[easytag] (105 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/application-window

The branch 'wip/application-window' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  1425e4e... Move main window to EtApplicationWindow object
  f0331a4... Pass the main window to actions as user data
  40667ea... Move log area to EtLogArea object
  054df99... Move playlist window to EtPlaylistDialog object
  95dc7e5... Move load filenames dialog to EtLoadFilesDialog
  3a3a25c... Move file search dialog to EtSearchDialog object
  bd74233... Move preferences dialog to EtPreferencesDialog
  6a56428... Move CDDB dialog to EtCDDBDialog object
  7bb5602... Move scan dialog to EtScanDialog object
  43bd432... Replace strncat() with g_string_append()
  3ea931b... Move select and unselect actions to main window
  1b5304c... Move file selection actions to EtApplicationWindow
  40ae069... Set a rough initial window size and pane positions
  a4714b3... Move browser to EtBrowser object
  697b1d7... Avoid a GtkApplication assertion
  e4b0434... Add GSettings schema
  91c3326... Use GSettings for most application settings
  2f13a04... Generate enum descriptions with glib-mkenums
  3baab5f... Generate GSettings enum descriptions
  48cdf99... Store the file list sorting mode in GSettings
  3efe874... Store the scanner window mode in GSettings
  8d907a9... Store the file extension case mode in GSettings
  7868af7... Store the playlist content mode in GSettings
  f6eb672... Store ID3v1 and ID3v2 iconv options in GSettings
  fd9c5bb... Store rename filename encoding in GSettings
  b467ba1... Store the process fields option in GSettings
  1dfaec3... Store disc padding preferences in GSettings
  f12198d... Store ID3v2.4/2.3 preference in GSettings
  c35c14d... Store default browse path in GSettings
  9e047cf... Store scan space conversion options in GSettings
  16cb7f5... Store case sensitive sorting mode in GSettings
  d23e1e9... Store CDDB search preferences in GSettings
  aaef54a... Store process fields conversions in GSettings
  26a862e... Store character set preferences in GSettings
  aa8c120... Store playlist mask preferences in GSettings
  6b90030... Remove local CDDB search function
  fdaf9a4... Remove rename directory mask history
  b8ce58f... Store default scanner masks in GSettings
  184d486... Launch default audio player for directory
  bf3ab6f... Launch default audio player for selected files
  ec67549... Remove main configuration file handling
  49fad78... Fix some const string warnings
  02be0c1... Add an app menu
  6f576a2... Add skeleton menubar from GtkBuilder file
  cd8c8f1... Use GAction for go-directory actions
  4b75142... Use GAction for miscellaneous menu items
  84323c8... Add toolbar for new GAction-using toolbar buttons
  34b7c07... Use GAction for go-file actions
  019b685... Use GAction for browser menu items
  1548803... Use GAction for edit menu items
  0860893... Use GAction for file menu items
  04987bd... Use GAction for some view menu items
  08fcddf... Use GAction for file sorting mode GSetting
  88fc9a5... Use GMenuModel for popup menus
  6b0970c... Remove now-unused UIManager proxy logic
  dabdbd9... Use GAction for toolbar stop button
  83378ba... Use named icons instead of GtkStock in some places
  d83eb4d... Convert XPM image data to PNG
  5b39d94... Avoid deprecated margin property with GTK+ 3.12
  0949272... Refactor popup menu handling
  29b9560... Remove last uses of GtkAction
  45b5168... Track main window state
  6637186... Save and restore main window state
  2091fef... Move tag area to EtTagArea object
  c30c71d... Move file area to EtFileArea object
  efd6351... Drop explicit call to gtk_main()
  bd7c414... Remove unused code when closing preferences dialog
  c61f2d8... Remove the cancel button from the preferences
  bd979b5... Move dialog setting saving to application window
