[gnome-shell/wip/notif-d3: 5/7] kill tray 2
- From: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-shell/wip/notif-d3: 5/7] kill tray 2
- Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:24:02 +0000 (UTC)
commit 2b93bcf92197ecb2b74b1ef26e6a04f095aad1db
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date: Fri Jun 13 11:58:40 2014 -0400
kill tray 2
js/ui/messageTray.js | 526 +------------------------------------------
js/ui/notificationDaemon.js | 2 +-
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 525 deletions(-)
diff --git a/js/ui/messageTray.js b/js/ui/messageTray.js
index 03c2657..c6e8c55 100644
--- a/js/ui/messageTray.js
+++ b/js/ui/messageTray.js
@@ -95,64 +95,6 @@ function _fixMarkup(text, allowMarkup) {
return GLib.markup_escape_text(text, -1);
-const FocusGrabber = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'FocusGrabber',
- _init: function(actor) {
- this._actor = actor;
- this._prevKeyFocusActor = null;
- this._focusActorChangedId = 0;
- this._focused = false;
- },
- grabFocus: function() {
- if (this._focused)
- return;
- this._prevKeyFocusActor = global.stage.get_key_focus();
- this._focusActorChangedId = global.stage.connect('notify::key-focus', Lang.bind(this,
- if (!this._actor.navigate_focus(null, Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false))
- this._actor.grab_key_focus();
- this._focused = true;
- },
- _focusUngrabbed: function() {
- if (!this._focused)
- return false;
- if (this._focusActorChangedId > 0) {
- global.stage.disconnect(this._focusActorChangedId);
- this._focusActorChangedId = 0;
- }
- this._focused = false;
- return true;
- },
- _focusActorChanged: function() {
- let focusedActor = global.stage.get_key_focus();
- if (!focusedActor || !this._actor.contains(focusedActor))
- this._focusUngrabbed();
- },
- ungrabFocus: function() {
- if (!this._focusUngrabbed())
- return;
- if (this._prevKeyFocusActor) {
- global.stage.set_key_focus(this._prevKeyFocusActor);
- this._prevKeyFocusActor = null;
- } else {
- let focusedActor = global.stage.get_key_focus();
- if (focusedActor && this._actor.contains(focusedActor))
- global.stage.set_key_focus(null);
- }
- }
const URLHighlighter = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'URLHighlighter',
@@ -980,79 +922,9 @@ const MessageTray = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'MessageTray',
_init: function() {
- this._presence = new GnomeSession.Presence(Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, error) {
- this._onStatusChanged(proxy.status);
- }));
- this._busy = false;
- this._presence.connectSignal('StatusChanged', Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, senderName, [status]) {
- this._onStatusChanged(status);
- }));
- this._notificationWidget = new St.Widget({ name: 'notification-container',
- reactive: true,
- track_hover: true,
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START,
- x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- y_expand: true,
- x_expand: true,
- layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout() });
- this._notificationWidget.connect('key-release-event', Lang.bind(this,
- this._notificationWidget.connect('notify::hover', Lang.bind(this, this._onNotificationHoverChanged));
- this._notificationWidget.connect('notify::height', Lang.bind(this, function() {
- this._notificationWidget.translation_y = -this._notificationWidget.height;
- }));
- this._notificationBin = new St.Bin({ y_expand: true });
- this._notificationBin.set_y_align(Clutter.ActorAlign.START);
- this._notificationWidget.add_actor(this._notificationBin);
- this._notificationWidget.hide();
- this._notificationFocusGrabber = new FocusGrabber(this._notificationWidget);
- this._notificationQueue = [];
- this._notification = null;
- this._notificationClickedId = 0;
- this._userActiveWhileNotificationShown = false;
- this.idleMonitor = Meta.IdleMonitor.get_core();
- // pointerInNotification is sort of a misnomer -- it tracks whether
- // a message tray notification should expand. The value is
- // partially driven by the hover state of the notification, but has
- // a lot of complex state related to timeouts and the current
- // state of the pointer when a notification pops up.
