[chronojump] Big in EncoderSQL, graph.R pass encoderConf params

commit d6d275d3c63c83cbbc5ccdc476f664514bea5f75
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Feb 25 16:17:00 2014 +0100

    Big in EncoderSQL, graph.R pass encoderConf params

 diagrams/classes/encoder_classes.dia |  Bin 2059 -> 2556 bytes
 encoder/graph.R                      |  244 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 src/encoder.cs                       |   68 +++++-----
 src/gui/encoder.cs                   |   22 +--
 src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs      |   26 +++-
 src/sqlite/encoder.cs                |   74 ++++-------
 src/sqlite/main.cs                   |   47 +++++++-
 src/sqlite/oldConvert.cs             |  166 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 475 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)
diff --git a/diagrams/classes/encoder_classes.dia b/diagrams/classes/encoder_classes.dia
index a66aaa4..e6636b7 100644
Binary files a/diagrams/classes/encoder_classes.dia and b/diagrams/classes/encoder_classes.dia differ
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index ababc06..f941b74 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ print(options)
 OutputData2 = options[4] #currently used to display processing feedback
 SpecialData = options[5]
-EncoderConfiguration = ""
+EncoderConfigurationName = ""
 write("(1/5) Starting R", OutputData2)
@@ -571,7 +571,8 @@ return (propulsiveEnd)
 #eccon="c" one time each curve
 #eccon="ec" one time each curve
 #eccon="ecS" means ecSeparated. two times each curve: one for "e", one for "c"
-kinematicsF <- function(displacement, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, 
+kinematicsF <- function(displacement, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight,
                        smoothingOneEC, smoothingOneC, g, eccon, isPropulsive) {
        smoothing = 0
@@ -617,27 +618,18 @@ kinematicsF <- function(displacement, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWe
                } else if(eccon=="e") {
                        #not eccon="e" because not propulsive calculations on eccentric
                } else { #ecS
-print("WARNING ECS\n\n\n\n\n")
+                       print("WARNING ECS\n\n\n\n\n")
-       mass = getMassByEncoderConfiguration(massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight)
-       print(c("MASS: ", mass, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight))
+       dynamics = getDynamics(encoderConfigurationName,
+                       speed$y, accel$y, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight,
+                       displacement, diameter, diameterExt, inertiaMomentum, smoothing)
+       mass = dynamics$mass
+       force = dynamics$force
+       power = dynamics$power
-#      force <- mass*accel$y
-#      if(isJump)
-               force <- mass*(accel$y+g)       #g:9.81 (used when movement is against gravity)
-       power <- force*speed$y
-       #print("propulsiveEnd")
-       #print(propulsiveEnd)
        print("at kinematicsF") 
-       #print(c("mass",mass))
-       #print(c("speed$y",speed$y))
-       #print(c("accel$y",accel$y))
-       #print(c("power",power))
        if( isPropulsive && ( eccon== "c" || eccon == "ec" ) )
                return(list(speedy=speed$y[1:propulsiveEnd], accely=accel$y[1:propulsiveEnd], 
@@ -686,6 +678,7 @@ pafGenerate <- function(eccon, kinematics, massBody, massExtra) {
 kinematicRanges <- function(singleFile, displacement, curves,
                            massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight,
                            smoothingsEC, smoothingOneC, g, eccon, isPropulsive) {
        maxSpeedy=0; maxAccely=0; maxForce=0; maxPower=0
@@ -693,16 +686,34 @@ kinematicRanges <- function(singleFile, displacement, curves,
        for(i in 1:n) { 
                myMassBody = massBody
                myMassExtra = massExtra
-               #mySmoothingOne = smoothingOne
                myExPercentBodyWeight = exercisePercentBodyWeight
+               #encoderConfiguration
+               myEncoderConfigurationName = EncoderConfigurationName
+               myDiameter = diameter
+               myDiameterExt = diameterExt
+               myAnglePush = anglePush
+               myAngleWeight = angleWeight
+               myInertiaMomentum = inertiaMomentum
+               myGearedDown = gearedDown
                if(! singleFile) {
                        myMassBody = curves[i,5]
                        myMassExtra = curves[i,6]
                        myEccon = curves[i,8]
                        myExPercentBodyWeight = curves[i,10]
+                       #encoderConfiguration
+                       myEncoderConfigurationName = curves[i,11]
+                       myDiameter = curves[i,12]
+                       myDiameterExt = curves[i,13]
+                       myAnglePush = curves[i,14]
+                       myAngleWeight = curves[i,15]
+                       myInertiaMomentum = curves[i,16]
+                       myGearedDown = curves[i,17]
                               myMassBody, myMassExtra, myExPercentBodyWeight,
                               smoothingsEC[i], smoothingOneC, g, myEccon, isPropulsive)
                if(max(abs(kn$speedy)) > maxSpeedy)
@@ -724,6 +735,7 @@ kinematicRanges <- function(singleFile, displacement, curves,
 paint <- function(displacement, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose, highlight,
        startX, startH, smoothingOneEC, smoothingOneC, massBody, massExtra, 
+       encoderConfigurationName,diameter,diameterExt,anglePush,angleWeight,inertiaMomentum,gearedDown, 
#encoderConfiguration stuff
        title, subtitle, draw, showLabels, marShrink, showAxes, legend,
        Analysis, isPropulsive, inertialType, exercisePercentBodyWeight,
         showSpeed, showAccel, showForce, showPower     
@@ -998,12 +1010,17 @@ paint <- function(displacement, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose,
                #mtext(text=paste("max accel:",round(max(accel$y),3)),side=3,at=which(accel$y == 
-       mass = getMassByEncoderConfiguration(massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight)
+       dynamics = getDynamics(encoderConfigurationName,
+                       speed$y, accel$y, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight,
+                       displacement, diameter, diameterExt, inertiaMomentum, smoothing)
+       mass = dynamics$mass
+       force = dynamics$force
+       power = dynamics$power
 #print(c(knRanges$accely, max(accel$y), min(accel$y)))
 #      force <- mass*accel$y
 #      if(isJump)
-               force <- mass*(accel$y+g)       #g:9.81 (used when movement is against gravity)
+#              force <- mass*(accel$y+g)       #g:9.81 (used when movement is against gravity)
@@ -1060,21 +1077,21 @@ paint <- function(displacement, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose,
-       power = NULL
+       #power = NULL
-       if(inertialType == "li" || inertialType == "ri") {
+       #if(inertialType == "li" || inertialType == "ri") {
                #Explanation rotatory encoder on inertial machine
                #speed$y comes in mm/ms, is the same than m/s
                #speedw in meters:
-               speedw <- speed$y / diameter #m radius
+        #      speedw <- speed$y / diameter #m radius
                #accel$y comes in meters
                #accelw in meters:
-               accelw <- accel$y / diameter
+       #       accelw <- accel$y / diameter
                #power = power to the inertial machine (rotatory disc) + power to the displaced body mass 
                #power = ( inertia momentum * angular acceleration * angular velocity ) + mass(includes extra 
