[tracker/tracker-1.0] functional-tests: Rework 400-extractor.py test

commit 4675ce11e4f49917a043eb7417d51ff4ce3b9ea4
Author: Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
Date:   Sat Jul 19 23:47:25 2014 +0100

    functional-tests: Rework 400-extractor.py test
    Tests now call the tracker-extract process manually and parse its
    ouput. This is necessary because the D-Bus interface it used to expose
    has been removed. It'd be better to run the tests with a store and
    miner and check that the correct data is inserted in the store, but
    for now this approach is OK, and it does have the advantage that the
    extractor is tested independently of the store & filesystem miner.

 tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py          |   30 +--
 tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py |  272 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py   |  201 ----------------
 3 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py b/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py
index 552d98c..140b5d5 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor.py
@@ -22,15 +22,16 @@ For a collection of files, call the extractor and check that the expected
 metadata is extracted. Load dynamically the test information from a data
 directory (containing xxx.expected files)
 from common.utils import configuration as cfg
-from common.utils.helpers import ExtractorHelper, NoMetadataException
+from common.utils.extractor import get_tracker_extract_output
 import unittest2 as ut
 import os
-import types
 import sys
 import ConfigParser
 class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
     Test checks if the tracker extractor is able to retrieve metadata
@@ -91,15 +92,6 @@ class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
             return None
-    def setUp (self):
-        self.extractor = ExtractorHelper ()
-        self.extractor.start ()
-    def tearDown (self):
-        self.extractor.stop ()
     def expected_failure_test_extraction (self):
             self.generic_test_extraction ()
@@ -116,20 +108,12 @@ class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
         # Filename contains the file to extract, in a relative path to the description file
         desc_root, desc_file = os.path.split (abs_description)
-        self.file_to_extract = ""
-        try:
-            self.file_to_extract = os.path.join (desc_root, self.configParser.get ("TestFile", "Filename"))
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.fail ("%s in %s"
-                       % (e, abs_description))
-        try:
-            result = self.extractor.get_metadata ("file://" + self.file_to_extract, "")
-            self.__assert_extraction_ok (result)
-        except NoMetadataException, e:
-            self.fail ("Probably a missing gstreamer plugin (or crash in the extractor?)")
+        filename_to_extract = self.configParser.get ("TestFile", "Filename")
+        self.file_to_extract = os.path.join (desc_root, filename_to_extract)
+        result = get_tracker_extract_output(self.file_to_extract)
+        self.__assert_extraction_ok (result)
     def assertDictHasKey (self, d, key, msg=None):
         if not d.has_key (key):
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..183a913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+from common.utils.helpers import log
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+class ExtractorParser(object):
+    def parse_tracker_extract_output(self, text):
+        """
+        Parse stdout of `tracker-extract --file` to get SPARQL statements.
+        Calls the extractor a returns a dictionary of property, value.
+        Example:
+         { 'nie:filename': 'a.jpeg' ,
+           'tracker:added': '2008-12-12T12:23:34Z'
+         }
+        """
+        metadata = {}
+        parts = self.get_statements_from_stdout_output(text)
+        extras = self.__process_where_part(parts['where'])
+        for attribute_value in self.__process_lines(parts['item']):
+            att, value = attribute_value.split(" ", 1)
+            if value.startswith("?") and extras.has_key(value):
+                value = extras[value]
+            if metadata.has_key(att):
+                metadata [att].append(value)
+            else:
+                metadata [att] = [value]
+        return metadata
+    def get_statements_from_stdout_output(self, text):
+        lines = text.split('\n')
+        parts = {}
+        current_part = None
+        part_start = None
+        i = 0
+        for i in range(0, len(lines)):
+            if lines[i] == 'SPARQL pre-update:':
+                current_part = 'preupdate'
+            elif lines[i] == 'SPARQL item:':
+                current_part = 'item'
+            elif lines[i] == 'SPARQL where clause:':
+                current_part = 'where'
+            elif lines[i] == 'SPARQL post-update:':
+                current_part = 'postupdate'
+            if lines[i] == '--':
+                if part_start is None:
+                    part_start = i + 1
+                else:
+                    part_lines = lines[part_start:i]
+                    parts[current_part] = '\n'.join(part_lines)
+                    current_part = None
+                    part_start = None
+        if current_part is not None:
+            raise Exception("End of text while parsing %s in tracker-extract "
+                            "output" % current_part)
+        if len(parts) == 0:
+            raise Exception("No metadata was found by tracker-extract")
+        return parts
+    def __process_lines(self, embedded):
+        """
+        Translate each line in a "prop value" string, handling anonymous nodes.