- this._pointerInNotification = false;
- // This tracks this._notificationWidget.hover and is used to fizzle
- // out non-changing hover notifications in onNotificationHoverChanged.
- this._notificationHovered = false;
- this._keyboardVisible = false;
- this._notificationState = State.HIDDEN;
- this._notificationTimeoutId = 0;
- this._notificationRemoved = false;
- this._reNotifyAfterHideNotification = null;
- this._inCtrlAltTab = false;
- Main.layoutManager.trackChrome(this._notificationWidget);
- global.screen.connect('in-fullscreen-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateState));
this._sources = new Map();
- close: function() {
- this._escapeTray();
- },
- _onNotificationKeyRelease: function(actor, event) {
- if (event.get_key_symbol() == Clutter.KEY_Escape && event.get_state() == 0) {
- this._expireNotification();
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }
- return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
- },
_expireNotification: function() {
this._notificationExpired = true;
@@ -1072,7 +944,7 @@ const MessageTray = new Lang.Class({
source.policy.connect('enable-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onSourceEnableChanged, source));
- source.policy.connect('policy-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateState));
+ // source.policy.connect('policy-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateState));
this._onSourceEnableChanged(source.policy, source);
@@ -1130,402 +1002,8 @@ const MessageTray = new Lang.Class({
- _onNotificationDestroy: function(notification) {
- if (this._notification == notification && (this._notificationState == State.SHOWN ||
this._notificationState == State.SHOWING)) {
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(0);
- this._notificationRemoved = true;
- this._updateState();
- return;
- }
- let index = this._notificationQueue.indexOf(notification);
- if (index != -1)
- this._notificationQueue.splice(index, 1);
- },
- openTray: function() {
- if (Main.overview.animationInProgress)
- return;
- this._traySummoned = true;
- this._updateState();
- },
- hide: function() {
- this._traySummoned = false;
- this._updateState();
- },
_onNotify: function(source, notification) {
- if (this._notification == notification) {
- // If a notification that is being shown is updated, we update
- // how it is shown and extend the time until it auto-hides.
- // If a new notification is updated while it is being hidden,
- // we stop hiding it and show it again.
- this._updateShowingNotification();
- } else if (this._notificationQueue.indexOf(notification) < 0) {
- notification.connect('destroy',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onNotificationDestroy));
- this._notificationQueue.push(notification);
- this._notificationQueue.sort(function(notification1, notification2) {
- return (notification2.urgency - notification1.urgency);
- });
- }
- this._updateState();
- },
- _resetNotificationLeftTimeout: function() {
- this._useLongerNotificationLeftTimeout = false;
- if (this._notificationLeftTimeoutId) {
- Mainloop.source_remove(this._notificationLeftTimeoutId);
- this._notificationLeftTimeoutId = 0;
- this._notificationLeftMouseX = -1;
- this._notificationLeftMouseY = -1;
- }
- },
- _onNotificationHoverChanged: function() {
- if (this._notificationWidget.hover == this._notificationHovered)
- return;
- this._notificationHovered = this._notificationWidget.hover;
- if (this._notificationHovered) {
- // No dwell inside notifications at the bottom of the screen
- // this._cancelTrayDwell();
- this._resetNotificationLeftTimeout();
- if (this._showNotificationMouseX >= 0) {
- let actorAtShowNotificationPosition =
- global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.ALL, this._showNotificationMouseX,
- this._showNotificationMouseX = -1;
- this._showNotificationMouseY = -1;
- // Don't set this._pointerInNotification to true if the pointer was initially in the area
where the notification
- // popped up. That way we will not be expanding notifications that happen to pop up over the
- // automatically. Instead, the user is able to expand the notification by mousing away from
it and then
- // mousing back in. Because this is an expected action, we set the boolean flag that
indicates that a longer
- // timeout should be used before popping down the notification.
