[vala/staging: 9/91] GVariant transformer

commit 6604e26edd28c4d830aa16d0b7ef10df24c570df
Author: Luca Bruno <lucabru src gnome org>
Date:   Wed Dec 28 00:19:58 2011 +0100

    GVariant transformer

 codegen/Makefile.am                  |    1 +
 codegen/valagvarianttransformer.vala |  270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 compiler/valacompiler.vala           |    2 +-
 vala/valacodetransformer.vala        |    6 +-
 vala/valapointerindirection.vala     |    2 -
 vala/valaregexliteral.vala           |    2 -
 6 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/codegen/Makefile.am b/codegen/Makefile.am
index 5a427a3..660f015 100644
--- a/codegen/Makefile.am
+++ b/codegen/Makefile.am
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ libvala_la_VALASOURCES = \
        valagsignalmodule.vala \
        valagtypemodule.vala \
        valagvariantmodule.vala \
+       valagvarianttransformer.vala \
        valainterfaceregisterfunction.vala \
        valastructregisterfunction.vala \
        valatyperegisterfunction.vala \
diff --git a/codegen/valagvarianttransformer.vala b/codegen/valagvarianttransformer.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ead018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codegen/valagvarianttransformer.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+/* valagvarianttransformer.vala
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011  Luca Bruno
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * Author:
+ *     Luca Bruno <lucabru src gnome org>
+ */
+ * Code visitor for transforming the code tree related to GVariant.
+ */
+public class Vala.GVariantTransformer : CodeTransformer {
+       struct BasicTypeInfo {
+               public unowned string signature;
+               public unowned string type_name;
+               public bool is_string;
+       }
+       const BasicTypeInfo[] basic_types = {
+               { "y", "byte", false },
+               { "b", "boolean", false },
+               { "n", "int16", false },
+               { "q", "uint16", false },
+               { "i", "int32", false },
+               { "u", "uint32", false },
+               { "x", "int64", false },
+               { "t", "uint64", false },
+               { "d", "double", false },
+               { "s", "string", true },
+               { "o", "object_path", true },
+               { "g", "signature", true }
+       };
+       Statement current_statement;
+       Block current_block;
+       bool get_basic_type_info (string signature, out BasicTypeInfo basic_type) {
+               foreach (BasicTypeInfo info in basic_types) {
+                       if (info.signature == signature) {
+                               basic_type = info;
+                               return true;
+                       }
+               }
+               basic_type = BasicTypeInfo ();
+               return false;
+       }
+       MemberAccess member_access (string symbol_string, CodeNode node) {
+               MemberAccess? ma = null;
+               bool first = true;
+               foreach (unowned string s in symbol_string.substring(1).split (".")) {
+                       if (first) {
+                               ma = new MemberAccess (ma, symbol_string[0].to_string()+s, 
+                               first = false;
+                       } else {
+                               ma = new MemberAccess (ma, s, node.source_reference);
+                       }
+               }
+               return ma;
+       }
+       Expression serialize_basic (BasicTypeInfo basic_type, Expression expr) {
+               var new_call = new ObjectCreationExpression (member_access ("GLib.Variant." + 
basic_type.type_name, expr), expr.source_reference);
+               new_call.add_argument (expr);
+               return new_call;
+       }
+       public static string? get_dbus_signature (Symbol symbol) {
+               return symbol.get_attribute_string ("DBus", "signature");
+       }
+       static bool is_string_marshalled_enum (TypeSymbol? symbol) {
+               if (symbol != null && symbol is Enum) {
+                       return symbol.get_attribute_bool ("DBus", "use_string_marshalling");
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       public static string? get_type_signature (DataType datatype, Symbol? symbol = null) {
+               if (symbol != null) {
+                       string sig = get_dbus_signature (symbol);
+                       if (sig != null) {
+                               // allow overriding signature in attribute, used for raw GVariants
+                               return sig;
+                       }
+               }
+               var array_type = datatype as ArrayType;
+               if (array_type != null) {
+                       string element_type_signature = get_type_signature (array_type.element_type);
+                       if (element_type_signature == null) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       return string.nfill (array_type.rank, 'a') + element_type_signature;
+               } else if (is_string_marshalled_enum (datatype.data_type)) {
+                       return "s";
+               } else if (datatype.data_type != null) {
+                       string sig = datatype.data_type.get_attribute_string ("CCode", "type_signature");