weight if any) * accel$y * speed$y  
                #abs(speedw) because disc is rolling in the same direction and we don't have to make power to 
change it
-               power <- inertiaMomentum * accelw * speedw + mass * (accel$y +g) * speed$y
+       #       power <- inertiaMomentum * accelw * speedw + mass * (accel$y +g) * speed$y
                #print("at Paint")      
@@ -1083,9 +1100,9 @@ paint <- function(displacement, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose,
-       }
-       else #(inertialType == "")
-               power <- force*speed$y
+       #}
+       #else #(inertialType == "")
+       #       power <- force*speed$y
@@ -1679,7 +1696,7 @@ find.yrange <- function(singleFile, displacement, curves) {
 #in signals and curves, need to do conversions (invert, inertiaMomentum, diameter)
 #we use 'data' variable because can be position or displacement
-getDisplacement <- function(data, diameter, diameterExt) {
+getDisplacement <- function(encoderConfigurationName, data, diameter, diameterExt) {
        #no change
@@ -1687,15 +1704,15 @@ getDisplacement <- function(data, diameter, diameterExt) {
-       if(EncoderConfiguration == "LINEARINVERTED") {
+       if(encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARINVERTED") {
                data = -data
-       } else if(EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYONLINEARENCODER") {
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYONLINEARENCODER") {
                #default is: gearedDowniplication = 2. Future maybe this will be a parameter
                data = data *2
-       } else if(EncoderConfiguration == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXIS") {
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXIS") {
                data = data * diameter / diameterExt
-       } else if(EncoderConfiguration == "ROTARYAXIS" || 
-                 EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYAXIS") {
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXIS" || 
+                 encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYAXIS") {
                ticksRotaryEncoder = 200 #our rotary axis encoder send 200 ticks by turn
                #diameter m -> mm
                data = ( data / ticksRotaryEncoder ) * 2 * pi * ( diameter * 1000 / 2 )
@@ -1704,12 +1721,12 @@ getDisplacement <- function(data, diameter, diameterExt) {
 getSpeed <- function(displacement, smoothing) {
-       #no change depending on EncoderConfiguration
+       #no change affected by encoderConfiguration
        return (smooth.spline( 1:length(displacement), displacement, spar=smoothing))
 getAcceleration <- function(speed) {
-       #no change depending on EncoderConfiguration
+       #no change affected by encoderConfiguration
        return (predict( speed, deriv=1 ))
@@ -1728,23 +1745,23 @@ getMassBodyByExercise <- function(mass.body, exercisePercentBodyWeight) {
        return (mass.body * exercisePercentBodyWeight / 100.0)
-getMassByEncoderConfiguration <- function(mass.body, mass.extra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight)
+getMassByEncoderConfiguration <- function(encoderConfigurationName, mass.body, mass.extra, 
exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, anglePush, angleWeight)
        mass.body = getMassBodyByExercise(mass.body,exercisePercentBodyWeight)
-          EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON1" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON1INV" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON2" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON2INV" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYFRICTION" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYAXIS" ) 
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON1" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON1INV" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON2" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYLINEARONPERSON2INV" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYFRICTION" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "WEIGHTEDMOVPULLEYROTARYAXIS" ) 
                mass.extra = getMass(mass.extra, gearedDown, anglePush)
-       } else if(EncoderConfiguration == "LINEARONPLANE") {
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARONPLANE") {
                mass.body = getMass(mass.body, gearedDown, anglePush)
                mass.extra = getMass(mass.extra, gearedDown, anglePush)
-       } else if(EncoderConfiguration == "LINEARONPLANEWEIGHTDIFFANGLE") {
+       } else if(encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARONPLANEWEIGHTDIFFANGLE") {
                mass.body = getMass(mass.body, gearedDown, anglePush)
                mass.extra = getMass(mass.extra, gearedDown, angleWeight)
@@ -1753,10 +1770,25 @@ getMassByEncoderConfiguration <- function(mass.body, mass.extra, exercisePercent
        return (mass)
-#mass extra can be connected to body or connected to a pulley depending on EncoderConfiguration
-getDynamics <- function(speed, accel, mass.body, mass.extra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight) 
+getDynamics <- function(encoderConfigurationName,
+                       speed, accel, massBody, massExtra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, anglePush, 
+                       displacement, diameter, diameterExt, inertiaMomentum, smoothing)
-       mass = getMassByEncoderConfiguration (mass.body, mass.extra, exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, 
anglePush, angleWeight)
+       if(encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARINERTIAL" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXISINERTIAL" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXISINERTIAL") 
+       {
+               return (getDynamicsInertial(encoderConfigurationName, displacement, diameter, diameterExt, 
inertiaMomentum, smoothing))
+       } else {
+               return (getDynamicsNotInertial (encoderConfigurationName, speed, accel, massBody, massExtra, 
exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, anglePush, angleWeight))
+       }
+#mass extra can be connected to body or connected to a pulley depending on encoderConfiguration
+getDynamicsNotInertial <- function(encoderConfigurationName, speed, accel, mass.body, mass.extra, 
exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, anglePush, angleWeight) 
+       mass = getMassByEncoderConfiguration (encoderConfigurationName, mass.body, mass.extra, 
exercisePercentBodyWeight, gearedDown, anglePush, angleWeight)
        force <- mass*(accel+g) #g:9.81 (used when movement is against gravity)
@@ -1783,9 +1815,9 @@ getDynamics <- function(speed, accel, mass.body, mass.extra, exercisePercentBody
 #  ROTARYFRICTIONAXISINERTIAL Rotary friction encoder connected to inertial machine on the axis
 #  ROTARYAXISINERTIAL Rotary axis encoder  connected to inertial machine on the axis
-getDynamicsInertial <- function(displacement, d, D, mass, inertiaMomentum, smoothing)
+getDynamicsInertial <- function(encoderConfigurationName, displacement, d, D, mass, inertiaMomentum, 
-       if(EncoderConfiguration == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL")
+       if(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL")
                angle = displacement * 2 / D #displacement of the disc
                displacement = displacement * d / D #displacement of the axis
@@ -1793,9 +1825,9 @@ getDynamicsInertial <- function(displacement, d, D, mass, inertiaMomentum, smoot
        position = abs(cumsum(displacement)) / 1000 #mm -> m
-       if(EncoderConfiguration == "LINEARINERTIAL" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL" ||
