_easing_state (actor);
  * clutter_actor_set_easing_duration (actor, 1000);
  * clutter_actor_set_x (actor, 200);
@@ -277,23 +286,30 @@
  * clutter_actor_set_easing_duration (actor, 500);
  * clutter_actor_set_x (actor, 100);
  * clutter_actor_restore_easing_state (actor);
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *     <para>the first call to clutter_actor_set_x() will begin a transition
- *     of the #ClutterActor:x property from the current value to the value of
- *     200 over a duration of one second; the second call to clutter_actor_set_x()
- *     will change the transition's final value to 100 and the duration to 500
- *     milliseconds.</para>
- *     <para>It is possible to retrieve the #ClutterTransition used by the
- *     animatable properties by using clutter_actor_get_transition() and using
- *     the property name as the transition name.</para>
- *   </formalpara>
- *   <formalpara>
- *     <title>Explicit animations</title>
- *     <para>The explicit animation model supported by Clutter requires that
- *     you create a #ClutterTransition object, and set the initial and
- *     final values. The transition will not start unless you add it to the
- *     #ClutterActor.</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * the first call to clutter_actor_set_x() will begin a transition
+ * of the #ClutterActor:x property from the current value to the value of
+ * 200 over a duration of one second; the second call to clutter_actor_set_x()
+ * will change the transition's final value to 100 and the duration to 500
+ * milliseconds.
+ *
+ * It is possible to receive a notification of the completion of an
+ * implicit transition by using the #ClutterActor::transition-stopped
+ * signal, decorated with the name of the property. In case you want to
+ * know when all the currently in flight transitions are complete, use
+ * the #ClutterActor::transitions-completed signal instead.
+ *
+ * It is possible to retrieve the #ClutterTransition used by the
+ * animatable properties by using clutter_actor_get_transition() and using
+ * the property name as the transition name.
+ *
+ * The explicit animation model supported by Clutter requires that
+ * you create a #ClutterTransition object, and optionally set the initial
+ * and final values. The transition will not start unless you add it to the
+ * #ClutterActor.
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * ClutterTransition *transition;
  * transition = clutter_property_transition_new ("opacity");
@@ -304,144 +320,144 @@
  * clutter_transition_set_to (transition, G_TYPE_UINT, 0);
  * clutter_actor_add_transition (actor, "animate-opacity", transition);
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *     <para>The example above will animate the #ClutterActor:opacity property
- *     of an actor between fully opaque and fully transparent, and back, over
- *     a span of 3 seconds. The animation does not begin until it is added to
- *     the actor.</para>
- *     <para>The explicit animation API applies to all #GObject properties,
- *     as well as the custom properties defined through the #ClutterAnimatable
- *     interface, regardless of whether they are defined as implicitly
- *     animatable or not.</para>
- *     <para>The explicit animation API should also be used when using custom
- *     animatable properties for #ClutterAction, #ClutterConstraint, and
- *     #ClutterEffect instances associated to an actor; see the section on
- *     <ulink linkend="ClutterActor-custom-animatable-properties">custom
- *     animatable properties below</ulink> for an example.</para>
- *     <para>Finally, explicit animations are useful for creating animations
- *     that run continuously, for instance:</para>
- *     <informalexample><programlisting>
- * /&ast; this animation will pulse the actor's opacity continuously &ast;/
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * The example above will animate the #ClutterActor:opacity property
+ * of an actor between fully opaque and fully transparent, and back, over
+ * a span of 3 seconds. The animation does not begin until it is added to
+ * the actor.
+ *
+ * The explicit animation API applies to all #GObject properties,
+ * as well as the custom properties defined through the #ClutterAnimatable
+ * interface, regardless of whether they are defined as implicitly
+ * animatable or not.
+ *
+ * The explicit animation API should also be used when using custom
+ * animatable properties for #ClutterAction, #ClutterConstraint, and
+ * #ClutterEffect instances associated to an actor; see the section on
+ * custom animatable properties below for an example.
+ *
+ * Finally, explicit animations are useful for creating animations
+ * that run continuously, for instance:
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
+ * // this animation will pulse the actor's opacity continuously
  * ClutterTransition *transition;
  * ClutterInterval *interval;
  * transition = clutter_property_transition_new ("opacity");
- * /&ast; we want to animate the opacity between 0 and 255 &ast;/
+ * // we want to animate the opacity between 0 and 255
  * clutter_transition_set_from (transition, G_TYPE_UINT, 0);
  * clutter_transition_set_to (transition, G_TYPE_UINT, 255);
- * /&ast; over a one second duration, running an infinite amount of times &ast;/
+ * // over a one second duration, running an infinite amount of times
  * clutter_timeline_set_duration (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), 1000);
  * clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), -1);
- * /&ast; we want to fade in and out, so we need to auto-reverse the transition &ast;/
+ * // we want to fade in and out, so we need to auto-reverse the transition
  * clutter_timeline_set_auto_reverse (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), TRUE);
- * /&ast; and we want to use an easing function that eases both in and out &ast;/
+ * // and we want to use an easing function that eases both in and out
  * clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition),
  *                                     CLUTTER_EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC);
- * /&ast; add the transition to the desired actor; this will
- *  &ast; start the animation.
- *  &ast;/
+ * // add the transition to the desired actor to start it
  * clutter_actor_add_transition (actor, "opacityAnimation", transition);
- *     </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   </formalpara>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-subclassing">
- *   <title>Implementing an actor</title>
- *   <para>Careful consideration should be given when deciding to implement
- *   a #ClutterActor sub-class. It is generally recommended to implement a
- *   sub-class of #ClutterActor only for actors that should be used as leaf
- *   nodes of a scene graph.</para>
- *   <para>If your actor should be painted in a custom way, you should
- *   override the #ClutterActor::paint signal class handler. You can either
- *   opt to chain up to the parent class implementation or decide to fully
- *   override the default paint implementation; Clutter will set up the
- *   transformations and clip regions prior to emitting the #ClutterActor::paint
- *   signal.</para>
- *   <para>By overriding the #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_width() and
- *   #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_height() virtual functions it is
- *   possible to change or provide the preferred size of an actor; similarly,
- *   by overriding the #ClutterActorClass.allocate() virtual function it is
- *   possible to control the layout of the children of an actor. Make sure to
- *   always chain up to the parent implementation of the
- *   #ClutterActorClass.allocate() virtual function.</para>
- *   <para>In general, it is strongly encouraged to use delegation and
- *   composition instead of direct subclassing.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-script">
- *   <title>ClutterActor custom properties for #ClutterScript</title>
- *   <para>#ClutterActor defines a custom "rotation" property which
- *   allows a short-hand description of the rotations to be applied
- *   to an actor.</para>
- *   <para>The syntax of the "rotation" property is the following:</para>
- *   <informalexample>
- *     <programlisting>
- * "rotation" : [
- *   { "&lt;axis&gt;" : [ &lt;angle&gt;, [ &lt;center&gt; ] ] }
- * ]
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </informalexample>
- *   <para>where the <emphasis>axis</emphasis> is the name of an enumeration
- *   value of type #ClutterRotateAxis and <emphasis>angle</emphasis> is a
- *   floating point value representing the rotation angle on the given axis,
- *   in degrees.</para>
- *   <para>The <emphasis>center</emphasis> array is optional, and if present
- *   it must contain the center of rotation as described by two coordinates:
- *   Y and Z for "x-axis"; X and Z for "y-axis"; and X and Y for
- *   "z-axis".</para>
- *   <para>#ClutterActor also defines a scriptable "margin" property which
- *   follows the CSS "margin" shorthand.
- *   <informalexample>
- *     <programlisting>
- * // 4 values
- * "margin" : [ &lt;top&gt;, &lt;right&gt;, &lt;bottom&gt; &lt;left&gt; ]
- * // 3 values
- * "margin" : [ &lt;top&gt;, &lt;left/right&gt;, &lt;bottom&gt; ]
- * // 2 values
- * "margin" : [ &lt;top/bottom&gt;, &lt;left/right&gt; ]
- * // 1 value
- * "margin" : [ &lt;top/right/bottom/left&gt; ]
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </informalexample>
- *   </para>
- *   <para>#ClutterActor will also parse every positional and dimensional
- *   property defined as a string through clutter_units_from_string(); you
- *   should read the documentation for the #ClutterUnits parser format for
- *   the valid units and syntax.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterActor-custom-animatable-properties">
- *   <title>Custom animatable properties</title>
- *   <para>#ClutterActor allows accessing properties of #ClutterAction,
- *   #ClutterEffect, and #ClutterConstraint instances associated to an actor
- *   instance for animation purposes.</para>
- *   <para>In order to access a specific #ClutterAction or a #ClutterConstraint
- *   property it is necessary to set the #ClutterActorMeta:name property on the
- *   given action or constraint.</para>
- *   <para>The property can be accessed using the following syntax:</para>
- *   <informalexample>
- *     <programlisting>
- * @&lt;section&gt;.&lt;meta-name&gt;.&lt;property-name&gt;
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </informalexample>
- *   <para>The initial <emphasis>@</emphasis> is mandatory.</para>
- *   <para>The <emphasis>section</emphasis> fragment can be one between
- *   "actions", "constraints" and "effects".</para>
- *   <para>The <emphasis>meta-name</emphasis> fragment is the name of the
- *   action or constraint, as specified by the #ClutterActorMeta:name
- *   property.</para>
- *   <para>The <emphasis>property-name</emphasis> fragment is the name of the
- *   action or constraint property to be animated.</para>
- *   <para>The example below animates a #ClutterBindConstraint applied to an
- *   actor using clutter_actor_animate(). The <emphasis>rect</emphasis> has
- *   a binding constraint for the <emphasis>origin</emphasis> actor, and in
- *   its initial state is overlapping the actor to which is bound to.</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * ## Implementing an actor
+ *
+ * Careful consideration should be given when deciding to implement
+ * a #ClutterActor sub-class. It is generally recommended to implement a
+ * sub-class of #ClutterActor only for actors that should be used as leaf
+ * nodes of a scene graph.
+ *
+ * If your actor should be painted in a custom way, you should
+ * override the #ClutterActor::paint signal class handler. You can either
+ * opt to chain up to the parent class implementation or decide to fully
+ * override the default paint implementation; Clutter will set up the
+ * transformations and clip regions prior to emitting the #ClutterActor::paint
+ * signal.
+ *
+ * By overriding the #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_width() and
+ * #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_height() virtual functions it is
+ * possible to change or provide the preferred size of an actor; similarly,
+ * by overriding the #ClutterActorClass.allocate() virtual function it is
+ * possible to control the layout of the children of an actor. Make sure to
+ * always chain up to the parent implementation of the
+ * #ClutterActorClass.allocate() virtual function.
+ *
+ * In general, it is strongly encouraged to use delegation and composition
+ * instead of direct subclassing.
+ *
+ * ## ClutterActor custom properties for ClutterScript
+ *
+ * #ClutterActor defines a custom "rotation" property which allows a short-hand
+ * description of the rotations to be applied to an actor.
+ *
+ * The syntax of the "rotation" property is the following:
+ *
+ * |[
+ * "rotation" : [ { "<axis>" : [ <angle>, [ <center-point> ] ] } ]
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * where:
+ *
+ *  - axis is the name of an enumeration value of type #ClutterRotateAxis
+ *  - angle is a floating point value representing the rotation angle on the given axis in degrees
+ *  - center-point is an optional array, and if present it must contain the center of rotation as described 
by two coordinates:
+ *    - Y and Z for "x-axis"
+ *    - X and Z for "y-axis"
+ *    - X and Y for "z-axis".
+ *
+ * #ClutterActor also defines a scriptable "margin" property which follows the CSS "margin" shorthand.
+ *
+ * |[
+ *   // 4 values
+ *   "margin" : [ top, right, bottom, left ]
+ *   // 3 values
+ *   "margin" : [ top, left/right, bottom ]
+ *   // 2 values
+ *   "margin" : [ top/bottom, left/right ]
+ *   // 1 value
+ *   "margin" : [ top/right/bottom/left ]
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * #ClutterActor will also parse every positional and dimensional
+ * property defined as a string through clutter_units_from_string(); you
+ * should read the documentation for the #ClutterUnits parser format for
+ * the valid units and syntax.
+ *
+ * ## Custom animatable properties
+ *
+ * #ClutterActor allows accessing properties of #ClutterAction,
+ * #ClutterEffect, and #ClutterConstraint instances associated to an actor
+ * instance for animation purposes.
+ *
+ * In order to access a specific #ClutterAction or a #ClutterConstraint
+ * property it is necessary to set the #ClutterActorMeta:name property on the
+ * given action or constraint.
+ *
+ * The property can be accessed using the following syntax:
+ *
+ * |[
+ *   @<section>.<meta-name>.<property-name>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ *  - the initial ` ` is mandatory
+ *  - the `section` fragment can be one between "actions", "constraints" and "effects"
+ *  - the `meta-name` fragment is the name of the action, effect, or constraint, as
+ *    specified by the #ClutterActorMeta:name property of #ClutterActorMeta
+ *  - the `property-name` fragment is the name of the action, effect, or constraint
+ *    property to be animated.
+ *
+ * The example below animates a #ClutterBindConstraint applied to an actor
+ * using an explicit transition. The `rect` actor has a binding constraint
+ * on the `origin` actor, and in its initial state is overlapping the actor
+ * to which is bound to.
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (origin, CLUTTER_BIND_X, 0.0);
  * clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint), "bind-x");
  * clutter_actor_add_constraint (rect, constraint);
@@ -455,11 +471,13 @@
  * g_signal_connect (origin, "button-press-event",
  *                   G_CALLBACK (on_button_press),
  *                   rect);
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   <para>On button press, the rectangle "slides" from behind the actor to
- *   which is bound to, using the #ClutterBindConstraint:offset property to
- *   achieve the effect:</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * On button press, the rectangle "slides" from behind the actor to
+ * which is bound to, using the #ClutterBindConstraint:offset property to
+ * achieve the effect:
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * gboolean
  * on_button_press (ClutterActor *origin,
  *                  ClutterEvent *event,
@@ -467,43 +485,39 @@
  * {
  *   ClutterTransition *transition;
- *   /&ast; the offset that we want to apply; this will make the actor
- *    &ast; slide in from behind the origin and rest at the right of
- *    &ast; the origin, plus a padding value.
- *    &ast;/
+ *   // the offset that we want to apply; this will make the actor
+ *   // slide in from behind the origin and rest at the right of
+ *   // the origin, plus a padding value
  *   float new_offset = clutter_actor_get_width (origin) + h_padding;
- *   /&ast; the property we wish to animate; the "@constraints" section
- *    &ast; tells Clutter to check inside the constraints associated
- *    &ast; with the actor; the "bind-x" section is the name of the
- *    &ast; constraint; and the "offset" is the name of the property
- *    &ast; on the constraint.
- *    &ast;/
+ *   // the property we wish to animate; the "@constraints" section
+ *   // tells Clutter to check inside the constraints associated
+ *   // with the actor; the "bind-x" section is the name of the
+ *   // constraint; and the "offset" is the name of the property
+ *   // on the constraint
  *   const char *prop = "@constraints.bind-x.offset";
- *   /&ast; create a new transition for the given property &ast;/
+ *   // create a new transition for the given property
  *   transition = clutter_property_transition_new (prop);
- *   /&ast; set the easing mode and duration &ast;/
+ *   // set the easing mode and duration
  *   clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition),
  *                                       CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC);
  *   clutter_timeline_set_duration (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), 500);
- *   /&ast; create the interval with the initial and final values &ast;/
+ *   // create the interval with the initial and final values
  *   clutter_transition_set_from (transition, G_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.f);
  *   clutter_transition_set_to (transition, G_TYPE_FLOAT, new_offset);
- *   /&ast; add the transition to the actor; this causes the animation
- *    &ast; to start. the name "offsetAnimation" can be used to retrieve
- *    &ast; the transition later.
- *    &ast;/
+ *   // add the transition to the actor; this causes the animation
+ *   // to start. the name "offsetAnimation" can be used to retrieve
+ *   // the transition later
  *   clutter_actor_add_transition (rect, "offsetAnimation", transition);
- *   /&ast; we handled the event &ast;/
+ *   // we handled the event
  *   return CLUTTER_EVENT_STOP;
  * }
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- * </refsect2>
+ * ]|
@@ -1595,11 +1609,11 @@ clutter_actor_real_unmap (ClutterActor *self)
  * When overriding #ClutterActorClass.unmap(), it is mandatory to
  * chain up to the parent implementation.
- * <note>It is important to note that the implementation of the
+ * It is important to note that the implementation of the
  * #ClutterActorClass.unmap() virtual function may be called after
  * the #ClutterActorClass.destroy() or the #GObjectClass.dispose()
  * implementation, but it is guaranteed to be called before the
- * #GObjectClass.finalize() implementation.</note>
+ * #GObjectClass.finalize() implementation.