+        Example:
+             nfo:width 699 ;  -> 'nfo:width 699'
+        or
+             nao:hasTag [ a nao:Tag ;
+             nao:prefLabel "tracker"] ;  -> nao:hasTag:prefLabel 'tracker'
+        Would be so cool to implement this with yield and generators... :)
+        """
+        grouped_lines = []
+        current_line = ""
+        anon_node_open = False
+        for l in embedded.split ("\n\t"):
+            if "[" in l:
+                current_line = current_line + l
+                anon_node_open = True
+                continue
+            if "]" in l:
+                anon_node_open = False
+                current_line += l
+                final_lines = self.__handle_anon_nodes (current_line.strip ())
+                grouped_lines = grouped_lines + final_lines
+                current_line = ""
+                continue
+            if anon_node_open:
+                current_line += l
+            else:
+                if (len (l.strip ()) == 0):
+                    continue
+                final_lines = self.__handle_multivalues (l.strip ())
+                grouped_lines = grouped_lines + final_lines
+        return map (self.__clean_value, grouped_lines)
+    def __process_where_part(self, where):
+        gettags = re.compile ("(\?\w+)\ a\ nao:Tag\ ;\ nao:prefLabel\ \"([\w\ -]+)\"")
+        tags = {}
+        for l in where.split ("\n"):
+            if len (l) == 0:
+                continue
+            match = gettags.search (l)
+            if (match):
+                tags [match.group(1)] = match.group (2)
+            else:
+                print "This line is not a tag:", l
+        return tags
+    def __handle_multivalues(self, line):
+        """
+        Split multivalues like:
+        a nfo:Image, nmm:Photo ;
+           -> a nfo:Image ;
+           -> a nmm:Photo ;
+        """
+        hasEscapedComma = re.compile ("\".+,.+\"")
+        if "," in line and not hasEscapedComma.search (line):
+            prop, multival = line.split (" ", 1)
+            results = []
+            for value in multival.split (","):
+                results.append ("%s %s" % (prop, value.strip ()))
+            return results
+        else:
+            return [line]
+    def __handle_anon_nodes(self, line):
+        """
+        Traslates anonymous nodes in 'flat' properties:
+        nao:hasTag [a nao:Tag; nao:prefLabel "xxx"]
+                 -> nao:hasTag:prefLabel "xxx"
+        slo:location [a slo:GeoLocation; slo:postalAddress <urn:uuid:1231-123> .]
+                -> slo:location <urn:uuid:1231-123> 
+        nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry [ a nfo:MediaFileListEntry ; nfo:entryUrl "file://x.mp3"; nfo:listPosition 
+                -> nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry:entryUrl "file://x.mp3"
+        """
+        # hasTag case
+        if line.startswith ("nao:hasTag"):
+            getlabel = re.compile ("nao:prefLabel\ \"([\w\ -]+)\"")
+            match = getlabel.search (line)
+            if (match):
+                line = 'nao:hasTag:prefLabel "%s" ;' % (match.group(1))
+                return [line]
+            else:
+                print "Whats wrong on line", line, "?"
+                return [line]
+        # location case
+        elif line.startswith ("slo:location"):
+            results = []
+            # Can have country AND/OR city
+            getpa = re.compile ("slo:postalAddress\ \<([\w:-]+)\>")
+            pa_match = getpa.search (line)
+            if (pa_match):
+                results.append ('slo:location:postalAddress "%s" ;' % (pa_match.group(1)))
+            else:
+                print "FIXME another location subproperty in ", line
+            return results
+        elif line.startswith ("nco:creator"):
+            getcreator = re.compile ("nco:fullname\ \"([\w\ ]+)\"")
+            creator_match = getcreator.search (line)
+            if (creator_match):
+                new_line = 'nco:creator:fullname "%s" ;' % (creator_match.group (1))
+                return [new_line]
+            else:
+                print "Something special in this line '%s'" % (line)
+        elif line.startswith ("nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry"):
+            return self.__handle_playlist_entries (line)
+        else:
+            return [line]
+    def __handle_playlist_entries(self, line):
+        """
+        Playlist entries come in one big line:
+        nfo:hMFLE [ a nfo:MFLE; nfo:entryUrl '...'; nfo:listPosition X] , [ ... ], [ ... ]
+          -> nfo:hMFLE:entryUrl '...'
