[gimp-perl] Update t/run.t to be much shorter and clearer. Patch by Ed J. This is the last patch from bug #72246

commit 94c5080a17a6f7e3a02c362b1eeb45e2836a6241
Author: Kevin Cozens <kevin ve3syb ca>
Date:   Thu Jan 23 13:41:07 2014 -0500

    Update t/run.t to be much shorter and clearer. Patch by Ed J.
    This is the last patch from bug #722468 and closes that report.

 Makefile.PL |    1 +
 config.pl   |    2 +-
 t/run.t     |  201 +++++++++++++++--------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index 077fcd1..b0bd169 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
                    Gtk2                => 1.0,
                     PDL                        => 0,
                    Data::Dumper        => 2.0,
+                   IO::All             => 0,
     META_MERGE => {
                    "meta-spec" => { version => 2 },
diff --git a/config.pl b/config.pl
index 03634dd..35d1c77 100644
--- a/config.pl
+++ b/config.pl
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ while (($k,$v)=each(%cfg)) {
 $GIMPTOOL       = expand($GIMPTOOL);
 $INTLLIBS   = expand($INTLLIBS);
-$gimpplugindir  = `$GIMPTOOL --gimpplugindir`;
+chomp($gimpplugindir  = `$GIMPTOOL --gimpplugindir`);
 $GIMP           = expand($GIMP);
 $GIMP_INC   =~ s%\$topdir%$topdir%g;
diff --git a/t/run.t b/t/run.t
index 4b7acbd..2fe43a8 100644
--- a/t/run.t
+++ b/t/run.t
@@ -1,152 +1,53 @@
 use Config;
-# the most complicated thing is to set up a working gimp environment. its
-# difficult at best...
-  $|=1;
-  if ($ENV{DISPLAY}) {
-     print "1..26\n";
-     $count=0;
-     $Gimp::host = "spawn/";
-  } else {
-     print "1..0\n";
-     exit;
-  }
-sub ok($;$) {
-   print((@_==1 ? shift : $_[0] eq &{$_[1]}) ?
-         "ok " : "not ok ", ++$count, "\n");
-sub skip($$;$) {
-   shift() ? print "ok ",++$count," # skip\n" : &ok;
-END {
-   system("rm","-rf",$dir);#d##FIXME#
-use Cwd;
-do './config.pl';
-# Test 1
-# Find the installation path that gimptool would choose
-# should look like:
-#  /usr/bin/install -c /bin/sh /usr/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/sh
-# Test 2 Get plugin directory
-skip($n,1,sub {$plugins = `$GIMPTOOL --gimpplugindir`;
-               chomp $plugins;
-              $plugins = $plugins . '/plug-ins'; 
-              1;}
-       );
-# Test 3 (Make sure plug-in directory exists)
-skip($n,1,sub {-d $plugins});
-# Test 4 (Make sure script-fu exists so we can symlink with it)
-skip($n,1,sub {-x "$plugins/script-fu"});
-# Test 5 (Check that environment is setup and can use the Gimp module)
-use Gimp qw(:auto);
-# Test 6 (check that constants are brought in)
-# Test 7
-ok(RGB_IMAGE ? 1 : 1); #  check for correct prototype
-sub tests {
-   my($i,$l);
- # Test 15 (OO Syntax for new image) 
-   skip($n,1,sub{0 != ($i=new Image(10,10,RGB))});
- # Test 16 (check its return value)
-   skip($n,1,sub {!!ref $i});
- # Test 17 (Different OO syntax for creating a layer)
-   skip($n,1,sub{0 != ($l=$i->layer_new(10,10,RGBA_IMAGE,"new layer",100,VALUE_MODE))});
- # Test 18 (check its return value)
-   skip($n,1,sub {!!ref $l});
- # Test 19 (Yet another OO syntax)
-   skip($n,1,sub{Gimp->image_add_layer($l,0) || 1});
- # Test 20 (check that the layer is named what we expect)
-   skip($n,"new layer",sub{$l->get_name()});
- # Test 21 (some painting to test variable length arrays, default value) 
-   skip($n,1,sub{$l->paintbrush(50,[1,1,2,2,5,3,7,4,2,8],PAINT_CONSTANT,0) || 1});
