[libsoup] (10 commits) ...Merge branch 'content-sniffing-update'

Summary of changes:

  7b14d46... sniffing: Document the specification we are targeting
  6510806... sniffing: Implement the check-apache-bug flag
  b766f11... sniffing: Implement handling of the X-Content-Type-Options 
  fa2b82c... sniffing: Adjust the general unknown MIME type algorithm
  a3f393f... sniffing: test that it allows leading whitespace in doctype
  f549819... sniffing: Add comment to the XML types bit
  cd4f6a9... sniffing: Bring feed vs HTML up-to-date with the MIMESNIFF 
  26a6518... sniffing: Bring image sniffing up-to-date with the MIMESNIF
  9530c7b... sniffing: Add audio/video sniffing
  a70ea67... Merge branch 'content-sniffing-update'

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