  * Since: 1.0
@@ -2791,10 +2805,10 @@ clutter_actor_apply_transform_to_point (ClutterActor        *self,
  * using cogl_set_modelview_matrix() for example then you would want a matrix
  * that transforms into eye coordinates.
- * <note><para>This function explicitly initializes the given @matrix. If you just
+ * Note: This function explicitly initializes the given @matrix. If you just
  * want clutter to multiply a relative transformation with an existing matrix
  * you can use clutter_actor_apply_relative_transformation_matrix()
- * instead.</para></note>
+ * instead.
 /* XXX: We should consider caching the stage relative modelview along with
@@ -2846,12 +2860,11 @@ _clutter_actor_transform_and_project_box (ClutterActor          *self,
  * Calculates the transformed coordinates of the four corners of the
  * actor in the plane of @ancestor. The returned vertices relate to
  * the #ClutterActorBox coordinates as follows:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>@verts[0] contains (x1, y1)</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>@verts[1] contains (x2, y1)</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>@verts[2] contains (x1, y2)</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>@verts[3] contains (x2, y2)</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ *  - @verts[0] contains (x1, y1)
+ *  - @verts[1] contains (x2, y1)
+ *  - @verts[2] contains (x1, y2)
+ *  - @verts[3] contains (x2, y2)
  * If @ancestor is %NULL the ancestor will be the #ClutterStage. In
  * this case, the coordinates returned will be the coordinates on
@@ -2935,12 +2948,11 @@ clutter_actor_get_allocation_vertices (ClutterActor  *self,
  * Calculates the transformed screen coordinates of the four corners of
  * the actor; the returned vertices relate to the #ClutterActorBox
  * coordinates  as follows:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>v[0] contains (x1, y1)</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>v[1] contains (x2, y1)</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>v[2] contains (x1, y2)</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>v[3] contains (x2, y2)</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ *  - v[0] contains (x1, y1)
+ *  - v[1] contains (x2, y1)
+ *  - v[2] contains (x1, y2)
+ *  - v[3] contains (x2, y2)
  * Since: 0.4
@@ -3150,11 +3162,11 @@ _clutter_actor_apply_modelview_transform (ClutterActor  *self,
  * using cogl_set_modelview_matrix() for example then you would want a matrix
  * that transforms into eye coordinates.
- * <note>This function doesn't initialize the given @matrix, it simply
+ * This function doesn't initialize the given @matrix, it simply
  * multiplies the requested transformation matrix with the existing contents of
  * @matrix. You can use cogl_matrix_init_identity() to initialize the @matrix
  * before calling this function, or you can use
- * clutter_actor_get_relative_transformation_matrix() instead.</note>
+ * clutter_actor_get_relative_transformation_matrix() instead.
 _clutter_actor_apply_relative_transformation_matrix (ClutterActor *self,
@@ -6539,7 +6551,7 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    * For instance:
-   * |[
+   * |[<!-- language="C" -->
    *   ClutterRequestMode mode;
    *   gfloat natural_width, min_width;
    *   gfloat natural_height, min_height;
@@ -6548,20 +6560,20 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    *     {
    *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (child, -1,
-   *                                          &amp;min_width,
-   *                                          &amp;natural_width);
+   *                                          &min_width,
+   *                                          &natural_width);
    *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (child, natural_width,
-   *                                           &amp;min_height,
-   *                                           &amp;natural_height);
+   *                                           &min_height,
+   *                                           &natural_height);
    *     }
    *   else
    *     {
    *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (child, -1,
-   *                                           &amp;min_height,
-   *                                           &amp;natural_height);
+   *                                           &min_height,
+   *                                           &natural_height);
    *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (child, natural_height,
-   *                                          &amp;min_width,
-   *                                          &amp;natural_width);
+   *                                          &min_width,
+   *                                          &natural_width);
    *     }
    * ]|
@@ -7087,14 +7099,14 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    * The X coordinate of an actor's anchor point, relative to
    * the actor coordinate space, in pixels.
-   * <warning>It is highly recommended not to use #ClutterActor:anchor-x,
+   * It is highly recommended not to use #ClutterActor:anchor-x,
    * #ClutterActor:anchor-y, and #ClutterActor:anchor-gravity in newly
    * written code; the anchor point adds an additional translation that
    * will affect the actor's relative position with regards to its
    * parent, as well as the position of its children. This change needs
    * to always be taken into account when positioning the actor. It is
    * recommended to use the #ClutterActor:pivot-point property instead,
-   * as it will affect only the transformations.</warning>
+   * as it will affect only the transformations.
    * Since: 0.8
@@ -7116,14 +7128,14 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    * The Y coordinate of an actor's anchor point, relative to
    * the actor coordinate space, in pixels
-   * <warning>It is highly recommended not to use #ClutterActor:anchor-x,
+   * It is highly recommended not to use #ClutterActor:anchor-x,
    * #ClutterActor:anchor-y, and #ClutterActor:anchor-gravity in newly
    * written code; the anchor point adds an additional translation that
    * will affect the actor's relative position with regards to its
    * parent, as well as the position of its children. This change needs
    * to always be taken into account when positioning the actor. It is
    * recommended to use the #ClutterActor:pivot-point property instead,
-   * as it will affect only the transformations.</warning>
+   * as it will affect only the transformations.
    * Since: 0.8
@@ -7144,14 +7156,14 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    * The anchor point expressed as a #ClutterGravity
-   * <warning>It is highly recommended not to use #ClutterActor:anchor-x,
+   * It is highly recommended not to use #ClutterActor:anchor-x,
    * #ClutterActor:anchor-y, and #ClutterActor:anchor-gravity in newly
    * written code; the anchor point adds an additional translation that
    * will affect the actor's relative position with regards to its
    * parent, as well as the position of its children. This change needs
    * to always be taken into account when positioning the actor. It is
    * recommended to use the #ClutterActor:pivot-point property instead,
-   * as it will affect only the transformations.</warning>
+   * as it will affect only the transformations.
    * Since: 1.0
@@ -7848,33 +7860,32 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    * GSignal API, redraw the UI and then call clutter_stage_ensure_redraw()
    * themselves, like:
-   * |[
+   * |[<!-- language="C" -->
    *   static void
    *   on_redraw_complete (gpointer data)
    *   {
    *     ClutterStage *stage = data;
-   *     /&ast; execute the Clutter drawing pipeline &ast;/
+   *     // execute the Clutter drawing pipeline
    *     clutter_stage_ensure_redraw (stage);
    *   }
    *   static void
    *   on_stage_queue_redraw (ClutterStage *stage)
    *   {
-   *     /&ast; this prevents the default handler to run &ast;/
+   *     // this prevents the default handler to run
    *     g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (stage, "queue-redraw");
-   *     /&ast; queue a redraw with the host toolkit and call
-   *      &ast; a function when the redraw has been completed
-   *      &ast;/
+   *     // queue a redraw with the host toolkit and call
+   *     // a function when the redraw has been completed
    *     queue_a_redraw (G_CALLBACK (on_redraw_complete), stage);
    *   }
    * ]|
-   * <note><para>This signal is emitted before the Clutter paint
+   * Note: This signal is emitted before the Clutter paint
    * pipeline is executed. If you want to know when the pipeline has
-   * been completed you should connect to the ::paint signal on the
-   * Stage with g_signal_connect_after().</para></note>
+   * been completed you should use clutter_threads_add_repaint_func()
+   * or clutter_threads_add_repaint_func_full().
    * Since: 1.0
@@ -8189,12 +8200,12 @@ clutter_actor_class_init (ClutterActorClass *klass)
    * Subclasses of #ClutterActor should override the #ClutterActorClass.paint
    * virtual function paint themselves in that function.
-   * <warning>It is strongly discouraged to connect a signal handler to
+   * It is strongly discouraged to connect a signal handler to
    * the #ClutterActor::paint signal; if you want to change the paint
    * sequence of an existing #ClutterActor instance, either create a new
    * #ClutterActor class and override the #ClutterActorClass.paint virtual
    * function, or use a #ClutterEffect. The #ClutterActor::paint signal
-   * will be removed in a future version of Clutter.</warning>
+   * will be removed in a future version of Clutter.
    * Since: 0.8
@@ -9548,9 +9559,9 @@ clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (ClutterActor *self,
  * An allocation does not incorporate the actor's scale or anchor point;
  * those transformations do not affect layout, only rendering.
- * <note>Do not call any of the clutter_actor_get_allocation_*() family
+ * Do not call any of the clutter_actor_get_allocation_*() family
  * of functions inside the implementation of the get_preferred_width()
- * or get_preferred_height() virtual functions.</note>
+ * or get_preferred_height() virtual functions.
  * Since: 0.8
@@ -9922,7 +9933,7 @@ clutter_actor_allocate (ClutterActor           *self,
  * expected that the subclass will call clutter_layout_manager_allocate()
  * by itself. For instance, the following code:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * static void
  * my_actor_allocate (ClutterActor *actor,
  *                    const ClutterActorBox *allocation,
@@ -9931,18 +9942,18 @@ clutter_actor_allocate (ClutterActor           *self,
  *   ClutterActorBox new_alloc;
  *   ClutterAllocationFlags new_flags;
- *   adjust_allocation (allocation, &amp;new_alloc);
+ *   adjust_allocation (allocation, &new_alloc);
  *   new_flags = flags | CLUTTER_DELEGATE_LAYOUT;
- *   /&ast; this will use the layout manager set on the actor &ast;/
- *   clutter_actor_set_allocation (actor, &amp;new_alloc, new_flags);
+ *   // this will use the layout manager set on the actor
+ *   clutter_actor_set_allocation (actor, &new_alloc, new_flags);
  * }
  * ]|
  * is equivalent to this:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * static void
  * my_actor_allocate (ClutterActor *actor,
  *                    const ClutterActorBox *allocation,
@@ -9951,14 +9962,14 @@ clutter_actor_allocate (ClutterActor           *self,
  *   ClutterLayoutManager *layout;
  *   ClutterActorBox new_alloc;
- *   adjust_allocation (allocation, &amp;new_alloc);
+ *   adjust_allocation (allocation, &new_alloc);
- *   clutter_actor_set_allocation (actor, &amp;new_alloc, flags);
+ *   clutter_actor_set_allocation (actor, &new_alloc, flags);
  *   layout = clutter_actor_get_layout_manager (actor);
  *   clutter_layout_manager_allocate (layout,
  *                                    CLUTTER_CONTAINER (actor),
- *                                    &amp;new_alloc,
+ *                                    &new_alloc,
  *                                    flags);
  * }
  * ]|
@@ -10650,7 +10661,7 @@ clutter_actor_get_transformed_position (ClutterActor *self,
  * If you want the transformed allocation, see
  * clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices() instead.
- * <note>When the actor (or one of its ancestors) is rotated around the
+ * When the actor (or one of its ancestors) is rotated around the
  * X or Y axis, it no longer appears as on the stage as a rectangle, but
  * as a generic quadrangle; in that case this function returns the size
  * of the smallest rectangle that encapsulates the entire quad. Please
@@ -10658,7 +10669,7 @@ clutter_actor_get_transformed_position (ClutterActor *self,
  * position of this envelope to the absolute position of the actor, as
  * returned by clutter_actor_get_transformed_position(); if you need this
  * information, you need to use clutter_actor_get_abs_allocation_vertices()
- * to get the coords of the actual quadrangle.</note>
+ * to get the coords of the actual quadrangle.
  * Since: 0.8
@@ -11945,11 +11956,10 @@ clutter_actor_get_depth (ClutterActor *self)
  * Sets the rotation angle of @self around the given axis.
  * The rotation center coordinates used depend on the value of @axis:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>%CLUTTER_X_AXIS requires @y and @z</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>%CLUTTER_Y_AXIS requires @x and @z</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>%CLUTTER_Z_AXIS requires @x and @y</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ *  - %CLUTTER_X_AXIS requires @y and @z
+ *  - %CLUTTER_Y_AXIS requires @x and @z
+ *  - %CLUTTER_Z_AXIS requires @x and @y
  * The rotation coordinates are relative to the anchor point of the
  * actor, set using clutter_actor_set_anchor_point(). If no anchor
@@ -14876,10 +14886,10 @@ clutter_animatable_iface_init (ClutterAnimatableIface *iface)
  * nature of the operation. In general the error grows when the skewing
  * of the actor rectangle on screen increases.
- * <note><para>This function can be computationally intensive.</para></note>
+ * This function can be computationally intensive.
- * <note><para>This function only works when the allocation is up-to-date,
- * i.e. inside of paint().</para></note>
+ * This function only works when the allocation is up-to-date, i.e. inside of
+ * the #ClutterActorClass.paint() implementation
  * Return value: %TRUE if conversion was successful.
@@ -15130,7 +15140,7 @@ clutter_actor_get_stage (ClutterActor *actor)
  *   actor's natural height
  * @flags: flags controlling the allocation
- * Allocates @self taking into account the #ClutterActor<!-- -->'s
+ * Allocates @self taking into account the #ClutterActor's
  * preferred size, but limiting it to the maximum available width
  * and height provided.
@@ -15139,36 +15149,36 @@ clutter_actor_get_stage (ClutterActor *actor)
  * The implementation of this function is equivalent to:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   if (request_mode == CLUTTER_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH)
  *     {
  *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, available_height,
- *                                          &amp;min_width,
- *                                          &amp;natural_width);
+ *                                          &min_width,
+ *                                          &natural_width);
  *       width = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);
  *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, width,
- *                                           &amp;min_height,
- *                                           &amp;natural_height);
+ *                                           &min_height,
+ *                                           &natural_height);
  *       height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);
  *     }
  *   else
  *     {
  *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_height (self, available_width,
- *                                           &amp;min_height,
- *                                           &amp;natural_height);
+ *                                           &min_height,
+ *                                           &natural_height);
  *       height = CLAMP (natural_height, min_height, available_height);
  *       clutter_actor_get_preferred_width (self, height,
- *                                          &amp;min_width,
- *                                          &amp;natural_width);
+ *                                          &min_width,
+ *                                          &natural_width);
  *       width = CLAMP (natural_width, min_width, available_width);
  *     }
  *   box.x1 = x; box.y1 = y;
  *   box.x2 = box.x1 + available_width;
  *   box.y2 = box.y1 + available_height;
- *   clutter_actor_allocate (self, &amp;box, flags);
+ *   clutter_actor_allocate (self, &box, flags);
  * ]|
  * This function can be used by fluid layout managers to allocate
@@ -16158,7 +16168,7 @@ clutter_actor_get_text_direction (ClutterActor *self)
  * Should be used by actors implementing the #ClutterContainer and with
  * internal children added through clutter_actor_set_parent(), for instance:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   static void
  *   my_actor_init (MyActor *self)
  *   {
@@ -16166,25 +16176,23 @@ clutter_actor_get_text_direction (ClutterActor *self)
  *     clutter_actor_push_internal (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
- *     /&ast; calling clutter_actor_set_parent() now will result in
- *      &ast; the internal flag being set on a child of MyActor
- *      &ast;/
+ *     // calling clutter_actor_set_parent() now will result in
+ *     // the internal flag being set on a child of MyActor
- *     /&ast; internal child - a background texture &ast;/
+ *     // internal child - a background texture
  *     self->priv->background_tex = clutter_texture_new ();
  *     clutter_actor_set_parent (self->priv->background_tex,
  *                               CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
- *     /&ast; internal child - a label &ast;/
+ *     // internal child - a label
  *     self->priv->label = clutter_text_new ();
  *     clutter_actor_set_parent (self->priv->label,
  *                               CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
  *     clutter_actor_pop_internal (CLUTTER_ACTOR (self));
- *     /&ast; calling clutter_actor_set_parent() now will not result in
- *      &ast; the internal flag being set on a child of MyActor
- *      &ast;/
+ *     // calling clutter_actor_set_parent() now will not result in
+ *     // the internal flag being set on a child of MyActor
  *   }
  * ]|
@@ -16368,7 +16376,7 @@ clutter_actor_add_action (ClutterActor  *self,
  * This function is the logical equivalent of:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (action), name);
  *   clutter_actor_add_action (self, action);
  * ]|
@@ -16574,7 +16582,7 @@ clutter_actor_add_constraint (ClutterActor      *self,
  * This function is the logical equivalent of:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (constraint), name);
  *   clutter_actor_add_constraint (self, constraint);
  * ]|
@@ -16824,7 +16832,7 @@ clutter_actor_add_effect (ClutterActor  *self,
  * This function is the logical equivalent of:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_actor_meta_set_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect), name);
  *   clutter_actor_add_effect (self, effect);
  * ]|
@@ -17157,16 +17165,16 @@ _clutter_actor_get_paint_volume_mutable (ClutterActor *self)
  * The paint volume is defined as the 3D space occupied by an actor
  * when being painted.
- * This function will call the <function>get_paint_volume()</function>
+ * This function will call the #ClutterActorClass.get_paint_volume()
  * virtual function of the #ClutterActor class. Sub-classes of #ClutterActor
  * should not usually care about overriding the default implementation,
  * unless they are, for instance: painting outside their allocation, or
  * actors with a depth factor (not in terms of #ClutterActor:depth but real
  * 3D depth).