  e56cb3b... Implement hiding of file header widget
  4d9cbb3... Avoid warnings when reading and writing ID3 tags
  9661886... Remove use of deprecated GtkMisc xalign property
  5481811... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtLogArea
  3db99b5... Use popup-menu signal in EtLoadFilesDialog
  54b29a6... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtBrowser
  af7fb77... Avoid warnings when updating the scan dialog
  51f35b5... Use same strings in GSettings schema and UI
  b492a4a... Move some GApplication handlers to EtApplication
  e810ac8... Refactor about dialog handling
  65bef85... Split off main() to a separate source file
  1d20c27... Remove last uses of deprecated GtkStock
  41a1437... Remove use of deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  e3c7dcb... Move tagging code to new subdirectory
  f73d8c9... Fix format specifier in GIO C++ wrapper string
  d10bab6... Set maximum allowed GLib version to 2.32
  fafec05... Disable writing of ID3v1 tags by default
  56785b5... Enable ID3v2.3 (instead of ID3v2.4) by default
  01df614... Split progress bar from status bar
  dde5b1e... Move status bar to EtStatusBar object
  86101a6... Add "music" to the desktop file keywords
  f32b802... Review strings
  d9db79d... Move scanner preferences page to GtkBuilder
  f198a50... Move confirmation preferences page to GtkBuilder
  ec0c3f1... Move UI and misc preferences pages to GtkBuilder
  bb93d84... Move file preferences page to GtkBuilder
  938ba33... Move tags preferences page to GtkBuilder
  24f7271... Move ID3 preferences page to GtkBuilder
  f42e9f1... Move CDDB preferences page to GtkBuilder
  f2d9512... Move preferences notebook into GtkBuilder
  11fe1c1... Remove redundant et_grid_new() define
  4a99c6f... Remove unnecessary et_grid_attach_margins()
  d16fc23... Remove old GTK+ 2 grid compatibility code
  07af63c... Move playlist dialog to GtkBuilder
  dd18114... Move rename directory dialog to GtkBuilder

Commits added to the branch:

  a9bd9d5... Fix format specifier in GIO C++ wrapper string
  ecab2fd... Move main window to EtApplicationWindow object
  75c8f68... Pass the main window to actions as user data
  dfe423a... Move log area to EtLogArea object
  430761d... Move playlist window to EtPlaylistDialog object
  d9c4d5e... Move load filenames dialog to EtLoadFilesDialog
  be5085e... Move file search dialog to EtSearchDialog object
  9b93aa3... Move preferences dialog to EtPreferencesDialog
  8bb39b0... Move CDDB dialog to EtCDDBDialog object
  8c258d9... Move scan dialog to EtScanDialog object
  b656a0e... Replace strncat() with g_string_append()
  2d76562... Move select and unselect actions to main window
  929561b... Move file selection actions to EtApplicationWindow
  4b3bee9... Set a rough initial window size and pane positions
  80b54a3... Move browser to EtBrowser object
  b98e619... Avoid a GtkApplication assertion
  006b815... Add GSettings schema
  f971176... Use GSettings for most application settings
  b363332... Generate enum descriptions with glib-mkenums
  8c84ecc... Generate GSettings enum descriptions
  a5d06f1... Store the file list sorting mode in GSettings
  04c1c96... Store the scanner window mode in GSettings
  352d426... Store the file extension case mode in GSettings
  0f9b2ba... Store the playlist content mode in GSettings
  662aaec... Store ID3v1 and ID3v2 iconv options in GSettings
  b5d3a53... Store rename filename encoding in GSettings
  b563915... Store the process fields option in GSettings
  f90db8f... Store disc padding preferences in GSettings
  e972405... Store ID3v2.4/2.3 preference in GSettings
  4c0d76d... Store default browse path in GSettings
  0dfc5e8... Store scan space conversion options in GSettings
  55a3187... Store case sensitive sorting mode in GSettings
  7ddc40f... Store CDDB search preferences in GSettings
