[gobject-introspection] MSVC Builds: Add NMake Makefiles to Build the Tests

commit 3b826841924275e41e98635078419e8ca3ce5f00
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Fri Jul 4 12:44:49 2014 +0800

    MSVC Builds: Add NMake Makefiles to Build the Tests
    This adds NMake Makefiles for one to build the tests for Visual Studio
    builds, which is not done with an MSYS shell.  Shared items from the
    existing NMake Makefiles for building the introspection files, which are
    also used to build the tests, are split out into common NMake Makefiles,
    which are then included.
    This also means that we do not need to include the test_gir_cmd.txt for
    people to look at when building the tests as the NMake Makefiles will do
    the job for them, which cover the material there.

 build/Makefile.am               |    3 +
 build/gi-build-common-msvc.mak  |   25 ++++
 build/gi-introspection-msvc.mak |   29 +----
 build/gi-setenv-msvc.mak        |   13 ++
 build/gi-tests-msvc.mak         |  285 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 build/win32/Makefile.am         |    1 -
 build/win32/test_gir_cmd.txt    |  117 ----------------
 7 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/Makefile.am b/build/Makefile.am
index 42ce0fb..acf85c0 100644
--- a/build/Makefile.am
+++ b/build/Makefile.am
@@ -3,5 +3,8 @@ SUBDIRS = win32
        detectenv_msvc.mak      \
        gen-cairo-gir.py        \
+       gi-setenv-msvc.mak      \
+       gi-tests-msvc.mak       \
+       gi-build-common-msvc.mak        \
        gi-introspection-msvc.mak       \
diff --git a/build/gi-build-common-msvc.mak b/build/gi-build-common-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2ab08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/gi-build-common-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Common NMake Makefile to Build Introspection Files and Tests for G-I
+# Please do not change anything after this line
+!include detectenv_msvc.mak
+!include introspection-msvc.mak
+BINDIR = ..\build\win32\vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\bin
+G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT = ..\tools\g-ir-scanner
+G_IR_DOC_TOOL_CURRENT = ..\tools\g-ir-doc-tool
+G_IR_COMPILER_CURRENT = $(BINDIR)\g-ir-compiler.exe
+!if "$(PLAT)" == "x64"
+TIME_T_DEFINE = -Dtime_t=long long
+TIME_T_DEFINE = -Dtime_t=long
diff --git a/build/gi-introspection-msvc.mak b/build/gi-introspection-msvc.mak
index 3729c6f..9dbbd88 100644
--- a/build/gi-introspection-msvc.mak
+++ b/build/gi-introspection-msvc.mak
@@ -6,24 +6,7 @@ CAIROGOBJECT_DLLNAME= cairo-gobject-vs$(VSVER)
 # Please do not change anything after this line
-!include detectenv_msvc.mak
-!include introspection-msvc.mak
-BINDIR = ..\build\win32\vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\bin
-G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT = ..\tools\g-ir-scanner
-G_IR_COMPILER_CURRENT = $(BINDIR)\g-ir-compiler.exe
-!if "$(PLAT)" == "x64"
-TIME_T_DEFINE = -Dtime_t=long long
-TIME_T_DEFINE = -Dtime_t=long
+!include gi-build-common-msvc.mak
 # The .gir's that are in $(srcroot)/gir, applicable to Windows
 # cairo-1.0.gir is not listed as it needs to be processed first
@@ -60,18 +43,10 @@ built_install_typelibs =    \
        Gio-$(GLIB_APIVERSION).typelib  \
-!include introspection-msvc.mak
 all: setgirbuildnev $(built_install_girs) $(built_install_typelibs) $(bundled_girs) $(bundled_typelibs)
-       @set CC=$(CC)
-       @set PYTHONPATH=..;$(BINDIR)
-       @set PATH=$(BINDIR);$(BASEDIR)\bin;$(PATH);$(MINGWDIR)\bin
-       @set LIB=win32\vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\bin;$(BASEDIR)\lib;$(LIB)
+!include gi-setenv-msvc.mak
        @-echo Generating file list for GLib...