- /*
- if (this.actor.contains(actorAtShowNotificationPosition)) {
- this._useLongerNotificationLeftTimeout = true;
- return;
- }
- */
- }
- this._pointerInNotification = true;
- this._updateState();
- } else {
- // We record the position of the mouse the moment it leaves the tray. These coordinates are used
- // this._onNotificationLeftTimeout() to determine if the mouse has moved far enough during the
initial timeout for us
- // to consider that the user intended to leave the tray and therefore hide the tray. If the
mouse is still
- // close to its previous position, we extend the timeout once.
- let [x, y, mods] = global.get_pointer();
- this._notificationLeftMouseX = x;
- this._notificationLeftMouseY = y;
- // We wait just a little before hiding the message tray in case the user quickly moves the mouse
back into it.
- // We wait for a longer period if the notification popped up where the mouse pointer was already
- // That gives the user more time to mouse away from the notification and mouse back in in order
to expand it.
- let timeout = this._useLongerNotificationLeftTimeout ? LONGER_HIDE_TIMEOUT * 1000 : HIDE_TIMEOUT
* 1000;
- this._notificationLeftTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(timeout, Lang.bind(this,
- GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._notificationLeftTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell]
- }
- },
- _onKeyboardVisibleChanged: function(layoutManager, keyboardVisible) {
- this._keyboardVisible = keyboardVisible;
- this._updateState();
- },
- _onStatusChanged: function(status) {
- if (status == GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.BUSY) {
- // remove notification and allow the summary to be closed now
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(0);
- this._busy = true;
- } else if (status != GnomeSession.PresenceStatus.IDLE) {
- // We preserve the previous value of this._busy if the status turns to IDLE
- // so that we don't start showing notifications queued during the BUSY state
- // as the screensaver gets activated.
- this._busy = false;
- }
- this._updateState();
- },
- _onNotificationLeftTimeout: function() {
- let [x, y, mods] = global.get_pointer();
- // We extend the timeout once if the mouse moved no further than MOUSE_LEFT_ACTOR_THRESHOLD to
either side or up.
- // We don't check how far down the mouse moved because any point above the tray, but below the exit
- // is close to the tray.
- if (this._notificationLeftMouseX > -1 &&
- y > this._notificationLeftMouseY - MOUSE_LEFT_ACTOR_THRESHOLD &&
- x < this._notificationLeftMouseX + MOUSE_LEFT_ACTOR_THRESHOLD &&
- x > this._notificationLeftMouseX - MOUSE_LEFT_ACTOR_THRESHOLD) {
- this._notificationLeftMouseX = -1;
- this._notificationLeftTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(LONGER_HIDE_TIMEOUT * 1000,
- Lang.bind(this,
- GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._notificationLeftTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell]
- } else {
- this._notificationLeftTimeoutId = 0;
- this._useLongerNotificationLeftTimeout = false;
- this._pointerInNotification = false;
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(0);
- this._updateState();
- }
- return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE;
- },
- _escapeTray: function() {
- this._pointerInNotification = false;
- this._traySummoned = false;
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(0);
- this._updateState();
- },
- // All of the logic for what happens when occurs here; the various
- // event handlers merely update variables such as
- // 'this._pointerInNotification', 'this._traySummoned', etc, and
- // _updateState() figures out what (if anything) needs to be done
- // at the present time.
- _updateState: function() {
- // If our state changes caused _updateState to be called,
- // just exit now to prevent reentrancy issues.
- if (this._updatingState)
- return;
- this._updatingState = true;
- // Filter out acknowledged notifications.
