[gtk+/wip/clipboard: 6/8] Add an X clipboard implementation

commit 0b62a6c7d30a6d7caab43d1185b45c47b5d166fd
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Thu May 29 10:32:24 2014 -0400

    Add an X clipboard implementation
    This is a basic X implementation of the GdkClipboard API.
    Some things are still missing, such as handling for MULTIPLE
    or INCR.

 gdk/x11/Makefile.am        |    1 +
 gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.c | 1006 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.h |   49 +++
 gdk/x11/gdkdisplay-x11.c   |   15 +
 4 files changed, 1071 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/x11/Makefile.am b/gdk/x11/Makefile.am
index 5930f7e..1539de5 100644
--- a/gdk/x11/Makefile.am
+++ b/gdk/x11/Makefile.am
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ libgdk_x11_la_SOURCES =       \
        gdkapplaunchcontext-x11.c \
        gdkasync.c              \
        gdkasync.h              \
+       gdkclipboard-x11.c      \
        gdkcursor-x11.c         \
        gdkdevice-core-x11.c    \
        gdkdevice-xi2.c         \
diff --git a/gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.c b/gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fec9d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@
+/* GDK - The GIMP Drawing Kit
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "gdkclipboardprivate.h"
+#include "gdkclipboard-x11.h"
+#include "gdkprivate-x11.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
+#define IDLE_ABORT_TIME 30 /* seconds */
+typedef struct _GdkClipboardX11Class GdkClipboardX11Class;
+typedef struct _RetrievalInfo RetrievalInfo;
+struct _GdkClipboardX11
+  GdkClipboard parent;
+  GdkDisplay *display;
+  GdkWindow  *owner;
+  Display    *xdisplay;
+  Window      xowner;
+  Atom        xselection;
+  guint32     time;
+  gboolean    is_owner;
+  Atom                  *targets;
+  gint                   n_targets;
+  gchar                 *text;
+  GdkPixbuf             *pixbuf;
+  GdkClipboardProvider   provider;
+  gpointer               data;
+  GDestroyNotify         destroy;
+  GList      *retrievals;
+struct _GdkClipboardX11Class
+  GdkClipboardClass parent_class;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (GdkClipboardX11, gdk_clipboard_x11, GDK_TYPE_CLIPBOARD)
+static Atom targets_atom;
+static Atom timestamp_atom;
+static Atom multiple_atom;
+static Atom incr_atom;
+static Atom utf8_string_atom;
+static Atom string_atom;
+static Atom text_atom;
+static Atom ctext_atom;
+static Atom text_plain_atom;
+static Atom text_plain_utf8_atom;
+static Atom text_plain_locale_atom;
+static Atom image_png_atom;
+static void
+init_atoms (Display *display)
+  const gchar *charset;
+  gchar *tmp;
+  if (utf8_string_atom != 0)
+    return;
+  targets_atom = XInternAtom (display, "TARGETS", FALSE);
+  timestamp_atom = XInternAtom (display, "TIMESTAMP", FALSE);
+  multiple_atom = XInternAtom (display, "MULTIPLE", FALSE);
+  incr_atom = XInternAtom (display, "INCR", FALSE);
+  utf8_string_atom = XInternAtom (display, "UTF8_STRING", FALSE);
+  string_atom = XInternAtom (display, "STRING", FALSE);
+  text_atom = XInternAtom (display, "TEXT", FALSE);
+  ctext_atom = XInternAtom (display, "COMPOUND_TEXT", FALSE);
+  text_plain_atom = XInternAtom (display, "text/plain", FALSE);
+  text_plain_utf8_atom = XInternAtom (display, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", FALSE);
+  g_get_charset (&charset);
+  tmp = g_strconcat ("text/plain;charset=", charset, NULL);
+  text_plain_locale_atom = XInternAtom (display, tmp, FALSE);
+  g_free (tmp);
+  image_png_atom = XInternAtom (display, "image/png", FALSE);
+static guint32
+get_timestamp (GdkClipboardX11 *cb)
+  return gdk_x11_get_server_time (cb->owner);
+static gboolean
+claim_selection (GdkClipboardX11 *cb)
+  cb->time = get_timestamp (cb);
+  XSetSelectionOwner (cb->xdisplay, cb->xselection, cb->xowner, cb->time);
+  cb->is_owner = XGetSelectionOwner (cb->xdisplay, cb->xselection) == cb->xowner;
+  return cb->is_owner;
+static void
+drop_selection (GdkClipboardX11 *cb)
+  if (cb->is_owner)
+    {
+      XSetSelectionOwner (cb->xdisplay, cb->xselection, None, CurrentTime);
+      cb->is_owner = FALSE;
+    }
+static void
+clear_data (GdkClipboardX11 *cb)
+  g_free (cb->text);
+  cb->text = NULL;
+  if (cb->pixbuf)
+    {
+      g_object_unref (cb->pixbuf);
+      cb->pixbuf = NULL;
+    }
+  if (cb->provider)
+    {
+      g_free (cb->targets);
+      cb->targets = NULL;
+      cb->n_targets = 0;
+      cb->provider = NULL;
+      if (cb->destroy)
+        cb->destroy (cb->data);
+      cb->data = NULL;
+      cb->destroy = NULL;
+    }
+struct _RetrievalInfo
+  GdkClipboardX11 *clipboard;
+  Atom     target;               /* Form of selection that we requested */
+  guint32  idle_time;            /* Number of seconds since we last heard
+                                   from selection owner */
+  guchar  *buffer;               /* Buffer in which to accumulate results */
+  gint     length;               /* Current offset in buffer, -1 indicates