- * <note>2D actors overriding <function>get_paint_volume()</function>
- * ensure their volume has a depth of 0. (This will be true so long as
- * you don't call clutter_paint_volume_set_depth().)</note>
+ * Note: 2D actors overriding #ClutterActorClass.get_paint_volume()
+ * should ensure that their volume has a depth of 0. (This will be true
+ * as long as you don't call clutter_paint_volume_set_depth().)
  * Return value: (transfer none): a pointer to a #ClutterPaintVolume,
  *   or %NULL if no volume could be determined. The returned pointer
@@ -17296,7 +17304,7 @@ clutter_actor_get_paint_box (ClutterActor    *self,
  * the opacity property.
  * Custom actors can override the default response by implementing the
- * #ClutterActor <function>has_overlaps</function> virtual function. See
+ * #ClutterActorClass.has_overlaps() virtual function. See
  * clutter_actor_set_offscreen_redirect() for more information.
  * Return value: %TRUE if the actor may have overlapping primitives, and
@@ -18337,14 +18345,14 @@ typedef struct _RealActorIter
  * Modifying the scene graph section that contains @root will invalidate
  * the iterator.
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   ClutterActorIter iter;
  *   ClutterActor *child;
  *   clutter_actor_iter_init (&iter, container);
  *   while (clutter_actor_iter_next (&iter, &child))
  *     {
- *       /&ast; do something with child &ast;/
+ *       // do something with child
  *     }
  * ]|
@@ -19294,7 +19302,7 @@ clutter_actor_get_easing_delay (ClutterActor *self)
  * Transitions created for animatable properties use the name of the
  * property itself, for instance the code below:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_actor_set_easing_duration (actor, 1000);
  *   clutter_actor_set_rotation (actor, CLUTTER_Y_AXIS, 360.0, x, y, z);
@@ -19304,8 +19312,8 @@ clutter_actor_get_easing_delay (ClutterActor *self)
  *                     actor);
  * ]|
- * will call the <function>on_transition_stopped</function> callback when
- * the transition is finished.
+ * will call the `on_transition_stopped` callback when the transition
+ * is finished.
  * If you just want to get notifications of the completion of a transition,
  * you should use the #ClutterActor::transition-stopped signal, using the
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-backend.c b/clutter/clutter-backend.c
index 0ceb2e2..d255eee 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-backend.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-backend.c
@@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ _clutter_backend_remove_event_translator (ClutterBackend         *backend,
  * @backend. A #CoglContext is required when using some of the
  * experimental 2.0 Cogl API.
- * <note>Since CoglContext is itself experimental API this API should
- * be considered experimental too.</note>
+ * Since CoglContext is itself experimental API this API should
+ * be considered experimental too.
- * <note>This API is not yet supported on OSX because OSX still
+ * This API is not yet supported on OSX because OSX still
  * uses the stub Cogl winsys and the Clutter backend doesn't
- * explicitly create a CoglContext.</note>
+ * explicitly create a CoglContext.
  * Return value: (transfer none): The #CoglContext associated with @backend.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c b/clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c
index adf235d..2ee8012 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-bin-layout.c
@@ -29,34 +29,16 @@
  * #ClutterBinLayout is a layout manager which implements the following
  * policy:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><simpara>the preferred size is the maximum preferred size
+ *   - the preferred size is the maximum preferred size
  *   between all the children of the container using the
- *   layout;</simpara></listitem>
- *   <listitem><simpara>each child is allocated in "layers", on on top
- *   of the other;</simpara></listitem>
- *   <listitem><simpara>for each layer there are horizontal and vertical
- *   alignment policies.</simpara></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *   layout;
+ *   - each child is allocated in "layers", on on top
+ *   of the other;
+ *   - for each layer there are horizontal and vertical
+ *   alignment policies.
- * <figure id="bin-layout">
- *   <title>Bin layout</title>
- *   <para>The image shows a #ClutterBinLayout with three layers:
- *   a background #ClutterCairoTexture, set to fill on both the X
- *   and Y axis; a #ClutterTexture, set to center on both the X and
- *   Y axis; and a #ClutterRectangle, set to %CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_END
- *   on both the X and Y axis.</para>
- *   <graphic fileref="bin-layout.png" format="PNG"/>
- * </figure>
- *
- * <example id="example-clutter-bin-layout">
- *  <title>How to pack actors inside a BinLayout</title>
- *  <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *  </programlisting>
- * </example>
+ * The [bin-layout example](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/bin-layout.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * shows how to pack actors inside a #ClutterBinLayout.
  * #ClutterBinLayout is available since Clutter 1.2
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c b/clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c
index fa94906..53cbbba 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-bind-constraint.c
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
  * can also be animated. For instance, the following code will set up three
  * actors to be bound to the same origin:
- * |[
- * /&ast; source &ast;/
- * rect[0] = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color (&amp;red_color);
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
+ * // source
+ * rect[0] = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color (&red_color);
  * clutter_actor_set_position (rect[0], x_pos, y_pos);
  * clutter_actor_set_size (rect[0], 100, 100);
- * /&ast; second rectangle &ast;/
- * rect[1] = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color (&amp;green_color);
+ * // second rectangle
+ * rect[1] = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color (&green_color);
  * clutter_actor_set_size (rect[1], 100, 100);
  * clutter_actor_set_opacity (rect[1], 0);
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
  * constraint = clutter_bind_constraint_new (rect[0], CLUTTER_BIND_Y, 0.0);
  * clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name (rect[1], "green-y", constraint);
- * /&ast; third rectangle &ast;/
- * rect[2] = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color (&amp;blue_color);
+ * // third rectangle
+ * rect[2] = clutter_rectangle_new_with_color (&blue_color);
  * clutter_actor_set_size (rect[2], 100, 100);
  * clutter_actor_set_opacity (rect[2], 0);
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
  * The following code animates the second and third rectangles to "expand"
  * them horizontally from underneath the first rectangle:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * clutter_actor_animate (rect[1], CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC, 250,
  *                        "@constraints.green-x.offset", 100.0,
  *                        "opacity", 255,
@@ -77,21 +77,6 @@
  *                        NULL);
  * ]|
- * <example id="bind-constraint-example">
- *   <title>Animating the offset property of ClutterBindConstraint</title>
- *   <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *   </programlisting>
- *   <para>The example above creates eight rectangles and binds them to a
- *   rectangle positioned in the center of the stage; when the user presses
- *   the center rectangle, the #ClutterBindConstraint:offset property is
- *   animated through the clutter_actor_animate() function to lay out the
- *   eight rectangles around the center one. Pressing one of the outer
- *   rectangles will animate the offset back to 0.</para>
- * </example>
- *
  * #ClutterBindConstraint is available since Clutter 1.4
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c b/clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c
index 6bce923..66959c7 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-binding-pool.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
  * inside their class initialization function and then install actions
  * like this:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * static void
  * foo_class_init (FooClass *klass)
  * {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
  * The callback has a signature of:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *    gboolean (* callback) (GObject             *instance,
  *                           const gchar         *action_name,
  *                           guint                key_val,
@@ -71,19 +71,18 @@
  * use clutter_binding_pool_activate() to match a #ClutterKeyEvent structure
  * to one of the actions:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   ClutterBindingPool *pool;
- *   /&ast; retrieve the binding pool for the type of the actor &ast;/
+ *   // retrieve the binding pool for the type of the actor
  *   pool = clutter_binding_pool_find (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (actor));
- *   /&ast; activate any callback matching the key symbol and modifiers
- *    &ast; mask of the key event. the returned value can be directly
- *    &ast; used to signal that the actor has handled the event.
- *    &ast;/
+ *   // activate any callback matching the key symbol and modifiers
+ *   // mask of the key event. the returned value can be directly
+ *   // used to signal that the actor has handled the event.
  *   return clutter_binding_pool_activate (pool,
- *                                         key_event-&gt;keyval,
- *                                         key_event-&gt;modifier_state,
+ *                                         key_event->keyval,
+ *                                         key_event->modifier_state,
  *                                         G_OBJECT (actor));
  * ]|
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-box-layout.c b/clutter/clutter-box-layout.c
index 82ff6f0..20b2628 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-box-layout.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-box-layout.c
@@ -31,30 +31,16 @@
  * The #ClutterBoxLayout is a #ClutterLayoutManager implementing the
  * following layout policy:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>all children are arranged on a single
- *   line;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>the axis used is controlled by the
- *   #ClutterBoxLayout:orientation property;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>the order of the packing is determined by the
- *   #ClutterBoxLayout:pack-start boolean property;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>each child will be allocated to its natural
- *   size or, if #ClutterActor:x-expand/#ClutterActor:y-expand
- *   is set, the available size;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>honours the #ClutterActor's #ClutterActor:x-align
- *   and #ClutterActor:y-align properties to fill the available
- *   size;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>if the #ClutterBoxLayout:homogeneous boolean property
- *   is set, then all widgets will get the same size, ignoring expand
- *   settings and the preferred sizes</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
- *
- *  <figure id="box-layout">
- *   <title>Box layout</title>
- *   <para>The image shows a #ClutterBoxLayout with the
- *   #ClutterBoxLayout:vertical property set to %FALSE.</para>
- *   <graphic fileref="box-layout.png" format="PNG"/>
- * </figure>
+ *
+ *  - all children are arranged on a single line
+ *  - the axis used is controlled by the #ClutterBoxLayout:orientation property
+ *  - the order of the packing is determined by the #ClutterBoxLayout:pack-start boolean property
+ *  - each child will be allocated to its natural size or, if #ClutterActor:x-expand or
+ *  #ClutterActor:y-expand are set, the available size
+ *  - honours the #ClutterActor's #ClutterActor:x-align and #ClutterActor:y-align properties
+ *  to fill the available size
+ *  - if the #ClutterBoxLayout:homogeneous boolean propert is set, then all widgets will
+ *  get the same size, ignoring expand settings and the preferred sizes
  * It is possible to control the spacing between children of a
  * #ClutterBoxLayout by using clutter_box_layout_set_spacing().
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-canvas.c b/clutter/clutter-canvas.c
index eb9eeb8..8291516 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-canvas.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-canvas.c
@@ -36,13 +36,8 @@
  * that can be used to draw. #ClutterCanvas will emit the #ClutterCanvas::draw
  * signal when invalidated using clutter_content_invalidate().
- * <informalexample id="canvas-example">
- *   <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" href="../../../../examples/canvas.c">
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *   </programlisting>
- * </informalexample>
+ * See [canvas.c](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/canvas.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * for an example of how to use #ClutterCanvas.
  * #ClutterCanvas is available since Clutter 1.10.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-child-meta.h b/clutter/clutter-child-meta.h
index df6246c..7e785a9 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-child-meta.h
+++ b/clutter/clutter-child-meta.h
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ typedef struct _ClutterChildMetaClass           ClutterChildMetaClass;
  * static void
  * my_container_iface_init (ClutterContainerIface *iface)
  * {
- *   /&ast; set the rest of the #ClutterContainer vtable &ast;/
+ *   // set the rest of the #ClutterContainer vtable
  *   container_iface->child_meta_type  = MY_TYPE_CHILD_META;
  * }
  * ]|
  * This will automatically create a #ClutterChildMeta of type
- * MY_TYPE_CHILD_META for every actor that is added to the container.
+ * `MY_TYPE_CHILD_META` for every actor that is added to the container.
  * The child data for an actor can be retrieved using the
  * clutter_container_get_child_meta() function.
@@ -81,9 +81,8 @@ typedef struct _ClutterChildMetaClass           ClutterChildMetaClass;
  * You can provide hooks for your own storage as well as control the
  * instantiation by overriding the #ClutterContainerIface virtual functions
- * <function>create_child_meta</function>,
- * <function>destroy_child_meta</function>,
- * and <function>get_child_meta</function>.
+ * #ClutterContainerIface.create_child_meta(), #ClutterContainerIface.destroy_child_meta(),
+ * and #ClutterContainerIface.get_child_meta().
  * Since: 0.8
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-clone.c b/clutter/clutter-clone.c
index 3de1c05..3bcd0c3 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-clone.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-clone.c
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
  * #ClutterClone can be used to efficiently clone any other actor.
- * <note><para>This is different from clutter_texture_new_from_actor()
- * which requires support for FBOs in the underlying GL
- * implementation.</para></note>
+ * Unlike clutter_texture_new_from_actor(), #ClutterClone does not require
+ * the presence of support for FBOs in the underlying GL or GLES
+ * implementation.
  * #ClutterClone is available since Clutter 1.0
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-color.c b/clutter/clutter-color.c
index 04b1cfa..96dde94 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-color.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-color.c
@@ -624,28 +624,12 @@ parse_hsla (ClutterColor *color,
  * The format of @str can be either one of:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>
- *   <para>a standard name (as taken from the X11 rgb.txt file)</para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- *   <para>an hexadecimal value in the form: <literal>&num;rgb</literal>,
- *   <literal>&num;rrggbb</literal>, <literal>&num;rgba</literal> or
- *   <literal>&num;rrggbbaa</literal></para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- *   <para>a RGB color in the form: <literal>rgb(r, g, b)</literal></para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- *   <para>a RGB color in the form: <literal>rgba(r, g, b, a)</literal></para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- *   <para>a HSL color in the form: <literal>hsl(h, s, l)</literal></para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- *   <para>a HSL color in the form: <literal>hsla(h, s, l, a)</literal></para>
- * </listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *   - a standard name (as taken from the X11 rgb.txt file)
+ *   - an hexadecimal value in the form: `#rgb`, `#rrggbb`, `#rgba`, or `#rrggbbaa`
+ *   - a RGB color in the form: `rgb(r, g, b)`
+ *   - a RGB color in the form: `rgba(r, g, b, a)`
+ *   - a HSL color in the form: `hsl(h, s, l)`
+ *    -a HSL color in the form: `hsla(h, s, l, a)`
  * where 'r', 'g', 'b' and 'a' are (respectively) the red, green, blue color
  * intensities and the opacity. The 'h', 's' and 'l' are (respectively) the
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-constraint.c b/clutter/clutter-constraint.c
index 9b481b5..8749ed9 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-constraint.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-constraint.c
@@ -13,126 +13,95 @@
  * allocation of the actor to which they are applied by overriding the
  * #ClutterConstraintClass.update_allocation() virtual function.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterConstraint-usage">
- *   <title>Using Constraints</title>
- *   <para>Constraints can be used with fixed layout managers, like
- *   #ClutterFixedLayout, or with actors implicitly using a fixed layout
- *   manager, like #ClutterGroup and #ClutterStage.</para>
- *   <para>Constraints provide a way to build user interfaces by using
- *   relations between #ClutterActor<!-- -->s, without explicit fixed
- *   positioning and sizing, similarly to how fluid layout managers like
- *   #ClutterBoxLayout and #ClutterTableLayout lay out their children.</para>
- *   <para>Constraints are attached to a #ClutterActor, and are available
- *   for inspection using clutter_actor_get_constraints().</para>
- *   <para>Clutter provides different implementation of the #ClutterConstraint
- *   abstract class, for instance:</para>
- *   <variablelist>
- *     <varlistentry>
- *       <term>#ClutterAlignConstraint</term>
- *       <listitem><simpara>this constraint can be used to align an actor
- *       to another one, on either the horizontal or the vertical axis; the
- *       #ClutterAlignConstraint uses a normalized offset between 0.0 (the
- *       top or the left of the source actor, depending on the axis) and
- *       1.0 (the bottom or the right of the source actor, depending on the
- *       axis).</simpara></listitem>
- *     </varlistentry>
- *     <varlistentry>
- *       <term>#ClutterBindConstraint</term>
- *       <listitem><simpara>this constraint binds the X, Y, width or height
- *       of an actor to the corresponding position or size of a source
- *       actor; it can also apply an offset.</simpara></listitem>
- *     </varlistentry>
- *     <varlistentry>
- *       <term>#ClutterSnapConstraint</term>
- *       <listitem><simpara>this constraint "snaps" together the edges of
- *       two #ClutterActor<!-- -->s; if an actor uses two constraints on
- *       both its horizontal or vertical edges then it can also expand to
- *       fit the empty space.</simpara></listitem>
- *     </varlistentry>
- *   </variablelist>
- *   <example id="ClutterConstraint-usage-example">
- *     <title>Usage of constraints</title>
- *     <para>The example below uses various #ClutterConstraint<!-- -->s to
- *     lay out three actors on a resizable stage. Only the central actor has
- *     an explicit size, and no actor has an explicit position.</para>
- *     <orderedlist>
- *       <listitem><simpara>The #ClutterRectangle with #ClutterActor:name
- *       <emphasis>layerA</emphasis> is explicitly sized to 100 pixels by 25
- *       pixels, and it's added to the #ClutterStage;</simpara></listitem>
- *       <listitem><simpara>two #ClutterAlignConstraint<!-- -->s are used
- *       to anchor <emphasis>layerA</emphasis> to the center of the stage,
- *       by using 0.5 as the alignment #ClutterAlignConstraint:factor on
- *       both the X and Y axis.</simpara></listitem>
- *       <listitem><simpara>the #ClutterRectangle with #ClutterActor:name
- *       <emphasis>layerB</emphasis> is added to the #ClutterStage with
- *       no explicit size;</simpara></listitem>
- *       <listitem><simpara>the #ClutterActor:x and #ClutterActor:width
- *       of <emphasis>layerB</emphasis> are bound to the same properties
- *       of <emphasis>layerA</emphasis> using two #ClutterBindConstraint
- *       objects, thus keeping <emphasis>layerB</emphasis> aligned to
- *       <emphasis>layerA</emphasis>;</simpara></listitem>
- *       <listitem><simpara>the top edge of <emphasis>layerB</emphasis> is
- *       snapped together with the bottom edge of <emphasis>layerA</emphasis>;
- *       the bottom edge of <emphasis>layerB</emphasis> is also snapped
- *       together with the bottom edge of the #ClutterStage; an offset is
- *       given to the two #ClutterSnapConstraint<!-- -->s to allow for some
- *       padding; since <emphasis>layerB</emphasis> is snapped between two
- *       different #ClutterActor<!-- -->s, its height is stretched to match
- *       the gap;</simpara></listitem>
- *       <listitem><simpara>the #ClutterRectangle with #ClutterActor:name
- *       <emphasis>layerC</emphasis> mirrors <emphasis>layerB</emphasis>,
- *       snapping the top edge of the #ClutterStage to the top edge of
- *       <emphasis>layerC</emphasis> and the top edge of
- *       <emphasis>layerA</emphasis> to the bottom edge of
- *       <emphasis>layerC</emphasis>;</simpara></listitem>
- *     </orderedlist>
- *     <figure id="constraints-example">
- *       <title>Constraints</title>
- *       <graphic fileref="constraints-example.png" format="PNG"/>
- *     </figure>
- *     <programlisting>
- *<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="../../../../examples/constraints.c" 
- *  <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- *</xi:include>
- *     </programlisting>
- *     <para>You can try resizing interactively the #ClutterStage and verify
- *     that the three #ClutterActor<!-- -->s maintain the same position and
- *     size relative to each other, and to the #ClutterStage.</para>
- *   </example>
- *   <warning><para>It's important to note that Clutter does not avoid loops
- *   or competing constraints; if two or more #ClutterConstraint<!-- -->s
- *   are operating on the same positional or dimensional attributes of an
- *   actor, or if the constraints on two different actors depend on each
- *   other, then the behavior is undefined.</para></warning>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterConstraint-implementation">
- *   <title>Implementing a ClutterConstraint</title>
- *   <para>Creating a sub-class of #ClutterConstraint requires the
- *   implementation of the <function>update_allocation()</function>
- *   virtual function.</para>
- *   <para>The <function>update_allocation()</function> virtual function
- *   is called during the allocation sequence of a #ClutterActor, and
- *   allows any #ClutterConstraint attached to that actor to modify the
- *   allocation before it is passed to the <function>allocate()</function>
- *   implementation.</para>
- *   <para>The #ClutterActorBox passed to the
- *   <function>update_allocation()</function> implementation contains the
- *   original allocation of the #ClutterActor, plus the eventual modifications
- *   applied by the other #ClutterConstraint<!-- -->s.</para>
- *   <note><para>Constraints are queried in the same order as they were
- *   applied using clutter_actor_add_constraint() or
- *   clutter_actor_add_constraint_with_name().</para></note>
- *   <para>It is not necessary for a #ClutterConstraint sub-class to chain
- *   up to the parent's implementation.</para>
- *   <para>If a #ClutterConstraint is parametrized - i.e. if it contains
- *   properties that affect the way the constraint is implemented - it should
- *   call clutter_actor_queue_relayout() on the actor to which it is attached
- *   to whenever any parameter is changed. The actor to which it is attached
- *   can be recovered at any point using clutter_actor_meta_get_actor().</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
  * #ClutterConstraint is available since Clutter 1.4
+ *
+ * ## Using Constraints
+ *
+ * Constraints can be used with fixed layout managers, like
+ * #ClutterFixedLayout, or with actors implicitly using a fixed layout
+ * manager, like #ClutterGroup and #ClutterStage.