-          EncoderConfiguration == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXISINERTIAL") {
+       if(encoderConfigurationName == "LINEARINERTIAL" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONSIDEINERTIAL" ||
+          encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYFRICTIONAXISINERTIAL") {
                speed = getSpeed(displacement, smoothing)
                accel = getAcceleration(speed)
@@ -1807,7 +1839,7 @@ getDynamicsInertial <- function(displacement, d, D, mass, inertiaMomentum, smoot
                angleSpeed = speed * 2 / d
                angleAccel = accel * 2 / d
        } else {
-               #(EncoderConfiguration == "ROTARYAXISINERTIAL")
+               #(encoderConfigurationName == "ROTARYAXISINERTIAL")
                ticksRotaryEncoder = 200 #our rotary axis encoder send 200 ticks by turn
                angle = abs(cumsum(displacement)) * 2 * pi / ticksRotaryEncoder
@@ -1825,7 +1857,7 @@ getDynamicsInertial <- function(displacement, d, D, mass, inertiaMomentum, smoot
        force = abs(inertiaMomentum * angleAccel) * (2 / d) + mass(accel + g)
        power = abs((inertiaMomentum * angleAccel) * angleSpeed) + mass(accel + g) * speed
-       return(list(displacement=displacement, position=position, mass=mass, force=force, power=power))
+       return(list(displacement=displacement, mass=mass, force=force, power=power))
 #-------------- end of EncoderConfiguration conversions -------------------------
@@ -1879,12 +1911,13 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
-       EncoderConfiguration=   options[14]     #just the name of the EncoderConfiguration      
+       #TODO: all this have to be applicable also on ! singleFILE
+       EncoderConfigurationName=       options[14]     #just the name of the EncoderConfiguration      
        diameter=       as.numeric(options[15]) #in meters, eg: 0.0175
        diameterExt=    as.numeric(options[16]) #in meters, eg: 0.0175
        anglePush =     options[17]
        angleWeight =   options[18]
-       inertiaMomentum=as.numeric(options[19])/10000   #comes in Kg*cm^2 eg: 100; convert it to Kg*m^2 eg: 
+       inertiaMomentum=as.numeric(options[19])/10000.0 #comes in Kg*cm^2 eg: 100; convert it to Kg*m^2 eg: 
        gearedDown =    options[20]
@@ -1977,9 +2010,13 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                count = 1
                start = NULL; end = NULL; startH = NULL
                status = NULL; id = NULL; exerciseName = NULL; massBody = NULL; massExtra = NULL
-               smooth = NULL ; dateTime = NULL; myEccon = NULL; curvesHeight = NULL
+               dateTime = NULL; myEccon = NULL; curvesHeight = NULL
                seriesName = NULL; percentBodyWeight = NULL;
+               #encoderConfiguration
+               econfName = NULL; econfd = NULL; econfD = NULL; econfAnglePush = NULL; econfAngleWeight = 
+               econfInertia = NULL; econfGearedDown = NULL;
                countLines=1; #useful to know the correct ids of active curves
                for(i in 1:length(inputMultiData[,1])) { 
@@ -1997,7 +2034,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                        #this removes all NAs on a curve
                        dataTempFile  = dataTempFile[!is.na(dataTempFile)]
-                       dataTempFile = getDisplacement(dataTempFile, diameter, diameterExt)
+                       dataTempFile = getDisplacement(inputMultiData$econfName[i], dataTempFile, diameter, 
                        processTimes = 1
@@ -2033,6 +2070,15 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                                dateTime[(i+newLines)] = as.vector(inputMultiData$dateTime[i])
                                percentBodyWeight[(i+newLines)] = 
+                               #also encoder configuration stuff
+                               econfName[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfName[i]
+                               econfd[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfd[i]
+                               econfD[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfD[i]
+                               econfAnglePush[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfAnglePush[i]
+                               econfAngleWeight[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfAngleWeight[i]
+                               econfInertia[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfInertia[i]
+                               econfGearedDown[(i+newLines)] = inputMultiData$econfGearedDown[i]
                                curvesHeight[(i+newLines)] = sum(dataTempPhase)
@@ -2061,7 +2107,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
-               #curves = 
+               #curves = 
                #this is a problem when there's only one row as seen by the R code of data.frame. ?data.frame:
                #"If row names are supplied of length one and the data frame has a
                #single row, the ‘row.names’ is taken to specify the row names and
@@ -2071,10 +2117,12 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                if(length(id)==1) {
                        curves = data.frame(start,end,startH,exerciseName,massBody,massExtra,
                } else {
                        curves = data.frame(id,start,end,startH,exerciseName,massBody,massExtra,
@@ -2093,7 +2141,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                #this removes all NAs
                displacement  = displacement[!is.na(displacement)]
-               displacement = getDisplacement(displacement, diameter, diameterExt)
+               displacement = getDisplacement(EncoderConfigurationName, displacement, diameter, diameterExt)
                if(length(displacement)==0) {
@@ -2103,8 +2151,8 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
-               if(inertialType == "ri") 
-                       displacement = fixRawdataInertial(displacement)
+               #if(inertialType == "ri") 
+               #       displacement = fixRawdataInertial(displacement)
                curves=findCurves(displacement, Eccon, MinHeight, curvesPlot, Title)
@@ -2178,17 +2226,33 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                if(Jump>0) {
                        myMassBody = MassBody
                        myMassExtra = MassExtra
-                       #mySmoothingOne = SmoothingOne
                        myEccon = Eccon
                        myStart = curves[Jump,1]
                        myEnd = curves[Jump,2]
                        myExPercentBodyWeight = ExercisePercentBodyWeight
+                       #encoderConfiguration
+                       myEncoderConfigurationName = EncoderConfigurationName
+                       myDiameter = diameter
+                       myDiameterExt = diameterExt
+                       myAnglePush = anglePush
+                       myAngleWeight = angleWeight
+                       myInertiaMomentum = inertiaMomentum
+                       myGearedDown = gearedDown
                        if(! singleFile) {
                                myMassBody = curves[Jump,5]
                                myMassExtra = curves[Jump,6]
-                               #mySmoothingOne = curves[Jump,7]
                                myEccon = curves[Jump,8]
                                myExPercentBodyWeight = curves[Jump,10]
+                               #encoderConfiguration
+                               myEncoderConfigurationName = curves[Jump,11]
+                               myDiameter = curves[Jump,12]
+                               myDiameterExt = curves[Jump,13]
+                               myAnglePush = curves[Jump,14]
+                               myAngleWeight = curves[Jump,15]