diff --git a/build/gi-setenv-msvc.mak b/build/gi-setenv-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74730ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/gi-setenv-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Common NMake Makefile to set Build Environment for
+# Building Introspection Files and Associated Tests
+# Please do not change anything after this line
+       @set CC=$(CC)
+       @set PYTHONPATH=..;$(BINDIR)
+       @set PATH=$(BINDIR);$(BASEDIR)\bin;$(PATH);$(MINGWDIR)\bin
+       @set LIB=win32\vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\bin;$(BASEDIR)\lib;$(LIB)
diff --git a/build/gi-tests-msvc.mak b/build/gi-tests-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffdfc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/gi-tests-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# NMake Makefile to build The Tests for G-I
+# Please do not change anything after this line
+!include gi-build-common-msvc.mak
+CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_ADD) /I.. /W3 /we4013 /FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h
+LDFLAGS_DLL = /link $(LDFLAGS_ARCH) /DLL /out:$@ /implib:$*-$(GI_APIVERSION).lib $(BASE_GLIB_LIBS)
+# Special CFLAGS for Regress test
+REGRESS_CFLAGS = -DREGRESS_PRINT_PREVIEW_COMMAND="evince --unlink-tempfile --preview --print-settings %s %f" 
+# The test .gir's for G-I that are built
+built_test_girs =      \
+       GIMarshallingTests-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir \
+       Everything-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir \
+       Offsets-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       SLetter-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       Utility-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       GtkFrob-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       GetType-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       WarnLib-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       Typedefs-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir   \
+       Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir    \
+       Bar-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir        \
+       Headeronly-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir \
+       Identfilter-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir
+built_test_typelibs =  \
+       GIMarshallingTests-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib     \
+       Everything-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib     \
+       Offsets-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       SLetter-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       Utility-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       GtkFrob-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       GetType-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       WarnLib-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       Typedefs-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib       \
+       Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib        \
+       Bar-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib    \
+       Headeronly-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib     \
+       Identfilter-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib
+test_programs =        \
+       gitestrepo.exe  \
+       gitestthrows.exe        \
+       gitypelibtest.exe       \
+       gitestoffsets.exe
+built_doc_tests =      \
+       Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-C      \
+       Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-Python \
+       Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-Gjs    \
+       Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-sections.txt
+all: setgirbuildnev $(built_test_girs) $(built_test_typelibs) $(test_programs) $(built_doc_tests) 
+!include gi-setenv-msvc.mak
+# Rules for building the test DLLs
+gimarshallingtests.dll: ..\tests\gimarshallingtests.c
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ..\tests\gimarshallingtests.c $(LDFLAGS_DLL)
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+everything.dll: everything.c everything.h
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\tests everything.c $(LDFLAGS_DLL)
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+offsets.dll: ..\tests\offsets\offsets.c
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\tests /I..\tests\offsets ..\tests\offsets\offsets.c $(LDFLAGS_DLL)
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+sletter.dll utility.dll gtkfrob.dll gettype.dll warnlib.dll typedefs.dll:
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\tests ..\tests\scanner\$*.c $(LDFLAGS_DLL)
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\tests      \
+       $(REGRESS_CFLAGS)       \
+       ..\tests\scanner\regress.c      \
+       ..\tests\scanner\annotation.c   \
+       ..\tests\scanner\foo.c  \
+       ..\tests\scanner\drawable.c     \
+       $(LDFLAGS_DLL) cairo-gobject.lib cairo.lib
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+# Rules for test programs
+gitestrepo.exe gitestthrows.exe gitypelibtest.exe:
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\girepository ..\tests\repository\$*.c $(LDFLAGS) 
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\girepository ..\tests\scanner\$*.c $(LDFLAGS) girepository-$(GI_APIVERSION).lib
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+gitestoffsets.exe: gitestoffsets.c
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /I..\girepository /I..\tests\offsets $*.c $(LDFLAGS) girepository-$(GI_APIVERSION).lib
+       @-if exist $  manifest @mt /manifest $  manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+       @set GI_TYPELIB_PATH=.