+ *
+ * Constraints provide a way to build user interfaces by using
+ * relations between #ClutterActors, without explicit fixed
+ * positioning and sizing, similarly to how fluid layout managers like
+ * #ClutterBoxLayout and #ClutterTableLayout lay out their children.
+ *
+ * Constraints are attached to a #ClutterActor, and are available
+ * for inspection using clutter_actor_get_constraints().
+ *
+ * Clutter provides different implementation of the #ClutterConstraint
+ * abstract class, for instance:
+ *
+ *  - #ClutterAlignConstraint, a constraint that can be used to align
+ *  an actor to another one on either the horizontal or the vertical
+ *  axis, using a normalized value between 0 and 1.
+ *  - #ClutterBindConstraint, a constraint binds the X, Y, width or height
+ *  of an actor to the corresponding position or size of a source actor,
+ *  with or without an offset.
+ *  - #ClutterSnapConstraint, a constraint that "snaps" together the edges
+ *  of two #ClutterActors; if an actor uses two constraints on both its
+ *  horizontal or vertical edges then it can also expand to fit the empty
+ *  space.
+ *
+ * The [constraints example](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/constraints.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * uses various types of #ClutterConstraints to lay out three actors on a
+ * resizable stage. Only the central actor has an explicit size, and no
+ * actor has an explicit position.
+ *
+ *  - The #ClutterActor with #ClutterActor:name `layerA` is explicitly
+ *  sized to 100 pixels by 25 pixels, and it's added to the #ClutterStage
+ *  - two #ClutterAlignConstraints are used to anchor `layerA` to the
+ *  center of the stage, by using 0.5 as the alignment #ClutterAlignConstraint:factor on
+ *  both the X and Y axis
+ *  - the #ClutterActor with #ClutterActor:name `layerB` is added to the
+ *  #ClutterStage with no explicit size
+ *  - the #ClutterActor:x and #ClutterActor:width of `layerB` are bound
+ *  to the same properties of `layerA` using two #ClutterBindConstraint
+ *  objects, thus keeping `layerB` aligned to `layerA`
+ *  - the top edge of `layerB` is snapped together with the bottom edge
+ *  of `layerA`; the bottom edge of `layerB` is also snapped together with
+ *  the bottom edge of the #ClutterStage; an offset is  given to the two
+ *  #ClutterSnapConstraintss to allow for some padding; since `layerB` is
+ *  snapped between two different #ClutterActors, its height is stretched
+ *  to match the gap
+ *  - the #ClutterActor with #ClutterActor:name `layerC` mirrors `layerB`,
+ *  snapping the top edge of the #ClutterStage to the top edge of `layerC`
+ *  and the top edge of `layerA` to the bottom edge of `layerC`
+ *
+ * You can try resizing interactively the #ClutterStage and verify
+ * that the three #ClutterActors maintain the same position and
+ * size relative to each other, and to the #ClutterStage.
+ *
+ * It is important to note that Clutter does not avoid loops or
+ * competing constraints; if two or more #ClutterConstraints
+ * are operating on the same positional or dimensional attributes of an
+ * actor, or if the constraints on two different actors depend on each
+ * other, then the behavior is undefined.
+ *
+ * ## Implementing a ClutterConstraint
+ *
+ * Creating a sub-class of #ClutterConstraint requires the
+ * implementation of the #ClutterConstraintClass.update_allocation()
+ * virtual function.
+ *
+ * The `update_allocation()` virtual function is called during the
+ * allocation sequence of a #ClutterActor, and allows any #ClutterConstraint
+ * attached to that actor to modify the allocation before it is passed to
+ * the actor's #ClutterActorClass.allocate() implementation.
+ *
+ * The #ClutterActorBox passed to the `update_allocation()` implementation
+ * contains the original allocation of the #ClutterActor, plus the eventual
+ * modifications applied by the other #ClutterConstraints, in the same order
+ * the constraints have been applied to the actor.
+ *
+ * It is not necessary for a #ClutterConstraint sub-class to chain
+ * up to the parent's implementation.
+ *
+ * If a #ClutterConstraint is parametrized - i.e. if it contains
+ * properties that affect the way the constraint is implemented - it should
+ * call clutter_actor_queue_relayout() on the actor to which it is attached
+ * to whenever any parameter is changed. The actor to which it is attached
+ * can be recovered at any point using clutter_actor_meta_get_actor().
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c b/clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c
index f619505..925866a 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-deform-effect.c
@@ -39,17 +39,16 @@
  * a #ClutterActor and then the Cogl vertex buffers API to submit the
  * geometry to the GPU.
- * <refsect2>
- *   <title>Implementing ClutterDeformEffect</title>
- *   <para>Sub-classes of #ClutterDeformEffect should override the
- *   #ClutterDeformEffectClass.deform_vertex() virtual function; this function
- *   is called on every vertex that needs to be deformed by the effect.
- *   Each passed vertex is an in-out parameter that initially contains the
- *   position of the vertex and should be modified according to a specific
- *   deformation algorithm.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
  * #ClutterDeformEffect is available since Clutter 1.4
+ *
+ * ## Implementing ClutterDeformEffect
+ *
+ * Sub-classes of #ClutterDeformEffect should override the
+ * #ClutterDeformEffectClass.deform_vertex() virtual function; this function
+ * is called on every vertex that needs to be deformed by the effect.
+ * Each passed vertex is an in-out parameter that initially contains the
+ * position of the vertex and should be modified according to a specific
+ * deformation algorithm.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-drag-action.c b/clutter/clutter-drag-action.c
index c805453..1314522 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-drag-action.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-drag-action.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
  * a #ClutterActor and setting it as reactive; for instance, the following
  * code:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_actor_add_action (actor, clutter_drag_action_new ());
  *   clutter_actor_set_reactive (actor, TRUE);
  * ]|
@@ -54,19 +54,11 @@
  * parented and exist between the emission of #ClutterDragAction::drag-begin
  * and #ClutterDragAction::drag-end.
- * <example id="drag-action-example">
- *   <title>A simple draggable actor</title>
- *   <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *   </programlisting>
- *   <para>The example program above allows dragging the rectangle around
- *   the stage using a #ClutterDragAction. When pressing the
- *   <keycap>Shift</keycap> key the actor that is going to be dragged is a
- *   separate rectangle, and when the drag ends, the original rectangle will
- *   be animated to the final coordinates.</para>
- * </example>
+ * The [drag-action example](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/drag-action.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * allows dragging the rectangle around the stage using a #ClutterDragAction.
+ * When pressing the `Shift` key the actor that is being dragged will be a
+ * separate rectangle, and when the drag ends, the original rectangle will be
+ * animated to the final drop coordinates.
  * #ClutterDragAction is available since Clutter 1.4
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-drop-action.c b/clutter/clutter-drop-action.c
index 7f71ae3..a1a99fb 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-drop-action.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-drop-action.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
  * #ClutterDropAction::drop signal and handling the drop from there,
  * for instance:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   ClutterAction *action = clutter_drop_action ();
  *   g_signal_connect (action, "drop", G_CALLBACK (on_drop), NULL);
@@ -49,18 +49,12 @@
  * cause the #ClutterDropAction::drop signal to be skipped when the input
  * device button is released.
- * <example id="drop-action-example">
- *   <title>Drop targets</title>
- *   <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *   </programlisting>
- * </example>
- *
  * It's important to note that #ClutterDropAction will only work with
  * actors dragged using #ClutterDragAction.
+ * See [drop-action.c](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/drop-action.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * for an example of how to use #ClutterDropAction.
+ *
  * #ClutterDropAction is available since Clutter 1.8
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-effect.c b/clutter/clutter-effect.c
index 8430a76..33d8f13 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-effect.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-effect.c
@@ -36,78 +36,50 @@
  * actor without sub-classing the actor itself and overriding the
  * #ClutterActorClass.paint()_ virtual function.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterEffect-implementation">
- *   <title>Implementing a ClutterEffect</title>
- *   <para>
- *     Creating a sub-class of #ClutterEffect requires overriding the
- *     ‘paint’ method. The implementation of the function should look
- *     something like this:
- *   </para>
- *   <programlisting>
+ * ## Implementing a ClutterEffect
+ *
+ * Creating a sub-class of #ClutterEffect requires overriding the
+ * #ClutterEffectClass.paint() method. The implementation of the function should look
+ * something like this:
+ *
+ * |[
  * void effect_paint (ClutterEffect *effect, ClutterEffectPaintFlags flags)
  * {
- *   /&ast; Set up initialisation of the paint such as binding a
- *      CoglOffscreen or other operations &ast;/
+ *   // Set up initialisation of the paint such as binding a
+ *   // CoglOffscreen or other operations
- *   /&ast; Chain to the next item in the paint sequence. This will either call
- *      ‘paint’ on the next effect or just paint the actor if this is
- *      the last effect. &ast;/
+ *   // Chain to the next item in the paint sequence. This will either call
+ *   // ‘paint’ on the next effect or just paint the actor if this is
+ *   // the last effect.
  *   ClutterActor *actor =
  *     clutter_actor_meta_get_actor (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (effect));
+ *
  *   clutter_actor_continue_paint (actor);
- *   /&ast; perform any cleanup of state, such as popping the
- *      CoglOffscreen &ast;/
+ *   // perform any cleanup of state, such as popping the CoglOffscreen
  * }
- *   </programlisting>
- *   <para>
- *     The effect can optionally avoid calling
- *     clutter_actor_continue_paint() to skip any further stages of
- *     the paint sequence. This is useful for example if the effect
- *     contains a cached image of the actor. In that case it can
- *     optimise painting by avoiding the actor paint and instead
- *     painting the cached image. The %CLUTTER_EFFECT_PAINT_ACTOR_DIRTY
- *     flag is useful in this case. Clutter will set this flag when a
- *     redraw has been queued on the actor since it was last
- *     painted. The effect can use this information to decide if the
- *     cached image is still valid.
- *   </para>
- *   <para>
- *     The ‘paint’ virtual was added in Clutter 1.8. Prior to that there
- *     were two separate functions as follows.
- *   </para>
- *   <itemizedlist>
- *     <listitem><simpara><function>pre_paint()</function>, which is called
- *     before painting the #ClutterActor.</simpara></listitem>
- *     <listitem><simpara><function>post_paint()</function>, which is called
- *     after painting the #ClutterActor.</simpara></listitem>
- *   </itemizedlist>
- *   <para>The <function>pre_paint()</function> function was used to set
- *   up the #ClutterEffect right before the #ClutterActor's paint
- *   sequence. This function can fail, and return %FALSE; in that case, no
- *   <function>post_paint()</function> invocation will follow.</para>
- *   <para>The <function>post_paint()</function> function was called after the
- *   #ClutterActor's paint sequence.</para>
- *   <para>
- *     With these two functions it is not possible to skip the rest of
- *     the paint sequence. The default implementation of the ‘paint’
- *     virtual calls #ClutterEffectClass.pre_paint(), clutter_actor_continue_paint()
- *     and then #ClutterEffectClass.post_paint() so that existing actors that aren't
- *     using the #ClutterEffectClass.paint() virtual will continue to work. New
- *     effects using the #ClutterEffectClass.paint() virtual do not need to implement
- *     pre or post paint.
- *   </para>
- *   <example id="ClutterEffect-example">
- *     <title>A simple ClutterEffect implementation</title>
- *     <para>The example below creates two rectangles: one will be
- *     painted "behind" the actor, while another will be painted "on
- *     top" of the actor.  The #ClutterActorMetaClass.set_actor()
- *     implementation will create the two materials used for the two
- *     different rectangles; the #ClutterEffectClass.paint() implementation
- *     will paint the first material using cogl_rectangle(), before
- *     continuing and then it will paint paint the second material
- *     after.</para>
- *     <programlisting>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * The effect can optionally avoid calling clutter_actor_continue_paint() to skip any
+ * further stages of the paint sequence. This is useful for example if the effect
+ * contains a cached image of the actor. In that case it can optimise painting by
+ * avoiding the actor paint and instead painting the cached image.
+ *
+ * The %CLUTTER_EFFECT_PAINT_ACTOR_DIRTY flag is useful in this case. Clutter will set
+ * this flag when a redraw has been queued on the actor since it was last painted. The
+ * effect can use this information to decide if the cached image is still valid.
+ *
+ * ## A simple ClutterEffect implementation
+ *
+ * The example below creates two rectangles: one will be painted "behind" the actor,
+ * while another will be painted "on top" of the actor.
+ *
+ * The #ClutterActorMetaClass.set_actor() implementation will create the two materials
+ * used for the two different rectangles; the #ClutterEffectClass.paint() implementation
+ * will paint the first material using cogl_rectangle(), before continuing and then it
+ * will paint paint the second material after.
