[network-manager-applet] Added Scottish Gaelic translation

commit 5d4f17e205f71972d4143f9760426a366b4129d7
Author: GunChleoc <fios foramnagaidhlig net>
Date:   Wed Jan 22 21:18:28 2014 +0100

    Added Scottish Gaelic translation

 po/LINGUAS |    1 +
 po/gd.po   | 3349 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 3350 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS
index 853fe0a..7ee3592 100644
--- a/po/LINGUAS
+++ b/po/LINGUAS
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ eu
diff --git a/po/gd.po b/po/gd.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95defa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/gd.po
@@ -0,0 +1,3349 @@
+# Gaelic; Scottish translation for network-manager-applet
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2011
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eog package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eog\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-13 20:26+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-18 09:57+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: GunChleoc <fios foramnagaidhlig net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Gaelic; Scottish <gd li org>\n"
+"Language: gd\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-09-15 06:24+0000\n"
+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16761)\n"
+#: ../nm-applet.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Lìonra"
+#: ../nm-applet.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Manage your network connections"
+msgstr "Stiùirich na ceanglaichean agad ris an eadar-lìon"
+#: ../nm-connection-editor.desktop.in.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.ui.h:1
+msgid "Network Connections"
+msgstr "Ceanglaichean ri lìonraidhean"
+#: ../nm-connection-editor.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Manage and change your network connection settings"
+msgstr "Stiùirich is atharraich roghainnean a' cheangail agad ris an lìonra"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Disable connected notifications"
+msgstr "Cur à comas brathan a dh'innseas gun deach ceangal a dhèanamh"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Set this to true to disable notifications when connecting to a network."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE airson seo mur eil thu ag iarraidh brathan nuair a cheanglas tu ri lìonra."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Disable disconnected notifications"
+msgstr "Cur à comas brathan a dh'innseas gun deach ceangal a bhriseadh"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Set this to true to disable notifications when disconnecting from a network."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE airson seo mur eil thu ag iarraidh brathan nuair a bhriseas tu an ceangal ri lìonra."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Disable VPN notifications"
+msgstr "Cuir à comas brathan VPN"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "Set this to true to disable notifications when connecting to or disconnecting from a VPN."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE airson seo mur eil thu ag iarraidh brathan nuair a cheanglas tu ri VPN no nuair a bhriseas 
tu an ceangal ris."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+msgid "Suppress networks available notifications"
+msgstr "Mùch brathan mu lìonraidhean a tha ri làimh"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:8
+msgid "Set this to true to disable notifications when Wi-Fi networks are available."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE airson seo mur eil thu ag iarraidh brathan nuair a bhios lìonraidhean WiFi ri làimh."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+msgid "Stamp"
+msgstr "Stampa"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:10
+msgid "Used to determine whether settings should be migrated to a new version."
+msgstr "Thèid seo a chleachdadh gus co-dhùnadh an dèid na roghainnean imrich gu tionndadh ùr gus nach dèid."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+msgid "Disable WiFi Create"
+msgstr "Cur à comas cruthachadh WiFi"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:12
+msgid "Set to true to disable creation of adhoc networks when using the applet."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE airson seo ma tha thu airson casg a chur air cruthachadh de lìonraidhean ad-hoc nuair a 
chleachdar an aplaid."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+msgid "Show the applet in notification area"
+msgstr "Seall an aplaid ann an raon nam brathan"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:14
+msgid "Set to FALSE to disable displaying the applet in the notification area."
+msgstr "Tagh FALSE air a shon mur eil thu airson an aplaid fhaicinn ann an raon nam brathan."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+msgid "Ignore CA certificate"
+msgstr "Leig seachad an teisteanas CA"
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:16
+msgid "Set this to true to disable warnings about CA certificates in EAP authentication."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE air a shon mur eil thu ag iarraidh rabhaidhean mu theisteanasan CA ann an dearbhadh EAP."
+#: ../org.gnome.nm-applet.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+msgid "Set this to true to disable warnings about CA certificates in phase 2 of EAP authentication."
+msgstr "Tagh TRUE air a shon mur eil thu ag iarraidh rabhaidhean mu theisteanasan CA ann an ceum 2 dhen 
dearbhadh EAP."
+#: ../src/8021x.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/ethernet-dialog.c:105
+msgid "802.1X authentication"
+msgstr "Dearbhadh 802.1X"
+#: ../src/8021x.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wimax.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/wifi.ui.h:3
+msgid "_Network name:"
+msgstr "Ainm an _lìonraidh:"
+#: ../src/applet.c:563
+msgid "Failed to add/activate connection"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal a chur ris/a chur an gnìomh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:565
+#: ../src/applet.c:609
+#: ../src/applet.c:635
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1328
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1347
+msgid "Unknown error"
+msgstr "Mearachd neo-aithnichte"
+#: ../src/applet.c:568
+#: ../src/applet.c:638
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1331
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1350
+msgid "Connection failure"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig an ceangal"
+#: ../src/applet.c:607
+msgid "Device disconnect failed"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal ris an uidheam a bhriseadh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:612
+msgid "Disconnect failure"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal a bhriseadh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:633
+msgid "Connection activation failed"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig gnìomhachadh a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/applet.c:946
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1046
+msgid "Don't show this message again"
+msgstr "Na seall an teachdaireachd seo a-rithist"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1035
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the network connection was interrupted."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun do bhris rudeigin a-steach air a' cheangal ris an lìonra."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1038
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the VPN service stopped unexpectedly."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun do stad an t-seirbheis VPN gu h-obann."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1041
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the VPN service returned invalid configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun do thill an t-seirbheis VPN rèiteachadh mì-dhligheach."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the connection attempt timed out."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun do dh'fhalbh an ùine air an oidhirp cheangail."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1047
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the VPN service did not start in time."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's nach do thòisich an t-seirbheis VPN ri tìde."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1050
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the VPN service failed to start."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's nach do thòisich an t-seirbheis VPN."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because there were no valid VPN secrets."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's nach robh rùintean VPN dligheach ann."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1056
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because of invalid VPN secrets."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun robh na rùintean VPN mì-dhligheach."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1063
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed."
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1081
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' disconnected because the network connection was interrupted."
+msgstr ""
+"Bhris an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun do bhris rudeigin a-steach air a' cheangal ris an lìonra."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1084
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' disconnected because the VPN service stopped."
+msgstr ""
+"Bhris an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's gun do stad an t-seirbheis VPN."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1090
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' disconnected."
+msgstr ""
+"Bhris an ceangal VPN \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1120
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"VPN connection has been successfully established.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh an ceangal VPN a stèidheachadh.\n"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1122
+msgid "VPN connection has been successfully established.\n"
+msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal VPN a stèidheachadh.\n"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1124
+msgid "VPN Login Message"
+msgstr "Teachdaireachd clàradh a-steach VPN"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1130
+#: ../src/applet.c:1138
+#: ../src/applet.c:1188
+msgid "VPN Connection Failed"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1195
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed because the VPN service failed to start.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhàillig an ceangal VPN \"%s\" a chionn 's nach do thòisich an t-seirbheis VPN.\n"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' failed to start.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Cha do thòisich an ceangal VPN \"%s\".\n"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1522
+msgid "device not ready (firmware missing)"
+msgstr "chan eil an t-uidheam deiseil (bathar-an-sàs a dhìth)"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1524
+msgid "device not ready"
+msgstr "chan eil an t-uidheam deiseil"
+#. Notify user of unmanaged or unavailable device
+#: ../src/applet.c:1534
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:123
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:119
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:181
+msgid "disconnected"
+msgstr "chan eil ceangal ann tuilleadh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1550
+msgid "Disconnect"
+msgstr "Cuir crìoch air a' cheangal"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1564
+msgid "device not managed"
+msgstr "chan eil an t-uidheam fo stiùireadh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1722
+msgid "No network devices available"
+msgstr "Chan eil uidheaman lìonraidh ri làimh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1775
+msgid "_VPN Connections"
+msgstr "_Ceanglaicheann VPN"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1832
+msgid "_Configure VPN..."
+msgstr "_Rèitich VPN..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1836
+msgid "_Disconnect VPN"
+msgstr "_Cuir crìoch air a' cheangal ris a' VPN"
+#: ../src/applet.c:1952
+msgid "NetworkManager is not running..."
+msgstr "Chan eil an NetworkManager 'na ruith..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:1957
+#: ../src/applet.c:2927
+msgid "Networking disabled"
+msgstr "Chaidh lìonraidhean a chur à comas"
+#. 'Enable Networking' item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2177
+msgid "Enable _Networking"
+msgstr "Cuir lìonraidhean a_n comas"
+#. 'Enable Wi-Fi' item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2186
+msgid "Enable _Wi-Fi"
+msgstr "Cuir an comas _WiFi"
+#. 'Enable Mobile Broadband' item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2195
+msgid "Enable _Mobile Broadband"
+msgstr "Cuir an comas bann-leathann _mobile"
+#. 'Enable WiMAX Mobile Broadband' item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2204
+msgid "Enable WiMA_X Mobile Broadband"
+msgstr "Cuir an comas bann-leathann WiMA_X"
+#. Toggle notifications item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2215
+msgid "Enable N_otifications"
+msgstr "Cuir an comas na _brathan"
+#. 'Connection Information' item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2226
+msgid "Connection _Information"
+msgstr "_Fiosrachadh mun cheangal"
+#. 'Edit Connections...' item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2236
+msgid "Edit Connections..."
+msgstr "Deasaich na ceanglaichean..."
+#. Help item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2250
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Cobhair"
+#. About item
+#: ../src/applet.c:2259
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Mu dhèidhinn"
+#: ../src/applet.c:2512
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are now connected to '%s'."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ri \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2553
+msgid "Disconnected"
+msgstr "Chan eil ceangal ann tuilleadh"
+#: ../src/applet.c:2554
+msgid "The network connection has been disconnected."
