[gtk-doc] Split Functions out from other types of declarations

commit b093ce8054e0b4c64ed317652fbc41929b7bd5bd
Author: William Jon McCann <william jon mccann gmail com>
Date:   Sun Feb 9 16:41:22 2014 -0500

    Split Functions out from other types of declarations
    Functions are really the most useful thing in the
    documenation. Currently, Signals and Properties have
    their own sections but functions do not. This changes that.

 gtkdoc-mkdb.in |   87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtkdoc-mkdb.in b/gtkdoc-mkdb.in
index 17e04b3..6df1038 100755
--- a/gtkdoc-mkdb.in
+++ b/gtkdoc-mkdb.in
@@ -575,10 +575,12 @@ sub OutputSGML {
     my $title = "";
     my $section_id = "";
     my $subsection = "";
-    my $synopsis;
-    my $details;
     my $num_symbols;
     my $changed = 0;
+    my $functions_synop = "";
+    my $other_synop = "";
+    my $functions_details = "";
+    my $other_details = "";
     my $signals_synop = "";
     my $signals_desc = "";
     my $args_synop = "";
@@ -604,15 +606,14 @@ sub OutputSGML {
         } elsif (m/^<SECTION>/) {
-            $synopsis = "";
-            $details = "";
             $num_symbols = 0;
             $in_section = 1;
             @file_objects = ();
             %symbol_def_line = ();
         } elsif (m/^<SUBSECTION\s*(.*)>/i) {
-            $synopsis .= "\n";
+            $other_synop .= "\n";
+            $functions_synop .= "\n";
             $subsection = $1;
         } elsif (m/^<SUBSECTION>/) {
@@ -803,11 +804,34 @@ $derived
-                $synopsis =~ s/^\n*//g;
-                $synopsis =~ s/\n+$/\n/g;
+                $functions_synop =~ s/^\n*//g;
+                $functions_synop =~ s/\n+$/\n/g;
+                if ($functions_synop ne '') {
+                  $functions_synop = <<EOF;
+<refsect1 id="$section_id.functions" role="functions_proto">
+<title role="functions_proto.title">Functions</title>
+                }
+                $other_synop =~ s/^\n*//g;
+                $other_synop =~ s/\n+$/\n/g;
+                if ($other_synop ne '') {
+                  $other_synop = <<EOF;
+<refsect1 id="$section_id.other" role="other_proto">
+<title role="other_proto.title">Types and Values</title>
+                }
                 my $file_changed = &OutputSGMLFile ($filename, $title, $section_id,
-                                                    \$synopsis, \$details,
+                                                    \$functions_synop, \$other_synop,
+                                                    \$functions_details, \$other_details,
                                                     \$signals_synop, \$signals_desc,
                                                     \$args_synop, \$args_desc,
                                                     \$hierarchy, \$interfaces,
@@ -823,6 +847,10 @@ EOF
             $subsection = "";
             $in_section = 0;
             $section_includes = "";
+            $functions_synop = "";
+            $other_synop = "";
+            $functions_details = "";
+            $other_details = "";
             $signals_synop = "";
             $signals_desc = "";
             $args_synop = "";
@@ -832,8 +860,8 @@ EOF
             $child_args_desc = "";
             $style_args_desc = "";
             $hierarchy = "";
-             $interfaces = "";
-             $implementations = "";
+            $interfaces = "";
+            $implementations = "";
             $prerequisites = "";
             $derived = "";
@@ -861,8 +889,18 @@ EOF
                         my $impls = &GetImplementations ($symbol);
                         my $prereqs = &GetPrerequisites ($symbol);
                         my $der = &GetDerived ($symbol);
-                        $synopsis .= $synop;
-                        $details .= $desc;
+                        my $type = $DeclarationTypes {$symbol};
+                        if ($type eq 'FUNCTION' || $type eq 'USER_FUNCTION') {
+                          $functions_synop .= $synop;
+                          $functions_details .= $desc;
+                        } elsif ($type eq 'MACRO' && $declaration =~ /$symbol[ ]*\(/) {
+                          $functions_synop .= $synop;
+                          $functions_details .= $desc;
+                        } else {
+                          $other_synop .= $synop;
+                          $other_details .= $desc;
+                        }
                         $signals_synop .= $sig_synop;
                         $signals_desc .= $sig_desc;
                         $args_synop .= $arg_synop;
@@ -2343,8 +2381,10 @@ sub ParseStabilityLevel {
 #               $section_id - the SGML id to use for the toplevel tag.
 #               $includes - comma-separates list of include files added at top of
 #                 synopsis, with '<' '>' around them (if not already enclosed in "").
-#               $synopsis - reference to the DocBook for the Synopsis part.
-#               $details - reference to the DocBook for the Details part.
+#               $functions_synop - reference to the DocBook for the Functions Synopsis part.
+#               $other_synop - reference to the DocBook for the Types and Values Synopsis part.
+#               $functions_details - reference to the DocBook for the Functions Details part.
+#               $other_details - reference to the DocBook for the Types and Values Details part.
 #               $signal_synop - reference to the DocBook for the Signal Synopsis part
 #               $signal_desc - reference to the DocBook for the Signal Description part
 #               $args_synop - reference to the DocBook for the Arg Synopsis part
@@ -2358,7 +2398,7 @@ sub ParseStabilityLevel {
 sub OutputSGMLFile {
-    my ($file, $title, $section_id, $includes, $synopsis, $details, $signals_synop, $signals_desc, 
$args_synop, $args_desc, $hierarchy, $interfaces, $implementations, $prerequisites, $derived, $file_objects) 
= @_;
+    my ($file, $title, $section_id, $includes, $functions_synop, $other_synop, $functions_details, 
$other_details, $signals_synop, $signals_desc, $args_synop, $args_desc, $hierarchy, $interfaces, 
$implementations, $prerequisites, $derived, $file_objects) = @_;
     #print "Output sgml for file $file with title '$title'\n";
@@ -2488,19 +2528,18 @@ $image</refmiscinfo>
-<refsynopsisdiv id="$section_id.synopsis" role="synopsis">
-<title role="synopsis.title">Synopsis</title>
 <refsect1 id="$section_id.description" role="desc">
 <title role="desc.title">Description</title>
-<refsect1 id="$section_id.details" role="details">
-<title role="details.title">Details</title>
+<refsect1 id="$section_id.functions_details" role="details">
+<title role="details.title">Functions</title>
+<refsect1 id="$section_id.other_details" role="details">
+<title role="details.title">Types and Values</title>

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