[tracker/functional-test-fixes-bug-696172: 6/8] functional-tests: Don't require miner-fs being idle for testing data inserted

commit 7d4668939e99390b9f2575b7935194700877f655
Author: Martin Kampas <martin kampas+gnomebugs ubedi net>
Date:   Mon Feb 24 16:16:25 2014 +0000

    functional-tests: Don't require miner-fs being idle for testing data inserted
    In many test cases the tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle() call is used to detect
    miner operation has completed. It returns when miner's status changes to
    "Idle" (or on timeout). Unfortunately at the time miner goes idle it is not
    guaranteed the data are already in store - and the related test fails.
    The test case 301-miner-resource-removal.py does it a better way - it listens
    to GraphUpdated signal sent by store and waits until the desired resource is
    announced being added or removed.
    There is comment inside 301-miner-resource-removal.py: "FIXME: put this stuff
    in StoreHelper". This patch is to follow that comment.
    Needed by tracker-tests-310-fts-indexing-use-graph-updated-signal.patch.

 .../functional-tests/301-miner-resource-removal.py |  178 +-------------------
 tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py     |  168 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/301-miner-resource-removal.py 
index cf0af78..edf48b8 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/301-miner-resource-removal.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/301-miner-resource-removal.py
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ CONF_OPTIONS = [
 class MinerResourceRemovalTest (ut.TestCase):
-    graph_updated_handler_id = 0
     # Use the same instances of store and miner-fs for the whole test suite,
     # because they take so long to do first-time init.
@@ -81,175 +80,16 @@ class MinerResourceRemovalTest (ut.TestCase):
     def tearDownClass (self):
-        self.store.bus._clean_up_signal_match (self.graph_updated_handler_id)
         self.miner_fs.stop ()
         self.extractor.stop ()
         self.store.stop ()
     def setUp (self):
-        self.inserts_list = []
-        self.deletes_list = []
-        self.inserts_match_function = None
-        self.deletes_match_function = None
-        self.match_timed_out = False
-        self.graph_updated_handler_id = self.store.bus.add_signal_receiver (self._graph_updated_cb,
-                                                                            signal_name = "GraphUpdated",
-                                                                            path = 
-                                                                            dbus_interface = 
+        self.store.reset_graph_updates_tracking ()
     def tearDown (self):
         self.system.unset_up_environment ()
-    # A system to follow GraphUpdated and make sure all changes are tracked.
-    # This code saves every change notification received, and exposes methods
-    # to await insertion or deletion of a certain resource which first check
-    # the list of events already received and wait for more if the event has
-    # not yet happened.
-    #
-    # FIXME: put this stuff in StoreHelper
-    def _timeout_cb (self):
-        self.match_timed_out = True
-        self.store.loop.quit ()
-        # Don't fail here, exceptions don't get propagated correctly
-        # from the GMainLoop
-    def _graph_updated_cb (self, class_name, deletes_list, inserts_list):
-        """
-        Process notifications from tracker-store on resource changes.
-        """
-        matched = False
-        if inserts_list is not None:
-            if self.inserts_match_function is not None:
-                # The match function will remove matched entries from the list
-                (matched, inserts_list) = self.inserts_match_function (inserts_list)
-            self.inserts_list += inserts_list
-        if deletes_list is not None:
-            if self.deletes_match_function is not None:
-                (matched, deletes_list) = self.deletes_match_function (deletes_list)
-            self.deletes_list += deletes_list
-    def await_resource_inserted (self, rdf_class, url = None, title = None):
-        """
-        Block until a resource matching the parameters becomes available
-        """
-        assert (self.inserts_match_function == None)
-        def match_cb (inserts_list, in_main_loop = True):
-            matched = False
-            filtered_list = []
-            known_subjects = set ()
-            #print "Got inserts: ", inserts_list, "\n"
-            # FIXME: this could be done in an easier way: build one query that filters
-            # based on every subject id in inserts_list, and returns the id of the one
-            # that matched :)
-            for insert in inserts_list:
-                id = insert[1]
-                if not matched and id not in known_subjects:
-                    known_subjects.add (id)
-                    where = "  ?urn a %s " % rdf_class
-                    if url is not None:
-                        where += "; nie:url \"%s\"" % url
-                    if title is not None:
-                        where += "; nie:title \"%s\"" % title
-                    query = "SELECT ?urn WHERE { %s FILTER (tracker:id(?urn) = %s)}" % (where, insert[1])
-                    #print "%s\n" % query
-                    result_set = self.store.query (query)
-                    #print result_set, "\n\n"
-                    if len (result_set) > 0:
-                        matched = True
-                        self.matched_resource_urn = result_set[0][0]
-                        self.matched_resource_id = insert[1]
-                if not matched or id != self.matched_resource_id:
-                    filtered_list += [insert]
-            if matched and in_main_loop:
-                glib.source_remove (self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
-                self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
-                self.inserts_match_function = None
-                self.store.loop.quit ()
-            return (matched, filtered_list)
-        self.matched_resource_urn = None
-        self.matched_resource_id = None
-        log ("Await new %s (%i existing inserts)" % (rdf_class, len (self.inserts_list)))
-        # Check the list of previously received events for matches
-        (existing_match, self.inserts_list) = match_cb (self.inserts_list, False)
-        if not existing_match:
-            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = glib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT, self._timeout_cb)
-            self.inserts_match_function = match_cb
-            # Run the event loop until the correct notification arrives
-            self.store.loop.run ()
-        if self.match_timed_out:
-            self.fail ("Timeout waiting for resource: class %s, URL %s, title %s" % (rdf_class, url, title))
-        return (self.matched_resource_id, self.matched_resource_urn)
-    def await_resource_deleted (self, id, fail_message = None):
-        """
-        Block until we are notified of a resources deletion
-        """
-        assert (self.deletes_match_function == None)
-        def match_cb (deletes_list, in_main_loop = True):
-            matched = False
-            filtered_list = []
-            #print "Looking for %i in " % id, deletes_list, "\n"
-            for delete in deletes_list:
-                if delete[1] == id:
-                    matched = True
-                else:
-                    filtered_list += [delete]
-            if matched and in_main_loop:
-                glib.source_remove (self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
-                self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
-                self.deletes_match_function = None
-            self.store.loop.quit ()
-            return (matched, filtered_list)
-        log ("Await deletion of %i (%i existing)" % (id, len (self.deletes_list)))
-        (existing_match, self.deletes_list) = match_cb (self.deletes_list, False)
-        if not existing_match:
-            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = glib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT, self._timeout_cb)
-            self.deletes_match_function = match_cb
-            # Run the event loop until the correct notification arrives
-            self.store.loop.run ()
-        if self.match_timed_out:
-            if fail_message is not None:
-                self.fail (fail_message)
-            else:
-                self.fail ("Resource %i has not been deleted." % id)
-        return
     def create_test_content (self, file_urn, title):
         sparql = "INSERT { \
                     _:ie a nmm:MusicPiece ; \
@@ -259,8 +99,8 @@ class MinerResourceRemovalTest (ut.TestCase):
         self.store.update (sparql)
-        return self.await_resource_inserted (rdf_class = 'nmm:MusicPiece',
-                                             title = title)
+        return self.store.await_resource_inserted (rdf_class = 'nmm:MusicPiece',
+                                                   title = title)
     def create_test_file (self, file_name):
         file_path = get_test_path (file_name)
@@ -269,8 +109,8 @@ class MinerResourceRemovalTest (ut.TestCase):
         file.write ("Test")
         file.close ()
-        return self.await_resource_inserted (rdf_class = 'nfo:Document',
-                                             url = get_test_uri (file_name));
+        return self.store.await_resource_inserted (rdf_class = 'nfo:Document',
+                                                   url = get_test_uri (file_name));
     def assertResourceExists (self, urn):
         if self.store.ask ("ASK { <%s> a rdfs:Resource }" % urn) == False:
@@ -294,10 +134,10 @@ class MinerResourceRemovalTest (ut.TestCase):
         os.unlink (get_test_path ("test_1.txt"))
-        self.await_resource_deleted (file_1_id)
-        self.await_resource_deleted (ie_1_id,
-                                     "Associated logical resource failed to be deleted " \
-                                     "when its containing file was removed.")
+        self.store.await_resource_deleted (file_1_id)
+        self.store.await_resource_deleted (ie_1_id,
+                                           "Associated logical resource failed to be deleted " \
+                                           "when its containing file was removed.")
         self.assertResourceMissing (file_1_urn)
         self.assertResourceMissing (ie_1_urn)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
index c5aa675..0d6cb79 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ class StoreHelper (Helper):
     PROCESS_NAME = "tracker-store"
+    graph_updated_handler_id = 0
     def start (self):
         Helper.start (self)
@@ -210,6 +212,172 @@ class StoreHelper (Helper):
         self.status_iface.Wait ()
         log ("[%s] ready." % self.PROCESS_NAME)
+        self.reset_graph_updates_tracking ()
+        self.graph_updated_handler_id = self.bus.add_signal_receiver (self._graph_updated_cb,
+                                                                      signal_name = "GraphUpdated",
+                                                                      path = cfg.TRACKER_OBJ_PATH,
+                                                                      dbus_interface = cfg.RESOURCES_IFACE)
+    def stop (self):
+        Helper.stop (self)
+        self.bus._clean_up_signal_match (self.graph_updated_handler_id)
+    # A system to follow GraphUpdated and make sure all changes are tracked.