+       @-$@ offsets.compiled offsets.introspected
+       @-fc offsets.compiled offsets.introspected > gitestoffsets.log
+# Rules for building the .gir's
+GIMarshallingTests-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: gimarshallingtests.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --warn-error --reparse-validate   \
+       --namespace=GIMarshallingTests --symbol-prefix=gi_marshalling_tests --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)      
+       --no-libtool -I..       \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=Gio-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)   \
+       --library=$* --output=$@        \
+       --c-include="tests/gimarshallingtests.h"        \
+       ..\tests\gimarshallingtests.h ..\tests\gimarshallingtests.c
+Everything-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: everything.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --warn-error --reparse-validate   \
+       --namespace=Everything --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)     \
+       --no-libtool -I.. -I..\tests    \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=Gio-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)   \
+       --library=$* --output=$@        \
+       everything.h everything.c
+Offsets-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: offsets.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --warn-error --reparse-validate   \
+       --namespace=Offsets --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)        \
+       --no-libtool -I.. -I..\tests\offsets    \
+       --pkg=gobject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION) --add-include-path=. --include=GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)      \
+       --library=$* --output=$@        \
+       ..\tests\offsets\offsets.h ..\tests\offsets\offsets.c
+SLetter-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: sletter.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=SLetter --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION) \
+       --no-libtool -I..       \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=Gio-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)   \
+       --identifier-prefix=S --c-include="sletter.h" --warn-error      \
+       --library=$* --output=$@        \
+       ..\tests\scanner\sletter.h ..\tests\scanner\sletter.c
+Utility-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: utility.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=Utility --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)        \
+       --no-libtool -I.. --pkg=gobject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)      \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)       \
+       --c-include="utility.h" --warn-error    \
+       --library=$* --output=$@ \
+       ..\tests\scanner\utility.h ..\tests\scanner\utility.c
+GtkFrob-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: gtkfrob.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=GtkFrob --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)        \
+       --no-libtool -I.. --pkg=gobject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)      \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)       \
+       --identifier-prefix=Gtk --symbol-prefix=gtk_frob --warn-error   \
+       --library=$* --output=$@ \
+       ..\tests\scanner\gtkfrob.h ..\tests\scanner\gtkfrob.c
+GetType-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: gettype.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=GetType --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)        \
+       --no-libtool -I.. --pkg=gobject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)      \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)       \
+       --c-include="gettype.h" --identifier-prefix=GetType --symbol-prefix=gettype     \
+       --library=$* --output=$@ \
+       ..\tests\scanner\gettype.h ..\tests\scanner\gettype.c
+Typedefs-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: typedefs.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=Typedefs --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)       \
+       --no-libtool -I.. --pkg=gobject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)      \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)       \
+       --c-include="typedefs.h" --identifier-prefix=Typedefs --symbol-prefix=typedefs  \
+       --library=$* --output=$@ \
+       ..\tests\scanner\typedefs.h ..\tests\scanner\typedefs.c
+WarnLib-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: warnlib.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=WarnLib --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)        \
+       --no-libtool -I..       \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=Gio-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)   \
+       --c-include="warnlib.h" --symbol-prefix=warnlib_        \
+       --library=$* --output=$@ \
+       ..\tests\scanner\warnlib.h ..\tests\scanner\warnlib.c
+Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: Utility-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir regress.dll
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all   \
+       --namespace=Regress --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)        \