- this._notificationQueue = this._notificationQueue.filter(function(n) {
- return !n.acknowledged;
- });
- let hasNotifications = Main.sessionMode.hasNotifications;
- if (this._notificationState == State.HIDDEN) {
- let shouldShowNotification = (hasNotifications && !this._traySummoned);
- let nextNotification = this._notificationQueue[0] || null;
- if (shouldShowNotification && nextNotification) {
- let limited = this._busy || Main.layoutManager.bottomMonitor.inFullscreen;
- let showNextNotification = (!limited || nextNotification.forFeedback ||
nextNotification.urgency == Urgency.CRITICAL);
- if (showNextNotification)
- this._showNotification();
- }
- } else if (this._notificationState == State.SHOWN) {
- let expired = (this._userActiveWhileNotificationShown &&
- this._notificationTimeoutId == 0 &&
- this._notification.urgency != Urgency.CRITICAL &&
- !this._notification.focused &&
- !this._pointerInNotification) || this._notificationExpired;
- let mustClose = (this._notificationRemoved || !hasNotifications || expired ||
- if (mustClose) {
- let animate = hasNotifications && !this._notificationRemoved;
- this._hideNotification(animate);
- } else if (this._pointerInNotification) {
- this._ensureNotificationFocused();
- }
- }
- this._updatingState = false;
- // Clean transient variables that are used to communicate actions
- // to updateState()
- this._notificationExpired = false;
- },
- _tween: function(actor, statevar, value, params) {
- let onComplete = params.onComplete;
- let onCompleteScope = params.onCompleteScope;
- let onCompleteParams = params.onCompleteParams;
- params.onComplete = this._tweenComplete;
- params.onCompleteScope = this;
- params.onCompleteParams = [statevar, value, onComplete, onCompleteScope, onCompleteParams];
- // Remove other tweens that could mess with the state machine
- Tweener.removeTweens(actor);
- Tweener.addTween(actor, params);
- let valuing = (value == State.SHOWN) ? State.SHOWING : State.HIDING;
- this[statevar] = valuing;
- },
- _tweenComplete: function(statevar, value, onComplete, onCompleteScope, onCompleteParams) {
- this[statevar] = value;
- if (onComplete)
- onComplete.apply(onCompleteScope, onCompleteParams);
- this._updateState();
- },
- _showTray: function() {
- /*
- if (!this._grabHelper.grab({ actor: this.actor,
- onUngrab: Lang.bind(this, this._escapeTray) })) {
- this._traySummoned = false;
- return false;
- }
- this.emit('showing');
- this._tween(this.actor, '_trayState', State.SHOWN,
- { y: -this.actor.height,
- transition: 'easeOutQuad'
- });
- */
- return true;
- },
- _onIdleMonitorBecameActive: function() {
- this._userActiveWhileNotificationShown = true;
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(2000);
- this._updateState();
- },
- _showNotification: function() {
- this._notification = this._notificationQueue.shift();
- this._userActiveWhileNotificationShown = this.idleMonitor.get_idletime() <= IDLE_TIME;
- if (!this._userActiveWhileNotificationShown) {
- // If the user isn't active, set up a watch to let us know
- // when the user becomes active.
- this.idleMonitor.add_user_active_watch(Lang.bind(this, this._onIdleMonitorBecameActive));
- }
- this._notificationClickedId = this._notification.connect('done-displaying',
- Lang.bind(this, this._escapeTray));
- this._notificationUnfocusedId = this._notification.connect('unfocused', Lang.bind(this, function() {
- this._updateState();
- }));
- this._notificationBin.child = this._notification.actor;
- this._notificationWidget.opacity = 0;
- this._notificationWidget.show();
- this._updateShowingNotification();
- let [x, y, mods] = global.get_pointer();
- // We save the position of the mouse at the time when we started showing the notification
- // in order to determine if the notification popped up under it. We make that check if
- // the user starts moving the mouse and _onNotificationHoverChanged() gets called. We don't
- // expand the notification if it just happened to pop up under the mouse unless the user
- // explicitly mouses away from it and then mouses back in.
- this._showNotificationMouseX = x;
- this._showNotificationMouseY = y;
- // We save the coordinates of the mouse at the time when we started showing the notification
- // and then we update it in _notificationTimeout(). We don't pop down the notification if
- // the mouse is moving towards it or within it.
