[dia] wdeps.py: quick darwin port

commit 96a26d231ef9744795aaa2f3818fe6a528ad70ba
Author: Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
Date:   Sun Jan 26 15:54:27 2014 +0100

    wdeps.py: quick darwin port

 plug-ins/python/wdeps.py |   43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py b/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
index 36cc9b5..b3e89c6 100644
--- a/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
+++ b/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
@@ -256,38 +256,59 @@ def GetDepsPosix (sFrom, dAll, nMaxDepth, nDepth=0) :
                dAll[sFromName] = Node (sFromName, nDepth) # needed here so other algoritm can remove it ;)
        if not sFromName in dAll.keys() :
-               #print "Creating", sFromName, nDepth
+               print "Creating", sFromName, nDepth
                node = Node (sFromName, nDepth)
                sPath = sFrom
                #TODO: work with relative pathes? Current dir?
-               f = os.popen ('ldd "' + sPath + '"')
+               if os.sys.platform in ['darwin'] :
+                       f = os.popen ('dyldinfo -dylibs "' + sPath + '"')
+               else :
+                       f = os.popen ('ldd "' + sPath + '"')
                sModules = f.readlines ()
                # avoids multiple instances of dumpbin running simultaneously
                f = None
                # avoids infinite recursion on circular dependencies
                dAll[sFromName] = None
                # sFrom imports
-               fImports = os.popen ('nm --extern-only --dynamic --undefined-only ' + sPath)
+               # --extern-only : -g
+               # --undefined-only : -u
+               # ? --defined-only : -U
+               if os.sys.platform in ['darwin'] :
+                       fImports = os.popen ('nm -g -u ' + sPath)
+               else :
+                       fImports = os.popen ('nm --extern-only --dynamic --undefined-only ' + sPath)
                sImports = fImports.readlines()
                dImports = {}
                for si in sImports :
-                       mi = re.match("\s+U (\S+)", si)
-                       if mi :
-                               dImports[mi.group(1)] = 1
+                       if os.sys.platform in ['darwin'] :
+                               if len(si) > 1 :
+                                       dImports[si[:-1]] = 1
+                       else :
+                               mi = re.match("\s+U (\S+)", si)
+                               if mi :
+                                       print mi.group(1)
+                                       dImports[mi.group(1)] = 1
                toRecurse = []
                for s in sModules :
-                       r = re.match ("\s+(?P<name>\S+) => (?P<path>\S+).*", s)
+                       if os.sys.platform in ['darwin'] :
+                               r = re.match ("\s+(?P<path>\S+).*", s)
+                       else :
+                               r = re.match ("\s+(?P<name>\S+) => (?P<path>\S+).*", s)
                        if r :
                                # print r.group("name"), r.group("path")
                                # now find symbols between sFrom and any of the SOs
                                usedSymbols = []
                                unusedSymbols = []
-                               fExports = os.popen ('nm --extern-only --dynamic --defined-only ' + 
+                               if os.sys.platform in ['darwin'] :
+                                       fExports = os.popen ('nm -g -U ' + r.group("path"))
+                               else :
+                                       fExports = os.popen ('nm --extern-only --dynamic --defined-only ' + 
                                sExports = fExports.readlines() 
                                for se in sExports :
                                        me = re.match ("\w+ T (\S+)", se)
                                        if me :
                                                symbol = me.group(1)
+                                               # print symbol
                                                # print me.group(1), r.group('name') 
                                                if symbol in dImports.keys() :
                                                        # direct connection
@@ -298,7 +319,11 @@ def GetDepsPosix (sFrom, dAll, nMaxDepth, nDepth=0) :
                                # should remember the node although it may not be connected yet
                                # OTOH the recursion would become more difficult to understand, favor KISS
                                if len(usedSymbols) > 0 :
-                                       node.AddEdge(r.group("name"), usedSymbols, 0)
+                                       try :
+                                               node.AddEdge(r.group("name"), usedSymbols, 0)
+                                       except IndexError : # darwin
+                                               sToPath = r.group("path")
+                                               node.AddEdge(sToPath[sToPath.rfind('/')+1:], usedSymbols, 0)
                                        print sFromName, "(", nDepth, "):", r.group("path")
                # add to all nodes

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