[pitivi] effects: Fixed the _connectAllWidgetCallbacks method to use the parameter

commit 9cf94a3cf7f3b0961e9c2eaad434ec094a6ef3dd
Author: Alexandru Băluț <alexandru balut gmail com>
Date:   Fri Feb 14 14:52:34 2014 +0100

    effects: Fixed the _connectAllWidgetCallbacks method to use the parameter
    Also cleaned up a bit the code and the docstrings.

 pitivi/clipproperties.py |   30 ++++++++--------
 pitivi/effects.py        |   83 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/clipproperties.py b/pitivi/clipproperties.py
index 6a1bbab..89ae642 100644
--- a/pitivi/clipproperties.py
+++ b/pitivi/clipproperties.py
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ class ClipProperties(Gtk.ScrolledWindow, Loggable):
         self._project = None
         self.infobar_box = Gtk.VBox()
-        effect_properties_handling = EffectsPropertiesManager(instance)
-        self.effect_expander = EffectProperties(instance, effect_properties_handling, self)
+        effects_properties_manager = EffectsPropertiesManager(instance)
+        self.effect_expander = EffectProperties(instance, effects_properties_manager, self)
         # Transformation boxed DISABLED
         #self.transformation_expander = TransformationProperties(instance, instance.action_log)
@@ -137,11 +137,14 @@ class ClipProperties(Gtk.ScrolledWindow, Loggable):
 class EffectProperties(Gtk.Expander, Loggable):
     Widget for viewing and configuring effects
+    @type instance: C{Pitivi}
+    @type effects_properties_manager: C{EffectsPropertiesManager}
     # Note: This should be inherited from Gtk.Expander when we get other things
     # to put in ClipProperties, that is why this is done this way
-    def __init__(self, instance, effect_properties_handling, clip_properties):
+    def __init__(self, instance, effects_properties_manager, clip_properties):
         # Set up the expander widget that will contain everything:
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ class EffectProperties(Gtk.Expander, Loggable):
         self.selected_effects = []
         self.clips = []
         self._effect_config_ui = None
-        self.effect_props_handling = effect_properties_handling
+        self.effects_properties_manager = effects_properties_manager
         self.clip_properties = clip_properties
         self._config_ui_h_pos = None
         self._timeline = None
@@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ class EffectProperties(Gtk.Expander, Loggable):
         self.treeview.connect("drag-motion", self._dragMotionCb)
         self.treeview.connect("query-tooltip", self._treeViewQueryTooltipCb)
         self._vcontent.connect("notify", self._vcontentNotifyCb)
-        removeEffectButton.connect("clicked", self._removeEffectClicked)
+        removeEffectButton.connect("clicked", self._removeEffectCb)
         self.app.connect("new-project-loaded", self._newProjectLoadedCb)
         self.connect('notify::expanded', self._expandedCb)
         self.connected = False
@@ -305,26 +308,23 @@ class EffectProperties(Gtk.Expander, Loggable):
     def _connectTimelineSelection(self, timeline):
         self.timeline = timeline
-    def _removeEffectClicked(self, toolbutton):
+    def _removeEffectCb(self, toolbutton):
         if not self.selection.get_selected()[1]:
+            # Cannot remove nothing,
-        else:
-            effect = self.storemodel.get_value(self.selection.get_selected()[1],
-                                               COL_TRACK_EFFECT)
-            self._removeEffect(effect)
+        effect = self.storemodel.get_value(self.selection.get_selected()[1],
+                                           COL_TRACK_EFFECT)
+        self._removeEffect(effect)
     def _removeEffect(self, effect):
         self.app.action_log.begin("remove effect")
         if self._effect_config_ui:
-        self._cleanCache(effect)
+        self.effects_properties_manager.cleanCache(effect)
-    def _cleanCache(self, effect):
-        config_ui = self.effect_props_handling.cleanCache(effect)
     def addEffectToClip(self, clip, bin_desc):
         media_type = self.app.effects.getFactoryFromName(bin_desc).media_type
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ class EffectProperties(Gtk.Expander, Loggable):
             element = effect
-            ui = self.effect_props_handling.getEffectConfigurationUI(element)
+            ui = self.effects_properties_manager.getEffectConfigurationUI(element)
             if self._effect_config_ui:
diff --git a/pitivi/effects.py b/pitivi/effects.py
index 7b27772..5a7d222 100644
--- a/pitivi/effects.py
+++ b/pitivi/effects.py
@@ -211,13 +211,13 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
     def getAllAudioEffects(self):
-        @returns:  the list off available audio effects elements
+        @return: the list of available audio effects elements
         return self.audio_effects
     def getAllVideoEffects(self):
-        @returns: the list off available video effects elements
+        @return: the list of available video effects elements
         return self.video_effects
@@ -226,26 +226,25 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
     def getFactoryFromName(self, name):
-        @ivar name: Factory name.
+        @param name: Factory name.
         @type name: C{str}
-        @returns: The l{Effect} corresponding to the name
-        @raises: KeyError if the name doesn't  exist
+        @return: The l{Effect} corresponding to the name or None
         return self._effect_factories_dict.get(name)
     def _getEffectDescripton(self, element_factory):
-        @ivar element_factory: The element factory
+        @param element_factory: The element factory
         @type element_factory: L{Gst.ElementFactory}
-        @returns: A human description C{str} for the effect
+        @return: A human description C{str} for the effect
         return element_factory.get_description()
     def _getEffectCategories(self, effect_name):
-        @ivar effect_name: the name of the effect for wich we want the category
+        @param effect_name: the name of the effect for wich we want the category
         @type effect_name: L{str}
-        @returns: A C{list} of name C{str} of categories corresponding the effect