+msgstr "Bhris an ceangal lìonraidh."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2789
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh a' cheangail lìonraidh \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2792
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ri \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2795
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:136
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:445
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:590
+#, c-format
+msgid "Requesting a network address for '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag iarraidh seòladh lìonraidh airson \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2798
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal lìonraidh \"%s\" beò"
+#: ../src/applet.c:2881
+#, c-format
+msgid "Starting VPN connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' tòiseachadh a' cheangail VPN \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2884
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for VPN connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris a' VPN \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid "Requesting a VPN address for '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag iarraidh seòladh VPN airson \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet.c:2890
+#, c-format
+msgid "VPN connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal VPN  \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet.c:2932
+msgid "No network connection"
+msgstr "Chan eil ceangal ris an lìonra"
+#: ../src/applet.c:3639
+msgid "NetworkManager Applet"
+msgstr "Aplaid NetworkManager"
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:76
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:76
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:769
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:90
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:301
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:131
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:357
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:127
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:190
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:837
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:276
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr "Ri làimh"
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:89
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:89
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:796
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:102
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:340
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:146
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:396
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:142
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:203
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1243
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:401
+msgid "Connection Established"
+msgstr "Chaidh ceangal a dhèanamh"
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:90
+msgid "You are now connected to the bonded network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra bannaichte."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:114
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing bond connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh a' cheangail bhannaichte \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring bond connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh a' cheangail bhannaichte \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:120
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for bond connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal bannaichte a dhèanamh ri \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:123
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:123
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:176
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:237
+#, c-format
+msgid "Requesting address for '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag iarraidh seòladh airson \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bond.c:127
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bond connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal bannaichte \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:90
+msgid "You are now connected to the bridged network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dheànamh ris an lìonra drochaidichte."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:114
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing bridge connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh a' cheangail dhrochaidichte \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring bridge connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh ceangail dhrochaidichte \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:120
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for bridge connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal drochaidichte a dhèanamh ri \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bridge.c:127
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bridge connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal drochaidichte \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:164
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:505
+msgid "Wrong PUK code; please contact your provider."
+msgstr "Tha am PUK cearr; cuir fios gun t-solaraiche agad."
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:206
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:482
+msgid "Wrong PIN code; please contact your provider."
+msgstr "Tha am PIN cearr; cuir fios gun t-solaraiche agad."
+#. Start the spinner to show the progress of the unlock
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:257
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:532
+msgid "Sending unlock code..."
+msgstr "A' cur a' chòd a bheir a' ghlais dheth..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:715
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:247
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:303
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:423
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mobile Broadband (%s)"
+msgstr "Bann-leathann mobile (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:717
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:249
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:305
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:113
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:391
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:333
+msgid "Mobile Broadband"
+msgstr "Bann-leathann mobile"
+#. Default connection item
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:782
+msgid "New Mobile Broadband connection..."
+msgstr "Ceangal bann-leathainn mobile ùr..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:797
+msgid "You are now connected to the Mobile Broadband network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra bann-leathainn mobile."
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:932
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:938
+msgid "Mobile Broadband network."
+msgstr "Lìonra bann-leathainn mobile."
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:933
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:403
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:663
+msgid "You are now registered on the home network."
+msgstr "Tha thu a-nis clàraichte air an lìonra dachaigh."
+#: ../src/applet-device-broadband.c:939
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:409
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:669
+msgid "You are now registered on a roaming network."
+msgstr "Tha thu a-nis clàraichte air lìonra air fàrsan."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:103
+msgid "You are now connected to the mobile broadband network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra bann-leathainn mobile."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:127
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:436
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:581
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing mobile broadband connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh a' cheangail bhann-leathainn mobile \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:130
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:439
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:584
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring mobile broadband connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh a' cheangail bhann-leathainn mobile \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:133
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:442
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:587
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for mobile broadband connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Feumaidh an ceangal bann-leathann mobile \"%s\" dearbhadh..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-bt.c:140
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mobile broadband connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal bann-leathann mobile \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#. Default connection item
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:314
+msgid "New Mobile Broadband (CDMA) connection..."
+msgstr "Ceangal bann-leathann mobile (CDMA) ùr..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:341
+msgid "You are now connected to the CDMA network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra CDMA."
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:402
+#: ../src/applet-device-cdma.c:408
+msgid "CDMA network."
+msgstr "Lìonra CDMA."
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:44
+msgid "Auto Ethernet"
+msgstr "Ethernet fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:96
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethernet Networks (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonraidhean Ethernet (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:98
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethernet Network (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonra Ethernet (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:101
+msgid "Ethernet Networks"
+msgstr "Lìonraidhean Ethernet"
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:103
+msgid "Ethernet Network"
+msgstr "Lìonra Ethernet"
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:147
+msgid "You are now connected to the ethernet network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra ethernet."
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:171
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing ethernet network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh ceangail lìonra Ethernet \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring ethernet network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh ceangail lìonra Ethernet \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:177
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for ethernet network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra Ethernet \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Requesting an ethernet network address for '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag iarraidh seòladh lìonra Ethernet airson \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:184
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethernet network connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal lìonra Ethernet \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet-device-ethernet.c:365
+msgid "DSL authentication"
+msgstr "Dearbhadh  DSL"
+#. Default connection item
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:370
+msgid "New Mobile Broadband (GSM) connection..."
+msgstr "Ceangal bann-leathainn mobile (GSM) ùr..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:397
+msgid "You are now connected to the GSM network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra GSM."
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:662
+#: ../src/applet-device-gsm.c:668
+msgid "GSM network."
+msgstr "Lìonra GSM."
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:40
+msgid "Auto InfiniBand"
+msgstr "InfiniBand fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:92
+#, c-format
+msgid "InfiniBand Networks (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonraidhean InfiniBand (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "InfiniBand Network (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonra InfiniBand (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:97
+msgid "InfiniBand Networks"
+msgstr "Lìonraidhean InfiniBand"
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:99
+msgid "InfiniBand Network"
+msgstr "Lìonra InfiniBand"
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:143
+msgid "You are now connected to the InfiniBand network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra InfiniBand."
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:167
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing InfiniBand connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh a' cheangail InfiniBand \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:170
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring InfiniBand connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh ceangail InfiniBand \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:173
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for InfiniBand connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris a' InfiniBand \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-infiniband.c:180
+#, c-format
+msgid "InfiniBand connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal InfiniBand \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:204
+msgid "You are now connected to the VLAN."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris a' VLAN."
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing VLAN connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh a' cheangail VLAN \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:231
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring VLAN connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh a' cheangail VLAN \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:234
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for VLAN connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris a' VLAN \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-vlan.c:241
+#, c-format
+msgid "VLAN connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal VLAN  \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:96
+msgid "_Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network..."
+msgstr "_Ceangail ri lìonra WiFi falaichte..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:147
+msgid "Create _New Wi-Fi Network..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich lìonra WiFi ù_r..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:291
+msgid "(none)"
+msgstr "(chan eil gin)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:769
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wi-Fi Networks (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonraidhean WiFi (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:771
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wi-Fi Network (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonra WiFi (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:773
+msgid "Wi-Fi Network"
+msgid_plural "Wi-Fi Networks"
+msgstr[0] "Lìonra WiFi"
+msgstr[1] "Lìonraidhean WiFi"
+msgstr[2] "Lìonraidhean WiFi"
+msgstr[3] "Lìonraidhean WiFi"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:802
+msgid "Wi-Fi is disabled"
+msgstr "Tha WiFi à comas"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:803
+msgid "Wi-Fi is disabled by hardware switch"
+msgstr "Chaidh am WiFi a chur à comas le suidse chruaidh"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:864
+msgid "More networks"
+msgstr "Barrachd lìonraidhean"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1042
+msgid "Wi-Fi Networks Available"
+msgstr "Lìonraidhean WiFi a tha ri làimh"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1043
+msgid "Use the network menu to connect to a Wi-Fi network"
+msgstr "Cleachd clàr-taice nan lìonraidhean gus ceangal a dhèanamh ri lìonra WiFi"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1242
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are now connected to the Wi-Fi network '%s'."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhènamh ris an lìonra Wi-Fi \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1273
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing Wi-Fi network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag ullachadh ceangal lìonraidh WiFi \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring Wi-Fi network connection '%s'..."
+msgstr "A' rèiteachadh ceangail lìonra WiFi \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1279
+#, c-format
+msgid "User authentication required for Wi-Fi network '%s'..."
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh a' chleachdaiche mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra WiFi \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1282
+#, c-format
+msgid "Requesting a Wi-Fi network address for '%s'..."
+msgstr "Ag iarraidh seòladh lìonra WiFi airson \"%s\"..."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wi-Fi network connection '%s' active: %s (%d%%)"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal lìonra WiFi \"%s\" gnìomhach: %s (%d%%)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1308
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wi-Fi network connection '%s' active"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal lìonra WiFi \"%s\" gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1326
+msgid "Failed to activate connection"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig gnìomhachadh a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wifi.c:1345
+msgid "Failed to add new connection"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ùr a chur ris"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid "WiMAX Mobile Broadband (%s)"
+msgstr "Bann-leathann mobile WiMAX (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:230
+msgid "WiMAX Mobile Broadband"
+msgstr "Bann-leathann mobile WiMAX"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:256
+msgid "WiMAX is disabled"
+msgstr "Tha WiMAX à comas"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:257
+msgid "WiMAX is disabled by hardware switch"
+msgstr "Chaidh WiMAX a chur à comas le suidse chruaidh"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:402
+msgid "You are now connected to the WiMAX network."
+msgstr "Tha thu air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an lìonra WiMAX."
