[gegl] transform: improve level handling

commit 938e19847be5d194f89c3a041954a284c86ca5e3
Author: Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
Date:   Fri Jul 11 01:51:02 2014 +0200

    transform: improve level handling
    remove custom leveld case and integrated level adjustments of transform with
    the two pre-existing affine / generic code paths.

 operations/transform/transform-core.c |  217 ++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
diff --git a/operations/transform/transform-core.c b/operations/transform/transform-core.c
index 113b89d..ea0bf8e 100644
--- a/operations/transform/transform-core.c
+++ b/operations/transform/transform-core.c
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ transform_affine (GeglOperation *operation,
                   GeglMatrix3 *matrix,
                   gint         level)
-  //gint factor = 1 << level;
+  gint         factor = 1 << level;
   OpTransform *transform = (OpTransform *) operation;
   const Babl  *format = babl_format ("RaGaBaA float");
   GeglMatrix3  inverse;
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ transform_affine (GeglOperation *operation,
   gint         dest_pixels;
   GeglSampler *sampler = gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level (src,
                                          babl_format("RaGaBaA float"),
-                                         transform->sampler,
+                                         level?GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST:transform->sampler,
   GeglSamplerGetFun sampler_get_fun = gegl_sampler_get_fun (sampler);
@@ -772,6 +772,17 @@ transform_affine (GeglOperation *operation,
   gegl_matrix3_copy_into (&inverse, matrix);
+  if (factor)
+  {
+    inverse.coeff[0][0] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[0][1] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[0][2] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[1][0] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[1][1] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[1][2] /= factor;
+  }
   gegl_matrix3_invert (&inverse);
   g_object_get (dest, "pixels", &dest_pixels, NULL);
@@ -959,13 +970,15 @@ transform_generic (GeglOperation *operation,
   OpTransform *transform = (OpTransform *) operation;
   const Babl          *format = babl_format ("RaGaBaA float");
+  gint                 factor = 1 << level;
   GeglBufferIterator  *i;
   const GeglRectangle *dest_extent;
   GeglMatrix3          inverse;
   gint                 dest_pixels;
   GeglSampler *sampler = gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level (src,
                                          babl_format("RaGaBaA float"),
-                                         transform->sampler,
+                                         level?GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST:
+                                               transform->sampler,
   GeglSamplerGetFun sampler_get_fun = gegl_sampler_get_fun (sampler);
@@ -983,6 +996,17 @@ transform_generic (GeglOperation *operation,
   gegl_matrix3_copy_into (&inverse, matrix);
+  if (factor)
+  {
+    inverse.coeff[0][0] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[0][1] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[0][2] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[1][0] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[1][1] /= factor;
+    inverse.coeff[1][2] /= factor;
+  }
   gegl_matrix3_invert (&inverse);
@@ -1120,190 +1144,6 @@ transform_generic (GeglOperation *operation,
   g_object_unref (sampler);
-static void
-transform_leveled (GeglOperation *operation,
-                   GeglBuffer  *dest,
-                   GeglBuffer  *src,
-                   GeglMatrix3 *matrix,
-                   gint         level)
-  OpTransform *transform = (OpTransform *) operation;
-  const Babl          *format = babl_format ("RaGaBaA float");
-  GeglBufferIterator  *i;
-  const GeglRectangle *dest_extent;
-  GeglMatrix3          inverse;
-  gint                 dest_pixels;
-  GeglSampler *sampler = gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level (src,
-                                         babl_format("RaGaBaA float"),
-                                         transform->sampler, level);
-  g_object_get (dest, "pixels", &dest_pixels, NULL);
-  dest_extent = gegl_buffer_get_extent (dest);
-  /*
-   * Construct an output tile iterator.
-   */
-  i = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (dest,
-                                dest_extent,
-                                level,
-                                format,
-                                GEGL_ACCESS_WRITE,
-                                GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
-  gegl_matrix3_copy_into (&inverse, matrix);
-  gegl_matrix3_invert (&inverse);
-  if(1){
-    float x =  (1 << level);
-    float y =  (1 << level);
-    inverse.coeff[0][0] *= x;
-    inverse.coeff[0][1] *= x;
-    inverse.coeff[0][2] *= x;
-    inverse.coeff[1][0] *= y;
-    inverse.coeff[1][1] *= y;
-    inverse.coeff[1][2] *= y;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Fill the output tiles.
-   */
-  while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (i))
-    {
-      GeglRectangle *roi         = &i->roi[0];
-      /*
-       * This code uses a variant of the (novel?) method of ensuring
