[chronojump] PaintCrossVariables without overlapping numbers

commit 61a75677d10f3394871308b00c337132b9a48b15
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jun 9 23:16:52 2014 +0200

    PaintCrossVariables without overlapping numbers

 encoder/graph.R |  107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index 2c226ec..b75e8fd 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -1485,7 +1485,51 @@ getModelPValue <- function(model) {
        stopifnot(inherits(model, "lm"))
        s <- summary.lm(model)
        pf(s$fstatistic[1L], s$fstatistic[2L], s$fstatistic[3L], lower.tail = FALSE)
+#see if two labels overlap
+stroverlap <- function(x1,y1,s1, x2,y2,s2) {
+       print(c(x1,y1,s1, x2,y2,s2))
+       sh1 <- strheight(s1)
+       sw1 <- strwidth(s1)
+       sh2 <- strheight(s2)
+       sw2 <- strwidth(s2)
+       overlap <- FALSE
+       if (x1<x2) 
+               overlap <- x1 + sw1 > x2
+       else
+               overlap <- x2 + sw2 > x1
+       if (y1<y2)
+               overlap <- overlap && (y1 +sh1>y2)
+       else
+               overlap <- overlap && (y2+sh2>y1)
+       return(overlap)
+#check all labels to see if newPoint overlaps one of them
+stroverlapArray <- function(newPoint, points) {
+       overlap = FALSE
+       #print(c("at Array newPoint, points",newPoint, points))
+       if(length(points$x) == 1)       #if there's only one row
+               return (stroverlap(
+                             as.numeric(newPoint[1]), as.numeric(newPoint[2]), newPoint[3],
+                             as.numeric(points$x), as.numeric(points$y), points$curveNum ))
+       #as.numeric is needed because ec-con uses "1e" in third element, and then three elements are strings
+       for(i in 1:length(points$x)) {  #for every row
+               overlap = stroverlap(
+                             as.numeric(newPoint[1]), as.numeric(newPoint[2]), newPoint[3],
+                             as.numeric(points$x[i]), as.numeric(points$y[i]), points$curveNum[i])
+               if(overlap)
+                       return (TRUE)
+       }
+       return (FALSE)
 #option: mean or max
 paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, singleFile, Eccon, seriesName, 
do1RM, do1RMMethod, outputData1) {
@@ -1504,35 +1548,15 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, single
        varXut = addUnitsAndTranslate(varX)
        varYut = addUnitsAndTranslate(varY)
+       #nums.print.df = NULL
+       nums.print = NULL
        #if only one series
        if(length(unique(seriesName)) == 1) {
-               myNums = rownames(paf)
-               if(Eccon=="ecS" || Eccon=="ceS") {
-                       if(singleFile) {
-                               myEc=c("c","e")
-                               if(Eccon=="ceS")
-                                       myEc=c("e","c")
-                               myNums = as.numeric(rownames(paf))
-                               myNums = paste(trunc((myNums+1)/2),myEc[((myNums%%2)+1)],sep="")
-                       }
-               }
-               #problem with balls is that two values two close looks bad
-               #suboption="balls"
-               suboption="side"
-               if(suboption == "balls") {
-                       cexBalls = 3
-                       cexNums = 1
-                       adjHor = 0.5
-                       nums=myNums
-               } else if (suboption == "side") {
-                       cexBalls = 1.8
-                       cexNums = 1
-                       adjHor = 0
-                       nums=paste("  ", myNums)
-               }
+               cexBalls = 1.8
+               cexNums = 1
+               adjHor = 0
                if(isAlone == "RIGHT") {
@@ -1542,6 +1566,32 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, single
                plot(x,y, xlab=varXut, ylab="", pch=21,col=colBalls,bg=bgBalls,cex=cexBalls,axes=F)
+               newPoint = c(x[1], y[1], 1) #TODO: do also for ecc-con
+               nums.print = data.frame(rbind(newPoint))
+               colnames(nums.print) = c("x","y","curveNum")
+               #done after data.frame definition in order to don't mess up with string columns 
+               if( ( Eccon=="ecS" || Eccon=="ceS" ) && singleFile)
+                       nums.print$curveNum = "1e"
+               for(i in 2:length(x)) {
+                       name = i
+                       if( ( Eccon=="ecS" || Eccon=="ceS" ) && singleFile) {
+                               myEc=c("c","e")
+                               if(Eccon=="ceS")
+                                       myEc=c("e","c")
+                               name = paste(trunc((name+1)/2),myEc[((name%%2)+1)],sep="")
+                       }
+                       newPoint = c(x[i], y[i], name) #TODO: do also for ecc-con
+                       overlaps = stroverlapArray(newPoint, nums.print)
+                       if(! overlaps)
+                               nums.print = rbind(nums.print, newPoint)
+               }
                if(do1RM != FALSE & do1RM != "0") {     
                        speed1RM = as.numeric(do1RM)
@@ -1654,7 +1704,8 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option, isAlone, title, single
                title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=2)
-               text(x,y,nums,adj=c(adjHor,.5),cex=cexNums)
+               text(as.numeric(nums.print$x), as.numeric(nums.print$y), paste("  ", nums.print$curveNum), 
adj=c(adjHor,.5), cex=cexNums)
        } else { #more than one series

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