+          -> nfo:hMFLE:entryUrl '...'
+          ...
+        """
+        geturl = re.compile ("nfo:entryUrl \"([\w\.\:\/]+)\"")
+        entries = line.strip () [len ("nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry"):]
+        results = []
+        for entry in entries.split (","):
+            url_match = geturl.search (entry)
+            if (url_match):
+                new_line = 'nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry:entryUrl "%s" ;' % (url_match.group (1))
+                results.append (new_line)
+            else:
+                print " *** Something special in this line '%s'" % (entry)
+        return results
+    def __clean_value(self, value):
+        """
+        the value comes with a ';' or a '.' at the end
+        """
+        if (len (value) < 2):
+            return value.strip ()
+        clean = value.strip ()
+        if value[-1] in [';', '.']:
+            clean = value [:-1]
+        clean = clean.replace ("\"", "")
+        return clean.strip ()
+def get_tracker_extract_output(filename):
+    """
+    Runs `tracker-extract --file` to extract metadata from a file.
+    """
+    tracker_extract = os.path.join (cfg.EXEC_PREFIX, 'tracker-extract')
+    command = [tracker_extract, '--file', filename]
+    try:
+        log ('Running: %s' % ' '.join(command))
+        output = subprocess.check_output (command)
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        raise Exception("Error %i from tracker-extract, output: %s" %
+                        (e.returncode, e.output))
+    parser = ExtractorParser()
+    return parser.parse_tracker_extract_output(output)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
index 32c09db..16afa82 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
@@ -591,207 +591,6 @@ class ExtractorHelper (Helper):
     PROCESS_NAME = 'tracker-extract'
-    def start (self):
-        Helper.start (self)
-        bus_object = self.bus.get_object (cfg.TRACKER_EXTRACT_BUSNAME,
-                                          cfg.TRACKER_EXTRACT_OBJ_PATH)
-        self.extractor = dbus.Interface (bus_object,
-                                         dbus_interface=cfg.TRACKER_EXTRACT_IFACE)
-        # FIXME: interface does not appear straight away
-        time.sleep (0.2)
-    def get_metadata (self, filename, mime):
-        """
-        Calls the extractor a returns a dictionary of property, value.
-        Example:
-         { 'nie:filename': 'a.jpeg' ,
-           'tracker:added': '2008-12-12T12:23:34Z'
-         }
-        """
-        metadata = {}
-        try:
-            preupdate, postupdate, embedded, where = self.extractor.GetMetadata (filename, mime, "")
-            extras = self.__process_where_part (where)
-            for attribute_value in self.__process_lines (embedded):
-                att, value = attribute_value.split (" ", 1)
-                if value.startswith ("?") and extras.has_key (value):
-                    value = extras[value]
-                if metadata.has_key (att):
-                    metadata [att].append (value)
-                else:
-                    metadata [att] = [value]
-            return metadata
-        except dbus.DBusException, e:
-            raise NoMetadataException ()
-    def __process_lines (self, embedded):
-        """
-        Translate each line in a "prop value" string, handling anonymous nodes.