- this._lastSeenMouseX = x;
- this._lastSeenMouseY = y;
- this._resetNotificationLeftTimeout();
- },
- _updateShowingNotification: function() {
- this._notification.acknowledged = true;
- this._notification.playSound();
- // We tween all notifications to full opacity. This ensures that both new notifications and
- // notifications that might have been in the process of hiding get full opacity.
- //
- // We use this._showNotificationCompleted() onComplete callback to extend the time the updated
- // notification is being shown.
- this._tween(this._notificationWidget, '_notificationState', State.SHOWN,
- { opacity: 255,
- transition: 'easeOutQuad',
- onComplete: this._showNotificationCompleted,
- onCompleteScope: this
- });
- },
- _showNotificationCompleted: function() {
- if (this._notification.urgency != Urgency.CRITICAL)
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT * 1000);
- },
- _updateNotificationTimeout: function(timeout) {
- if (this._notificationTimeoutId) {
- Mainloop.source_remove(this._notificationTimeoutId);
- this._notificationTimeoutId = 0;
- }
- if (timeout > 0) {
- this._notificationTimeoutId =
- Mainloop.timeout_add(timeout,
- Lang.bind(this, this._notificationTimeout));
- GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._notificationTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell]
- }
- },
- _notificationTimeout: function() {
- let [x, y, mods] = global.get_pointer();
- if (y > this._lastSeenMouseY + 10 && !this._notificationHovered) {
- // The mouse is moving towards the notification, so don't
- // hide it yet. (We just create a new timeout (and destroy
- // the old one) each time because the bookkeeping is
- // simpler.)
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(1000);
- } else if (this._useLongerNotificationLeftTimeout && !this._notificationLeftTimeoutId &&
- (x != this._lastSeenMouseX || y != this._lastSeenMouseY)) {
- // Refresh the timeout if the notification originally
- // popped up under the pointer, and the pointer is hovering
- // inside it.
- this._updateNotificationTimeout(1000);
- } else {
- this._notificationTimeoutId = 0;
- this._updateState();
- }
- this._lastSeenMouseX = x;
- this._lastSeenMouseY = y;
- return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE;
- },
- _hideNotification: function(animate) {
- this._notificationFocusGrabber.ungrabFocus();
- if (this._notificationClickedId) {
- this._notification.disconnect(this._notificationClickedId);
- this._notificationClickedId = 0;
- }
- if (this._notificationUnfocusedId) {
- this._notification.disconnect(this._notificationUnfocusedId);
- this._notificationUnfocusedId = 0;
- }
- this._resetNotificationLeftTimeout();
- if (animate) {
- this._tween(this._notificationWidget, '_notificationState', State.HIDDEN,
- { opacity: 0,
- transition: 'easeOutQuad',
- onComplete: this._hideNotificationCompleted,
- onCompleteScope: this
- });
- } else {
- Tweener.removeTweens(this._notificationWidget);
- this._notificationWidget.opacity = 0;
- this._notificationState = State.HIDDEN;
- this._hideNotificationCompleted();
- }
- },
- _hideNotificationCompleted: function() {
- let notification = this._notification;
- this._notification = null;
- this._pointerInNotification = false;
- this._notificationRemoved = false;
- this._notificationBin.child = null;
- this._notificationWidget.hide();
- },
- _ensureNotificationFocused: function() {
- this._notificationFocusGrabber.grabFocus();
+ // Fill in here.
diff --git a/js/ui/notificationDaemon.js b/js/ui/notificationDaemon.js
index b35be43..c6ae1bd 100644
--- a/js/ui/notificationDaemon.js
+++ b/js/ui/notificationDaemon.js
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ const FdoNotificationDaemon = new Lang.Class({
Lang.bind(this, this._onFocusAppChanged));
- this._trayManager.manage_screen(global.screen, Main.messageTray.actor);
+ // this._trayManager.manage_screen(global.screen, Main.messageTray.actor);
_imageForNotificationData: function(hints) {
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