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:454
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:602
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mobile broadband connection '%s' active: (%d%%%s%s)"
+msgstr "Tha an ceangal bann-leathann mobile \"%s\" gnìomhach: (%d%%%s%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-device-wimax.c:457
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:605
+msgid "roaming"
+msgstr "air fàrsan"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:57
+msgid "Error displaying connection information:"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' taisbeanadh fiosrachadh a' cheangal:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:109
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:309
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:915
+#: ../src/wireless-security/wireless-security.c:440
+msgid "LEAP"
+msgstr "LEAP"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:111
+msgid "Dynamic WEP"
+msgstr "Dynamic WEP"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:113
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:244
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:246
+msgid "WPA/WPA2"
+msgstr "WPA/WPA2"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:242
+msgid "WEP"
+msgstr "WEP"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:250
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:259
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:261
+msgctxt "Wi-Fi/Ethernet security"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Chan eil gin"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (default)"
+msgstr "%s (bun-roghainn)"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:345
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:483
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u Mb/s"
+msgstr "%u Mb/s"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:347
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:485
+msgctxt "Speed"
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Chan eil fhios dè an t-astar"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:360
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d dB"
+msgstr "%d dB"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:362
+msgctxt "WiMAX CINR"
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr "neo-aithnichte"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:374
+msgctxt "WiMAX Base Station ID"
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr "neo-aithnichte"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethernet (%s)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:412
+#, c-format
+msgid "802.11 WiFi (%s)"
+msgstr "802.11 WiFi (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "GSM (%s)"
+msgstr "GSM (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:421
+#, c-format
+msgid "CDMA (%s)"
+msgstr "CDMA (%s)"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "WiMAX (%s)"
+msgstr "WiMAX (%s)"
+#. --- General ---
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:431
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:790
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-general.c:325
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Coitcheann"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:435
+msgid "Interface:"
+msgstr "Eadar-aghaidh:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:451
+msgid "Hardware Address:"
+msgstr "Seòladh bathair-chruaidh:"
+#. Driver
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:459
+msgid "Driver:"
+msgstr "Draibhear:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:488
+msgid "Speed:"
+msgstr "Astar:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:498
+msgid "Security:"
+msgstr "Tèarainteachd:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:511
+msgid "CINR:"
+msgstr "CINR:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:524
+msgid "BSID:"
+msgstr "BSID:"
+#. --- IPv4 ---
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:541
+msgid "IPv4"
+msgstr "IPv4"
+#. Address
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:552
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:659
+msgid "IP Address:"
+msgstr "Seòladh IP:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:554
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:570
+msgctxt "Address"
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neo-aithnichte"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:568
+msgid "Broadcast Address:"
+msgstr "Seòladh craolaidh:"
+#. Prefix
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:577
+msgid "Subnet Mask:"
+msgstr "Subnet Mask:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:579
+msgctxt "Subnet Mask"
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neo-aithnichte"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:587
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:674
+msgid "Default Route:"
+msgstr "An t-slighe bhunaiteach:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:599
+msgid "Primary DNS:"
+msgstr "A' phrìomh DNS:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:608
+msgid "Secondary DNS:"
+msgstr "An dàrna DNS:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:618
+msgid "Ternary DNS:"
+msgstr "An tritheamh DNS:"
+#. --- IPv6 ---
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:633
+msgid "IPv6"
+msgstr "IPv6"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:642
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr "Air a leigeil seachad"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:795
+msgid "VPN Type:"
+msgstr "Seòrsa a' VPN:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:802
+msgid "VPN Gateway:"
+msgstr "Bealach VPN:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:808
+msgid "VPN Username:"
+msgstr "Ainm-chleachdaiche VPN:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:814
+msgid "VPN Banner:"
+msgstr "Bratach VPN:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:820
+msgid "Base Connection:"
+msgstr "Ceangal bunasach:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:822
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:345
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neo-aithnichte"
+#. Shouldn't really happen but ...
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:885
+msgid "No valid active connections found!"
+msgstr "Cha deach ceangal gnìomhach dligheach a lorg!"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:913
+msgid ""
+"Copyright © 2004-2011 Red Hat, Inc.\n"
+"Copyright © 2005-2008 Novell, Inc.\n"
+"and many other community contributors and translators"
+msgstr ""
+"Còir-lethbhreac © 2004-2011 Red Hat, Inc.\n"
+"Còir-lethbhreac  © 2005-2008 Novell, Inc.\n"
+"agus iomadh com-pàirtiche coimhearsnachd agus eadar-theangadairean"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:916
+msgid "Notification area applet for managing your network devices and connections."
+msgstr "Aplaid raon nam brathan airson stiùireadh nan ceanglaichean agus uidheaman lìonraidh agad."
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:918
+msgid "NetworkManager Website"
+msgstr "Làrach-lìn NetworkManager"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:933
+msgid "Missing resources"
+msgstr "Goireasan a tha a dhìth"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:958
+msgid "Mobile broadband network password"
+msgstr "Facail-faire lìonra bann-leathainn mobile"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:967
+#, c-format
+msgid "A password is required to connect to '%s'."
+msgstr "Tha feum air facail-faire mus gabh ceangal a dhèanamh ri \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:982
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Facal-faire:"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1280
+msgid "SIM PIN unlock required"
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' ghlais a thoirt far an SIM le PIN"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1281
+msgid "SIM PIN Unlock Required"
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' ghlais a thoirt far an SIM le PIN"
+#. FIXME: some warning about # of times you can enter incorrect PIN
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1283
+#, c-format
+msgid "The mobile broadband device '%s' requires a SIM PIN code before it can be used."
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' ghlais a thoirt far an SIM le PIN an uidheim bhann-leathann mobile \"%s\" mus gabh a 
+#. Translators: PIN code entry label
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1285
+msgid "PIN code:"
+msgstr "Còd PIN :"
+#. Translators: Show/obscure PIN checkbox label
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1289
+msgid "Show PIN code"
+msgstr "Seall an còd PIN"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1291
+msgid "SIM PUK unlock required"
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' ghlais a thoirt far an SIM le PUK"
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1292
+msgid "SIM PUK Unlock Required"
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' ghlais a thoirt far an SIM le PUK"
+#. FIXME: some warning about # of times you can enter incorrect PUK
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1294
+#, c-format
+msgid "The mobile broadband device '%s' requires a SIM PUK code before it can be used."
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu a' ghlais a thoirt far an SIM le PIN an uidheim bhann-leathann mobile \"%s\" mus gabh a 
+#. Translators: PUK code entry label
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1296
+msgid "PUK code:"
+msgstr "Còd PUK:"
+#. Translators: New PIN entry label
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1299
+msgid "New PIN code:"
+msgstr "Còd PIN ùr:"
+#. Translators: New PIN verification entry label
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1301
+msgid "Re-enter new PIN code:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach an còd PIN ùr a-rithist:"
+#. Translators: Show/obscure PIN/PUK checkbox label
+#: ../src/applet-dialogs.c:1306
+msgid "Show PIN/PUK codes"
+msgstr "Seall còdaichean PIN/PUK"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip4-routes.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip6-routes.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:8
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:8
+msgid "IP addresses identify your computer on the network.  Click the \"Add\" button to add an IP address."
+msgstr "Aithnichear an coimpiutair agad air an t-seòladh IP aige air an lìonra. Briog air a' phutan \"Cuir 
ris\" gus seòladh IP a chur ris."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip4-routes.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip6-routes.ui.h:2
+msgid "Ig_nore automatically obtained routes"
+msgstr "Leig se_achad rùtaichean a fhuaras gu fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip4-routes.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip6-routes.ui.h:3
+msgid "_Use this connection only for resources on its network"
+msgstr "_Na cleachd an ceangal seo ach airson goireasan air an lìonra aige fhèin."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip4-routes.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ip6-routes.ui.h:4
+msgid "If enabled, this connection will never be used as the default network connection."
+msgstr "Ma tha seo an comas, cha dèid an ceangal seo a chleachdadh idir mar an ceangal lìonraidh bunaiteach."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-new-connection.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/wifi.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-dynamic-wep.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wpa-eap.ui.h:1
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-new-connection.ui.h:2
+msgid "Create…"
+msgstr "Cruthaich..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-new-connection.ui.h:3
+msgid "Choose a Connection Type"
+msgstr "Tagh seòrsa a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-new-connection.ui.h:4
+msgid ""
+"Select the type of connection you wish to create.\n"
+"If you are creating a VPN, and the VPN connection you wish to create does not appear in the list, you may 
not have the correct VPN plugin installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Tagh seòrsa a' cheangal tha thu ag iarraidh a chruthachadh.\n"
+"Ma tha thu a’ cruthachadh VPN agus mur eil an ceangal VPN tha thu ag iarraidh a’ nochdadh san liosta, ‘s 
dòcha nach eil am plugan VPN ceart stàlaichte agad."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:1
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr "Round-robin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:2
+msgid "Active backup"
+msgstr "Lethbhreac-glèidhidh gnìomhach"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:3
+msgid "XOR"
+msgstr "XOR"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:4
+msgid "Broadcast"
+msgstr "Craoladh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:5
+msgid "802.3ad"
+msgstr "802.3ad"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:6
+msgid "Adaptive transmit load balancing"
+msgstr "Adaptive Transmit Load Balancing"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:7
+msgid "Adaptive load balancing"
+msgstr "Adaptive Load Balancing"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:8
+msgid "MII (recommended)"
+msgstr "MII (mholamaid seo)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:9
+msgid "ARP"
+msgstr "ARP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:10
+msgid "Bonded _connections:"
+msgstr "_Ceanglaichean bannaichte:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:11
+msgid "_Mode:"
+msgstr "_Modh:"
+#. Edit
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:12
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:685
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "D_easaich"
+#. Delete
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:13
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:702
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Sguab às"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:14
+msgid "Monitoring _frequency:"
+msgstr "Marasgladh an _triceid:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:15
+msgid "ms"
+msgstr "ms"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:16
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:5
+msgid "_Interface name:"
+msgstr "Ainm na h-_eadar-aghaidh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Link Monitoring:"
+msgstr "Marasgladh a’ _cheangail:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:18
+msgid "ARP _targets:"
+msgstr "_Targaidean ARP:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:19
+msgid "An IP address, or a comma-separated list of IP addresses, to look for when checking the link status."
+msgstr "Seòladh IP no liosta de sheòlaidhean IP a tha 'gan sgaradh le cromagan a chumar sùil air a shon 
nuair a' sgrùdar staid a' cheangail."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:20
+msgid "Link _up delay:"
+msgstr "Dàil a' cheangail _suas:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bond.ui.h:21
+msgid "Link _down delay:"
+msgstr "Dàil a' cheangal _a-nuas:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge-port.ui.h:1
+msgid "Path _cost:"
+msgstr "_Cosgais na slighe:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge-port.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:4
+msgid "_Priority:"
+msgstr "_Prìomhachas:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge-port.ui.h:3
+msgid "_Hairpin mode:"
+msgstr "Modh _Hairpin:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:1
+msgid "Bridged _connections:"
+msgstr "_Ceanglaichean drochaidichte:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:6
+msgid "_Forward delay:"
+msgstr "_Dàil adhairt:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:7
+msgid "_Hello time:"
+msgstr "Àm _fàilteachaidh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:8
+msgid "s"
+msgstr "s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:9
+msgid "Enable _STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)"
+msgstr "Cuir an comas _STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:10
+msgid "_Max age:"
+msgstr "Aois as _motha:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-bridge.ui.h:11
+msgid "_Aging time:"
+msgstr "Àm _aoiseachaidh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page.c:67
+msgid "automatic"
+msgstr "fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page.c:340
+msgid "Failed to update connection secrets due to an unknown error."
