[easytag] (15 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/application-window

The branch 'wip/application-window' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  a1e232b... Move main window to EtApplicationWindow object
  92ff8da... Pass the main window to actions as user data
  3207fd0... Move log area to EtLogArea object
  f8aa42a... Move playlist window to EtPlaylistDialog object
  82c371a... Move load filenames dialog to EtLoadFilesDialog
  7352fd2... Move file search dialog to EtSearchDialog object
  3c1a8d7... Move preferences dialog to EtPreferencesDialog
  97db471... Move CDDB dialog to EtCDDBDialog object
  f3b489a... Move scan dialog to EtScanDialog object
  0e907bb... Replace strncat() with g_string_append()
  42534c9... Move select and unselect actions to main window
  d8af8ee... Move file selection actions to EtApplicationWindow
  7d869db... Set a rough initial window size and pane positions
  91ba5a0... WIP Move browser to EtBrowser object

Commits added to the branch:

  80a649a... Replace use of stat() in file list ctime sorting (*)
  d1e4e23... Move main window to EtApplicationWindow object
  1de39e1... Pass the main window to actions as user data
  1d08b2d... Move log area to EtLogArea object
  770b7c8... Move playlist window to EtPlaylistDialog object
  e59b5c9... Move load filenames dialog to EtLoadFilesDialog
  581ec8f... Move file search dialog to EtSearchDialog object
  ad0a0cb... Move preferences dialog to EtPreferencesDialog
  f6d9999... Move CDDB dialog to EtCDDBDialog object
  18d3944... Move scan dialog to EtScanDialog object
  9f584e2... Replace strncat() with g_string_append()
  f1917fe... Move select and unselect actions to main window
  ed5e8f1... Move file selection actions to EtApplicationWindow
  7b376aa... Set a rough initial window size and pane positions
  2ac2a03... WIP Move browser to EtBrowser object

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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