- # Test 22 (some more to test without default value)
-   skip($n,1,sub{$l->paintbrush(30,4,[5,5,8,1],PAINT_CONSTANT,0) || 1});
- # Test 23 (call external plugin through Plugin->, use explicit RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
-   skip($n,1,sub{Plugin->sharpen(RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,$i,$l,10) || 1});
- #  ok(1);
- # Test 24 (call with maximum fu magic)
-   skip($n,1,sub{$l->sharpen(10) || 1});
- # Test 25 (call with little Fu magic, using default RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
-   skip($n,1,sub{Gimp->plug_in_sharpen($i,$l,10) || 1});
- # Test 26 (remove image)
-   skip($n,1,sub{$i->delete || 1});
-system("rm","-rf",$dir); #d#FIXME
-# Test 8
-ok(1,sub {mkdir $dir,0700});
-# copy the Perl-Server
-   local(*X,*Y,$/);
-   open X,"<Perl-Server" or die "unable to read the Perl-Server";
-   my $s = <X>;
-   open Y,">$dir/Perl-Server.pl" or die "unable to write the Perl-Server";
-   print Y $Config{startperl},"\n",$s,<X>;
-   # Test 9
-   ok(1);
-# Test 10
-ok(1,sub { chmod 0700,"$dir/Perl-Server.pl" });
-# Test 11 (symlink script-fu)
-skip($n,1,sub {symlink "$plugins/script-fu","$dir/script-fu"});
-# Test 12 (symlink sharpen)
-skip($n,1,sub {symlink "$plugins/sharpen","$dir/sharpen"});
-# Test 13 (output gimprc)
-ok (
-  open RC,">$dir/gimprc" and
-  print RC "(show-tips no)\n" and
-#  print RC "(gimp_data_dir \"\")\n" and
-  print RC "(script-fu-path \"\")\n" and
-  print RC "(plug-in-path \"$dir\")\n" and
-  close RC
+use strict;
+use File::Temp;
+use Test::More tests => 19;
+use IO::All;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Gimp', qw(:auto)); }
+our %cfg;
+require_ok './config.pl';
+my $plugins = $cfg{gimpplugindir} . '/plug-ins';
+ok(-d $plugins, 'plugins dir exists');
+ok(-x "$plugins/script-fu", 'script-fu executable');
+my $dir = File::Temp->newdir;
+my $perlserver = "$dir/Perl-Server.pl";
+my $s = io("Perl-Server")->all or die "unable to read the Perl-Server";
+$s =~ s/^(#!).*?(\n)/$Config{startperl}$2/;
+ok(io($perlserver)->print($s), 'wrote Perl-Server');
+ok(chmod(0700, $perlserver), 'chmod Perl-Server');
+ok(symlink("$plugins/script-fu", "$dir/script-fu"), 'symlink script-fu');
+ok(symlink("$plugins/sharpen", "$dir/sharpen"), 'symlink sharpen');
+ok (io("$dir/gimprc")->print(<<EOF), 'output gimprc');
+(show-tips no)
+(script-fu-path "")
+(plug-in-path "$dir")
+ok((my $i = new Image(10,10,RGB)), 'OO Syntax for new image');
+  (my $l = $i->layer_new(10,10,RGBA_IMAGE,"new layer",100,VALUE_MODE)),
+  'Different OO syntax for creating a layer',
-if(!$n) {
-# Test 14
-   skip($n,1);
-   Gimp::init;
-   tests;
-} else {
-# Test 14
-   skip($n,0);
-   tests;
+ok(!Gimp->image_add_layer($l,0), 'Yet another OO syntax');
+is("new layer", $l->get_name, 'layer name');
+  !$l->paintbrush(50,[1,1,2,2,5,3,7,4,2,8],PAINT_CONSTANT,0), 
+  'some painting with variable length arrays, default value',
+  !$l->paintbrush(30,4,[5,5,8,1],PAINT_CONSTANT,0),
+  'paint without default value',
+  !Plugin->sharpen(RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,$i,$l,10),
+  'call external plugin through Plugin->, use explicit RUN_NONINTERACTIVE',
+ok(!$l->sharpen(10), 'call with maximum fu magic');
+ok(!Gimp->plug_in_sharpen($i,$l,10), 'call plugin using default');
+ok(!$i->delete, 'remove image');

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