[tracker/sam/functional-test-fixes: 3/30] functional-tests: Improve the wait-for-change code in helpers.StoreHelper

commit 39506d5a5e9346389348e39dcf8c9c9868ed685b
Author: Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
Date:   Sun Jul 20 14:55:37 2014 +0100

    functional-tests: Improve the wait-for-change code in helpers.StoreHelper
    Fixes a bug in await_resource_deleted() where it would stop waiting as soon
    as any resource was deleted, even if it wasn't the correct one.
    New get_resource_id() function which is useful when calling
    Code is hopefully clearer too.

 tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py |   86 ++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
index 6bb200a..897db98 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/helpers.py
@@ -287,27 +287,38 @@ class StoreHelper (Helper):
         Process notifications from tracker-store on resource changes.
-        matched = False
+        exit_loop = False
         if inserts_list is not None:
             if self.inserts_match_function is not None:
                 # The match function will remove matched entries from the list
-                (matched, inserts_list) = self.inserts_match_function (inserts_list)
+                (exit_loop, inserts_list) = self.inserts_match_function (inserts_list)
             self.inserts_list += inserts_list
         if deletes_list is not None:
             if self.deletes_match_function is not None:
-                (matched, deletes_list) = self.deletes_match_function (deletes_list)
+                (exit_loop, deletes_list) = self.deletes_match_function (deletes_list)
             self.deletes_list += deletes_list
+        if exit_loop:
+            GLib.source_remove(self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
+            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
+            self.loop.quit ()
+    def _enable_await_timeout (self):
+        self.graph_updated_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT,
+                                                                  self._graph_updated_timeout_cb)
+        self._name_source (self.graph_updated_timeout_id, 'await-change-timeout')
     def await_resource_inserted (self, rdf_class, url = None, title = None):
         Block until a resource matching the parameters becomes available
         assert (self.inserts_match_function == None)
-        def match_cb (inserts_list, in_main_loop = True):
+        def find_resource_insertion (inserts_list):
             matched = False
-            filtered_list = []
+            remaining_events = []
             known_subjects = set ()
             #print "Got inserts: ", inserts_list, "\n"
@@ -340,16 +351,14 @@ class StoreHelper (Helper):
                         self.matched_resource_id = insert[1]
                 if not matched or id != self.matched_resource_id:
-                    filtered_list += [insert]
+                    remaining_events += [insert]
-            if matched and in_main_loop:
-                GLib.source_remove (self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
-                self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
-                self.inserts_match_function = None
-                self.loop.quit ()
-            return (matched, filtered_list)
+            return matched, remaining_events
+        def match_cb (inserts_list):
+            matched, remaining_events = find_resource_insertion (inserts_list)
+            exit_loop = matched
+            return exit_loop, remaining_events
         self.matched_resource_urn = None
         self.matched_resource_id = None
@@ -357,62 +366,55 @@ class StoreHelper (Helper):
         log ("Await new %s (%i existing inserts)" % (rdf_class, len (self.inserts_list)))
         # Check the list of previously received events for matches
-        (existing_match, self.inserts_list) = match_cb (self.inserts_list, False)
+        (existing_match, self.inserts_list) = find_resource_insertion (self.inserts_list)
         if not existing_match:
-            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT,
-                                                                      self._graph_updated_timeout_cb)
-            GLib.Source.set_name_by_id (self.graph_updated_timeout_id, 'await-insert-graph-updated-timeout')
+            self._enable_await_timeout ()
             self.inserts_match_function = match_cb
             # Run the event loop until the correct notification arrives
             self.loop.run ()
+            self.inserts_match_function = None
         if self.graph_updated_timed_out:
             raise Exception ("Timeout waiting for resource: class %s, URL %s, title %s" % (rdf_class, url, 
         return (self.matched_resource_id, self.matched_resource_urn)
     def await_resource_deleted (self, id, fail_message = None):
         Block until we are notified of a resources deletion
         assert (self.deletes_match_function == None)
-        def match_cb (deletes_list, in_main_loop = True):
-            matched = False
-            filtered_list = []
+        def find_resource_deletion (deletes_list):
+            log ("find_resource_deletion: looking for %i in %s" % (id, deletes_list))
-            #print "Looking for %i in " % id, deletes_list, "\n"
+            matched = False
+            remaining_events = []
             for delete in deletes_list:
                 if delete[1] == id:
                     matched = True
-                    filtered_list += [delete]
-            if matched and in_main_loop:
-                GLib.source_remove (self.graph_updated_timeout_id)
-                self.graph_updated_timeout_id = 0
-                self.deletes_match_function = None
+                    remaining_events += [delete]
-            self.loop.quit ()
+            return matched, remaining_events
-            return (matched, filtered_list)
+        def match_cb (deletes_list):
+            matched, remaining_events = find_resource_deletion(deletes_list)
+            exit_loop = matched
+            return exit_loop, remaining_events
         log ("Await deletion of %i (%i existing)" % (id, len (self.deletes_list)))
-        (existing_match, self.deletes_list) = match_cb (self.deletes_list, False)
+        (existing_match, self.deletes_list) = find_resource_deletion (self.deletes_list)
         if not existing_match:
-            self.graph_updated_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds (REASONABLE_TIMEOUT,
-                                                                      self._graph_updated_timeout_cb)
-            GLib.Source.set_name_by_id (self.graph_updated_timeout_id, 'await-removal-graph-updated-timeout')
+            self._enable_await_timeout ()
             self.deletes_match_function = match_cb
             # Run the event loop until the correct notification arrives
             self.loop.run ()
+            self.deletes_match_function = None
         if self.graph_updated_timed_out:
             if fail_message is not None:
@@ -503,6 +505,18 @@ class StoreHelper (Helper):
             return -1
+    def get_resource_id(self, url):
+        """
+        Get the internal ID for a given resource, identified by URL.
+        """
+        result = self.query(
+            'SELECT tracker:id(?r) WHERE { ?r nie:url "%s" }' % url)
+        if len(result) == 1:
+            return int (result [0][0])
+        elif len(result) == 0:
+            raise Exception ("No entry for resource %s" % url)
+        else:
+            raise Exception ("Multiple entries for resource %s" % url)
     def ask (self, ask_query):
         assert ask_query.strip ().startswith ("ASK")

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