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh rùintean a' cheangail air sgàth mearachd nach aithne dhuinn."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-dsl.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:10
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-leap.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-simple.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-leap.ui.h:1
+msgid "_Username:"
+msgstr "_Ainm-cleachdaiche:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-dsl.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Service:"
+msgstr "_Seirbheis:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-dsl.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-leap.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-simple.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:7
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-leap.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wpa-psk.ui.h:3
+msgid "Sho_w password"
+msgstr "Sea_ll am facal-faire"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-dsl.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:11
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-vpn-password-dialog.c:95
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-leap.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-simple.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-leap.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wpa-psk.ui.h:1
+msgid "_Password:"
+msgstr "_Facal-faire:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:142
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:2
+msgid "Automatic"
+msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:2
+msgid "Twisted Pair (TP)"
+msgstr "Twisted Pair (TP)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:3
+msgid "Attachment Unit Interface (AUI)"
+msgstr "Attachment Unit Interface (AUI)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:4
+msgid "BNC"
+msgstr "BNC"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:5
+msgid "Media Independent Interface (MII)"
+msgstr "Media Independent Interface (MII)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:6
+msgid "10 Mb/s"
+msgstr "10 Mb/s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:7
+msgid "100 Mb/s"
+msgstr "100 Mb/s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:8
+msgid "1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "1 Gb/s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:9
+msgid "10 Gb/s"
+msgstr "10 Gb/s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:10
+msgid "_Port:"
+msgstr "_Port:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:11
+msgid "_Speed:"
+msgstr "_Astar:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:12
+msgid "Full duple_x"
+msgstr "Làn duple_x"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:13
+msgid "Aut_onegotiate"
+msgstr "Co-rèitich gu fèi_n-obrachail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:14
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-infiniband.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:8
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wimax.ui.h:1
+msgid "_Device MAC address:"
+msgstr "Seòladh MAC an _uidheim:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:15
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:10
+msgid "C_loned MAC address:"
+msgstr "Seòladh MAC c_lònaichte:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:16
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:9
+msgid "The MAC address entered here will be used as hardware address for the network device this connection 
is activated on.  This feature is known as MAC cloning or spoofing.  Example: 00:11:22:33:44:55"
+msgstr "Thèid an seòladh MAC a chuireas tu a-steach an-seo a chleachdadh mar sheòladh a' bhathair-bhog 
airson an uidheim lìonraidh a tha an ceangal seo gnìomhach air. Canar clònachadh MAC no spoofing ris, mar 
eisimpleir 00:11:22:33:44:55"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:17
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-infiniband.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:7
+msgid "_MTU:"
+msgstr "_MTU:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ethernet.ui.h:18
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-infiniband.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:5
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:6
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr "baidhtean"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-general.ui.h:1
+msgid "Automatically connect to _VPN when using this connection"
+msgstr "Ceangail ri _VPN gu fèin-obrachail nuair a chleachdar an ceangal seo"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-general.ui.h:2
+msgid "All _users may connect to this network"
+msgstr "Faodaidh na _cleachdaiche uile ceangal ris an lìonra seo"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-general.ui.h:3
+msgid "_Automatically connect to this network when it is available"
+msgstr "Ceangail ris an lìonra seo gu _fèin-obrachail nuair a bhios e ri làimh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-general.ui.h:4
+msgid "Firewall _zone:"
+msgstr "_Sòn cachaileith-theine:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-infiniband.ui.h:1
+msgid "_Transport mode:"
+msgstr "Modh _còmhdhalach:"
+#. IP-over-InfiniBand "datagram mode"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-infiniband.ui.h:6
+msgid "Datagram"
+msgstr "Dàtagram"
+#. IP-over-InfiniBand "connected mode"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-infiniband.ui.h:8
+msgid "Connected"
+msgstr "Ceangailte"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:2
+msgid "Automatic with manual DNS settings"
+msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail le roghainnean DNS làimhe"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:169
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:191
+msgid "Manual"
+msgstr "A làimh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:4
+msgid "Link-Local"
+msgstr "Link-Local"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:5
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:5
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:187
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:211
+msgid "Shared to other computers"
+msgstr "Co-roinnte ri coimpiutairean eile"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:6
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:6
+msgid "_Method:"
+msgstr "_Dòigh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:7
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:7
+msgid "Addresses"
+msgstr "Seòlaidhean"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:9
+msgid "The DHCP client identifier allows the network administrator to customize your computer's 
configuration.  If you wish to use a DHCP client identifier, enter it here."
+msgstr "Leigidh aithnichear cliant DHCP le rianaire an lìonraidh rèiteachadh a' choimpiutair agad a 
ghnàthachadh. Ma tha thu airson aithnichear cliant DHCP a chleachdadh, cuir a-steach an-seo e."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:10
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:9
+msgid "Domains used when resolving host names. Use commas to separate multiple domains."
+msgstr "Cleachdar àrainnean-lìn nuair a thathar a' fuasgladh ainmean òstairean. Cleachd cromagan gus diofar 
àrainnean-lìn a sgaradh o chèile."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:11
+msgid "D_HCP client ID:"
+msgstr "ID cliant D_HCP:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:12
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:10
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:308
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:307
+msgid "S_earch domains:"
+msgstr "Lorg air na _h-àrainnean-lìn:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:13
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:11
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:299
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:298
+msgid "DNS ser_vers:"
+msgstr "Fri_thealaichean DNS:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:14
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:12
+msgid "IP addresses of domain name servers used to resolve host names. Use commas to separate multiple 
domain name server addresses."
+msgstr "Cleachdar seòlaidhean IP frithealaichean ainmean na h-àrainne-lìn nuair a thathar a' fuasgladh 
ainmean òstairean. Cleachd cromagan gus seòlaidhean fhrithealaichean aig diofar àrainnean-lìn a sgaradh o 
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:15
+msgid "Require IPv_4 addressing for this connection to complete"
+msgstr "Iarr seòladh IPv_4 mus gabh an ceangal seo a choileanadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:16
+msgid "When connecting to IPv6-capable networks, allows the connection to complete if IPv4 configuration 
fails but IPv6 configuration succeeds."
+msgstr "Nuair a cheanglar ri lìonraidhean a tha comasach air IPv6, bheir seo comas dhan cheangal coileanadh 
ma dh'fhàilligeas an rèiteachadh IPv4 ach ma thèid leis an rèiteachadh IPv6."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip4.ui.h:17
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:15
+msgid "_Routes…"
+msgstr "_ Rùtaichean..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:13
+msgid "Require IPv_6 addressing for this connection to complete"
+msgstr "Iarr seòladh IPv_6 mus gabh an ceangal seo a choileanadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ip6.ui.h:14
+msgid "When connecting to IPv4-capable networks, allows the connection to complete if IPv6 configuration 
fails but IPv4 configuration succeeds."
+msgstr "Nuair a cheanglar ri lìonraidhean a tha comasach air IPv4, bheir seo comas dhan cheangal coileanadh 
ma dh'fhàilligeas an rèiteachadh IPv6 ach ma thèid leis an rèiteachadh IPv4."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:1
+msgid "Any"
+msgstr "Gin dhiubh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:2
+msgid "3G (UMTS/HSPA)"
+msgstr "3G (UMTS/HSPA)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:3
+msgid "2G (GPRS/EDGE)"
+msgstr "2G (GPRS/EDGE)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:4
+msgid "Prefer 3G (UMTS/HSPA)"
+msgstr "Cleachd 3G (UMTS/HSPA) seach càch"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:5
+msgid "Prefer 2G (GPRS/EDGE)"
+msgstr "Cleachd 2G (GPRS/EDGE) seach càch"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:6
+msgid "Prefer 4G (LTE)"
+msgstr "Cleachd 4G (LTE) seach càch"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:7
+msgid "Use only 4G (LTE)"
+msgstr "Na cleachd ach 4G (LTE)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:8
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "Bunasach"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:9
+msgid "Nu_mber:"
+msgstr "Ài_reamh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:12
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Adhartach"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:13
+msgid "_APN:"
+msgstr "_APN:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:14
+msgid "N_etwork ID:"
+msgstr "ID an _lìonraidh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:15
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wpa-psk.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Type:"
+msgstr "_Seòrsa:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:16
+msgid "Change..."
+msgstr "Atharraich..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:17
+msgid "P_IN:"
+msgstr "P_IN:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:18
+msgid "Allow _roaming if home network is not available"
+msgstr "Ceadaich ceangal air _fàrsan mur eil lìonra dachaigh ri làimh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-mobile.ui.h:19
+msgid "Sho_w passwords"
+msgstr "Sea_ll na faclan-faire"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:1
+msgid "Authentication"
+msgstr "Dearbhadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:2
+msgid "Allowed methods:"
+msgstr "Dòighean ceadaichte:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:3
+msgid "Configure _Methods…"
+msgstr "Rèitich na _dòighean..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:4
+msgid "Compression"
+msgstr "Dùmhlachadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:5
+msgid "_Use point-to-point encryption (MPPE)"
+msgstr "_Cleachd crioptachadh Point-To-Point (MPPE)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:6
+msgid "_Require 128-bit encryption"
+msgstr "_Iarr crioptachadh 128-bit"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:7
+msgid "Use _stateful MPPE"
+msgstr "Cleachd _Stateful MPPE"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:8
+msgid "Allow _BSD data compression"
+msgstr "Ceadaich dùmhlachadh dàta _BSD"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:9
+msgid "Allow _Deflate data compression"
+msgstr "Ceadaich dùmhlachadh dàta _Deflate"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:10
+msgid "Use TCP _header compression"
+msgstr "Cleachd dùmhlachadh _bann-cinn TCP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:11
+msgid "Echo"
+msgstr "Mac-talla"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-ppp.ui.h:12
+msgid "Send PPP _echo packets"
+msgstr "Cuir pacaidean _mac-talla PPP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:1
+msgid "_Parent interface:"
+msgstr "Eadar-aghaidh _pàraint:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:2
+msgid "VLAN interface _name:"
+msgstr "_Ainm na h-eadar-aghaidh VLAN:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:3
+msgid "_Cloned MAC address:"
+msgstr "Seòladh MAC _clònaichte"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:6
+msgid "VLAN _id:"
+msgstr "ID _VLAN:"
+#. In context, this means "concatenate the device name and the VLAN ID number together"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:8
+msgid "Device name + number"
+msgstr "Ainm ⁊ àireamh an uidheim"
+#. LEAVE "vlan" UNTRANSLATED. In context, this means "concatenate the string 'vlan' and the VLAN ID number 
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-vlan.ui.h:10
+msgid "\"vlan\" + number"
+msgstr "\"vlan\" ⁊ àireamh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi-security.ui.h:1
+msgid "S_ecurity:"
+msgstr "Tèaraint_eachd:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:2
+msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:3
+msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:4
+msgid "Infrastructure"
+msgstr "Bun-structar"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:5
+msgid "Ad-hoc"
+msgstr "Ad-hoc"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:11
+msgid "mW"
+msgstr "mW"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:12
+msgid "Transmission po_wer:"
+msgstr "Ne_art an tar-chuir:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:13
+msgid "Mb/s"
+msgstr "Mb/s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:14
+msgid "_Rate:"
+msgstr "_Reat:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:15
+msgid "_BSSID:"
+msgstr "_BSSID:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:16
+msgid "C_hannel:"
+msgstr "S_eanail:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:17
+msgid "Ban_d:"
+msgstr "Ban_n:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:18
+msgid "M_ode:"
+msgstr "M_odh:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-page-wifi.ui.h:19
+msgid "SS_ID:"
+msgstr "SS_ID:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:1
+msgid "Allowed Authentication Methods"
+msgstr "Dòighean dearbhaidh a tha ceadaichte"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:2
+msgid "_EAP"
+msgstr "_EAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:3
+msgid "Extensible Authentication Protocol"
+msgstr "Extensible Authentication Protocol"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:4
+msgid "_PAP"
+msgstr "_PAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:5
+msgid "Password Authentication Protocol"
+msgstr "Password Authentication Protocol"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:6
+msgid "C_HAP"
+msgstr "C_HAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:7
+msgid "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol"
+msgstr "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:8
+msgid "_MSCHAP"
+msgstr "_MSCHAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:9
+msgid "Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol"
+msgstr "Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:10
+msgid "MSCHAP v_2"
+msgstr "MSCHAP v_2"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:11
+msgid "Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2"
+msgstr "Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ce-ppp-auth-methods.ui.h:12
+msgid "In most cases, the provider's PPP servers will support all authentication methods.  If connections 
fail, try disabling support for some methods."