+    # This code saves every change notification received, and exposes methods
+    # to await insertion or deletion of a certain resource which first check
+    # the list of events already received and wait for more if the event has
+    # not yet happened.
+    def reset_graph_updates_tracking (self):
+        self.inserts_list = []
+        self.deletes_list = []
+        self.inserts_match_function = None
+        self.deletes_match_function = None
+        self.graph_updated_timed_out = False
+    def _graph_updated_timeout_cb (self):
+        # Don't fail here, exceptions don't get propagated correctly
+        # from the GMainLoop
+        self.graph_updated_timed_out = True
+        self.loop.quit ()
+    def _graph_updated_cb (self, class_name, deletes_list, inserts_list):
+        """
+        Process notifications from tracker-store on resource changes.
+        """
+        matched = False
+        if inserts_list is not None:
+            if self.inserts_match_function is not None:
+                # The match function will remove matched entries from the list
+                (matched, inserts_list) = self.inserts_match_function (inserts_list)
+            self.inserts_list += inserts_list
+        if deletes_list is not None:
+            if self.deletes_match_function is not None:
+                (matched, deletes_list) = self.deletes_match_function (deletes_list)
+            self.deletes_list += deletes_list
+    def await_resource_inserted (self, rdf_class, url = None, title = None):
+        """
+        Block until a resource matching the parameters becomes available
+        """
+        assert (self.inserts_match_function == None)
+        def match_cb (inserts_list, in_main_loop = True):
+            matched = False
+            filtered_list = []
+            known_subjects = set ()
+            #print "Got inserts: ", inserts_list, "\n"
+            # FIXME: this could be done in an easier way: build one query that filters
+            # based on every subject id in inserts_list, and returns the id of the one
+            # that matched :)
+            for insert in inserts_list:
+                id = insert[1]
+                if not matched and id not in known_subjects:
+                    known_subjects.add (id)
+                    where = "  ?urn a %s " % rdf_class
+                    if url is not None:
+                        where += "; nie:url \"%s\"" % url
+                    if title is not None:
+                        where += "; nie:title \"%s\"" % title
+                    query = "SELECT ?urn WHERE { %s FILTER (tracker:id(?urn) = %s)}" % (where, insert[1])
+                    #print "%s\n" % query
+                    result_set = self.query (query)
+                    #print result_set, "\n\n"
+                    if len (result_set) > 0:
+                        matched = True
+                        self.matched_resource_urn = result_set[0][0]
+                        self.matched_resource_id = insert[1]
+                if not matched or id != self.matched_resource_id:
+                    filtered_list += [insert]
+            if matched and in_main_loop:
+                glib.source_remove (self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
+                self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
+                self.inserts_match_function = None
+                self.loop.quit ()
+            return (matched, filtered_list)
+        self.matched_resource_urn = None
+        self.matched_resource_id = None
+        log ("Await new %s (%i existing inserts)" % (rdf_class, len (self.inserts_list)))
+        # Check the list of previously received events for matches
+        (existing_match, self.inserts_list) = match_cb (self.inserts_list, False)
+        if not existing_match:
+            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = glib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT,
+                                                                      self._graph_updated_timeout_cb)
+            self.inserts_match_function = match_cb
+            # Run the event loop until the correct notification arrives
+            self.loop.run ()
+        if self.graph_updated_timed_out:
+            raise Exception ("Timeout waiting for resource: class %s, URL %s, title %s" % (rdf_class, url, 
+        return (self.matched_resource_id, self.matched_resource_urn)
+    def await_resource_deleted (self, id, fail_message = None):
+        """
+        Block until we are notified of a resources deletion
+        """
+        assert (self.deletes_match_function == None)
+        def match_cb (deletes_list, in_main_loop = True):
+            matched = False
+            filtered_list = []
+            #print "Looking for %i in " % id, deletes_list, "\n"
+            for delete in deletes_list:
+                if delete[1] == id:
+                    matched = True
+                else:
+                    filtered_list += [delete]
+            if matched and in_main_loop:
+                glib.source_remove (self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
+                self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
+                self.deletes_match_function = None
+            self.loop.quit ()
+            return (matched, filtered_list)
+        log ("Await deletion of %i (%i existing)" % (id, len (self.deletes_list)))
+        (existing_match, self.deletes_list) = match_cb (self.deletes_list, False)
+        if not existing_match:
+            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = glib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT,
+                                                                      self._graph_updated_timeout_cb)
+            self.deletes_match_function = match_cb
+            # Run the event loop until the correct notification arrives
+            self.loop.run ()
+        if self.graph_updated_timed_out:
+            if fail_message is not None:
+                raise Exception (fail_message)
+            else:
+                raise Exception ("Resource %i has not been deleted." % id)
+        return
     def query (self, query, timeout=5000):

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