+        @return: A C{list} of name C{str} of categories corresponding the effect
         categories = []
@@ -274,9 +273,9 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
     def _getEffectName(self, element_factory):
-        @ivar element_factory: The element factory
+        @param element_factory: The element factory
         @type element_factory: L{Gst.ElementFactory}
-        @returns: A human readable name C{str} for the effect
+        @return: A human readable name C{str} for the effect
         #TODO check if it is the good way to make it translatable
         #And to filter actually!
@@ -289,12 +288,12 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
     def getVideoCategories(self, aware=True):
-        @ivar aware: C{True} if you want it to return only categories on which
-        there are effects on the system, else C{False}
+        @param aware: C{True} if you want it to return only categories on which
+            there are effects on the system, else C{False}
         @type aware: C{bool}
-        @returns: All video effect categories names C{str} that are available
-        on the system if it has been filled earlier, if it hasen't it will
-        just return all categories
+        @return: All video effect categories names C{str} that are available
+            on the system if it has been filled earlier, if it hasen't it will
+            just return all categories
         if not self._video_categories or not aware:
             for categorie in self._video_categories_effects[1:]:
@@ -310,10 +309,10 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
     def getAudioCategories(self, aware=True):
-        @ivar  aware: C{True} if you want it to return only categories on
-        whichs there are effects on the system, else C{False}
+        @param aware: C{True} if you want it to return only categories on
+            which there are effects on the system, else C{False}
         @type aware: C{bool}
-        @returns: All audio effect categories names C{str}
+        @return: All audio effect categories names C{str}
         if not self._audio_categories or not aware:
             for categorie in self._audio_categories_effects[1:]:
@@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ class EffectsHandler(object):
     def getAllCategories(self):
-        @returns: All effect categories names C{str}
+        @return: All effect categories names C{str}
         effects_categories = []
         return effects_categories.extended(self.video_categories).extended(
@@ -458,7 +457,6 @@ class EffectListWidget(Gtk.VBox, Loggable):
     def view_description_cell_data_func(unused_column, cell, model, iter_, unused_data):
         name, desc = model.get(iter_, COL_NAME_TEXT, COL_DESC_TEXT)
         escape = GLib.markup_escape_text
         cell.props.markup = "<b>%s</b>\n%s" % (escape(name),
@@ -619,29 +617,25 @@ class EffectsPropertiesManager:
         self.app = instance
     def getEffectConfigurationUI(self, effect):
-        """
-            Permit to get a configuration GUI for the effect
-            @param effect: The effect for which we want the configuration UI
-            @type effect: C{Gst.Element}
-        """
+        """Permit to get a configuration GUI for the effect
+        @param effect: The effect for which we want the configuration UI
+        @type effect: C{Gst.Element}
+        """
         if effect not in self.cache_dict:
-            #Here we should handle special effects configuration UI
-            effect_set_ui = GstElementSettingsWidget()
-            effect_set_ui.setElement(effect, ignore=PROPS_TO_IGNORE,
-                                     default_btn=True, use_element_props=True)
-            nb_rows = effect_set_ui.get_children()[0].get_property('n-rows')
-            effect_configuration_ui = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
-            effect_configuration_ui.add_with_viewport(effect_set_ui)
-            effect_configuration_ui.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
-                                               Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
-            self.cache_dict[effect] = effect_configuration_ui
-            self._connectAllWidgetCbs(effect_set_ui, effect)
-            self._postConfiguration(effect, effect_set_ui)
-        effect_set_ui = self._getUiToSetEffect(effect)
-        self._current_effect_setting_ui = effect_set_ui
+            # Here we should handle special effects configuration UI
+            effect_settings_widget = GstElementSettingsWidget()
+            effect_settings_widget.setElement(effect, ignore=PROPS_TO_IGNORE,
+                    default_btn=True, use_element_props=True)
+            scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+            scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(effect_settings_widget)
+            scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
+                    Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
+            self.cache_dict[effect] = scrolled_window
+            self._connectAllWidgetCallbacks(effect_settings_widget, effect)
+            self._postConfiguration(effect, effect_settings_widget)
+        self._current_effect_setting_ui = self._getUiToSetEffect(effect)
         element = self._current_effect_setting_ui.element
         for prop in element.list_children_properties():
             self._current_element_values[prop.name] = element.get_child_property(prop.name)
@@ -666,11 +660,10 @@ class EffectsPropertiesManager:
             effect_set_ui = self.cache_dict[effect].get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
             effect_set_ui = self.cache_dict[effect]
         return effect_set_ui
-    def _connectAllWidgetCbs(self, unused_effect_configuration_ui, unused_effect):
-        for prop, widget in effect_configuration_ui.properties.iteritems():
+    def _connectAllWidgetCallbacks(self, effect_settings_widget, unused_effect):
+        for prop, widget in effect_settings_widget.properties.iteritems():
             widget.connectValueChanged(self._onValueChangedCb, widget, prop)
     def _onSetDefaultCb(self, unused_widget, dynamic):

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