+                               myInertiaMomentum = curves[Jump,16]
+                               myGearedDown = curves[Jump,17]
                        myCurveStr = paste("curve=", Jump, ", ", myMassExtra, "Kg", sep="")
@@ -2201,6 +2265,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                        paint(displacement, myEccon, myStart, myEnd,"undefined","undefined",FALSE,FALSE,
                              paste(Title, " ", Analysis, " ", myEccon, " ", myCurveStr, sep=""),
                              "", #subtitle
                              TRUE,     #draw
@@ -2226,21 +2291,38 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                #if !singleFile kinematicRanges takes the 'curves' values
                knRanges=kinematicRanges(singleFile, displacement, curves, 
                                         MassBody, MassExtra, ExercisePercentBodyWeight, 
                                         SmoothingsEC, SmoothingOneC, 
                                         g, Eccon, isPropulsive)
                for(i in 1:n) {
                        myMassBody = MassBody
                        myMassExtra = MassExtra
-                       #mySmoothingOne = SmoothingOne
                        myEccon = Eccon
                        myExPercentBodyWeight = ExercisePercentBodyWeight
+                       #encoderConfiguration
+                       myEncoderConfigurationName = EncoderConfigurationName
+                       myDiameter = diameter
+                       myDiameterExt = diameterExt
+                       myAnglePush = anglePush
+                       myAngleWeight = angleWeight
+                       myInertiaMomentum = inertiaMomentum
+                       myGearedDown = gearedDown
                        if(! singleFile) {
                                myMassBody = curves[i,5]
                                myMassExtra = curves[i,6]
-                               #mySmoothingOne = curves[i,7]
                                myEccon = curves[i,8]
                                myExPercentBodyWeight = curves[i,10]
+                               #encoderConfiguration
+                               myEncoderConfigurationName = curves[i,11]
+                               myDiameter = curves[i,12]
+                               myDiameterExt = curves[i,13]
+                               myAnglePush = curves[i,14]
+                               myAngleWeight = curves[i,15]
+                               myInertiaMomentum = curves[i,16]
+                               myGearedDown = curves[i,17]
                        myTitle = ""
@@ -2250,7 +2332,9 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                        mySubtitle = paste("curve=", rownames(curves)[i], ", ", myMassExtra, "Kg", sep="")
                        paint(displacement, myEccon, curves[i,1],curves[i,2],yrange,knRanges,FALSE,FALSE,
+                             1,curves[i,3],SmoothingsEC[i],SmoothingOneC,myMassBody,myMassExtra,
+                             myTitle,mySubtitle,
                              TRUE,     #draw
                              FALSE,    #showLabels
                              TRUE,     #marShrink
@@ -2319,16 +2403,32 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                for(i in 1:n) { 
                        myMassBody = MassBody
                        myMassExtra = MassExtra
-                       #mySmoothingOne = SmoothingOne
                        myEccon = Eccon
                        myExPercentBodyWeight = ExercisePercentBodyWeight
+                       #encoderConfiguration
+                       myEncoderConfigurationName = EncoderConfigurationName
+                       myDiameter = diameter
+                       myDiameterExt = diameterExt
+                       myAnglePush = anglePush
+                       myAngleWeight = angleWeight
+                       myInertiaMomentum = inertiaMomentum
+                       myGearedDown = gearedDown
                        if(! singleFile) {
                                myMassBody = curves[i,5]
                                myMassExtra = curves[i,6]
-                               #mySmoothingOne = curves[i,7]
                                myEccon = curves[i,8]
                                myExPercentBodyWeight = curves[i,10]
+                               #encoderConfiguration
+                               myEncoderConfigurationName = curves[i,11]
+                               myDiameter = curves[i,12]
+                               myDiameterExt = curves[i,13]
+                               myAnglePush = curves[i,14]
+                               myAngleWeight = curves[i,15]
+                               myInertiaMomentum = curves[i,16]
+                               myGearedDown = curves[i,17]
                                #only use concentric data       
                                if( (Analysis == "1RMBadillo2010" || Analysis == "1RMAnyExercise") & myEccon 
== "e") {
                                        discardedCurves = c(i,discardedCurves)
@@ -2368,6 +2468,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                                                                 myMassBody, myMassExtra, 
                                                                 g, myEcconKn, isPropulsive),
                                                     myMassBody, myMassExtra
@@ -2500,6 +2601,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                for(i in 1:curvesNum) { 
                        kn = kinematicsF (displacement[curves[i,1]:curves[i,2]], 
                                          MassBody, MassExtra, ExercisePercentBodyWeight,
                                          SmoothingsEC[i], SmoothingOneC, g, Eccon, isPropulsive)
                        #fill with NAs in order to have the same length
diff --git a/src/encoder.cs b/src/encoder.cs
index bb319ec..0f4b61b 100644
--- a/src/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/encoder.cs
@@ -284,16 +284,15 @@ public class EncoderSQL
        public string url;
        public int time;
        public int minHeight;
-       public double smooth;   //unused on curves, since 1.3.7 it's in database
        public string description;
        public string status;   //active or inactive curves
        public string videoURL; //URL of video of signals
        //encoderConfiguration conversions
        //in signals and curves, need to do conversions (invert, inertiaMomentum, diameter)
-       public string encoderConfigurationName;
-       public int inertiaMomentum; //kg*cm^2
-       public double diameter;
+       public EncoderConfiguration encoderConfiguration;
+//     public int inertiaMomentum; //kg*cm^2
+//     public double diameter;
        public string future1;
        public string future2;
@@ -309,9 +308,9 @@ public class EncoderSQL
        public EncoderSQL (string uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, int exerciseID, 
                        string eccon, string laterality, string extraWeight, string signalOrCurve, 
-                       string filename, string url, int time, int minHeight, double smooth, 
+                       string filename, string url, int time, int minHeight, 
                        string description, string status, string videoURL, 
-                       string encoderConfigurationName, int inertiaMomentum, double diameter,
+                       EncoderConfiguration encoderConfiguration,
                        string future1, string future2, string future3, 
                        string exerciseName
@@ -328,13 +327,10 @@ public class EncoderSQL
                this.url = url;
                this.time = time;