+                                   not yet started */
+  guint32  notify_time;          /* Timestamp from SelectionNotify */
+  guint    timeout;
+  GAsyncReadyCallback callback; 
+  gpointer            user_data;
+static void
+selection_retrieval_complete (RetrievalInfo *info)
+  GSimpleAsyncResult *res;
+  res = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (info->clipboard),
+                                   info->callback,
+                                   info->user_data,
+                                   NULL);
+  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (res), "target", GSIZE_TO_POINTER ((gsize)info->target));
+  g_simple_async_result_complete (res);
+  g_object_unref (res);
+static RetrievalInfo *
+find_info (GdkClipboardX11 *cb,
+           Atom             target)
+  RetrievalInfo *info = NULL;
+  GList *l;
+  for (l = cb->retrievals; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      info = l->data;
+      if (info->target == target)
+        return info;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static gboolean
+selection_retrieval_timeout (gpointer data)
+  RetrievalInfo *info = data;
+  if (find_info (info->clipboard, info->target) == info)
+    {
+      info->idle_time++;
+      if (info->idle_time <= IDLE_ABORT_TIME)
+        return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE;
+      g_free (info->buffer);
+      info->buffer = NULL;
+      selection_retrieval_complete (info);
+    }
+  return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_async (GdkClipboardX11     *cb,
+                                      GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                                      Atom                 target,
+                                      GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
+                                      gpointer             user_data)
+  RetrievalInfo *info;
+  info = find_info (cb, target);
+  if (info)
+    return; /* FIXME: do multiple callbacks */
+  info = g_new0 (RetrievalInfo, 1);
+  info->clipboard = cb;
+  info->target = target;
+  info->idle_time = 0;
+  info->buffer = NULL;
+  info->length = -1;
+  info->callback = callback;
+  info->user_data = user_data;
+  info->timeout = gdk_threads_add_timeout (1000, (GSourceFunc)selection_retrieval_timeout, info);
+  g_source_set_name_by_id (info->timeout, "[gdk] selection_retrieval_timeout");
+  cb->retrievals = g_list_prepend (cb->retrievals, info);
+  XConvertSelection (cb->xdisplay, cb->xselection, target,
+                     target, cb->xowner, get_timestamp (cb));
+static GBytes *
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_finish (GdkClipboardX11  *cb,
+                                       GAsyncResult     *res,
+                                       Atom              target,
+                                       GError          **error)
+  GBytes *bytes;
+  RetrievalInfo *info;
+  info = find_info (cb, target);
+  if (!info)
+    return NULL;
+  if (info->buffer)
+    bytes = g_bytes_new_static (info->buffer, info->length);
+  else
+    bytes = NULL;
+  g_source_remove (info->timeout);
+  cb->retrievals = g_list_remove (cb->retrievals, info);
+  g_free (info);
+  return bytes;
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_text_async (GdkClipboard        *clipboard,
+                                  GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                                  GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
+                                  gpointer             user_data)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_async (cb, cancellable, utf8_string_atom, callback, user_data);
+static gchar *
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_text_finish (GdkClipboard  *clipboard,
+                                   GAsyncResult  *res,
+                                   GError       **error)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  gchar *text = NULL;
+  GBytes *bytes;
+  bytes = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_finish (cb, res, utf8_string_atom, error);
+  if (bytes)
+    {
+      text = (gchar*)g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL);
+      g_bytes_unref (bytes);     
+    }
+  return text;
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_targets_async (GdkClipboardX11     *cb,
+                                     GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                                     GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
+                                     gpointer             user_data)
+  gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_async (cb, cancellable, targets_atom, callback, user_data);
+static Atom *
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_targets_finish (GdkClipboardX11  *cb,
+                                      GAsyncResult     *res,
+                                      gsize            *n_targets,
+                                      GError          **error)