-        Example:
-             nfo:width 699 ;  -> 'nfo:width 699'
-        or
-             nao:hasTag [ a nao:Tag ;
-             nao:prefLabel "tracker"] ;  -> nao:hasTag:prefLabel 'tracker'
-        Would be so cool to implement this with yield and generators... :)
-        """
-        grouped_lines = []
-        current_line = ""
-        anon_node_open = False
-        for l in embedded.split ("\n\t"):
-            if "[" in l:
-                current_line = current_line + l
-                anon_node_open = True
-                continue
-            if "]" in l:
-                anon_node_open = False
-                current_line += l
-                final_lines = self.__handle_anon_nodes (current_line.strip ())
-                grouped_lines = grouped_lines + final_lines
-                current_line = ""
-                continue
-            if anon_node_open:
-                current_line += l
-            else:
-                if (len (l.strip ()) == 0):
-                    continue
-                final_lines = self.__handle_multivalues (l.strip ())
-                grouped_lines = grouped_lines + final_lines
-        return map (self.__clean_value, grouped_lines)
-    def __process_where_part (self, where):
-        gettags = re.compile ("(\?\w+)\ a\ nao:Tag\ ;\ nao:prefLabel\ \"([\w\ -]+)\"")
-        tags = {}
-        for l in where.split ("\n"):
-            if len (l) == 0:
-                continue
-            match = gettags.search (l)
-            if (match):
-                tags [match.group(1)] = match.group (2)
-            else:
-                print "This line is not a tag:", l
-        return tags
-    def __handle_multivalues (self, line):
-        """
-        Split multivalues like:
-        a nfo:Image, nmm:Photo ;
-           -> a nfo:Image ;
-           -> a nmm:Photo ;
-        """
-        hasEscapedComma = re.compile ("\".+,.+\"")
-        if "," in line and not hasEscapedComma.search (line):
-            prop, multival = line.split (" ", 1)
-            results = []
-            for value in multival.split (","):
-                results.append ("%s %s" % (prop, value.strip ()))
-            return results
-        else:
-            return [line]
-    def __handle_anon_nodes (self, line):
-        """
-        Traslates anonymous nodes in 'flat' properties:
-        nao:hasTag [a nao:Tag; nao:prefLabel "xxx"]
-                 -> nao:hasTag:prefLabel "xxx"
-        slo:location [a slo:GeoLocation; slo:postalAddress <urn:uuid:1231-123> .]
-                -> slo:location <urn:uuid:1231-123> 
-        nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry [ a nfo:MediaFileListEntry ; nfo:entryUrl "file://x.mp3"; nfo:listPosition 
-                -> nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry:entryUrl "file://x.mp3"
-        """
-        # hasTag case
-        if line.startswith ("nao:hasTag"):
-            getlabel = re.compile ("nao:prefLabel\ \"([\w\ -]+)\"")
-            match = getlabel.search (line)
-            if (match):
-                line = 'nao:hasTag:prefLabel "%s" ;' % (match.group(1))
-                return [line]
-            else:
-                print "Whats wrong on line", line, "?"
-                return [line]
-        # location case
-        elif line.startswith ("slo:location"):
-            results = []
-            # Can have country AND/OR city
-            getpa = re.compile ("slo:postalAddress\ \<([\w:-]+)\>")
-            pa_match = getpa.search (line)
-            if (pa_match):
-                results.append ('slo:location:postalAddress "%s" ;' % (pa_match.group(1)))
-            else:
-                print "FIXME another location subproperty in ", line
-            return results
-        elif line.startswith ("nco:creator"):
-            getcreator = re.compile ("nco:fullname\ \"([\w\ ]+)\"")
-            creator_match = getcreator.search (line)
-            if (creator_match):
-                new_line = 'nco:creator:fullname "%s" ;' % (creator_match.group (1))
-                return [new_line]
-            else:
-                print "Something special in this line '%s'" % (line)
-        elif line.startswith ("nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry"):
-            return self.__handle_playlist_entries (line)
-        else:
-            return [line]
-    def __handle_playlist_entries (self, line):
-        """
-        Playlist entries come in one big line:
-        nfo:hMFLE [ a nfo:MFLE; nfo:entryUrl '...'; nfo:listPosition X] , [ ... ], [ ... ]
-          -> nfo:hMFLE:entryUrl '...'
-          -> nfo:hMFLE:entryUrl '...'
-          ...
-        """
-        geturl = re.compile ("nfo:entryUrl \"([\w\.\:\/]+)\"")
-        entries = line.strip () [len ("nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry"):]
-        results = []
-        for entry in entries.split (","):
-            url_match = geturl.search (entry)
-            if (url_match):
-                new_line = 'nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry:entryUrl "%s" ;' % (url_match.group (1))
-                results.append (new_line)
-            else:
-                print " *** Something special in this line '%s'" % (entry)
-        return results
-    def __clean_value (self, value):
-        """
-        the value comes with a ';' or a '.' at the end
-        """
-        if (len (value) < 2):
-            return value.strip ()
-        clean = value.strip ()
-        if value[-1] in [';', '.']:
-            clean = value [:-1]
-        clean = clean.replace ("\"", "")
-        return clean.strip ()
 class WritebackHelper (Helper):
     PROCESS_NAME = 'tracker-writeback'

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