                this.minHeight = minHeight;
-               this.smooth = smooth;
                this.description = description;
                this.status = status;
                this.videoURL = videoURL;
-               this.encoderConfigurationName = encoderConfigurationName;
-               this.inertiaMomentum = inertiaMomentum;
-               this.diameter = diameter;
+               this.encoderConfiguration = encoderConfiguration;
                this.future1 = future1;
                this.future2 = future2;
                this.future3 = future3;
@@ -379,6 +375,7 @@ public class EncoderSQL
                string [] str = new String [all];
                int i=0;
                str[i++] = uniqueID;
@@ -390,9 +387,7 @@ public class EncoderSQL
                str[i++] = exerciseName;
                str[i++] = extraWeight;
-               EncoderConfiguration econf = new EncoderConfiguration( (Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames) 
-                               Enum.Parse(typeof(Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames), 
encoderConfigurationName) ); 
-               str[i++] = econf.code.ToString();
+               str[i++] = encoderConfiguration.code.ToString();
                str[i++] = ecconLong;
                str[i++] = GetDate(true);
@@ -645,24 +640,6 @@ public class EncoderConfiguration {
                gearedDown = 1;
-       //decimalPointForR: ensure decimal is point in order to work in R
-       public string ToString(string sep, bool decimalPointForR) {
-               string str_d = "";
-               string str_D = "";
-               if(decimalPointForR) {
-                       str_d = Util.ConvertToPoint(d);
-                       str_D = Util.ConvertToPoint(D);
-               } else {
-                       str_d = d.ToString();
-                       str_D = D.ToString();
-               }
-               return 
-                       name + sep + str_d + sep + str_D + sep + 
-                       anglePush.ToString() + sep + angleWeight.ToString() + sep +
-                       inertia.ToString() + sep + gearedDown.ToString();
-       }
        /* note: if this changes, change also in:
         * UtilEncoder.EncoderConfigurationList(enum encoderType)
@@ -847,4 +824,33 @@ public class EncoderConfiguration {
                        gearedDown = 2;
+       public void FromSQL (string [] strFull) {
+               //adds other params
+               this.d =           Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(strFull[1]));
+               this.D =           Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(strFull[2]));
+               this.anglePush =   Convert.ToInt32(strFull[3]);
+               this.angleWeight = Convert.ToInt32(strFull[4]);
+               this.inertia =     Convert.ToInt32(strFull[5]);
+               this.gearedDown =  Convert.ToInt32(strFull[6]);
+       }
+       //decimalPointForR: ensure decimal is point in order to work in R
+       public string ToString(string sep, bool decimalPointForR) {
+               string str_d = "";
+               string str_D = "";
+               if(decimalPointForR) {
+                       str_d = Util.ConvertToPoint(d);
+                       str_D = Util.ConvertToPoint(D);
+               } else {
+                       str_d = d.ToString();
+                       str_D = D.ToString();
+               }
+               return 
+                       name + sep + str_d + sep + str_D + sep + 
+                       anglePush.ToString() + sep + angleWeight.ToString() + sep +
+                       inertia.ToString() + sep + gearedDown.ToString();
+       }
diff --git a/src/gui/encoder.cs b/src/gui/encoder.cs
index c75b4f7..f3fda7f 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoder.cs
@@ -667,12 +667,9 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                "",     //path,                 //url
                                (int) encoderCaptureOptionsWin.spin_encoder_capture_time.Value, 
                                (int) encoderCaptureOptionsWin.spin_encoder_capture_min_height.Value, 
-                               -1,             //Since 1.3.7 smooth is not stored in curves
                                "",             //desc,
                                "","",          //status, videoURL
-                               encoderConfigurationCurrent.name.ToString(),
-                               encoderConfigurationCurrent.inertia,
-                               encoderConfigurationCurrent.d,
+                               encoderConfigurationCurrent,
                                "","","",       //future1, 2, 3
                                Util.FindOnArray(':', 2, 1, UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_encoder_exercise), 
                                        encoderExercisesTranslationAndBodyPWeight)      //exerciseName 
@@ -1173,10 +1170,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                encoderSignalUniqueID = eSQL.uniqueID;
                                button_video_play_this_test_encoder.Sensitive = (eSQL.videoURL != "");
-                               encoderConfigurationCurrent = new EncoderConfiguration( 
-                                               Enum.Parse(typeof(Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames), 
eSQL.encoderConfigurationName) );
-                               encoderConfigurationCurrent.d = eSQL.diameter;
-                               encoderConfigurationCurrent.inertia = eSQL.inertiaMomentum;
+                               encoderConfigurationCurrent = eSQL.encoderConfiguration;
                                label_encoder_selected.Text = encoderConfigurationCurrent.code; 
@@ -1604,9 +1598,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                eSQL.url = path;
                eSQL.description = desc;
-               eSQL.encoderConfigurationName = encoderConfigurationCurrent.name.ToString();
-               eSQL.inertiaMomentum = encoderConfigurationCurrent.inertia;
-               eSQL.diameter = encoderConfigurationCurrent.d;
+               eSQL.encoderConfiguration = encoderConfigurationCurrent;
                //if is a signal that we just loaded, then don't insert, do an update
@@ -2175,7 +2167,8 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                        //create dataFileName
                        TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(dataFileName);
+                                       "econfName, econfd, econfD, econfAnglePush, econfAngleWeight, 
econfInertia, econfGearedDown");
                        ArrayList eeArray = SqliteEncoder.SelectEncoderExercises(false, -1, false);
                        EncoderExercise ex = new EncoderExercise();
@@ -2241,10 +2234,11 @@ Log.WriteLine(str);
                                writer.WriteLine(eSQL.status + "," + seriesName + "," + ex.name + "," +
                                                Util.ConvertToPoint(iteratingMassBody).ToString() + "," + 
                                                Util.ConvertToPoint(Convert.ToDouble(eSQL.extraWeight)) + "," 
-                                               Util.ConvertToPoint(eSQL.smooth) + "," + eSQL.GetDate(true) + 
"," + 
+                                               eSQL.GetDate(true) + "," + 
                                                fullURL + "," + 
                                                eSQL.eccon + "," +      //this is the eccon of every curve
-                                               ex.percentBodyWeight.ToString()
+                                               ex.percentBodyWeight.ToString() + "," +