+  GBytes *bytes;
+  Atom *targets;
+  gsize len;
+  bytes = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_finish (cb, res, targets_atom, error);
+  if (bytes)
+    {
+      targets = (Atom*)g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &len);
+      g_bytes_unref (bytes);     
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      targets = NULL;
+      len = 0;
+    }
+  *n_targets = len / sizeof (Atom);
+  return targets; 
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_set_text (GdkClipboard *clipboard,
+                            const gchar  *text)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  if (claim_selection (cb))
+    {
+      clear_data (cb);
+      cb->text = g_strdup (text);
+      cb->n_targets = 10;
+      cb->targets = g_new (Atom, cb->n_targets);
+      cb->targets[0] = targets_atom;
+      cb->targets[1] = multiple_atom;
+      cb->targets[2] = timestamp_atom;
+      cb->targets[3] = utf8_string_atom;
+      cb->targets[4] = string_atom;
+      cb->targets[5] = text_atom;
+      cb->targets[6] = ctext_atom;
+      cb->targets[7] = text_plain_atom;
+      cb->targets[8] = text_plain_utf8_atom;
+      cb->targets[9] = text_plain_locale_atom;
+      _gdk_clipboard_set_available_content (clipboard, TEXT_CONTENT, NULL);
+    }
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_image_async (GdkClipboard        *clipboard,
+                                   GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                                   GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
+                                   gpointer             user_data)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_async (cb, cancellable, image_png_atom, callback, user_data);
+static GdkPixbuf *
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_image_finish (GdkClipboard  *clipboard,
+                                    GAsyncResult  *res,
+                                    GError       **error)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
+  GBytes *bytes;
+  GdkPixbufLoader *loader;
+  bytes = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_finish (cb, res, image_png_atom, error);
+  if (bytes)
+    {
+      loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new ();
+      if (gdk_pixbuf_loader_write_bytes (loader, bytes, error) &&
+          gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (loader, error))
+        pixbuf = g_object_ref (gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader));
+      g_object_unref (loader);
+      g_bytes_unref (bytes);     
+    }
+  return pixbuf;
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_set_image (GdkClipboard *clipboard,
+                             GdkPixbuf    *pixbuf)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  if (claim_selection (cb))
+    {
+      clear_data (cb);
+      cb->pixbuf = g_object_ref (pixbuf);
+      cb->n_targets = 4;
+      cb->targets = g_new (Atom, cb->n_targets);
+      cb->targets[0] = targets_atom;
+      cb->targets[1] = multiple_atom;
+      cb->targets[2] = timestamp_atom;
+      cb->targets[3] = image_png_atom;
+      _gdk_clipboard_set_available_content (clipboard, IMAGE_CONTENT, NULL);
+    }
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_data_async (GdkClipboard        *clipboard,
+                                  const gchar         *content_type,
+                                  GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                                  GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
+                                  gpointer             user_data)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  Atom target;
+  target = XInternAtom (cb->xdisplay, content_type, FALSE);
+  gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_async (cb, cancellable, target, callback, user_data);
+static GInputStream *
+gdk_clipboard_x11_get_data_finish (GdkClipboard  *clipboard,
+                                   GAsyncResult  *res,
+                                   GError       **error)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  GInputStream *is = NULL;
+  GBytes *bytes;
+  Atom target;
+  target = (Atom)GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (res), "target"));
+  bytes = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_contents_finish (cb, res, target, error);
+  if (bytes)
+    {
+      is = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_bytes (bytes);
+      g_bytes_unref (bytes);     
+    }
+  return is;
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_set_data (GdkClipboard          *clipboard,
+                            const gchar          **content_types,
+                            GdkClipboardProvider   provider,
+                            gpointer               data,
+                            GDestroyNotify         destroy)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  gint i;
+  if (claim_selection (cb))
+    {
+      clear_data (cb);