+msgstr "Mar is trice, bheir frithealaichean PPP an t-solaraiche taic ri dòigh dearbhaidh sam bith. Ma 
dh'fhàilligeas na ceanglaichean, feuch is cuir à comas cuid dhe na dòighean."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip4-routes-dialog.c:749
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip6-routes-dialog.c:691
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:915
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:881
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Seòladh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip4-routes-dialog.c:766
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:932
+msgid "Netmask"
+msgstr "Masg-lìn"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip4-routes-dialog.c:783
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip6-routes-dialog.c:725
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:949
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:915
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr "Bealach"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip4-routes-dialog.c:800
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip6-routes-dialog.c:742
+msgid "Metric"
+msgstr "Meatraig"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/ip6-routes-dialog.c:708
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:898
+msgid "Prefix"
+msgstr "Ro-leasachan"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:101
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ethernet.c:242
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:323
+msgid "Ethernet"
+msgstr "Ethernet"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:107
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:465
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:325
+msgid "Wi-Fi"
+msgstr "WiFi"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:119
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wimax.c:125
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:331
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:74
+msgid "WiMAX"
+msgstr "WiMAX"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:125
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-dsl.c:141
+msgid "DSL"
+msgstr "DSL"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:131
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-infiniband.c:159
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:335
+msgid "InfiniBand"
+msgstr "InfiniBand"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:137
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bond.c:412
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:337
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:559
+msgid "Bond"
+msgstr "Bann"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:143
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bridge.c:212
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:339
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:561
+msgid "Bridge"
+msgstr "Drochaid"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:149
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vlan.c:482
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:341
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:563
+msgid "VLAN"
+msgstr "VLAN"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:162
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:302
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:113
+msgid "VPN"
+msgstr "VPN"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:252
+msgid "Hardware"
+msgstr "Bathar-cruaidh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:272
+msgid "Virtual"
+msgstr "Biortail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:340
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:342
+msgid "Import a saved VPN configuration..."
+msgstr "Ion-phortaich rèiteachadh VPN a chaidh a shàbhaladh..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:371
+msgid "The connection editor dialog could not be initialized due to an unknown error."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn còmhradh deasaiche nan ceanglaichean a thòiseachadh air sgàth mearachd 
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:380
+msgid "Could not create new connection"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal ùr a chruthachadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:515
+msgid "Connection delete failed"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig sguabadh às a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/new-connection.c:562
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete the connection %s?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceangal \"%s\" a sguabadh às?"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:119
+#, c-format
+msgid "Editing %s"
+msgstr "A' deasachadh %s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:123
+msgid "Editing un-named connection"
+msgstr "A' deasachadh ceangal gun ainm"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:283
+msgid "The connection editor could not find some required resources (the .ui file was not found)."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn do dheasaiche nan ceanglaichean cuid a ghoireasan a lorg air a bheil feum (cha deach 
am faidhle .ui a lorg)."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:414
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Sàbhail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:415
+msgid "Save any changes made to this connection."
+msgstr "Sàbhail atharrachadh sam bith a chaidh a dhèanamh air a' cheangal seo."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:416
+msgid "_Save..."
+msgstr "_Sàbhail..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:417
+msgid "Authenticate to save this connection for all users of this machine."
+msgstr "Dèan dearbhadh gus an ceangal seo a shàbhaladh airson gach cleachdaiche air an inneal seo."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:433
+msgid "Could not create connection"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal a chruthachadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:433
+msgid "Could not edit connection"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal a dheasachadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:435
+msgid "Unknown error creating connection editor dialog."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd nach aithne dhuinn nuair a chruthaich sinn còmhradh deasaiche nan ceanglaichean."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:603
+msgid "Error initializing editor"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' tòiseachadh an deasaiche"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:927
+msgid "Connection add failed"
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an ceangal a chur ris"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:977
+msgid "Error saving connection"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' sàbhaladh a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.c:978
+#, c-format
+msgid "The property '%s' / '%s' is invalid: %d"
+msgstr "Tha an roghainn \"%s\" / \"%s\" mì-dhligheach: %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.ui.h:2
+msgid "Connection _name:"
+msgstr "_Ainm a' cheangail:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor.ui.h:3
+msgid "_Export..."
+msgstr "Às-p_hortaich"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:143
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "chan ann idir"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:154
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:165
+msgid "now"
+msgstr "an-dràsta"
+#. less than an hour ago
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:172
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d minute ago"
+msgid_plural "%d minutes ago"
+msgstr[0] "%d mhionaid air ais"
+msgstr[1] "%d mhionaid air ais"
+msgstr[2] "%d mionaidean air ais"
+msgstr[3] "%d mionaid air ais"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:176
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d hour ago"
+msgid_plural "%d hours ago"
+msgstr[0] "%d uair a thìde air ais"
+msgstr[1] "%d uair a thìde air ais"
+msgstr[2] "%d uairean a thìde air ais"
+msgstr[3] "%d uair a thìde air ais"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:188
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d day ago"
+msgid_plural "%d days ago"
+msgstr[0] "%d latha air ais"
+msgstr[1] "%d latha air ais"
+msgstr[2] "%d làithean air ais"
+msgstr[3] "%d latha air ais"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d month ago"
+msgid_plural "%d months ago"
+msgstr[0] "%d mhìos air ais"
+msgstr[1] "%d mhìos air ais"
+msgstr[2] "%d mìosan air ais"
+msgstr[3] "%d mìos air ais"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d year ago"
+msgid_plural "%d years ago"
+msgstr[0] "%d bhliadhna air ais"
+msgstr[1] "%d bhliadhna air ais"
+msgstr[2] "%d bliadhna air ais"
+msgstr[3] "%d bliadhna air ais"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:631
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Ainm"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:644
+msgid "Last Used"
+msgstr "Cleachdadh mu dheireadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:686
+msgid "Edit the selected connection"
+msgstr "Deasaich an ceangal a thagh thu"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:687
+msgid "_Edit..."
+msgstr "D_easaich..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:688
+msgid "Authenticate to edit the selected connection"
+msgstr "Dèan dearbhadh gus an ceangal a thagh thu a dheasachadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:703
+msgid "Delete the selected connection"
+msgstr "Sguab às an ceangal a thagh thu"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:704
+msgid "_Delete..."
+msgstr "_Sguab às..."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:705
+msgid "Authenticate to delete the selected connection"
+msgstr "Dèan dearbhadh gus an ceangal a thagh thu a sguabadh às"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:934
+msgid "No VPN plugins are installed."
+msgstr "Cha deach plugan VPN a stàladh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:936
+#, c-format
+msgid "Don't know how to create '%s' connections"
+msgstr "Chan eil fhios mar a chruthaicheas sinn ceanglaichean \"%s\""
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:938
+msgid "Error creating connection"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' cruthachadh a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:994
+msgid "Error editing connection"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' deasachadh a' cheangail"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/nm-connection-list.c:995
+#, c-format
+msgid "Did not find a connection with UUID '%s'"
+msgstr "Cha do lorg sinn ceangal leis an UUID \"%s\""
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-8021x-security.c:121
+msgid "802.1x Security"
+msgstr "Tèarainteachd 802.1x"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-8021x-security.c:123
+msgid "Could not load 802.1x Security user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche tèarainteachd 802.1x a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-8021x-security.c:137
+msgid "Use 802.1_X security for this connection"
+msgstr "Cleachd tèarainteachd 802.1_X airson a' cheangail seo."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bond.c:415
+msgid "Could not load bond user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh airson bannadh chleachdaichean a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bond.c:557
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bond connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal banntach %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bridge.c:215
+msgid "Could not load bridge user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh airson drochaideachaidh chleachdaichean a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bridge.c:310
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bridge connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal drochaide %d"
+#. Translators: a "Bridge Port" is a network
+#. * device that is part of a bridge.