+                                               eSQL.encoderConfiguration.ToString(",",true)
                                countSeries ++;
diff --git a/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs b/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs
index 36da3ae..b809aa4 100644
--- a/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs
+++ b/src/gui/encoderConfiguration.cs
@@ -197,11 +197,27 @@ public class EncoderConfigurationWindow {
        public EncoderConfiguration GetAcceptedValues() 
                EncoderConfiguration ec = (EncoderConfiguration) list[listCurrent];
-               ec.d = (double) spin_d.Value; 
-               ec.D = (double) spin_D.Value; 
-               ec.anglePush = (int) spin_angle_push.Value; 
-               ec.angleWeight = (int) spin_angle_weight.Value; 
-               ec.inertia = (int) spin_inertia.Value; 
+               ec.d = -1;
+               ec.D = -1;
+               ec.anglePush = -1;
+               ec.angleWeight = -1;
+               ec.inertia = -1;
+               if(ec.has_d)
+                       ec.d = (double) spin_d.Value; 
+               if(ec.has_D)
+                       ec.D = (double) spin_D.Value; 
+               if(ec.has_angle_push)
+                       ec.anglePush = (int) spin_angle_push.Value; 
+               if(ec.has_angle_weight)
+                       ec.angleWeight = (int) spin_angle_weight.Value; 
+               if(ec.has_inertia)
+                       ec.inertia = (int) spin_inertia.Value; 
                return ec;
diff --git a/src/sqlite/encoder.cs b/src/sqlite/encoder.cs
index 3a83d0e..45b3562 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/encoder.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/encoder.cs
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class SqliteEncoder : Sqlite
        protected internal static void createTableEncoder()
-               /* old
                dbcmd.CommandText = 
                        "CREATE TABLE " + Constants.EncoderTable + " ( " +
                        "uniqueID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " +
@@ -53,34 +52,10 @@ class SqliteEncoder : Sqlite
                        "url TEXT, " +
                        "time INT, " +
                        "minHeight INT, " +
-                       "smooth FLOAT, " +      //unused. since 1.3.7 is on preferences
-                       "description TEXT, " +
-                       "future1 TEXT, " +      //works as status: "active", "inactive"
-                       "future2 TEXT, " +      //URL of video of signals
-                       "future3 TEXT )";       //Constants.EncoderSignalMode (only on signals) (add "-0.01" 
for inertia momentum)
-               dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
-               */
-               dbcmd.CommandText = 
-                       "CREATE TABLE " + Constants.EncoderTable + " ( " +
-                       "uniqueID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " +
-                       "personID INT, " +
-                       "sessionID INT, " +
-                       "exerciseID INT, " +
-                       "eccon TEXT, " +        //"c" or "ec"
-                       "laterality TEXT, " +   //"left" "right" "both"
-                       "extraWeight TEXT, " +  //string because can contain "33%" or "50Kg"
-                       "signalOrCurve TEXT, " + //"signal" or "curve"
-                       "filename TEXT, " +
-                       "url TEXT, " +
-                       "time INT, " +
-                       "minHeight INT, " +
-                       "smooth FLOAT, " +      //unused. since 1.3.7 is on preferences
                        "description TEXT, " +
                        "status TEXT, " +       //"active", "inactive"
                        "videoURL TEXT, " +     //URL of video of signals
-                       "mode TEXT, " +         //Constants.EncoderSignalMode (signals, and curves)
-                       "inertiaMomentum INT, " +       //signals and curves
-                       "diameter FLOAT, " +            //signals and curves
+                       "encoderConfiguration TEXT, " + //text separated by ':'
                        "future1 TEXT, " + 
                        "future2 TEXT, " + 
                        "future3 TEXT )";
@@ -101,19 +76,17 @@ class SqliteEncoder : Sqlite
                dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.EncoderTable +  
                        " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, exerciseID, eccon, laterality, extraWeight, " + 
-                       "signalOrCurve, filename, url, time, minHeight, smooth, description, status, " +
-                       "videoURL, mode, inertiaMomentum, diameter, future1, future2, future3)" +
+                       "signalOrCurve, filename, url, time, minHeight, description, status, " +
+                       "videoURL, encoderConfiguration, future1, future2, future3)" +
                        " VALUES (" + es.uniqueID + ", " +
                        es.personID + ", " + es.sessionID + ", " +
                        es.exerciseID + ", '" + es.eccon + "', '" +
                        es.laterality + "', '" + es.extraWeight + "', '" +
                        es.signalOrCurve + "', '" + es.filename + "', '" +
-                       es.url + "', " + es.time + ", " + es.minHeight + ", " +
-                       Util.ConvertToPoint(es.smooth) + ", '" + es.description + 
-                       "', 'active', '" + es.videoURL + "', '" + es.encoderConfigurationName + "', " + 
-                       es.inertiaMomentum + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(es.diameter) + ", '" +
-                       es.future1 + "', '" + es.future2 + "', '" +
-                       es.future3 + "')";
+                       es.url + "', " + es.time + ", " + es.minHeight + ", '" + es.description + 
+                       "', '" + es.status + "', '" + es.videoURL + "', '" + 
+                       es.encoderConfiguration.ToString(":",true) + "', '" + 
+                       es.future1 + "', '" + es.future2 + "', '" + es.future3 + "')";
@@ -149,14 +122,11 @@ class SqliteEncoder : Sqlite
                                "', url = '" + es.url +
                                "', time = " + es.time +
                                ", minHeight = " + es.minHeight +
-                               ", smooth = " + Util.ConvertToPoint(es.smooth) +        //unused. in 1.3.7 is 
on preferences
                                ", description = '" + es.description + 
                                "', status = '" + es.status + 
                                "', videoURL = '" + es.videoURL + 
-                               "', mode = '" + es.encoderConfigurationName + 
-                               "', inertiaMomentum = " + es.inertiaMomentum + 
-                               ", diameter = " + Util.ConvertToPoint(es.diameter) + 
-                               ", future1 = '" + es.future1 + 
+                               "', encoderConfiguration = '" + es.encoderConfiguration.ToString(":",true) + 
+                               "', future1 = '" + es.future1 + 
                                "', future2 = '" + es.future2 + 
                                "', future3 = '" + es.future3 + 
                                "' WHERE uniqueID == " + es.uniqueID ;
@@ -225,6 +195,13 @@ class SqliteEncoder : Sqlite
                EncoderSQL es = new EncoderSQL();
                while(reader.Read()) {
+                       string [] strFull = reader[15].ToString().Split(new char[] {':'});
+                       EncoderConfiguration econf = new EncoderConfiguration(
+                               (Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames) 
