[gnumeric] Fix ODF error constant roundtrip issue. [part of #724568]

commit e821c5ac5af05f77d37c2df8fbfc2dfacf06101a
Author: Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
Date:   Mon Feb 17 21:54:02 2014 -0700

    Fix ODF error constant roundtrip issue. [part of #724568]
    2014-02-17  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
        * openoffice-read.c (oo_cell_start): handle gnm:error-value
        * openoffice-write.c (odf_write_cell): write gnm:error-value
        if we convert an error constant to a formula

 NEWS                                  |    1 +
 plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog          |    6 ++
 plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c  |   97 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
 plugins/openoffice/openoffice-write.c |   11 +++--
 4 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 890f540..8d1e35c 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Andreas:
        * Fix ODF roundtrip of some header/footer markers. [part of #724487]
        * Fix ODF roundtrip of preferred window size. [part of #724487]
        * Fix ODF number roundtrip issue. [part of #724568]
+       * Fix ODF error constant roundtrip issue. [part of #724568]
        * Fix persistence of hyperlinks tips. [see #724108]
diff --git a/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog b/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog
index d66367c..05ccc54 100644
--- a/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog
+++ b/plugins/openoffice/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 2014-02-17  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
+       * openoffice-read.c (oo_cell_start): handle gnm:error-value
+       * openoffice-write.c (odf_write_cell): write gnm:error-value
+       if we convert an error constant to a formula
+2014-02-17  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
        * openoffice-write.c (odf_expr_conventions_new): use same
        decimal_digits as in gnumeric export.
diff --git a/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c b/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c
index 4873d75..eef6e3b 100644
--- a/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c
+++ b/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-read.c
@@ -3632,6 +3632,7 @@ oo_cell_start (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
        int max_cols = gnm_sheet_get_max_cols (state->pos.sheet);
        int max_rows = gnm_sheet_get_max_rows (state->pos.sheet);
        GnmValidation *validation = NULL;
+       gboolean possible_error_constant = FALSE;
        maybe_update_progress (xin);
@@ -3641,6 +3642,11 @@ oo_cell_start (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
                if (oo_attr_int_range (xin, attrs, OO_NS_TABLE, "number-columns-repeated",
                                       &state->col_inc, 0, INT_MAX))
+               else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_GNUM_NS_EXT, "error-value"))
+                       /* While the value of this attribute contains the true error value   */
+                       /* it could have been retained by a consumer/producer who did change */
+                       /* the cell value, so we just remember that we saw this attribute.   */
+                       possible_error_constant = TRUE;
                else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]), OO_NS_TABLE, "formula")) {
                        OOFormula f_type;
@@ -3668,38 +3674,53 @@ oo_cell_start (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
                                 * message in the content.
                                state->content_is_error = TRUE;
-                       else
+                       else {
                                texpr = oo_expr_parse_str
                                        (xin, expr_string,
                                         &state->pos, GNM_EXPR_PARSE_DEFAULT, f_type);
+                               if (possible_error_constant && texpr != NULL && 
+                                   GNM_EXPR_GET_OPER (texpr->expr) == GNM_EXPR_OP_CONSTANT) {
+                                       GnmValue const *eval =  gnm_expr_get_constant (texpr->expr);
+                                       if (VALUE_IS_ERROR (eval)) {
+                                               if (val != NULL)
+                                                       value_release (val);
+                                               val = value_dup (eval);
+                                               gnm_expr_top_unref (texpr);
+                                               texpr = NULL;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
                } else if (oo_attr_bool (xin, attrs,
                                         (state->ver == OOO_VER_OPENDOC) ?
                                         OO_NS_OFFICE : OO_NS_TABLE,
-                                        "boolean-value", &bool_val))
-                       val = value_new_bool (bool_val);
-               else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]),
+                                        "boolean-value", &bool_val)) {
+                       if (val == NULL)
+                               val = value_new_bool (bool_val);
+               } else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]),
                        (state->ver == OOO_VER_OPENDOC) ? OO_NS_OFFICE : OO_NS_TABLE,
                        "date-value")) {
-                       unsigned y, m, d, h, mi;
-                       gnm_float s;
-                       unsigned n = sscanf (CXML2C (attrs[1]), "%u-%u-%uT%u:%u:%" GNM_SCANF_g,
-                                            &y, &m, &d, &h, &mi, &s);
-                       if (n >= 3) {
-                               GDate date;
-                               g_date_set_dmy (&date, d, m, y);
-                               if (g_date_valid (&date)) {
-                                       unsigned d_serial = go_date_g_to_serial (&date,
-                                               workbook_date_conv (state->pos.wb));