+      cb->n_targets = g_strv_length ((gchar**)content_types) + 3;
+      cb->targets = g_new (Atom, cb->n_targets);
+      cb->targets[0] = targets_atom;
+      cb->targets[1] = multiple_atom;
+      cb->targets[2] = timestamp_atom;
+      for (i = 0; content_types[i]; i++)
+        cb->targets[i+3] = XInternAtom (cb->xdisplay, content_types[i], FALSE);
+      cb->provider = provider;
+      cb->data = data;
+      cb->destroy = destroy;
+      _gdk_clipboard_set_available_content (clipboard, OTHER_CONTENT, content_types);
+    }
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_clear (GdkClipboard *clipboard)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (clipboard);
+  clear_data (cb);
+  drop_selection (cb);
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_init (GdkClipboardX11 *clipboard)
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_finalize (GObject *object)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (object);
+  clear_data (cb);
+  gdk_window_destroy (cb->owner);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gdk_clipboard_x11_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+gdk_clipboard_x11_class_init (GdkClipboardX11Class *class)
+  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+  GdkClipboardClass *clipboard_class = GDK_CLIPBOARD_CLASS (class);
+  object_class->finalize = gdk_clipboard_x11_finalize;
+  clipboard_class->get_text_async = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_text_async;
+  clipboard_class->get_text_finish = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_text_finish;
+  clipboard_class->set_text = gdk_clipboard_x11_set_text;
+  clipboard_class->get_image_async = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_image_async;
+  clipboard_class->get_image_finish = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_image_finish;
+  clipboard_class->set_image = gdk_clipboard_x11_set_image;
+  clipboard_class->get_data_async = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_data_async;
+  clipboard_class->get_data_finish = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_data_finish;
+  clipboard_class->set_data = gdk_clipboard_x11_set_data;
+  clipboard_class->clear = gdk_clipboard_x11_clear;
+GdkClipboardX11 *
+gdk_clipboard_x11_new (GdkDisplay  *display,
+                       const gchar *selection)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb;
+  GdkWindowAttr attributes;
+  gint attributes_mask;
+  GdkWindow *root;
+  cb = (GdkClipboardX11 *) g_object_new (GDK_TYPE_CLIPBOARD_X11, NULL);
+  attributes.x = -100;
+  attributes.y = -100;
+  attributes.width = 10;
+  attributes.height = 10;
+  attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_TEMP;
+  attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
+  attributes.override_redirect = TRUE;
+  attributes.event_mask = 0;
+  attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_NOREDIR;
+  root = gdk_screen_get_root_window (gdk_display_get_default_screen (display));
+  cb->display = display;
+  cb->owner = gdk_window_new (root, &attributes, attributes_mask);
+  gdk_window_ensure_native (cb->owner);
+  cb->xdisplay = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display);
+  cb->xowner = gdk_x11_window_get_xid (cb->owner);
+  cb->xselection = XInternAtom (cb->xdisplay, selection, FALSE);
+  gdk_x11_display_request_selection_notification (display, gdk_x11_xatom_to_atom (cb->xselection));
+  init_atoms (cb->xdisplay);
+  return cb;
+gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_clear (GdkClipboardX11      *cb,
+                                          XSelectionClearEvent *event)
+  if (!cb)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (cb->xselection != event->selection || cb->xowner != event->window)
+    return FALSE;
+  cb->is_owner = FALSE;
+  clear_data (cb);
+  _gdk_clipboard_set_available_content (GDK_CLIPBOARD (cb), NO_CONTENT, NULL);
+  return TRUE;
+/* Normalize \r and \n into \r\n */
+static gchar *
+normalize_to_crlf (const gchar *str)
+  gint len = strlen (str);
+  GString *result = g_string_sized_new (len);
+  const gchar *p = str;
+  const gchar *end = str + len;
+  while (p < end)
+    {
+      if (*p == '\n')
+        g_string_append_c (result, '\r');
+      if (*p == '\r')
+        {
+          g_string_append_c (result, *p);
+          p++;
+          if (p == end || *p != '\n')
+            g_string_append_c (result, '\n');
+          if (p == end)
+            break;
+        }
+      g_string_append_c (result, *p);
+      p++;
+    }
+  return g_string_free (result, FALSE);
+static void
+send_selection_notify (GdkClipboardX11        *cb,
+                       XSelectionRequestEvent *event,
+                       gboolean                success)
+  XSelectionEvent xevent;
+  xevent.type = SelectionNotify;
+  xevent.serial = 0;
+  xevent.send_event = True;
+  xevent.requestor = event->requestor;
+  xevent.selection = event->selection;
+  xevent.target = event->target;
+  xevent.time = event->time;
+  if (success)
+    xevent.property = event->property;
+  else
