[longomatch] Add a base class for Canvas with selectable objects
- From: Andoni Morales Alastruey <amorales src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [longomatch] Add a base class for Canvas with selectable objects
- Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 11:22:50 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4e0fb241658ec6a332134585ba9453b80f3448ee
Author: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date: Fri May 23 16:04:57 2014 +0200
Add a base class for Canvas with selectable objects
LongoMatch.Drawing/Canvas.cs | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++++
LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/PlaysTimeline.cs | 147 +++++++--------------------
2 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LongoMatch.Drawing/Canvas.cs b/LongoMatch.Drawing/Canvas.cs
index 5521f8b..f3316c1 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.Drawing/Canvas.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.Drawing/Canvas.cs
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
using System;
+using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using LongoMatch.Interfaces.Drawing;
using LongoMatch.Interfaces;
using LongoMatch.Common;
+using LongoMatch.Store.Drawables;
+using LongoMatch.Drawing.CanvasObject;
namespace LongoMatch.Drawing
@@ -61,5 +64,131 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing
tk.Context = null;
+ public abstract class SelectionCanvas: Canvas
+ {
+ protected bool moving;
+ protected Point start;
+ uint lastTime;
+ public SelectionCanvas (IWidget widget): base (widget) {
+ Selections = new List<Selection>();
+ widget.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent;
+ widget.ButtonReleasedEvent += HandleButtonReleasedEvent;
+ widget.MotionEvent += HandleMotionEvent;
+ }
+ public double Accuracy {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ public bool MultipleSelection {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ protected List<Selection> Selections {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
+ protected abstract void StartMove (Selection sel);
+ protected abstract void SelectionMoved (Selection sel);
+ protected abstract void StopMove ();
+ protected abstract void ItemSelected (Selection sel);
+ protected abstract void ShowMenu (Point coords);
+ void ClearSelection () {
+ foreach (Selection sel in Selections) {
+ ICanvasSelectableObject po = sel.Drawable as ICanvasSelectableObject;
+ po.Selected = false;
+ widget.ReDraw (po);
+ }
+ Selections.Clear ();
+ }
+ void UpdateSelection (Selection sel) {
+ ICanvasSelectableObject so = sel.Drawable as ICanvasSelectableObject;
+ Selection seldup = Selections.FirstOrDefault (s => s.Drawable == sel.Drawable);
+ if (seldup != null) {
+ so.Selected = false;
+ Selections.Remove (seldup);
+ } else {
+ so.Selected = true;
+ Selections.Add (sel);
+ ItemSelected (sel);
+ }
+ widget.ReDraw (so);
+ }
+ protected virtual void HandleLeftButton (Point coords, ButtonModifier modif) {
+ Selection sel = null;
+ foreach (object o in Objects) {
+ ICanvasSelectableObject co = o as ICanvasSelectableObject;
+ sel = co.GetSelection (coords, Accuracy);
+ if (sel != null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MultipleSelection && (modif == ButtonModifier.Control ||
+ modif == ButtonModifier.Shift)) {
+ if (sel != null) {
+ sel.Position = SelectionPosition.All;
+ UpdateSelection (sel);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ClearSelection ();
+ if (sel == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ moving = true;
+ start = coords;
+ UpdateSelection (sel);
+ StartMove (sel);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void HandleRightButton (Point coords, ButtonModifier modif) {
+ ShowMenu (coords);
+ }
+ void HandleMotionEvent (Point coords)
+ {
+ Selection sel;
+ if (!moving)
+ return;
+ sel = Selections[0];
+ sel.Drawable.Move (sel, coords, start);
+ widget.ReDraw (sel.Drawable);
+ SelectionMoved (sel);
+ start = coords;
+ }
+ void HandleButtonReleasedEvent (Point coords, ButtonType type, ButtonModifier modifier)
+ {
+ moving = false;
+ StopMove ();
+ }
+ void HandleButtonPressEvent (Point coords, uint time, ButtonType type, ButtonModifier
+ {
+ if (time - lastTime < 500) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type == ButtonType.Left) {
+ HandleLeftButton (coords, modifier);
+ } else if (type == ButtonType.Right) {
+ HandleRightButton (coords, modifier);
+ }
+ lastTime = time;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/PlaysTimeline.cs b/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/PlaysTimeline.cs
index d55a9f5..128b393 100644
--- a/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/PlaysTimeline.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch.Drawing/Widgets/PlaysTimeline.cs
@@ -35,31 +35,25 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
* cat3 ---- ----
- public class PlaysTimeline: Canvas
+ public class PlaysTimeline: SelectionCanvas
public event TimeNodeChangedHandler TimeNodeChanged;
public event PlaySelectedHandler TimeNodeSelected;
- public event ShowTimelineMenuHandler ShowMenu;