+                               Enum.Parse(typeof(Constants.EncoderConfigurationNames), strFull[0]) );
+                       econf.FromSQL(strFull);
+                       Log.WriteLine(econf.ToString(":", true));
                        es = new EncoderSQL (
                                        reader[0].ToString(),                   //uniqueID
                                        Convert.ToInt32(reader[1].ToString()),  //personID      
@@ -238,17 +215,14 @@ class SqliteEncoder : Sqlite
                                        reader[9].ToString(),                   //url
                                        Convert.ToInt32(reader[10].ToString()), //time
                                        Convert.ToInt32(reader[11].ToString()), //minHeight
-                                       Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[12].ToString())), 
//smooth UNUSED
-                                       reader[13].ToString(),                  //description
-                                       reader[14].ToString(),                  //status
-                                       reader[15].ToString(),                  //videoURL
-                                       reader[16].ToString(),                  //encoderConfigurationName
-                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[17].ToString()), //inertiaMomentum
-                                       Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[18].ToString())), 
-                                       reader[19].ToString(),                  //future1
-                                       reader[20].ToString(),                  //future2
-                                       reader[21].ToString(),                  //future3
-                                       reader[22].ToString()                   //EncoderExercise.name
+                                       reader[12].ToString(),                  //description
+                                       reader[13].ToString(),                  //status
+                                       reader[14].ToString(),                  //videoURL
+                                       econf,                                  //encoderConfiguration
+                                       reader[16].ToString(),                  //future1
+                                       reader[17].ToString(),                  //future2
+                                       reader[18].ToString(),                  //future3
+                                       reader[19].ToString()                   //EncoderExercise.name
                        array.Add (es);
diff --git a/src/sqlite/main.cs b/src/sqlite/main.cs
index 6fa818d..aaacbcc 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/main.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/main.cs
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class Sqlite
         * Important, change this if there's any update to database
         * Important2: if database version get numbers higher than 1, check if the comparisons with 
currentVersion works ok
-       static string lastChronojumpDatabaseVersion = "1.03";
+       static string lastChronojumpDatabaseVersion = "1.04";
        public Sqlite() {
@@ -1427,6 +1427,50 @@ class Sqlite
                                currentVersion = "1.03";
+                       if(currentVersion == "1.03") {
+                               dbcon.Open();
+                               ArrayList array = 
+                               conversionRateTotal = array.Count;
+                               dropTable(Constants.EncoderTable);
+                               SqliteEncoder.createTableEncoder();
+                               //in this conversion put this as default for all SQL rows
+                               EncoderConfiguration econf = new EncoderConfiguration();
+                               int count = 1;  
+                               foreach(EncoderSQL103 es in array) {
+                                       conversionRate = count;
+                                       //do not use SqliteEncoder.Insert because that method maybe changes 
in the future,
+                                       //and here we need to do a conversion that works from 1.03 to 1.04
+                                       dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + Constants.EncoderTable +  
+                                               " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, exerciseID, eccon, 
laterality, extraWeight, " + 
+                                               "signalOrCurve, filename, url, time, minHeight, description, 
status, " +
+                                               "videoURL, encoderConfiguration, future1, future2, future3)" +
+                                               " VALUES (" + es.uniqueID + ", " +
+                                               es.personID + ", " + es.sessionID + ", " +
+                                               es.exerciseID + ", '" + es.eccon + "', '" +
+                                               es.laterality + "', '" + es.extraWeight + "', '" +
+                                               es.signalOrCurve + "', '" + es.filename + "', '" +
+                                               es.url + "', " + es.time + ", " + es.minHeight + ", '" + 
es.description + "', '" + 
+                                               es.status + "', '" + es.videoURL + "', '" + 
+                                               econf.ToString(":", true) + "', '" + //in this conversion put 
this as default for all SQL rows
+                                               es.future1 + "', '" + es.future2 + "', '" + es.future3 + "')";
+                                       Log.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+                                       dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
+                                       count ++;
+                               }       
+                               conversionRate = count;
+                               Log.WriteLine("Encoder table improved");
+                               SqlitePreferences.Update ("databaseVersion", "1.04", true); 
+                               dbcon.Close();
+                               currentVersion = "1.04";
+                       }
@@ -1568,6 +1612,7 @@ class Sqlite
                //changes [from - to - desc]
+               //1.03 - 1-04 Converted DB to 1.04 Encoder table improved
                //1.02 - 1-03 Converted DB to 1.03 Updated encoder exercise, angle is now on encoder 
                //1.01 - 1-02 Converted DB to 1.02 Added Agility Tests: Agility-T-Test, Agility-3L3R
                //1.00 - 1.01 Converted DB to 1.01 Added export to CSV configuration on preferences
diff --git a/src/sqlite/oldConvert.cs b/src/sqlite/oldConvert.cs
index 06552d1..64a693b 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/oldConvert.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/oldConvert.cs
@@ -28,6 +28,99 @@ using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
 class SqliteOldConvert : Sqlite
+       //pass uniqueID value and then will return one record. do like this:
+       //EncoderSQL eSQL = (EncoderSQL) SqliteEncoder.Select(false, myUniqueID, 0, 0, "")[0];
+       //or
+       //pass uniqueID==-1 and personID, sessionID, signalOrCurve values, and will return some records
+       //personID can be -1 to get all on that session
+       //sessionID can be -1 to get all sessions
+       //signalOrCurve can be "all"
+       public static ArrayList EncoderSelect103 (bool dbconOpened, 