-                                       if (n >= 6) {
-                                               double time_frac
-                                                       = h + ((double)mi / 60.) +
-                                                       ((double)s / 3600.);
-                                               val = value_new_float (d_serial + time_frac / 24.);
-                                               has_datetime = TRUE;
-                                       } else {
-                                               val = value_new_int (d_serial);
-                                               has_date = TRUE;
+                       if (val == NULL) {
+                               unsigned y, m, d, h, mi;
+                               gnm_float s;
+                               unsigned n = sscanf (CXML2C (attrs[1]), "%u-%u-%uT%u:%u:%" GNM_SCANF_g,
+                                                    &y, &m, &d, &h, &mi, &s);
+                               if (n >= 3) {
+                                       GDate date;
+                                       g_date_set_dmy (&date, d, m, y);
+                                       if (g_date_valid (&date)) {
+                                               unsigned d_serial = go_date_g_to_serial (&date,
+                                                                                        workbook_date_conv 
+                                               if (n >= 6) {
+                                                       double time_frac
+                                                               = h + ((double)mi / 60.) +
+                                                               ((double)s / 3600.);
+                                                       val = value_new_float (d_serial + time_frac / 24.);
+                                                       has_datetime = TRUE;
+                                               } else {
+                                                       val = value_new_int (d_serial);
+                                                       has_date = TRUE;
+                                               }
@@ -3707,22 +3728,26 @@ oo_cell_start (GsfXMLIn *xin, xmlChar const **attrs)
                                               (state->ver == OOO_VER_OPENDOC) ?
                                               OO_NS_OFFICE : OO_NS_TABLE,
                                               "time-value")) {
-                       unsigned h, m, s;
-                       if (3 == sscanf (CXML2C (attrs[1]), "PT%uH%uM%uS", &h, &m, &s)) {
-                               unsigned secs = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s;
-                               val = value_new_float (secs / (gnm_float)86400);
-                               has_time = TRUE;
+                       if (val == NULL) {
+                               unsigned h, m, s;
+                               if (3 == sscanf (CXML2C (attrs[1]), "PT%uH%uM%uS", &h, &m, &s)) {
+                                       unsigned secs = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s;
+                                       val = value_new_float (secs / (gnm_float)86400);
+                                       has_time = TRUE;
+                               }
                } else if (gsf_xml_in_namecmp (xin, CXML2C (attrs[0]),
                                               (state->ver == OOO_VER_OPENDOC) ?
                                               OO_NS_OFFICE : OO_NS_TABLE,
-                                              "string-value"))
-                       val = value_new_string (CXML2C (attrs[1]));
-               else if (oo_attr_float (xin, attrs,
-                       (state->ver == OOO_VER_OPENDOC) ? OO_NS_OFFICE : OO_NS_TABLE,
-                       "value", &float_val))
-                       val = value_new_float (float_val);
-               else if (oo_attr_int_range (xin, attrs, OO_NS_TABLE,
+                                              "string-value")) {
+                       if (val == NULL)
+                               val = value_new_string (CXML2C (attrs[1]));
+               } else if (oo_attr_float (xin, attrs,
+                                         (state->ver == OOO_VER_OPENDOC) ? OO_NS_OFFICE : OO_NS_TABLE,
+                                         "value", &float_val)) {
+                       if (val == NULL)
+                               val = value_new_float (float_val);
+               }else if (oo_attr_int_range (xin, attrs, OO_NS_TABLE,
                                            &array_cols, 0, INT_MAX))
diff --git a/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-write.c b/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-write.c
index 062b65f..8d7f444 100644
--- a/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-write.c
+++ b/plugins/openoffice/openoffice-write.c
@@ -3397,10 +3397,13 @@ odf_write_cell (GnmOOExport *state, GnmCell *cell, GnmRange const *merge_range,
                        if (NULL == cell->base.texpr) {
                                /* see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=610175 */
                                /* this is the same that Excel does, OOo does not have   */
-                               /* error literals. ODF 1.2 might be introducing a new    */
-                               /* value-type to address this issue                      */
-                               char *eq_formula = g_strdup_printf
-                                       ("of:=%s", value_peek_string (cell->value));
+                               /* error literals.                                       */
+                               char const *cv = value_peek_string (cell->value);
+                               char *eq_formula = g_strdup_printf ("of:=%s", cv);
+                               if (state->with_extension)
+                                       gsf_xml_out_add_cstr (state->xml, GNMSTYLE "error-value", cv);
                                gsf_xml_out_add_cstr (state->xml,
                                                      TABLE "formula",

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