+    xevent.property = None;
+  _gdk_x11_display_send_xevent (cb->display, xevent.requestor, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent*)&xevent);
+gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_request (GdkClipboardX11        *cb,
+                                            XSelectionRequestEvent *event)
+  GdkClipboardContent content;
+  if (!cb)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (cb->xselection != event->selection ||
+      cb->xowner != event->owner ||
+      !cb->is_owner)
+    return FALSE;
+  content = _gdk_clipboard_get_available_content (GDK_CLIPBOARD (cb));
+  if (content == NO_CONTENT)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (event->target == targets_atom)
+    {
+      XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                       XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
+                       (guchar *)cb->targets, cb->n_targets);
+      send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  else if (event->target == timestamp_atom)
+    {
+      gulong time = cb->time;
+      XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                       XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (guchar *)&time, sizeof (time));
+      send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (content == TEXT_CONTENT)
+    {
+      if (event->target == utf8_string_atom)
+        {
+          XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                           utf8_string_atom, 8, PropModeReplace,
+                           (guchar *)cb->text, strlen (cb->text));
+          send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+          return TRUE;
+        }
+      else if (event->target == string_atom)
+        {
+          gchar *tmp = g_strdup (cb->text);
+          gchar *latin1 = gdk_utf8_to_string_target (tmp);
+          XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                           string_atom, 8, PropModeReplace,
+                           (guchar *)latin1, strlen (latin1));
+          send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+          g_free (latin1);
+          g_free (tmp);
+          return TRUE;
+        }
+      else if (event->target == ctext_atom ||
+               event->target == text_atom)
+        {
+          gchar *tmp = g_strdup (cb->text);
+          guchar *text;
+          GdkAtom encoding;
+          gint format;
+          gint new_length;
+          gboolean result = FALSE;
+          if (gdk_x11_display_utf8_to_compound_text (cb->display, tmp, &encoding, &format, &text, 
+            {
+              XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                               gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom (encoding), format, PropModeReplace,
+                               (guchar *)text, new_length);
+              send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+              gdk_x11_free_compound_text (text);
+              result = TRUE;
+            }
+          else if (event->target == text_atom)
+            {
+              gchar *latin1 = gdk_utf8_to_string_target (tmp);
+              XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                               string_atom, 8, PropModeReplace,
+                               (guchar *)latin1, strlen (latin1));
+              send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+              g_free (latin1);
+              result = TRUE;
+            }
+          g_free (tmp);
+          return result;
+        }
+      else if (event->target == text_plain_atom ||
+               event->target == text_plain_utf8_atom ||
+               event->target == text_plain_locale_atom)
+        {
+          const gchar *charset = NULL;
+          gchar *result;
+          GError *error = NULL;
+          result = normalize_to_crlf (cb->text);
+          if (event->target == text_plain_atom)
+            charset = "ASCII";
+          else if (event->target == text_plain_locale_atom)
+            g_get_charset (&charset);
+          if (charset)
+            {
+              gchar *tmp = result;
+              result = g_convert_with_fallback (tmp, -1,
+                                                charset, "UTF-8",
+                                                NULL, NULL, NULL, &error);
+              g_free (tmp);
+            }
+          if (result)
+            {
+              XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                               event->target, 8, PropModeReplace,
+                               (guchar *)result, strlen (result));
+              send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+              g_free (result);
+              return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  else if (content == IMAGE_CONTENT)
+    {
+      if (event->target == image_png_atom)
+        {
+          gchar *str;
+          gsize len;
+          gboolean result;
+          str = NULL;