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bridge-port.c:115
+msgid "Bridge Port"
+msgstr "Port drochaide"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-bridge-port.c:117
+msgid "Could not load bridge port user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh airson drochaideachadh puirt chleachdaichean a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-dsl.c:143
+msgid "Could not load DSL user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche DSL a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-dsl.c:235
+#, c-format
+msgid "DSL connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal DSL %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ethernet.c:81
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-infiniband.c:65
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:95
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wimax.c:61
+msgid "This option locks this connection to the network device specified by its permanent MAC address 
entered here.  Example: 00:11:22:33:44:55"
+msgstr "Tha an roghainn seo a' glasadh a' cheangail seo ri uidheam an lìonraidh a chaidh a shònrachadh leis 
an t-seòladh MAC bhuan aige a chaidh a chur a-steach an-seo. Ball-eisimpleir: 00:11:22:33:44:55"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ethernet.c:244
+msgid "Could not load ethernet user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche Ethernet a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ethernet.c:387
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethernet connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal Ethernet %d"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Default zone set for firewall, when no zone is selected
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-general.c:55
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-providers.c:808
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-general.c:56
+msgid "The zone defines the trust level of the connection. Default is not a regular zone, selecting it 
results in the use of the default zone set in the firewall. Only usable if firewalld is active."
+msgstr "Tha ìre earbsa a' cheangail a' crochadh air an t-sòn. Chan eil a' bhun-roghainn 'na shòn àbhaisteach 
agus ma thaghas tu e, thèid an sòn bunaiteach a chleachdadh a chaidh a shuidheachadh sa chachaileith-theine. 
Cha ghabh a chleachdadh ach ma tha a' chachaileith-theine gnìomhach."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-general.c:57
+msgid "FirewallD is not running."
+msgstr "Chan eil FirewallD a' ruith."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-general.c:328
+msgid "Could not load General user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche choitcheann a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-infiniband.c:162
+msgid "Could not load InfiniBand user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche InfiniBand a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-infiniband.c:254
+#, c-format
+msgid "InfiniBand connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal nfiniBand %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:133
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:132
+msgid "Automatic (VPN)"
+msgstr "Fèin-obrachail (VPN)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:134
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:133
+msgid "Automatic (VPN) addresses only"
+msgstr "Seòlaidhean (VPN) fèin-obrachail a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:137
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:136
+msgid "Automatic (PPP)"
+msgstr "Fèin-obrachail (PPP)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:138
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:137
+msgid "Automatic (PPP) addresses only"
+msgstr "Seòlaidhean (PPP) fèin-obrachail a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:140
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:139
+msgid "Automatic (PPPoE)"
+msgstr "Fèin-obrachail (PPPoE)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:141
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:140
+msgid "Automatic (PPPoE) addresses only"
+msgstr "Seòlaidhean (PPPoE) fèin-obrachail a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:143
+msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
+msgstr "Fèin-obrachail (DHCP)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:144
+msgid "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only"
+msgstr "Seòlaidhean (DHCP) fèin-obrachail a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:181
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:204
+msgid "Link-Local Only"
+msgstr "Link-Local a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:197
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "À comas"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:297
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:296
+msgid "Additional DNS ser_vers:"
+msgstr "Fri_thealaichean DNS a bharrachd:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:306
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:305
+msgid "Additional s_earch domains:"
+msgstr "Àrainnean-lìn l_uirg a bharrachd:"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:847
+#, c-format
+msgid "Editing IPv4 routes for %s"
+msgstr "A' deasachadh rùtaichean IPv4 airson %s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:998
+msgid "IPv4 Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean IPv4"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip4.c:1000
+msgid "Could not load IPv4 user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche IPv4 a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:143
+msgid "Automatic, addresses only"
+msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail, seòlaidhean a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:155
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Leig seachad"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:179
+msgid "Automatic, DHCP only"
+msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail, DHCP a-mhàin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:813
+#, c-format
+msgid "Editing IPv6 routes for %s"
+msgstr "A' deasachadh rùtaichean IPv6 airson %s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:962
+msgid "IPv6 Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean IPv6"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ip6.c:964
+msgid "Could not load IPv6 user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn duinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche IPv6 a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-master.c:284
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s slave %d"
+msgstr "%s tràill %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:393
+msgid "Could not load mobile broadband user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche bann-leathainn mobile a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:410
+msgid "Unsupported mobile broadband connection type."
+msgstr "Seòrsa de cheangal bann-leathainn mobile ris nach eil taic."
+#. Fall back to just asking for GSM vs. CDMA
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:660
+msgid "Select Mobile Broadband Provider Type"
+msgstr "Tagh seòrsa solaraiche a' bhann-leathainn mobile"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:687
+msgid "Select the technology your mobile broadband provider uses.  If you are unsure, ask your provider."
+msgstr "Tagh an teicneolas a tha an solaraiche bann-leathainn mobile a' cleachdadh. Mur eil thu cinnteach, 
faighnich dhen t-solaraiche agad."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:692
+msgid "My provider uses _GSM-based technology (i.e. GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA)"
+msgstr "Tha an solaraiche agam a' cleachdadh teicneolas stèidhichte air _GSM (m.e. GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:699
+msgid "My provider uses C_DMA-based technology (i.e. 1xRTT, EVDO)"
+msgstr "Tha an solaraiche agam a' cleachdadh teicneolas stèidhichte air C _DMA (m.e. 1xRTT, EVDO)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:709
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:54
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:270
+msgid "CDMA"
+msgstr "CDMA"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-mobile.c:712
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:58
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:268
+msgid "GSM"
+msgstr "GSM"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:137
+msgid "EAP"
+msgstr "EAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:138
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.c:248
+msgid "PAP"
+msgstr "PAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:139
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.c:298
+msgid "CHAP"
+msgstr "CHAP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:140
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.c:277
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.c:264
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.c:281
+msgid "MSCHAPv2"
+msgstr "MSCHAPv2"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:141
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.c:265
+msgid "MSCHAP"
+msgstr "MSCHAP"
+#. Translators: "none" refers to authentication methods
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:144
+msgid "none"
+msgstr "chan eil gin"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:204
+#, c-format
+msgid "Editing PPP authentication methods for %s"
+msgstr "A' deasachadh dòighean dearbhaidh PPP airson %s"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:287
+msgid "PPP Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean PPP"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-ppp.c:289
+msgid "Could not load PPP user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche PPP a luchdadh."
+#. Translators: the first %s is a device name (eg, "em1"), the
+#. * second is a connection name (eg, "Auto Ethernet").
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vlan.c:318
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (via \"%s\")"
+msgstr "%s (tro \"%s\")"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vlan.c:484
+msgid "Could not load vlan user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche VLAN a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vlan.c:680
+#, c-format
+msgid "VLAN connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal VLAN %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:115
+msgid "Could not load VPN user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:130
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not find VPN plugin service for '%s'."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-seirbheis plugan VPN airson \"%s\" a lorg."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:224
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:321
+#, c-format
+msgid "VPN connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal VPN %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:250
+msgid ""
+"The VPN plugin failed to import the VPN connection correctly\n"
+"Error: no VPN service type."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha b' urrainn dhan phlugan VPN an ceangal VPN ion-phortadh mar bu chòir\n"
+"Mearachd: às aonais seòrsa seirbheis VPN."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:275
+msgid "Choose a VPN Connection Type"
+msgstr "Tagh seòrsa a' cheangail VPN"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-vpn.c:276
+msgid "Select the type of VPN you wish to use for the new connection.  If the type of VPN connection you 
wish to create does not appear in the list, you may not have the correct VPN plugin installed."
+msgstr "Tagh seòrsa a' VPN a tha thu ag iarraidh cleachdadh airson a' cheangail ùir. Mur eil seòrsa a' 
cheangail VPN a tha thu airson cruthachadh san liosta, 's mathaid nach eil am plugan VPN ceart stàlaichte 
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:85
+msgid "This option locks this connection to the Wi-Fi access point (AP) specified by the BSSID entered here. 
 Example: 00:11:22:33:44:55"
+msgstr "Tha an roghainn seo a’ glasadh a' cheangal seo ris a' phuing-inntrigidh WiFi (AP) a tha 'ga 
shònrachadh leis a' BSSID a chaidh a chur a-steach an-seo. Ball-eisimpleir: 00:11:22:33:44:55"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:172
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:176
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "bun-roghainn"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u (%u MHz)"
+msgstr "%u (%u MHz)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:467
+msgid "Could not load Wi-Fi user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche WiFi a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi.c:638
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wi-Fi connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal WiFi %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:286
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:889
+msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+msgstr "Iuchair WEP 40/128-bit (Hex no ASCII)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:296
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:898
+msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+msgstr "Abairt-fhaire WEP 128-bit"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:322
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:928
+msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+msgstr "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:336
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:942
+msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+msgstr "WPA ⁊ WPA2 pearsanta"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:350
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:956
+msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:391
+msgid "Could not load Wi-Fi security user interface; missing Wi-Fi setting."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn an eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche airson tèarainteachd WiFi a luchdadh; tha roghainn WiFi 
a dhith."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:402
+msgid "Wi-Fi Security"
+msgstr "Tèarainteachd WiFi"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wifi-security.c:404
+msgid "Could not load Wi-Fi security user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche airson tèarainteachd WiFi a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wimax.c:128
+msgid "Could not load WiMAX user interface."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn eadar-aghaidh cleachdaiche WiMAX a luchdadh."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/page-wimax.c:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "WiMAX connection %d"
+msgstr "Ceangal WiMAX %d"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:207
+msgid "Cannot import VPN connection"
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an ceangal VPN ion-phortadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The file '%s' could not be read or does not contain recognized VPN connection information\n"
+"Error: %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle \"%s\" a leughadh no chan eil fiosrachadh ceangail VPN ann a thuigeas 
+"Mearachd: %s."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:241
+msgid "Select file to import"
+msgstr "Tagh am faidhle a tha ri ion-phortadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:292
+#, c-format
+msgid "A file named \"%s\" already exists."
+msgstr "Tha faidhle air a bheil \"%s\" ann mar-thà."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:294
+msgid "_Replace"
+msgstr "_Cuir 'na àite"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:296
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to replace %s with the VPN connection you are saving?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an ceangal VPN a tha thu a' sàbhaladh a chur an àite \"%s\"?"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:332
+msgid "Cannot export VPN connection"
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an ceangal VPN às-phortadh"
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:334
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The VPN connection '%s' could not be exported to %s.\n"
+"Error: %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan urrainn dhuinn an ceangal VPN \"%s\" às-phortadh gu \"%s\".\n"
+"Mearachd: %s."
+#: ../src/connection-editor/vpn-helpers.c:369
+msgid "Export VPN connection..."
+msgstr "Às-phortaich ceangal VPN..."