+       --no-libtool -I..       \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=Gio-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)   \
+       --include=Utility-$(GI_APIVERSION) --include=cairo-$(GI_APIVERSION)     \
+       --c-include="regress.h" --warn-error    \
+       --library=$* --output=$@        \
+       $(REGRESS_CFLAGS)       \
+       ..\tests\scanner\regress.c ..\tests\scanner\regress.h   \
+       ..\tests\scanner\annotation.c ..\tests\scanner\annotation.h     \
+       ..\tests\scanner\foo.c ..\tests\scanner\foo.h   \
+       ..\tests\scanner\drawable.c ..\tests\scanner\drawable.h
+Bar-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir: Utility-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir barapp.exe
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all   \
+       --namespace=Bar --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)    \
+       --program=barapp        \
+       --no-libtool -I.. --pkg=gobject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)      \
+       --add-include-path=. --include=GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION)       \
+       --accept-unprefixed     \
+       --output=$@     \
+       ..\tests\scanner\barapp.c ..\tests\scanner\barapp.h
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all   \
+       --warn-error --reparse-validate --namespace=Headeronly --nsversion=$(GI_APIVERSION)     \
+       --header-only --output=$@ ..\tests\scanner\headeronly.h
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) --warn-all --reparse-validate        \
+       --namespace=Identfilter --accept-unprefixed --nsversion=1.0 --header-only       \
+       --identifier-filter-cmd="$(PYTHON2) ..\tests\scanner\identfilter.py"    \
+       --output=$@ ..\tests\scanner\identfilter.h
+# Rules for doc (Mallard) tests
+Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-C: Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir
+       @-if exist $@ @rmdir /s /q $@
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_DOC_TOOL_CURRENT) --add-include-path=. --language C .\Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir 
-o  \$ \
+Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-Python: Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir
+       @-if exist $@ @rmdir /s /q $@
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_DOC_TOOL_CURRENT) --add-include-path=. --language Python 
.\Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir -o  \$ \
+Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-Gjs: Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir
+       @-if exist $@ @rmdir /s /q $@
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_DOC_TOOL_CURRENT) --add-include-path=. --language Gjs 
.\Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir -o  \$ \
+Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-sections.txt: Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_DOC_TOOL_CURRENT) --add-include-path=. --write-sections-file 
.\Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION).gir -o $@
+# Run warn tests
+       @-echo Runinng warn tests...
+       @-set TOP_BUILDDIR=..
+       @-copy GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION).gir ..\gir
+       @-copy GLib-$(GLIB_APIVERSION).gir ..\gir
+       @-for %a in (..\tests\warn\*.h) do if not "%a" == "..\tests\warn\common.h" $(PYTHON2) 
..\tests\warn\warningtester.py %a >> $@
+       @-del ..\gir\GObject-$(GLIB_APIVERSION).gir
+       @-del ..\gir\GLib-$(GLIB_APIVERSION).gir
+# Rules for source code generation
+everything.c everything.h:
+       $(PYTHON2) $(G_IR_SCANNER_CURRENT) -I.. \
+       --generate-typelib-tests=Everything,everything.h,everything.c
+gitestoffsets.c: Offsets-$(GI_APIVERSION).typelib
+       $(PYTHON2) ..\tests\offsets\gen-gitestoffsets ..\tests\offsets\offsets.h > $@
+# Generate .typelib's from generated .gir's
+$(built_test_typelibs): $(built_test_girs)
+       @-echo Compiling $*.typelib...
+       @-$(G_IR_COMPILER_CURRENT) --includedir=. --debug --verbose $*.gir -o $@
+all: install-introspection
+       @-echo $(ERROR_MSG)
+       @-del /f/q warn_tests_log.txt
+       @-del /f/q gitestoffsets.log
+       @-del /f/q Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-sections.txt
+       @-rmdir /s /q Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-Gjs
+       @-rmdir /s /q Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-Python
+       @-rmdir /s /q Regress-$(GI_APIVERSION)-C
+       @-for %a in ($(built_test_typelibs)) do @del %a
+       @-for %a in ($(built_test_girs)) do @del %a
+       @-del /f/q *.lib
+       @-del /f/q *.exp
+       @-del /f/q *.dll
+       @-del /f/q *.exe
+       @-for %a in (*.manifest) do @del /f/q %a
+       @-del /f/q *.pdb
+       @-del /f/q *.obj
+       @-del /f/q everything.c everything.h gitestoffsets.c
+       @-del offsets.compiled offsets.introspected
+       @-del /f/q *.pyc
diff --git a/build/win32/Makefile.am b/build/win32/Makefile.am
index 6f54b04..cfebe0c 100644
--- a/build/win32/Makefile.am
+++ b/build/win32/Makefile.am
@@ -14,5 +14,4 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
        Regress.def     \
        sletter.def     \
        testinherit.def \
-       test_gir_cmd.txt        \

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