+ public event ShowTimelineMenuHandler ShowMenuEvent;
Project project;
PlaysFilter playsFilter;
double secondsPerPixel;
Time duration;
- uint lastTime;
- bool moving;
- List<Selection> selectionList;
- Point start;
Dictionary<Category, CategoryTimeline> categories;
public PlaysTimeline (IWidget widget): base(widget)
categories = new Dictionary<Category, CategoryTimeline> ();
secondsPerPixel = 0.1;
- widget.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent;
- widget.ButtonReleasedEvent += HandleButtonReleasedEvent;
- widget.MotionEvent += HandleMotionEvent;
- selectionList = new List<Selection> ();
+ Accuracy = Common.TIMELINE_ACCURACY;
+ MultipleSelection = true;
public void LoadProject (Project project, PlaysFilter filter) {
@@ -98,7 +92,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
public void RemovePlays(List<Play> plays) {
foreach (Play p in plays) {
categories[p.Category].RemovePlay (p);
- selectionList.RemoveAll (s => (s.Drawable as PlayObject).Play == p);
+ Selections.RemoveAll (s => (s.Drawable as PlayObject).Play == p);
@@ -125,7 +119,7 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
cat = project.Categories[i];
tl = new CategoryTimeline (project.PlaysInCategory (cat),
- i * Common.CATEGORY_HEIGHT, c);
+ duration, i * Common.CATEGORY_HEIGHT, c);
categories[cat] = tl;
Objects.Add (tl);
@@ -154,120 +148,55 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Drawing.Widgets
widget.ReDraw (categories[po.Play.Category]);
- void ClearSelection () {
- foreach (Selection sel in selectionList) {
- PlayObject po = sel.Drawable as PlayObject;
- po.Selected = false;
- widget.ReDraw (po);
+ protected override void ItemSelected (Selection sel) {
+ PlayObject po = sel.Drawable as PlayObject;
+ if (TimeNodeSelected != null) {
+ TimeNodeSelected (po.Play);
- selectionList.Clear ();
- void UpdateSelection (Selection sel) {
- PlayObject po = sel.Drawable as PlayObject;
- Selection seldup = selectionList.FirstOrDefault (s => s.Drawable == sel.Drawable);
- if (seldup != null) {
- po.Selected = false;
- selectionList.Remove (seldup);
- } else {
- po.Selected = true;
- selectionList.Add (sel);
- if (TimeNodeSelected != null) {
- TimeNodeSelected (po.Play);
- }
+ protected override void StartMove (Selection sel) {
+ if (sel.Position != SelectionPosition.All) {
+ widget.SetCursor (CursorType.DoubleArrow);
- widget.ReDraw (po);
- void HandleLeftButton (Point coords, ButtonModifier modif) {
- Selection sel = null;
+ protected override void StopMove () {
+ widget.SetCursor (CursorType.Arrow);
+ }
- foreach (CategoryTimeline tl in categories.Values) {
- sel = tl.GetSelection (coords, Common.TIMELINE_ACCURACY);
- if (sel != null) {
+ protected override void ShowMenu (Point coords) {
+ Category cat = null;
+ List<Play> plays = Selections.Select (p => (p.Drawable as PlayObject).Play).ToList();
+ foreach (Category c in categories.Keys) {
+ CategoryTimeline tl = categories[c];
+ if (!tl.Visible)
+ continue;
+ if (coords.Y >= tl.OffsetY && coords.Y < tl.OffsetY + Common.CATEGORY_HEIGHT)
+ cat = c;
- if (modif == ButtonModifier.Control || modif == ButtonModifier.Shift) {
- if (sel != null) {
- UpdateSelection (sel);
- }
- } else {
- ClearSelection ();
- if (sel == null) {
- return;
- }
- UpdateSelection (sel);
- start = coords;
- if (sel.Position != SelectionPosition.All) {
- widget.SetCursor (CursorType.DoubleArrow);
- moving = true;
- }
- }
- }
- void HandleRightButton (Point coords) {
- List<Play> plays = selectionList.Select (p => (p.Drawable as
- if (ShowMenu != null) {
- ShowMenu (plays, null,
+ if (cat != null && ShowMenuEvent != null) {
+ ShowMenuEvent (plays, cat,
Common.PosToTime (coords, SecondsPerPixel));
- void HandleMotionEvent (Point coords)
- {
- Selection sel;
- Play play;
- Time newTime, moveTime;
- if (!moving)
- return;
- sel = selectionList[0];
- play = (sel.Drawable as PlayObject).Play;
- newTime = Common.PosToTime (coords, SecondsPerPixel);
- if (coords.X < 0) {
- coords.X = 0;
- } else if (newTime > duration) {
- coords.X = Common.TimeToPos (duration, SecondsPerPixel);
- }
- if (sel.Position == SelectionPosition.Right) {
- moveTime = play.Stop;
- } else {
- moveTime = play.Start;
- }
- sel.Drawable.Move (sel, coords, start);
- RedrawSelection (selectionList[0]);
+ protected override void SelectionMoved (Selection sel) {
if (TimeNodeChanged != null) {
- TimeNodeChanged (play, moveTime);
- }
- }
+ Time moveTime;
+ Play play = (sel.Drawable as PlayObject).Play;
- void HandleButtonReleasedEvent (Point coords, ButtonType type, ButtonModifier modifier)
- {
- if (type == ButtonType.Left) {
- widget.SetCursor (CursorType.Arrow);
- moving = false;
- }
- }
- void HandleButtonPressEvent (Point coords, uint time, ButtonType type, ButtonModifier
- {
- if (time - lastTime < 500) {
- return;
- }
- if (type == ButtonType.Left) {
- HandleLeftButton (coords, modifier);
- } else if (type == ButtonType.Right) {
- HandleRightButton (coords);
+ if (sel.Position == SelectionPosition.Right) {
+ moveTime = play.Stop;
+ } else {
+ moveTime = play.Start;
+ }
+ TimeNodeChanged (play, moveTime);
- lastTime = time;
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