+          result = gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer (cb->pixbuf, &str, &len,
+                                              "png", NULL,
+                                              "compression", "2",
+                                              NULL); 
+          if (result)
+            XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                             image_png_atom, 8, PropModeReplace, (guchar*)str, len);
+          send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+          return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+  else if (content == OTHER_CONTENT)
+    {
+      GOutputStream *os = NULL;
+      gint i;
+      for (i = 0; i < cb->n_targets; i++)
+        {
+          if (cb->targets[i] == event->target)
+            {
+              os = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable ();
+              cb->provider (GDK_CLIPBOARD (cb), XGetAtomName (cb->xdisplay, event->target), os, cb->data);
+              XChangeProperty (cb->xdisplay, event->requestor, event->property,
+                               event->target, 8, PropModeReplace,
+                               (guchar *)g_memory_output_stream_get_data (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (os)),
+                               g_memory_output_stream_get_size (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (os)));
+              g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (os));
+              send_selection_notify (cb, event, TRUE);
+              return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  send_selection_notify (cb, event, FALSE);
+  return FALSE;
+static gint
+get_selection_property (Display  *display,
+                        Window    owner,
+                        Atom      property,
+                        guchar  **ret_data,
+                        Atom     *ret_type,
+                        gint     *ret_format)
+  gulong nitems;
+  gulong nbytes;
+  gulong length = 0;
+  Atom prop_type;
+  gint prop_format;
+  guchar *t = NULL;
+  gint i;
+  if (XGetWindowProperty (display, owner, property,
+                          0, 0x1FFFFFFF, False,
+                          AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &prop_format,
+                          &nitems, &nbytes, &t) != Success)
+    goto err;
+  if (prop_type != None)
+    {
+      if (prop_type == XA_ATOM)
+        {
+          if (prop_format != 32)
+            goto err;
+          length = sizeof (Atom) * nitems;
+          *ret_data = g_malloc (length);
+          for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
+            ((Atom*)*ret_data)[i] = ((Atom*)t)[i];
+          *ret_type = XA_ATOM;
+          *ret_format = 32;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          switch (prop_format)
+            {
+            case 8:
+              length = nitems;
+              break;
+            case 16:
+              length = sizeof (short) * nitems;
+              break;
+            case 32:
+              length = sizeof (long) * nitems;
+              break;
+            default:
+              g_assert_not_reached ();
+              break;
+            }
+          *ret_data = g_malloc (length + 1);
+          memcpy (*ret_data, t, length);
+          (*ret_data)[length] = 0;
+          *ret_type = prop_type;
+          *ret_format = prop_format;
+        }
+    }
+  XFree (t);
+  return length;
+  *ret_data = NULL;
+  *ret_type = None;
+  *ret_format = 0;
+  return 0;
+gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_notify (GdkClipboardX11 *cb,
+                                           XSelectionEvent *event)
+  guchar *buffer = NULL;
+  Atom type = None;
+  gint format;
+  gint length;
+  RetrievalInfo *info;
+  if (!cb)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (cb->xselection != event->selection)
+    return FALSE;
+  info = find_info (cb, event->target);
+  if (!info)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (event->property != None)
+    length = get_selection_property (cb->xdisplay, cb->xowner, event->property, &buffer, &type, &format);
+  if (event->property == None || buffer == NULL)
+    {
+      g_free (info->buffer);
+      info->buffer = NULL;
+      info->length = 0;
+      selection_retrieval_complete (info);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (type == incr_atom)
+    {
+      /* FIXME: handle incr */
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  info->buffer = buffer;
+  info->length = length;
+  selection_retrieval_complete (info);
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+targets_received (GObject      *source,
+                  GAsyncResult *res,
+                  gpointer      data)
+  GdkClipboardX11 *cb = GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11 (source);
+  Atom *targets;
+  gsize n_targets = 0;
+  GdkClipboardContent content;
+  gchar **content_types;
+  gint i, j;
+  content = NO_CONTENT;
+  targets = gdk_clipboard_x11_get_targets_finish (cb, res, &n_targets, NULL);    
+  content_types = g_new0 (gchar*, n_targets + 1);