+#: ../src/ethernet-dialog.c:92
+#: ../src/ethernet-dialog.c:100
+msgid "The NetworkManager Applet could not find some required resources (the .ui file was not found)."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhan aplaid NetworkManager cuid a ghoireasan a lorg air a bheil feum (cha deach am 
faidhle .ui a lorg)."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/bt-widget.c:321
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bluetooth configuration not possible (failed to connect to D-Bus: (%s) %s)."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh Bluetooth a rèiteachadh (cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ri D-Bus: (%s) %s)."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/bt-widget.c:330
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bluetooth configuration not possible (error finding NetworkManager: (%s) %s)."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh Bluetooth a rèiteachadh (mearachd a' lorg NetworkManager: (%s) %s)."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/bt-widget.c:441
+msgid "Use your mobile phone as a network device (PAN/NAP)"
+msgstr "Cleachd am fòn-làimhe agad mar uidheam lìonraidh (PAN/NAP)"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/bt-widget.c:450
+msgid "Access the Internet using your mobile phone (DUN)"
+msgstr "Faigh cothrom air an eadar-lìon a' cleachdadh an fhòn-làimhe agad (DUN)"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:324
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error: %s"
+msgstr "Mearachd: %s"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:431
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to create DUN connection: %s"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig cruthachadh a' cheangail DUN: %s"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:433
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:947
+msgid "Your phone is now ready to use!"
+msgstr "Tha fòn agad deiseil gus a chleachdadh a-nis!"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:456
+msgid "Mobile wizard was canceled"
+msgstr "Sguireadh dhen draoidh mobile"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:465
+msgid "Unknown phone device type (not GSM or CDMA)"
+msgstr "Seòrsa de dh'uidheam fòn nach aithne dhuinn (chan e GSM no CDMA a tha ann)"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:501
+msgid "unknown modem type."
+msgstr "seòrsa de mhòdam nach aithne dhuinn."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:721
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:727
+msgid "failed to connect to the phone."
+msgstr "cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal ris an fhòn."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:758
+msgid "unexpectedly disconnected from the phone."
+msgstr "bhris an ceangal ris an fhòn gu h-obann."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:768
+msgid "timed out detecting phone details."
+msgstr "dh'fhalbh an ùine oirnn nuair a bha sinn a' lorg rèiteachadh an fhòn."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:779
+msgid "Detecting phone configuration..."
+msgstr "A' lorg rèiteachadh an fhòn..."
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:811
+msgid "error getting bus connection"
+msgstr "mearachd a' faighinn a' cheangail bus"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:908
+msgid "The default Bluetooth adapter must be enabled before setting up a Dial-Up-Networking connection."
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu am freagarraichear bunaiteach Bluetooth a chur an comas mus suidhich thu ceangal 
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:945
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to create PAN connection: %s"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig cruthachadh a' cheangail PAN: %s"
+#: ../src/gnome-bluetooth/nma-bt-device.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Network"
+msgstr "Lìonra %s"
+#: ../src/gsm-unlock.ui.h:1
+msgid "_Unlock"
+msgstr "_Thoir a' ghlas dheth"
+#: ../src/gsm-unlock.ui.h:2
+msgid "Automatically unlock this device"
+msgstr "Thoir a' ghlais far an uidheim seo gu fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/info.ui.h:1
+msgid "Connection Information"
+msgstr "Fiosrachadh mun cheangal"
+#: ../src/info.ui.h:2
+msgid "Active Network Connections"
+msgstr "Ceanglaichean lìonraidh a tha an gnìomh"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:204
+msgid "Your mobile broadband connection is configured with the following settings:"
+msgstr "'S iad seo na roghainnean a tha aig a' cheangal bhann-leathann mobile agad:"
+#. Device
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:211
+msgid "Your Device:"
+msgstr "An t-uidheam agad:"
+#. Provider
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:222
+msgid "Your Provider:"
+msgstr "An solaraiche agad:"
+#. Plan and APN
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:233
+msgid "Your Plan:"
+msgstr "Am plana agad:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:254
+msgid "A connection will now be made to your mobile broadband provider using the settings you selected.  If 
the connection fails or you cannot access network resources, double-check your settings.  To modify your 
mobile broadband connection settings, choose \"Network Connections\" from the System >> Preferences menu."
+msgstr "Thèid ceangal ris an t-solaraiche bhann-leathainn mobile agad a-nis, a' cleachdadh nan roghainnean a 
thagh thu. Ma dh'fhàilligeas an ceangal no mur fhaigh thu greim air goireasan an lìonraidh, thoir sùil air na 
roghainnean. Gus roghainnean a' cheangail bhann-leathainn mobile agad atharrachadh, tagh \"Ceanglaichean 
lìonraidh\" on chlàr-taice \"Siostam\" » \"Roghainnean\"."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:266
+msgid "Confirm Mobile Broadband Settings"
+msgstr "Dearbh roghainnean a' bhann-leathainn mobile"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:330
+msgid "Unlisted"
+msgstr "Neo-liostaichte"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:481
+msgid "_Select your plan:"
+msgstr "_Tagh am plana agad:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:505
+msgid "Selected plan _APN (Access Point Name):"
+msgstr "_APN (Access Point Name) a' phlana a thagh thu:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:525
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Selecting an incorrect plan may result in billing issues for your broadband account or may prevent 
+"If you are unsure of your plan please ask your provider for your plan's APN."
+msgstr ""
+"Rabhadh: Ma thaghas tu am plana cearr, dh'fhaoidte gun èirich duilgheadasan bileachaidh airson a' cheangail 
bhann-leathainn agad no nach urrainn dhut ceangal a dhèanamh.\n"
+"Mur eil thu cinnteach dè am plana a tha agad, iarr fiosrachadh mu APN a' phlana agad."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:532
+msgid "Choose your Billing Plan"
+msgstr "Tagh am plana bileachaidh agad."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:581
+msgid "My plan is not listed..."
+msgstr "Chan eil am plana agam air an liosta..."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:734
+msgid "Select your provider from a _list:"
+msgstr "Tagh an solaraiche aga o _liosta:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:747
+msgid "Provider"
+msgstr "Solaraiche"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:772
+msgid "I can't find my provider and I wish to enter it _manually:"
+msgstr "Chan fhaic mi an solaraiche agam 's tha mi ag iarraidh a chur a-steach de lài_mh:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:785
+msgid "Provider:"
+msgstr "Solaraiche:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:802
+msgid "My provider uses GSM technology (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA)"
+msgstr "Tha an solaraiche agam a' cleachdadh teicneolas GSM (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA)"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:804
+msgid "My provider uses CDMA technology (1xRTT, EVDO)"
+msgstr "Tha an solaraiche agam a' cleachdadh teicneolas CDMA (1xRTT, EVDO)"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:815
+msgid "Choose your Provider"
+msgstr "Tagh an solaraiche agad"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1067
+msgid "Country or Region List:"
+msgstr "Liosta dhùthchannan no roinnean-dùthcha:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1080
+msgid "Country or region"
+msgstr "Dùthaich no roinn-dùthcha"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1090
+msgid "My country is not listed"
+msgstr "Chan eil mo dhùthaich air an liosta"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1140
+msgid "Choose your Provider's Country or Region"
+msgstr "Tagh dùthaich no roinn-dùthcha an t-solaraiche agad"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1194
+msgid "Installed GSM device"
+msgstr "Uidheam GSM stàlaichte"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1197
+msgid "Installed CDMA device"
+msgstr "Uidheam CDMA  stàlaichte"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1365
+msgid "This assistant helps you easily set up a mobile broadband connection to a cellular (3G) network."
+msgstr "Bheir an cuidiche seo cobhair dhut ceangal bann-leathainn mobile a stèidheachadh ri lìonra mobile 
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1370
+msgid "You will need the following information:"
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu am fiosrachadh a leanas:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1381
+msgid "Your broadband provider's name"
+msgstr "Ainm an t-solaraiche bhann-leathainn agad."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1387
+msgid "Your broadband billing plan name"
+msgstr "Ainm a' phlana bhileachaidh airson a' bhann-leathainn mobile agad"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1393
+msgid "(in some cases) Your broadband billing plan APN (Access Point Name)"
+msgstr "(uaireannan) am plana bileachadh bann-leathainn APN (Access Point Name) agad"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1420
+msgid "Create a connection for _this mobile broadband device:"
+msgstr "Cruthaich ceangal airson _an uidheim bhann-leathainn mobile seo:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1435
+msgid "Any device"
+msgstr "Uidheam sam bith"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1448
+msgid "Set up a Mobile Broadband Connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal bann-leathainn mobile"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-mobile-wizard.c:1621
+msgid "New Mobile Broadband Connection"
+msgstr "Ceangal bann-leathainn mobile ùr"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:304
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:370
+msgid "Wired"
+msgstr "Uèirichte"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:327
+msgid "Bluetooth"
+msgstr "Bluetooth"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:329
+msgid "OLPC Mesh"
+msgstr "OLPC Mesh"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:343
+msgid "ADSL"
+msgstr "ADSL"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:405
+msgid "PCI"
+msgstr "PCI"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:407
+msgid "USB"
+msgstr "USB"
+#. Translators: the first %s is a bus name (eg, "USB") or
+#. * product name, the second is a device type (eg,
+#. * "Ethernet"). You can change this to something like
+#. * "%2$s (%1$s)" if there's no grammatical way to combine
+#. * the strings otherwise.
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:483
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-ui-utils.c:503
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "long device name"
+msgid "%s %s"
+msgstr "%s %s"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:432
+msgid "New..."
+msgstr "Ùr..."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:872
+msgctxt "Wifi/wired security"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Chan eil gin"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1043
+msgid "C_reate"
+msgstr "C_ruthaich"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1127
+#, c-format
+msgid "Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the Wi-Fi network '%s'."
+msgstr "Tha feum air faclan-faire no iuchraichean crioptachaidh mus fhaighear cothrom air an lìonra WiFi 
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1129
+msgid "Wi-Fi Network Authentication Required"
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh lìonra WiFi"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1131
+msgid "Authentication required by Wi-Fi network"
+msgstr "Tha an lìonra WiFi ag iarraidh dearbhadh"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1136
+msgid "Create New Wi-Fi Network"
+msgstr "Cruthaich lìonra WiFi ùr"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1138
+msgid "New Wi-Fi network"
+msgstr "Lìonra WiFi ùr"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1139
+msgid "Enter a name for the Wi-Fi network you wish to create."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson an lìonra WiFi a tha thu airson cruthachadh."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1141
+msgid "Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network"
+msgstr "Ceangail ri lìonra WiFi falaichte"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1143
+msgid "Hidden Wi-Fi network"
+msgstr "Lìonra WiFi falaichte"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-wifi-dialog.c:1144
+msgid "Enter the name and security details of the hidden Wi-Fi network you wish to connect to."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm agus fiosrachadh tèarainteachd an lìonraidh WiFi fhalaichte a tha thu airson 
ceangal ris."