+                       int uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, string signalOrCurve, bool onlyActive)
+       {
+               if(! dbconOpened)
+                       dbcon.Open();
+               string personIDStr = "";
+               if(personID != -1)
+                       personIDStr = " personID = " + personID + " AND ";
+               string sessionIDStr = "";
+               if(sessionID != -1)
+                       sessionIDStr = " sessionID = " + sessionID + " AND ";
+               string selectStr = "";
+               if(uniqueID != -1)
+                       selectStr = Constants.EncoderTable + ".uniqueID = " + uniqueID;
+               else {
+                       if(signalOrCurve == "all")
+                               selectStr = personIDStr + sessionIDStr;
+                       else
+                               selectStr = personIDStr + sessionIDStr + " signalOrCurve = '" + signalOrCurve 
+ "'";
+               }
+               string andString = "";
+               if(selectStr != "")
+                       andString = " AND ";
+               string onlyActiveString = "";
+               if(onlyActive)
+                       onlyActiveString = " AND " + Constants.EncoderTable + ".status = 'active' ";
+               dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + 
+                       Constants.EncoderTable + ".*, " + Constants.EncoderExerciseTable + ".name FROM " + 
+                       Constants.EncoderTable  + ", " + Constants.EncoderExerciseTable  + 
+                       " WHERE " + selectStr +
+                       andString + Constants.EncoderTable + ".exerciseID = " + 
+                               Constants.EncoderExerciseTable + ".uniqueID " +
+                               onlyActiveString +
+                       " ORDER BY substr(filename,-23,19)"; //this contains the date of capture signal
+               Log.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               SqliteDataReader reader;
+               reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
+               ArrayList array = new ArrayList(1);
+               EncoderSQL103 es = new EncoderSQL103();
+               while(reader.Read()) {
+                       es = new EncoderSQL103 (
+                                       reader[0].ToString(),                   //uniqueID
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[1].ToString()),  //personID      
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[2].ToString()),  //sessionID
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[3].ToString()),  //exerciseID
+                                       reader[4].ToString(),                   //eccon
+                                       reader[5].ToString(),                   //laterality
+                                       reader[6].ToString(),                   //extraWeight
+                                       reader[7].ToString(),                   //signalOrCurve
+                                       reader[8].ToString(),                   //filename
+                                       reader[9].ToString(),                   //url
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[10].ToString()), //time
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[11].ToString()), //minHeight
+                                       Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[12].ToString())), 
//smooth UNUSED
+                                       reader[13].ToString(),                  //description
+                                       reader[14].ToString(),                  //status
+                                       reader[15].ToString(),                  //videoURL
+                                       reader[16].ToString(),                  //encoderConfigurationName
+                                       Convert.ToInt32(reader[17].ToString()), //inertiaMomentum
+                                       Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[18].ToString())), 
+                                       reader[19].ToString(),                  //future1
+                                       reader[20].ToString(),                  //future2
+                                       reader[21].ToString(),                  //future3
+                                       reader[22].ToString()                   //EncoderExercise.name
+                                       );
+                       array.Add (es);
+               }
+               reader.Close();
+               if(! dbconOpened)
+                       dbcon.Close();
+               return array;
+       }
        //pass uniqueID value and then will return one record. do like this:
        //EncoderSQL eSQL = (EncoderSQL) SqliteEncoder.Select(false, myUniqueID, 0, 0, "")[0];
@@ -115,6 +208,79 @@ class SqliteOldConvert : Sqlite
+//used in DB version 1.03 and before
+public class EncoderSQL103
+       public string uniqueID;
+       public int personID;
+       public int sessionID;
+       public int exerciseID;
+       public string eccon;
+       public string laterality;
+       public string extraWeight;
+       public string signalOrCurve;
+       public string filename;
+       public string url;
+       public int time;
+       public int minHeight;
+       public double smooth;   //unused on curves, since 1.3.7 it's in database
+       public string description;
+       public string status;   //active or inactive curves
+       public string videoURL; //URL of video of signals
+       //encoderConfiguration conversions
+       //in signals and curves, need to do conversions (invert, inertiaMomentum, diameter)
+       public string encoderConfigurationName;
+       public int inertiaMomentum; //kg*cm^2
+       public double diameter;
+       public string future1;
+       public string future2;
+       public string future3;
+       public string exerciseName;
+       public EncoderSQL103 ()
+       {
+       }
+       public EncoderSQL103 (string uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, int exerciseID, 
+                       string eccon, string laterality, string extraWeight, string signalOrCurve, 
+                       string filename, string url, int time, int minHeight, double smooth, 
+                       string description, string status, string videoURL, 
+                       string encoderConfigurationName, int inertiaMomentum, double diameter,
+                       string future1, string future2, string future3, 
+                       string exerciseName
+                       )
+       {
+               this.uniqueID = uniqueID;
+               this.personID = personID;
+               this.sessionID = sessionID;
+               this.exerciseID = exerciseID;
+               this.eccon = eccon;
+               this.laterality = laterality;
+               this.extraWeight = extraWeight;
+               this.signalOrCurve = signalOrCurve;
+               this.filename = filename;
+               this.url = url;
+               this.time = time;
+               this.minHeight = minHeight;
+               this.smooth = smooth;
+               this.description = description;
+               this.status = status;
+               this.videoURL = videoURL;
+               this.encoderConfigurationName = encoderConfigurationName;
+               this.inertiaMomentum = inertiaMomentum;
+               this.diameter = diameter;
+               this.future1 = future1;
+               this.future2 = future2;
+               this.future3 = future3;
+               this.exerciseName = exerciseName;
+       }
 //used in DB version 0.98 and before
 public class EncoderSQL098

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