  c3874cb... Store process fields conversions in GSettings
  606a663... Store character set preferences in GSettings
  de0aa93... Store playlist mask preferences in GSettings
  9422236... Remove local CDDB search function
  2e4e63f... Remove rename directory mask history
  749e98f... Store default scanner masks in GSettings
  9de644a... Launch default audio player for directory
  440b5d5... Launch default audio player for selected files
  6da2aaf... Remove main configuration file handling
  427e58f... Fix some const string warnings
  a3838ac... Add an app menu
  241a09c... Add skeleton menubar from GtkBuilder file
  1e193ee... Use GAction for go-directory actions
  a31d648... Use GAction for miscellaneous menu items
  750c935... Add toolbar for new GAction-using toolbar buttons
  57cda08... Use GAction for go-file actions
  19cb1f5... Use GAction for browser menu items
  95a9e3f... Use GAction for edit menu items
  cf42410... Use GAction for file menu items
  45788f2... Use GAction for some view menu items
  3845096... Use GAction for file sorting mode GSetting
  400cb77... Use GMenuModel for popup menus
  9fc2a4d... Remove now-unused UIManager proxy logic
  77d55b9... Use GAction for toolbar stop button
  186a069... Use named icons instead of GtkStock in some places
  5ec972e... Convert XPM image data to PNG
  4ce6911... Avoid deprecated margin property with GTK+ 3.12
  2673f0b... Refactor popup menu handling
  d25353b... Remove last uses of GtkAction
  b338639... Track main window state
  f112188... Save and restore main window state
  037039e... Move tag area to EtTagArea object
  50d22a5... Move file area to EtFileArea object
  3d299ef... Drop explicit call to gtk_main()
  a1994bb... Remove unused code when closing preferences dialog
  213e691... Remove the cancel button from the preferences
  aa7a169... Move dialog setting saving to application window
  2d8a6aa... Implement hiding of file header widget
  a2ea8ba... Avoid warnings when reading and writing ID3 tags
  36a6f91... Remove use of deprecated GtkMisc xalign property
  4a01985... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtLogArea
  886e164... Use popup-menu signal in EtLoadFilesDialog
  09526dd... Use GtkWidget popup-menu signal in EtBrowser
  2094414... Avoid warnings when updating the scan dialog
  9818ded... Use same strings in GSettings schema and UI
  4a8491a... Move some GApplication handlers to EtApplication
  bca4b25... Refactor about dialog handling
  cc5ff6d... Split off main() to a separate source file
  7f66b12... Remove last uses of deprecated GtkStock
  8551ee7... Remove use of deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  92bef6c... Move tagging code to new subdirectory
  8b5e121... Set maximum allowed GLib version to 2.32
  18af537... Disable writing of ID3v1 tags by default
  7eac716... Enable ID3v2.3 (instead of ID3v2.4) by default
  d2d492e... Split progress bar from status bar
  3541d0b... Move status bar to EtStatusBar object
  9ca7bd5... Add "music" to the desktop file keywords
  c07c2cb... Review strings
  cc8d8a4... Move scanner preferences page to GtkBuilder
  c9044b3... Move confirmation preferences page to GtkBuilder
  ee32e7b... Move UI and misc preferences pages to GtkBuilder
  fc31704... Move file preferences page to GtkBuilder
  4febb2c... Move tags preferences page to GtkBuilder
  1f84b2d... Move ID3 preferences page to GtkBuilder
  8415810... Move CDDB preferences page to GtkBuilder
  5d1e513... Move preferences notebook into GtkBuilder
  5c79e7a... Remove redundant et_grid_new() define
  0a11075... Remove unnecessary et_grid_attach_margins()
  79a2e49... Remove old GTK+ 2 grid compatibility code
  f4be19c... Move playlist dialog to GtkBuilder
  1fa8ca6... Move rename directory dialog to GtkBuilder
  4e61a44... Set transient parents before init()

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