+ *
+ *  |[
  *  typedef struct {
  *    ClutterEffect parent_instance;
@@ -125,35 +97,33 @@
  *  {
  *    MyEffect *self = MY_EFFECT (meta);
- *    /&ast; Clear the previous state &ast;/
- *    if (self-&gt;rect_1)
+ *    // Clear the previous state //
+ *    if (self->rect_1)
  *      {
- *        cogl_handle_unref (self-&gt;rect_1);
- *        self-&gt;rect_1 = NULL;
+ *        cogl_handle_unref (self->rect_1);
+ *        self->rect_1 = NULL;
  *      }
- *    if (self-&gt;rect_2)
+ *    if (self->rect_2)
  *      {
- *        cogl_handle_unref (self-&gt;rect_2);
- *        self-&gt;rect_2 = NULL;
+ *        cogl_handle_unref (self->rect_2);
+ *        self->rect_2 = NULL;
  *      }
- *    /&ast; Maintain a pointer to the actor &ast;
- *    self-&gt;actor = actor;
+ *    // Maintain a pointer to the actor
+ *    self->actor = actor;
- *    /&ast; If we've been detached by the actor then we should
- *     &ast; just bail out here
- *     &ast;/
- *    if (self-&gt;actor == NULL)
+ *    // If we've been detached by the actor then we should just bail out here
+ *    if (self->actor == NULL)
  *      return;
- *    /&ast; Create a red material &ast;/
- *    self-&gt;rect_1 = cogl_material_new ();
- *    cogl_material_set_color4f (self-&gt;rect_1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ *    // Create a red material
+ *    self->rect_1 = cogl_material_new ();
+ *    cogl_material_set_color4f (self->rect_1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- *    /&ast; Create a green material &ast;/
- *    self-&gt;rect_2 = cogl_material_new ();
- *    cogl_material_set_color4f (self-&gt;rect_2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ *    // Create a green material
+ *    self->rect_2 = cogl_material_new ();
+ *    cogl_material_set_color4f (self->rect_2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  *  }
  *  static gboolean
@@ -162,17 +132,17 @@
  *    MyEffect *self = MY_EFFECT (effect);
  *    gfloat width, height;
- *    clutter_actor_get_size (self-&gt;actor, &amp;width, &amp;height);
+ *    clutter_actor_get_size (self->actor, &width, &height);
- *    /&ast; Paint the first rectangle in the upper left quadrant &ast;/
- *    cogl_set_source (self-&gt;rect_1);
+ *    // Paint the first rectangle in the upper left quadrant
+ *    cogl_set_source (self->rect_1);
  *    cogl_rectangle (0, 0, width / 2, height / 2);
- *    /&ast; Continue to the rest of the paint sequence &ast;/
- *    clutter_actor_continue_paint (self-&gt;actor);
+ *    // Continue to the rest of the paint sequence
+ *    clutter_actor_continue_paint (self->actor);
- *    /&ast; Paint the second rectangle in the lower right quadrant &ast;/
- *    cogl_set_source (self-&gt;rect_2);
+ *    // Paint the second rectangle in the lower right quadrant
+ *    cogl_set_source (self->rect_2);
  *    cogl_rectangle (width / 2, height / 2, width, height);
  *  }
@@ -181,13 +151,11 @@
  *  {
  *    ClutterActorMetaClas *meta_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_META_CLASS (klass);
- *    meta_class-&gt;set_actor = my_effect_set_actor;
+ *    meta_class->set_actor = my_effect_set_actor;
- *    klass-&gt;paint = my_effect_paint;
+ *    klass->paint = my_effect_paint;
  *  }
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </example>
- * </refsect2>
+ * ]|
  * #ClutterEffect is available since Clutter 1.4
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c b/clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c
index eb23b53..0645666 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-flow-layout.c
@@ -29,40 +29,25 @@
  * #ClutterFlowLayout is a layout manager which implements the following
  * policy:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>the preferred natural size depends on the value
+ *   - the preferred natural size depends on the value
  *   of the #ClutterFlowLayout:orientation property; the layout will try
  *   to maintain all its children on a single row or
- *   column;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>if either the width or the height allocated are
+ *   column;
+ *   - if either the width or the height allocated are
  *   smaller than the preferred ones, the layout will wrap; in this case,
  *   the preferred height or width, respectively, will take into account
- *   the amount of columns and rows;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>each line (either column or row) in reflowing will
+ *   the amount of columns and rows;
+ *   - each line (either column or row) in reflowing will
  *   have the size of the biggest cell on that line; if the
  *   #ClutterFlowLayout:homogeneous property is set to %FALSE the actor
  *   will be allocated within that area, and if set to %TRUE instead the
- *   actor will be given exactly that area;</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>the size of the columns or rows can be controlled
+ *   actor will be given exactly that area;
+ *   - the size of the columns or rows can be controlled
  *   for both minimum and maximum; the spacing can also be controlled
- *   in both columns and rows.</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *   in both columns and rows.
- * <figure id="flow-layout-image">
- *   <title>Horizontal flow layout</title>
- *   <para>The image shows a #ClutterFlowLayout with the
- *   #ClutterFlowLayout:orientation propert set to
- *   <graphic fileref="flow-layout.png" format="PNG"/>
- * </figure>
- *
- * <informalexample>
- *  <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *  </programlisting>
- * </informalexample>
+ * The [flow-layout example](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/flow-layout.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * shows how to use the #ClutterFlowLayout.
  * #ClutterFlowLayout is available since Clutter 1.2
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c b/clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c
index 35019a7..179905e 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-gesture-action.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
  * To use #ClutterGestureAction you just need to apply it to a #ClutterActor
  * using clutter_actor_add_action() and connect to the signals:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   ClutterAction *action = clutter_gesture_action_new ();
  *   clutter_actor_add_action (actor, action);
@@ -48,37 +48,37 @@
  *   g_signal_connect (action, "gesture-end", G_CALLBACK (on_gesture_end), NULL);
  * ]|
- * <refsect2 id="creating-gesture-action">
- *   <title>Creating Gesture actions</title>
- *   <para>A #ClutterGestureAction provides four separate states that can be
- *   used to recognize or ignore gestures when writing a new action class:</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting><![CDATA[
-  Prepare -> Cancel
-  Prepare -> Begin -> Cancel
-  Prepare -> Begin -> End
-  Prepare -> Begin -> Progress -> Cancel
-  Prepare -> Begin -> Progress -> End
- * ]]>
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   <para>Each #ClutterGestureAction starts in the "prepare" state, and calls
- *   the #ClutterGestureActionClass.gesture_prepare() virtual function; this
- *   state can be used to reset the internal state of a #ClutterGestureAction
- *   subclass, but it can also immediately cancel a gesture without going
- *   through the rest of the states.</para>
- *   <para>The "begin" state follows the "prepare" state, and calls the
- *   #ClutterGestureActionClass.gesture_begin() virtual function. This state
- *   signals the start of a gesture recognizing process. From the "begin" state
- *   the gesture recognition process can successfully end, by going to the
- *   "end" state; it can continue in the "progress" state, in case of a
- *   continuous gesture; or it can be terminated, by moving to the "cancel"
- *   state.</para>
- *   <para>In case of continuous gestures, the #ClutterGestureAction will use
- *   the "progress" state, calling the #ClutterGestureActionClass.gesture_progress()
- *   virtual function; the "progress" state will continue until the end of the
- *   gesture, in which case the "end" state will be reached, or until the
- *   gesture is cancelled, in which case the "cancel" gesture will be used
- *   instead.</para>
- * </refsect2>
+ * ## Creating Gesture actions
+ *
+ * A #ClutterGestureAction provides four separate states that can be
+ * used to recognize or ignore gestures when writing a new action class:
+ *
+ *  - Prepare -> Cancel
+ *  - Prepare -> Begin -> Cancel
+ *  - Prepare -> Begin -> End
+ *  - Prepare -> Begin -> Progress -> Cancel
+ *  - Prepare -> Begin -> Progress -> End
+ *
+ * Each #ClutterGestureAction starts in the "prepare" state, and calls
+ * the #ClutterGestureActionClass.gesture_prepare() virtual function; this
+ * state can be used to reset the internal state of a #ClutterGestureAction
+ * subclass, but it can also immediately cancel a gesture without going
+ * through the rest of the states.
+ *
+ * The "begin" state follows the "prepare" state, and calls the
+ * #ClutterGestureActionClass.gesture_begin() virtual function. This state
+ * signals the start of a gesture recognizing process. From the "begin" state
+ * the gesture recognition process can successfully end, by going to the
+ * "end" state; it can continue in the "progress" state, in case of a
+ * continuous gesture; or it can be terminated, by moving to the "cancel"
+ * state.
+ *
+ * In case of continuous gestures, the #ClutterGestureAction will use
+ * the "progress" state, calling the #ClutterGestureActionClass.gesture_progress()
+ * virtual function; the "progress" state will continue until the end of the
+ * gesture, in which case the "end" state will be reached, or until the
+ * gesture is cancelled, in which case the "cancel" gesture will be used
+ * instead.
  * Since: 1.8
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-image.c b/clutter/clutter-image.c
index 96dba91..c494767 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-image.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-image.c
@@ -28,13 +28,10 @@
  * @Short_Description: Image data content
  * #ClutterImage is a #ClutterContent implementation that displays
- * image data.
+ * image data inside a #ClutterActor.
- * <informalexample><programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- * </programlisting></informalexample>
+ * See [image.c](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/image.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * for an example of how to use #ClutterImage.
  * #ClutterImage is available since Clutter 1.10.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-input-device.c b/clutter/clutter-input-device.c
index 6fe05b0..9b05453 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-input-device.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-input-device.c
@@ -1036,9 +1036,9 @@ clutter_input_device_get_device_mode (ClutterInputDevice *device)
  * |[
  *   ClutterEvent c_event;
- *   translate_native_event_to_clutter (native_event, &amp;c_event);
+ *   translate_native_event_to_clutter (native_event, &c_event);
- *   clutter_do_event (&amp;c_event);
+ *   clutter_do_event (&c_event);
  * ]|
  * Before letting clutter_do_event() process the event, it is necessary to call
@@ -1049,20 +1049,18 @@ clutter_input_device_get_device_mode (ClutterInputDevice *device)
  *   ClutterDeviceManager *manager;
  *   ClutterInputDevice *device;
- *   translate_native_event_to_clutter (native_event, &amp;c_event);
+ *   translate_native_event_to_clutter (native_event, &c_event);
- *   /&ast; get the device manager &ast;/
+ *   // get the device manager
  *   manager = clutter_device_manager_get_default ();
- *   /&ast; use the default Core Pointer that Clutter
- *    &ast; backends register by default
- *    &ast;/
+ *   // use the default Core Pointer that Clutter backends register by default
  *   device = clutter_device_manager_get_core_device (manager, %CLUTTER_POINTER_DEVICE);
- *   /&ast; update the state of the input device &ast;/
- *   clutter_input_device_update_from_event (device, &amp;c_event, FALSE);
+ *   // update the state of the input device
+ *   clutter_input_device_update_from_event (device, &c_event, FALSE);
- *   clutter_do_event (&amp;c_event);
+ *   clutter_do_event (&c_event);
  * ]|
  * The @update_stage boolean argument should be used when the input device
@@ -1272,7 +1270,7 @@ clutter_input_device_get_axis (ClutterInputDevice *device,
  *   clutter_input_device_get_axis_value (device, axes,
  *                                        CLUTTER_INPUT_AXIS_PRESSURE,
- *                                        &amp;pressure_value);
+ *                                        &pressure_value);
  * ]|
  * Return value: %TRUE if the value was set, and %FALSE otherwise
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-layout-manager.c b/clutter/clutter-layout-manager.c
index e1bce2e..3b731c9 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-layout-manager.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-layout-manager.c
@@ -38,227 +38,36 @@
  * Clutter provides some simple #ClutterLayoutManager sub-classes, like
  * #ClutterFlowLayout and #ClutterBinLayout.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterLayoutManager-use-in-Actor">
- *   <title>Using a Layout Manager inside an Actor</title>
- *   <para>In order to use a #ClutterLayoutManager inside a #ClutterActor
- *   sub-class you should invoke clutter_layout_manager_get_preferred_width()
- *   inside the #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_width() virtual function and
- *   clutter_layout_manager_get_preferred_height() inside the
- *   #ClutterActorClass.get_preferred_height() virtual functions implementation.
- *   You should also call clutter_layout_manager_allocate() inside the
- *   implementation of the #ClutterActorClass.allocate() virtual function.</para>
- *   <para>In order to receive notifications for changes in the layout
- *   manager policies you should also connect to the
- *   #ClutterLayoutManager::layout-changed signal and queue a relayout
- *   on your actor. The following code should be enough if the actor
- *   does not need to perform specific operations whenever a layout
- *   manager changes:</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
- *  g_signal_connect_swapped (layout_manager,
- *                            "layout-changed",
- *                            G_CALLBACK (clutter_actor_queue_relayout),
- *                            actor);
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterLayoutManager-implementation">
- *   <title>Implementing a ClutterLayoutManager</title>
- *   <para>The implementation of a layout manager does not differ from
- *   the implementation of the size requisition and allocation bits of
- *   #ClutterActor, so you should read the relative documentation
- *   <link linkend="clutter-subclassing-ClutterActor">for subclassing
- *   ClutterActor</link>.</para>
- *   <para>The layout manager implementation can hold a back pointer
- *   to the #ClutterContainer by implementing the
- *   <function>set_container()</function> virtual function. The layout manager
- *   should not hold a real reference (i.e. call g_object_ref()) on the
- *   container actor, to avoid reference cycles.</para>
- *   <para>If a layout manager has properties affecting the layout
- *   policies then it should emit the #ClutterLayoutManager::layout-changed
- *   signal on itself by using the clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed()
- *   function whenever one of these properties changes.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterLayoutManager-animation">
- *   <title>Animating a ClutterLayoutManager</title>
- *   <para>A layout manager is used to let a #ClutterContainer take complete
- *   ownership over the layout (that is: the position and sizing) of its
- *   children; this means that using the Clutter animation API, like
- *   clutter_actor_animate(), to animate the position and sizing of a child of
- *   a layout manager it is not going to work properly, as the animation will
- *   automatically override any setting done by the layout manager
- *   itself.</para>
- *   <para>It is possible for a #ClutterLayoutManager sub-class to animate its
- *   children layout by using the base class animation support. The
- *   #ClutterLayoutManager animation support consists of three virtual
- *   functions: #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.begin_animation(),
- *   #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.get_animation_progress(), and
- *   #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.end_animation().</para>
- *   <variablelist>
- *     <varlistentry>
- *       <term><function>begin_animation (duration, easing)</function></term>
- *       <listitem><para>This virtual function is invoked when the layout
- *       manager should begin an animation. The implementation should set up
- *       the state for the animation and create the ancillary objects for
- *       animating the layout. The default implementation creates a
- *       #ClutterTimeline for the given duration and a #ClutterAlpha binding
- *       the timeline to the given easing mode. This function returns a
- *       #ClutterAlpha which should be used to control the animation from
- *       the caller perspective.</para></listitem>
- *     </varlistentry>
- *     <varlistentry>
- *       <term><function>get_animation_progress()</function></term>
- *       <listitem><para>This virtual function should be invoked when animating
- *       a layout manager. It returns the progress of the animation, using the
- *       same semantics as the #ClutterAlpha:alpha value.</para></listitem>
- *     </varlistentry>
- *     <varlistentry>
- *       <term><function>end_animation()</function></term>
- *       <listitem><para>This virtual function is invoked when the animation of
- *       a layout manager ends, and it is meant to be used for bookkeeping the
- *       objects created in the <function>begin_animation()</function>
- *       function. The default implementation will call it implicitly when the
- *       timeline is complete.</para></listitem>
- *     </varlistentry>
- *   </variablelist>
- *   <para>The simplest way to animate a layout is to create a #ClutterTimeline
- *   inside the <function>begin_animation()</function> virtual function, along
- *   with a #ClutterAlpha, and for each #ClutterTimeline::new-frame signal
- *   emission call clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed(), which will cause a
- *   relayout. The #ClutterTimeline::completed signal emission should cause
- *   clutter_layout_manager_end_animation() to be called. The default
- *   implementation provided internally by #ClutterLayoutManager does exactly
- *   this, so most sub-classes should either not override any animation-related
- *   virtual function or simply override #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.begin_animation()
- *   and #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.end_animation() to set up ad hoc state, and then
- *   chain up to the parent's implementation.</para>
- *   <example id="example-ClutterLayoutManager-animation">
- *     <title>Animation of a Layout Manager</title>
- *     <para>The code below shows how a #ClutterLayoutManager sub-class should
- *     provide animating the allocation of its children from within the
- *     #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.allocate() virtual function implementation. The
- *     animation is computed between the last stable allocation performed
- *     before the animation started and the desired final allocation.</para>
- *     <para>The <varname>is_animating</varname> variable is stored inside the
- *     #ClutterLayoutManager sub-class and it is updated by overriding the
- *     #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.begin_animation() and the
- *     #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.end_animation() virtual functions and chaining up
- *     to the base class implementation.</para>
- *     <para>The last stable allocation is stored within a #ClutterLayoutMeta
- *     sub-class used by the implementation.</para>
- *     <programlisting>
- * static void
- * my_layout_manager_allocate (ClutterLayoutManager   *manager,
- *                             ClutterContainer       *container,
- *                             const ClutterActorBox  *allocation,
- *                             ClutterAllocationFlags  flags)
- * {
- *   MyLayoutManager *self = MY_LAYOUT_MANAGER (manager);
- *   ClutterActor *child;
- *
- *   for (child = clutter_actor_get_first_child (CLUTTER_ACTOR (container));
- *        child != NULL;
- *        child = clutter_actor_get_next_sibling (child))
- *     {
- *       ClutterLayoutMeta *meta;
- *       MyLayoutMeta *my_meta;
- *
- *       /&ast; retrieve the layout meta-object &ast;/
- *       meta = clutter_layout_manager_get_child_meta (manager,
- *                                                     container,
- *                                                     child);
- *       my_meta = MY_LAYOUT_META (meta);
- *
- *       /&ast; compute the desired allocation for the child &ast;/
- *       compute_allocation (self, my_meta, child,
- *                           allocation, flags,
- *                           &amp;child_box);
- *
- *       /&ast; this is the additional code that deals with the animation
- *        &ast; of the layout manager
- *        &ast;/
- *       if (!self-&gt;is_animating)
- *         {
- *           /&ast; store the last stable allocation for later use &ast;/
- *           my_meta-&gt;last_alloc = clutter_actor_box_copy (&amp;child_box);
- *         }
- *       else
- *         {
- *           ClutterActorBox end = { 0, };
- *           gdouble p;
- *
- *           /&ast; get the progress of the animation &ast;/
- *           p = clutter_layout_manager_get_animation_progress (manager);
- *
- *           if (my_meta-&gt;last_alloc != NULL)
- *             {
- *               /&ast; copy the desired allocation as the final state &ast;/
- *               end = child_box;
- *
- *               /&ast; then interpolate the initial and final state
- *                &ast; depending on the progress of the animation,
- *                &ast; and put the result inside the box we will use
- *                &ast; to allocate the child
- *                &ast;/
- *               clutter_actor_box_interpolate (my_meta-&gt;last_alloc,
- *                                              &amp;end,
- *                                              p,
- *                                              &amp;child_box);
- *             }
- *           else
- *             {
- *               /&ast; if there is no stable allocation then the child was
- *                &ast; added while animating; one possible course of action
- *                &ast; is to just bail out and fall through to the allocation
- *                &ast; to position the child directly at its final state
- *                &ast;/
- *               my_meta-&gt;last_alloc =
- *                 clutter_actor_box_copy (&amp;child_box);
- *             }
- *         }
- *
- *       /&ast; allocate the child &ast;/
- *       clutter_actor_allocate (child, &child_box, flags);
- *     }
- * }
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </example>
- *   <para>Sub-classes of #ClutterLayoutManager that support animations of the
- *   layout changes should call clutter_layout_manager_begin_animation()
- *   whenever a layout property changes value, e.g.:</para>
- *   <informalexample>
- *     <programlisting>
- * if (self->orientation != new_orientation)
- *   {
- *     ClutterLayoutManager *manager;
- *
- *     self->orientation = new_orientation;
- *
- *     manager = CLUTTER_LAYOUT_MANAGER (self);
- *     clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed (manager);
- *     clutter_layout_manager_begin_animation (manager, 500, CLUTTER_LINEAR);
- *
- *     g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "orientation");
- *   }
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </informalexample>
- *   <para>The code above will animate a change in the
- *   <varname>orientation</varname> layout property of a layout manager.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * <refsect2 id="clutter-layout-properties">
- *   <title>Layout Properties</title>
- *   <para>If a layout manager has layout properties, that is properties that
- *   should exist only as the result of the presence of a specific (layout
- *   manager, container actor, child actor) combination, and it wishes to store
- *   those properties inside a #ClutterLayoutMeta, then it should override the
- *   #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.get_child_meta_type() virtual function to return
- *   the #GType of the #ClutterLayoutMeta sub-class used to store the layout
- *   properties; optionally, the #ClutterLayoutManager sub-class might also
- *   override the #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.create_child_meta() virtual function
- *   to control how the #ClutterLayoutMeta instance is created, otherwise the
- *   default implementation will be equivalent to:</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ## Implementing a ClutterLayoutManager
+ * The implementation of a layout manager does not differ from  the
+ * implementation of the size requisition and allocation bits of
+ * #ClutterActor, so you should read the relative documentation
+ * forr subclassing #ClutterActor.
