[gnome-sound-recorder] Cleanup and fix main window UI packing

commit 2168c8db9dac34e0c03d784f6a5340d093210756
Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimo endlessm com>
Date:   Thu Jan 16 16:06:30 2014 -0800

    Cleanup and fix main window UI packing
    Remove some unneeded grids and wigets, and set the correct expand flags
    so that the view resizes with the window.
    Also, remove some hardcoded style, since gnome-themes-standard has a
    stock style class to get the same visual effect.
    Signed-off-by: Meg Ford <meg387 gmail com>

 data/application.css |    8 ------
 src/mainWindow.js    |   59 +++++++++++---------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/application.css b/data/application.css
index 1c92d27..9fcb6b9 100644
--- a/data/application.css
+++ b/data/application.css
@@ -29,11 +29,3 @@
   border-right: rgba(255,255,255, 0.45) 1px solid;  
   border-radius: 0px; 
-.header .button {
-  color: rgba(255,255,255,1.0);
-  background-color: rgba(204,0,0,0.75);
-  background-image: none; 
-  border: none; 
diff --git a/src/mainWindow.js b/src/mainWindow.js
index 9a1bdd3..a6fa3ef 100644
--- a/src/mainWindow.js
+++ b/src/mainWindow.js
@@ -98,45 +98,21 @@ const MainWindow = new Lang.Class({
                                        default_width: 700,
                                        default_height: 480 });
-        grid = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
-                              halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
-                              height_request: 109,
-                              width_request: 900,
-                              border_width: 12,
-                              hexpand: true,
-                              vexpand: true });
-        grid.set_row_homogeneous(true);
-        let stackSwitcher = Gtk.StackSwitcher.new();
-        stackSwitcher.set_stack(view);
-        let header = new Gtk.HeaderBar({ hexpand: true });
-        header.set_show_close_button(true);
+        let header = new Gtk.HeaderBar({ hexpand: true,
+                                         show_close_button: true });
-        let recordToolbar = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
-                                          spacing: 0 });
-        header.pack_start(recordToolbar);
         recordButton = new RecordButton({ label: "Record",
                                           margin_bottom: 4,
                                           margin_top: 6,
                                           margin_left: 6,
                                           margin_right: 6 });
-        recordToolbar.pack_end(recordButton, false, true, 0);
-        recordToolbar.get_style_context().add_class('header');
-        recordToolbar.show();
-        recordButton.show();
+        recordButton.get_style_context().add_class('destructive-action');
+        header.pack_start(recordButton);
-        grid.add(view);
-        this._defineThemes();
-        this.add(grid);
-        grid.show_all();
+        this.add(view);
-    },
-    _defineThemes: function() {
-        let settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default();
@@ -151,9 +127,8 @@ const MainView = new Lang.Class({
                                        transition_duration: 100,
                                        visible: true });
-        let listviewPage = this._addListviewPage('listviewPage');
+        this._addListviewPage('listviewPage');
         this.labelID = null;
@@ -184,17 +159,12 @@ const MainView = new Lang.Class({
         this._record = new Record.Record(audioProfile);
-        let initialPage = new Gtk.EventBox({ hexpand: true,
-                                             vexpand: true });
         groupGrid = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
-                                   halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
-                                   valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
                                    hexpand: true,
                                    vexpand: true,
                                    row_spacing: 12,
                                    column_homogeneous: true });
-        groupGrid.add(initialPage);
         this.add_titled(groupGrid, name, "View");
@@ -277,7 +247,6 @@ const MainView = new Lang.Class({
                                          height_request: 36,
                                          width_request: 400,
                                          hexpand: true,
-                                         vexpand: true,
                                          name: "recordGrid" });
@@ -317,8 +286,7 @@ const MainView = new Lang.Class({
                                           margin_top: 6,
                                           margin_left: 6,
                                           margin_right: 6,
-                                          hexpand: true,
-                                          vexpand: true });
+                                          hexpand: true });
         stopRecord.connect("clicked", Lang.bind(this, this.onRecordStopClicked));
         this.toolbarStart.pack_start(stopRecord, true, true, 0);
         this.recordGrid.attach(this.toolbarStart, 5, 1, 1, 2);
@@ -326,12 +294,11 @@ const MainView = new Lang.Class({
     scrolledWinAdd: function() {    
         this._scrolledWin = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({ shadow_type: Gtk.ShadowType.IN,
+                                                     border_width: 12,
                                                      margin_bottom: 3,
                                                      margin_top: 5,
                                                      hexpand: true,
-                                                     vexpand: true,
-                                                     width_request: 900,
-                                                     height_request: 400 });
+                                                     vexpand: true });
         this._scrolledWin.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
         this.scrollbar = this._scrolledWin.get_vadjustment();

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