+                       var st = datatype.data_type as Struct;
+                       var en = datatype.data_type as Enum;
+                       if (sig == null && st != null) {
+                               var str = new StringBuilder ();
+                               str.append_c ('(');
+                               foreach (Field f in st.get_fields ()) {
+                                       if (f.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE) {
+                                               str.append (get_type_signature (f.variable_type, f));
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               str.append_c (')');
+                               sig = str.str;
+                       } else if (sig == null && en != null) {
+                               if (en.is_flags) {
+                                       return "u";
+                               } else {
+                                       return "i";
+                               }
+                       }
+                       var type_args = datatype.get_type_arguments ();
+                       if (sig != null && "%s" in sig && type_args.size > 0) {
+                               string element_sig = "";
+                               foreach (DataType type_arg in type_args) {
+                                       var s = get_type_signature (type_arg);
+                                       if (s != null) {
+                                               element_sig += s;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               sig = sig.printf (element_sig);
+                       }
+                       if (sig == null &&
+                           (datatype.data_type.get_full_name () == "GLib.UnixInputStream" ||
+                            datatype.data_type.get_full_name () == "GLib.UnixOutputStream" ||
+                            datatype.data_type.get_full_name () == "GLib.Socket")) {
+                               return "h";
+                       }
+                       return sig;
+               } else {
+                       return null;
+               }
+       }
+       Expression serialize_array (ArrayType array_type, Expression array_expr) {
+               LocalVariable temp = new LocalVariable (array_type, array_expr.get_temp_name (), array_expr, 
+               var decl = new DeclarationStatement (temp, array_expr.source_reference);
+               context.analyzer.get_insert_block (current_statement).insert_before (current_statement, decl);
+               check (decl);
+               LocalVariable[] indices = new LocalVariable[array_type.rank];
+               for (int dim=1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) {
+                       var index = new LocalVariable (null, array_expr.get_temp_name (), new IntegerLiteral 
("0"), array_expr.source_reference);
+                       decl = new DeclarationStatement (index, array_expr.source_reference);
+                       context.analyzer.get_insert_block (current_statement).insert_before 
(current_statement, decl);
+                       check (decl);
+                       indices[dim-1] = index;
+               }
+               return serialize_array_dim (array_type, 1, indices, temp);
+       }
+       Expression serialize_array_dim (ArrayType array_type, int dim, LocalVariable[] indices, LocalVariable 
array_var) {
+               var gvariant_type = new ObjectCreationExpression (member_access ("GLib.VariantType", 
array_var), array_var.source_reference);
+               gvariant_type.add_argument (new StringLiteral ("\""+get_type_signature (array_type)+"\""));
+               var builderinit = new ObjectCreationExpression (member_access ("GLib.VariantBuilder", 
array_var), array_var.source_reference);
+               builderinit.add_argument (gvariant_type);
+               var builder = new LocalVariable (null, array_var.get_temp_name (), builderinit, 
+               var decl = new DeclarationStatement (builder, array_var.source_reference);
+               context.analyzer.get_insert_block (current_statement).insert_before (current_statement, decl);
+               check (decl);
+               Expression length = member_access (array_var.name+".length", array_var);
+               if (array_type.rank > 1) {
+                       ElementAccess ea = new ElementAccess (length, array_var.source_reference);
+                       ea.append_index (new IntegerLiteral ((dim-1).to_string (), 
+                       length = ea;
+               }
+               var index = indices[dim-1];
+               var forcond = new BinaryExpression (BinaryOperator.LESS_THAN, member_access (index.name, 
array_var), length, array_var.source_reference);
+               var foriter = new PostfixExpression (member_access (index.name, array_var), true, 
+               var forbody = new Block (array_var.source_reference);
+               var old_block = current_block;
+               current_block = forbody;
+               Expression element_variant;
+               if (dim < array_type.rank) {
+                       element_variant = serialize_array_dim (array_type, dim + 1, indices, array_var);
+               } else {
+                       var element_expr = new ElementAccess (member_access (array_var.name, array_var), 