+ *
+ * The layout manager implementation can hold a back pointer to the
+ * #ClutterContainer by implementing the #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.set_container()
+ * virtual function. The layout manager should not hold a real reference (i.e.
+ * call g_object_ref()) on the container actor, to avoid reference cycles.
+ *
+ * If a layout manager has properties affecting the layout policies then it should
+ * emit the #ClutterLayoutManager::layout-changed signal on itself by using the
+ * clutter_layout_manager_layout_changed() function whenever one of these properties
+ * changes.
+ *
+ * ## Layout Properties
+ *
+ * If a layout manager has layout properties, that is properties that
+ * should exist only as the result of the presence of a specific (layout
+ * manager, container actor, child actor) combination, and it wishes to store
+ * those properties inside a #ClutterLayoutMeta, then it should override the
+ * #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.get_child_meta_type() virtual function to return
+ * the #GType of the #ClutterLayoutMeta sub-class used to store the layout
+ * properties; optionally, the #ClutterLayoutManager sub-class might also
+ * override the #ClutterLayoutManagerClass.create_child_meta() virtual function
+ * to control how the #ClutterLayoutMeta instance is created, otherwise the
+ * default implementation will be equivalent to:
+ *
+ * |[
  *  ClutterLayoutManagerClass *klass;
  *  GType meta_type;
@@ -270,22 +79,23 @@
  *                       "container", container,
  *                       "actor", actor,
  *                       NULL);
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- *   <para>Where <varname>manager</varname> is the  #ClutterLayoutManager,
- *   <varname>container</varname> is the #ClutterContainer using the
- *   #ClutterLayoutManager and <varname>actor</varname> is the #ClutterActor
- *   child of the #ClutterContainer.</para>
- * </refsect2>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * Where `manager` is the  #ClutterLayoutManager, `container` is the
+ * #ClutterContainer using the #ClutterLayoutManager, and `actor` is
+ * the #ClutterActor child of the #ClutterContainer.
+ *
+ * ## Using ClutterLayoutManager with ClutterScript
+ *
+ * #ClutterLayoutManager instances can be created in the same way
+ * as other objects in #ClutterScript; properties can be set using the
+ * common syntax.
+ *
+ * Layout properties can be set on children of a container with
+ * a #ClutterLayoutManager using the `layout::` modifier on the property
+ * name, for instance:
- * <refsect2 id="clutter-layout-script">
- *   <title>Using ClutterLayoutManager with ClutterScript</title>
- *   <para>#ClutterLayoutManager instance can be created in the same way
- *   as other objects in #ClutterScript; properties can be set using the
- *   common syntax.</para>
- *   <para>Layout properties can be set on children of a container with
- *   a #ClutterLayoutManager using the <emphasis>layout::</emphasis>
- *   modifier on the property name, for instance:</para>
- *   <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * |[
  * {
  *   "type" : "ClutterBox",
  *   "layout-manager" : { "type" : "ClutterTableLayout" },
@@ -314,8 +124,7 @@
  *     }
  *   ]
  * }
- *   </programlisting></informalexample>
- * </refsect2>
+ * ]|
  * #ClutterLayoutManager is available since Clutter 1.2
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-main.c b/clutter/clutter-main.c
index bfa1dd0..04834d3 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-main.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-main.c
@@ -23,70 +23,28 @@
  * SECTION:clutter-main
- * @short_description: Various 'global' clutter functions.
+ * @short_description: Various 'global' Clutter functions.
  * Functions to retrieve various global Clutter resources and other utility
  * functions for mainloops, events and threads
- * <refsect2 id="clutter-Threading-Model">
- *   <title>Threading Model</title>
- *   <para>Clutter is <emphasis>thread-aware</emphasis>: all operations
- *   performed by Clutter are assumed to be under the big Clutter lock,
- *   which is created when the threading is initialized through
- *   clutter_init().</para>
- *   <example id="example-Thread-Init">
- *     <title>Thread Initialization</title>
- *     <para>The code below shows how to correctly initialize Clutter
- *     in a multi-threaded environment. These operations are mandatory for
- *     applications that wish to use threads with Clutter.</para>
- *     <programlisting>
- * int
- * main (int argc, char *argv[])
- * {
- *   /&ast; initialize Clutter &ast;/
- *   clutter_init (&amp;argc, &amp;argv);
- *
- *   /&ast; program code &ast;/
+ * ## The Clutter Threading Model
- *   /&ast; acquire the main lock &ast;/
- *   clutter_threads_enter ();
+ * Clutter is *thread-aware*: all operations performed by Clutter are assumed
+ * to be under the Big Clutter Lock, which is created when the threading is
+ * initialized through clutter_init(), and entered when calling user-related
+ * code during event handling and actor drawing.
- *   /&ast; start the main loop &ast;/
- *   clutter_main ();
+ * The only safe and portable way to use the Clutter API in a multi-threaded
+ * environment is to only access the Clutter API from a thread that did called
+ * clutter_init() and clutter_main().
- *   /&ast; release the main lock &ast;/
- *   clutter_threads_leave ();
+ * The common pattern for using threads with Clutter is to use worker threads
+ * to perform blocking operations and then install idle or timeout sources with
+ * the result when the thread finishes, and update the UI from those callbacks.
- *   /&ast; clean up &ast;/
- *   return 0;
- * }
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </example>
- *   <para>This threading model has the caveat that it is only safe to call
- *   Clutter's API when the lock has been acquired &mdash; which happens
- *   between pairs of clutter_threads_enter() and clutter_threads_leave()
- *   calls.</para>
- *   <para>The only safe and portable way to use the Clutter API in a
- *   multi-threaded environment is to never access the API from a thread that
- *   did not call clutter_init() and clutter_main().</para>
- *   <para>The common pattern for using threads with Clutter is to use worker
- *   threads to perform blocking operations and then install idle or timeout
- *   sources with the result when the thread finished.</para>
- *   <para>Clutter provides thread-aware variants of g_idle_add() and
- *   g_timeout_add() that acquire the Clutter lock before invoking the provided
- *   callback: clutter_threads_add_idle() and
- *   clutter_threads_add_timeout().</para>
- *   <para>The example below shows how to use a worker thread to perform a
- *   blocking operation, and perform UI updates using the main loop.</para>
- *   <example id="worker-thread-example">
- *     <title>A worker thread example</title>
- *     <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" href="../../../../examples/threads.c">
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </example>
- * </refsect2>
+ * For a working example of how to use a worker thread to update the UI, see
+ * [threads.c](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/threads.c?h=clutter-1.18)
@@ -556,12 +514,10 @@ clutter_redraw (ClutterStage *stage)
  * all #ClutterStage<!-- -->s managed by Clutter.
  * If @enable is %FALSE the following events will not work:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>ClutterActor::motion-event, unless on the
- *     #ClutterStage</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>ClutterActor::enter-event</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>ClutterActor::leave-event</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ *  - ClutterActor::motion-event, except on the #ClutterStage
+ *  - ClutterActor::enter-event
+ *  - ClutterActor::leave-event
  * Since: 0.6
@@ -1110,13 +1066,13 @@ _clutter_threads_dispatch_free (gpointer data)
  *    SafeClosure *closure = data;
  *    gboolean res = FALSE;
- *    /&ast; mark the critical section &ast;/
+ *    // mark the critical section //
  *    clutter_threads_enter();
- *    /&ast; the callback does not need to acquire the Clutter
- *     &ast; lock itself, as it is held by the this proxy handler
- *     &ast;/
+ *    // the callback does not need to acquire the Clutter
+ *     / lock itself, as it is held by the this proxy handler
+ *     //
  *    res = closure->callback (closure->data);
  *    clutter_threads_leave();
@@ -1129,8 +1085,8 @@ _clutter_threads_dispatch_free (gpointer data)
  * {
  *   SafeClosure *closure = g_new0 (SafeClosure, 1);
- *   closure-&gt;callback = callback;
- *   closure-&gt;data = data;
+ *   closure->callback = callback;
+ *   closure->data = data;
  *   return g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE,
  *                           idle_safe_callback,
@@ -1151,24 +1107,24 @@ _clutter_threads_dispatch_free (gpointer data)
  * {
  *   SomeClosure *closure = data;
- *   /&ast; it is safe to call Clutter API from this function because
- *    &ast; it is invoked from the same thread that started the main
- *    &ast; loop and under the Clutter thread lock
- *    &ast;/
- *   clutter_label_set_text (CLUTTER_LABEL (closure-&gt;label),
- *                           closure-&gt;text);
+ *   // it is safe to call Clutter API from this function because
+ *    / it is invoked from the same thread that started the main
+ *    / loop and under the Clutter thread lock
+ *    //
+ *   clutter_label_set_text (CLUTTER_LABEL (closure->label),
+ *                           closure->text);
- *   g_object_unref (closure-&gt;label);
+ *   g_object_unref (closure->label);
  *   g_free (closure);
  *   return FALSE;
  * }
- *   /&ast; within another thread &ast;/
+ *   // within another thread //
  *   closure = g_new0 (SomeClosure, 1);
- *   /&ast; always take a reference on GObject instances &ast;/
- *   closure-&gt;label = g_object_ref (my_application-&gt;label);
- *   closure-&gt;text = g_strdup (processed_text_to_update_the_label);
+ *   // always take a reference on GObject instances //
+ *   closure->label = g_object_ref (my_application->label);
+ *   closure->text = g_strdup (processed_text_to_update_the_label);
  *   clutter_threads_add_idle_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE,
  *                                  update_ui,
@@ -1809,13 +1765,13 @@ post_parse_hook (GOptionContext  *context,
  * |[
  *   g_option_context_set_main_group (context, clutter_get_option_group ());
- *   res = g_option_context_parse (context, &amp;argc, &amp;argc, NULL);
+ *   res = g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argc, NULL);
  * ]|
  * is functionally equivalent to:
  * |[
- *   clutter_init (&amp;argc, &amp;argv);
+ *   clutter_init (&argc, &argv);
  * ]|
  * After g_option_context_parse() on a #GOptionContext containing the
@@ -1865,7 +1821,7 @@ clutter_get_option_group (void)
  * the #GOptionGroup returned by this function requires a subsequent explicit
  * call to clutter_init(); use this function when needing to set foreign
  * display connection with clutter_x11_set_display(), or with
- * <function>gtk_clutter_init()</function>.
+ * `gtk_clutter_init()`.
  * Return value: (transfer full): a #GOptionGroup for the commandline arguments
  *   recognized by Clutter
@@ -2050,12 +2006,12 @@ clutter_parse_args (int      *argc,
  * It is safe to call this function multiple times.
- * <note>This function will not abort in case of errors during
+ * This function will not abort in case of errors during
  * initialization; clutter_init() will print out the error message on
  * stderr, and will return an error code. It is up to the application
  * code to handle this case. If you need to display the error message
  * yourself, you can use clutter_init_with_args(), which takes a #GError
- * pointer.</note>
+ * pointer.
  * If this function fails, and returns an error code, any subsequent
  * Clutter API will have undefined behaviour - including segmentation
@@ -2919,10 +2875,10 @@ on_grab_actor_destroy (ClutterActor       *actor,
  * the event delivery chain. The source set in the event will be the actor
  * that would have received the event if the pointer grab was not in effect.
- * <note><para>Grabs completely override the entire event delivery chain
+ * Grabs completely override the entire event delivery chain
  * done by Clutter. Pointer grabs should only be used as a last resource;
  * using the #ClutterActor::captured-event signal should always be the
- * preferred way to intercept event delivery to reactive actors.</para></note>
+ * preferred way to intercept event delivery to reactive actors.
  * This function should rarely be used.
@@ -3878,20 +3834,20 @@ _clutter_context_get_motion_events_enabled (void)
  * windowing system; for instance:
  * |[
- * &num;ifdef CLUTTER_WINDOWING_X11
  *   if (clutter_check_windowing_backend (CLUTTER_WINDOWING_X11))
  *     {
- *       /&ast; it is safe to use the clutter_x11_* API &ast;/
+ *       // it is safe to use the clutter_x11_* API
  *     }
  *   else
- * &num;endif
- * &num;ifdef CLUTTER_WINDOWING_WIN32
+ * #endif
  *   if (clutter_check_windowing_backend (CLUTTER_WINDOWING_WIN32))
  *     {
- *       /&ast; it is safe to use the clutter_win32_* API &ast;/
+ *       // it is safe to use the clutter_win32_* API
  *     }
  *   else
- * &num;endif
+ * #endif
  *     g_error ("Unknown Clutter backend.");
  * ]|
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-model.c b/clutter/clutter-model.c
index f43c545..28ed768 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-model.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-model.c
@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@
  * The #ClutterModel class is a list model which can accept most GObject 
  * types as a column type.