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-vpn-password-dialog.c:97
+msgid "_Secondary Password:"
+msgstr "_Facal-faire dàrnach:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/nm-vpn-password-dialog.c:236
+msgid "Sh_ow passwords"
+msgstr "Sea_ll na faclan-faire"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/wifi.ui.h:2
+msgid "Wi-Fi _security:"
+msgstr "_Tèarainteachd WiFi:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/wifi.ui.h:4
+msgid "C_onnection:"
+msgstr "C_eangal:"
+#: ../src/libnm-gtk/wifi.ui.h:5
+msgid "Wi-Fi _adapter:"
+msgstr "_Adaptar WiFi:"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Usage:"
+msgstr "Cleachdadh:"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "This program is a component of NetworkManager (http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager)."
+msgstr "Tha am prògram seo 'na phàirt de NetworkManager (http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager)."
+#: ../src/main.c:76
+msgid "It is not intended for command-line interaction but instead runs in the GNOME desktop environment."
+msgstr "Cha deach a dhealbhadh mar eadar-obrachadh command-line ach airson a ruith air deasg GNOME."
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:56
+msgid "EVDO"
+msgstr "EVDO"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:60
+msgid "GPRS"
+msgstr "GPRS"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:62
+msgid "EDGE"
+msgstr "EDGE"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:64
+msgid "UMTS"
+msgstr "UMTS"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:66
+msgid "HSDPA"
+msgstr "HSDPA"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:68
+msgid "HSUPA"
+msgstr "HSUPA"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:70
+msgid "HSPA"
+msgstr "HSPA"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:72
+msgid "HSPA+"
+msgstr "HSPA+"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:76
+msgid "LTE"
+msgstr "LTE"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:112
+msgid "not enabled"
+msgstr "à comas"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:118
+msgid "not registered"
+msgstr "gun chlàradh"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:136
+#, c-format
+msgid "Home network (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonra-dachaigh (%s)"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:138
+#, c-format
+msgid "Home network"
+msgstr "Lìonra-dachaigh"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:146
+msgid "searching"
+msgstr "'ga lorg"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:149
+msgid "registration denied"
+msgstr "chaidh an clàradh a dhiùltadh"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:154
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (%s roaming)"
+msgstr "%s (%s air fàrsan)"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:156
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:162
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (roaming)"
+msgstr "%s (air fàrsan)"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:165
+#, c-format
+msgid "Roaming network (%s)"
+msgstr "Lìonra  air fàrsan (%s)"
+#: ../src/mb-menu-item.c:167
+#, c-format
+msgid "Roaming network"
+msgstr "Lìonra  air fàrsan"
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:317
+#, c-format
+msgid "PIN code for SIM card '%s' on '%s'"
+msgstr "Còd PIN airson na cairt SIM \"%s\" air \"%s\""
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:450
+msgid "PIN code required"
+msgstr "Tha feum air còd PIN"
+#: ../src/mobile-helpers.c:458
+msgid "PIN code is needed for the mobile broadband device"
+msgstr "Feumaidh an t-uidheam bann-leathann mobile còd PIN"
+#. The %s is a mobile provider name, eg "T-Mobile"
+#: ../src/utils/utils.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s connection"
+msgstr "ceangal %s"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method.c:438
+msgid "DER, PEM, or PKCS#12 private keys (*.der, *.pem, *.p12, *.key)"
+msgstr "Iuchraichean prìobhaideach DER, PEM no PKCS#12 (*.der, *.pem, *.p12, *.key)"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method.c:441
+msgid "DER or PEM certificates (*.der, *.pem, *.crt, *.cer)"
+msgstr "Teisteanasan DER no PEM (*.der, *.pem, *.crt, *.cer)"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.c:261
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.c:298
+msgid "GTC"
+msgstr "GTC"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.c:399
+msgid "Choose a PAC file..."
+msgstr "Tagh faidhle PAC..."
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.c:406
+msgid "PAC files (*.pac)"
+msgstr "Faidhlichean PAC  (*.pac)"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.c:410
+msgid "All files"
+msgstr "A h-uile faidhle"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:2
+msgid "Anonymous"
+msgstr "Gun urra"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:3
+msgid "Authenticated"
+msgstr "Dearbhaichte"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:4
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "An dà chuid"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:5
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:5
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.ui.h:2
+msgid "Anony_mous identity:"
+msgstr "Dearbh-aithne gun _urra"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:6
+msgid "PAC _file:"
+msgstr "_Faidhle PAC:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:7
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:8
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.ui.h:5
+msgid "_Inner authentication:"
+msgstr "_Inner Authentication:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-fast.ui.h:8
+msgid "Allow automatic PAC pro_visioning"
+msgstr "Ceadaich PAC _Provisioning fèin-obrachail"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.c:281
+#: ../src/wireless-security/wireless-security.c:416
+msgid "MD5"
+msgstr "MD5"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.c:376
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.c:462
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.c:376
+msgid "Choose a Certificate Authority certificate..."
+msgstr "Tagh teisteanas Certificate Authority..."
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:3
+msgid "Version 0"
+msgstr "Tionndadh 0"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:4
+msgid "Version 1"
+msgstr "Tionndadh 1"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:6
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:3
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.ui.h:3
+msgid "C_A certificate:"
+msgstr "Teisteanas C_A:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:7
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-ttls.ui.h:4
+msgid "No CA certificate is _required"
+msgstr "Chan eil teisteanas CA _riatanach"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-peap.ui.h:9
+msgid "PEAP _version:"
+msgstr "_Tionndadh PEAP:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-simple.ui.h:3
+msgid "As_k for this password every time"
+msgstr "Iarr a_m facal-faire seo gach turas"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.c:280
+msgid "Unencrypted private keys are insecure"
+msgstr "Chan eil iuchraichean prìobhaideach gun chrioptachadh tèarainte"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.c:283
+msgid ""
+"The selected private key does not appear to be protected by a password.  This could allow your security 
credentials to be compromised.  Please select a password-protected private key.\n"
+"(You can password-protect your private key with openssl)"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha coltas nach eil an iuchair phrìobhaideach a thagh thu fo dhìon facail-fhaire. Dh'fhaoidte gum b' 
urrainn do chuideigin briseadh a-steach air an fhiosrachadh tèarainteachd agad. Tagh iuchair phrìobhaideach a 
tha fo dhìon facail-fhaire.\n"
+"(Faodaidh tu an iuchair phrìobhaideach agad a dhìon le facal-faire le openssl)"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.c:456
+msgid "Choose your personal certificate..."
+msgstr "Tagh an teisteanas pearsanta agad..."
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.c:468
+msgid "Choose your private key..."
+msgstr "Tagh an iuchair phrìobhaideach agad..."
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:1
+msgid "I_dentity:"
+msgstr "D_earbh-aithne:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:2
+msgid "_User certificate:"
+msgstr "_Teisteanas a' chleachdaiche:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:5
+msgid "Private _key:"
+msgstr "_Iuchair phrìobhaideach"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/eap-method-tls.ui.h:6
+msgid "_Private key password:"
+msgstr "Facal-faire na h-iuchrach _phrìobhaideach"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/wireless-security.c:428
+msgid "TLS"
+msgstr "TLS"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/wireless-security.c:452
+msgid "FAST"
+msgstr "FAST"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/wireless-security.c:463
+msgid "Tunneled TLS"
+msgstr "Tunneled TLS"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/wireless-security.c:474
+msgid "Protected EAP (PEAP)"
+msgstr "Protected EAP (PEAP)"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-dynamic-wep.ui.h:2
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:9
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wpa-eap.ui.h:2
+msgid "Au_thentication:"
+msgstr "De_arbhadh:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:1
+msgid "1 (Default)"
+msgstr "1 (Bun-roghainn)"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:2
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:3
+msgid "3"
+msgstr "3"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:4
+msgid "4"
+msgstr "4"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:5
+msgid "Open System"
+msgstr "Siostam fosgailte"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:6
+msgid "Shared Key"
+msgstr "Iuchair cho-roinnte"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:7
+msgid "_Key:"
+msgstr "_Iuchair:"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:8
+msgid "Sho_w key"
+msgstr "Se_all an iuchair"
+#: ../src/wireless-security/ws-wep-key.ui.h:10
+msgid "WEP inde_x:"
+msgstr "Clàr-a_mais WEP:"
+#~ msgid "Disconnected - you are now offline"
+#~ msgstr "Chaidh crìoch a chur air a' cheangal - tha thu far loidhne a-nis"
+#~ msgid "Wireless network"
+#~ msgstr "Lìonra uèirleas"
+#~ msgid "Ethernet network"
+#~ msgstr "Lìonra Ethernet"
+#~ msgid "Modem network"
+#~ msgstr "Lìonra mòdaim"
+#~ msgid "Wired network"
+#~ msgstr "Lìonra uèir"
+#~ msgid "ad-hoc"
+#~ msgstr "ad-hoc"
+#~ msgid "secure."
+#~ msgstr "tèarainte."
+#~ msgid "WiMAX network"
+#~ msgstr "Lìonra WiMAX"
+#~ msgid "ModemManager is not running"
+#~ msgstr "Chan eil ModemManager a' ruith"
+#~ msgid "No Certificate Authority certificate chosen"
+#~ msgstr "Cha deach teisteanas Certificate Authority a thaghadh"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Not using a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate can result in "
+#~ "connections to insecure, rogue Wi-Fi networks.  Would you like to choose "
+#~ "a Certificate Authority certificate?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mur an cleachd thu teisteanas Certificate Authority (CA), dh'fhaoidte gun "
+#~ "ceanglar ri lìonraidhean WiFi neo-thèarainte is droch-rùnach. A bheil thu "
+#~ "airson teisteanas Certificate Authority a chruthachadh an-dràsta?"
+#~ msgid "Choose CA Certificate"
+#~ msgstr "Tagh teisteanas CA"
+#~ msgid "Don't _warn me again"
+#~ msgstr "Na doir dhomh _rabhadh a-rithist"
+#~ msgid "No"
+#~ msgstr "Chan eil"
+#~ msgid "Yes"
+#~ msgstr "Tha"

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