-       * that scanlines stay, as much as possible, within an input
-       * "tile", given that these wider than tall "tiles" are biased
-       * so that there is more elbow room at the bottom and right than
-       * at the top and left, explained in the transform_affine
-       * function. It is not as foolproof because perspective
-       * transformations change the orientation of scanlines, and
-       * consequently what's good at the bottom may not be best at the
-       * top.
-       */
-      /*
-       * Determine whether tile access should be "flipped". First, in
-       * the y direction, because this is the one we can afford most
-       * not to get right.
-       */
-      const gdouble u_start_y =
-        inverse.coeff [0][0] * (roi->x + (gdouble) 0.5) +
-        inverse.coeff [0][1] * (roi->y + (gdouble) 0.5) +
-        inverse.coeff [0][2];
-      const gdouble v_start_y =
-        inverse.coeff [1][0] * (roi->x + (gdouble) 0.5) +
-        inverse.coeff [1][1] * (roi->y + (gdouble) 0.5) +
-        inverse.coeff [1][2];
-      const gdouble w_start_y =
-        inverse.coeff [2][0] * (roi->x + (gdouble) 0.5) +
-        inverse.coeff [2][1] * (roi->y + (gdouble) 0.5) +
-        inverse.coeff [2][2];
-      const gdouble u_float_y =
-        u_start_y + inverse.coeff [0][1] * (roi->height - (gint) 1);
-      const gdouble v_float_y =
-        v_start_y + inverse.coeff [1][1] * (roi->height - (gint) 1);
-      const gdouble w_float_y =
-        w_start_y + inverse.coeff [2][1] * (roi->height - (gint) 1);
-      /*
-       * Check whether the next scanline is likely to fall within the
-       * biased tile.
-       */
-      const gint bflip_y =
-        (u_float_y+v_float_y)/w_float_y < (u_start_y+v_start_y)/w_start_y
-        ?
-        (gint) 1
-        :
-        (gint) 0;
-      /*
-       * Determine whether to flip in the horizontal direction. Done
-       * last because this is the most important one, and consequently
-       * we want to use the likely "initial scanline" to at least get
-       * that one about right.
-       */
-      const gdouble u_start_x = bflip_y ? u_float_y : u_start_y;
-      const gdouble v_start_x = bflip_y ? v_float_y : v_start_y;
-      const gdouble w_start_x = bflip_y ? w_float_y : w_start_y;
-      const gdouble u_float_x =
-        u_start_x + inverse.coeff [0][0] * (roi->width - (gint) 1);
-      const gdouble v_float_x =
-        v_start_x + inverse.coeff [1][0] * (roi->width - (gint) 1);
-      const gdouble w_float_x =
-        w_start_x + inverse.coeff [2][0] * (roi->width - (gint) 1);
-      const gint bflip_x =
-        (u_float_x + v_float_x)/w_float_x < (u_start_x + v_start_x)/w_start_x
-        ?
-        (gint) 1
-        :
-        (gint) 0;
-      gfloat * restrict dest_ptr =
-        (gfloat *)i->data[0] +
-        (gint) 4 * ( bflip_x * (roi->width  - (gint) 1) +
-                     bflip_y * (roi->height - (gint) 1) * roi->width );
-      gdouble u_start = bflip_x ? u_float_x : u_start_x;
-      gdouble v_start = bflip_x ? v_float_x : v_start_x;
-      gdouble w_start = bflip_x ? w_float_x : w_start_x;
-      const gint flip_x = (gint) 1 - (gint) 2 * bflip_x;
-      const gint flip_y = (gint) 1 - (gint) 2 * bflip_y;
-      /*
-       * Assumes that height and width are > 0.
-       */
-      gint y = roi->height;
-      do {
-        gdouble u_float = u_start;
-        gdouble v_float = v_start;
-        gdouble w_float = w_start;
-        gint x = roi->width;
-        do {
-          gdouble w_recip = (gdouble) 1.0 / w_float;
-          gdouble u = u_float * w_recip;
-          gdouble v = v_float * w_recip;
-          GeglMatrix2 inverse_jacobian;
-          inverse_jacobian.coeff [0][0] =
-            (inverse.coeff [0][0] - inverse.coeff [2][0] * u) * w_recip;
-          inverse_jacobian.coeff [0][1] =
-            (inverse.coeff [0][1] - inverse.coeff [2][1] * u) * w_recip;
-          inverse_jacobian.coeff [1][0] =
-            (inverse.coeff [1][0] - inverse.coeff [2][0] * v) * w_recip;
-          inverse_jacobian.coeff [1][1] =
-            (inverse.coeff [1][1] - inverse.coeff [2][1] * v) * w_recip;
-          gegl_sampler_get (sampler,
-                            u, v,
-                            &inverse_jacobian,
-                            dest_ptr,
-                            GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
-          dest_ptr += flip_x * (gint) 4;
-          u_float += flip_x * inverse.coeff [0][0];
-          v_float += flip_x * inverse.coeff [1][0];
-          w_float += flip_x * inverse.coeff [2][0];
-        } while (--x);
-        dest_ptr += (gint) 4 * (flip_y - flip_x) * roi->width;
-        u_start += flip_y * inverse.coeff [0][1];
-        v_start += flip_y * inverse.coeff [1][1];
-        w_start += flip_y * inverse.coeff [2][1];
-      } while (--y);
-    }
-  g_object_unref (sampler);
  * Use to determine if key transform matrix coefficients are close
  * enough to zero or integers.
@@ -1420,9 +1260,6 @@ gegl_transform_process (GeglOperation        *operation,
       if (gegl_matrix3_is_affine (&matrix))
         func = transform_affine;
-      if (level)
-        func = transform_leveled;
        * For all other cases, do a proper resampling

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