- * Creating a simple clutter model:
- * <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * ## Creating a simple ClutterModel
+ *
+ * The example below shows how to create a simple list model.
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * enum
  * {
@@ -51,10 +54,10 @@
  *   ClutterModel *model;
  *   gint i;
- *   model = clutter_model_default_new (N_COLUMNS,
- *                                      /<!-- -->* column type, column title *<!-- -->/
- *                                      G_TYPE_INT,     "my integers",
- *                                      G_TYPE_STRING,  "my strings");
+ *   model = clutter_list_model_new (N_COLUMNS,
+ *                                   // column type, title
+ *                                   G_TYPE_INT,     "my integers",
+ *                                   G_TYPE_STRING,  "my strings");
  *   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  *     {
  *       gchar *string = g_strdup_printf ("String %d", i);
@@ -67,7 +70,9 @@
  * }
- * </programlisting></informalexample>
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * ## Iterating through a ClutterModel
  * Iterating through the model consists of retrieving a new #ClutterModelIter
  * pointing to the starting row, and calling clutter_model_iter_next() or
@@ -79,8 +84,7 @@
  * after the last row. In an empty sequence, the first and last iterators are
  * the same.
- * Iterating a #ClutterModel:
- * <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  * enum
  * {
@@ -93,10 +97,10 @@
  *   ClutterModel *model;
  *   ClutterModelIter *iter = NULL;
- *   /<!-- -->*  Fill the model *<!-- -->/
+ *   // fill the model
  *   model = populate_model ();
- *   /<!-- -->* Get the first iter *<!-- -->/
+ *   // get the iterator for the first row in the model
  *   iter = clutter_model_get_first_iter (model);
  *   while (!clutter_model_iter_is_last (iter))
  *     {
@@ -105,32 +109,33 @@
  *       iter = clutter_model_iter_next (iter);
  *     }
- *   /<!-- -->* Make sure to unref the iter *<!-- -->/
+ *   // Make sure to unref the iter
  *   g_object_unref (iter);
  * }
- * </programlisting></informalexample>
+ * ]|
  * #ClutterModel is an abstract class. Clutter provides a list model
  * implementation called #ClutterListModel which has been optimised
  * for insertion and look up in sorted lists.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterModel-script">
- *   <title>ClutterModel custom properties for #ClutterScript</title>
- *   <para>#ClutterModel defines a custom property "columns" for #ClutterScript
- *   which allows defining the column names and types. It also defines a custom
- *   "rows" property which allows filling the #ClutterModel with some
- *   data.</para>
- *   <example id="ClutterModel-script-example">
- *     <title>Example of the "columns" and "rows" custom properties</title>
- *     <para>The definition below will create a #ClutterListModel with three
- *     columns: the first one with name "Name" and containing strings; the
- *     second one with name "Score" and containing integers; the third one with
- *     name "Icon" and containing #ClutterTexture<!-- -->s. The model is filled
- *     with three rows. A row can be defined either with an array that holds
- *     all columns of a row, or an object that holds "column-name" :
- *     "column-value" pairs.
- *     </para>
- *     <programlisting>
+ * #ClutterModel is available since Clutter 0.6
+ *
+ * ## ClutterModel custom properties for ClutterScript
+ *
+ * #ClutterModel defines a custom property "columns" for #ClutterScript
+ * which allows defining the column names and types. It also defines a custom
+ * "rows" property which allows filling the #ClutterModel with some
+ * data.
+ *
+ * The definition below will create a #ClutterListModel with three
+ * columns: the first one with name "Name" and containing strings; the
+ * second one with name "Score" and containing integers; the third one with
+ * name "Icon" and containing #ClutterTextures. The model is filled
+ * with three rows. A row can be defined either with an array that holds
+ * all columns of a row, or an object that holds "column-name" :
+ * "column-value" pairs.
+ *
+ * |[
  *  {
  *    "type" : "ClutterListModel",
  *    "id" : "teams-model",
@@ -145,11 +150,6 @@
  *      { "Name" : "Team 3", "Icon" : "team3-icon-script-id" }
  *    ]
  *  }
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </example>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * #ClutterModel is available since Clutter 0.6
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-offscreen-effect.c b/clutter/clutter-offscreen-effect.c
index de71912..c308113 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-offscreen-effect.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-offscreen-effect.c
@@ -40,25 +40,26 @@
  * offscreen framebuffer, the redirection and the final paint of the texture on
  * the desired stage.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterOffscreenEffect-implementing">
- *   <title>Implementing a ClutterOffscreenEffect</title>
- *   <para>Creating a sub-class of #ClutterOffscreenEffect requires, in case
- *   of overriding the #ClutterEffect virtual functions, to chain up to the
- *   #ClutterOffscreenEffect's implementation.</para>
- *   <para>On top of the #ClutterEffect's virtual functions,
- *   #ClutterOffscreenEffect also provides a #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target()
- *   function, which encapsulates the effective painting of the texture that
- *   contains the result of the offscreen redirection.</para>
- *   <para>The size of the target material is defined to be as big as the
- *   transformed size of the #ClutterActor using the offscreen effect.
- *   Sub-classes of #ClutterOffscreenEffect can change the texture creation
- *   code to provide bigger textures by overriding the
- *   #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.create_texture() virtual function; no chain up
- *   to the #ClutterOffscreenEffect implementation is required in this
- *   case.</para>
- * </refsect2>
- *
  * #ClutterOffscreenEffect is available since Clutter 1.4
+ *
+ * ## Implementing a ClutterOffscreenEffect
+ *
+ * Creating a sub-class of #ClutterOffscreenEffect requires, in case
+ * of overriding the #ClutterEffect virtual functions, to chain up to the
+ * #ClutterOffscreenEffect's implementation.
+ *
+ * On top of the #ClutterEffect's virtual functions,
+ * #ClutterOffscreenEffect also provides a #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target()
+ * function, which encapsulates the effective painting of the texture that
+ * contains the result of the offscreen redirection.
+ *
+ * The size of the target material is defined to be as big as the
+ * transformed size of the #ClutterActor using the offscreen effect.
+ * Sub-classes of #ClutterOffscreenEffect can change the texture creation
+ * code to provide bigger textures by overriding the
+ * #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.create_texture() virtual function; no chain up
+ * to the #ClutterOffscreenEffect implementation is required in this
+ * case.
@@ -596,7 +597,7 @@ clutter_offscreen_effect_create_texture (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect,
  * paint the actor to which it has been applied.
  * This function should only be called by #ClutterOffscreenEffect
- * implementations, from within the <function>paint_target()</function>
+ * implementations, from within the #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target()
  * virtual function.
  * Return value: %TRUE if the offscreen buffer has a valid size,
@@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ clutter_offscreen_effect_get_target_size (ClutterOffscreenEffect *effect,
  * paint the actor to which it has been applied.
  * This function should only be called by #ClutterOffscreenEffect
- * implementations, from within the <function>paint_target()</function>
+ * implementations, from within the #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target()
  * virtual function.
  * Return value: %TRUE if the offscreen buffer has a valid rectangle,
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-paint-volume.c b/clutter/clutter-paint-volume.c
index 9eeee1e..184e186 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-paint-volume.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-paint-volume.c
@@ -290,20 +290,21 @@ clutter_paint_volume_set_width (ClutterPaintVolume *pv,
  * around the volume. It returns the size of that bounding box as
  * measured along the x-axis.
- * <note><para>If, for example, clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume()
+ * If, for example, clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume()
  * is used to transform a 2D child actor that is 100px wide, 100px
  * high and 0px deep into container coordinates then the width might
  * not simply be 100px if the child actor has a 3D rotation applied to
- * it.</para>
- * <para>Remember; after clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume() is
+ * it.
+ * 
+ * Remember: if clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume() is
  * used then a transformed child volume will be defined relative to the
- * ancestor container actor and so a 2D child actor
- * can have a 3D bounding volume.</para></note>
+ * ancestor container actor and so a 2D child actor can have a 3D
+ * bounding volume.
- * <note>There are no accuracy guarantees for the reported width,
- * except that it must always be >= to the true width. This is
- * because actors may report simple, loose fitting paint-volumes
- * for efficiency</note>
+ * There are no accuracy guarantees for the reported width,
+ * except that it must always be greater than, or equal to, the
+ * actor's width. This is because actors may report simple, loose
+ * fitting paint volumes for efficiency.
  * Return value: the width, in units of @pv's local coordinate system.
@@ -381,20 +382,21 @@ clutter_paint_volume_set_height (ClutterPaintVolume *pv,
  * around the volume. It returns the size of that bounding box as
  * measured along the y-axis.
- * <note><para>If, for example, clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume()
+ * If, for example, clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume()
  * is used to transform a 2D child actor that is 100px wide, 100px
  * high and 0px deep into container coordinates then the height might
  * not simply be 100px if the child actor has a 3D rotation applied to
- * it.</para>
- * <para>Remember; after clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume() is
+ * it.
+ *
+ * Remember: if clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume() is
  * used then a transformed child volume will be defined relative to the
  * ancestor container actor and so a 2D child actor
- * can have a 3D bounding volume.</para></note>
+ * can have a 3D bounding volume.
- * <note>There are no accuracy guarantees for the reported height,
- * except that it must always be >= to the true height. This is
- * because actors may report simple, loose fitting paint-volumes
- * for efficiency</note>
+ * There are no accuracy guarantees for the reported height,
+ * except that it must always be greater than, or equal to, the actor's
+ * height. This is because actors may report simple, loose fitting paint
+ * volumes for efficiency.
  * Return value: the height, in units of @pv's local coordinate system.
@@ -473,20 +475,21 @@ clutter_paint_volume_set_depth (ClutterPaintVolume *pv,
  * around the volume. It returns the size of that bounding box as
  * measured along the z-axis.
- * <note><para>If, for example, clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume()
+ * If, for example, clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume()
  * is used to transform a 2D child actor that is 100px wide, 100px
  * high and 0px deep into container coordinates then the depth might
  * not simply be 0px if the child actor has a 3D rotation applied to
- * it.</para>
- * <para>Remember; after clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume() is
+ * it.
+ *
+ * Remember: if clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume() is
  * used then the transformed volume will be defined relative to the
  * container actor and in container coordinates a 2D child actor
- * can have a 3D bounding volume.</para></note>
+ * can have a 3D bounding volume.
- * <note>There are no accuracy guarantees for the reported depth,
- * except that it must always be >= to the true depth. This is
- * because actors may report simple, loose fitting paint-volumes
- * for efficiency.</note>
+ * There are no accuracy guarantees for the reported depth,
+ * except that it must always be greater than, or equal to, the actor's
+ * depth. This is because actors may report simple, loose fitting paint
+ * volumes for efficiency.
  * Return value: the depth, in units of @pv's local coordinate system.
@@ -521,8 +524,8 @@ clutter_paint_volume_get_depth (const ClutterPaintVolume *pv)
  * Updates the geometry of @pv to encompass @pv and @another_pv.
- * <note>There are no guarantees about how precisely the two volumes
- * will be encompassed.</note>
+ * There are no guarantees about how precisely the two volumes
+ * will be unioned.
  * Since: 1.6
@@ -743,9 +746,10 @@ _clutter_paint_volume_complete (ClutterPaintVolume *pv)
  * the paint volume into window coordinates before getting
  * the 2D bounding box.
- * <note>The coordinates of the returned box are not clamped to
- * integer pixel values, if you need them to be clamped you can use
- * clutter_actor_box_clamp_to_pixel()</note>
+ * The coordinates of the returned box are not clamped to
+ * integer pixel values; if you need them to be rounded to the
+ * nearest integer pixel values, you can use the
+ * clutter_actor_box_clamp_to_pixel() function.
  * Since: 1.6
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-path.c b/clutter/clutter-path.c
index 23886fc..0ff7a21 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-path.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-path.c
@@ -33,32 +33,19 @@
  * The path consists of a series of nodes. Each node is one of the
  * following four types:
- * <variablelist>
- * <varlistentry><term>%CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Changes the position of the path to the given pair of
- * coordinates. This is usually used as the first node of a path to
- * mark the start position. If it is used in the middle of a path then
- * the path will be disjoint and the actor will appear to jump to the
- * new position when animated.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry><term>%CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Creates a straight line from the previous point to the given point.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry><term>%CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Creates a bezier curve. The end of the last node is used as the
- * first control point and the three subsequent coordinates given in
- * the node as used as the other three.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry><term>%CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Creates a straight line from the last node to the last
- * %CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO node. This can be used to close a path so
- * that it will appear as a loop when animated.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * </variablelist>
+ *  - %CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO, changes the position of the path to the
+ *  given pair of coordinates. This is usually used as the first node
+ *  of a path to mark the start position. If it is used in the middle
+ *  of a path then the path will be disjoint and the actor will appear
+ *  to jump to the new position when animated.
+ *  - %CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO, creates a straight line from the previous
+ *  point to the given point.
+ *  - %CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO, creates a bezier curve. The end of the
+ *  last node is used as the first control point and the three
+ *  subsequent coordinates given in the node as used as the other three.
+ *  -%CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE, creates a straight line from the last node to
+ *  the last %CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO node. This can be used to close a
+ *  path so that it will appear as a loop when animated.
  * The first three types have the corresponding relative versions
@@ -711,24 +698,10 @@ clutter_path_add_nodes (ClutterPath *path,
  * coordinates. The coordinates can be separated by spaces or a
  * comma. The types are:
- * <variablelist>
- * <varlistentry><term>M</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO node. Takes one pair of coordinates.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry><term>L</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO node. Takes one pair of coordinates.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry><term>C</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO node. Takes three pairs of coordinates.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry><term>z</term>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE node. No coordinates are needed.
- * </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- * </variablelist>
+ *  - `M`: Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO node. Takes one pair of coordinates.
+ *  - `L`: Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO node. Takes one pair of coordinates.
+ *  - `C`: Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO node. Takes three pairs of coordinates.
+ *  - `z`: Adds a %CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE node. No coordinates are needed.
  * The M, L and C commands can also be specified in lower case which
  * means the coordinates are relative to the previous node.
@@ -736,11 +709,9 @@ clutter_path_add_nodes (ClutterPath *path,
  * For example, to move an actor in a 100 by 100 pixel square centered
  * on the point 300,300 you could use the following path:
- * <informalexample>
- *  <programlisting>
+ * |[
  *   M 250,350 l 0 -100 L 350,250 l 0 100 z
- *  </programlisting>
- * </informalexample>
+ * ]|
  * If the path description isn't valid %FALSE will be returned and no
  * nodes will be added.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-script.c b/clutter/clutter-script.c
index 4434b4d..8df91b2 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-script.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-script.c
@@ -756,15 +756,15 @@ clutter_script_get_objects_valist (ClutterScript *script,
  * names/return location pairs should be listed, with a %NULL pointer
  * ending the list, like:
- * <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * |[
  *   GObject *my_label, *a_button, *main_timeline;
  *   clutter_script_get_objects (script,
- *                               "my-label", &amp;my_label,
- *                               "a-button", &amp;a_button,
- *                               "main-timeline", &amp;main_timeline,
+ *                               "my-label", &my_label,
+ *                               "a-button", &a_button,
+ *                               "main-timeline", &main_timeline,
  *                               NULL);
- * </programlisting></informalexample>
+ * ]|
  * Note: This function does not increment the reference count of the
  * returned objects.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c b/clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c
index e1acc1e..49f7327 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-scroll-actor.c
@@ -36,13 +36,8 @@
  * #ClutterScrollActor does not provide pointer or keyboard event handling,
  * nor does it provide visible scroll handles.
- * <informalexample>
- *  <programlisting>
- * <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; parse="text" 
- *   <xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback>
- * </xi:include>
- *  </programlisting>
- * </informalexample>
+ * See [scroll-actor.c](https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/scroll-actor.c?h=clutter-1.18)
+ * for an example of how to use #ClutterScrollActor.
  * #ClutterScrollActor is available since Clutter 1.12.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-settings.c b/clutter/clutter-settings.c
index f0e3ef0..7b00329 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-settings.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-settings.c
@@ -600,12 +600,11 @@ clutter_settings_class_init (ClutterSettingsClass *klass)
    * The style of the hinting used when rendering text. Valid values
    * are:
-   * <itemizedlist>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>hintnone</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>hintslight</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>hintmedium</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>hintfull</simpara></listitem>
-   * </itemizedlist>
+   *
+   *   - hintnone
+   *   - hintslight
+   *   - hintmedium
+   *   - hintfull
    * Since: 1.4
@@ -621,13 +620,12 @@ clutter_settings_class_init (ClutterSettingsClass *klass)
    * The type of sub-pixel antialiasing used when rendering text. Valid
    * values are:
-   * <itemizedlist>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>none</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>rgb</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>bgr</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>vrgb</simpara></listitem>
-   *   <listitem><simpara>vbgr</simpara></listitem>
-   * </itemizedlist>
+   *
+   *   - none
+   *   - rgb
+   *   - bgr
+   *   - vrgb
+   *   - vbgr
    * Since: 1.4
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c b/clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c
index 95b7d6a..a516978 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-shader-effect.c
@@ -34,35 +34,43 @@
  * GLSL shader (after checking whether the compilation and linking were
  * successfull) to the buffer before painting it on screen.