+                       for (int i=0; i < dim; i++) {
+                               element_expr.append_index (member_access (indices[i].name, array_var));
+                       }
+                       element_variant = serialize_expression (array_type.element_type, element_expr);
+               }
+               current_block = old_block;
+               var builder_add = new MethodCall (member_access (builder.name+".add_value", array_var), 
+               builder_add.add_argument (element_variant);
+               forbody.add_statement (new ExpressionStatement (builder_add, array_var.source_reference));
+               var forstmt = new ForStatement (forcond, forbody, array_var.source_reference);
+               forstmt.add_iterator (foriter);
+               if (dim == 1) {
+                       context.analyzer.get_current_block (current_statement).insert_before 
(current_statement, forstmt);
+                       check (forstmt);
+               } else {
+                       current_block.add_statement (forstmt);
+               }
+               var builder_end = new MethodCall (member_access (builder.name+".end", array_var), 
+               return builder_end;
+       }
+       Expression? serialize_expression (DataType type, Expression expr) {
+               BasicTypeInfo basic_type;
+               Expression result = null;
+               if (get_basic_type_info (get_type_signature (type), out basic_type)) {
+                       result = serialize_basic (basic_type, expr);
+               } else if (expr.value_type is ArrayType) {
+                       result = serialize_array ((ArrayType) expr.value_type, expr);
+               }
+               return result;
+       }
+       public override void visit_expression (Expression expr) {
+               if (!(context.profile == Profile.GOBJECT && expr.target_type != null && 
expr.target_type.data_type == context.analyzer.gvariant_type.data_type && !(expr.value_type is NullType) && 
expr.value_type.data_type != context.analyzer.gvariant_type.data_type)) {
+                       // no implicit gvariant boxing
+                       return;
+               }
+               current_statement = get_current_statement (expr);
+               var old_parent_node = expr.parent_node;
+               var target_type = expr.target_type.copy ();
+               current_block = context.analyzer.get_current_block (current_statement);
+               Expression result = serialize_expression (expr.value_type, expr);
+               result.target_type = target_type;
+               old_parent_node.replace_expression (expr, result);
+               check (result);
+       }
+       Statement get_current_statement (CodeNode node) {
+               while (!(node is Statement)) {
+                       node = node.parent_node;
+               }
+               return (Statement) node;
+       }
diff --git a/compiler/valacompiler.vala b/compiler/valacompiler.vala
index 3e8b558..e19996e 100644
--- a/compiler/valacompiler.vala
+++ b/compiler/valacompiler.vala
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ class Vala.Compiler {
-               var transformer = new CodeTransformer ();
+               var transformer = new GVariantTransformer ();
                transformer.transform (context);
                if (context.report.get_errors () > 0 || (fatal_warnings && context.report.get_warnings () > 
0)) {
diff --git a/vala/valacodetransformer.vala b/vala/valacodetransformer.vala
index 19ef10a..9eefee8 100644
--- a/vala/valacodetransformer.vala
+++ b/vala/valacodetransformer.vala
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class Vala.CodeTransformer : CodeVisitor {
                if (!node.check (context)) {
-               //node.accept (this);
+               node.accept (this);
        public override void visit_source_file (SourceFile source_file) {
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ public class Vala.CodeTransformer : CodeVisitor {
                return (literal != null && !literal.value);
+       public override void visit_loop (Loop loop) {
+               loop.accept_children (this);
+       }
        public override void visit_while_statement (WhileStatement stmt) {
                // convert to simple loop
diff --git a/vala/valapointerindirection.vala b/vala/valapointerindirection.vala
index fffbf93..61f7f99 100644
--- a/vala/valapointerindirection.vala
+++ b/vala/valapointerindirection.vala
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ public class Vala.PointerIndirection : Expression {
                inner.accept (visitor);
                visitor.visit_pointer_indirection (this);
-               visitor.visit_expression (this);
        public override void replace_expression (Expression old_node, Expression new_node) {
diff --git a/vala/valaregexliteral.vala b/vala/valaregexliteral.vala
index e8c9fa8..ec82ed5 100644
--- a/vala/valaregexliteral.vala
+++ b/vala/valaregexliteral.vala
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ public class Vala.RegexLiteral : Literal {
        public override void accept (CodeVisitor visitor) {
                visitor.visit_regex_literal (this);
-               visitor.visit_expression (this);
        public override bool is_pure () {

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