+  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n_targets; i++)
+    {
+      if (targets[i] == utf8_string_atom ||
+          targets[i] == string_atom ||
+          targets[i] == text_atom ||
+          targets[i] == ctext_atom ||
+          targets[i] == text_plain_atom ||
+          targets[i] == text_plain_atom ||
+          targets[i] == text_plain_utf8_atom ||
+          targets[i] == text_plain_locale_atom)
+        {
+          content |= TEXT_CONTENT;
+        }
+      else if (targets[i] == image_png_atom)
+        {
+          content |= IMAGE_CONTENT;
+        }
+      else if (targets[i] == timestamp_atom ||
+               targets[i] == targets_atom ||
+               targets[i] == multiple_atom ||
+               targets[i] == XInternAtom (cb->xdisplay, "SAVE_TARGETS", FALSE))
+        {
+          continue;
+        }
+      else if (targets[i] != None)
+        {
+          content |= OTHER_CONTENT;
+          content_types[j++] = XGetAtomName (cb->xdisplay, targets[i]);
+        }
+    }
+  g_free (targets);
+  _gdk_clipboard_set_available_content (GDK_CLIPBOARD (cb), content, (const gchar**)content_types);
+  for (j = 0; content_types[j]; j++)
+    XFree (content_types[j]);
+  g_free (content_types);
+gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_owner_change (GdkClipboardX11 *cb,
+                                                 XEvent          *xevent)
+  XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent *event = (XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent *)xevent;
+  if (!cb)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (cb->xselection != event->selection)
+   return FALSE;
+  if (event->owner != None && event->owner != cb->xowner)
+    {
+      _gdk_clipboard_set_available_content (GDK_CLIPBOARD (cb), NO_CONTENT, NULL);
+      gdk_clipboard_x11_get_targets_async (cb, NULL, targets_received, NULL);
+    }
+  return TRUE;
diff --git a/gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.h b/gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ccab13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/x11/gdkclipboard-x11.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* GDK - The GIMP Drawing Kit
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef __GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11_H__
+#define __GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11_H__
+#include "gdk/gdkclipboard.h"
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#define GDK_TYPE_CLIPBOARD_X11    (gdk_clipboard_x11_get_type ())
+typedef struct _GdkClipboardX11 GdkClipboardX11;
+GType            gdk_clipboard_x11_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GdkClipboardX11 *gdk_clipboard_x11_new      (GdkDisplay  *display,
+                                             const gchar *selection);
+gboolean gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_clear        (GdkClipboardX11        *cb,
+                                                          XSelectionClearEvent   *event);
+gboolean gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_request      (GdkClipboardX11        *cb,
+                                                          XSelectionRequestEvent *event);
+gboolean gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_notify       (GdkClipboardX11        *cb,
+                                                          XSelectionEvent        *event);
+gboolean gdk_clipboard_x11_handle_selection_owner_change (GdkClipboardX11        *cb,
+                                                          XEvent                 *event);
+#endif /* __GDK_CLIPBOARD_X11_H__ */
diff --git a/gdk/x11/gdkdisplay-x11.c b/gdk/x11/gdkdisplay-x11.c
index 83b1d9b..24254c0 100644
--- a/gdk/x11/gdkdisplay-x11.c
+++ b/gdk/x11/gdkdisplay-x11.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include "gdkdisplay-x11.h"
 #include "gdkprivate-x11.h"
 #include "gdkscreen-x11.h"
+#include "gdkclipboard-x11.h"
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <glib/gprintf.h>
@@ -2847,6 +2848,18 @@ gdk_x11_display_get_keymap (GdkDisplay *display)
   return display_x11->keymap;
+static GdkClipboard *
+gdk_x11_display_get_clipboard (GdkDisplay *display)
+  return GDK_CLIPBOARD (gdk_clipboard_x11_new (display, "CLIPBOARD"));
+static GdkClipboard *
+gdk_x11_display_get_primary (GdkDisplay *display)
+  return GDK_CLIPBOARD (gdk_clipboard_x11_new (display, "PRIMARY"));
 static void
 gdk_x11_display_class_init (GdkX11DisplayClass * class)
@@ -2901,6 +2914,8 @@ gdk_x11_display_class_init (GdkX11DisplayClass * class)
   display_class->convert_selection = _gdk_x11_display_convert_selection;
   display_class->text_property_to_utf8_list = _gdk_x11_display_text_property_to_utf8_list;
   display_class->utf8_to_string_target = _gdk_x11_display_utf8_to_string_target;
+  display_class->get_clipboard = gdk_x11_display_get_clipboard;
+  display_class->get_primary = gdk_x11_display_get_primary;
   _gdk_x11_windowing_init ();

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