- * <refsect2 id="ClutterShaderEffect-implementing">
- *   <title>Implementing a ClutterShaderEffect</title>
- *   <para>Creating a sub-class of #ClutterShaderEffect requires the
- *   overriding of the #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target() virtual
- *   function from the #ClutterOffscreenEffect class as well as the
- *   <function>get_static_shader_source()</function> virtual from the
- *   #ClutterShaderEffect class.</para>
- *   <para>The #ClutterShaderEffectClass.get_static_shader_source()
- *   function should return a copy of the shader source to use. This
- *   function is only called once per subclass of #ClutterShaderEffect
- *   regardless of how many instances of the effect are created. The
- *   source for the shader is typically stored in a static const
- *   string which is returned from this function via
- *   g_strdup().</para>
- *   <para>The <function>paint_target()</function> should set the
- *   shader's uniforms if any. This is done by calling
- *   clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform_value() or
- *   clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform(). The sub-class should then
- *   chain up to the #ClutterShaderEffect implementation.</para>
- *   <example id="ClutterShaderEffect-example-uniforms">
- *     <title>Setting uniforms on a ClutterShaderEffect</title>
- *     <para>The example below shows a typical implementation of the
- *     <function>get_static_shader_source()</function> and
- *     <function>paint_target()</function> phases of a
- *     #ClutterShaderEffect sub-class.</para>
- *     <programlisting>
+ * #ClutterShaderEffect is available since Clutter 1.4
+ *
+ * ## Implementing a ClutterShaderEffect
+ *
+ * Creating a sub-class of #ClutterShaderEffect requires the
+ * overriding of the #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target() virtual
+ * function from the #ClutterOffscreenEffect class. It is also convenient
+ * to implement the #ClutterShaderEffectClass.get_static_shader_source()
+ * virtual function in case you are planning to create more than one
+ * instance of the effect.
+ *
+ * The #ClutterShaderEffectClass.get_static_shader_source()
+ * function should return a copy of the shader source to use. This
+ * function is only called once per subclass of #ClutterShaderEffect
+ * regardless of how many instances of the effect are created. The
+ * source for the shader is typically stored in a static const
+ * string which is returned from this function via
+ * g_strdup().
+ *
+ * The #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target() should set the
+ * shader's uniforms if any. This is done by calling
+ * clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform_value() or
+ * clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform(). The sub-class should then
+ * chain up to the #ClutterShaderEffect implementation.
+ *
+ * ## Setting uniforms on a ClutterShaderEffect
+ *
+ * The example below shows a typical implementation of the
+ * #ClutterShaderEffectClass.get_static_shader_source() and
+ * #ClutterOffscreenEffectClass.paint_target() virtual functions
+ * for a #ClutterShaderEffect subclass.
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *  static gchar *
  *  my_effect_get_static_shader_source (ClutterShaderEffect *effect)
  *  {
+ *    // shader_source is set elsewhere
  *    return g_strdup (shader_source);
  *  }
@@ -74,21 +82,19 @@
  *    ClutterEffectClass *parent_class;
  *    gfloat component_r, component_g, component_b;
- *    /&ast; the "tex" uniform is declared in the shader as:
- *     &ast;
- *     &ast;   uniform int tex;
- *     &ast;
- *     &ast; and it is passed a constant value of 0
- *     &ast;/
+ *    // the "tex" uniform is declared in the shader as:
+ *    //
+ *    //   uniform int tex;
+ *    //
+ *    // and it is passed a constant value of 0
  *    clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (shader, "tex", G_TYPE_INT, 1, 0);
- *    /&ast; the "component" uniform is declared in the shader as:
- *     &ast;
- *     &ast;   uniform vec3 component;
- *     &ast;
- *     &ast; and it's defined to contain the normalized components
- *     &ast; of a #ClutterColor
- *     &ast;/
+ *    // the "component" uniform is declared in the shader as:
+ *    //
+ *    //   uniform vec3 component;
+ *    //
+ *    // and it's defined to contain the normalized components
+ *    // of a #ClutterColor
  *    component_r = self->color.red   / 255.0f;
  *    component_g = self->color.green / 255.0f;
  *    component_b = self->color.blue  / 255.0f;
@@ -98,15 +104,11 @@
  *                                       component_g,
  *                                       component_b);
- *    /&ast; chain up to the parent's implementation &ast;/
+ *    // chain up to the parent's implementation
  *    parent_class = CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_EFFECT_CLASS (my_effect_parent_class);
  *    return parent_class->paint_target (effect);
  *  }
- *     </programlisting>
- *   </example>
- * </refsect2>
- *
- * #ClutterShaderEffect is available since Clutter 1.4
+ * ]|
@@ -805,7 +807,7 @@ add_uniform:
  * argument, and by the @gtype argument. For instance, a uniform named
  * "sampler0" and containing a single integer value is set using:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (effect, "sampler0",
  *                                      G_TYPE_INT, 1,
  *                                      0);
@@ -814,7 +816,7 @@ add_uniform:
  * While a uniform named "components" and containing a 3-elements vector
  * of floating point values (a "vec3") can be set using:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   gfloat component_r, component_g, component_b;
  *   clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (effect, "components",
@@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ add_uniform:
  * or can be set using:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   gfloat component_vec[3];
  *   clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (effect, "components",
@@ -836,7 +838,7 @@ add_uniform:
  * Finally, a uniform named "map" and containing a matrix can be set using:
- * |[
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
  *   clutter_shader_effect_set_uniform (effect, "map",
  *                                      CLUTTER_TYPE_SHADER_MATRIX, 1,
  *                                      cogl_matrix_get_array (&matrix));
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-stage.c b/clutter/clutter-stage.c
index d9a1c67..24f6759 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-stage.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-stage.c
@@ -2179,9 +2179,9 @@ clutter_stage_class_init (ClutterStageClass *klass)
    * It is possible to override the default behaviour by connecting
    * a new handler and returning %TRUE there.
-   * <note>This signal is emitted only on Clutter backends that
+   * This signal is emitted only on Clutter backends that
    * embed #ClutterStage in native windows. It is not emitted for
-   * backends that use a static frame buffer.</note>
+   * backends that use a static frame buffer.
    * Since: 1.2
@@ -3194,29 +3194,29 @@ clutter_stage_set_use_fog (ClutterStage *stage,
  *     ClutterColor stage_color = { 0, };
  *     CoglColor fog_color = { 0, };
- *     /&ast; set the fog color to the stage background color &ast;/
- *     clutter_stage_get_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (actor), &amp;stage_color);
- *     cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&amp;fog_color,
+ *     // set the fog color to the stage background color
+ *     clutter_stage_get_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (actor), &stage_color);
+ *     cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&fog_color,
  *                               stage_color.red,
  *                               stage_color.green,
  *                               stage_color.blue,
  *                               stage_color.alpha);
- *     /&ast; enable fog &ast;/
- *     cogl_set_fog (&amp;fog_color,
- *                   COGL_FOG_MODE_EXPONENTIAL, /&ast; mode &ast;/
- *                   0.5,                       /&ast; density &ast;/
- *                   5.0, 30.0);                /&ast; z_near and z_far &ast;/
+ *     // enable fog //
+ *     cogl_set_fog (&fog_color,
+ *                   COGL_FOG_MODE_EXPONENTIAL, // mode
+ *                   0.5,                       // density
+ *                   5.0, 30.0);                // z_near and z_far
  *   }
  * ]|
- * <note>The fogging functions only work correctly when the visible actors use
+ * The fogging functions only work correctly when the visible actors use
  * unmultiplied alpha colors. By default Cogl will premultiply textures and
  * cogl_set_source_color() will premultiply colors, so unless you explicitly
  * load your textures requesting an unmultiplied internal format and use
  * cogl_material_set_color() you can only use fogging with fully opaque actors.
  * Support for premultiplied colors will improve in the future when we can
- * depend on fragment shaders.</note>
+ * depend on fragment shaders.
  * Since: 0.6
@@ -3616,8 +3616,8 @@ clutter_stage_ensure_redraw (ClutterStage *stage)
  * Queues a redraw for the passed stage.
- * <note>Applications should call clutter_actor_queue_redraw() and not
- * this function.</note>
+ * Applications should call clutter_actor_queue_redraw() and not
+ * this function.
  * Since: 0.8
@@ -3925,12 +3925,12 @@ _clutter_stage_clear_update_time (ClutterStage *stage)
  * if the stage is always covered - for instance, in a full-screen
  * video player or in a game with a background texture.
- * <note><para>This setting is a hint; Clutter might discard this
- * hint depending on its internal state.</para></note>
+ * This setting is a hint; Clutter might discard this hint
+ * depending on its internal state.
- * <warning><para>If parts of the stage are visible and you disable
- * clearing you might end up with visual artifacts while painting the
- * contents of the stage.</para></warning>
+ * If parts of the stage are visible and you disable clearing you
+ * might end up with visual artifacts while painting the contents of
+ * the stage.
  * Since: 1.4
@@ -4232,14 +4232,12 @@ clutter_stage_get_accept_focus (ClutterStage *stage)
  * The default is %TRUE.
- * If @enable is %FALSE the following events will not be delivered
- * to the actors children of @stage.
+ * If @enable is %FALSE the following signals will not be emitted
+ * by the actors children of @stage:
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><para>#ClutterActor::motion-event</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>#ClutterActor::enter-event</para></listitem>
- *   <listitem><para>#ClutterActor::leave-event</para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *  - #ClutterActor::motion-event
+ *  - #ClutterActor::enter-event
+ *  - #ClutterActor::leave-event
  * The events will still be delivered to the #ClutterStage.
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-test-utils.c b/clutter/clutter-test-utils.c
index bf38be5..415e222 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-test-utils.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-test-utils.c
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ clutter_test_add_data_full (const char     *test_path,
  * int
  * main (int argc, char *argv[])
  * {
- *   clutter_test_init (&amp;argc, &amp;argv);
+ *   clutter_test_init (&argc, &argv);
  *   clutter_test_add ("/unit/foo", unit_foo);
  *   clutter_test_add ("/unit/bar", unit_bar);
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-test-utils.h b/clutter/clutter-test-utils.h
index d88727d..81dad97 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-test-utils.h
+++ b/clutter/clutter-test-utils.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
  * main (int   argc,
  *       char *argv[])
  * {
- *   clutter_test_init (&amp;argc, &amp;argv);
+ *   clutter_test_init (&argc, &argv);
  *   clutter_test_add ("/foobarize", foobarize);
  *   clutter_test_add ("/bar-enabled", bar_enabled);
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-text.c b/clutter/clutter-text.c
index 2ce8319..bb4b364 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-text.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-text.c
@@ -3709,10 +3709,10 @@ clutter_text_class_init (ClutterTextClass *klass)
    * For more informations about the Pango markup format, see
    * pango_layout_set_markup() in the Pango documentation.
-   * <note>It is not possible to round-trip this property between
+   * It is not possible to round-trip this property between
    * %TRUE and %FALSE. Once a string with markup has been set on
    * a #ClutterText actor with :use-markup set to %TRUE, the markup
-   * is stripped from the string.</note>
+   * is stripped from the string.
    * Since: 1.0
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-timeline.c b/clutter/clutter-timeline.c
index b830b37..f64fd93 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-timeline.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-timeline.c
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- *
@@ -57,8 +55,8 @@
  * its #ClutterTimeline:duration.
  * It is possible to connect to specific points in the timeline progress by
- * adding <emphasis>markers</emphasis> using clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time()
- * and connecting to the #ClutterTimeline::marker-reached signal.
+ * adding markers using clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time() and connecting
+ * to the #ClutterTimeline::marker-reached signal.
  * Timelines can be made to loop once they reach the end of their duration, by
  * using clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count(); a looping timeline will still
@@ -75,13 +73,14 @@
  * Timelines are used in the Clutter animation framework by classes like
  * #ClutterAnimation, #ClutterAnimator, and #ClutterState.
- * <refsect2 id="timeline-script">
- *  <title>Defining Timelines in ClutterScript</title>
- *  <para>A #ClutterTimeline can be described in #ClutterScript like any
- *  other object. Additionally, it is possible to define markers directly
- *  inside the JSON definition by using the <emphasis>markers</emphasis>
- *  JSON object member, such as:</para>
- *  <informalexample><programlisting><![CDATA[
+ * ## Defining Timelines in ClutterScript
+ *
+ * A #ClutterTimeline can be described in #ClutterScript like any
+ * other object. Additionally, it is possible to define markers directly
+ * inside the JSON definition by using the `markers` JSON object member,
+ * such as:
+ *
+ * |[
   "type" : "ClutterTimeline",
   "duration" : 1000,
@@ -91,8 +90,7 @@
     { "name" : "three-quarters", "time" : 750 }
- *  ]]></programlisting></informalexample>
- * </refsect2>
+ * ]|
@@ -1366,10 +1364,9 @@ clutter_timeline_skip (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
  * Advance timeline to the requested point. The point is given as a
  * time in milliseconds since the timeline started.
- * <note><para>The @timeline will not emit the #ClutterTimeline::new-frame
+ * The @timeline will not emit the #ClutterTimeline::new-frame
  * signal for the given time. The first ::new-frame signal after the call to
  * clutter_timeline_advance() will be emit the skipped markers.
- * </para></note>
 clutter_timeline_advance (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
@@ -1423,15 +1420,15 @@ clutter_timeline_is_playing (ClutterTimeline *timeline)
  * Create a new #ClutterTimeline instance which has property values
  * matching that of supplied timeline. The cloned timeline will not
  * be started and will not be positioned to the current position of
- * the original @timeline: you will have to start it with clutter_timeline_start().
+ * the original @timeline: you will have to start it with
+ * clutter_timeline_start().
+ *
+ * The only cloned properties are:
- * <note><para>The only cloned properties are:</para>
- * <itemizedlist>
- *   <listitem><simpara>#ClutterTimeline:duration</simpara></listitem>
- *   <listitem><simpara>#ClutterTimeline:loop</simpara></listitem>
- *   <listitem><simpara>#ClutterTimeline:delay</simpara></listitem>
- *   <listitem><simpara>#ClutterTimeline:direction</simpara></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist></note>
+ *  - #ClutterTimeline:duration
+ *  - #ClutterTimeline:loop
+ *  - #ClutterTimeline:delay
+ *  - #ClutterTimeline:direction
  * Return value: (transfer full): a new #ClutterTimeline, cloned
  *   from @timeline
@@ -1934,10 +1931,10 @@ clutter_timeline_list_markers (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
  * Advances @timeline to the time of the given @marker_name.
- * <note><para>Like clutter_timeline_advance(), this function will not
+ * Like clutter_timeline_advance(), this function will not
  * emit the #ClutterTimeline::new-frame for the time where @marker_name
  * is set, nor it will emit #ClutterTimeline::marker-reached for
- * @marker_name.</para></note>
+ * @marker_name.
  * Since: 0.8
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-types.h b/clutter/clutter-types.h
index ad97a63..10ef8dd 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-types.h
+++ b/clutter/clutter-types.h
@@ -564,9 +564,9 @@ void             clutter_actor_box_set_size       (ClutterActorBox       *box,
  * The rectangle containing an actor's bounding box, measured in pixels.
- * <warning>You should not use #ClutterGeometry, or operate on its fields
+ * You should not use #ClutterGeometry, or operate on its fields
  * directly; you should use #cairo_rectangle_int_t or #ClutterRect if you
- * need a rectangle type, depending on the precision required.</warning>
+ * need a rectangle type, depending on the precision required.
  * Deprecated: 1.16
diff --git a/clutter/clutter-units.c b/clutter/clutter-units.c
index f07f0f6..f49df9b 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter-units.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter-units.c
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ clutter_units_to_pixels (ClutterUnits *units)
  *   omg!1!ponies
  * ]|
- * <note><para>If no unit is specified, pixels are assumed.</para></note>
+ * If no unit is specified, pixels are assumed.
  * Return value: %TRUE if the string was successfully parsed,
  *   and %FALSE otherwise
@@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ clutter_unit_type_name (ClutterUnitType unit_type)
  * See clutter_units_from_string() for the units syntax and for
  * examples of output
- * <note>Fractional values are truncated to the second decimal
+ * Fractional values are truncated to the second decimal
  * position for em, mm and cm, and to the first decimal position for
- * typographic points. Pixels are integers.</note>
+ * typographic points. Pixels are integers.
  * Return value: a newly allocated string containing the encoded
  *   #ClutterUnits value. Use g_free() to free the string

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