[epiphany] embed-utils: do not try to prepend http:// to normalize a URL if it already has a web scheme

commit c253296e67177277be9174912d6ca8cfe2be223a
Author: Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia igalia com>
Date:   Mon Feb 24 18:44:59 2014 +0100

    embed-utils: do not try to prepend http:// to normalize a URL if it already has a web scheme

 embed/ephy-embed-utils.c |   56 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/embed/ephy-embed-utils.c b/embed/ephy-embed-utils.c
index 26a0a62..94ce596 100644
--- a/embed/ephy-embed-utils.c
+++ b/embed/ephy-embed-utils.c
@@ -192,46 +192,38 @@ char*
 ephy_embed_utils_normalize_address (const char *address)
   char *effective_address = NULL;
-  SoupURI *uri;
   g_return_val_if_fail (address, NULL);
   if (ephy_embed_utils_address_is_existing_absolute_filename (address))
     return g_strconcat ("file://", address, NULL);
-  uri = soup_uri_new (address);
-  /* FIXME: if we are here we passed through the "should we
-   * auto-search this?" regex in EphyWebView, so we should be a
-   * valid-ish URL. Auto-prepend http:// to anything that is not
-   * one according to soup, because it probably will be
-   * something like "google.com". Special case localhost(:port)
-   * and IP(:port), because SoupURI, correctly, thinks it is a
-   * URI with scheme being localhost/IP and, optionally, path
-   * being the port. Ideally we should check if we have a
-   * handler for the scheme, and since we'll fail for localhost
-   * and IP, we'd fallback to loading it as a domain. */
-  if (!uri ||
-      (uri && !g_strcmp0 (uri->scheme, "localhost")) ||
-      (uri && g_hostname_is_ip_address (uri->scheme)))
-    effective_address = g_strconcat ("http://";, address, NULL);
-  else {
-    /* Convert about: schemes to ephy-about: in order to
-     * force WebKit to delegate its handling to our
-     * EphyRequestAbout. In general about: schemes are
-     * handled internally by WebKit and mean "empty
-     * document".
-     */
-    if (g_str_has_prefix (address, "about:") && !g_str_equal (address, "about:blank")) {
-      effective_address = g_strconcat (EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME, address + strlen ("about"), NULL);
-    } else
-      effective_address = g_strdup (address);
+  if (g_str_has_prefix (address, "about:") && !g_str_equal (address, "about:blank"))
+    return g_strconcat (EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME, address + strlen ("about"), NULL);
+  if (!ephy_embed_utils_address_has_web_scheme (address)) {
+    SoupURI *uri;
+    uri = soup_uri_new (address);
+    /* Auto-prepend http:// to anything that is not
+     * one according to soup, because it probably will be
+     * something like "google.com". Special case localhost(:port)
+     * and IP(:port), because SoupURI, correctly, thinks it is a
+     * URI with scheme being localhost/IP and, optionally, path
+     * being the port. Ideally we should check if we have a
+     * handler for the scheme, and since we'll fail for localhost
+     * and IP, we'd fallback to loading it as a domain. */
+    if (!uri ||
+        (uri && !g_strcmp0 (uri->scheme, "localhost")) ||
+        (uri && g_hostname_is_ip_address (uri->scheme)))
+      effective_address = g_strconcat ("http://";, address, NULL);
+    if (uri)
+      soup_uri_free (uri);
-  if (uri)
-    soup_uri_free (uri);
-  return effective_address;
+  return effective_address ? effective_address : g_strdup (address);

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